Posted in: Gregory Mannarino, News, Patriots



➡ Gregor Manirino discusses the current economic crisis, stating that the U.S. economy is moving from one crisis to another, costing billions per day. He criticizes the government’s solution of throwing cash at each crisis, which he believes is leading to a global economic downfall. He also mentions the Federal Reserve’s role in managing the economy and the impact of central banks worldwide. Lastly, he warns of the expanding war and its financial implications.
➡ The article discusses the continuous increase in government spending, particularly in times of crisis, leading to inflation and a lower standard of living. The author suggests that this trend is unlikely to stop, regardless of who is in power. He also mentions that the current economic system is being systematically destroyed by central banks globally, leading to a new system of control. The author encourages readers to stay informed and take advantage of the situation, rather than being victims of it.
➡ Make sure to take care of yourself and others until we see each other again.


Okay, everybody. Here we go. It’s me, Gregor Manirino, Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, pre-market report. People, thank you to all of you who kept me in their thoughts and prayers yesterday. I don’t know what happened. All of a sudden, I just got hit with something, knocked me off of my feet. I was pretty much incapacitated for the entire day. Now, thousands of you kept me in your thoughts and prayers. People, I believe this with every fiber of my being. The power of prayer cannot be underestimated. You all know what happened with my sister, Lord, by the grace of God Almighty and your prayers.

She was cured of cancer, and that is epic! Anyway, with that said people, we do have work to do, but again, I want to thank you all from my heart for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. Alright, now with that said, let us move forward here. So, what’s happening? Well, it looks like it occurred, and I’m talking about this. So, this strike is in effect right now. What did I write here? Crisis. You know, look, the United States functions only moving from crisis to crisis to crisis, and the cost of this apparently is going to cost between four and five billion per day.

That’s to the U.S. economy. What is going to be the solution here? If this is prolonged, you already know it. What do they do with every single crisis that comes along? They throw cash at it. They throw cash at it, and even more cash at it. War, expanding war. We can’t fund our own government. All we can do is kick the can down the road, you see, because that would help you. You can’t be helped. This is a destruction. This is an extinction level event, not just here in the United States, but around the world.

The essential banks continue their stranglehold on all of us here. So, this mechanism, it’s just, you know, honestly, it’s what makes the United States the laughing stock of the world. Historic strike is underway. U.S. ports, the impact supply chains could be huge. Remember when they shut down? This isn’t too long ago. Something called CONVID, they shut down the entire world economy. They shut it down. And what happened? They threw trillions at it. Here in the United States alone, 3.6 trillion. On a global scale, the numbers are astronomical. And what did it do? It pushed the stock markets higher.

And I wrote here, you know, I always scribble. See what I do? The first things that pop into my head, I tend to write them down. So I wrote, No crisis will go to waste. Expect something to go on behind the scenes here that they do not want you to pay attention to. Again, this is what they do. It’s their M.O. It’s how they operate. Focus here. Look over here. Raise the specter of fear. And people are paralyzed. They can’t act. They pull stuff off in the background. They always do. And it’s just this mechanism.

It’s just not going to stop us. Just just be aware of that. And that’s going to lead me to what I want to talk about really at the end of this video. So stick around a little bit. Let us move forward. So here’s another piece of laughable information again. Do you think this is true? Powell says the U.S. economy is on solid shape and the Fed intends to keep it that way. Well, what are they going to do? They’re going to throw oceans of cash at it by the mechanism of artificially suppressed rates, currency devaluation, markets going higher.

As the faster this comes down, the economy, well, the higher the markets going to go. Here we go. Powell indicates further read cuts but insists the Fed is not on a preset course. Really? Hmm. You see, because I seem to recall and sue to you, the last FOMC meeting, you know, federal open market committee, the Federal Reserve, they’re federal. You know they are because that’s in their title. They’re federal, right? They’re not federal. There’s nothing federal about them. They’re not a part of the government. Anyway, that’s just the way it works.

Anyway, so yeah. So here we go. Indicates further read cuts, more quantitative easing, obviously. But why is it, if our economy is in solid shape, is the Fed resorting to full-on QE, which is, of course, Emergency Monetary Policy, which is meant to boost the stock market. That’s all it’s meant to do, as we are in absolute freefall. Let us move forward here. Here’s the game. Let me explain this to you. Okay, so we’re in another crisis, supposedly. However long this goes on, the longer this goes on, the better for the Federal Reserve to give them more of an opportunity to throw more cash at it.

Who’s going to make up the difference for the economy with a $4 to $5 billion per day that is going to cost the economy? Of course, the Fed’s going to make it up. They manage it all. They’re managing the debt market, the stock markets, the economy, which they run again. There’s some of you who still believe, it’s just astonishing to me, that the economy is actually run by presidents. The world economy, maybe it’s run by kings, dictators, monarchs. No, no. The economy of the world is run by central banks.

They’re the ones responsible for monetary policy, period. The rest of it is just a freak show. Now, what you and I are going to do, regardless of what crisis they want to throw at us, they want to throw a crisis like this at us here, and there’s going to be another one after this, and another one after that, and another one even after that, we’re going to be watching risk. This is all that matters. I already told you yesterday, in the only video that I did in the morning, throw everything else out.

What’s going on here is just too easy to understand. The mechanism here, again, these, again, people at the MMRI, I’m going to talk about it every freaking day. Best indicator you’re ever going to find to understand risk in the market, to see with your own eyes. This is not squiggly lines. What the Fed was ever doing? This trend here, again, back in June, is when the Fed started their full-blown, full-on quantitative easing phase, and what did that do? It cratered bond yields. It caused rates to drop to a two-year low.

That’s what we have right now, but the Fed wasn’t cutting rates then. No, they weren’t, but so how did that happen? Maybe you can explain that to me. Of course, they’re in here. They’re buying it all. The number one tool that the Federal Reserve or any other central bank uses to artificially suppress rates is via QE, quantitative easing, and the Fed’s going to continue doing that, creating cash out of nothing to buy the debt. You know how it works. The debt is being monetized to a degree we’ve never seen before, and that’s going to give them an opportunity to inflate even more.

Again, keep that in mind, because I’m going to show you something that’s going to blow your mind. Anyway, so as I said, as long as this mechanism goes on, they can throw whatever crisis they want at us. We know what we need to do. We need to look for opportunities to buy it all ourselves. That means get longer in the market. You know that. Commodities, the lower this goes, the more so commodities will become on sale across the board, including cryptocurrencies, which are not commodities, but it’s a whole other asset clash.

You know how I feel about crypto, period to freaking end. I’m not going to change my mind on that. So, currency devaluation, artificially suppressed rates, this is going to boost the market. And the longer this new crisis goes on, the more of an opportunity it’s going to give the Fed to buy it all. Now, let’s move forward here. I pull you, Eurozone friends. My heart goes out to you. You’re in deep shape. I understand that. But what is this going to do? Eurozone economy is facing headwinds, according to Le Gargoyle.

What Le Gargoyle is saying here without saying it, read between the lines here. My lines. What is the message here that Le Gargoyle is trying to broadcast without saying it? What is it? What is it? I didn’t write anything here. I want you to figure this out on your own. She’s saying, oh, you could count on us. We are going to inflate on a vast scale where the cut rates from here to kingdom come. That’s what she is saying. All it’s going to do, it creature Le Gargoyle, allow the European Central Bank to get even stronger.

These Central Banks got us by the throat and by the. You know where I’m pointing at? Yeah. By the. You can’t say it, but that’s what they’re doing here. Now, war. War is expanding everywhere. You know this. It’s not going to stop. It’s not going to stop. More funding for war. What did we just send? Ukraine, another eight billion. Another installment, of course. And Israel, 8.7 billion. Hundreds of billions have already been spent and it’s not going to stop. This mechanism of war, expanding war. You know what it’s really all about.

It’s a mechanism to pull more cash into the now. I used to say and you know this, that war generates the need for more borrowed dollars than any other endeavor on this planet. But I was wrong. It’s scammedemics here in the United States. 3.6 trillion alone. And it’s in that. So what that comes down to is this. Now, this is a chart I’m going to show you. I always tell you utilize the Federal Reserve’s own website as a weapon against them. All the information you need is pretty much right there.

This is a chart going back to 1950 with regard to so-called government debt. I want you to pay attention to this. 1950. Oh, look how this is expanded. expanded. Now, look at the spikes. Look at the spikes there with convid. Can you see that? That was beautiful, wasn’t it? This is going to continue. How many of you believe that no matter who is selected to sit behind the resolution, that government waste is just going to stop. That government spending, this is just going to drop. How many of you are living in that kind of a delusion? Up your medicine a little bit.

Maybe just a little bit or maybe a lot of it. I don’t know. You can stop. This mechanism here. See my arrow? That’s where we’re going here with regard to so-called government spending. This is going to expand on a scale you can’t believe. Again, understand why. Crisis, crisis. Throw cash at it. Another crisis. Throw cash at it. Another crisis. Throw cash at it. That’s all it’s about. And how does this help you? It doesn’t. This leads to massive currency devaluation. It leads to inflation. It leads to a much, much, much lower standard of living.

Duh. Do you see what’s going on here, man? I mean, I just can’t believe that there’s still some people and they write to me all the time. Oh, Greg, you don’t understand what’s going to happen when so-and-so gets behind the Resolute Desk. You’re wrong. Everything’s going to be a utopian society. We’re going to return to some kind of a loving, beautiful state of affairs for the people. You can’t make this stuff up, but that’s what some people believe because, again, they’re delusional or frankly, I don’t know what they are.

But this mechanism is not going to stop. It’s not going to stop. It’s been going on since, well, forever. This just goes back to 1950. So you can expect, not just here in the United States, globally, what central banks are going to do is, again, inflate on a scale that you and I just can’t even possibly believe here. We are being destroyed. We’re being systematically erased. I think we’re pretty much on the same page. Well, I’m going to say this. It’s going to be shocking. Some people, not you, if you follow this book, are going to be shocked at what you see moving forward.

But I thought that this was going to happen because so-and-so is sitting behind the Resolute Desk. Now, whatever you believe, the polar opposite is going to occur on a grand scale. I guarantee you that. There’s just no doubt about it. And those of us that understand that are in the best possible positions moving forward. I’m not just talking about from a financial standpoint, people. This is a game I like to play. You all know that. The markets, to me, is a challenge to get in here, look where cash is flowing, the most likely place it’s going to go moving forward.

You and I, we couldn’t be better off staying along the market, buying the market at every opportunity that comes along, adding to our commodity exposure. Silver, silver, silver, you know that number one, Greg’s favorite asset of all time. Period. I mean, it should make sense to you. If it doesn’t, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s just too easy. It really is. So this port strike, trust me on this, it’s a mechanism. And the longer it goes on, the better it is going to be here for the Fed to make up the difference.

Because again, this economy, whatever, this econ-a-me, con, it’s just a mechanism here to allow the Fed to inflate. And central banks around the world, they’re doing everything they can to destroy the current system. And you know why. Because the new systems come in. One, of control on a biblical level. I don’t know another way to put it here. It’s really that extreme, and that’s where we’re going. There’s no doubt about it. That means you and I, being that we all lions, will take action. We’re not going to sit back in some corner and suck our thumb off.

We know what’s going on. We know who our enemies are. We know who the puppets are. And we’re going to take advantage of this. This guy is. And that means you are too. Because I promised you from the beginning, from I don’t know how long ago, there was no way on my watch, you’re not going to be made aware what’s happening, why it’s happening, and what to do about it. The solutions here are too easy, people. Again, the solution is in our face. It’s the polar opposite of what the Fed is doing and what both Kamala and Trump want.

Again, they’ve aligned themselves with the Federal Reserve. They’re calling, promising for lower rates. We need higher rates. We need a stronger currency. You know that. But this is what we’re being sold. And there are legions of people who believe it. You can’t make it up if you try to. What else would you expect in this society that’s been dumbed down to such a degree that people cannot walk and chew gum at the same time? That’s not you and me. That’s not you and me.

So let’s take a vote, okay? How many of you believe that this is going to stop? That this vast, that this trend is going to, it’s going to go down. Sorry to be laughing at you. But some of you who believe that, oh, just honestly, we’re really just out there. Ain’t gonna stop. So anyway, we’ll see where this port strike goes. The longer it goes on, the better it is going to be here for the Fed. Of course, worse for you. You’re not going to be happy about this.

It could play out to be quite ugly. But again, look, they shut the entire global economy down. And what happened? Although the economy was dead, literally, it was at a standstill. What did the markets do? How did that happen? Oh yes, the Fed pumped trillions of dollars into the system. Oh yes, you can expect more of that too. This is not a black swan. I just can’t, I don’t know where you guys are getting this information from. I really don’t. I did speak about that yesterday.

It’s epic. There’s a lot of YouTubers that just don’t get it. I don’t know what it is. I’m assuming this where you’re getting that information from. And that’s okay. I guess you need this kind of people around. And I don’t know what kind of agenda they’re pushing. Are they offering any solutions? Or are they just whining about it? You and me, we understand what the solutions are. We’re looking to destroy, because unfortunately, there are those who are looking to destroy us. Puppet presidents or presidential selectees, whoever they are align themselves with the federal reserve.

This is destruction. This is an extinction level of men and people, period. Now look, today is the first of the month. On the first of every month. Hey Greg, you know what? You’re doing a really good job. I want to support your work. I hope you do. A fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction. .001% of you actually support my work is astonishing. But again, my help goes out to everybody here, but I hope you do choose to support my work. If you do, all I asked was five bucks, five dollars a month, like less than a cup of coffee these days.

Greg, I want to support your work. If you feel like doing that, this is not compulsory. I’m just asking you. I work my butt off here for you. Try to keep your head the curve. I believe most of you would say I’m doing a pretty good job here, so please support my work. There are a couple of ways you can do this. There are links in the description of this video. Click on one of those. I love crypto. You can even send me cryptocurrency as well. So as I said, there are a few links here in the description of this video.

Pick one of those that is best for you. And again, I really do hope that you choose to support my work because I got your back and I know you got mine as well. All right, people, that’s it. We’re going to see each other later, 4 or 5 p.m. I will be there today. All right, just no stopping me yesterday. I just don’t know what happened to me. I just hit a wall. All right, love you from the heart with all I got people. Until we meet again later, and we will, no doubt, please secure yourselves and each other.


See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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continuous increase in government spending cost of economic crisis per day financial implications of expanding war global economic downfall due to crisis management government's solution to economic crisis Gregor Manirino on current economic crisis impact of central banks worldwide inflation due to crisis spending lower standard role of Federal Reserve in economy U.S. economy moving from crisis to crisis

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