United States PAUSES Export of Guns Ammo…BUT WHY!?

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United States PAUSES Export of Guns Ammo…BUT WHY!?


➡ The speaker discusses a recent development where the US Department of Commerce paused the issuance of new export licenses for certain firearms-related components and ammunition to non-governmental end users for approximately 90 days. This decision is to further assess firearm export control review policies, aiming to mitigate the risk of firearms diversion to entities promoting regional instability, violating human rights, or fueling criminal activities.


Hey, everybody, welcome back to the Channel. I appreciate your time. Thank you for watching. Lot of crazy stuff going on, including yesterday, the government pausing all exports of firearms and ammunition and stuff. We’re gonna want to talk about that, but 1st, 1st, please excuse the scorch mark on my lip. That’s a six five arc burn. I was at Naughty After Dark opie and the Smokies put on an event.

Phenomenal event. If you’re looking to get exposed to night vision or thermal, a lot of cool things happened there. It was a good time. Also, blackout coffee. This is what’s saving my day. It’s kind of hard to drink hot coffee with a burn on part of your lip, but I’m making do. Check us out. 20% off of our signature and flavored blends. Use code spookybackoutcoffee. com GNG. While I was at the event yesterday in a field in the middle of nowhere with no signal, I was notified by a friend who is deeply involved in the military and has been for a very long time, gave me a heads up, and I have something I want to share with you.

I’m going to read right from it. I am not going to have any assumptions. I’m going to read what has been put out. This is from the US. Department of Commerce, the Bureau of Industry and Security. It says effective immediately, the US. Department of Commerce the Department is pausing, for approximately 90 days the issuance of new export licenses involving certain firearms related components and ammunition under its jurisdiction and the provision of new export assistance activities for such products to all non governmental end users worldwide, apart from those in certain destinations.

The Department may take additional steps to further U. S. National security and foreign policy interests. During this pause period, the Department will further assess certain firearm export control review policies to determine whether any changes are warranted to advance U. S. National security and foreign policy interests. The review will be conducted with urgency and will enable the Department to more effectively assess and mitigate the risk of firearms being diverted to entities or activities that promote regional instability, violate human rights, or fuel criminal activities.

This pause applies to the Bureau of Industry and securities issuance of new licenses involving certain firearms related components and ammunition controlled on the Commerce Control List, blah, blah, blah. Specifically, the following four export control classification numbers blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, that are destined for nongovernmental end users worldwide, apart from those located in Ukraine, Israel, or country in Country Group One of the WAPs. Consistent with the above.

The department’s International Trade Administration global markets and US. And Foreign Commercial Service is pausing acceptance of new requests for export assistance fee or non fee based for firearms and ammunition to nongovernmental end users worldwide, apart from those located in Ukraine, Israel, and Country Group A One. The Ita pause applies to semiautomatic and nonautomatic firearms shotguns and receivers frames and ammunition. So guns, ammo and optics are the areas that are being paused, but not to governmental agencies or Israel, Ukraine.

So it appears as though the US is trying to tighten the funnel of exports and where they go in order to further national security or US interests abroad. Again, 90 days. They’re not saying anything more or anything less. The rest of the document I had was specific questions for exporters, but I don’t think this has ever been done before. I’d have to double check with my budy who is very knowledgeable in this area.

Thanks. You know who? I’m not going to say his name because I don’t know if he wants that out there, but thank you for the information. Guys, what do you think of this? It’s likely tied to something, but that something is what we don’t know yet. So I saw this yesterday. I don’t remember where I saw it, but I want to put this out there to everybody who watches, because I know some folks who watch my channel are not I was just going to take some coffee, but I have a burn.

I know some people who watch my channel are not gun owners. That’s fine. Knowledge is key for everybody. But I wanted to say this. With all the things happening here and abroad, there are I don’t know, what’s the number? 7000, 500 million gun owners. There are what, 25 to 50, maybe 75 million AR? 15s in circulation in this country. If we were the problem, you all would know it.

And we are the United States civilians, the armed populace, those who don’t fall victim of government can save you and protect you. We are the world’s largest standing army. Remember that, y’all. Behind every blade of grass meant something when it was said, and it still holds true today. Be safe, stay vigilant and carry a gun to keep you, your friends, your family, your community safe. There are a lot of things that happened that if people took care of their community and didn’t worry about what the big government would say, if I happened to have something on me and step over this line, or step over this line, things would end a lot faster.

So I hope you understand my message. You got to say certain things, certain ways, but protect yourself. Protect others. Be a protector. I’ll see you on the next one. Take care. SA Sam. .


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90 days firearm export control review ammunition export to non-governmental end users entities promoting regional instability fueling criminal activities with firearms mitigating risk of firearms diversion new export licenses for firearms-related components reassessment of firearm export policies US Department of Commerce firearm export pause US firearm export control policies. violation of human rights through firearm diversion

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