Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network




➡ Richard Leonard and Stew Peters host a show where they discuss various topics, including the lives of veterans and the perceived censorship and occupation in their country. They express their support for Candace Owens and her views, and they also discuss their concerns about the influence of Zionism in their country. They believe in speaking out about these issues, despite the potential risks involved. They also had a guest, Adam Green, who disagreed with some of their views.
➡ The text is a chaotic conversation about religious beliefs, technical issues, and accusations. The speakers argue about Judaism, Christianity, and their personal missions, while also dealing with sound problems and echoes during their discussion.
➡ The text is a heated debate about religious beliefs, particularly focusing on Christianity and Judaism. The speakers argue about whether Christianity is a ‘controlled opposition’, and if Jews were ever chosen by God. They also discuss the ultimate goal of Judaism, with one speaker suggesting it aims to infiltrate and overtake every country and person. The conversation is intense and at times, confrontational, with technical issues causing further frustration.
➡ The discussion revolves around a guest who has been vocal about controversial issues, leading to her social media posts being removed. She criticizes Elon Musk for allegedly suppressing her voice and questions his commitment to free speech. The host also criticizes Musk for his actions and beliefs, calling him a fraud. The guest hopes for more transparency and freedom of speech on social media platforms.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and criticisms about Israel, Elon Musk, and certain religious figures. It suggests that these entities are involved in harmful activities and manipulations, and questions why they are not being held accountable. The speaker also expresses frustration about perceived censorship and the inability to openly criticize certain groups.
➡ The text is a conversation between individuals discussing various topics, including personal feelings, political views, and conspiracy theories. They touch on subjects like LGBTQ+ issues, political parties, and controversial figures. They also discuss some conspiracy theories, such as the involvement of UN troops in America and the actions of Blackrock. The conversation ends with a critique of mainstream media and the public’s acceptance of its narratives.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of independent research and critical thinking, expressing frustration with mainstream media. They question the actions of political parties and the state of the current election process. The speaker also expresses admiration for Vladimir Putin’s leadership style, suggesting he puts his country’s interests first. They encourage listeners to resist societal pressures, such as getting vaccinated, if they don’t agree with them.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the consequences of not wearing masks or getting vaccinated, the situation in Austria, and the possibility of moving to Russia. It also mentions the forced recruitment of children, including those with Down syndrome, in Ukraine. The conversation then shifts to a show called “The Richard Leonard Show” that focuses on military and veteran issues. The text ends with a mention of other shows on their network.
➡ The Stu Peters Show, a popular program, is seeking support from its audience after losing some advertisers. The show is asking viewers to subscribe to their content on their Rumble channel for $9 a month or $90 annually. Subscribers will have access to exclusive content and the chance to win four first-class airfare tickets to visit the show’s studio. The show emphasizes that it values its audience’s support over that of advertisers.
➡ The text is a casual conversation between hosts of the Stu Peters network, discussing various topics. They talk about subscribing to their network from anywhere in the world, give a shout out to their communications chief, Alex Roundtree, and discuss the idea of Stu Peters coming out of retirement to make music. They also mention the importance of their audience’s support to keep their network independent and committed to exposing the truth.



Richard was. He was. This. This is. This is my partner bounty hunting for 15 years. The two of us put our lives in each other’s hands. That’s awesome. Every day. And so he was like, you know, and then also, he has a show on the network, you know, beautiful Richard Leonard show. Welcome, man. So there he is. Thank you. But it says Stu Peters there. But it’s not Stu Peters. Everybody knows that’s not Stu Peters. But that is Richard Leonard. I am Stu Peters. Yes. But anyway, so, yeah, I thought it was a nice treat because he’s got a show on the network, and he does a tremendous job.

He’s got. Not un cancelable. Here we are. He has the Richard Leonard show. Very good. Tell people, by the way, what the Richard Leonard show is all about. Well, the Richard Leonard show is mainly about. My goal is to bridge that gap between civilian and military culture and veteran culture and just build some understanding. Too many people just don’t understand what the lives of veterans look like. And so that’s what we do. And we also find truth where it is not told. Like Mister Tim Walls, we love to hammer that son of a bitch. Can I say that? Yeah, you can say anything you want.

And we’re uncancellable. This is uncancellable. Good. Yeah. So hammering him specifically, you were the first one that put out the story about the stolen valorous. A lot of people like to take credit for that. But it was you. Well, I wasn’t the first one. I think Liz Collin was the first one, but I served in that unit, and Sergeant major Behrens and I knew of each other. We didn’t know each other. And he was gracious enough to come tell a story on my show. So it was awesome. We put it out, did well tonight. Bao, we have Doctor Anastasia Mariah lupus.

Yes. Who has an Elon Musk tonight on uncancellable. There’s a lot of things that are going on with this, and I think that it’s really important that people understand exactly what it is that’s going on. Yes, there is a censorship regime that is working in our country. There is a cancellation debanking, defunding regime that is working in our country. There is an occupation of our country. And we’ve been. We’ve been courageously calling this out. Obviously, it was an appearance on the Alex Jones show from, oh, I don’t know, probably ten months ago now, you know, just.

Just before October 7, actually. And he said, what the hell do you think is going on in this country. And I said, you know, we have a zionist occupation. We have an absolute zionist occupation that’s happening in this country. And no matter where you look at every level of our bureaucracies, throughout the Department of Education, everywhere you look, you see this zionist infiltration. And the people of our government are not representing or doing the bidding of the american people, but rather, they are at the behest of a foreign, secular nation state called Israel doing the bidding of that state rather than our country.

And so when you speak out about this stuff, it becomes dangerous, actually, it becomes, like, nuclear, because you can, you know, be like Candace Owens. You could be in big trouble and find yourself with an FBI complaint from somebody like this pervert rabbit. Rabbi Schmuley. Fake Rabbi Schmule. That’s not a real name. It’s a real name. And this. Yeah. And this pervert sells sex toys, who, by the way, is hideous and just notoriously ugly. Okay. Yeah, it’s really. And so Candace Owens actually said, if something happens to me, blame the Zionists. And I think that that’s really.

That’s. That really does a great job of identifying exactly who these people are, because these people are dangerous. They will debank you. They will come after you. They will slander you. They will defame you. They will call you all kinds of different names simply for noticing that there is a certain occupation happening, that there is a certain overtaking occupation happening. And when somebody occupies your space, it’s because they intend to conquer it. As a military veteran, you agree with that, right? Yes, I do. But hold on. Let’s go back a second. Has anybody ever proven anything that Candace Owens said to be a lie? No.

Instead, what they just do is they just use ad hominem and attacks. And she’s just. She’s an anti semite, and she’s. Despite the fact that she’s black, she’s a racist, and now she’s a conspiracy theorist and she’s crazy. And they got to her and all this other stuff. Interesting. Yeah. So. But nobody can ever. Nobody can ever disprove what it is that Candace Owens is saying. And I just want to say, I mean, I fully, fullheartedly agree with Candace Taylor, and I appreciate what. Or Candace Owens, rather. And I appreciate what Candace Owens did with Andrew and Tristan Tate and with Dan Bilzerian, because these are people that have big audiences that are risking everything.

I mean, some of these people are worth close to a billion dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars. They know that they’re risking everything. They’re risking, you know, their businesses, they’re risking insurance policies. They’re risking it all to come out and say this stuff. And so I just appreciate anybody who says, I’m not going to make any sacrifices, I’m not going to do something for these shekels and these 30 pieces of silver. I’m never going to waiver. I’m always going to stick with the truth. And I just appreciate that about her. Right. And so when she says things like, if something happens to me, look there first, why would we not trust that? Well, and what does it say about a group of people when you have to be worried about your financial life or your banking life or your social life or your online presence or be about your physical life? What does it say about a group of people where you’re so concerned about them? I mean, I think that kind of legitimizes her position and certainly ours.

There you go. Beth K. Says the truth has gone viral. King bows always got the comments. He’s ready to go. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So, no, a, we have still, we have last, last week was pretty special. I mean, we got to talk to, I think we’re the first show ever to probably openly have one of our fans come up that was trans. And I mean, yeah. Did you see that, by the way? A legit. Yes, Dennis. Yes, Denise. Did we forget about Dennis? Yeah, Denise, Denise, whatever came up. Why are you misgendering? This guy came up and we had an incancelable conversation.

And there’s a lot of people who have been vying, Stu, for you to talk with someone that you keep misjewing. I mean, it sounds like, you know what I mean? I might have misgendered, but this man doesn’t want you to call him a jew. And we got people like Alex Roundtree in here saying, and that Adam Green is Jewish. So I think he’s mistaken, you know, Adam Green for Mister Adam King. But for the first time on uncancellable history, we have Mister Green with us. And I guess this is the first sit down with Stu ever on the show with someone who actually wants to have a conversation with us that might not agree with some of the things that, you know, you or myself say.

And I think it’s gonna be fun. We have with us now Adam Green on uncancellable. This is, that deserves some applause. Mister Adam Green. Yes. Mister Adam Green, you have been trying to get a hold of Stu for a while, man. What, what’s been your biggest gripe, I guess, with, with Stu? Well, I haven’t really been trying to get a hold of him, but he’s. He wants to complain about the Jews slandering and defaming him when he’s been tweeting slander and defamation against me, calling me jewish. I think that’s kind of funny, considering you’re funded by a jewish gold merchant and shilling hasidic ultra orthodox Zev Zelenko pills.

So what’s up with that, Stu? Why? You’ve been lying? Or are you just really mistaking me for Adam King over and over again? I think he’s mistaken you for Adam King. First of all. Can I ask you a question? Are you hearing an echo from him? Yes. It’s, like, horrible, right? Are you getting that on your end? Is anybody. Cause it’s really difficult to actually make him out. I have no idea what he’s talking about other than he said that I’m funded by a jewish gold company. And we think that gold co. Is very brave. We think that they’re a very courageous advertiser.

We think that they have helped a lot of people goyim to bow down like sheep to their God. And that’s what you advocate for? This echo is coming back, but, yeah. No, actually, that’s not what I advocate for at all. I advocate for the message of Jesus Christ, my lord and savior and the word of God. And by the way, Jesus is not the jew that the Schofield Bible says that he was. And the regular Bible says he’s a jew. The regular Bible says he’s a jew. Matthew two. Two. Where is he? Who is born the king of the Jews? Salvation coming back again.

I cannot fucking hear this guy. I can’t hear what he’s saying. I can’t talk to somebody or have a discussion when I can’t hear what they’re saying. Indeed. So what ended up happening was the mic got. Or the mics got cut out and now the mics are back on. But you have the echo? Yes. Do you have your in ear monitors in? Yes. You do? Of course I do. I can’t. I can’t be here without him. Absolutely. So we will, uh. I will work on the echo on my end to see what I can do. But everybody can now hear you.

They were saying no sound, and now the sound is. They didn’t hear any of that. Yeah, we can’t hear you when the echo is shut off. Yes, exactly. Okay, so we either have to deal with the echo or nobody can hear us. I am working on the echo right now. Don’t even worry about me. Oh, wow. For five minutes. How come the chat is just telling us now that there was no, no audio? That’s funny, because your boy is doing a lot over here to try to make sure that the audio is good. Stu, Stu, just do the right thing and admit that you apologize and admit you’re wrong and slandering me, calling me jewish.

What did he say? Admit that I was wrong. About what? Admit that you were wrong. And God calls me Jewish. He wants an apology from you. Oh, are you Jew? I mean, are you a jew? Are you lying about being a jew? I don’t know. I have no idea. I mean, green is a very jew name. I don’t know. You have no idea, but you just said it anyway. I’m asking you to platform what your position is. I said, if you don’t fight in the name of Jesus Christ, if you don’t fight for God, if you don’t worship the Jews, what are you asking? That’s what you’re aiming to do.

And that will tell me whether or not you’re a jew. That’s. That’s your argument? You don’t shield the Hebrew Torah and worship the God of Israel, the God of Zion. You’re a jew. That’s fucking. Can’t hear this guy. This is the most frustrating thing ever. I’ve never been involved with something more frustrating. I can’t fucking hear the guy. He’s over talking me. He’s just yelling nonsense and demanding apologies. This is not like a conversation. This is fucking stupid. You’re drowning, man. You’re drowning. So. So let’s. Let’s. Adam, if you have one thing, you can you hear this guy? Yeah, I can.

Everybody can echo. Everyone, but we’re. You guys have an echo on my. Yeah, yeah. So here’s the thing. You guys have echoes, but I pretty sure that everything is coming through in the chat. Everybody can hear you. Everybody can. Everybody’s getting it. Is there any echo out there? Let me know. It doesn’t appear that there’s an echo out there. So you guys are good? Stu, Stu. Yeah. Do you know how long I’ve been online exposing Jews and Zionists? Stu, Stu, Stu, Stu. This is what I hear. It’s fucking frustrating. I can’t hear shit that you’re saying.

It’s, like, overwhelming my ears, and it’s fucking overstimulating. I can’t hear shit. There’s no way that I can think and have a conversation with anybody, whether I agree with them or don’t, whether they’re jewish or christian. I can’t have a real conversation if I can’t fucking hear you. Yes. So you can tell me excuses and demand apologies all you want to. I can’t fucking hear you, bro. Did this help? Did this help? The echo still. You haven’t had an echo. You don’t have one. Adam, talk. Do you hear? No, no, no. Yes, yes. Absolutely. All right.

Hearing them echo, too. And I’m getting texts. I’m getting texts from 100 people saying there’s no sound. Everything is fucked up. Nobody has heard anything you’ve said. I’ve got a bunch of texts here. Like, probably 30 of them. Yeah, well, guess what? The sound works now, boy. So everybody can shut the fuck up. Cause the sound works, okay? Everybody in the chat. Guess what? Your boys one man show here. We’re trying to do a lot of things to make this successful so everybody can chill out. Cause your boys try to do with the best he could do.

Okay? So sound should be good. I don’t know why there’s an echo, guys. I’m. I don’t know why there wasn’t one last week. Yeah, I’m just going through. Okay. I’m just going through a bunch of the. There’s like, 30 texts here. Yeah, well, I’m trying to do the best that I can. You know what I mean? That’s what we have to work with. Yeah, yeah, but anyway. Yeah, so I’m just asking you, what’s your mission if it’s not for God and not for Jesus? What is your goal here? My mission is to. I don’t even know who you are, honestly.

I just. I just. I know that you were, like, trolling me in a bunch of comments on x or whatever, so your name was kind of familiar or whatever. And then Adam King, Adam Green. They’re both very jewish names, and I know that both of you. Anybody, when I was sitting down. Are you gonna let me fucking finish? Irish Scottish let me finish or not? Which, I mean, I’m not gonna give you my time if you’re not gonna fucking finish with blonde hair and blue eyes. I was not gonna buy. No, I’m not gonna give you my time if you’re not gonna let me fucking finish, okay? It’s a waste of time.

I’m not gonna sit here and yell over some echoing jew when I can’t even fucking hear you. Dude, you’re such a fool. And you rob me. Get a word out. You and your Dugan shilling and your gold merchant shilling and your Zev Zelenko pill and your Jesus shilling. And your khazarian bullshit. I heard him say something about Zelenko was a hero. Zelenko didn’t wish for the destruction of anybody. Yeah, you love your chobodnik that advocates for Noahide laws and for the mosheach to conquer the goyim. That’s your Boyenne. That’s who offered you his private jet. And you want to call me? Can you understand? You just started talking about Jews in the last year.

I’ve been doing it for almost Internet issues. I was censored before you even said the word Jew on the Internet. And you want to run your mouth while you’re funded by a bunch of Jews making anti Semites look insane and stupid and spreading all this stuff? You hear what he’s saying? Other than like. He’s, like, yelling and hear it all. Don’t lie. I can’t even hear what the fuck you saying. You hear it, everybody. What? Uh, Adam, if you had, it is bad. We can’t do. I wish I had a recording of what I’m hearing in my ears right now.

You can hear the echo on the rumble. I just looked so. Oh, okay. You’re controlled opposition, Stu, because you’re christian, you’re not real opposition to Judaism. When you worship the Jewish God, when you believe the Jews were once chosen, when you believe the prophecies of the nation of priests, you advocate the same end goal as rabbis. You want the moshiach, the son of David, the king of the Jews. I heard controlled conversation. And Jews, just like the rabbis. Yeah, they’re all the same, actually. Yeah. Who are the greatest supporters of who these priests are that you’re speaking of? Christians? To be honest, this is not, this is not working.

I can’t talk to you. When we can have, like, a real conversation without this echo and I can actually talk to you, I’d be more than happy to do that. Until then, this is a fucking waste of time. I’d rather move on and talk to somebody else. I can’t hear you. Or we’ll just continue. I literally can leave and come back or something. I don’t know if that’ll help. Speaker one, I heard somebody say controlled opposition. That was obviously you. People like to say that shit when they don’t have a platform of their own. Of course.

Controlled opposition. Oh, oh. He makes money doing what he does. What do you mean? He has advertisers on his program. He has people that believe in him that want to pay money to expose their products to other people. And so he’s controlled opposition. Yeah. What are you, a fucking anti capitalist as well as your anti God shit? I mean, I asked you specifically over and over again and you interrupt every single time I’m getting to my question. And that’s because you’re deflecting. You don’t want to tell me what your fucking mission is because you don’t support anything.

You don’t. You don’t honor anything. You don’t serve any God. You don’t have a fucking mission. You’re a chaos person. Zionist Yahweh is Mosheach agenda. The agenda, the Judeo agenda. The Judeo paradigm. To have a one world religion and have all of the nations bowing down like sheep worshiping the God of Israel. That’s what I’m exposing. That fake prophecy, deception. The Jesus deception. The Judeo plan. You’re perpetuating. You perpetuate the jewish agenda by wanting all the goyim to bow down to the king of the Jews and the God of Israel. That was the whole plan all along.

Jesus Christ, my lord and savior. Satanist is what you’re saying. I missed that. He said you’re a satanist is what he’s saying. No, actually Satan is God’s controlled opposition. That’s what scares you into worshiping the God of the jew. Everybody’s controlled opposition. If you’re making a Christianity or if you have anybody that believe you have any kind of success at all whatsoever, if somebody believes in you, if they advertise you’re controlled opposition because. Because you believe in Jesus Christ. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you’re controlled opposition. Nobody believes anymore. Let me just call you, call me an anti Semite, call me a racist, call me a bigot, call me controlled opposition.

Nobody believes you Jews anymore, bro. Do you understand that? Nobody believes you. Listen, Christianity is a controlled opposition. It doesn’t fight against Judaism. It fights within Judaism. The God that you worship is the Jewish God in the New Testament. Christianity is not controlled opposition. And that’s blasphemous. And I’m not going to allow it on my platform. This is my fucking network. You’re not going to talk like that. Christianity is not controlled opposite, not allowed to question the Jewish Bible. Christianity has been infiltrated. Can’t question the moshiach. Let him rebuttal. And lukewarm protestant evangelical christians have absolutely been brainwashed and programmed into the Schofield Bible teachings of people like Pastor Greg Locke who believe in going and blowing up innocent women and children in Palestine at the behest of Israel.

And the only point that I’ve ever made, Adam Green, is that we are an occupied fucking country, and we’re occupied by people who claim to be Jews from Israel. That’s the point that I’ve made. And if that’s controlled opposition to you, then you just don’t. You have an ulterior agenda, an alternative agenda? You don’t serve God. You don’t serve Jesus. Are you real opposition to the religious that Christianity is? Controlled opposition, Adam. Fucking idiot. Stop talking for 1 second and answer a question. Do you believe the Jews were ever chosen? Why do I owe you an answer to anything when you’ve interrupted me every time I’ve tried to ask you a very pointed and simple question? Why do I owe you shit? This is the Stu Peters Network.

I can’t even believe that we’re platforming your dumb ass right now. Do you worship. Do you worship the God of Israel, who is the God of Zion? Do you worship the zionist God? And you believe the Jews were once chosen by God? You believe in the prophecies of the nation of priests? Two more minutes, boys. What’s the ultimate goal of Judaism, Stu? Two more minutes, boys. What’s the ultimate goal of Judaism? You know, the ultimate goal of Judaism is obviously to infiltrate and overtake every single. Every single country, every single person, to eradicate those who are not Jews, to have people who are Jews worship the people who are Jews.

These people believe that my lord and savior Jesus Christ is not the real messiah, that he’s currently boiling in a pot of excrement and semen, that he’s in hell, that he’s in constant and forever eternal pain and agony. That’s what these people believe. It’s in the Torah. It’s in the Talmud. That’s what they believe. They have a stated goal to overtake the west. They have a stated goal to control and conquer. And they have a stated goal to usher in the Antichrist by building the third temple and killing a couple of red heifers and whatnot. Bullshit.

And then the real messiah, according to them, will come, and then everyone else will be their slave, and that includes you, right? Right. And the Christians believe everybody’s gonna be the slave to Jesus, otherwise, they’re gonna be destroyed as well. So what’s the difference between you and rabbis when you both want the prophet to rule the slave to Jesus? No, I’m not a slave to Jesus. Jesus actually became a slave to us. Jesus actually says clearly on a cross. Jesus actually put himself on a cross and defeated death itself. You know. You know that, right? Do you know that no, Jesus is actually a myth.

He never existed. Jesus defeated and sold it so that he’s the son of God. He’s 100% man and 100% you were a Christian. Guys, you gotta stop. Adam, Adam, Adam, I’ll give you. I’ll give you a chance to rebuttal, but we gotta stop talking over each other. Everybody is enjoying this conversation. Yes, this will be recorded. Beth K. Not me. Everybody is enjoying this conversation except Stu. We have everything working out. We’re grateful for that. Everybody’s here. It’s a bunch of yelling over me with a massive echo. It’s not an enjoyable conversation for me. And he just yells over.

He asks me a question and I start to fucking answer it. And here he goes again. Here he goes again, just screaming over me. All right, so let’s turn the last 30 seconds of this into the Adam green show. Yeah, he keeps. You’re chimping out, Stu. You keep. You’re the one yelling the whole time. I haven’t yelled once last 30. And everybody in the, in your own chat knows it. Last last minute. Adam, what is your, what’s. What is one thing that you want to leave Stu with? If you could leave him with one thing that you feel your point is, what would that be, brother? Other than a tiny hat? I would say.

I would ask, Stu, do you believe the Jews were ever chosen by goddesse? The answer is a yes. If you’re a Christian, the answer is yes. That’s why it’s controlled opposition. Because you want the same end goal. You’re not real opposition if you believe the Jews were chosen by God, ever. If you worship the Jewish before Christianity, the whole purpose of Judaism. And the Jews, they wanted their messiah to conquer Rome, to conquer the greco roman world, to conquer all the nations. And now you advance that same agenda of spreading the Torah in the God of Zion and their jewish messiah to conquer all the nations.

That’s why Christianity is controlled opposition. Honestly, covering you. Maybe you should try watching some videos so you’re not completely ignorant. It’s legit sensory overload. And it’s unfortunate because I feel like he probably does a good job of getting this point across, but you just can’t. So maybe we’ll, maybe, Adam, maybe we’ll try this another time. I don’t know what, but we’ll get on maybe a little bit earlier and figure out the echo. A lot of people are enjoying this conversation. I appreciate both of you being able to willingly have it. You guys deserve some of that.

I know we had some technical issues and we are dealing with all of them that we can on the fly. This is a fucking live show. Adam Green, we appreciate you being here and starting off the show. Live replay will be available for everybody on rumble and Twitter. All right, thanks for trying, king bow stew. I hope we can pick this up again another time and just. It’s the right apologize. Gotcha. We appreciate you, man. Thank you. Thanks, bro. That was easy. I can hear you. I can hear you perfectly. All right. That was. That was.

It had to been his. Yeah. I don’t know. There was a lot. I can hear you perfectly. I don’t know what that is. Yeah, it had to be him, right? And, yeah, I mean, there was. There was some mic issues in the beginning, too, that we were trying to figure out. You know, he had to come back and come back in. So I don’t know. I don’t know why that happened, guys. But we got through it. We got through it. Hosta still. How do you feel? How do you feel, brother? Overstimulated. That was a lot. I mean, bro, if I could literally have recorded what was going on inside of my ears.

And I wear these monitors, right? And so it’s just, like, blasting into my earlobes. This unbelievable, annoying voice that’s just, like, constantly. Just like. It’s all mixed up. It was. It was terrible. Yeah, I’m trying. Probably somebody said they heard it and it was nasty. Yeah, you heard it probably from a phone speaker or from a computer speaker. I’ve got it in, like, right in the middle of my fucking ears. I call you, like, I’m gonna need, like. Yeah, some kind of a earlobe enema triple with delay. Yeah. Guys, I have no idea. It’s good on my end.

Sorry that that was happening, but we have a lot more show to get to, stu. It still is, actually. Now I’m echoing in my own ear. No way. Did you. Are you hearing me echo again? No, I get super delayed. Yeah. Guys, this is insane because everything on my end is showing it to be good. So what the hell do you want to do? You want to intro Anna? Should we just go right into Anna, see if we can make it work? Yeah. I mean, I will just say that our next guest is. Yeah, I’m. Now.

I’m having a hard time even talking because I’m hearing myself back. I’m just gonna take these out. Okay. Our next guest is actually probably one of the biggest heroes in this entire movement, to be honest. She has, you know, really risked a lot. She was at first, you know, Covid-19 was a big start for her. I. She basically, she saw all of the lies, and then she started to recognize where all of the lies are coming from. And now she’s had to remove something extremely truthful. If you notice occupation. If you question occupation, God forbid you criticize occupation.

If you notice genocide. If you question genocide, God forbid if you criticize genocide, you’re anti semitic, which is a completely fake, a completely fake word that means absolutely nothing to me anymore. I don’t care. The New York Times, the Rolling Stone, the USA Today, the daily Beast, right wing watch, they have all said that I’m the anti semitic kingpin of the United States. I don’t care. What I care about is the truth, and what I care about is saving lives. And I will say that doctor Anastasia Maria Lupus, who, by the way, is up in the middle of the night to try to try to bring more truth here on this platform because of the fact that she has been canceled.

Not canceled, necessarily, but her voice has been canceled because she was forced to release or remove. It was a removal of a tweet, and I found it to be very truthful. Richard, have you seen what she was, what she was talking about on the. On her. On her ex account? I have. I have not seen it. So I regrettably don’t. Don’t have any context to go off of, but I am very interested in hearing about all about it. We have her here. It’s bad. It’s hard to even talk at this point. We have her here. Doctor, good evening.

I hope that you do more talking, and I hear a tremendous echo with you as well. So I’m going to just take one earpiece out, and hopefully I’ll be able to hear some of the things that you’re saying. But essentially, Elon Musk has forced you to remove a tweet and has essentially taken your voice away without necessarily deplatforming you. But as we see what’s happening in Brazil with x getting shut down completely, we can expect that there’s like an Internet off switch where we all just go away real soon. I can hardly hear you, Stu, but I’ll try my best to.

I cannot hear myself either. But you’re good. I believe you were asking about the tweet I had to take down the other day. It was this video with a jewish rabbi telling that it was okay to rape toddlers if they were under the age of three. It was like poking them in the eye and that the hymen would grow back out. So you shouldn’t worry about it. It had, like, 4 million views before I got locked out of my account, and I was forced to delete it to get back on. Wow. And it said that I had exploited a child, but there was no child in this video.

There was no specific child even mentioned or anything. So it was just this old pedophile speaking, actually. Disgusting. So what I don’t get is you’ll have to describe it. I couldn’t hear anything that she said. Keep going, Anna. You’re good. I don’t understand why Elon wants to protect an old pedophile and lock a medical doctor out of her account. Speaker one. She doesn’t understand. She doesn’t understand why Elon would lock out a doctor that’s just trying to help people out of her account and protect a pedophile. Yeah, exactly. Who the pedophile was. And. And I didn’t.

A jewish rabbi. She was saying. She’s talking about her tweet getting taken down, of a jewish rabbi talking about how it was okay to molest little boys. That was the tweet that got taken down. And she’s calling on Elon to help her get her account back, essentially. Right. Because she was just trying to talk about protecting kids. So eventually, I did get back on, but. Yeah, go ahead. But I had to delete the tweet. She had to delete. I think that’s very wrong. Yeah, that’s. That’s terrible. That’s terrible. Someone. She had to delete the tweet, otherwise she couldn’t get her account back.

And it was just a jewish rabbi talking about sodomizing a child and how it was okay. 4 million views. Color me surprised. What’s your message to Elon, Stu? Well, I mean, my message to Elon is simply this. I mean, show us who you are. You say that you’re the bastion of free speech, but you’re also the guy that wants to put a chip in everybody’s brain. You’re the guy that wants to predict our future actions. You want to control our dreams and our emotions. You claim to space, whatever that is. I don’t believe, really anything that he’s saying at this point.

I think that it’s very obvious where he lies. He just did the obligatory trip to Israel, where he put on the ridiculously embarrassing tiny hat and French kissed this wall. He went to Auschwitz with Ben Shapiro, of all people, brought his little son there, watched propaganda videos of concentration camps, and basically at the behest of Brazil, which just recently here, Brazil is doing a deal where they’re banning x, you know, to certain subscribers after they affected a coup and did election rigging, and they banned opposition television channels or television channels, period, that just weren’t broadcasting state media to help along and assist with the coup.

So any dissident kind of form of media at all whatsoever. And this is just. It’s, you know, Elon is going along with all of this. And I think that, you know, based on some of the tweets, that Elon, you know, he’s, like, calling people anti Semites, which is kind of a fake word, because if you’re criticizing Israel, really what you’re doing is you’re criticizing the genocide of children. If you’re criticizing a pedophile who is a jewish person, there’s still a pedophile. And so to make her delete a tweet like that, I think, is disgusting, and it’s abhorrent, and it really shows us who you are.

So if you’re not that person, I mean, obviously, this is the kind of thing that we would have in years past been incredibly proud of platforming, and this would be the kind of thing that millions and millions of people would be thankful for, you clearly picturing and showing a pedophile to the masses so that you could save future victims from being victimized. But instead, Elon Musk has pledged an allegiance to a foreign, secular nation state of tiny hats, rather than to the children of our world who need to be protected by the great work that people like doctor lupus are doing.

So I think he’s a fraud, and I think he’s a fake and a phony. And I can’t. I I can’t really find any evidence to the contrary. Takes a lot of money to run Tesla, and he’s the richest guy in the world. I mean, why? Why. Why limit any of that for anybody? Anna, what do you hope in all of this? There were another incidents also, and that was the ADLH celebrating the Leo Frank day. And they got, like, three different community notes, and when I checked today, the last one had been removed also. So the ADL basically did.

ADL what? They were basically Leo Frank? Mm hmm. The pedophile. Okay. Got a little girl in a. In a pencil factory. Yeah. Yeah. And they were celebrating his something. I don’t know if it was his birthday or his. The day he died or what it was, but it got three community notes saying that he did kill that little girl, basically. And the ADL was celebrating that. So the ADL was celebrating a pedophile who killed a little girl. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Which is interesting because that’s along the same parallels. I could hear what you were saying, bow, that the ADL was celebrating a pedophile that killed a little girl.

And that’s interesting because in our previous segment with this guy called Adam Green, he is basically celebrating a bunch of people who killed a our lord and savior. So I find the common denominator very interesting with people celebrating death. As a matter of fact, on September 11, I remember the group of people that were running around dancing and celebrating the loss of life of 3000 Americans. And it seems that there’s a lot of dancing that goes on in all of these terrorist attacks. And it seems that all of the dancers and all of the people celebrating just happen to be people who claim to be Jews.

Anna, what were you going to continue to say? The thing was that I have a friend who is a contributor to community notes and he was watching what was going on with these notes because the ADL continuously got new notes telling people who Leo Frank really was. Okay. And, and then my friend said it wasn’t down voted, it was just removed. Wow. Yeah, wow. And Sam Parker told me it has happened like four or five times. So what do you think they’re protecting? Their notes removed. What do you think they’re protecting? Anna, we know what they’re protecting.

They’re protecting evil, demon scum, Satanists. The question is, why is Elon going along with this? Why is Elon going along with this? Stu, why is Elon going along with this? Shekels. Shekels. That’s too bad because I’m doing, maybe he is just evil, you know, I mean, the only other thing that I can think of is that he’s compromised because, you know, just like all of the other israeli Mossad operations, there’s blackmail material, you know, there’s, there’s bribe. I mean, look at this guy in the world. We have to think about this from, from a financial, economic perspective as well.

If Donald Trump, Richard, were to come out and say, you know what, fuck Israel. I’m done with Israel and we’re done sending our aid to you. And by the way, we’re not supporting your genocide. And if you kill another innocent person, we’re going to come in, we’re going to take care of you. If he were to do that, he would be financially fucked because the Jews own all of the financial contracts that secure his property. So literally billions and billions of dollars. All they have to tell him is, fuck you, we’re going to jack your interest rates by a couple percent, and that would bankrupt his entire operation.

Well, they all know that they can’t just say, fuck the Jews, because like you said, they’d financially be ruined. So you’re right, they’re compromised some way, somehow. And it’s usually money, power or control, right? Yeah. That is the definition of controlled opposition. When you know that somebody has something over you and they can exercise either blackmail or bribery or extortion or financial hardship, or if you’re the Palestinians, what they can do is just shut off your water, which they have done. Shut off your electricity, which they have done. Cut off your food supplies, which they have done.

These people live in an open air concentration camp for decades. Some terrorist organization, allegedly, by the way, that they fund, that Israel is responsible for the creation of, along with the US CIA, the us military industrial complex whose front lines are right there in Israel. The entire israeli construct is a psyop, a major Psyop, to convince Normie Boomer, lukewarm Christian Schofield Bible taught people that are taught by people like Pastor Greg Locke that this Israel is the Israel of the Bible and that these Jews are the Jews that Jesus was speaking of. And so actually, it was really a smart plan, to be honest with you, because 2.25 billion christians in the world, the american electorate is largely christian.

Most of the west is largely christian. And so to be able to convince these people, hey, no, you’re not allowed to question Israel, let alone, God forbid, criticize Israel. And we’re going to do whatever the hell it is that we want to do here with impunity. And that includes decades of forever wars. And this is a country, by the way. You know, Adam Green was on here talking about, well, do you believe this and believe that about the Bible? It was really difficult for me to hear him. But I do know one thing about the Bible.

The May 14, 1948, secular nation state of Israel was not in the Bible. It wasn’t? Yeah. I mean, that’s not the Israel that God was talking about. And by the way, Jesus, Galilee, these people are completely different. So when people say, oh, well, this is more of an ethnic thing, being Jewish is more of an ethnic thing. Okay, well, then how is it antisemitic for me to talk about these people in Israel when they’re not even semitic? They’re not even semites, as a matter of fact, the people that they’re killing are semitic. So it really is just a lot of trickery that’s going on.

Elon Musk is playing a role in this. And unfortunately, there’s a lot of pastors, and there are a lot of fake teachers and false preachers. And I don’t know that necessarily all of them are doing it knowingly. I think that some of them now have too much information for them to claim ignorance. I think, like, for example, this pastor, Greg Locke, I keep throwing his name around because he keeps dodging me. He won’t sit down with me for an interview because I would like to feature an interview with Greg Locke in occupied. I mean, we’re talking about potentially the most important film of our time.

He has a stance, a very clear one. And that stance is turn Gaza to a parking lot, kill them all. Turn it to glass. Do anything to. Do anything to serve and protect Israel. Do anything to worship these people who claim to be Jews. And so I think that that’s really a travesty. And I think that it’s. It’s really difficult to have conversations with people who just don’t really want to have conversations. They want to do things like what Adam Green just did, you know, infiltrate your audio and create a massive echo and then just yell over you every time you’re talking.

I’m just kidding. I’m not blaming. I’m not blaming you, Adam Green, for creating the echo. It happens every time we do this. It is. It is convenient. However, his last name is Green. It’s real easy to drop steen off the end of your name. Or Berg. Yeah. Adam Greenberg. Yeah. Right. Well, Anna, we appreciate you being Greenenstein. Anna, we appreciate you being here and being a warrior of truth. You are one of my favorite channels to follow. And I have something going on right now called the Elon Musk Challenge. Why I’m calling him out every single day to help me save children.

Doesn’t sound like he’s doing that. And I will definitely be tweeting a little clip of this out because we need to get some answers. I think. I think we need to get some answers. Because if you’re not about saving children, I know Stu is all about saving kids. If you’re not about saving children, then you need to go. Thank you for being here. Thank you, ma’am. You’re awesome. Thank you for you. See you. Yup. See you soon. Still, I can’t wait to actually sit down with her. When I can hear her. She really. I mean, she really is.

She really is. I mean, you watch some of the stuff that she says on X and I just. I mean, I can’t believe. Where are we, Richard, when you’re naming a pedophile you’re showing. You’re showing evidence of pedophilia, like, literally the murder of childhood innocence and Elon Musk on the supposedly most free speech platform. Right? Well, and why does it matter if it’s. If it’s a rabbi or if it’s a polish dude or a black dude or an italian dude? If you’re talking about ass raping kids, I don’t care where you come from in the world.

Yeah, well, we know why it’s time to go away, right? I mean, so why take it down? Is the point just because he happens to be a jew? We know the answer to that. Well, I know, but it’s rhetoric. This is the most protected class of people. And so, again, I will go back to the point of, if you’re at the point where you’re not allowed to question or criticize a certain group of people, and then when you do, you have to actually worry about having an FBI complaint filed against you. This is what this rabbi, fake pervert Shmuley and his disgusting, grotesque, behemoth daughter, who he sells sex toys with, went and filed an FBI report against Candace Owens because, you know, she was doing just a little bit too much noticing.

You know, she was just doing just a little bit too much questioning of this regime that’s killing millions of people for millions, thousands of years. I mean, this. This is not something that’s new. Okay, but if he would have been a protestant pastor in some non denominational church talking about the same thing and wasn’t jewish, would her posts still. Have our accounts still been taken down? Well, no, of course not, because there really aren’t that many evangelical protestant pastors in no name churches that are orchestrating the genocide of thousands of kids. Well, right. And then publishing that genocide right.

On television and all over acts. Yes, I am bragging about it. And then coming to our congress and begging for more millions and trillions of dollars to continue said genocide. Hey, still read this. You should read this. Rounds of applause. Like, record shattering rounds of applause for doing it. This is Benjamin Netanyahu, who, by the way, has the stated goal of overtaking and conquering the United States and then selling it off to everybody else, to selling it off to the highest bidders and turning Americans into slaves. And by the way, that’s not just Benjamin Netanyahu. That is the entire Talmud that says that when they usher in the new messiah, by ushering in the Antichrist, speeding up that process, by killing heifers and building the third temple, that we will all be slaves.

This is a stated goal. Well, I’ll tell you one thing. I know how you. I know how you feel, bow. I’m not sure how you feel. Although I think I know how you feel. Yes, sir. They can infiltrate and make us slaves if they want, but I’m taking a lot of those motherfuckers with me when I go. I am not going silent. There you go. Doors open. Want all the smoke all the time. All the smoke all the time. There wouldn’t be gayness because they stone those people. That’s a funny comment. That’s hilarious. I’m looking at some of these comments now.

Greg Locke. Yeah. And by the way, Tel Aviv is the gayest city on the face of the planet. I don’t know if anybody is aware of that or not, but Tel Aviv is actually. No, it is. It’s the most homosexual city in all of the planet. So Greg Locke is working with the rabbis. They done lost their pepper over there. Greg. Greg Locke is working with the rabbis and the red heifer program for the same goal of hastening the second coming so the jewish messiah can rule the world from Zion. Yeah. Can you believe that? I mean, that is that this guy calls himself a christian pastor.

This is why I really want to sit down with this guy. He calls himself a christian pastor, but then wants to assist these people in the red heifer thing. Bow, you can tell me if I’m right about this, because my memory, whatever. But I’m pretty sure I’m right about this. Not only do they slaughter these, kill these perfectly red heifers or whatever, but then they burn them, and then they drink their blood and they. Something with ashes. Yep. They burn them to get the ashes, and then they do something with the ashes as well, I believe.

Yeah. And then they, like, sniff their hair and eat their poop, and. It’s great. Make tea. Doctor Anastasia. Doctor Anastasia is truly a legend. Anastasia. Millions of UN troops in America awaiting orders from Soros and associates. I don’t know. Are you reading comments over there? Bob, what do you got? Yep. Yep. That’s what I’m doing right now. We have. Aldo says millions of UN troops in America awaiting orders from us. From a Soros and associates. The DNC is the most lgbtq AI I’ve ever seen. It’s all CGI and fake. Yeah, well, not only that, but Beth Kay is right.

But I would say the RNC was actually almost even worse. I mean, these people are all. There’s no left right paradigm at this point anymore. Anybody who believes in the Republicans versus the Democrats and the RNC versus the DNC. And conservatives are really fighting against these liberals. They’re really fighting for conservative values. Oh, is that right? Is that right? Because why are conservatives propping up gay pride and transgenderism? And why are conservatives allowing the border to be completely wide open without saying anything about it? I mean, what was the last thing that you heard from Marjorie Taylor Greene, other than, yeah, I don’t have a husband anymore because I fucked like, 30 other dudes? Yeah.

Is that true, man? Yeah, it’s very true. Did you guys happen to see pictures of the, of fink, of blackrock walking around with the shooter that tried to shoot Trump? I saw them and now I can’t find them anywhere. I do know that the shooter was supposedly in a Blackrock commercial that was, there was, there was a picture of them float. I did see that. There was a picture of them floating around, some security camera footage or something of them together. Yes, I did see that somewhere. I don’t remember. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Well, I do know that he appeared in a blackrock commercial.

I didn’t know that he was like, running around with Fink. No, it was like a, like a post office or a UPS store or something like that. Oh, like his picture was on the wanted thing in the post. They were in there together grabbing packages. Surely they couldn’t have been. Wow. Is that what you’re talking about? That’s the picture I saw. Yeah, whatever. The way. Yeah. So there’s no way that the guy who was sent to shoot the lone wolf, that somehow with a rifle, walked through this big area, this big open area, who parked blocks away, who, by the way, must have had a ladder in tow because there was a ladder that was very strategically placed right there on this building where the former president, probably the most prolific man who has more sway over more people on planet Earth was going to be speaking, one of the most controversial people on planet Earth is going to be speaking here, the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, the presumptive republican nominee for president of the United States of America, the anti war president, by the way, who says that he’s going to be against the Israel lobby.

Just, just kidding. He’s not. He’s going to be against the war machine. Right. Well, there’s a lot of reasons why people might want to kill this guy. And there’s a lot of made up reasons why a lot of people want to kill this guy. There’s a lot of reasons why people have been, have been printed in the press about this guy that are completely fake, that. I mean, I know how that feels. And by the way, the Tate’s know how this feels. Be the first one to come out and start talking about zionist. Guess what? Boom.

Like clockwork, charged with a sex crime, have your house raided. You know, all these other things just happened to the Tate’s again last night. They were on a live with Candace Owens and. And Dan Valzerian just a few days ago talking about all of this, and then bang, boom. What do you know? Armed police there raiding their house. Once again, stories about them being, yes, sex criminals or something. Oh, my God. So this guy. You’re telling me that this guy had a ladder in tow? Carrying a ladder. Carrying. Carrying a rifle. Parks two blocks away, broad daylight, walks, walks through, gets this ladder set up, climbs to the top of the.

Climbs to the top of this place, scales the roof. By the way, hundreds of people are saying, hey, yeah, there’s a guy up. There’s a guy up there on the roof. He’s gonna, like, do something that he shouldn’t be doing. I don’t think he’s one of you. They have their eyes on this guy for over two minutes. So, wait, you’re telling me that guy just coincidentally was meeting up with the head of Blackrock? Weird. No way. Hey, Tim Walls. Isn’t that weird? There’s no way. Hey, so he says the shooter, the guy look like a snore lord.

You know, I mean, there’s no way that he was tactically moving across. I would say, and I would say that that story is as believable as what happened on October 7, where a bunch of low iq goat herders flew in on hang gliders, paraglided their way through the most fortified borders on all of planet Earth, somehow magically escaped the Iron Dome. Trillions of dollars. If I were a taxpayer, which I shouldn’t be anymore, and I probably won’t be, I would be really pissed off that all of my money went to fund this thing that completely failed for these paragliders that came in.

So anyway, these paragliders, they defeat all of these borders and all of this security and these missile defense systems that are trillions of dollars, and then they land, and then they somehow get away with massive gang rapes. Like, just, they go to a dance party, and then there’s these, like, massive gang rapes, and then they kill, like, thousands of people. Oh, and then they grab up hundreds of them, Richard. They grab up hundreds of these people, who, by the way, when they were raping, they were also beheading and then there were beheaded babies. Although all bullshit, by the way, all of this is 100% bullshit.

But then they grabbed hundreds of people and somehow got, like, relaunched on their hang gliders and then went on the, went on the lam with hundreds of hostages and just, we’ve been unable to find them ever since with folded Walmart tents on their hang gliders. That’s what they used to come in. Yeah, I don’t know. They should have completely obliterated this whole thing. This is crazy. Oh, my God. And you know, the thing is, is that people actually buy this shit. There are people that watch the Fox News Channel, that watch CNN, that watch MSNBC. They literally eat this up.

I was having a conversation with a guy before. This was, I think, yesterday. A friend of mine, he calls me up and he’s like, hey, I was over at such and such talking to so and so about buying some land, and your name came up and I’m like, yeah, what’s that? And he’s like, well, he was saying that he really likes you. He’s a big fan of yours. He’s known you for a long time. He really loves your work. He appreciates everything that you’ve done and all the truth that you’re telling and died suddenly and everything that you did during Covid-19 but he really doesn’t understand this stuff about the Jews.

Didn’t they just get, like, attacked by, like, terrorists and stuff? Like, he doesn’t understand. Why would you be against them defending themselves? Well, that’s part of the problem, bro, is that people don’t know what the truth is. And so they just go off, whatever these, if you want to call them, media, these, these assholes that lie to you and the mainstream media, and they don’t really know. They don’t do their own research, they don’t look up their own facts. They don’t, they don’t do anything other than take it in like a sponge, and it’s ridiculous. Do some of your own investigating, right? I encourage it.

Yeah. Yes. I mean, and this is, this is the 100%, by the way, black Rock, State street, vanguard, Soros Rothschild funded media. And yet people, even though they’re able to, like, consciously identify a threat and they’re able to consciously say, oh, yeah, I believe what my eyes are showing me. They still, I think, just cognitively have a hard time accepting that this might be reality. Like actually accepting that 2% of our population could possibly overtake virtually 100% of our government, and that there is such a small group of people that could do this much damage. And I think that there’s just a real.

I think that there’s a real cognitive dissonant disconnect. Did you have some more comment comments, bow? Yeah, he said that. Good, bow. Did we answer? Did we answer the question? Yes. Killed it. So he said the shooter had long hair. To be long hair. So it had to be after the commercial, because I believe in the commercial. He had short hair. Well, yeah, I definitely saw that. The common. Yeah, a communist agenda was read into the congressional record in 1963 and is pure evil. Anyone that believes in the red blue narrative, ask yourself, did either party try and stop it? The answer is no.

It’s great. Has any party tried to stop what’s happening to us right now? No, because they’re all reaping the benefits. Yeah. Did either party try to stop the bioweapon genocide? Has either party morally represented themselves upright at either one of these conventions? Has there been one person that has stood up and said, you know what, we’re not going to deal with pedophilia. We’re not going to deal with homosexuality. We’re not going to deal. This is a christian country. Has anybody actually stood up and said that? Absolutely not. No. So what are conservatives actually conserving at this point? Speaker one, why is Trump still using Secret Service? He’s a billionaire and could clearly afford his own private security.

This seems suspicious. Who created Hamas? Roundtree. It’d be like me making a cardboard box space. Come on, man. Yeah, there’s a lot better arguments. Of course he needs Secret Service. Yeah. Why do you think you need Secret Service? Why don’t you like his point? Well, I mean, I like. I like Alex’s point in the sense that I think that Trump could hire private security that would do a much better job. But I also think that it’s incumbent upon the people to make sure that they govern a secret service, that they govern, that they properly govern their own government into providing a secret service that’s actually gonna protect those people who are important in our country, and they won’t give a private security agency access to all the places of the Secret Service.

Yeah, but if it’s Trump, though, he’s not a president. So if he’s not a president at this point, it’s up to Trump, really. I think even if he is the president of the United States, it’s really up to him to decide who it is that protects him. Really? And sure. I mean, correct me if I’m wrong. Maybe there’s a business, maybe I don’t know if you’re in chat. If you’re in chat right now, maybe. Maybe somebody knows this better than I do. But look, when. When I am the king, I’m going to pick my own. My own security.

I’m not going to let the people who I just destroyed or who I’m attempting to destroy surround me with guns and say they’re protecting me. He said, that wouldn’t make for a good. It would not make for a good day, bro. How was. How was Trump exposing the Secret Service, Lynn? Why. Why do you think? He. Because he said that there was weird intel going on the day that he got shot. How the. How the fuck? What? What? No, Lynn, she. She ended that with a ha. Got you. So what? She’s. She’s making fun of everybody who says that Trump is just playing 5d chess by associating with people who he’s trying to expose.

Trust the plan. Got it. Got it. Got it. Q stu, will you ever run for office? Katie wants to know. Ooh, no, I won’t. Not until our election process is completely fixed. It’s a waste of time. You see, I’m not ever going to kiss that fucking wall, and I’m not ever going to wear that fucking hat. And so if I don’t wear that hat and I don’t kiss that wall, I’ll never get any time in the media. Nobody will ever even know that I was running. And even if people did know that I was running, they.

They would never know if they could support me. And by the way, I wouldn’t get the mega donors backing. Like Miriam Adelson, who just donated $100 million to the Trump campaign with the promise that he would do anything to protect everyone at the behest of Israel. So, no, I don’t think that until this is fixed, I’m going to be running for office. I do, though. I hear God quite frequently, and I know that my calling isn’t this. I think this isn’t the top. And I think that there’s a real possibility that I could be the king very soon.

Golden tulip, golden tulip on hey. Golden tulip on. Rumble says no scar on ear. I don’t know why you’re laughing at that. I literally am saying I’m hearing from God that I could be the king. Why are you laughing? Of what? The king of our country or the world? Well, right on, bro. I wish. Good. Team up with Vlad Putin. So, wait, if you were the king, you would team up with Vlad? I mean, you know, basically, from where I sit. It looks like Vladimir Putin might be. He might be one of the only guys that’s actually standing in between what’s left of this free world and whatever this one world governance is that’s heading our way.

I mean, here’s a guy who actually puts the interests of his people first. Why don’t you go ask Vladimir Putin about the illegal immigration in his country? I bet it’d be a pretty fucking short conversation. Yeah. Ask Vladimir Putin what he does with pedophiles in his country. I bet it’s not what Elon Musk does. I bet he’s not banning people for exposing them. Ask Vladimir Putin how many shots he mandated. Or ask Vladimir Putin if he forced any american kids to get their dicks chopped off. Fair enough. Yeah. Yeah, fair enough. That’s a great point. Look, look, I understand propaganda, and I understand that during times of war, that propaganda is the first thing to.

The first casualty is obviously the truth. I understand all of that. So could Vladimir Putin be an evil dictator? I suppose. I suppose he could be ruthless, but from where I sit, it just doesn’t appear that way. And by the way, here’s a guy who sent humanitarian transports into Ukraine to get ethnic Russians out while they were shot in the back by Volodymyr Zelensky’s neo Nazi Azov battalion. Neo Nazi Azov battalion, by the way, who ate opposition soldiers, who targeted russian soldiers families, who conscripted non military people to come and serve unwillingly in this effort against Russia at the behest of NATO and the US war machine.

So, yeah, from where I sit, it looks to me like Vladimir Putin is probably. Probably not the bad guy and probably not the boogeyman. The american media, israeli media actually would claim that he is. Yeah. Well, we had this conversation, you and I, privately, once, about how if our leaders were America first, like Putin is Russia first, we probably would have a whole lot less problems. Yeah, I mean, and so all of those things you just named would be a great way of putting the people that. The people of the. Of the country first, the citizens before yourself, because that, if I’m not mistaken, all of those assholes profited something off this bio weapon.

Everybody involved problem. Of course they did. Yes, yes. So why. Why keep playing along? Why do we keep, not we the proverbial we as Americans? Why does it. Why do Americans keep playing along with all this bullshit all the time? Well, what do you suggest? What do you suggest? Don’t play along. Did you get the shot? No, I didn’t get the shot, Bob. Did you get the shot? Fucking course not. What do you mean? Oh, no. Okay, so don’t play along. Don’t do what they tell you you have to do. What? They didn’t put anybody in jail for not taking the shot, did they? They put people in jail for not wearing a mask in public.

Well, I don’t know about that. I mean, they threatened to court martial, you know, military personnel if they didn’t get the shot. Well, people lost their. Yes. They lost their livelihoods. Yeah, but you could end up in the brig for that, though. I mean. Yeah, so, I mean, I would say, were people in prison for it? I would say absolutely, yes. And maybe not here in the United States necessarily, but maybe also yes. So. But I think that people had their kids taken away from them because they refused to inoculate their kids, which is even worse than a jail sentence.

And I know that abroad in some other countries, the police were actually chasing people down, tackling them in the streets, and forcefully inoculating them. Yeah, fuck that. And I believe that happened in Austria, and I’m pretty damn sure I’m right about that. That happened in Austria. So Lyn says Putin is offering the west to move there if they have room. Would you move? Speaker one? Yes. Yeah. Did you see that? Would you move? Russia’s kind of dope. No, I’m not moving because I’m here fighting and I’m not. I’m not giving up ground, and I’m not surrendering and I’m nothing.

Waving the white flag. So there’s a battlefield right here in our country. And as a leader in this country, I’m going to stay right up in here and I’m going to fight this war until I take my last breath. Speaking of Battlefield, before we close out, Gerald Watts says Ukraine even sent people with downs to the front line. That’s crazy. They did? Yes. They recovered speaker one. No way. Is that real? Yeah. Unbelievable. Yeah, no, they really did. They recruited. Wow. Children. And they forced them. So they didn’t recruit anybody. They drafted. They’ll say they conscripted them.

Yes. No way. That’s crazy. Yes. Kids. Kids with down syndrome. Geez Louise. That’s insane. Stu, do you want to hit your read? Oh, yeah, of course. Yes, absolutely. One of the. One of the bravest sponsors that we have. Probably the only brave sponsor left at this point because they’re here on uncancellable, which you can see the conversations that we have here, for crying out loud, Adam Greens and Bergenstein. But anyways, Gold co. Actually does help Americans to protect themselves against all of this hyperinflation and criminal taxation. There’s been a lot of talk about precious metals recently, a lot of talk about gold and silver.

You can see that it’s like at an all time high right now. I mean, it’s record smashing, record breaking. And really, I mean, the government can’t get their hands on it. If you have physical gold and silver, they can’t get their hands on your wealth. So make sure that you protect yourself. I buy it from Gold Co. I hope that you will call them and give them an opportunity to earn your business. If you’re buying gold or silver, buy it from a sponsor that advertises here, because then you can help us to stay independent. Buy it from Gold Co.

Plus, they’re offering a 10% match in free silver right now. That’s actually pretty unheard of because silver is skyrocketed right now. A 10% match in free silver. Just call them the numbers. 855706 gold. Again, that’s 855706 gold. Or if you prefer the web stoolikes gold.com, because I do. Stu likesgold.com. why would you love that? Beautiful. We just hit an hour and ten minutes. This has been a very. Oh, yeah, we got to hit that. Got to hit that. A very jam packed show. A little bit of audio, obviously issues in the beginning, but I feel like we landed nicely.

Feel like we landed. I think that, you know, I mean, uncancellable viewers are kind of. It’s becoming a joke. What audio issue are we going to have? Facts. Absolutely, bro. You want to know what I think it was, Stu? I just realized when you were talking, I would love to know what you think. I don’t think. I don’t think Adam had headphones, neither. Adam. Speaker gone. Yeah, neither. Yeah, but what about Doctor Lupus? Did she have headphones? No. No. Neither of them had headphones in front of a laptop. Exactly. You’re going to be on uncancellable half headphones.

You need to be. You need to be. Have a little bit of couth here. Okay? A little. A little bit of tact, if you would. Come on. Come on. Show us the respect of bringing some headphones along. I mean, what do you do? Do you get, when you’re traveling on the plane, you know, do you open up your laptop and just start blasting Drake? Or do you put some headphones in? Yes. You know, do you just start. Do you just start blasting King Bao and the greatest of all time, you know, or focus? Or do you do you put some headphones in.

Yes, of course you do. Well, I think that you. Sorry to keep you up here, bo. No, man. You do your due diligence and you find the local audio visual professional. Yeah. And you have them set you up. Yeah. Tea leaves says favorite show. We appreciate that. We appreciate that. Tea leaves. We appreciate that. Beth K. Sound fire. Beth K. Is like our number one comment. There is something else I would like to say, though. Yes, of course. And so. All right, so in the, in the light of the fact that we have been losing sponsors.

Okay. And you’re aware of this, you have a. You have a show on the network, by the way. I do. Just. I’m going to just do a little shilling for Richard Leonard show. Of course. It’s the Richard Leonard show. Tell people about it real quick. Again, the Richard Leonard show is we talk all about military and veteran issues that are going on in our communities, in our country, or the lack of things going on in our communities or country for veterans or military members or the families of. And so we. We talk about all that stuff.

We find all the bullshit that the VA is not doing for us while also talking about the successes that they have. So we’re not here to just slam anybody or hammer anybody, but speak the truth. That’s it. Love it, man. That’s what we do. Sunday evening, 07:00 p.m. eastern standard time. You can find us Sunday evening at 07:00 p.m. eastern. It’s the Richard Leonard show. All of a sudden, that echo did come back. Did you get it? Bows got a speaker. No way. He fucked. No, don’t even. Hold up. Hold. Don’t. Don’t even. What are you talking about? There ain’t no echo.

Stop it now. It went away. What? Not for us. No, it didn’t. What? Guys, you don’t have an echo. But when we talk, we’re hearing ourselves back, like 3 seconds after every word that we say, we hear it back, which puts you in this tunnel of overstimulation. It’s really difficult to talk like this. We’re going to do like a whole bunch of testing the next time. If the show starts at 10:00 p.m. eastern, we’re going to be here at 06:00 p.m. hammering out all of these audio issues. Absolutely. But anyway, I went to talk about Richard Leonard so that I could say this, so that I could say Richard Leonard has his show, which is doing, you know, 70,000 views a week.

It’s an amazing show. And you’re doing an amazing service for people, by the way. Thank you. I’m taking my ears out, so I’m not going to be able to hear anybody, but I need to be able to hear myself think. You’re doing a tremendous service for veterans. I mean, you exposed a lot of things about the way that the VA is handling things. You’ve exposed a lot of things about the way that, you know, like Tim walls. I mean, he’s from here. You brought a veteran on that exposed his stolen valor. I served in his unit, the unit that deployed that he was a coward and left and ran from.

I was there. Well, not in. Not in the room, but I was in. That unit doesn’t get any more firsthand than that. That’s crazy. So the Richard Leonard show, by all justifications, justifiably so, is doing tremendous numbers. We also have uncancellable. Obviously, everybody is aware of uncancellable because you’re all here, and a lot of people are saying, hey, my new favorite show. We appreciate that. We actually, right down the hall from here, have the uncancellable studio, where no longer will we have to deal with remote audio issues because we’re going to sit down on the couch.

Anybody who’s brave enough to actually sit down on the couch with us, we can bring Adam Greensbergenstein Rosenberg right here to our studio, and we can sit down with him. There’s your invite. Rosenbergenstein, Adam, and you can sit down on the couch with us. But we also have the millstone report with Paul Harrell. That’s every single day. We have Deanna Lorraine with shots fired. We have Candace Taylor, who does a tremendous job with Jesus, guns, and babies. We have Carlos Cortez. Oh, my God. How could I forget? Scriptures in Wall street, all kinds of tremendous programming.

And the Stu Peters show, of course, has been here. The flagship show has been here. I’m here come hell or high water, every single day. We’re here at 06:00 p.m. eastern. Monday through Friday, 06:00 p.m. eastern. You know, Stu Peters is in front of the microphone now in the brand new studio facility, which is, I mean, all glory to God. This thing is tremendously wonderful, and we couldn’t do it without brave sponsors that got us here. But I will be honest, since releasing the teasers for occupied, we have experienced quite the loss of cowardly advertisers who, yeah, we just don’t really want to be associated with antisemitic brand.

We’re a little bit scared of that. And so there’s been some advertisers that have pulled out because they’re cowards, and we don’t. We don’t want to do business with cowards anyways. So we’re actually kind of. In a roundabout way, we’re really glad that they’re gone. But it actually inspired me to allow people to be the most important part of our army. And the most important part of our army is all of you. And so that’s why we’re just asking people if you would just go over here to our rumble channel. This is the entire Stu Peters network, where you will see all of our content.

There’s Richard Leonard right there. Look at that. Look at that. There’s Jesus, guns, and babies. There’s scriptures in Wall street. Oh, I forgot about this one. TDR with Arthur Kwan Lee. What a great guy. He’s on here being brave and pointing things out. Of course, live broadcasts that we have started now. We’re doing a lot of remote stuff. You’ll see uncancellable in the streets. And if you feel like our work is worth dollar nine a month, if you just click right here on Stu crew, it’s going to take you to a place that says, oh, do I want to support? Yeah, actually, I really would like to support.

So you click on the support button, and it takes you here, where either you can give once, and I’ll get to that in a second. But we’re looking for subscribers who want to stick around with us monthly for just dollar nine a month, if that’s what you feel like it’s worth. Look, we’re talking about putting out films like died suddenly. We’re talking about these little ones, which targeted the human trafficking operation called CPSD. Final days with Karen Kingston. I mean, the list goes on. And now, of course, occupied. And occupied is going to be an absolute game changer.

It is unquestionably the most important film that this network has ever done. And so, hey, I will just say part of war is financing, and we need to be financed. And so we’re asking you to help us with that. So if you feel like we’re worth $9 a month, or we can save you two months, give you two months free if you’ll subscribe annually for $90. Now, here’s what I will say about the one time subscribers. We welcome one time subscribers or one time give once donors, I guess you would say donation. I believe in what he’s doing, and I’d really like to donate.

Well, we would like you to get exclusive material and early releases and ticket giveaways. And I just announced earlier today on a live stream that what we’re actually going to do for our next giveaway for those people who subscribe either monthly or annually. So if you choose either one of these options monthly or annually, I’m going to do something really cool. You want to know what I’m going to do? Yeah, I do. I am going to buy four first class airfare tickets. Okay. For. I’m going to draw randomly. In a few months, I’m going to draw randomly a winner, and then I’m going to pick, you know, randomly.

We’ll do, like, a spin wheel or something. I don’t know what we’re going to do, but we’re going to pick four people. One person. Okay, hold on. Let me get my shit straight here. We’re going to pick one person, but then they can bring three of their friends. Oh, gotcha. Okay, so four first class tickets from anywhere in the upper United States. I will even include Canada and Mexico. Although Mexico. You guys haven’t been too agreeable lately, what with, you know, electing a jew for a president. I don’t know what that was all about. I don’t think a jewish person actually really accurately represents the mexican culture, but who might have been spanish or a lot.

Who am I to say? Maybe I’m overstepping my bounds, but I digress. Four people from anywhere in North America. Canada, though, we’ve got. I’ve got a ton of love for Canada. And Canada, by the way, has been with us in every step of the way throughout this fight. So a lot of love for Canada. But anyway, let’s get back to this. Four first class tickets from anywhere in the upper north american continent, really. And I guess I chose a little bit of Latin America as well. You can do that. Okay, so what do they get? They’re going to fly first class into Minneapolis.

I’m going to put them up in a beautiful hotel after training, transporting them in a presidential type way, in a presidential motorcade esque type way right here to the Stu Peters network headquarters. And then they get to be a part of it. They get to just hang out with us. They get to do live shows and tapings and video productions, and they get to, like, go out to dinner with us. And, you know, I don’t know. I don’t do tea and crumpets, but if you want to have a beer with me, I’d be more than happy to have a beer with you.

There you go. And, you know, all of that just for being a part of keeping us independent and really supporting the cause. And so all you got to do again is on the Rumble channel. You just go right here. I’ll x out of this. Hold on. Let me show you my computer screen here. There it is. If you go to our Rumble channel, you just hit the Stu crew button, right? Once you hit Stu crew. Oh, wait, support. Yeah. Oh, yep. I want to support. Get that rabbi out of the way. All right. And then it takes you to this page right here.

And then you subscribe monthly or of course, annually. Now the give once people, here’s what I’d like to say about the give once people. What this is really designed for because we don’t want you to go broke supporting us, you know, so I feel like $9 a month. I mean, most people are paying $9 for every gallon of gas. Most people are paying $9 for a cup of coffee at this point. A lot of people are paying a lot more than $9 for their cable subscription. So I think $9 a month is pretty affordable. But we don’t, we don’t, we absolutely don’t want you to go broke supporting us.

There’s no way that we would ever ask you to do that. So if you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it. But really, the give once option, I think, is unlimited. Yes. And so what we’re looking for with the give once people really is, I’m asking you billionaires out there or you people who could find a million dollars in your couch cushions or several hundred thousand. A film like occupied is going to cost me well over a million dollars to produce and to distribute and to advertise and to, you know, I mean, all of these things died suddenly, was well over a million dollars instead of donating all of this ridiculous money to political candidates.

Because when was the last time a political candidate did anything positive in your life? Or any politician or any elected representative? Not for quite a while. So, you know, maybe it would be better off, maybe you’d be better served by funding the people’s bullhorn and by really doing people a really tremendous service. You know, instead of that governor or congressional candidate or even instead of that pack that you wanted to donate to, I’ve got a better idea. How about the give once right here, and then you just add a few zeros to this number right here.

And that’s the give once people. You can be anonymous. I know that there’s a lot of people who have, you know, they’re business owners. They’ve got Fortune 500 companies, but they’re going, shit. You know what? I actually really do agree with Stu. I actually really know that this is an imminent threat. And I think that this is a really noble cause. So $9 a month. $90 for the year is the best deal for all of us. I mean, us normal people. Yeah, it’s very affordable. $90 a year. I think I spend $90 a month on some.

Some other bullshit that I could throw away. And it’s like filling your gas tank once. $90 to fill your gas tank. Well, so my question is, if I cancel my subscription, can I resubscribe and entertain? I don’t because I’d like to. Well, I think that would be cheating. That’d be like, everyone, can I get. Can I get 27 ballots? No, we’re gonna catch on. Here’s a great question. Here’s a great question. You subscribe. Can you subscribe from Australia Fair? This is. This is. All of this is on the up and up. Can you subscribe from Australia? And Alex says, yes, you can subscribe from anywhere.

Yeah, you can subscribe from anywhere. Alex Roundtree, by the way, big shout out to Alex Roundtree. That is the communications chief of the Stu Peters network. He is responsible for communicating. And he likes to stir the pot, I think. Yeah, Alex is a. Alex is a shit stir beautiful. I mean, he communicates. So he’s a communicator. I thought he was ill. No, that’s just what he says on days that he doesn’t want to work. Alex, are you ill or are you Farid? Of course I have to explain to him. Well, regardless if I’m sick, puking, whatever, I have to put on this damn suit every day and be here and pretend I want to be facts.

How easy you have at Mister Roundtree. Yeah. Geez Louise. Oh, well, I mean, it’s really not, Beth. It’s really not about being a marketing genius. I’m just trying to appeal to the common sense sensory functions of warriors that are involved in our fight. And really, it makes a lot more sense to spend $9 a month or $90 a year or 20 million as a one time giver than it does to try to support any of these so called fake political candidates that are all controlled by the people that we, by the way, are trying to defeat.

White stag says stew would rather be in the speaker three about what that could do for the network. I mean, we could do a whole lot more hard hitting stuff that bring. Bring a whole lot more truth. To light because there’s a lot of stuff out there that we haven’t even touched yet. But we can get to it a little quicker. Maybe. White stag on rumble. That was a hilarious comment. They say Stu would rather be in the studio rapping view if he was going to be in the studio. You’re not going to give it the horns.

I got you. Come on now. I’ve been trying to get a. Everybody, just so you know. I’ve been trying to get Mister Stu Peters out of retirement for like a month now. I got a couple songs for him. You guys gotta put some. Put some ones in the chat if you want to see focus come out of retirement. Yeah. Can I add to that? I would like everybody to know that I’ve been on. I’ve been on Stu for years. Not. Not just a little while, but for years. Come on, just do a cup. Just do a couple tracks.

Yes, I’m. Bro, hold up. No, no, we could. I could show text messages. Bro, I have been trying to get this guy to do a song and you’re getting blown up with one. Stu. I’ve been getting. I’ve been trying to get this man to come out of retirement. It’s about that time. Okay. It’s about that time. I used to. I mean, look, I’ve actually been here freestyling on uncancellable before, so it’s not like people have never heard this. Yeah, it’s for sure. Like, it’s not like this would be some, like, really weird new surprise for anybody.

Yeah. You know, they’re not. I mean, they’re not gonna be like, oh, my God. This. He actually does really. I don’t know. We need a produce track. At least one, maybe two. Yeah, you know, new, new, brand new. Sweet. Yes, I got. I got it, King. We used to sit. I’ve got one for you. Give me the screen here for a second. Yeah, of course. I got you. Oh. Oh, you know what? It won’t let me do that. Really? Oh, yeah. No, no, it won’t because it’s your stream. Oh, gotcha. What do you need me to play? Let me do that.

So anyway, I was about to spoil everybody. Well, hey, for next week, King, we used to sit in that truck for hours doing surveillance, looking for shit bags to bring the jail to sit down for a while. I used to tell them all the time, hey, man, you got just. Let’s. Let’s find a beat. You’re trying to produce him? Yes. Yeah, but he just. He won’t do. And I know, that is absolutely not true. We spent hours in the truck, and I didn’t rap. I didn’t freestyle. Not. Would not. Not that. Not that. You let me record.

Oh, yes. Got you lots of. Yeah. Yeah. But that’s what I’m saying. We just got to get him out one time, you know, one time and we’ll make it work. Get one of those cones and I’m. You got there sitting by your. I don’t got cones. I roll my own. You know, when you have a show with Stu Peters. Hold up. When you have a show with Stu Peters, if you’re not, you know, taking the CBD or taking some. Whatever, every once in a while, you’re not. You’re not a real co host. You know what I mean? I have to be the balance here.

That’s how Alex roundtree got sick. Yeah. By the way. By the way, when we say sick, we mean, hey, Alex just said. Alex just said, change the rapper name from focus to not juice to. Or Jupiters. Or Jupiters. Either one. Either one. That’s hilarious. You Peters. I like it. Yeah, I like it. Focus was going to lay some tracks. Yeah, he didn’t. He fucked up. Well, he’ll send it to me next week. He’ll send it to me next week. Well, here’s. Here’s. Here’s what I would like to be focused on. Let’s do this before we get out of here.

One more time. One more time. There is this do crew button, and that’ll take you to the support page. So, I don’t know. We’ll see if we could have somebody add some zeros to that and they give ones. But, you know, really what? Honestly, I am not into this give once thing. Unless, honestly, seriously, if you’ve got hundreds of millions of dollars or several million, you want to give a big amount, then we definitely will put it to good use. But really, we’re just asking for our army to help to support us and keep us and keep us independent.

Because I will never bend my knee. I will never sell out. This network is not for sale. I’m never giving in for the shekels or my 30 pieces of silver. I’m 1000% committed to remaining independent. And going for the throat, the jugular, going to pinpoint the epicenter of the attack that is imminently facing our children and this country and really all of humanity and exposing it. And that comes at a cost. So we’re just asking to be a part of the army. I think that’s a really fair ask. Then we can keep people in their place.

Like the guy that looked like Jesus, Adam Greenstein. That would be great. We need that help. He did not look like Jesus in any way. Well, he was trying to. Yeah, well, I mean, of course he is. That’s part of the shtick. It’s part of making yourself look innocent. And then you come in, and you’re kind of like a viper, and it’s, you know, sneaky snakes everywhere. That’s. That’s the. Hey, that’s the definition. I know it sounds cliche, but that’s the wolf in sheep’s clothing right there, bro. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that’s. This is uncancellable, guys. We will fucking talk to anybody, including Adam Green.

We did it. Yeah. I just wish that I could have been able to hear him. Yeah, he didn’t have headphones. They didn’t have headphones, and it fucked it up. We have to remember that next. Now we know. Hey, chat. I don’t want to hear shit next week. I don’t want to hear shit next week. You fucking talk about. My audio was great this week. Okay. All right. We will get headphones for all of our guests. I just want to say, you know, I mean, it’s. It’s really. It’s just like a. It’s just like a jew to come without headphones.

Yeah. Still. Come on. This is uncancellable.

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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Adam Green guest appearance Candace Owens support Chaotic religious conversation Christianity controlled opposition Elon Musk criticism free speech on social media Heated religious debate Israel conspiracy theories Judaism Christianity debate Judaism ultimate goal Richard Leonard Stu Peters show social media censorship discussion technical issues during discussion veterans life discussion Zionism influence concerns

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