UK Chicken Rebellion and the WEF War Against Home Gardens

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The World Economic Forum is urging governments to ban individuals from growing their own food, claiming it contributes to global warming. They argue that homegrown food has a higher carbon footprint than conventionally farmed food due to the infrastructure used. Critics of this view argue that the transportation and packaging involved in conventional farming also contribute to carbon emissions. They believe this move is an attempt to control people’s choices and lifestyle.
➡ The C40 cities, including London and New York, are planning to implement strict environmental policies by 2030, such as zero meat and dairy consumption, limited clothing purchases, and restrictions on private vehicles and flights. This has sparked controversy, with critics arguing against the measures and accusing politicians of hypocrisy. In the UK, a new law requiring all bird owners to register their birds, even single pet birds, has been met with public resistance, with people overwhelming the registration system by registering items like rubber chickens. This is seen as a form of protest against what some view as overreaching regulations.


They’re coming after food. World Economic Forum is demanding that governments enforce bans on members of the general public growing their own food at home. So it’s not just the farms that they want to shut down. They want to stop meat and dairy. They want to stop you from even growing your own vegetables or having your own chickens or whatever. Experts quote and quote, talk about the so-called carbon footprint. I would love to give these guys a carbon footprint. Right on their backside. The carbon footprint of homegrown food is destroying the planet.

So let’s destroy your life. Let’s destroy people. Let’s destroy your life expectancy as well as your quality of life. The World Economic Forum and other globalist climate zealots are now demanding, not asking, but demanding, that governments intervene and ban individuals from growing their own food in order to save the planet from global warming. They want a net zero of people. They want a net zero of choices. They want to depopulate us. They want to starve us, shut down the farms, and even shut down your home garden. That’s how ridiculous this is.

Allowing citizens to grow their own food will undermine efforts to meet the goals of net zero, says the World Economic Forum and the UN. The research indicated that garden to table produce produce, produce causes a far greater carbon footprint than conventional agricultural practices such as rural farms. Well, first of all, this doesn’t even pass a sniff test of logic. Any food source other than garden to table is going to require transportation, packaging, all kinds of things, right? And there’s a lot of transportation. As a matter of fact, Jack Lawson was talking about, he said, you stop and think about how our just-in-time supply chain is.

He said this way before what happened in 2020 when I was interviewing him. But you stop and think about how at every stage of production there’s transportation involved. So how could that possibly be true? By their own logic, okay? Moving things around is, they’ve always told us, we’ve got to stop the cars, we’ve got to stop the trucks, we’ve got to stop all transportation. And yet, now they’re saying that if you walk from your garden to your table, that that’s going to be more carbon intensive, significantly more carbon intensive than growing it in a remote area, whether it is another part of the state or whether it is another country.

No, that’s going to be less than you growing your own food. We know what they’re doing. So they hired some prostitutes at the University of Michigan who, they paid them to do research. And of course, we talk about this, you know, whenever you’ve got somebody to do research, just like we talk about the pharmaceutical companies, right? You can have three pharmaceutical companies that have three different drugs, all to address the same issue. And they all hire people to do studies. And guess what? People did the studies, it’s always brand A that wins when it’s the brand A people funding the study.

Then the people who funded the study for brand B, they find that brand B is better. And same thing with brand C and so on, right? These people know who is paying them. So this was published in the journal, Nature Cities. Nature Cities. That’s a suspect right there. How much carbon dioxide was produced when growing food? They said, well, on average, a serving of food made from traditional farms creates 0.07 kilograms of CO2. According to the study, the World Economic Forum funded researchers claim that the impact on the environment is almost five times higher.

And they come up with a number and folks, these numbers don’t mean anything. But what you need to see here is that they’re putting a bigger crosshair on small home gardens than they are even on independent farms. The most significant contributor to carbon emissions on the urban agriculture sites we studied was the infrastructure used to grow the food. Again, this is utter nonsense. And they’ll never stop with this until we stop them, until we stop the people that they have bought, these so-called researchers who are nothing but court jesters and the pliable politicians who will do anything these people tell them to do.

So these people doing the research grouped urban agriculture sites into three different categories, individual or family gardens, collective gardens, such as a community garden, or larger commercial oriented urban farms. They also found other factors that they claimed are hazardous. Poorly managed compost and other synthetic inputs contribute to global warming, they warned. They further advised that fruit was 8.6 times more eco-friendly when grown conventionally compared to in a city. So if you’re going to get your bananas shipped in from foreign countries, that’s better than growing bananas or any other kind of fruit in a greenhouse.

It’s amazing to me that they would literally put this stuff out. They insist that people should be limited when it comes to keeping plants inside their homes as well. So you shouldn’t be take in CO2 and give off oxygen. It’s one of the reasons why people keep plants in their house. This thing is so incredibly stupid. It doesn’t even pass a sniff test. That’s why I call these people prostitutes. If you’re going to come up with a report like this for somebody who paid you, you have absolutely no integrity and you’ll sell your soul to sell these lives for these people.

So again, vegetables were 5.8 times better when grown far away from the city and fruit was 8.6 times better when it was grown far away from the city. None of this stuff makes any sense. And then they said, you don’t want to have any plants in your house. The World Economic Forum researchers quote unquote said that there’s carbon emissions from the trucks that transport plants, plastic pots, and synthetic fertilizers. Well, they’re transporting a lot of materials to farms and other places. And not only that, but then they have to transport what they produce.

Idiotic. Uh, again, um, all this is nonsense in the first place. If we’re going to play the game of who has the lower CO2 emissions folks, then what they’ve got us doing is the same game as the preferred pronouns. I refuse to play this game. I’m not going to talk about carbon footprints. I’m not going to talk about emissions. I’m not going to talk about this versus that is more or less CO2. That’s preferred pronouns of the climate kind. The preferred pronouns of the third kind, I guess we could say, uh, if you play with those games, it’s going to go the same way as it does the preferred pronouns.

First of all, these people are crazy. They have absolutely detached from reality. What they’re telling you, you should pay no attention to these people. And if you do pay attention to them and you do go along with their game, whether it’s preferred pronouns or CO2 emissions, then what you’ll find is that they’ll come up with something else. This is all about making you bow to them. It’s all about taking everything away from you. So don’t play these games. Don’t engage in their double speak or their double think, and don’t play around with their CO2 preferred pronouns.

So Susan Pell, the director of the US Botanic Garden in Washington, DC, argues that members of the general public should at least still be able to grow potted plants at home. She said, they just need to consider the environmental harm of indoor gardening. There is no environmental harm just because this person’s got a cushy job at the US Botanic Garden in Washington, DC. But she knows where her bread is buttered and she’s going to push this nonsense. They’re going to put a guilt trip on you for even having indoor plants, but they’ll tolerate it for now.

And then eventually you play along with these preferred pronouns and eventually they got something else. And eventually they’ll come in and they’ll take away even your indoor plants. That’s the game here. And so Slay News is talking about this as well. We’ve talked about 14 major American cities that have set a target to comply with World Economic Forum’s green agenda goals by banning meat and dairy and products by 2030. Of course, this is the C40 initiative. New York and London, it was Sadiq Khan, it was Bloomberg who began this, and it was New York and London.

And then they got it out to 40 cities. And now it’s more than 100 cities worldwide, but there’s about 14 major American cities that are involved in it. New York is still at the epicenter of it. And we talked about the fact that Eric Adams was pushing this idea. We’re going to start measuring all the meat and dairy used and given out by the New York City and the schools and all the rest of this stuff to start measuring it. If you want to lock up Eric Adams, the first thing you ought to lock him up with is this C40 thing.

You ought to put him in jail for that. Yeah, I know he’s probably a crook. I don’t know what it is. Again, I’m not sure what’s going on. Why the Turkish government wants to buy the mayor of New York? I don’t know what’s going on, but this is total betrayal. Just to remind you, the C40 cities are the ones who said that by 2030, zero meat, zero dairy, three new clothing items per person, per year, no private vehicles, and you can have one short flight, and this is 900 miles, a short flight of 900 miles or less once every three years.

Are we going to put up with this nonsense? But again, this is what CityCon, this is what Eric Adams is, what London, New York and many other big cities want. And it’s what Letitia James, this corrupt state attorney general in New York, it’s amazing to me, the worst attorney general I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s not just that she came after Trump. She’s come after everything. She’s also suing JBS USA because they produce beef. She blasted the agricultural industry and argued that beef production has the largest greenhouse gas footprint of any major food commodity.

Well, I think she’s the biggest belcher of gas I’ve ever seen in my life. She claimed that animal agriculture accounts for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Well, I guess the other 85% is coming from politicians like her, right? So you think that this is just a pie in the sky plan? It’s already being implemented in the UK. And guess what? As of October the 1st, they’ve got a chicken license. You got to register every single bird that you have. I mean, they redefined the definition of a flock down to a single bird. You got one chicken? You got to report it.

You got one pet bird? Oh, you got to report it. Because see what they’re using is this phony bird flu MacGuffin. Nobody’s died. Nobody’s gotten sick, but they’re using that as an excuse to register all chickens. This is about implementing. You can’t grow your own food. I mean, we’ve gotten up to the point. Karen did a great job. Karen and my son, who’s now sick, but did a great job with the chickens. We’re now getting out about 20 eggs a day. So having to find creative things to do with them, giving them to people. There’s a lot of people who need them right now, but these are unlicensed chickens and they will never be licensed.

So the UK’s chicken license is in full effect. That’s October the 1st. And the people in the UK have found a unique way to rebel against this. I think it was Grant, Ulysses Grant, who said the way to get rid of a bad law is to rigorously enforce it. Well, these people kind of done the opposite thing from the grassroots level. A malicious compliance with it. They’re reporting everything that could be imagined to be a bird, including rubber chickens. And they have overwhelmed this petty little bureaucracy that wants to register and give everybody a chicken license.

They have overwhelmed them. It’s like a DDoS or, you know, a directed denial of service, except I guess you could say this is a directed denial of registration. They can’t register anybody because they’ve gotten so much traffic on this site. They’ve shut it down. So back in March, they announced that there was an emergency where bird flu, right? So in seven months, this is the way that we saw this stuff roll out with the lockdown pandemic and everything that Trump was doing and Biden was doing. Okay, it’s an emergency. So you’re going to do this today.

And then in two months or six months or whatever, you’re going to do this next thing. And then when you get to that next thing that tell you, okay, this is, we told you we’re going to do this two months ago because of an emergency. And so now you’re going to do this today. And now, two months from now, you’re going to have to do the next step of the emergency. Well, if it’s an emergency, you do it all at once. You don’t do it. As Fauci said, from the inside with disruption and iteratively.

And when you see this being done disruptively from the inside, especially the iterative nature of it, this is not in response to an emergency. And there is no emergency with bird flu. Not at all. Not even for the birds, but certainly not for people. So they used to define a flock as 50 birds or more. And they redefined that down to a flock of one. We need to have an army of one to oppose these people. I wonder what you call a group of politicians. Do you call them a gaggle? That’s what I’d like to do.

I’d like to gaggle these politicians. I think it’s what we ought to do. Maybe you call it like, what was it, ravens? They call them a murder. Well, that’d be a good term for a group of politicians, murder. It’s a murder of politicians. That’d get me flagged. From now on, everybody in the country who keeps even a single bird, not just chickens, has to register as a poultry keeper to protect people from bird flu. Or they had not a single case. But, you know, we got Robert Redfield that the MAGA media is now cheering because now he’s said good things about Trump and about RFK Jr.

So MAGA media is cheering Robert Redfield, the CDC director who was responsible for all this superstitious shutdown of everything under Trump. And the guy who just a couple of months ago was telling everybody, well, it’s inevitable bird flu is going to come after the people. When it does, we’re going to have casualty rates of 25 to 50%. 25 to 50% of the people who get bird flu are going to die from it, he said. But now he’s being cheered by MAGA people. Oh, it’s great. I love what Trump’s going to do.

I love RFK Jr. and his idea for Make America Healthy Again. You see, that’s the danger of Trump. That as soon as some person who ought to be in the docks, you want to talk about Nuremberg 2.0? He’s one of the people that needs to be there. Robert Redfield, the director of the CDC during this nonsense, he needs to be brought up on charges in jail for crimes against humanity. But as soon as he endorses Trump, he’s a good guy and he’s being cheered by the MAGA media and the MAGA people.

That’s the danger of Trump. Trump has absolutely no principles. And the people who follow him will excuse anything that he does. I mean, we see Hillary Clinton coming out and saying, we’ve got to have control of the media. We’re about to lose control of the media. Well, you know, Trump has said essentially the same thing. We need to take the license of ABC. Look at that. So unfair the way they ran that debate. They need to lose their license. He sounds just like Lala. He sounds just like Hillary. The difference is, that if Hillary would have done the stuff to us that Trump did, there would have been a big pushback against it.

It would have been a rebellion. So what are the people in the UK doing about their rebellion? Well, the people of the UK have a tried and tested method of dealing with absurdity, even more absurdity. So in the run up to the deadline, thousands of people took to the website to register their chickens. They registered frozen chicken. They registered chicken nuggets. They registered unhatched chicken, and they even registered rubber chicken. And they put this up on social media to show people just completed my chicken registration. Here’s my three chickens. And so as a result, scroll down and you can see what we are experiencing extremely high volume of applications.

We’re currently aimed to process applications within 30 days. And then they go on to say, if you’ve already submitted an application, do not submit another one. But the people of the UK say, well, if you’ve already submitted an application, do submit another one, right? You can come up with a lot of things that you can submit to them, all kinds of birds. In England and Wales, they said you must register if you keep poultry or other captive birds by October the 1st. This includes any birds that you keep as pets, and you are breaking the law if you do not register.

And then further down, you see all the instructions keep going down until you see it in yellow. Our online service is currently unavailable due to technical issues. That’s why I said that is the directed denial of registration. It’s kind of like a DDS attack, right? The power of malicious compliance. Let me tell you the David Knight show you can listen to with your ears. You can even watch it by using your eyes. In fact, if you can hear me, that means you’re listening to the David Knight show right now. Yeah. Good job.

And you want to know something else? You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the show at the David Knight That’s a website. [tr:trw].

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bird registration law in UK C40 cities environmental policies conventional farming vs homegrown food homegrown food carbon footprint impact of homegrown food on global warming London and New York environmental plans protest against overreaching regulations public resistance to bird registration restrictions on private vehicles and flights world economic forum homegrown food ban zero meat and dairy consumption policies

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