Unraveling the Mystery of the Finders Cult: An In-depth Look into Child Trafficking Allegations and Connections with the CIA

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Human-Trafficking, Mind-Control, and the CIA


In 1987, two men were arrested in Tallahassee, Florida, on suspicions of child abuse and trafficking. The men were part of a group called the Finders, whose subsequent investigation uncovered unsettling evidence, such as child pornography and evidence of ritualistic activities. The Finders were briefly labeled as a satanic cult before media coverage ceased, and the group was later depicted as a harmless hippie commune.

Years later, U.S. Customs Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez reignited interest in the case, alleging evidence of child trafficking, orders for children from Hong Kong, and plans to impregnate the Finders’ female members. Despite his allegations, the investigation was stalled, and the Finders were reportedly put under the protection of the CIA. This information and travel records showing visits to regions like North Korea and Russia caused public outrage.

Simultaneously, allegations of child abuse surfaced involving several pre-schools, including one indicated on a map seized from the Finders. The largest preschool chain, KinderCare, owned by an associate of a former CIA Director, was among those accused of child abuse. The report concludes that as disturbing as these incidents are, we need to focus on the root cause of such issues.


In 1987, police in Tallahassee, Florida, acted upon an anonymous tip-off. It pertained to six malnourished children, visibly bitten by bugs and bearing scratches, seen in the company of two well-dressed men at a public park. Subsequently, the two men were arrested on charges of child abuse and suspected child trafficking across state lines.

Upon further investigation, the US Customs Service, the Washington Metropolitan Police Department, and the FBI became involved. The arrested men were found possessing multiple fake IDs and had affiliations with a group called the Finders. Interestingly, the Finders owned several properties in the Washington D.C. area.

Inspection of these properties reportedly uncovered evidence of child pornography. There were also disturbing photographs of three children and three white-robed men dismembering goats. The children described a strict learning environment dominated by a man they referred to as the “game caller.”

The game caller, according to the children, would communicate with adults via a computer in a van. One of their activities involved responding to local newspaper ads for babysitters or tutors. The goal was to infiltrate family homes, gathering information on the family’s habits, identities, and occupations.

The Finders soon garnered media attention and were labelled as a satanic cult. The sensationalized media coverage lasted for about a week until the investigation was abruptly halted. Reports suggested that the children’s mothers were part of the Finders and that the arrested men had parental consent to transport the children.

The media narrative quickly shifted, blaming the entire uproar on its own sensationalism. The Finders were then presented as a harmless 1960s-style hippie commune. However, years later, US Customs Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez reopened the case.

Martinez brought forward alleged evidence of child trafficking, orders for children from Hong Kong via the Chinese Embassy, and instructions for impregnating female members of the Finders. There were also references to a library of books on mind control and terrorist warfare strategies. Despite his findings, Martinez claimed all attempts to review the evidence were stonewalled.

Eventually, a member of the Metropolitan Police Department informed Martinez that the Finders had been placed under the protection of the CIA. The case was considered an internal matter, effectively sealing the evidence. The Finders’ leader, Marian Petty, even boasted about infiltrating the CIA, with both his wife and son having connections to the agency.

Passports belonging to the Finders revealed travel visas to North Korea, North Vietnam, and Russia, all issued by the US State Department. The resurfacing of this evidence caused public outrage, leading to an investigation. The Department of Justice began to look into allegations that the CIA had used a front company run by a commune for training.

The investigation concluded with a verdict that there was no evidence of the CIA’s interference or any criminal activities involving the Finders. Around the same time, the McMartin preschool scandal emerged. Hundreds of parents reported their children had suffered satanic sexual abuse at a preschool in Manhattan Beach, California, which, strangely, was indicated on a map seized from the Finders.

Meanwhile, KinderCare, the largest preschool chain in America, was owned by Henry Kravis, a close associate of former CIA Director George Bush. Several parents accused KinderCare of child abuse and satanic ritual abuse. Joe, a former Clinton Foundation official, ran a large chain of kindergartens in China, where allegations of child molestation surfaced.

There’s an ongoing narrative that suggests the CIA and partner groups manage the media, Hollywood, the global drug trade, and even the human trafficking trade. As abhorrent as the symptoms are, attention must be focused on the root cause. This is Greg Reese reporting for Info Wars.

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