Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ The Stew Peters Network hosts a conversation between two hosts on a new network, discussing various topics. They express skepticism about the threat of monkeypox, make controversial comments about homosexuality, and discuss the upcoming elections. They also touch on international conflicts and the state of law enforcement during Pride events.
➡ The text is a chaotic conversation between two individuals discussing various topics, including their views on LGBTQ+ issues, their opinions on Donald Trump, their thoughts on other public figures, and their experiences with social media and podcasting. They also discuss their desire for truth and honesty in public discourse.
➡ In Bangladesh, a large group of young people, known as zoomers, led a nonviolent protest against their oppressive government. Despite facing violent retaliation, they remained unarmed and continued their protest, eventually overthrowing the prime minister. The military now follows the orders of these young leaders, who have set up an interim government. This event shows that it’s possible to peacefully overthrow a tyrannical government and replace it with one that represents the people.
➡ The speaker expresses distrust in public figures like Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg due to their associations and actions. They emphasize the importance of open conversations and dialogue, and mention inviting a transgender person onto their show to promote such discussions. They also discuss their new studio and the team behind their network, praising their commitment to truth and willingness to risk personal relationships for it.
➡ The text is a conversation between several people discussing their experiences and connections in the media industry. They talk about their work, including creating promotional videos and building a studio facility. They also discuss their personal choices, like dietary preferences, and address comments from their audience. They express their excitement about their new studio and future plans for their shows.
➡ The speaker is asking for financial support for their independent media platform, which doesn’t have backing from big corporations or banks. They produce films and daily broadcasts, and are asking for a $9 monthly donation or a one-time donation to help fund their work. They also mention a few sponsors, including a gold and silver company. They discuss the possibility of a giveaway for supporters and express their skepticism about another lockdown due to a pandemic.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the efficiency of the studio crew, the potential impact of monkeypox, and the controversy surrounding vaccines. They also express their skepticism about politics and the state of the world, and discuss the funding of their film project. They encourage their audience to support their work and express their belief that their film could significantly influence public opinion.
➡ The speaker expresses skepticism about information from NASA and mainstream media, suggesting they spread misinformation. They also discuss the need for people to understand who’s controlling things behind the scenes. The speaker mentions a bird flu summit and encourages listeners to infiltrate and report on it. They also express their belief that evil is on its way out.
➡ The Stu Peters Network is promoting new merchandise available on their website, SPN store.com, including hoodies and t-shirts. They encourage their audience to support them by purchasing these items, as they no longer rely on traditional advertising. They also discuss their mission to liberate the country and ensure a safer future for upcoming generations. The hosts express gratitude for their audience’s support and commitment to their cause.
➡ The speaker criticizes Sam for not sharing controversial views, accusing him of protecting certain narratives due to personal interests. They discuss Israel’s influence on U.S. foreign policy, media control, and the role of NATO in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The speaker believes this conflict is a proxy war led by the U.S. at Israel’s behest, with NATO as a front. They also mention the Rothschild banking system’s influence and the CIA’s role in regime changes.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including accusations of being a grifter, misgendering a person named Dennis, and their views on AIPAC’s influence on elections. They also express disappointment in Roger Stone’s stance on Israel and criticize the interpretation of the Schofield Bible. The speaker mentions an invitation to meet Vladimir Putin, which they couldn’t accept due to visa issues. They end by addressing a person named Denise who wants to speak on their show.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including their belief that Vladimir Putin is one of the few world leaders standing against a one-world government. They express skepticism towards democracy, suggesting that it’s a dangerous concept and that the U.S. should be a constitutional republic instead. They also claim that elections have been manipulated for years. Lastly, they mention an upcoming film called “Occupied,” which aims to expose the alleged actions of Jews against Christians and Gentiles, and the
supposed influence of Israel on U.S. events.
➡ The speaker discusses an upcoming film they’re working on, emphasizing that it’s not anti-Semitic or racist, but factual. They express frustration over accusations of racism and anti-Semitism, arguing that the film exposes actions that have been publicly documented. They also touch on various societal issues, including freedom of speech, and mention their partnership with Gold Co. and Manect.
➡ The speaker discusses their views on President Trump, stating that while they don’t believe Trump is bad, they disagree with his decisions, particularly regarding his personnel choices. They believe Trump surrounded himself with the wrong people and failed to fulfill his promise to “drain the swamp”. They also criticize Trump’s stance on Israel and his inability to have difficult conversations. The speaker also mentions a problem with idolizing political figures, using Trump as an example, and warns against the dangers of such idolatry.
➡ The text is a chaotic conversation involving multiple people discussing various topics, including personal experiences with bullying, opinions on Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and a heated debate about transgender issues. The conversation also touches on religious beliefs and the participants’ views on God.
➡ The text is a heated conversation between two individuals discussing various controversial topics, including transgender issues, violence, and voting. The conversation also includes personal attacks and strong language. The speakers express their views on the current political climate, with one suggesting that the voting system is rigged. They also discuss the possibility of Donald Trump having converted to Judaism.
➡ The speaker discusses their views on Donald Trump’s presidency, suggesting that while Trump is not inherently evil, he may be self-serving and more loyal to those around him than to the American people. They express disappointment that Trump did not fulfill certain promises, such as “draining the swamp” and putting America first. The speaker also mentions their hope for a more decentralized, organized effort to bring about change, referencing events in Bangladesh as an example. They advocate for a well-organized, decentralized militia as a potential solution.


Destinations are clear. We are a good to go. We’re here. All right. We needed that. We deserve that. Welcome to uncancellable live. If you’re coming in, make sure you say what’s up. We have stu peters and King bow. Stu, say what’s up? In a dark room with my life. Here we are. All glory to battle. This is our first broadcast, actually, right now from brand new network, by the way. Happy to be here. And we got a lot. We got a lot to talk about, bow. Indeed we do. Indeed we do. They were saying no sound from you, but now they should have sound from you, so everything should be good.

Let’s make it happen. You want to say that one more time? Oh, I was just saying, I’m here at the brand new Stu Peters network. Studio facilities. Yes. Okay, perfect. And just didn’t think that this would ever happen. All glory to God almighty. If you missed me before, all glory to God almighty. Beautiful. This is unbelievable. And, yeah, we’ll give you a tour here in a little while. Awesome. Awesome. All kinds of different camera angles. People are pushing buttons. People are like, look over here. This camera’s on. Wait. No, no, no. Look over here. Now. This is the camera that’s on.

Okay, we’re panning. We’re panning, stu, we’re panning. Hey, it looks good. Shit, man. Looks. It looks fucking good. I love it. All right, we got the. Thank you. We got the comments rolling in. Let’s see what we have from who. Let’s see. We got it. We got to go right into this monkey pox deal. Good hearing. Sounds good. Thank you, Doreen. We appreciate you. Yeah, let’s get into it. Yes. Glory to God. Yeah. So the World Health Organization, tdros, the spawn of Satan himself, issued a warning to the globe. By the way, Hitler’s in the house tonight.

We’re going to be able to talk to Hibbler here in a little while. I said globe, and I think he just lost consciousness. Probably. Probably. Tigeros, the spawn of satan, actually announced earlier that monkeypox, otherwise known as faggot pox, butt sex pox, homo pox. It’s making a worldwide introduction. It’s going to be the plague of 2024, just in time for the election. And I’m going to just say, I think that there are enough fucking retards on the face of the planet right now that will actually buy this shit again. They will lock themselves down in their house.

They will put the face diaper on their face. They’ll go get the injection. That’s now awaiting them. Uh, they’ll make sure that they keep away from their own kids and their dying homosexual friends and family and all the faggots in the nursing home, they won’t go talk to him anymore because, damn it, monkey pox, homo pox. But sex pox is coming. Nobody could have predicted that. You think people are actually going to fall for it this time? No fucking way. There’s no 100% no fucking way. I swear. There are enough retards. There are absolutely enough retards.

No, I guess. No. No fucking way are people going to fall for this again. There’s no way. I can’t give you that. Bow. People still. People still believe that we have elections in this country? Yeah, I suppose people still believe that we live in a two party, representative constitutional republic. Yeah, I suppose people still believe that we have bodily autonomy and freedom. You know what I think? I think that people actually missed being locked down and told by their government what the fuck to do and when the fuck to do it. Fair enough. I think people actually really miss that because it’s like dangerous out here to make your own decisions now.

Like, how am I going to navigate this? I’m going to go to the store and I’m not going to have somebody telling me what to buy. And, oh, and then, by the way, you know what’s going to happen now? We’re going to have everybody. We’re going to have everybody panicking about, where’s all the ass wipe again? What happened to all the ass wipe? Why is everybody buying all the ass wipe? No, fuck. Remember that? Not the toilet paper shit again. There’s no fuck away. Everybody got smart. Everybody smart and got bidden. And it’s like before. Covid-19 did y’all not wipe your asses or what? Why are we.

Why is everybody buying this stuff? Hey, no, no, no. I got a bidet. Smart. You gotta smarten up. You gotta get the bidet. Be fancy like with, you know, the fucking. I shit with my pinky up. That’s not what I do. You know, I’m saying, cuz I’m gonna wipe my ass. I just got a bidet. Well, you still. Well, you know, personal. This is personal issues. But yes, get a bidet. Just fix it. Just fix it. I actually put one of those in. It’s nice. I did a remodel on the, on the home in Florida. As you’ve been there, how is it.

How it all turned out? Fucking, I saw that staircase was fire as fucked. That staircase is great. Staircases fire, everything looks really great. It’ll be a really good place for me to lock down when the monkey pox homos start rampaging the blocks of America everywhere, walking around like zombies, looking for a butthole to fuck. It’s just. It’s unbelievable. This is so predictable. People who actually buy this stuff need their head examined. They really need to go and seek an insane asylum. They need a psychological evaluation. If you are actually concerned about monkey pox coming to your city, coming to your town, coming to your block, your neighborhood, infecting your church, you got to get your head examined.

I mean. I mean, is it. Is it for certain? Like, so is this a lab leak or. How did this happen? Did they say how it happened? Like, what? What the fuck? I didn’t even look. I don’t care. Yeah, same. So, Beth K. We appreciate it. You know, it’s like, oh. Not that it even feels like election season right now, to be honest with you. I mean, I don’t even think. I didn’t even know that there was an election happening. Elections don’t even happen anymore. To be facts. Absolutely. Here we are. We’ve got the election thing coming, the so called election thing where your vote counts.

Make sure that you register. If you’re an illegal alien, make sure that you come to Minnesota so that you can get a driver’s license, and then you can register. Tim Walls says that, you know, driver’s license for everyone. If you aren’t illegal. Come and vote. Mail in ballot drop boxes that are going to be rampaged. We’re going to war, by the way. We’ve got war in Ukraine against Russia. We’ve got war in Gaza against Israel. We’ve got Iran posturing after us. And by the way, we have a war on myths and disinformation. And now we have a war on faggot pox.

Hey, Stu, do you know anything new about the russian Ukraine Kursk situation from Testo? Stay there. I see that. I see the comment. No, I actually really don’t. Yeah, same. I don’t have no fucking idea what he’s talking about. Selection season. Squirrel. What is the curse situation? If somebody could actually, like, if. If he could comment and tell us what he’s talking about, that would be great. Yeah, that would be awesome. Squirrel pots. Yes. We have squirrels here. No, monkeys. Facts. So, yeah, I mean, they say that Stu hit it on the nail. I mean, they say monkeypox comes from anal sex.

So, I mean, if all of you are doing butt stuff, you know, you’re the ones that are responsible. It’s not the mask. It’s not those that are wearing masks anymore. Yeah. Remember, it was like, if you’re not vaccinated, you’re a danger to everyone else. Now, if you’re not having sex. No. If you’re fucking a guy in the ass now, you’re the new danger to society. But this is something that we’ve already been pointing out to everyone. Anyhow, these homosexuals have been a real threat. Not only do they tell you that they’re coming after your kids every June, all month long, as they parade up and down the streets of every major city in America, chanting, we’re coming for your kids, while they wear diapers and thongs or sometimes nothing at all, and then they put their dicks in the faces of little kids, by the way, being protected by the so called police in our country.

Yeah, it’s crazy. Yeah. And now these people are spreading this homopox. Speaker one. So what is the law on that? Because I saw, like, in New York, an officer was trying to explain. They literally said that when it’s pride, that it. That the law just kind of goes away about having your. Having your dick out. Kids especially. Like, you were a bounty hunter. What. How is that constitutional? You know, like, how can you explain the theory behind that? Well, I don’t think it has anything to do with the constitution. It has everything to do with state and federal laws, local laws, and, I mean, if you want to go, try walking to a park outside of the month of June and be somebody that’s not part of this LGBTQ tranny, you know, insane, depraved, degenerate, homosexual, faggotry, pillow biting, Hershey highway riding, put on your mud flaps and go off roading lifestyle, if you’re like, you know, like a normal guy, and you go to the park where there’s a bunch of kids hanging out and you take your clothes off and you start twerking and waving a rainbow flag around, I dare you to not get arrested.

You’re going to get arrested. Yeah. And that’s lewd and lascivious behavior. It’s indecent exposure. It’s criminal conduct. It’s criminal sexual conduct. It’s criminal sexual conduct involving a minor child. Yeah, Donald Trump is Jesus. But no, not during June. Yeah. Tim walls will be paying your children dollar 200 to get vaccinated for. Who just said Donald Trump is Jesus Christ? Messenger 911? Yeah. That’s the most blasphemous thing I’ve ever seen. That is the scariest shit I ever heard. Because that’s actually the spirit of America, largely. There are a lot of people who believe this shit. Yeah, yeah.

There are people who believe that he’s riding in on a white horse. No, the only man that’s riding in on a white horse to save anything is when Jesus Christ comes back. And by the way, not when Adam King kills a heifer. You want to do that? You want to do that now? He was tweeting hard today. He was tweeting hard today, bro. I was blowing up. My tweets were blowing up. You sure you want to do that? Your name dropping it? But we got it right now. It’s. It’s not Adam Green. Yes, it’s Adam King.

There we go. Okay. It can be fun, but, I mean, you know, different Adam, same fucking problem there. There’s the shout. There’s the shout. Stew. Interviews. Yeah. White supremacist. Lol. JK. Hilarious, yet true. And gay. There is no show that speak straight up like you. I love you both. Hey, we appreciate you, Doreen. Thank you for you. Let’s. Yeah, we love you, too, Doreen. Not all trans people are like that. I’m not like that. Denise Shaler, are you trans? You want to come on the show and talk, Denise? So that’s Dennis. Oh, you’re a douchebag. But I love it.

Oh, that was funny. That was good. That was funny. Oh, we. Oh, Dennis. Yeah. Denise, if you want to come on. I mean, that kind of surgery can be done overnight. You just. How. Denise, do you want to come on and have a conversation? I can send you a link. No, no, we’re good. I mean, you can’t reason with these people. Dennis is the reason why we need to reopen insane asylums in this country. Honestly, these people are living under a delusion. So what is. Yeah, so what’s the definition? Not all trans people are like that.

What’s your definition of being trans, Denise? What’s your definition of that? Are we really going to go there? I mean, we’ve got a lot to talk about. Yeah, I suppose. You transformer. Decepticon in the house, y’all. Hey. Hey. Are we being. Are we being hateful towards the LGBTQ now, Dennis? Lol. The world is witnessing resurgence of strong, prosperous America. You guys rock from New Zealand. New Zealand in the house. What’s up? There we go. That was supposed to be the air horn. There we go. Hey, you know, I was in. I was in radio for a long time, and I’ve been in a position where just the wrong button.

Yeah. You know, there’s a lot of guys that have jobs where they push buttons, right? Yes. You know, and they go to work and they push this button for that. Or they push this button for that. Facts. Sometimes in some professions or some careers, and in some settings, when you push the wrong button, everybody notices. Yeah, no, that was. This is one of those cases. I fucked that up. I could take that one. That was supposed to be this. There we go. We got it now. We got it. All right. We’re good. That’s all right. Is the bear going to unleash for 1010 days soon? I don’t even know what that means.

Fucking know what that means, you guys. Am I supposed to know what that mean? Am I that out of touch? What’s that? Oh, the bear. Owen Benjamin. Oh, boy. He fucked the shit up out of Sam Tripoli earlier. Did you see that? No. Explain that. You have to explain to me what the fuck is going. Yeah, I mean, these guys have had beef, I think, off and on for, you know, years, I think. And, you know, Sam, I was on his program. He was on mine. I mean, I thought it was mutually respectful. You were there.

He was on uncancellable. You know, I mean, I think that he conducted a really great interview when I was on his podcast. Okay. I think that, you know, he was largely pretty open to allowing me to say the truth on his platform, but you could tell that he was, you know, really knew at that level of the conversation. And that, you know, I think that his audience, by and large, and I’m just being honest, has been done a disservice because I think that he knows a lot of things that he’s unwilling to say. But he. He joins the ranks of hundreds or even thousands of.

Say what you mean. What’s that? What do you think that he knows that he’s not saying. Say what you mean? I think. I mean, I think he knows a lot of things that he’s not saying specifically. You know, when we’re talking about, like, you know, jewish infiltration or occupation in our government, I think when we’re talking about the state of Israel controlling a lot of our foreign policy the way that AIPAC controls Congress, I think there’s a lot of things that Sam Tripoli probably is very aware of that he doesn’t want to openly say. And I think that that’s doing your audience a really big disservice, because what’s happening is there’s a lot.

And what I was trying to say is there’s hundreds, maybe even thousands of so called podcasters or people in the alternative dissident media space or the digital media space outside of the mainstream, major broadcast or cable news networks that are kind of the same, where they’re like, hey, I’m making several thousand dollars a month on YouTube or TikTok, or I’m making a little bit of income by streaming on these various platforms. And then I’ve got several advertisers, you know, they want to pick up space on this thing because my reach is going to different levels. And so what happens is as soon as you start talking about these more controversial subjects and as soon as you start saying things that, you know, like others won’t say, you risk all of that.

And that’s why, like, as far as the Stu Peter show on our platform, we’ve lost advertisers. Yeah. You know, when I put out died suddenly. We lost advertisers. Yeah. When I went on Alex Jones, I think seven, eight months ago now, this is quite a while ago, I went on Alex Jones. And when I went there and I said the truth about zionist occupation of our government and then specifically was like, I don’t really care if you call them Khazars or messianic Jews or orthodox Jews or whatever it is. I mean, the sects and the factions and all of that.

I mean, these are all people that are Jews. These are all people who claim to be jewish people. And so let’s just call it what it is. These are Jews that are, you know, they’re controlling every level of every bureaucracy and throughout our entire federal government. And I think that Sam Tripoli knows that stuff. But anyway, back to the Owen Benjamin beef. You know, allegedly, and I don’t know the details of this, but Owen is claiming that Sam Tripoli stole, like, jokes of owens and then regurgitated and repeated them. And Sam came at Owen and was like, oh, and you’re offensive.

And, you know, you’re offensive because you say these things. And I think he was talking about Jews. And so they did, like, a little live stream. I think they had, like, a little debate the other night, and in the middle of it or after it, shortly thereafter, Sam Tripoli blocked Owen, really on X and, like, disengaged in the conversation. And then so Owen was like, look, you know, he posted this long tweet where he was like, look, you know, like, this isn’t anything personal, but I think that you’re doing your audience a big disservice. And I’m not going to be called gay by a gay guy is what Owen Benjamin said about Sam Tripoli.

So apparently he’s saying that Sam likes booty sex. So maybe Tripoli is a real monkey pex, monkeypox threat. I don’t know. You want beef with Tripoli, bro? No, I don’t. I’m just saying, I mean, if that’s true, you know, I don’t want beef with anybody. What I want is the truth. Fair enough. And I want you to be brave enough and have the testicular fortitude to say the truths that you know out loud. And if you’re holding on to an audience like YouTube, and if you’re delaying releasing interviews because they’re controversial, and if you really don’t want to retweet or repost or echo things because you think that it may, you know, limit your shackles, then I think that you’re doing your audience a major disservice.

And so for that, I would just say to Sam, do better, man, because I know you know better. And I knew that because when I was on his broadcast, he heard the things that I had to say, and there was nothing that I said that he could refute. Factually, I’m dead on. When it comes to. When it comes to Israel’s occupation of our government and the way that they dictate our foreign policy, and the way that they bribe and they blackmail and they extort politicians, and the way that all of our politicians have to do the bidding of this country, they have to swear an allegiance to this foreign, secular nation state before they can swear an oath to our constitution.

And the way that our military is protecting the borders of this place called Israel, and they’re leaving ours wide open. And the way that every single military intervention or regime change that the United States military industrial complex has been involved with over the past several decades has been funded directly out of Rothschild Boulevard and Tel Aviv. And the way that 100% of our media is controlled by Blackrock and vanguard and State street and Soros and the Rothschilds, you can’t refute anything that I’m saying. And so he knew that. And then just the next day, he sat down with you and I on the Uncancellable podcast, and he, like, got really emotional and stood up.

Remember that? He, like, stood up and got really loud and started yelling. And I think that’s just a tactic of people who are really frustrated with their own selves because they know that they know and that they’re unwilling to say. And I think that that’s cowardly and I think that Sam’s better than that. And I would encourage good behavior out of Sam, stop it. Stop protecting and stop gatekeeping. The truth. I think what triggered him the most is when you were talking about his jewish girlfriend. She’s jewish. She’s jewish. And he couldn’t refute that either. That’s the thing.

I mean, he told me that his girlfriend was jewish. And so obviously, he has self serving interests in protecting, you know, the narrative that comes to us on the mainstream media. And he has a self serving. There’s a lot of people who act in their own best interests, and that’s fine if that’s what you want to do, but don’t lie. Don’t. Don’t, like, be like, well, you know that’s not true. Don’t gaslight your audience. Just say it like, hey, my girlfriend’s jewish, and I love Jews. You know, like, I mean, that’s okay, but just say that, you know, so Ukraine.

NATO is pushing for world War three at the moment. And Kursk. That’s what he was talking. Talking about. I don’t know much from something big, too. Right. We need more information on the lid from our history. You guys make a great duo. You know, go back to that comment, the Ukraine NATO comment, real quick, and I want people to understand, and I think people should notice this. You see how testo put NATO in parentheses there? Yeah. So this is. This is actually a very educated comment, because what. What people think is when. When they talk about the war in Ukraine, they think about a war of Ukraine and Russia.

Yeah, but this isn’t Ukraine versus Russia. This is Russia versus the United States via NATO. It’s a proxy war that’s being fought there. And who is NATO? I mean, largely, it’s the United States. All of our weaponry. We’re sending hundreds of billions of dollars, siphoning probably even more than that. See, what people don’t understand is. Yeah, so Congress just sent, what, several hundred billion dollars to Ukraine, and people are like, oh, shit, that’s a lot of money. I didn’t authorize that. I don’t like that. I want the funding to Ukraine to stop. I want Congress to close the purse strings to Ukraine.

And that’s interesting also, because Congress is like, who declares they make the declarations of war? Right? Congress does. They have never officially, like, they’ve never declared a war against Russia. They’ve never declared a war. I mean, we’re not in a war right now. Officially, they haven’t declared any wars anywhere. But they also control the purse strings, and they also make decisions about where we send munitions and then we open up like, the storage containers. And we send like, f for these NATO pilots and ukrainian pilots to fly and then like go right into Russia and make these bombing runs and do crazy shit.

So what people see on the news, like Fox, for example, which Fox News is actually jewish funded and owned, I mean, the same people that fund CNN or ABC or, or CB’s or MSNBC or any of these other networks, they’re funded by the same people. So if you’re a so called conservative, if you still believe in that paradigm of left, right, and you’re watching Fox, and Fox goes, well, the Congress did it again. They just sent hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine. Yeah, but what about the trillions that are going to NATO? Yeah, you see, we’re funding NATO and then NATO is.

We’re siphoning. It’s a big ponzi scheme. Like we’re trickling and siphoning that money through this organization, this entity called NATO, which, by the way, is an alliance that was formed for the single purpose of fighting Russia. And NATO, this entity that was set up for the single purpose of fighting Russia. We made Russia the promise over decades that we would never expand it further east. And then we did. But then we continue to expand further east. We renege on our promises over and over again. We let in Poland, we let in Hungary, we let in all kinds of these other.

We’re pressuring Ukraine to join NATO. And so this alliance that’s formed to fight Russia continues to bear down on Russia’s borders, on the borders of this country, this christian orthodoxy that from where I sit, looks like it’s run by a russian nationalist who cares about the interests of his people. And he kicked out, by the way, a big reason for wanting regime change in Russia by the military industrial complex and by the United States government that sold out to this fake state called Israel. A big reason why they have to have this regime change is because just like Hitler, just like Muammar Gaddafi, just like Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin kicked the Rothschild criminal banking central cabal out of his.

Out of his country. And the reason why the CIA affected a violent coup in 2014 in Ukraine was because that government, which, by the way, both sides admitted that the vote was fair to elect this administration in Ukraine, that government, what our media says was they started to adopt some pro Russia policies, a lot of pro Russia policies. Well, what that means is they too also kicked or threatened to kick the Rothschild criminal central banking cabal out of that country. And so our CIA affected this violent coup and then they employed the jewish controlled media to make it look like a popular Black lives Matter style uprising or antifa uprising that was, like, this populist movement, when, in fact, actually, that’s not the case.

And they did the same thing here in 2020 after George Floyd died of fentanyl overdose on the streets of Minneapolis. So, you know, just like when they put Zelensky in and he shut down opposition television channels, when they were executing opposition political parties and political candidates and opponents, they were stealing elections. And then, you know, that was all done by our CIA, and then they did it here in 2020. So what he’s saying when he puts NATO in parentheses there on that comment, it’s actually very impressive. And I’m really happy to hear and see, and I’m very white pilled right now that people understand that this is not a Ukraine Russia war, but that this is a proxy war that the United States is fighting at the behest of Israel in Ukraine, and they’re using NATO as the front to do it.

So I really think that. I really think that that’s great. So we have a couple comments saying, I just want to give a shout out to some of these people. Mister Xavier, speaking truth to zionist power over governments is worth more than any ad revenue. Salute. Stew. Awesome. Um, they say, so Benjamin, he is a jew. This has been a couple comments coming up. There’s a couple people that. Saying that. Are they talking about Owen Benjamin? Yeah, I don’t. I don’t think Owen Benjamin is a jew, because I’ve. I’ve heard him say a lot of things that are very truthful about the zionist state of Israel.

Okay. I. You know, like, I’ve heard him say a lot of things that I really agree with about foreign policy, about domestic policy, about war policy, about the, you know, the zionist war machine. I’ve heard him talk about the Rothschild banking cabal. I’ve heard him talk about a lot of this occupation. I’ve had him on the show plenty of times, and we’ve talked about this very thing. I don’t know. People say I’m a jew, too, though, which is completely false. They say that I’m controlled opposition and that I’m a grifter also, which, I mean, all these words are just buzzwords at this point.

So, you know, saying somebody, a jew is a jew right now is like telling a bad n word joke. And there’s Sam Tripoli. He does a lot of that. Hey, Denise. Denise, we. We appreciate the fact. Oh, Dennis is back. No, she wants. He. I don’t know. God, don’t make me fucking do this. He. Dennis. Denise. God damn it. Denise wants to. Hey, do not misgender, Dennis. I’m trying here. Just stop. I’m trying, okay? Cuz they are. They like us. You know what I mean? Like that Denise likes us. I thought you. Do not misgender, Dennis.

I’m fucking trying to stop. I’m under pressure right now. We’ll got a lot of people watching us. I’m trying not to fucking. You look like you’re sweating. Because they’re nice. They say they’ve been following for a long time and you won’t give me a chance to say anything. Love you, dogs. We love you. A I got love of my heart for you. Okay. I. You know, I know you want to talk with Stu and myself, but we just don’t know where it’s going to go, okay. Like, we just. We don’t know. I’m pretty sure I know.

And. And I don’t want, you know, like, if you’re a fan, just be our fan, you know, like, I don’t want to have Stu, you know, I’m trying to help you. That’s all, Denise, okay? I’m trying to help. AIPAC is trickery against our government. Ukraine is a. And it’s not even trickery. We should talk about a pack. They actually came out today. There was a tweet that I actually, quote, tweeted. They actually came out today and they were. They were saying, look. Oh, there’s. Here’s several more. AIPAc backed a pack endorsed candidates that won. Our record is like 98%.

98% of the AIPAC backed candidates. They win their elections. So they’re admitting that they’re committing election interference in our country. They’re saying we are interfering with your election in the United States of America, and we’re fucking proud of it, and you’re not going to do a damn thing about it. Yeah, they’re taunting us right out in the wide open. So it’s not even trickery anymore at this point. They have pulled back the veil. They have pulled back the curtain. They are right out in broad daylight. They’re telling you, this is who we are. We control you, we control your government, we control your politicians, and there’s not a damn thing that you’re going to do about it because your entire society and your entire culture has been flipped upside down to where people called Dennis can call themselves Denise Stew.

Still, they want. Jews are facilitating the invasion at the border. Love, love the new studio. Thank you. It’s awesome. Everyone repost the link to the show. Most everyone would love this show if they know of it. Hey, we appreciate you. Truth to power. Grateful. Thank you for that comment. That’s a great comment. We appreciate it. And honestly, full disclosure, this is not how. How uncancellable was really envisioned. No, not at all. This was not the vision for uncancellable. No. I wish. Gosh, I wish. Hibbler, is there some way that you can interrupt the stream with a view of the uncancellable studios that are literally right down the hall from this studio? Is there any way for Bow, can you make that happen? Yeah, so you could.

I don’t know if that. You have the Mac studio right down the. Anyways, I’ll just tell people right down the hall from. From the studio that I’m sitting in right now, the flagship studio. This is the Stu Peters studio that I’m sitting in right now. Right down the hall from this facility, there is a uncancellable studio. Yes. And the uncancellable studio is absolutely beautiful. And it’s laid out in such a way where we can relax and sit down with guests, and we can fly them in and do long form interviews and sit down with them. And then the premise of the uncancellable part of this is that if you’re too pussy, too scared, too soy, too famous, too rich, or unwilling to come and fly to us, that we will pull up.

Yep. We will come to you. Yes. And we did that with people that were not pussy or soy or. Or whatever. We pulled up on Jake Shields. We pulled up on Myron Gaines. We pulled up on Roger Stone. Don’t do that. He’s your buddy. Don’t do that. He’s your buddy. No. Hey, man. Listen, bro. Hey, come on. He was just good at things. Listen, I will just say that I’m very disappointed in a lot of the positions that Roger is taking right now. And I think that he really needs to go. As a person who says that Jesus Christ is his lord and savior, I think that Roger Stone needs to go back and get on his knees and on his face and really pray hard about his positions when it comes to Israel.

And I think that I should remind him that in the Torah and the Talmud and in the faith of Judaism, it is said wide and clearly and loudly that when the real messiah. When the real messiah comes after the ushering in of the Antichrist, when they, you know, kill a heifer or build the third temple, when this happens, and the real messiah, who they do not believe, is Jesus Christ, and, Roger, they believe that your Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, is boiling in a boiling pot of excrement and semen and that he’s burning at the lake of fire eternally in hell.

They believe that all of us, all gentiles, all christians, will be slaves. So I would just implore you, Roger, I’m very disappointed. I’m really disappointed in your position on this Israel thing. And I, too, also was very duped by a Schofield Bible teaching, lukewarm protestant evangelical, fake teacher pastor who went to Bible school and learned all of these things from a Schofield Bible reading teacher, fake pastor, lukewarm evangelical Protestant, you know, fraud. And a lot of these pastors out there, and probably people like Greg Locke, you know, Greg Locke is calling for the extermination of everyone in Gaza.

Go. Turn it to glass. Turn it to glasse. Laura Loomer says the same thing. But a lot of these people probably actually believe bao. They probably just believe that what they’re saying is true. They’re not lying. They’re not intentionally trying to deceive. Well, Laura Loomer maybe because she’s a full fledged jew, so she. And deception is what these jews are all about, so she may be doing that intentionally. You know, I think that there’s a lot of victims of the information war, and the information war with the translation of the Schofield Bible was a big step in the jewish trickery that we have seen.

You know, that’s. That’s. That’s happening here. So. Hey, two questions. Two questions from Naslitz. Big shout out to Naslitz. King Bau and Stuart. Giant slayers. Love the show. We will. We love you, Naslitz. Yeah. Hey, so what are your pronouns? This was a question. Is Russia anti Israel? I don’t know that, speaker one. Russia is. Russia is, I would believe, would be anti Israel. Yeah. I mean, Vladimir Putin and his entire military brass are very, very outspoken about Zionism, very outspoken about the central banks, very outspoken about the one world governance that’s rushing our direction very quickly, which is, by the way, all at the hands of these Zionists that have infiltrated and occupied every government in the west.

So if I were to say, I mean, I haven’t sat down with Vlad yet. It’s our intent to do so. We actually had the opportunity to do that. We were invited by his top bio warfare general to come there and to speak with Vladimir Putin. We were not able to make that happen because the way that visas work is interesting, and there’s a certain entity that has to sign off on your visa, which is the reason why you’re in the country. And had I gone there and had my visa signed by this particular entity that wanted to arrange the meeting between myself and Vladimir Putin, the State Department would have arrested me when I came back, because apparently that entity has been identified as an enemy combatant of the United States.

So I, too, would have also been labeled an enemy combatant, and then I would be at Gitmo with all of the terrorists from 911. You know, those really scary islamic extremist Muslims that took our towers down on 911. Yeah. For all of you who believe that nonsense also, you guys will be the guys if you believe that that’s what happened on 911, you’ll be the ones wearing masks when the faggot pox hits. Hey, speaking of faggot box. Come on, Joel. Bring me on waking up your show. What? Denise, what do you. What do you want to say? Just say it.

I’m pushing the comments. This is where Dennis is becoming a bully at this point, and he’s trying to push you around. No. No motherfucker can push me around. That’s the point, okay? That’s just not done. Well, Dennis thinks he can try you, and he’s doing it right now. Look, he just keeps popping up. I understand. Every government and every media in the world is proju. Do you believe that? Well, watch the all caps, Lex. These, you know, the yell at us. I don’t agree. Rex Luther Putin has stated many times that the west worship Satan. He just said it again the other day.

Yeah. Who controls the west media and agenda? Jews. Truth of power. Yeah, Chad is heating up. Yeah. Our chats fucking going right now. I really agree. I agree with that. I believe that. I believe that Vladimir Putin may be one of the only world leaders that’s actually standing in the way of what’s left of the free world. And whatever this one world governance is that’s heading our way. And, you know, I get slammed in the media every time I say that. So tomorrow, the USA Today in the Rolling Stone and the Daily Beast and right wing watch and media matters will all come hit me.

And oh, my God. Stu Peters is a Vladimir Putin sympathizer and a russian asset and a russian propagandist. Well, maybe I am. Maybe I am. I’ll tell you this. I would much rather shake Vladimir Putin’s hand and sit down for a beer with him and have him be my president than anybody that’s currently running for office in this country. Gather around the campfire. Military is highly rotten. The corruption. The KGB is the Red army. Yeah, I don’t know if he’s talking about the russian military, but yes, that’s what happens in monarchies. That’s what happens in dictatorships.

You have very corrupt generals that steal. That’s what happens. I mean, they steal power, they steal money, they steal influence. They do that in these dictatorships. And so that’s just kind of notoriously what happens. But if you look at the calendar of events, I mean, these dictatorial kingships or monarchies, they sure do have a lot more sustainability than these so called fake democracies. Democracy is fake and it’s very dangerous. There’s no such thing as democracy. We don’t live in a democracy. We don’t have democracy here. Democracy is what we’ve been spreading all over the planet with the military industrial complex and the strong arm of missiles and bombs and the transgender agenda for decades.

So that democracy stuff, stay away from that. What we’re supposed to have here is a republic, a constitutional republic, a two party representative system. Obviously, we don’t have that. And largely your vote doesn’t count because anybody who is thinking beyond the level of a 6th grader and has any kind of critical or independent thinking skills at all whatsoever absolutely knows that the 2020 election was stolen. 2016 was set up for the steal. And they’ve probably been stealing elections and making installations since they shot JFK. They’re making. They, meaning Mossad shot JFK. They took a shot at Reagan.

They took a shot at RFK. They took down our towers on 911. They strafed the USS Liberty and tried to sink it. I mean, this is our greatest ally. So. And then they’re. They’re putting war crimes on Twitter every day. They’re. They’re like, loudly bragging about. About this. And so we’re coming out with a film called Occupied, which. Which actually, I want to do this. Hibbler, why don’t you come over here real quick for a second? So this is Sean Hibler. He’s the man behind old world order. Yes, sir. Hibbler has also. He’s here. He’s here from California.

He flew in for the inaugural. What are you doing? Oh, yeah. There you go. He flew in for the inaugural first live broadcast from the new facility. And, you know, Hitler is responsible, by the way, for several films. What other films, by the way, that. That our audience would know about? Maybe fluvid 19. Bob was in that one. And then I did level, next level, level with me. Bob was in love with me, and so was Eddie Bravo. And then you did old world order, of course. Of course, yeah, old world order on the Stu Peters network.

If you haven’t seen it, go watch it. How would you describe that? Because a lot of people are like, oh, there are Stu Peters, the grifter pushing Tartaria nonsense. How was that grifting? Yeah, I don’t know. I mean, I guess people think so. Grifting is apparently when you release a free documentary that’s grifting. I know it. We didn’t charge a dime for that thing to anybody. As a matter of fact, I came way out of my pocket for that, just as I am for occupied, just as I did for died suddenly. But apparently the definition of grifting is when you charge money for something and then you deliver results that are less than what you promised.

And I’ve never done that. Literally, I’m like, hey, if you support our efforts, go to my rumble channel and give us dollar nine a month. Go to spnstore.com and click on the little thing. Yep, we’ll subscribe for dollar nine a month so that we can see a lot of these other broadcasts. But occupied, let’s talk about this. Occupied is a film that really aims to not just say, oh, these Jews are the problem. No, not necessarily. No. I mean, it’s, it’s just going to be based on facts, documents, evidence, things that the Jews are doing to christians in the streets, things that they’re doing, saying about gentiles and christians.

I’m not saying anything. Stu’s not saying anything. But really drill down on not just broadly these Jews. No, but occupied aims to drill down on really like the source, right? I mean, the absolute source of all of this. Like who are the responsible parties for this occupation? Who funds these occupations? Who is it that is responsible for making all this happen? And that is what the film occupied aims to do, which is to drill down on all of that. Would you agree with that? I would, and I’ll take it a little further. I mean, there’s certain things that happened.

I’m just going to talk about our country that was caused by Israel or caused by their people. And the people in America don’t even know that. They still think it’s Afghanistan or something. There’s so many events and things that have happened in this country. You mentioned JFK earlier with Mossad, but there’s so many things that are involved from them that most Americans have no idea. And I feel as if even just something like 911. Yeah, getting that over to say, hey, hold on, let’s take a step back from a guy in a cave here and deliver the facts, deliver the evidence.

I think America could wake up more now than ever just on 911 stuff because you got people in the streets, they’re still probably screaming, get those towel heads from 2001. And it’s like, hey, guys, that’s not who did this. And I think if the Americans know who did this, they’ll have more of an open eye to what they’re doing over there, 6000 miles away. This film is absolutely going to change the landscape, I believe, of this entire conversation because it’s obviously very much opened up. Oh, yeah. I mean, you can see it on Twitter. You can see it everywhere.

You did AJ show, but, yeah, yeah, I mean, well, that was. That was something that, you know, I mean, it had to be done. And he said, I knew you were going to come here and talk like this. What do you want to do? You. And spend hours talking more about the Jews? You want to talk about the Jews? Yeah, I had to. So, I mean, that happened. Yeah, largely that was. I can’t even talk like that without. Is that baby Hitler? I need a cigarette. Yeah, I’m not bashing on AJ either. I mean, I think that he’s done a lot of really good things, but again, like Roger Stone, I would say, sorry, he got me to stop, you know, fluoride and aluminum, and then.

And then I moved on. But, yeah, yeah, I mean, I would. I would just implore him. I would just say, hey, you know, just like I said to Roger Stone, I mean, if Jesus Christ is your lord and savior, please sit down and really take a look at what’s actually happening around you. Use your big platform to actually talk about these things. What’s up, bow? If we’re going to actually talk about. If we’re going to actually talk about, like, Israel and, like, we all know that they’re kind of behind, like, the LGBTQ shit. I think. I think that it would be a viral moment.

Right now, I’m just kind of feeling like maybe we all pull up Denise and Denise, don’t worry. Your type will be covered in the film. Don’t worry. Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv. Dennis. Hey. No, no, no. Well, you sound like a bunch of pussies. Show up. Hear me out. Don’t fucking. Don’t fucking. When you start saying that I’m a pussy because I don’t want. I can hear him saying it. I can’t. I can hear him saying, you sound like a bunch of pussies. Sound like a bunch of pussies. Right now. I’m gonna let him pull up.

Fuck this dude. I’m gonna let. Where are we showing up to? He’s gonna show up. He’s Tel Aviv. Hold on, hold up. Where’s Denise? The gay capital of the world. Where’s Denise at? We need to have a conversation with Denise. Hey, Denise, I’m sending you a link. You’re gonna fucking pull up Denise. And by the way, by the way, I want to announce this about occupied. This movie is not. Will not be anti semitic or racist. It will be factual and it’s gonna change the world. So anyone that ever calls a film like this, that we’re working on racist or anti semitic, obviously have not seen the film.

So when the film comes out and everybody watches it, you know, we know that the. The press might say some. Trust me when I say this. This film’s not racist. This film is going to. They’re basically going to be exposing their actions for themselves. No one is forcing this on these people. These people have done this in public. They put it in documents. There’s stuff that they do that just goes over everybody’s head. Because when we bring it up in any way, it’s anti semitic. It’s racist. It’s like, okay, how about if they’re going to tell you these things? How about if they’re going to tell you what they want to do to gentiles and what they want to do to non Jews, they’re going to be able to educate you.

So no one’s going to be anti semitic unless a jew can be anti semitic. I think that we tried to go to Dennis. Dennis. But here. Denise. Yep. Nope, there’s. There’s nobody there. Where’s Dennis? Denise, I sent you a link on Facebook. Facebook messenger. Hop open this bitch. You call me a pussy now we’re gonna have a conversation and you get what you want. People are still on Facebook. People are still. People are still allowed on Facebook. I mean, after you go through an entire pandemic, like what we saw Hibbler, we saw the Covid-19 thing. We saw the bioweapon unleashing.

We saw, I mean, these wars in Ukraine. We see this war in Israel. We’re seeing the monkeypox coming. We’re seeing the theft of elections. We’re seeing the indoctrination of our kids. We’re seeing kids get molested in the streets during the entire month of June. People really still believe. People still really believe the government is here to help and that the media is telling the truth. That stopped for me in 2001, but I don’t see how it takes. Hold on a second. I’m going to try to go back to Dennis. Yep, nobody’s there. Dennis, are you there? Dennis, where are you? No, there’s no Dennis.

He’s downloading a voice filter. Dennis. Check your fucking marketplace or your Facebook fucking messenger. I sent you a fucking link if you got out of here. And, you know, hey, let’s just go beyond Dennis, and let’s. Let’s. Let’s try to talk to people. I understand why, you know, you’re agitated and why you really want to talk to Dennis, but maybe we could take it to another level and actually have some. Some real conversations with some real people. Yeah, absolutely. I’d be down for that. Jews hide behind the weapons they used to attack white people, so whites blame them instead of jew.

You get five years imprisoned in Russia if you deny the holocaust. What? Is that real? Put these. Yeah, I couldn’t see these comments. Let’s see. I don’t think you get five years, but Russia doesn’t want to. I’ve heard stuff like that about other countries, too. So there’s someone that got locked up for making, like, a Hitler song and the. It’s crazy how there’s no freedom of speech. Speaking of that, bow, did you hear that some lady got arrested and criminally charged for saying the word nigger in New York? No way. Criminally charged. Criminally charged for saying nigger in New York.

Yes. That actually happened. Joe Rogan just new fucking thing. Wow. What’s that? Joe Rogan just said it in his new stand up. Big fucking deal. Nigger. Nigger, nigger. I call my white friends nigger all the time. Fucking niggers. You know what I mean? I think that words to just move on this, either don’t use it or don’t care. Honestly, I just cannot believe that somebody was actually, like, legitimately arrested. Well, maybe they’re trying to set the tone because, I mean, these anti semitism laws, I mean, DeSantis in Florida, I mean, I’m surprised there’s not many copycats rolling in with that.

I think that’s the way this is me. I’m not trying to piss anyone off. I just feel like if Trump gets in, that’s number one. They’re just. You can’t talk about no more anti semitism. It’s illegal. You’ll get, you know, they’ll arrest you. And that’s what I hope doesn’t happen, because I think everybody should be. Speak freely about every race, religion, culture, anything. If there’s a problem, there’s a problem. If it was 2002 and we were sitting here talking about going to get the towel heads and we ha, and the way everybody was cool with that back then, it’s like no one would give a shit.

Nobody would give a shit. But, but when you switch the hats up, it’s a big deal. And it doesn’t make sense to me. It, you know, the stuff that they’re doing, these hats that you speak of, the, whatever you call them, yarmulkes or whatever, I’m just making a point. You take it from a towel to a yarmulke and everybody freaks out and it’s like, look, I don’t give a fuck what anybody wears, okay? I got a cubs hat on, okay? You shouldn’t care about any hats. All right? I just want to take just 1 second here to make sure that I remind everybody that this program is brought to you by Gold Co.

Gold Co. Will help you to protect your retirement. They’ll help you to protect everything that you’ve ever earned, everything that you’ve worked hard to save. Gold company is a brave sponsor, as everybody else is really afraid to be on the Stu Peters network. The Stu Peters show, uncancellable. They’re afraid to be here. I mean, there’s a lot of advertisers that I think could really benefit from being on a truthful program like this. We’re reaching 5.3 million people a day across the network, between Dish network and DirecTV and all of the other places where we broadcast. And I think that there’s a lot of people who could definitely benefit from this, but they choose not to Hibbler, because they’re scared of this.

Right? Gold company has been brave for many, many years. They’re responsible for helping me to put out the film died suddenly. They’re responsible for helping us to put out occupied, you know, and so, and also they’re responsible for helping people to create a hedge to protect themselves from hyperinflation. Physical gold and silver. Make sure that you call them 855706 golD. 855706 gold. If you didn’t have time to write down that number, which, by the way, we’ll put it up here again, 855706 gold. You can also remember this very easily. Stoolikesgold.com dot. That’s a really easy one to remember.

Again, stu likesgold.com. if you didn’t hear me on that camera angle, we’ll go here. Stu likes gold.com. there we go. I like that. So there’s our. There’s our plug for gold co. I got one. They make it possible. They make it possible. They pay us to be here, and we’re fortunate and we’re blessed and we’re grateful that they do because a lot of people are just really cucked. They’re really afraid to do it. They’re afraid to attach themselves to somebody who will just, you know, talk like a regular person. Listen, I’m the guy that you want to have a beer with.

I’m the guy that you want to sit down with. And you’re, you know, probably not your Thanksgiving dinner, because I’ll piss off the in laws a lot, you know, because if there’s. If your cousin is hot, I’m probably going to say something and, you know, then she’s going to feel deserving of my attention, and I’m not going to give it to her, and it’s going to cause a big uprising in the family. So keep me away from her. So Denise finally got back to me on Facebook marketplace or, excuse me, Facebook messenger. Oh, well, we’re. So we’re.

What? Is she buying from you? Well, yeah, exactly. So get your bitch ass up here and stop fucking taunting me. Also, I got an ad as well. This is Manect. Everybody can contact me. I’m in. You want to, you and I can have our most uncancellable conversation. Manect. That’s right. King Bow is now partnered with Petra Beck, David Valuetainment and Manect. What’s Manek, do? You ask? Manect is a place for you to get a guaranteed response from me. Choose from the options of either a text video response or even set up a call, download Manect, search for King Bao.

And I look forward to talking with you all back to the show. So, yeah, you know, we got a lot of shit cooking. Everybody contact me. I’m inect. Hey, miss. Miss Denise, you’re pissing me off. Get your ass up in here. Use the. Just click the fucking link. Quit being a pussy. I’m trying to give you a platform, so quit being a fucking douchebag. Let’s go back to these comments. All right, we’ll go back to these comments. Hitler said that he has to make an exit. He has to take a shit or something, I guess. I don’t know what the.

What’s going on here? No, no, I’ll be right back. So I’ll be here. Not a shit here. But if you have a what is. What should he get this toilet again? Bo, what do you mean, a Dubai or what is it called? What’s it called? No, wait. A Dubai is what you wrap your comforter and I think, right. Yeah. That shows how much I know about him. But I’ll be back. I’ll be right back. Isn’t that right, though? Isn’t, isn’t bowser. Wait, there’s a bidet and there’s a Dubai. A bidet is definitely the toilet, though. Or shot on Eric.

Dubai. Yeah. All right. There goes. Make his way out. Why do you think there he goes. Stu, why do you think Trump is bad? Tin full hat. Anthony wants to know why you think it’s bad. It’s a serious question. You know, I don’t think that Trump is bad. I think that Trump is responsible for making some really bad decisions, particularly when it comes to personnel decisions, the people that he chooses to keep around him. I mean, this is the guy who, remember in 2015 going into the 2016 election, this is the guy that said that he was going to drain the swamp and he was going to lock up Hillary Clinton.

Well, he didn’t do either. As a matter of fact, he took the swamp and he put it right next to him. He put the swamp right next to him at the, he put the swamp right next to him at Mar a Lago. He was golfing with the pfizer and Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Butzlut, Lindsey Graham. Hes buddy buddy with the turtle Lord, Mitch McConnell, hes kind of toeing the party line when it comes to GOP politics. And I really dont like his stance on Israel. I think that his stance on Israel is catastrophically damaging to our country.

I think that allowing a foreign nation state, the front lines of the military industrial complex to dictate foreign policy and domestic policy here in our country, I think that allowing that occupation in our government to continue and supporting that occupation because as the president, obviously there are limitations to your powers and you can’t supersede Congress and there are checks and balances in a constitutional republic. That’s how it’s supposed to be. But I do oppose the way that he supports that secular nation state. I don’t like that he put on the ridiculously embarrassing tiny hat and went and humped and French kissed the wall and that solemn display of somber crying and all of this nonsense.

I don’t like that. So I think that everybody in this room can admit that economically speaking, financially speaking, I think everybody had a much better life under President Trump’s administration for the four years that he was there. But allowing the likes of Jared Kushner to subvert and derail the presidency. Not really boldly saying this election was stolen. He kind of teeter tots around that a little bit by saying that there was shady things going on, Internet connected machines. He’ll address it a little bit on the fringe. But I think that we have to put politics aside in this country, because as far as political solutions are concerned, I think that there are political solutions to be had, but I think that they are probably political solutions, unlike those that largely the masses are used to seeing.

And so I think that uncomfortable conversations are only just the very beginning of what the next leader of our country would be doing. And it seems to me that President Trump is even unwilling to have uncomfortable and difficult conversations, much less actually act on uncomfortable jobs that have to be done in order to actually drain the swamp. So I guess I hope that that helps. Did that help? I mean, was I saying I missed the first half, but I liked the second half? Yeah. I mean, before he drains any quote unquote swamp, can he fucking touch a river, even? I mean, what has he done? Who is he taken down? That’s what I’m getting confused about.

And I got a lot of people. I know a lot of people personally, I love Trump. And I just wait. I’m waiting for some excuse of, what has he done? Not only do I know people who, you know, like Trump, but I know a lot of people who really idolize Trump. You know, I know a lot of people who really, like he’s the man on the white horse, that he’s the messiah, that he’s the savior. I’m not going to say that I. That I disagree that. Can you get some headphones? Denise, can you get some headphones? Why are there three of us? I see two of me.

I’m hearing all kinds of echoes, and there’s some other man’s voice. Who’s that man? Denise, can you get some headphones? You have headphones? I’m over here. Yeah, we know. That’s really loud. It’s a really simple question, though. Do you have headphones, or did I say they have headphones? I don’t know how to talk. I don’t know how to do it. Does he. Does he have headphones? Pet? Headphones. Headphones. Do you have headphones? Because you’re making the stream echo. You’re making the stream echo. So you. It would be better if you had headphones. Phones? Yeah. You got to turn him off, bow, you got to take him off the screen and mute his audio.

We can’t we can’t do this with him on the screen because it’s just, like, excruciating. I don’t know. I mean, I wear these in ear monitors, and for those people who don’t know, like, you put these things in, you hear something like that. I mean, it was probably bad for. It was probably bad for people on their. On their computers, on their phones, on their tvs that are watching this. Denise, when you saw. Yeah, we need you to get headphones, and then you can get headphones. You can come back up. Okay? Yep. Get headphones. Yep. Get headphones.

You in a bit, sir. All right, sir. Thank you. We’ll see you very shortly. Get headphones. Yep. All right. All right. So there’s that. Here we go. Oh, so there’s, so there’s that. The first. I’m really happy about that. The first. 1st tranny on uncancellable. That’s really great. Well, you broke a record. Didn’t think it would happen. This shit is going to be fucking good. So, no, I was just saying, like, I mean, there’s the spirit of idolatry in this country when it comes to President Trump. You know, there’s. There’s. There are people who really believe.

And what I was gonna say before Dennis came up, I was about to say, I’m not going to deny that. I think that. That God doesn’t use people. True. I’m not. I’m not going to say that God’s not using President Trump. I think that God could definitely be using President Trump. Do I think that Trump believes that he’s on a divine mission from God? I don’t know, because I’m not him. I can’t speculate as to, you know, like, where his faith is, where his faith lies. You know, I don’t know if he prays. I don’t know if Jesus Christ is his lord and savior or not.

But what I do know, and what I can say factually, is that there is a definite spirit of idolatry in this country as it relates to President Trump. And I think that that’s a really dangerous place to be. I think it’s a really dangerous place for a nation to be when you’re relying on a man, especially a man where even if he’s reelected, we still live in this so called constitutional republic, right. At least the illusion thereof, where we have this left right paradigm. And I think that it’s dangerous because with the checks and balances that are supposed to exist under this constitutional republic, the president has limited powers, right.

And so even if he wants to do x, Y, and z, he can be easily subverted by a sold out Congress. He could be easily subverted by a Senate. He could. You know, there’s a lot of the supreme Court. There’s a lot of different ways that a president can be subverted, including infiltration into his own cabinet or administration. And with the personnel decisions that this person has made, President Trump has made. I’m not comfortable with. With those decisions. And I’m not saying, to answer the question, like, why is President Trump bad? I don’t think that President Trump is bad.

I’m not saying Donald Trump is bad. I’m saying that the people around him are terrible. The decisions that he’s making, whether it be endorsements or whether it be, you know, appointments, I think are terrible. And, you know, personnel is policy. All right, hey, real quick, real quick. I think we got to figure it out. Oh, did she leave? Did she are. She left? That’s too. We got a girl now. So is this a new one now? There’s a girl that wanted to come out. Well, they were. They. They got headphones, and then I’m saying, they. They.

I’m just saying. Just fuck off. I agree with Leslie O’Neill. God is the only one that can save our country. Yeah. Oh, look at Daisy Fuentes. By Denise. Yep. Go back to that one. By Denise. I was bullied by a trans. Go back. I was bullied by a trans. I wanted to skip by that one really quickly. Stop. Is bullied by a trans. Hit on my arm by an illegal unrelated. And each time gen z cops skewered me. Yes. Yeah. Because they kicked out the Jew bankers and printed their own currency. We got. Yeah, our comment section is going crazy right now.

Queers for Palestine. Well, we like the. This is what we like. You don’t think Trump’s bad? I do, in a sense. Bow, are you in the middle there? How do you feel about Donald Trump? I feel like, bow, I taught you all the time for years now. I feel like we just never had a Trump conversation one. Ever. Do you? I mean, how do you feel about them? Denise, you need to grab headphones. You need to put your headphones on if you want to join the stream, because it’s echoing. Yeah, we’re trying to have a real conversation.

And. And here’s bow, still simping for the tranny, probably because he’s on. Okay. Oh, yeah, there he is. There he is. Denise, can you talk? He. He. Okay. Oh, yes. Yes, I could talk. Okay, so you want to say something? To Stu. What do you got to say to Stu? You become me a pussy, saying, I won’t give you a platform. I got the biggest. No, no. Okay, talk. You’re fucking awesome, dude. I appreciate. Love you. Okay, what do you want to say to still. Yes, Stu, with the blue coat. You don’t know how trans people are really are.

I mean, because it’s like most trans people are like what you see on tv. It’s not like the people that are really trans, I’m sorry to say, elaborate. Elaborate? Yeah, absolutely elaborate. What do you mean by that? No, I mean, I’m fucking voting for Trump. I mean, there’s no fucking way I gonna vote for Kamala Harris. It’s like she’s a fucking screwball. So you and everything on that side is, like, fucking nuts. So you think majority of trans people are gonna vote for Biden and Kamala Harris? Why? No. No, I think a lot of them are voting the other way.

I mean, cuz why would they vote for that shit? Okay, but what’s the thing is everybody sees just this, like, little sliver of what trans people are. It’s like that lady beating up those fucking people in Olympics. It’s like, no, that’s not us. It’s like, I would never go in a goddamn arena against a woman to fight them. What? I don’t want to do that. What about a woman’s bathroom? Oh, that’s scary. Do you go in women’s bathrooms? Yeah. Say what? He has a question. Do you go in women’s bathrooms? Right. Present day or like, no one knows who you are? We’re trying to figure out.

Are you. Are you going into women’s bathrooms? I. Hold it. Do you go into a bathroom where women are supposed to be and then whip your dick out and stand there and urinate? Do you do that, yes or no? Very simple question. Do I stand there and urinate? No. So you whip your dick out and sit down and pee. Okay, got it. So you go into the women’s bathrooms? Yes. Apparently, yes. No straight answers. No straight answers. Fuck you. You’re such a dick. When did you know you were trans, Denise? Fuck. What? Did you know you were.

I wish I would hear this clearer. When did you know you were trans? Like, fifth grade. Fifth grade. You knew you were trans? Why? How did you know you were trans in fifth grade? I turned total suicidal because I wanted to be them, not me. It was disgusting where I felt like I wanted to be a girl and I couldn’t be, but it was like everybody looked down. I mean, who could you say anything to? I mean, it’s like, oh, yeah, mom, you know, I think I be a girl. I’ll tell you, you need to have a conversation with Goddesse.

That’s what you need to do. That’s who you need to talk to, is your creator. You need to have a conversation with God. Then you’ll be all right. We’ll pray for you. Fuck, yeah. What God you believe in is another thing. I mean, I go to the beach all the time. I can put my feet in the sand, fucking get grounded, and it’s like, that’s my God. It’s like, is it a God, the sand you believe in, or you believe in? How many gods are there? It’s like, I don’t want to just. I honestly feel right now, I honestly feel like Lucifer, like Satan has joined our podcast.

I really do. I feel like there are demons. I feel like there are demons here. Bro. Bro. Yeah. This is not the kind of history that I want to be a part of. What is going on? Bro? Yeah, what is going on? What are you. What kind of operation are you running here? Bo? What the hell’s going on? I’m crying right now. This is the funniest shit in the world. Hey, what’s your question? What’s your question for Stu? What’s your question for Stu? Denise, when? Oh, my God. What’s your question for? Question for stew. No fucking blue code.

What the fuck? You got problems with me? I mean, really. I mean, do you know me? No. It’s like you’re just putting everybody’s thoughts in everybody’s heads that they hate me. It’s like, why do you hate me? You don’t know me. Fuck you. I mean, right there. Right there. Where’s the finger? Oh, all right. There you go. Okay, so that. Okay, Stu. Why do you hate her? Why do you hate it? They. This guy. I don’t. I don’t hate anybody. You’re a dude. Calm down. I don’t hate anybody, including this guy. You know, I hate the fact that Satan has been able to deceive you in the way that he has.

And I hate the way that you were in such a position that you were suicidal to the fact that you ignored the way that God created you and felt that you needed to alter that and try to be something else other than God’s creation. You were created in the likeness of God. And so, as Hibbler said, okay, you know, I’ll pray for you. I don’t hate, but I do feel like you’re demonically oppressed. And I do feel like you need to hit your face and pray and go find Jesus Christ. No, it sounds like you really hate me.

I gotta say that. I mean, you said it just like 30 seconds ago. It’s like you hate me. Why? Oh, yeah. Find Jesus Christ. No, I didn’t say that. It’s like you’re Jesus Christ or my Jesus Christ. I mean, I go to the beach, fucking sit there under. Listen, you’re not gonna play. You’re not gonna come on here, sir, and put words in my mouth. I didn’t say that, sir. I never said that I hated you. I said, you’re a man, you’re not a woman. You’re pretending to be a woman. You live in a delusion. I’m sorry that Satan has been able to deceive you in that way.

And I also think that it’s. And I also think that it’s abhorrent and I also think that it’s abhorrent and a disgrace in a tragedy that you waltz your way into women’s bathrooms and whip your dick out and sit down to pee. Fuck that. Oh, my God. This is gonna break the Internet. Oh, my God. Oh, holy shit. That’s criminal sexual conduct, sir, if you’re gay, you’re gay. But why are you doing all this? I don’t know. I don’t. I don’t get it. Why are you going through all this shit like the echoing right now? I.

All right, I had to stop. That was fucking hilarious. Wow. Thank you, Denise Dennis. They. Them. Cringe. Wow. Cringe. I’m down here. Cringe. I had a close up face shot. I had to do it again. Holy shit. Yeah, it was like, right here. Zoom in on Hibbler again. No, no, no. Right there. That was fucking nutty. That was insane. That was. That. Hey, we just made history still. I know you probably didn’t want to have that happen, but we just made history, you know? What is that other sound? That someone’s coming in live. We got someone else trying to.

She just keeps trying to. He. They. Whatever. You know what I’m saying? They just keep trying to come back. It’s he. It’s a man, okay? It’s a dude, just like anybody else with the xy chromosome, just like the boxers at the Olympics that beat the shit out of women, by the way, one of which was fighting. The italian girl fighting for her deceased father trained for many, many years to achieve that. And some dude got in the ring and beat the shit out of her, and I think it’s a disgrace. I think that these people belong in insane asylums, and I think that homosexual acts should be illegal, and I think that pedophiles should be killed upon conviction on a public stage.

I think you touch our kids, we kill you. And, you know, most of these. These tranny people are pedophiles. I wouldn’t put it past this demonically oppressed Dennis guy who wears a wig and puts fingernails on and wears lipstick. I wouldn’t put it past him. Did you hear the way, how demonically oppressed he was? He was like a serpent. He was like a snake as he was breathing his lizard tongue out at me. I think that people like that should be locked up. I really do. It’s probably a very good possibility that Dennis will end up, if he hasn’t already, raping children.

Hey. Hey, Denise, I know you keep trying to come back and shit, but, like, we gotta move on with the show. We have to continue to move on with the show. I’ve given you an opportunity to say your piece. Oh, there he is. I’ve given you an opportunity. What else do you have to say? Like, what are you. What else do you have to say? Fuck you. That sounds godly, Dennis. Good job. I mean, you’re so sincere. To being a loving person. Thank you. Good. Sell on yourself. My name was Dennis. Dennis, do you have anything else that you would like to say while you’re here? Yeah, I would.

I would like to say, fuck you, Jimmy Kimmel. Fucking. Fucking. You don’t understand. You don’t understand trans people. You just don’t understand us. I don’t know why you hate us. Fuck you. Fuck you. I would love to talk to you one on one. You’re such a bitch. I. Exactly. I beat your ass, daddy. Oh, fuck. Yeah. See, who’s the fucking guy that wants to beat people up is you. Yeah. All right. I know what talk one on one means. It’s like what your people did to the italian girl. You know? You want to. You want to go fight women.

I bet you’re the kind of guy that would love to go fight women. You already like to piss with them. You already like to whip your dick out and sit down and piss with these women. I bet you love to beat the shit out of them, too. So, yeah, I mean, be a man and come and fight. That’s fine. Oh, I’d love to whip the shit out of your ass. No. Would I go into a ring with a woman? Fuck no. I got morals. I know what I am. Absolutely unbelievable. I cannot believe that this is happening right now.

Fucking crazy. Those things. They could be fucking paper plates and cats. It’s like, no, I’m a tranny. Let me just ask you any questions for Dennis. Is there anything that you would like to ask Dennis? No. Yeah, I think I’m about done here, too. I would absolutely, absolutely say, though. I mean, I think it was a really good contribution to the conversation. Is there. Is there. Is there anything else that you would like to say to the man in the blue suit? Is there a question that you have for Stu? Yeah, I cannot. I would just like to say, fuck you.

Fuck you. Got him laughing now. You’re on his level with this. I love what you do for the kids. Thank you. It’s like, no. This motherfucker in a blue coat, what does he do? Just spread hate and bullshit. Go fuck himself. That’s what he wants to do. All right. I love you. I love you. I appreciate you being hopping on the show. That was fun. Thank you. Make sure you keep sitting down when you pee. It’s not as long as you think it is. And your aim probably is bullshit, too, so. All right. Go fuck yourself.

Anyway, have a great day, sir. Just nothing. Hey, have a great night. We appreciate you. All right. Love you. Yep. See ya. Okay. But he loves you. That guy loves you, bow. He’s your people. That’s your ps. That’s your people. Still. Shut the fuck up. Oh, my God. Well, that right there. That right there, that just broke the Internet. We got to clip that shit right there. So Shelley B. Says, who are you voting for? Can we get back to, like, some actual serious conversation? Shelby B. Who are you voting for, stu? Or are you even voting? That’s a great question.

Yeah, I mean, I’m voting. I am voting, and I think that everybody should vote. A lot of people on Twitter accuse me of being the guy that says that I don’t think that you should go vote. You know, I’ve been on the fence about this for a long time. I mean, this is just being totally vulnerable. Totally honest here. I’ve been on the fence about this for a long time. Because if you go and you vote in a system that’s definitely rigged, right? And you’re probably, like, legitimizing that system, you know, because you’re participating in a system where you know that it’s fake.

But at the same time, I’m also mister extreme accountability. So it’s my opinion that we’re going to have military tribunals of american citizens that prosecute these people. That we find them guilty and that we hold them to extreme accountability upon that conviction after a very speedy but fair judicial process. And so I view elections at this point as an evidence collecting operation. And so, I mean, do you agree with that? Do you think that it’s important that everybody votes? Or are you one of these don’t vote kind of guys? I’m more of that type of guy, but what type of guy like, to not vote.

But I see your point in a sense. Just, I look at it from a perspective of they’re, you know, they’re selected, man. Like, it’s, it’s not random. Then someone sits in that fucking chair and runs the country, quote, unquote. I mean, regardless, they’re not running our country. We know who’s been running the country for a while. Yeah. So I just look at it as WWE man, as theater. That’s me. You know? But I know a lot of Trump Trump fans. I’m not saying you’re a Trump fan. I’m saying I know personally, there’s a lot of things about Trump that I actually do, that I actually do really appreciate.

I like a merit based economy, you know, not this DEi, affirmative action economy. I like a merit based economy. I can’t lie under Trump. I was in a much better position economically. Speaker one. That sounds like wd to me, though. That’s the start of it. They put him in, right? And they make it the best economy of all time. The greatest fake news. Fake news. He’s doing everything to make. And this is just my opinion. This is not Stu talking, obviously, guys. He does everything to make everyone like him. Right? Because the ones that are wearing masks during the pandemic, they were never going to like him anyways.

I mean, the guy locked the country down, too, and destroyed his own. He locked the country down. He did. He got the jabs out. He was very proud of the jabs. He got Johnson and Johnson guys up on stage with him. And it’s, again, for the, for the Trump fans. What has he done lately? And what has he done to help our country? What has he said that makes you feel like he’s going to help this country when he’s over in Israel taking Messiah awards and shit, but they’re giving him awards that say messiah on it.

So, like, I’m good, man. Like, I don’t need him. I don’t need his camel toe Harris. I don’t need any of them. We need someone like Stu or others to run this country and get all these motherfuckers out of here. No more wwe. That’s what I want. I think I would probably gladly run this country. Eric Trump now, I’d vote. I would vote. There’s many people I would vote for. You would be one of them. Eric Trump said that he was half Jewish. Yes, I saw that earlier today. Yes. It comes as a huge shock to me.

By the way, I was extremely surprised to hear that. Read this, too. Read this right after that. Yeah, I saw that, too. I’ve seen a lot of that. Donald Trump supposedly converted to Judaism in 2017. Please look into this, says Daisy Fuentes. Daisy is becoming one of our top commenters, by the way. We appreciate you, Daisy. Yeah, I mean, I’ve heard that, Hibbler. I’ve heard that Donald Trump converted to Judaism. I don’t have any evidence to substantiate that. I don’t either. I have no idea what his faith is. And really, you know, honestly, I mean, that’s between him and God.

And so I can opine on that. I can’t educatedly opine on that. But if he did convert to Judaism, come on, bets are off. Obviously, that’s a really big problem. If. If that’s something that happened, uh, that. That would be. That would be devastating. Yeah, he’s anti. He’d be the Antichrist. Fake Christian coming in. It’s possible. It’s possible. I’m not saying that Donald Trump is the Antichrist. I’m not coming. I’m not saying that. You know, I mean, I think more along the lines of Barack Hussein Obama could probably be the Antichrist. Elon Musk could probably be the Antichrist.

I don’t know. I mean, I think. I think that Donald Trump is not an intentionally evil man. I don’t believe that. I believe that Donald Trump, honestly, is a very loyal person. I think that loyalty is a really big thing for Trump. He’s said that many times. I mean, he’s said that since the eighties. You go back and watch interviews of Donald Trump in the 1980s, and he’s saying things like, yeah, loyalty, that’s the most important thing to me. And so, okay, but if he’s loyal to. In four years as president, what swamp did he drain? Because being loyal would drain the swamp like you said you were gonna do.

No, that’s exactly. No, that’s. That’s. That’s the difference. He’s loyal to people that are around him. And so even if they’re damaging to the agenda that he’s trying to accomplish, if he finds something that’s in them that’s desirable or finds some attribute that they have to be something that could serve him in such a way that he believes that it’s of his best interest. I think that he’s kind of a self serving guy. Yeah, he’s business minded, for sure. I think that he’s business minded and he operates in his own best interests. And so, I mean, when you talk about a guy who, you know, since the 1980s, has said that, you know, loyalty is his biggest thing, well, we would appreciate it if your loyalty was really to the America first agenda.

We, as, you know, the populist, would really appreciate it if you would put America first and be loyal to the constitution, that you would be loyal to our country, that you would be loyal to the interests of Americans. And I think that if he were really loyal to the interests of Americans, he would have locked up Hillary Clinton. I think that he would have fired a lot of people. I think that he would have not allowed himself to be subverted by the likes of Jared Kushner and Ivanka. I mean, I know that this is family, but you’re the president of the United States, and the buck stops with you.

You’re protecting the lives of 350 some odd million Americans, probably 450 now, million. And if you count the illegal invaders, rather than doing the bidding of, you know, some other state, rather than serving the interests of those that are around you and taking care of your buddies, I think that that’s probably. And maybe that’s, you know, not. Maybe I’m not playing 5D chess. Maybe I’m not on the, on the same, you know, level as well. I’m hopeful. Listen, I’m a hopeful person, but I’m not naive either way. But my point is, is that I’m hopeful that this 5D chess, this Trump’s a hero.

This. I’m not saying. You’re saying that. So I’m saying people that tell me Trump is, has to play this, this agent type of guy where he’s got to pretend like he’s on their side, but he’s really going to be on our side at the end of the day. He’s going to wipe clean house and arrest and. No, that’s my point. I hope so. But what is. Okay, so, so let’s just say that we’re, we’re both right and that elections are always fake and gay and rigged and stuff stolen. I know that we’re right about that. Let’s just say that Trump isn’t going to be an America first guy and that he’s going to sell out to the deep state and that he’s going to go along with the monkeypox spread by the likes of Dennis and that he’s going to usher in another vaccine and that he’s going to tell people to lock themselves down then.

Okay, so let’s just say that he’s not good for the country. Okay, so now what? I mean, what is the solution? I mean, what would you do if you had it your way, if Hibbler was king for a day? So what’s the solution to rectify all of this? Well, it would take a lot longer than one day, but if I had one day to make the decision, it would just eradicate all of it. I mean, we don’t need. But how do you do that? I mean, when you say eradicate all of it, that’s a really easy thing to actually say.

I agree. But as the hundreds of millions of Americans, or at least give me 25 to 50 people like us that think like us that are. That, like truth, and they’re just sick of this country going under. Under. Right. I think all you need is a certain amount of willing men to take it over. There’s not. Even if you walked in the White House, bow, how many? How many? How many people are in the building? I mean, how many people are in this building? This building. This building. We can outdo all of them. Yes, by force.

So undoubtedly, he’s. Now he’s saying by force, no, I’m not condemning violence. There’s no other way to stop these people. Yeah. Speaker one, by truth is taught. We’ve been unbiased truth. We’ve been talking about this on my program for the last several days. I’m the guy that thinks that this is the biggest deal. I mean, I listen to alternative dissident media broadcasts. I cannot believe that there’s not just a huge amount of alternative media, digital space broadcasters that are talking about what happened in Bangladesh. Did you hear about what happened in Bangladesh? No. So I actually interviewed Cynthia McKinney, who’s a former us congresswoman, to kind of sum her up.

She’s one of the people who said, yeah, no, I’m not willing to bow down to Israel. We are an infiltrated and occupied government. I’m not wearing the ridiculously embarrassing tiny hat. I’m not going over there in french kissing the wall. Every member of Congress is sold out. She did a lot of things as a democrat, by the way, as a democrat, which we now know apparently is like the anti semitic party, which is kind of funny how all of these roles become reversed but anyway, she’s living in exile essentially in Bangladesh, and she’s a professor there and she’s teaching college students.

Zoomers. Gen Z. These people were so oppressed by this tyrannical prime minister, this government. Her name was Hasini, and she’s been in power for over 15 years. Her father was in power before that. So, I mean, collectively, they’ve been in power there for probably close to three decades. And I don’t remember exactly what the piece of legislation was, but there was some law that was about to be passed. And just like here, they have different levels of courts. They have their local courts and then their district courts and their state courts and then their appellate courts and then the supreme Court.

And this thing went all the way to the high courts. And the people of Bangladesh, particularly the zoomers in the younger generations, were very vehemently opposed to whatever this, like, it was kind of like the Patriot Act. I think it was a very oppressive form of legislation that would open up spying and allow the government and the regime there to spy on its people. And the commenters here, if you guys have information on what exactly this was, this legislation was, please, you know, like, feel free. But anyway, Sean, this was, this was like, went all the way to the high court and they were like, nope, yup, fuck you guys.

We’re doing this. And the regime is allowed to do this to you. So they, they went ahead and they allowed this, this legislation, this so called Patriot act type deal to take place. And there had been a very obvious decentralized planning effort that had happened in Bangladesh amongst zoomers. And this is what I have advocated for, by the way. I have always advocated for a very decentralized effort of a very decentralized, very organized effort, effort to put people together. And when I say decentralized, I mean in the sense that it’s not like what January 6 was, was very centralized effort.

Everybody was there. Your phones said that you were there. Your banking information said that you were there. Us banks sold you out, you know, to, and bank of America sold you out to the feds. The feds. It was really easy for them to come and find everybody that was there to make an example out of them so that they could chill patriotism in our country. Country. And so when I have talked about militias or I’ve said, like, I think that, you know, a well organized militia is a good thing. I mean that in the sense that it’s very decentralized.

Not something where you and I go and we put on a uniform and we wear a patch, and we’re easily identifiable. And, you know, like, it’s like, oh, yeah, you’re a part of that Stu Peters army brigade, right? Oh, yeah, you’re okay. So you’re going to jail. Now, not an effort like that, but an effort where it’s very decentralized that in every nook and cranny and behind every tree, there is a Stu Peters patriot, or a patriot like Stu Peters, or somebody who’s like minded, somebody who wants the eradication of an oppressive, tyrannical regime. And that’s what happened in Bangladesh.

And so when this legislation or whatever it was passed or the Supreme Court ruled, yes, the sunni regime is allowed to do this, out of nowhere, millions and millions of zoomers flooded the streets. They were unarmed. They physically overthrew their government. They physically took down this prime minister. She fled. She left on a helicopter. There’s footage of her leaving on a helicopter. She went to neighboring India. Presumably she was coming here to the United States because she has relatives here. Go figure. An oppressive, tyrannical overlord oligarch is now living in the United States. No way. She’s probably having dinner with the Obama.

Those two guys, Big Mike and Barack and so. But anyway, these now Hasini, on her way out, or while she was initially trying to combat all of this, she gave her police the shoot to kill order. She told them, yeah, shoot these unarmed people. And so did they. They did. And as a matter of fact, one of the, like, the leaders of all of this, one of the guys, like, the guys, the young students that was kind of leading the charge of all of this, he stood before a cop. He literally put his hands out like this.

And this is on video in front of the police and obviously expecting, these are the police. They’re not gonna sit here and, like, mow me down right in front of everybody and on camera. And I’ll be damned if, guess what? When he had his arms out like this, the cop just shot him, like three times center mass and killed him. And so these students never really armed themselves. They never had guns. Guns. Towards the end, they picked up, like, sticks and shit, you know? But in the face of this shoot to kill order, these people were going home to their parents, you know, who were boomers? Who, like.

Like here, you know, the boomer generation has been very complacent, very apathetic. I blame you boomers for a lot of the trouble that we’re in right now. But they. But these boomers, though, these parents, they actually support their children, these students, in this effort, a lot of these students were actually Cynthia McKinney’s students, but there were millions of them, millions from all over the place. Again, every nook and cranny, there was a bangladeshi patriot, and they just didn’t know how to handle it. And so swarms and swarms of them kept coming, and they were willing to make the sacrifice.

They were willing to go out and die for something that they believed in. And they knew that they were facing armed people that were spraying real bullets, but they just didn’t give a fuck. And they just kept going and going and going. And so then eventually, after they ousted this prime minister, the president said, you know, basically, like, he did a swearing in ceremony of 15 of these zoomers, where there was then an interim government that has now been set up. And the army, the military of Bangladesh, is following the orders now of these zoomers. And so a lot of this stuff was caught on tape.

For example, that shooting of that unarmed, you know, leader of this kind of, like, uprising that was caught on tape. A lot of the abuse from, you know, a lot of these police that was directed towards these students, it was all caught on tape. And the military of Bangladesh has now seized all of these tapes. And apparently they have gone and rounded up these police and they’re holding them to face a military tribunal of bangladeshi citizens. And they’re now actually looking at calling this the people’s Republic of Bangladesh. It’s actually a real nation now or will be very soon by proclamation or declaration.

I don’t know exactly how that works, but they’re going to declare themselves an actual nation state. And you want that here, right? I’m saying that I think that the reason why the United States media, by and large, and the commenter was probably saying, hey, you need to talk about this because there’s nobody in mainstream media that’s talking about this, and we all know why there’s nobody that’s in mainstream media that’s talking about this. They’re not talking about this because they don’t want you to be white pilled and understand that this is something that we can absolutely accomplish.

They don’t want copycats. These were nonviolent people. These were nonviolent students. These were zoomers. But there were so many of them from this decentralized planning effort that they were able to do this, and they’ve now liberated their country and restored their government to the people. Who’s going to do that here, though? Well, that’s what I’m saying. That’s what I’m saying that I’m in favor of is the decentralized effort to make sure that everybody understands this is the political solution that I’m talking about, and this is the political solution that the government told us. The founding documents of our country say you would be derelict in your duties as an american if you didn’t abolish and replace any tyrannical form of government that becomes oppressive to your God given inherent amalgamates.

I say it all the time. The Bangladeshis did that. And so I’m saying that is a huge white pin hill. You can nonviolently and unarmed use numbers and organization to unseat a tyrannical government, and you can replace it with a form of government that’s representative of the people. If they can do it in fucking Bangladesh, where I think the average iq is about 22. Just kidding. I shouldn’t say that because I love my bangladeshi people. That’s not a good idea to say that. We support you in Bangladesh. We do. We really do. But if they can do it in Bangladesh, what I’m saying is they can absolutely do it.

Here. I got a clip. So, um, somebody sent in. We have it here. The wise one sent in a clip of Trump supposedly converting to Judaism from 2017. I’m going to play this real quick. Let’s take a look. Donald Trump converts converted to Judaism two years ago, according to White House official. There it is. That’s his blog. President Donald Trump converted to Judaism two years ago and joined Habad Lubovitch synagogue in New York City, according to a high level White House official. Mister Goldberg says the story has allegedly been held by CNNS editors for months, but is due to be released within the next few days.

David Elias Goldberg, a fellow at the Jewish center of Antisemitic Study, has also interviewed the White House source. According to the source, Trump was pushed by his daughter Ivanka and son in law Jared Kushner to join the fake. At first, Trump resisted, stating it would threaten his base of evangelical christian voters. However, he had a change of heart and officially converted in early 2017. The ceremony was held in private and closely guarded for nearly two years. It appears the White House is prepared to slowly release this information, and by summer, it is expected Trump Trump will fully address his new faith in an evening televised news conference.

He is clearly the most pro Israel president in the history of America. So that was Rick Wiles with true news. And, yeah, I mean, I know I’ve seen that report before. I’ve seen that reporting. I guess I just didn’t know. I mean, there’s really no way to validate or to discredit that reporting. I mean, Rick Wiles has done a tremendous job, I think, of being Pastor Rick Wiles. He’s been very critical of Israel. He’s been very outspoken about the occupation that our film aims to provide, to show, to highlight, and to get to the root of.

But, yeah, I don’t know. I bow. I don’t. I don’t really know what to say about that. I mean, if that’s true, that’s really devastating to our republic. You know, that’s, I guess all I can say, we got a lot of people that don’t. How do you feel about I, once again, what are your. Like, I don’t genuinely know this. You could just give a synopsis, you, short version. What? What? You fuck with Trump. You don’t fuck with Trump in the middle. Like, I don’t trust. We never talk about Trump. Yeah, of course, I don’t. I don’t trust anyone.

Anybody. I trust nobody at this point in time outside of the people that are on the stream. Because, you know, even Stu. Stu will tell you, when I first met him, and I think when he first met me, there was probably a very. There was a. There was a feel out process. Like, I think we both had to question some things about one another to make sure that we were who we were portraying that we were. And that is how, you know, when you can sit down with somebody or be invited into their home. I know Stu was not controlled opposition, Freemason, or Illuminati, because I’ve met his family.

I’ve seen who he is behind the scenes. I don’t know who Donald Trump is behind the scenes, but if he’s, you know, kissing a wall or doing whatever and hanging out with people who might potentially suck baby dick kind of makes me question his intentions. Just like how we don’t know if RFK was actually on the plane with Epstein multiple times. There are some pictures with Donald Trump with Epstein. Nobody’s actually giving us the fucking client list. I trust nobody. I don’t trust Elon Musk, which is why I’m doing the Elon Musk challenge. I can’t trust fucking Mark Zuckerberg.

Why? Because he allowed pedophiles to roam on it. Stu covered this. They allow pedophile network to be on their fucking platform. I don’t think we can trust anybody outside of who is actually having the open conversations. Stu is having open conversations. We have a show right now that we’re doing called uncancellable. Having the open conversations. Hitler, you’re here. Nobody should question us because we’re willing to fucking talk and literally put up all these comments of whatever anybody wants to say. And that’s the fucking point. If you’re not having open dialogue. I can’t trust. Trust you. Yeah, you literally just brought a tranny onto the program.

So, I mean, I don’t really know anybody else that’s actually doing that. If there, by the way, is another show that I could be a part of where we’re not doing that, I’d be happy to join that program. Obviously. It was a nice change of pace. That’s history. It was fun. This is a definite monkeypox free zone here. Now he what? Bomb me out? He. He called me out. I had. I had to fucking do it. You know, I’m saying, ain’t no fucking dude called me out and saying I’m a pussy for not fucking have him up here.

You know, I’ll have a quick Stu. That’s the point, though. We’ll have conversations with everybody. We say that. I literally just invited a fucking tranny up here to talk about why they are the way that they are, because let’s have a fucking conversation about it. And it was fucking gold. So it is what? What it is. Yeah, that was gold. Cry more. Trump is a jew. Does it matter if it’s true? He’s still the biggest Israel and Jew worshiper in history. 1.1 million nationwide, but all handled locally within the states. Hand them pink slips. Wasn’t the code he did in Israel when he was president? Wasn’t that a code he did? Oh, there’s Richard Leonard.

That’s my guy. He was just here, actually. By the way, Richard Leonard hosts a tremendous show on the Stu Peters network. If you’re not familiar with it, make sure that you watch on the weekends. It’s the Richard Leonard show. He’s a combat wounded Purple Heart recipient. He was my. He was my bounty hunting partner. He’s a brother. He’s absolutely like the. You know how there’s like. I’m like, yeah, hey, brother, you know? How’s a brother? You know? Hey, people will casually kind of throw that around. No, casual. When it comes to Richard Leonard, that guy, I put my life in his hands.

He put his in mine for up to 15 years. And that’s a bond that will never be broken. Yeah, for sure. What was the comment, bow, that Richard said, by the way? I just saw his name, and I got all excited. I didn’t know what was the actual comment. Wasn’t that a codal or code he did in Israel when he was president? A code that he did. I guess I don’t understand the question, Cadel. Maybe Richard’s been partaking in the marijuana. A little bit of. He’s using the wrong words. That’s me after this show. Oh, is it? Oh, yeah.

Like, you like to do that, don’t you? Marry Joanna. Well, you like to do that. A little bit of the Mary Jane bow likes to do that, too, actually. He usually fires one up right on the stream. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, the AIPAC donations are absolutely, you know, they’re there. You can see that. Oh, Trump seed. Fucking Trump. Yeah, I mean, you can see. You can see anybody’s AIPAC donations. It’s not. It’s not hard. Mark Levin. First of all, Mark Levin is. Is a pussy and a faggot, and nobody should ever take him seriously, ever. Mark.

Mark Levin pretends that he’s, like the smartest guy ever. Hibbler. He’s like all the books that he’s written. Written. I know the people that actually wrote these books, and it wasn’t Mark Levin. So, I mean, this is like the guy who’s supposed to be one of the smartest guys in all of America. He’s a fraud and he’s a fake. And that’s why he’s on the Fox News Channel, actually. So if you ever hear Mark Levin talking, you shouldn’t take him seriously. I’ve never heard of him. And I think a lot of people in this country nowadays have never heard of a lot of these.

I mean, Tucker left, right? But a lot of people on Fox, CNN, analysts, I couldn’t name three to save my life, man. Who the fuck watches them anymore? I mean, you. Your show gets better ratings than them, and many other shows get better ratings than mainstream news. No one’s fucking watching them. Just got a text from Alex Roundtree. What is it? He said, excuse me, did you just talk to a tranny? Like, am I. Am I seeing this? Did you. Did you actually just talk to a tranny? Yeah, we did. Alex Rontree, by the way, is the director of communications at the Stu Peters network, and he’s probably very concerned about the fallout that’s going sue after he hears how that conversation went.

So fuck you. Yeah. Yeah. What’s wrong? Fuck you. Fuck you, bro. That’s the biggest clip of the year. Come on, though. That was fucking hilarious. Big shout out to Dennis. Dennis. Dennis and his sit down dick. Yeah, he’s. He’s definitely our guy, that Dennis. You. You look at the Trump’s administration, it was predominantly Jew. Jew. Adelson sent. Yeah. His whole cabinet. I think about 80% of his cabinet was. Yeah. In the House space. 90% are the real ones. Merriam Adelson wrote Trump a hundred million dollar check. Who’s Miriam Adelson? Yeah. I mean, this is one of the largest political donors in all of world history.

Yeah. And, yeah, it’s apparent that there was a very large amount of money that went to Trump from Adelson, so. Wow. I didn’t know that. Yeah, I mean, that’s. Well, where have you been, bow? I mean. I mean, I don’t follow politics like that. Well, that’s why I say, man, it makes me feel like it’s all Wwe because it’s like one of those things where you. You’re watching Monday Night Raw and it’s prime. At least years ago, I’m sure everyone checked it out at some point in their life, and you’re watching Raw or nitro, and it’s like, oh, man, Shane McMahon is against triple H now.

And it’s like, oh, they’re. Oh, no. But now they’re friends. And I just feel like all of these people that we’ve been talking about in politics and media and the government, that I think it’s the same thing. And I hope I’m wrong. But if I am wrong, you know, I’ll be the first to admit it, man. If somebody help us, I want to know what everybody thinks of the new studio. Fuck these Jews and this Trump shit. What does everybody think of the new studio? Love it. Like, I mean, this thing is absolutely incredible, right? It’s beautiful, man.

It’s like, you already sent me the video and I walked in. It’s a whole nother feeling. It’s like, oh, shit. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I mean, what we’re gonna have to, you know what we’re gonna have to do? We’re going to have to give away the opportunity for people to come in here and, like, we can have people sitting over here and we can do this. Like, you know, people can sit here and they can watch the broadcast live. Yeah, they can. You know, get me a water, because right now I’m really fucking parched. I could use a water, to be honest with you, but, I mean, I just can’t.

I’m really looking forward to looking directly into the camera and delivering my exquisitely written monologues and dissecting all of the fake fucks that want to come on this program and then looking them directly into the eye and telling them, yeah, I don’t believe you because you’re a fucking liar. And I just can’t wait. It gives you, like, this whole new sense. And by the way, all glory to God almighty for providing. No one man could do this. No one man can do this. This is 100,000% a divinely inspired team of people. A team of people, people who came together collectively that displayed their work ethic.

They displayed their commitment to the truth. They were willing to put their lives on the line. They were willing to lose family members contact, to lose their associations with their friends, and to be on this network and say the truth. Their commitment to truth, from Richard Leonard to Deanna Lorraine to Carlos Cortez to Candace Taylor to Paul Harrell, and all of them in between have been on this network relentlessly. King Bao. Now you’re here as a filmmaker. Pasquale is here. You know, I mean, there’s just, there’s. There’s so many. It’s. It’s. It’s insane. To give you an idea.

This is actually to give you an idea of how really insane this is. It’s. It’s. When I met bow to get, I didn’t even know. What was that? You’re good. Is he saying. Is he saying something? No, I was just checking the rumble stream. You’re good. When you. When you met bow, this always happens. When you met bow. When I met bow, I mean, I learned later that he was from Minnesota. He’s from here. Yeah. And I didn’t know that. I didn’t. I didn’t know that until much later that he was, like, from here. And he’s like, oh, no, no, no.

When I’m there, I’m gonna stay with, you know, so and so. And I’m like, oh, you know these people? Well, yeah, this is my family. And I’m like, oh, yeah, I’m from here. Like, this is where I’m from. From. And so I’m like, oh. And so then as we were talking about doing something, I don’t remember exactly what it was, but Baal was like, well, you should talk to my guy Tony from tomorrow’s media. You know, he’ll help you to accomplish blah, blah, blah, whatever it was. It was some, like, oh, it was, it was the promo videos, Baal, that we were doing for uncancellable.

Yep. By the way, if you, if you have one ready, you should play one or get it queued up here. We’ll play that in just a minute. But then you took the raw footage from what Tony did from tomorrow’s media, by the way, if you’re, here’s the plug. If you’re in Minneapolis or in the Minnesota area or in the midwest and you’ve got a company and your production, you need media production stuff. There’s nobody better than tomorrow’s media. Exactly. There’s nobody actually in the entire, probably upper midwest or for that matter, the country that could come into a place like this and do like, if I could show you guys what’s going on over here right now and with all these fucking lights and all these computers and all these switches and all these people and all the things that are happening right now.

Right now, to make this happen, you’d be like, oh, my God, I can’t believe it. And to make all this, like, happen, it’s just, it’s insane. And so, yeah, I mean, that’s, that’s basically so. He was like, you got to get in touch with this guy. And then when I was like, well, I want to build out this studio facility. And we came into this building, this building that we’re in, and down the hall is the uncancellable studio. We’ve got Richard Leonard’s studio, which is across the hall. We’ve got a beautiful conference room, break room area, where we just ate some beautiful stuffed shells earlier.

Yes, they were very good. Hibbler. Of course, Bao Hibbler had the vegetarian ones. Of course. The vegetarian stuffed shells. Oh, yeah. They were fantastic. I don’t need death, but I love you. I love you either way. Yeah, but you do eat fish once in a while. Yeah, but, you know, that’s me, man. You know what’s really interesting to me is that you don’t like to eat things that bleed, but fish bleed too. Not all fish bleed, sir. No, they don’t. So what kind of non bleeding fish are you eating? Here we go. For me, the actual animals that God created, dogs, cats, pigs, cows, all that, that’s a whole other thing than the thing swimming around the ocean for dolphins.

But listen, whales. I’m not eating dogs and cats. Well, I know because this country doesn’t teach that. It’s other countries that teach that and don’t eat the cow in this country. And it’s all over the place. I choose just not to eat it. And I felt better ever since. It’s not for everyone. It’s a personal choice. Of course it’s a personal choice. Conversations, we talk about everything. Hey, world, quick. I want, I want to address Matthew memes. Adam Green has had a fucking invite to the show. So we’re not afraid to talk to anybody. If Adam Green wants to fucking step up here, we don’t give a fuck who it is.

We’ll have a conversation with anybody. That’s the, the point. So, yes, Stu has already accepted to talk to fucking Adam Green. We’ve already, we’ve already established that. So I just wanted to say that. And you know what’s funny is it’s, it’s always, it’s comments. Go back to that. Hold on. Just, just go back to that real quick. I think it’s really important that we, that we, if we’re going to really have open dialogue, then let’s actually have the conversation. Put that comment back up on the screen here. If Stu is really about open dialogue or this program is really about open dialogue or whatever this bullshit was, that Adam Green, jewish ass would be allowed on the program.

Okay, that’s fine. This guy’s an atheist. Okay, so let me, let me just say this. Matthew Memes, that’s, that’s the name of the person that wants to call me out for not wanting to have dialogue. It’s always the people who hide behind these pseudonyms. They hide behind these fake anon anon names where they’re not really willing to say exactly who it is that they are, and they’re calling me. Little does Matthew Memes know I have been having the real conversations with everyone since I started this shit, which is why I’m rich and have a huge platform.

And that’s probably why Matthew memes is still going by some pseudonym and hiding behind a fake name. I will talk to anyone at any time. So if you make accusations like that again, I will expose you. We’ll figure out who you are, and we’ll expose you. Love it, everybody. I hate that shit. Killer studio we got. Trump was indicted by his own government. You’d expect to change his stance. Advance studio looks nice. Ha ha. Let’s see. Someone get me a water. Yeah, someone please get me a fucking water. I’m parched. One thing that I will say that we did not address in this studio as of yet is it’s so fucking, fucking hot.

It is hot. I’m surprised I’m not sweating. I’m doing good. Are a lot. Well, that’s because you don’t have the meat sweats because you had the vegetarian stuff ready. Alex, read it. Alex, what’s that? Read Alex’s comment at the bottom. I can’t see Alex’s. It says, let’s see. I got you. It says, let’s get Hitler chair. Oh, I’m good, man. Yeah. I also just got a text from Alex that said, fuck Adam Green. So there’s that as well. Nice studio. I see you guys. Excitement. My dogs are. Yeah, Doreen, it is. It’s very exciting, actually. And, you know, I mean, I didn’t really.

I didn’t really intend for the first broadcast to be, you know, here and tonight, but literally, we just got finished, and we just got the live capabilities. I mean, like, literally minutes. Minutes before it was time for uncancellable to come on. And I was like, well, why wouldn’t we do it from here? This is the beauty of doing it. And you can do it anytime you want. Boom. I would much rather, obviously be, being that we’re on uncancelable right now, I would much rather be down the hall. Oh, yeah. In the uncancellable studios doing. Doing this, all of this, but soon.

But I really did want to show this off to everyone because this isn’t me. This isn’t you. This isn’t Baal. This isn’t Alex. This isn’t Richard or Carlos or any of these. This is God. This is us. This is us being obedient, following our, you know, our direct, you know, like, edicts from God, following the path of truth, knowing that we’re gonna be persecuted. And this is the small reward along the way. God will always reward obedience, and this is part of it. So this belongs to all of you. This is. This is all of your studio.

And so I think that we should definitely be having people here, and I think that we should do the live audience thing. I mean, do you think that would be. That would obviously be an awesome thing, right? That would be awesome. You can have it simultaneously, too, just different stuff going on and it all being. That’s the idea. This is gonna be like a buzzing place, like a busy, buzzing place where, you know, Richard is doing whatever Richard does, and then, you know, bows down the hall and creating content, and you’re like, here doing Hitler stuff.

Whatever, Hitler stuff. And then, you know, you have. The Stu Peters show is going to be live, by the way. We’re going to be expanding the Stu Peters show. There’s going to be Stu Peters live, which is the backdrop that you actually see right here, the Stu Peters live stuff. We’re going to be doing Stu Peters live. And then, of course, the flagship show that you’re used to seeing every single weeknight, Monday through Friday at 06:00 p.m. eastern. That, of course, we will never let go of. We would ask, by the way, we do have to do this real quick.

We would ask, by the way, listen, we don’t have corporate sponsors. No, we don’t have big pharma money. We don’t have a, you know, like an advertising base like Walmart and Coca Cola and Disney. We don’t have the backing of the big banks and, you know, the Rothschild central banking cabal located in Tel Aviv. We don’t have endless resources brought to you by. We are putting out, yes, we don’t have the big pharma shit, but we have been putting out film after film from watch the water to these little ones to of course, the epic hundred million times view died suddenly to final days.

We’re now working on. We just did old world order. We’re now working on occupied. We are treading in the most dangerous waters ever without the financial backing of big pharma and all of these other entities that mainstream media and these big other, you know, corporate shills have. We don’t have that. But what we do have is on rumble. We have a red button that says Stuke crew. And if you believe that every single day that I’ve been here for the last, almost four years now, it’ll be on. August 31 was my first broadcast four years ago.

If you feel like every single day, being here at 06:00 p.m. eastern, without question, providing this show to you, without asking for anything, if you believe that providing films like that to you, life saving documentaries, is worth anything, anything, and you know that sponsors are scared to death to be on a platform like this, then I would just ask you, are we worth $9 a month? If you feel that we’re worth $9 a month, then please hit the Stu Cru button, the red button on the Rumble channel, Stu Peters network channel. There’s a red button that says Stu Cru on it.

If you hit that, you could do a one time deal. If you want to, if you want to donate once to help us with, like, the production of Occupy, there’s a lot of traveling involved with that. There’s a lot of camera equipment involved with that. There’s a lot of risk involved with that. You could give a one time donation of $10 million if you would like, or you could just do $9 a month, or we’ll give you two months for free. If you want to sign up for the whole year, we’ll do it for $90. That’s the way that we need to be supported.

If you feel like we’re worth 900 pennies a month for every day being here, doing the things that we’re doing, putting together the best broadcast that we possibly can can with all of the best camera equipment and all these things. There it is, right there. It says, stu cru. Bow is going to put it on the screen. Circle that bitch. Circle that bitch. There it is. That big red button right there below, below the video that you’re watching. It says Stu Cru. Click on that thing and just. If you would, if you feel like we’re worth $9 a month, 900 pennies a month, dollar 90 a year, please help us out.

Also, we do have a couple of courageous sponsors that are still on board. Bao. One of them is Gold Co. If you want to really protect yourself, why would you not go with the gold standard? Why would you not go with the silver standard? Why would you not go with precious metals, physical gold and silver? The people that I trust are over at Gold Co. They have been brave. They sponsored all of the films that I was talking about. They’re helping to make occupied possible. They helped to bring us this program to you every day, and they help you to protect yourself.

A hedge against hyperinflation, criminal taxation. Basically, it’s murder that these people are doing. If you want to protect yourself, physical gold and silver, put it in your fucking safe. Put it up your fucking ass. Put it under your couch. I don’t care where you put your gold and silver, but just get it and call them. 855706 gold. 855706 gold. Or you know what? If you can’t remember that phone number because a lot of people can’t remember 855706 gold. 855-7067 but what they can remember is that Stu likes gold. And so they just go to stu likesgold.com dot stu.

Likesgold.com. trust the people that I trust. Go to Gold Co. Thank you. That’s all I have, $9 a month, by the way, Stu cru. Yeah, let’s do it real quick. Real quick. Give us more opportunities to do many things for you guys. That’s right. If you want us to. If you want to keep us in this war, help us out with $9 a month. I mean, what do you people, people are paying $200 a month for cable news broadcasts? Yeah. Jeez. Jesus, please, lord, help me. Mighty Mouse 327 and ALm dude gave us $10 on rumble.

That’s beautiful. That’s beautiful. Yes. Thank you. We really appreciate that. When they gave the $10, did they have a comment or a question? Because people who give money and they have a comment or a question, they get preference. They get priority studio warming gift. And then Alm dude says, double that. So thank you, guys one more time. Man. Man, beautiful. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. And maybe that’s what we’ll do. I think that’s what we should do. Hibbler is. And I’m going to talk to Alex about this, but I think that what we should do is we should say, okay, the first 30,000 people.

I mean, what is there, 600,000 people on this rumble channel? Maybe 700,000 on axe? We just hit the million people there. I think that if we could. The first 30,000 people. Actually, let’s make the odds even better. Let’s say the first 3000 people that hit the Stu crew button, we automatically put your name into a drawing. And then we give away a ticket for you and three others. So four people, first class tickets, flight accommodations, everything. And then you get to hang out for a live broadcast with Stu Peters at the Stu Peters show. It’s a good deal.

Yeah, I’m gonna talk to Alex about that. Alex is probably, like, shitting his pants right now. Oh, my God. He’s giving away the farm. What the hell is he doing? First? Yeah, I’m gonna get a text from Alex soon. Yeah. Can you take that microphone away from. Stewie’s giving everything away. Hey, we just hit 6500 viewers on 2 hours of live stream. Nice. Pretty damn good numbers. For. No fuck. For just improv. Yeah, okay. Whatever. That’s great. Let’s talk about real bullshit. We came here to talk about monkeypox. We came here to talk about something else.

You were mentioning. There was something else that you wanted to talk about. I don’t know if there’s something that you think that was really pressing today, but Monkeypox was the big thing. Social Security, it’s absolutely coming. And these people, they’re going to try to lock you down again. Hitler. I don’t think it’s ever going to happen. What do you mean? It’s not going to work? What do you mean it’s not going to work? And retarded speaker one. Before Trump and the pandemic started. Started. I’ll remind everybody who was president for that. But before that happened, Obama tried to do this.

What was it? The swine flu or something? There’s. There’s media outlets that they probably bleached at all. But there’s stuff I’ve seen in the past where they’re talking about mass wearing your face masks staying 6ft apart. They tried this once and failed. Then they tried with, with Trump and the pandemic and the WWE shit that I think is going on. And it worked, right? It didn’t work for people like us, but it worked for. For the country. This is route. This not going to happen again. Listen, I know people in Cali that four, three years ago, they were wearing masks.

They were doing this, they were getting their first jab. They were all about everything. And then like this. Wait a minute. I’m talking about business owners, small business owners. We will never do it again. I think. I would like to ask the commenters, do you guys think this is going to happen again? Do you think that people are fucking retarded enough to continue to do this nonsense? I really would like to know because I think that there are a lot of retarded people that are around us. I agree. You know, I hate retarded people almost as much as I hate fat people.

But I think we’re becoming the majority. Yeah. I mean, it’s. I mean, no, with this topic. We’re becoming the majority. Yes. This is bullshit. It’s horseshit. It ain’t gonna happen. It’s becoming the majority. It’s not there yet, Stu, but it’s not. They need, like, 90% of everybody to be in that, like, right away to fall for something, for it to work. If. Even if 60% fell for this new one, the 40% sitting there, that means it’s never gonna work. Hold on a second. What did Richard Leonard just say? The switching intervals. He said something about the switching intervals.

This is important because he was actually just here at the studio. The switching intervals are perfect, bro. Yeah. All right, well, we gotta give all the people behind the cameras here. We gotta give them all the credit for that. The switching intervals are perfect. Appreciate it. So that’s all the people that are over here. There’s a. How many people are here? I mean, there’s 30 of them at least. There’s at least 30 people behind the cameras here. And they all remain very silent and very quiet, which is something that I appreciate when I’m broadcasting Hitler. Now I want to hear Bow’s take on what me and Stewart is talking about.

He’s putting bow on the spot. I mean, I love doing that. I mean, hear me out. Hear me out. Are we talking about monkeypox? Yes. Like, is it going to work? Is it going to, like, you can’t go to the grocery store anymore type of shit? Is that going to work? Is this monkey pox going to come, come in and do what the plandemic did. In other words, do you think that people are fucking retarded enough to fall for this shit again? I mean, hear me out. He doesn’t want to offend anyone. No, bro, it’s not.

No, it’s not that I’m the most. We are the most uncensored fucking show on the planet. I just, I have hope for humanity. And you have enough people that took a death shot. You have enough people coming forward regretting that they did that. So with enough regret and enough, what is healthy shame? I don’t think people, I mean, now you’re being shamed for essentially voting for Joe Biden. You’re being shamed for, I mean, we all know politics is fake. Obviously. However, there is clearly, if you are of a righteous mind or you’re actually conscious enough to see one side is kind of fucking evil.

They want to abort babies at nine months. They’re all about having old men’s dicks and kids faces. There’s clearly a sign of morality or a side of morality and a side of not. And I think it’s all an IQ test. I think it’s literally all an IQ test. And many people failed the first one. And if they don’t die from the you know what, then I think that they’re not going to fall for the shit. However, the you know what, what is the you know what? Safe and effective. What are you talking about? Die from the you know why? Safe and effective? The fucking cold vax, the fucking whatever.

That’s not even a fact seen, you know, the bio weapon. The bio weapon. That’s what I’m saying. The bio weapon. Yeah, definitely. That the nanotechnology that Japan, that was the other thing that Japan just came out, did a study, found nanotechnology in the vax. Obviously, that was also in final days, but like, yeah, I mean, it’s all coming out now. Everything’s coming out. People realize they were a part of a fucking experiment and that’s the point. So I don’t think they’re gonna fall for it. I personally, but I do think they’ll try. I think people are fucking retarded.

I think people are too retarded. And that’s why they’re going to try again. They’re going to fall for it again. By and large, go out and have conversations with real people on the street. Just, I mean, we’ve done this with uncancellable. We’ve been on the street, we’ve gone and talked about it. But luckily, we have got some people that know what we’re talking about and actually are like, you know what? You’re right. And, yeah, fuck that. And fuck this. And that’s California. We were. I’m just speaking to Cali. That was the most recent one, but in my head, they should watch their mouths when they’re talking like that.

That is true. But. $20. $20 super chat from Naslit saying, maybe you should make people pay for occupied to fund the operation. No, no, sorry. Boy. Boy. Yeah, I mean, you know, I think that what we’ll probably do is an early access deal where people have access to the preliminary parts of the film. I think that we’re probably going to do that. I think that we’re going to do a lot of things that give people the opportunity. Look, if you’re going to be a supporter of ours, we’re going to give you things. You know, I mean, we’re going to reward you for that.

So, I mean, there’s. There’s different things that we’re tossing around, but I think that actually supporting the creation of the film right now is. Is what we’re really asking for. That would help a lot. Yeah. I mean, if you. If you’re not. No one’s fun. No one’s helping in terms of the funding in that sense. Right. Because of the topic. So it’s very difficult. It’s all just coming out of my pocket, personally. Not even the business is paying for this. I mean, it’s literally coming out of my pocket. And I don’t want this small salary that I’ve taken from this business.

And by the way, I just. This is 100% full disclosure here. And people can go through my books, my taxes. I think they’re public, aren’t they? I mean, can’t people look at my taxes? I don’t do them. I don’t know. People can look at my taxes. I don’t know. But I’ve taken a. Not a paycheck from this company for, I think, the last nine months. And then from my own personal account, from the salary that I was taking beforehand, I have funded 100% of the films that we put out between old world order that you and I worked on and occupied that we’re working on now.

Yep. Payroll for all the people that work for me. I’m taking, like, literally out of my own pocket. I’m giving the company advances because of all of the people who have bailed on this network, because we’re talking about the things that really need to be talked about, and they’re scared to fucking death. They don’t want to do it because they’re cowards. Because they’re scared of having their business canceled, when what they don’t understand is that the majority of Americans, when they’re sitting around their fucking dinner tables, they’re having the same conversation, same thing. So we don’t need those sponsorships.

We need the people, because the people are the people that are at their dinner tables. And if you people actually really want to save our country and reshape the future of our country and protect the lives of our children, this film is going to be a narrative shifting gameplay changer. So if you support us with the $9, we don’t want anybody, by the way, to go broke by supporting us. That’s. That’s not the objective here. We don’t want anybody going broke by supporting us. But if you do have $9 to spare. Yeah. Go click on the Stu cru button.

You know, if you have. If you want to save yourself the money, you got $90 laying around right now. Most people could find that in their couch cushions. If you got $90 laying around right now, they could find in their couch cushions before, but now it’s probably pretty difficult. But if you got $90 laying around, that’s two months free. If you want to pay for the whole year up front. And then if you want to just do a one time donation thing, you can also do that. Show that button again. Where’s that button? If you show that button again, it’s on the Rumble channel.

It’s a red one. It says Stu crew on it. They also. I believe it’s been set up where you can do a one time donation, and that will go directly toward funding. Occupied. The film which is coming out. There it is lower left, right there under the uncancel, live and interactive, that red button that says Stu cru. Go and click on that thing, and we appreciate anything that you guys want to help us out with. Do you agree, Hitler? I do agree. And I agree with Craig here, Craig Zander. That God, this is all from God.

I mean, God’s going to help us through this process regardless, but God will help us through the viewer, you know, through you. This truth has to get out. It’s as simple as that. This message of our country being what it is right now, people get confused, dude. They don’t know why our country’s in shams. They don’t know why they go outside and see men with a tit walking around and their balls hanging out, and it’s just all fucked up, and people just go, I don’t know. Wait a minute. I just have something that I want to say about that.

Yeah. Yeah, Dennis. Fuck you. We just got another. Another $10 super chat from dudes asking question, do you think extraterrestrials are behind the world deep states, areas just declaring war? I’m going to kill my dogs. If you would describe or define an extraterrestrial as somebody who claims to be jewish, then yes, I would say that that’s probably. Yeah, I don’t know. I’m not. You know what? I’m not well versed enough on the. On the ET stuff. I’m not well versed enough on. I think space is fake. I think there’s only humans on this plane. And if there’s someone that’s considered an extraterrestrialist because they come from extra territory that we don’t know about, for all we know, there could be another shade of brown or a shade of blue.

Humans, we don’t know because we’re not allowed to go see who the fuck’s over there? Who’s over there? Who’s over there is over there. So nobody knows. I do know that everything that NASA has ever told us, I believe is 100% fucking bullshit. I think that, yeah, they’re worse than CNN even is crazy. Which, by the way, the CNN chick, she was laughed at on Colbert by the audience. And it wasn’t one of these, like, push the button and laugh things. When Colbert said to her, Collins, I think her name is, he was like, yeah, we know that over at CNN, you guys are always striving to give the best information, most reliable information.

And, yeah, just like that, ironically, they all laughed. And these are people that are going to watch Colbert. Wow. So obviously, I mean, they’re onto this. I mean, people, by and large, they understand that the truth is being protected, that the lies are being told by this, you know, Blackrock Rothschild funded media. I just think a lot of people are confused, and they always need a leader. They need. They need someone to watch or listen to to go, okay, I’m gonna. I’m gonna stay here. I’m gonna stay in this lane. And everything else is bullshit. Because they turn off CNN, they turn off Fox.

So we’re. We’re making a step in the right direction in this country. It’s just people need to know who’s behind the scenes running everything, because then we can take care of them. Another $10 super chat from mighty Mouse says, I loved old world order. Film. Thank you, Stu. Grateful. Grateful for you as well, John H. What is John H. Talking about here? Does Stu honestly fear for his life, given what the Zionists have done to us? Others who came out against. And I can’t read the bottom part of that, but I can pretty much against them.

That’s all it’s. I can decipher. Came out against them. No, I don’t. I don’t fear for my life. I don’t fear for my life at all. I don’t live in fear. You know, if God is with us, then. Then who could be against us? I put on the full armor of God every day. I don’t live in fear at all. I think that fear is of the enemy. I think that deception and confusion is of the enemy. God is not a God of confusion or fear. And so, no, I don’t live in fear at all. If that answers your question.

I hope it does. Beautiful. Beautiful. We have another $10 super chat. Just signed up for the Stu crew. Thanks for all you guys doing. That was from an on 1028. And on 1028. Thank you. Well, I guess I apologize for slamming. Slamming the anons. Yeah. I mean, you know, and I do. I totally do understand why people want to protect their anonymity. I understand why people want to remain anonymous because we absolutely live in a cancel culture where you’ll be fired from your job for even, like, watching this stream. Like, imagine that. Like, if somebody, you know, owns a company and they see, like, oh, well, Richard Leonard was watching that stream, so he should be fired immediately.

He was watching Stu Peters. He must be some kind of a anti Semitic, right wing radical, extremist, white nationalist, supremacist, bigoted, racist maga supporters, mega extremist, terrorist. Extreme terrorists. Yeah, we have another $20. $20 super chat from a. From miss me with it. It says there is bird flu summit in October with different scenarios, one being how to prepare for mass casualty event. You have to register for it. I think some stew crew people should infiltrate and report. That’s actually a fire comment. It’s great comment. Yeah. Good shit. Yeah, that’d be great. What happened there? And these people hit the wrong button.

It’s a new studio. It’s. It’s new. You know, these people are hitting buttons and they’re doing things that they probably shouldn’t do. They’re panicking. There’s like, the super chats are coming in. They’re all celebrating and clapping. I think somebody spilt something on one of the buttons. Overdose there. My dog just. I’m gonna piss. I’m gonna grab you water. No, no. My dog just pissed. Oh, you’re gonna grab the water? It’s fine. You know, my dog just pissed all over the floor and on my fucking nice $400 filter. That’s great. So we’re all good. Everything’s great. This.

We’re humans, guys. This is live. This is what we do for you, you know? Yeah, this is real sense. So I can get a new fucking. The bird flu thing is something that, you know, we talked about on the Stu Peters show, um, you know, over the last couple of weeks, repeatedly. We knew that this was coming. We knew that this was going to happen. You guys, they have a recipe for success. They have a recipe for success. They know how to create enough chaos and make you look here or make you look there. They know how to control the masses of fucking retards that will absolutely go lock themselves down willingly.

They will absolutely go take a bio weapon injection willingly. They will fight to get to the front of the line to give that injection to their kid willingly. They will believe all of the lies about pandemics that are coming. They will contribute to and assist in and participate with social unrest and riots in the street, anti american protests, and light shit on fire and burn shit down, and steal from their neighbors and rob their loved ones. They will kill police simply for wearing a badge and being a police. This is the recipe for stealing an election right on the wide open and then making it look like by employing the mainstream media that those people pay for to make it look like it was some popular style uprising, and there’s no way that they’re going to deviate from that recipe because it’s been successful.

So if we’ve done nothing to change what occurred in 2020 and we feel like somehow, magically, it’s just going to change in 2024, that’s just an indication that, yeah, we do live amongst a whole lot of fucking retards, because it’s not changing. They have the recipe. If you’re an all star in major League Baseball, which means that. Or a Hall of Famer, which means that you went through your entire career failing seven times out of ten and you hit 300 for your entire career, if you were able to hit 400, and somebody gave you the recipe to hit 400 for your entire career, if somebody told you that you could be a scratch golfer when you just picked the game up two weeks ago, if somebody told King Bao he could win every single fight that he ever fought ever again, no questions asked, here’s the recipe to do it.

Why would you ever change that if you had the recipe? Why would you ever change it? If something so simple as someone comes over to your house and says, these are the best fucking meatballs I’ve ever had in my life. You made these meatballs? Yeah, I made these meatballs. They’re the best fucking meatballs I’ve ever had in my life. Well, you know, I was thinking about changing the recipe. Well, then you’re a fucking retard, because they’re the best meatballs that anybody’s ever had in their life. So why would you change it? They’re not going to change the recipe.

We have another comment coming in. $10 super chat from rf two mo zero zero. Extraterrestrials are a reference to our non local consciousness. It’s one of the games they play with us. Hiding our true nature in plain sight. Stu, you’re the man. Don’t give the parasites a break. We don’t intend to. I mean, I don’t intend to give these parasites a break. Do you intend to give these parasites a break? No, they don’t deserve a break. They deserve to be removed from the earth forever. And I think evil is on its way out, to be honest.

I really do. What about you? What about you, bow? Do you intend to give these parasites. Fuck no. Hitler. Read this comment. This is for you. Antarctic Treaty was twelve nations. If they are all still in this treaty, how are we at war? It’s a great comment. Well, yeah, I mean, it is a good comment. Is there a way to hit the button on x or do we have to go through rumble? Yeah, the. The subscription button is, I believe, only going to be through rumble. I know you can set up the subscriptions through x. I just don’t know.

I think we’re. If it’s set up yet. Yeah, we don’t know exactly. Stu should really expose. Let me just see here. There was. There was something else that was going on here, too. Let me just see if it’s there yet. But yeah, the United nations treaty comment, that’s got to be taken up to me. That’s my number one priority in life besides saving the children, is just literally eliminating this. This treaty that we have within. Oh, by the way, I will also say there is a lot of people don’t know this because I don’t really push stuff like this.

But if you go to SPN store.com, as in Stu Peters network, if you go to SPN store.com, there’s a bunch of brand new swag out right now, too. There’s all the Stu Peters hoodies with the awesome logo. This one right here, this logo, the one down here on the bottom. These are high quality photos. I mean, hoodies, these are like, you’ve got one of these. I love me and the wife. Yeah, we rock them. We love them. Yeah. They’re the next level blanks. So they’re. They’re like really good, high quality shit. They are. They fit really good and everything.

And then there’s also, if you believe that Christ is king, get your christ is king t shirt at spn store.com as well as like anti parasitics and all that kind of stuff. So, like, there’s all kinds of ways to support this network where we don’t really need. We don’t need to be reliant on people and their courage because there are a lot of people who just are really absolutely not courageous right now. And that includes a lot of people who formerly would have spent a whole lot of money to reach 5.3 million people a day. And they’re just not doing it anymore because they’re just like, they’re.

Stu Peters is just too nuclear or they’re. I intend to remain nuclear. And so if y’all enjoy that, SPN store.com is a way to support us on Rumble. Yes. Hit the. Hit the button. I don’t know if there’s a way on x to subscribe right now, but I think that you can if you go to stu peters.com. i don’t know. It’s not hard on Rumble. Just go to rumble and then just click on Stu Peters network and put Stu Cru and you’re fine. It’s good. We appreciate all of you. Yeah, we do. Definitely. 100%. And thanks for the question.

We just hit 7000 live viewers on. And by the way, we have been live here for two and a half hours. Hours and 1230. I have like a spaces to do. I want to get on some Twitter spaces. I want to host a Twitter space. If you guys are on x right now, I’m going to go ahead and do that. In closing, I’ll say. Yep. Support our sponsors. Gold co 855706. Gold. Obviously stu likesgold.com. bao, you had another sponsor hit that you wanted to do real quick here before we got out? Yep. Absolutely. Go to aloe vera.com.

use the promo code. Kingdom bow. Elon Musk challenge day nine. We are calling out Elon because he is Mister technology and I am mister food technology. And when we get 3 million of you to participate, taking our incredible food technology that biohacks the body back to optimal by lowering cellular inflammation and pumping your body full of stem cells, which is what Tony Robbins calls de aging in his new book, life force. We will effectively eradicate childhood malnutrition from the planet. And that is something that everybody should get behind. Shout out aloe Vera. Shout out ace Manning.

This is the way of the future. This is going to change the world. I love it. Absolutely love it. Alex Rowntree with the pinned comment there. We should stream Europa, the last battle with live commentary for strew crew subscribers. Yes, let’s do that. All 10 hours, 1 hour a day. I’m totally okay with that. Let’s just do the 10 hours. 10 hours straight. Straight. I’ll come in at hour four. That’s when it gets good to me, when you wake up. I’ve seen it before. Well, the reason why you don’t wake up, listen, the reason why you don’t have a lot of energy is because you only eat like.

No, I’m gonna stop you there. It’s because I’m working till 04:00 a.m. for you. You just gotta go to bed. Yeah, you need real energy. We’re gonna go like a big burger or a steak. I’m gonna take you to the house. I’m gonna take you to the house and I’m gonna grill, like, this big rib eye. And then you can eat it. It doesn’t bother me whatsoever. Yeah, okay. I mean, I think you want it to bother me. It doesn’t bother me. You eat meat. I used to eat it. There we go. I’m not a hypocrite.

I used to eat that. 7002 and a half hours. We appreciate you all. This has been fucking fun. Stu. You want me to hit the intro? I just want to say this. Thank you 1000% big, seriously heartfelt thank you for all of those that were in the chat tonight. And whether it’s a dollar, it’s dollar five, dollar ten, dollar 20. You guys are so generous. And I’m just really humbled, and I just want. I just want everybody to know, like, I’m really humbled by the responsibility that I have here. I understand the great responsibility, the power of the tongue.

I understand the tremendous responsibility of the mantle that God has given us. And I gave this platform to him. And I just promised that I’m going to stay obedient. I promise that I won’t take my last breath until we have liberated this country. I won’t take my last breath until I know that the generations that come after us are safer than the generations that we are in now, that we are living in now. And that our kids will live a prosperous life. I will fight until my last breath. I promise you that. So I just. I need you all.

We need you all. We are an army and we are rising up and. Yeah, go ahead. Hit that intro. Love it. See you guys. Oh, well, you know, that intro has to get loaded. Say one more thing. Say one more thing. Load it. Uncancellable, Hitler. You got some final words? Yeah. You got some final words? I got the intro. I got the intro. Just keep it. Okay. I want both. I’m gonna thank both of you for having me on number one. This is uncancellable. So one day, we’ll sit on the couch together down the road. But I’m still blessed that I could be here right now.

And I’m blessed to know both of you guys and the missions that you guys are on. I’m on similar missions. We all have missions to help the future of our children, the future of the generations to come. And it starts with people like us. It starts with people like you in the audience watching. If you’re actually watching the show, you’re a part of this. Like, you have to understand how much you’re a part of this, because you’re on our level of understanding these things. And we need to tell our neighbors, tell the lady and the uber, tell everybody what’s going on in this country, how we could fix it.

And by supporting people like Stu and Bao, that’s exactly how we fix it, guys. So appreciate you, him. Thank you. We’re honored to have you on the team. Most talented filmmaker on the face of planet Earth, Sean Himbler, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. All right. And he’s responsible for this intro that you’re about to hit. Yes, indeed. And it is coming in three, two. See ya. I fucked that up. I fucked that up. God, I fucked it up. Bye bye. Bye, Dennis.

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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