UFC Champ BJ Penn- Running For Governor Was Worse Than Fighting In The UFC! Corruption Exposed.. | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ David Nino Rodriguez talks about how the UFC champion BJ Penn discusses his transition from fighting to politics, highlighting the challenges and differences between the two. He also talks about the issues of cost of living and homelessness, suggesting that these are interconnected problems. The conversation also touches on health and nutrition, with a focus on harmful foods that are often marketed as healthy. Finally, Penn shares his experiences in politics, emphasizing the difficulties and the need for resilience and determination.
➡ The speaker discusses their experiences in politics and the challenges they faced. They express frustration with the system, mentioning how they felt manipulated and used. They also talk about their transition from a career in sports to politics, highlighting the difficulties of adjusting to a new lifestyle. Despite the struggles, they remain committed to making a difference, although they are unsure if they will continue in politics.
➡ The speaker believes that the issue of homelessness is a symptom of larger economic problems, not a standalone problem. They argue that affordability should be based on a 40-hour work week and suggest unconventional solutions like planting more fruit trees in cities to address hunger. They also discuss the moral implications of people resorting to platforms like OnlyFans due to economic hardship. Lastly, they express skepticism about the ability to reform a corrupt system, suggesting that significant change, like replacing all department heads, is necessary.
➡ The speaker discusses the aftermath of a fire in Lahaina, mentioning that some people are moving away and others are renting expensive houses. He also talks about his decision to leave politics and his future plans, which might include opening more gyms. The conversation then shifts to the world of fighting, discussing the transition from fighting to regular life, the dangers of not having a goal, and the possibility of fighting again. The speaker also shares his thoughts on Jake Paul’s approach to boxing, suggesting that Paul is not fighting real boxers but handpicking MMA fighters. The speaker reveals that he was once considered for a fight with Paul, and expresses confidence that he could give Paul some problems in the boxing ring.
➡ The speaker discusses the differences between UFC and boxing, noting that UFC has more control over its fighters’ earnings. They also discuss their experiences in boxing and the allure of fame and glory for young fighters. The conversation then shifts to politics, with the speaker expressing support for Trump and skepticism about the upcoming election. They also discuss their appearance on the Joe Rogan show and their views on the world, including conspiracy theories about billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg.
➡ The speaker believes that the system is designed to keep people from becoming wealthy, with high taxes and living costs. They suggest that reducing taxes and utilizing natural resources for food and energy could drastically lower the cost of living. They also discuss the issue of food insecurity leading to crime, and the negative impact of readily available alcohol. The speaker plans to continue discussing these issues and possibly enter politics to effect change.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner TV. I’m joined with UFC champion BJ Penn. BJ Penn, a great hall of famer, UFC champion. Both of us have fighting in common, but I gotta say, I. Where I really give BJ the credit is that he actually went into the world of politics, which I didn’t even have the balls to do. I feel like you got to be in a club, dude. You got to be in a club. And you found that out firsthand, right? Yeah, it is. It. You know what? I learned so much so I’ve. From what I knew when I first got involved, I was.

I mean, I just remember what my dad told me about the constitution, and. And I didn’t really know anything the second time I ran. I see the problem now. Now I see the problem. I mean, besides that it is a club or secret society, whatever you want to call those guys. And everybody in the world, I’m sure, knows a few. They just don’t know that they’re in that club or whatever. But looking at everything, because you always think to fix the economy, you gotta bring in stuff like, man, imagine if we had gambling, or imagine if weed was legal.

Or I imagine this and that. But that does nothing. Because all that does is cause more traffic and more crowds. You know what I mean? Because it’s the cost. It’s the cost of living. We have one problem. This problem is the cost of living. And everything else is a symptom. Everything. Fucking homelessness. How can you have a homeless problem and a housing problem at the same time? Who made. Who. Who turned this through here? The homeless people didn’t make the housing problem, didn’t make the houses. You can’t even buy them anymore. It wasn’t these guys who did that.

It’s these guys and that. And you gotta go. You really do have to go in. I saw your Instagram post and I did. You were working hard, bro. You were really out there. You were banging the concrete, dude. You were out there, like, with signs of. I said you were working hard like you did before your fights. You know what I mean? Like, that’s what I saw every time I saw you on Instagram or something like that. You were really beating the pavement and really trying to kick ass. But hold on, BJ. Hold on. Let me just get into this for a second, folks.

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That’s three harmful food sports. You know, click on the link in the description box below. I tell you what, BJ, I was. When I got done boxing, I kept eating the same way and I got big, man. You know, I was just. I was a heavyweight, right? But I mean, I got to tell you, like, I’m now learning, like, what foods to stay away from, dude. And I got to tell you, like, back. Back when I was in my twenties, I could eat anything. I could eat anything and just train it. I was burning it off.

Burning it off. And then all of a sudden, dude, I, you know, I almost hit 300 pounds. Just bam. Like. Like one day to the next. Almost 300 pounds, bro. Yeah, that’s how I got bigger, period. I remember my first fight, the UFC was a 155 1st time in my life. No, I made weighted jiu jitsu and stuff, but I remember making weight, and then I thought, I can eat whatever I want. And I just did that. And then I never stopped to, you know, dude, like, like a guy like you, bro, let’s just talk about you for a second.

You were a. How many time champion? How many was it? Three or four? How many? I was a jujitsu world champion. The first. The first non brazilian. But that ain’t fighting. That’s a match or whatever. And then. And then the fighting, I was up. I’m still the only 155 and 170 pound UFC champion. Yeah, but, BJ, you. You could box. You could box a little bit, bro. You. You knew how. You had a very. You had to, you know, when I watch your fights, I see that you have a lot of chi. You’re very good with your energy, and I know.

And fighters have that world championship fight. World champion fighters have that. You’re able to read energy, and that’s an art form that not many fighters have. I, you know, when I lost my two fights, well, up until I was about 36, and, oh, I had that. And then when I suffered the knife attack to the throat and the whole thing that happened to me, that threw my whole energy off, my chi off. But you’ve always had that your whole career, man. Let it. Let everybody thank you for saying that. And, you know, you know how it is.

As soon as you get to the fight, soon as you guys get to the hotel, you look the way you look at the people, and, I mean, I said it in a couple of my things while I was running for office, but you look at their skin. You look at their face, you look at their clammy, you look at their hands are sweating. You look at their limping. You look. If they can shake people’s hands, you look at everything. We’re masters of detail, right? Eyes don’t lie. Yep. Yep. The eyes don’t fuck. They don’t lie. And it’s, you know what, what a perfect thing to be involved with, to walk over to the politics.

And I always remember that, that Apollo Creed, when he said, without some challenge, without some war, the fighter may as well be dead. But he’s right. It’s true. And that’s how I see you, to be honest with you, because you. But you. You kind of. I guess you thought, like, you’re going to take your fighting ability, your fighting mentality, and bring it into politics, but, dude, the game is just not played the same way. At least in the UFC and at least in boxing, we have a puncher’s chance. We can beat the judges at their own game.

We can. We could win by a knockout, or we can win so decisively that they can’t legitimately rob you if it’s just so one sided, which they still can. Obviously, they still can. But at least we have a puncher’s chance, right? And you try to take that into politics. Politics is a different game. It’s a different animal. It’s. It’s, uh. You got to be a kiss ass. You got to be a kiss ass in politics. Not a kiss ass. You’re a fighter. You gotta. Yeah, you gotta be a sellout. I’m not talking about a little bit of a sellout.

You gotta be 100% fucking loser. You know, it really is. I mean, they say, like, because I see people who went to jail and stuff, because these guys are our friends. We know a lot of them well, and they never, they’ll hold their head high that they never ratted anybody out in jail. And nobody likes the tattletale. Nobody, not even the person he’s telling, but they’ll hold their head up high there. But then they’ll go work for the biggest freaking rats in the world, the intelligence agencies, and it’s just, you know what I mean? I mean, a rat is a rat is a rat is a rat.

Doesn’t matter. That’s how I know that. I know that they’re trying to, I mean, they did everything in their power to drown you out and suffocate you and, and make it. You, you, you. I mean, you made some moves, though. I mean, you made some big moves. You made a big bang. You were running for governor, right? I was running for governor, yes. But just getting an idea of how big this kind of the scope is. They bring all the politicians, all the candidates, they bring the terrorists over here on this side. They bring the freedom fighters over here on this side.

So if you step up to say something, you’re with them already. They already are all surrounded around you. You’re ready. They’re already there. I mean, they’re, they’re the whole NFL. They’re every team. The only reason why there is Green party and a libertarian party is just for them to get more agents on the field. No other reason. They do nothing else. It’s just to get more of a, you. You went into this like, you want. You went into it with, like, a big heart, a good heart. You wanted to change things. You wanted to make a difference in Hawaii, and you found out really fast who runs the show, basically.

Well, you know, if you figure out this one, the second time that I ran my own hometown, hey. Crying my own hometown, um, we were taking a dollar a year, so we weren’t even gonna take a paycheck out there. I never seen them wave once, but that’s why I kind of went. I kind of didn’t campaign as hard as when I was governor because while this was all going on and looking and seeing that she didn’t waive once and looking and just kind of realizing what’s going on. I mean, it’s one of those things where they got, they got really pissed off because they had to do it obvious this time.

They had to make it real fucking obvious that’s where that, that’s where they got hit. So. So, like, for me, right? Like, I embarked on this podcasting career and thank God that took off for me because I don’t know what I’d be doing otherwise. I mean, and that’s how I’m making my difference. But, you know, we as fighters, man, and I know you can relate to this. It’s, it’s, we’re all in or nothing. Like everything we do, it’s. It’s a hundred percent pedal to the metal, dude. Like, we. That we don’t slow down for anybody. And when you’d make a transition from boxing or UFC into life, it’s.

You do have. You have, like a sense of shell sock you. You kind of, you kind of have PTSD from the fight game. You. You kind of, you cannot just come into regular life and be a normal person. It’s almost impossible. So you have to jump into something else, you have to transform your energy into something else. And you decided on politics. Are you going to continue down this road or what do you just, what are you going to decide to do, BJ? I mean, I know you have gyms, don’t you? Yeah. Yeah. And we got the gym over here, and, you know, that.

Does that feel a void for you or does it not feel a void for you? Does sitting outside of the club, does it help? Does it help you get dancing out of your system standing outside the club? You know, bro, I can relate because I remember when I was commentating boxing on a few, on a few tv stations or whatever, I remember I hated it. It killed me inside, dude. I couldn’t do it. I just felt like. Like you’re watching the party. Just like you said, you’re watching the party and you’re not part of it anymore.

It’s horrible. I couldn’t deal with it. That’s why so many fighters, I think, that are UFC or boxing, they go into drugs and alcohol. Right, right. Only thing is intense, right? Intense how the people are going to treat you from the side. It’s just like I went on fighting, you know what I mean? Right. Because they’re just used to that. But I remember talking to Kelly Slater not too long ago, and he’s like, oh, I might gonna hang it up soon. I’m kind of nervous, I don’t know what to do. And I just told him, just jump on the fucking next horse.

There’s gonna be horses sitting around. Are you gonna jump on them? Right? But it’s always like, even from the beginning of the sport we played. The talent isn’t the talent. The talent is doing something with the fucking talent. That’s true. Fucking talent fucking grows on trees. There’s all a good guy fucking right around the corner, right here, wherever you go, you know, it’s doing something with it. But I mean, looking. You know what I always would say? Fighters are the best problem solvers in the world. We solve thousands of problems in, I say, 300 seconds, because that’s five minutes.

But we saw, oh, my hands. Too low. My hands are, oh, I’m getting tired or whatever it is. You’re just constantly. Just shifting. It really is like one of those, where they have that one gif where all the numbers are going across the screen and all that. All is that hangover or whatever. Yeah, yeah, but that’s it. That’s our daily. That’s everything, right? And we’re constantly. And that’s how I just. After a while, I just looking at everybody’s thing and you smart people running these things. Smart, smart people. But looking. Looking back, like, if you would ask me last year, oh, what’s your solution to the homeless problem? I would, you know, we got to get them a roof over their head.

We got to make sure whoever needs the help, we got to get them whatever mental health they need, whether it’s drugs or pills, whatever it is. And, oh, maybe we’ll send some back to the mainland or, you know, where they came from. But really, all of them are fucking. All of them are intelligence agencies just sitting there trying to lower the property value. They’re. All. The locals aren’t going to go sit in front of the local freaking cafe pastel right over there. It’s all freaking intelligence, guys. Is Hawaii really? Is it still real bad with homelessness? I mean, I heard you guys, weren’t you that one time, flying people out of there one way when we fly out? But.

But they sent them back because these guys, it’s a sanctuary state. So they can just be immigrants in there, and then they can just catch a flight. They can be snowbirds flat on Hawaii for the weekend if they live in Chicago. I mean, for the summer, if they live in Chicago, then fly back or whatever it is. Was there a lot of tents there and shit? Is there like. Because I know, I remember, uh, there’s. They made like a tent, a ten little tent town. It was called Mitchville at first, for Mitch Roth, but for the, um.

For the mayor. But they made a kind of a ten place. I mean, these guys is. You’re talking about so much money. I mean, hawaiian homes alone over here, they don’t make any of the houses for the native Hawaiians that they should. The native Hawaiians are over. There are 10% of the population, but they’re like 75% of the homeless, the real homeless. Now, these guys sitting around here, intelligence agents, but I mean, the department of Hawaiian Homes as a kind of a portfolio that would make Elon Musk or Billy bill Gates blushed. These kind of guys, but they say they only rent it.

They only rent all of their properties for a dollar a year, same price they give the native Hawaiians or whatever. But these guys have so much land and these guys could have so much power. They could build a house for every. Doesn’t even have to be native hawaiian for every fucking person here. You know what I mean? This is crazy, the kind of stuff you see. Are you gonna. Are you gonna stay in politics? Are you gonna keep going at it? Or are you kind of just. I’m not going to spend another. I’m not going to spend another penny running for office ever again.

But I might just leave my name inside and just leave my signs up if it’s, you know, leave them up all year. There you go. I mean, I can’t imagine. I can’t imagine you giving up on anything because you are a champion. But, I mean, there comes a point where you just realize it’s kind of like when you have to decide to retire from a sport or to retire from UFC. I mean, you got to know when to. When to throw in the towel, you know what I mean? You either leave the sport or the sport leaves you.

Is that the same thing with politics? I mean, look at Tito Ortiz. He went in for like, what, a. Not even a year? Or how long did he go in for it? And then he was like, fuck this. Fuck, man, you. You can’t. Yeah, well, and then going through all of that. I mean, this stuff is just nothing compared to that, you know? I remember when walking out of the debate, I remember the first time I did the debate in front of. On the statewide television and I was up there. I remember walking out. I remember, like, because this going like this, like, well, I’m not bleeding.

Not bleeding from anything, right. But you. But your soul felt dirty. Yeah. You’re gonna compare it to things, you know? Right. So, like, that was. You’re up there and they were taking their best shots, but it was just. It’s fun, though. It really is fun looking at it. What’s that? How you gonna solve it? But you gotta know, I mean, you can take the ten smartest people in the world, put them in a. Put them in a room, and say, and they won’t be able to solve Hilo’s homeless problem. That’s because it’s not a problem. That’s where they trick you.

The word problem. It’s a symptom. This is the problem. You gotta fix the economy and affordable. The word affordable, you cannot say the word affordable unless it fits in the 40 fucking hours. You cannot work. You cannot work over three jobs. You cannot work three jobs to make ends meet. Affordable means the 40 hours. So that means the 40 hours. Got to do your how. You got to get your house, your food, take care of your kids, a car, and your vacations a year. That’s the only fucking thing affordable. But it’s. It’s nothing. We could put five casino boats right here in the hilo, downtown Hilo in the breakwall, marijuana industry, NASCAR track on the other side.

Doesn’t matter. You gotta bring the costs down. People are gonna just keep thinking that. Why do people like to be in Vegas? Whatever certain tax breaks they got, or just wherever you are, anywhere you’re doing, whatever you’re doing. But over here, you said. You said something a while back that had me thinking, and I was like, you know, he makes a lot of sense. You were saying, why aren’t we planning, especially in Hawaii, why aren’t we planning in the city, more trees with fruits on it so we can solve the hunger problem with the homeless? Why don’t we put it planting more pineapples? Why aren’t we planning more fruits and let it.

Just give it to the public? And when I first heard that, I was like, I don’t know about that. And then I started thinking about it. I’m like, that’s actually the most logical thing I’ve ever heard in my life. That’s the only thing that makes money a necessity. Money is not a necessity. If you take food off it, then you just work for whatever you want. Materialistic. Because everybody always talks about, oh, we got to make our own money. But that’s not. It’s the food is the one. The food. It’s air from the earth, water from the well, food from the trees, and it’s free.

And it’s all free. That’s why if they took. You gotta tell them, if you took the fucking trees, then fucking put them back. You know what I mean? Yeah. That’s what you took the trees, put them back. That simple. I mean, we really. It’s the system we live in. It’s the system we live in that it’s. It’s made out of scarcity. I mean, most and everyone you meet, dude, everyone you know, most everyone you know is just trying to survive. Nobody’s really thriving. Everyone’s just trying to keep their nose above water. Yeah. And as I was in a meeting with them, I went to one of their forums, and they were talking, and I stood up and I said, I just want to know what’s going on.

There’s water falling from the skyd. There’s rivers on both sides of our feet, and there’s the same amount of food as the Sahara desert, where eventually we’re gonna. I go, we. We’re gonna have to take food off the market. We’re gonna have to take something off the market, because that’s. You can’t. You got these guys stuck in the rat race, and then now you start taking the food away from them now. $300 a bag for a bag of groceries and this and that. You got to feed your soldiers. These guys are out here paying fucking taxes.

Beat them. You know what I mean? You know, I have a friend that’s a tax accountant. I won’t say his name. He’s an accountant. He’s a CPA. And he was telling me, Dave, you have no idea. And, like, what people are doing for money now. Like, teachers, doctors, lawyers. Dude, it’s onlyfans. Like, that’s where society is going. Like, people are actually, like. And then. And, like, how do. That’s the point. That’s where we’re at in society. Like, it’s the narcissism. It’s the. People don’t have to go to strip bars anymore. They could do it from their home.

Like, women now are doing the onlyfans thing and making tons of money, so they’re selling their morals, their ethics. Everything’s going out the window now because it’s so hard to survive. But sex sells, and you got. You got women now that are, you know, I don’t know how old you have to be having onlyfans, but when I found out that, he told me, dude, you have no idea. They’re making more their onlyfans than being a lawyer, than being a doctor. They’re making more than. That’s where society is going to. That’s where we’re at now. What’s your thoughts on that? Like, just selling out.

People just sell out left and right. And did you see. I was just. Somebody was talking to me about that one that. The rats or whatever, the rat test. And after a while they all came together and started beating up the alpha males because the alpha males were taxing the other ones. And then, and then they just had the. It just had the kind of weaker males and the women, and then they all. And then they weren’t good for breeding with. So then they all died. The test. Over and over the test goes, you know what I mean? Makes you wonder.

Right? It’s kind of like where we’re at right now. Yeah. It’s where America is out right now. It’s. Yeah, it really is, man. It’s. And I wonder if we can. I mean, we don’t even have to step up. All you got to do is. Yeah, I mean, to me, I really believe you don’t even have. You don’t have to have a revolution. Nobody has to die. No, there has to be no civil war. All you got to do is just make sure, just like anything else, when somebody comes to buy alcohol or go, or what they do to people when they go to buy a gun or what they do, to do all those things, you got to do that for.

You got to do that for the people making laws. You got to make sure, you know everybody doing everything. That’s all I ever say. You got to make sure you know everything. You think the, this, the system is too corrupt. It’s irreversible. From your experience, is it. Is it going to be something that we can fix? Or, or do you think it’s just too far gone? Whenever somebody gets in office, a president or a governor or anybody, and then they say, because of the last administration, it’s gonna take a couple years to turn this thing around, fucking kick them out right there, get rid of them right there.

Immediately. Immediately. Like this. Like this. You can fix the whole thing, you know, instantly, because it’s you. All you gotta do is just change all the department heads. I mean, now looking back, you know, it was funny how little I knew because I. I mean, from what I see, I don’t think. I don’t know. There’s a couple of things. Maybe. Maybe not everybody could be, or maybe they could be. If somebody said, yeah, I’m going to be the president of the United States, I would say, no, you can’t. But maybe they’re just going to be. Maybe they’re just going to fucking bow down and be, yeah, yeah, but to be president, you got to be part of the club, but, yeah, yeah.

Or just to be the real president of the United States, right? You, are you going to be the president of the United States? You’re going to be the real president of the United States. You try to be the real president of the United States, you get shot. We just saw that just a few, you know, few weeks back with. With Trump. I mean, dude. Yes. You know, he’s trying to go into a system that needs to be cleaned out. I mean, the whole damn thing. You gotta. It’s just like fumigating for termites. You gotta clean. You got to get every last termite in the system out of there.

That’s the only way we turn this around. Yeah. I mean, it is. It’s. It’s the scope of this thing, how big it is. And I would have to say that, you know, I. The state. State prison, you know, you. They got. That. You got. People go to state prison, and then the feds, they got the federal penitentiary, but then you got bigger organizations than those guys that you don’t know. You don’t know what anybody does, you know? And you’re just talking. I can’t. I mean, just to think how big the scope of everything is. I mean, is it 50% of the people in the world is in that club? Yeah.

Well, how big is this scope? We don’t know. We don’t know anything. You know, they say it’s a club, or you think it’s just 20 guys. You think it’s people you don’t know? You know what I mean? Yeah. Everybody’s got their hands in the pot. Mandev, what is Lahaina. What is Lahaina look like right now, man? What is that like after that devastating fire? And I know you and I have our theories on that fire, so we can’t talk about it on YouTube, but what’s your thoughts? Like, what is Lahaina even look like now, bro? Like, what does that even turn into? I have.

I haven’t been there since. Since the last time I was there, but I haven’t heard anybody that was on their property. Again, I have heard that some people are moving away. I did see Josh Green or all those guys doing all that stuff where they were. They were making. They were renting. They were renting houses for these guys for $15,000 a month. They’re renting all of these houses for these people. Instead of building them their fucking houses. They’re renting them all. I got you. And then they had them in hotels, and then all. They kicked them all.

Well, what we did. We had you there for two years. Yeah. Why don’t have a fucking house now, you know? But wait, but, I mean, like, Oprah and all, them still have their house there, don’t they? Well, you know already. Yeah, you know, Oprah and all. So are you. Are you gonna. Are you gonna just. Are you done with the politics, BJ? Are you gonna keep going? I’m not gonna spend another penny ever again. I’m gonna leave my old signs up all year, just wherever they are, this. That are on our properties or something, that we can leave them up, and then I’m just going to keep my name hinged.

Lockdown. But you plan. Are you still. Are you just going to plan to stay? Are you going to open more gyms or. What do you plan to do, BJ? Because I know. I know how it is for a fighter, bro. I know how hard it is to make that transition back into regular life. Like, if you don’t have something, a goal to go for, something big that you have to fight for, what are you gonna do? You know? I mean, I. We, you and I both know guys that come out of boxing, come out of UFC.

And where do they go, bro? They go to cocaine, they go to drugs, they go to. They go to alcohol. I was a prime example of that for a long time. So if you don’t have something to immerse yourself into, like, it can get dangerous. It can get real dangerous for guys like us. We go too far on everything, right? That. That’s why we can’t drink, because we want to be the best. We want to be the world champion for fucking drinking, whatever it is, right? You drink like a pussy. Give me that thing. But that’s it.

But that’s. Right. That’s. We can’t help it. So, I mean, that’s what I said about politics, because a lot of people, when I started going after some of them, they. They were calling me on different things, and then that’s where just. I mean, just from being a fighter, that’s where you just, you just realize, I. Look, they’re bleeding. They’re bleeding from here. Look, that’s where I want to kill them. Right here. This is where they bleed from. But just looking back, looking back at it all, it’s. It’s been, what a good time, man. What a good time.

You’re. You’re a legend, and. And, you know, I have to ask a question. Do you think you’ll ever fight again? Would you ever have one more fight for the books? Would you ever do it just to get that adrenaline rush? Maybe. Maybe one last fight? Never know for the books. Maybe not. But who said I didn’t fight? Last week, would you ever go, like, into another, like, let’s say, jiu jitsu or something? Would you do a boxing match? What about, like, what’s your thoughts? Let’s talk about Jake Paul for a second. I think he’s completely reinvented the sport.

I mean, I’ve never seen someone able to just cherry pick everybody. Anybody and everybody he wants to fight. There is. And you know this. There’s a big difference between being an MMA striker and a boxer. Boxers will not fare well in the. In the UFC octagon, but MMA strikers won’t fare well in the boxing ring either. And Jake Paul just hand picks these guys. What’s your thoughts on Jake Paul? What do you think? What do you. What’s your thoughts on the. The Jake Paul experiment? You know, I gotta ask you that. I’ve always wondered what you thought about that.

I see him doing all these stuff. He got into great shape. He got strong. And, you know, I might be too crazy to answer a question like this. No answer. Be blunt, be honest. Who cares? No, I mean, with all of this stuff that. I mean, just being around the politics and. And everything. Just being around all. Can you see me okay? Yeah, I can see the politics and everything. I mean, just seeing how crazy it is makes me wonder. Well, it’s. It’s either he did it and. And that’s. And that’s him and that’s. He got that good.

I mean, you. He put in the time. If you had asked me if that would have been enough time. Yeah, I could have seen him for the guys he’s went up against, but he had. He hand picks MMA fighters. He’s not fighting real boxers. And the bare knuckle guy. What’s his name? Rockhold. And. But it looks like. Almost look funny when he kind of like when he was stepping back in any. Something looked a little strange at one point to me, and there. And I’m not the guy that ever looks for that. Somebody brought it up.

I think it was Hector Lombard. And I started looking at it and I thought, huh, kind of. Yeah, well, that was kind of weird. But whatever, it happened, and I, you know, with all these different stuff that I see. Crazy stuff that I see. Right. You sure it’s not a guy that got plastic surgery that looked like Jake Paul? And then, I mean, I say Jake Paul is like a. You know, he’s a c. C minus fighter at best in boxing, but, hey, he’s hand picking people like Nick Diaz and other MMA grades. Oh, yeah, Nate.

Yeah. I mean, Nate Diaz sorry, did I say Nick? Nate? Yeah. I mean, but I think the person that had some of the best boxing ability in the MMA was you. I think you had, you had it. You were very, you were very technically sound. I mean, if Jake Paul ever called you out, would you, would you ever fight Jake Paul? Or is that something you’re just towards the end, I think we’re saying some stuff about him. They actually contacted us. What? They’re talking about fighting us. We were like one of the first guys. This is before Woodley, I think.

But how long ago was this? Right, right before Woolley. I think they ended up going with Woodley instead of us. Yeah. Yeah. I think you’d be kind of a problem for Jake Paul, man. I mean, I think, you know, obviously you’re older now. You know, I, if he called me out, I’d probably take the fight tomorrow. I’d roll off the couch and probably take it. But, but I’m just saying, like, you know, like, but someone like you, that have it, that has a massive name. Um, I think you might give Jake Paul some problems in the boxing ring.

You were pretty damn good at boxing. And we. I know you’re, I know your trainer, Perillo. Jason, man, I would love to, you know, I would love to. It’s, it’s not here. It’s here. Right? All the time. But I see, I see all the, all this stuff out there, and I would have, I would have enjoyed, actually, I would have enjoyed fighting them. You feel like you, you’re gonna make more of a difference in politics? You know what? You know what it is that the politics is? I don’t want to play it. That’s why. And, like, when they were bleeding and they were all calling me, hey, man, can you stop there? All the business people from around the island, that’s how I knew.

I was like, okay, now I see what’s going on, you know, and, and I, and I told him, and I told him I don’t want to play if I’m not trying to win. I’m not trying to win. I don’t want to, I’m not going to even play around. You know what I mean? I’m only coming in this to win, to do what we’re supposed to do for the people. If not, I’m not, I don’t want to fuck around, you know? Yeah. Let me ask you this. You know when, when I was, when I was boxing, dude, we had sanctioning bodies.

We had, like, ten different belts. The, we had thousands of different promoters putting on shows at the time. Uh, it was, uh. And then to be part of the sanctioning body, to be part of the. The belts that you were with, sometimes you’d have to pay fucking sanctioning fees. You’d have to pay to be. To stay in the top ten. Stay in the top five. I mean, it’s ridiculous. It’s very political. The UFC is not really like that, is it? I mean, it’s. It’s owned by. It’s one belt, it’s one owner. Dana White. It’s a little cleaner than boxing, right? I guess.

But then they can control it better. You know what I mean? I mean, if these boxers are really making that kind of money, the big hundreds of millions of dollars, because it’s a very few, though, right, and UFC can control it. USD uses a socialism idea kind of thing. You know, like, more for the other guy. Like $3,000 fight. Like, they get 3000 their first fight. This guy’s fighting for how much? Around $100 around over here. So it’s. It’s one of those. It’s one of those things where. Yeah, but you know what? I got nothing. Complain about the UFC, but they, um.

It’s just. It’s just one of those things, but nothing. So there’s brackets in the UFC. So in other words, you make, like, 510 grand your first couple fights, and then you move up like 20. I think it was 2500. I think you maybe you make five grand your first fight. Now in the UFC. That’s pretty fucking good. I become, right. Better than a $100? Around four. Depends on your injuries. Depends if it outweighs your medical bills. Yeah. And that’s. And, you know, it’s got to be young kids at that time, too, right? Well, they’re getting paid glory, dude.

I mean, young kids. Dana White knows. He’s no fool. He knows you’re paying him with pride and glory and women and. And they want to be famous. That’s. That’s what’s the. The intrigue for a young guy. When I was boxing, man, when I made 400 in a four rounder, I made $400. My first, like, three or four fights, I was making four or $500. It was nothing. But I was like, yeah, I get to get the fight. I get the fame, I get the women. That’s what I was getting paid with. It feels the same. It feels that your first amateur fight feels the same as your championship fight.

That’s 100% true. Yeah, it’s the same thing. There’s nothing more important at that time. And standing when you’re standing in front of somebody in a fistfight. Nothing more important in the whole world, right? Yeah, no, it’s just that moment of glory, man. It’s just that, you know, I look back on my curtain, I think to myself, damn, was that just a dream? It’s over. I mean, well, now if I do get into, if somebody goes, yeah, you want to step outside? Look at him in the sink. You’re not serious. You’re not drinking. You’re not serious, right? Because he wouldn’t have asked if you were.

You know, I’m never waiting for the announcer again. Fuck that. The guy’s gonna find out he was fighting that day when he gets up. That’s all it would have to be, right? But my brain, you know, what keeps my brain like this is how intense all the politics is, actually. You know, I mean, that’s some serious stuff out there. Speaker one, where do you see, where do you see America going in the next three months? Like, honestly, we got September, October, November. I see. What’s your view on that? What do you see? I mean, I. It’s either, I mean, if you have a vote, I’m voting for Trump.

You know, it’s Trump. Trump gets in and then he’s got to clean up that mess, which is going to cause problems. He’s got to clean up all the immigrants, which is going to cause problems. And then on the other side, you got the Kamala. Just Kamala and Joe, just perfect actors. And then, you know, just from hearing different things that it could, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did something to stop the election. I’ve been hearing that for a year. But I’m with you on that. I think you’re right on the money, dude. To be honest with you, BJ, I am right there with you.

You know, I. I went with BJ. It was probably been about a year and almost a year now. Has it been a year since I went with you on the Joe Rogan show and you were on the Joe Rogan show. And we’re at his studios is walk through that facility. He has like a training facility there that is epic. I’ve never seen anything like it. The most amazing. What was it? I wanted to ask you, like, what was it like being on the Joe Rogan show? Like, what can you say about that? I guess you guys are still pretty good friends, right? Yeah.

Yeah. I don’t really talk to him that much, though, but he’s not. I remember him for a long time. And that’s pretty big, though. That that show and everything. You know, I got to go on there with Tulsi and Joe, and it was a good experience. It was, you know, just. You just looking back at everything now, I learned so much from these last two times that I ran for office. I mean, I just look at everything so different now. I mean, even more different from when I was from. No, I look at it with eyes of a fighter, because I fought my whole life.

But after looking at that, now I see that because it was the world right here. But then I just looked at this for a little bit. Now this world is just completely different. You know, strange, but it’s fine. Nothing’s wrong. I don’t think we’re in any position where we got to panic. We. We just. We need food, though. That’s the one thing we do need. I mean, you’re talking, like, when I say the cost of living, we got to cut the cost of living. So this was 50 miles right here. District one was 50 miles. All the rain, the wind comes from the east.

We’re on the east coast, so it’s all green and rivers. 50 rivers. So, this alone, imagine all food, just like how we had sugar cane back in the day. So we just do all food. Trees like that, all the way for the 50 miles, and then we got all those rivers because the two most expensive things, besides the housing, is the food and it’s the electricity, because now they ban charcoal and they’re doing. Or banned coal and doing all this shit. So you got all those rivers right. There’s your hydroelectric. Because, you know, the. When they do those solar farms and all that, like, the dust blows, every.

Doesn’t get anything. You know, the dust blows and all the solar. Oh, that’s true. I never thought about that. It’s weak, all that stuff. You know? You never did see every single time, the solar thing is in the worst fucking place for the dust to get all the way. Yeah. Because I. Out here in the desert, I. We have horrible dust storms. And now that you. Now that you say that, so what if dust gets on the solar panels? You have to go clean them in order. They cake on them or what. Exactly. Yeah, I didn’t think about that.

That’s a serious. That’s a problem. Yeah, it is. That’s the problem. And because that. They want all of that stuff. But you know what a big part, too, though, I see, is they just want us fighting. They just want us fighting. Nothing is more important. Maybe this is a farm. Maybe they’re farming us for our souls. You know what I mean? Over here, dude, I’m telling you, I don’t know what we’re doing here. I mean, after realizing that, like, and I know when I talk to you on the phone, we talk about this. Like, you at.

You’re on that level. Like, you’re, like, you’re past. Like, what we’re doing here on YouTube is very, folks, very, very surface level. BJ goes deep. He looks at this at a. From another whole angle, a different perspective. And. And I kind of. I agree with him on a lot, on a lot of his points. Would you want to go on Nino’s corner tv and talk about the conspiracy side of things where you believe all these. Who you believe these politicians really are? Would you talk about that, BJ, or no? Well, I mean, not even really getting into anybody’s identity, but I mean, just looking like, I wonder why we’re here.

I mean, you can’t be mayor. You got to be in that club. You can’t be in governor. If you even got close, I’m sure you probably. So what makes me think that you could be a billionaire? You think you could buy all the legislature and the county councils and then go buy four navy SEAL teams and four Delta Force teams. They go take the place over real quick. That’s some color. That’s too much collateral damage. I mean, just that already. So then even more. Okay, so what are we here for? You think all these, all these billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg, they’re all artificially made? No one.

I don’t know. I mean, they didn’t do it themselves. In other words, you’re saying that they made these people. There are just characters. Yeah. Just like, they can. I could right now, I could change my name to somebody, you know what I mean? And then just go. And then picture $1 billion. What? You could do the damage. It’s just not. If they won’t let you. Letting somebody be mayor is a lot less damaged than these guys overthrown than the billion dollars. You know what I mean? That makes a lot of sense. If you’re going to be a billionaire, they’re definitely going to control you.

Even if you’re a multimillionaire, they’re going to make sure they can control you. I mean, the system is made to where you can’t even. You can barely keep your nose above water. Even the tax brackets, they don’t let you become. It’s. It’s very hard to become a millionaire. Very hard. They tax the hell out of you. And then what is the tax? The tax is artificial cost, and that’s close to the cost of living. And that’s why you’re gonna. First thing, you have to chop, like, the property tax. Then you go the state sales tax. Then you go, whatever other business taxes, and you just got to keep going.

Then you go the car, the weight tax, and you just got to keep chopping them all, inch by inch, every one. That’s how you do it. And on the other side, with the energy and the food. Imagine 50 miles of food and a bunch of those rivers just making hydroelectric energy for us the whole time. Imagine the cost of living. That’s cost of living down by trillions of trillions of dollars. You know what I mean? Instead of we only bring food on the boat, 90% of the food comes in on the boat. So does that mean only 10% of us are going to live? If.

If the boat stopped? Did they act like there’s a pirate ship tomorrow? You know, I mean, the whole thing. They got us. They got us, but they got us by the balls. But it’s a lot of fun. But no, but we can easily, because. And you cannot blame the people. Like, say they do have some people that do the dirty work for them, but it’s because they keep everybody down. I mean, you’re. You’re working one. One time. Affordable is 40 hours. So if you work a full time job, the cost should be so cheap that you should be living like a millionaire.

Because who even wants to fucking get up and pay your taxes anyway, you know what I mean? Wants to do that when it was the garden of eating. I mean, how would you get us from the garden of eating all the way to here? Now, paying taxes for them took all the food away. You know, you. How would you get us there? You still. One tree at a time is what you do. That’s how you get the people. You get the people there, right? But the food being on the market, that’s the only thing that puts us.

Because the. You see, on the african safari, they will fight a little bit over a girl, but they’re not going to kill each other. They might even knock each other out. But the food, that’s when people die. Hunger will make a criminal of us all. A 1% increase of food insecurity is a 13% increase in violent crime. Hawaii is at a 45% increase of food insecurity. So imagine all the violent crimes people don’t hear, like, shut up to his wife or whatever it is. You know what I mean? And then add alcohol to that. Make alcohol cheap.

Put liquor stores on every corner. And there you go. Yeah. Get rid of the food, get rid of the produce, and give, and give them liquor. Give them beer that you like. How we see a liquor store in every corner, like, like a third world country or something. Five liquors on, liquor stores on each side. You know what I mean? These guys are unbelievable. But makes me wonder what’s going on, though, really, because it makes you wonder, like, who owns all of the buildings in the third world countries, because why doesn’t nobody paint them? You know what I mean? Like, is that to just push us back to the middle, what happens if we keep going that way? You know, does make you wonder, but it.

BJ, uh, let’s just talk more about this on, you knows, corner tv. You want to because I want to. The conspiracy stuff. We’ll do that tomorrow. Are you, you up for that tomorrow? Can’t wait. All right, folks, BJ Penn, UFC champ. The champ is in the house. It’s a privilege. BJ, I always love talking to you. You have common sense and I hope that, I guess you stay with politics, man. I guess. I guess that’s it. That’s your fight. I mean, what do I do? Like you. And you are a fighter, so I, you know what? I’m gonna help out with the family business and stuff, and then, and then I’m gonna, I’m just gonna leave my name in.

That’s it. Just leave my name in. If everybody wants to get their ass kicked in a debate, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe things will turn around with Trump. Maybe they will. And maybe you’ll have an honest shot. You know what I realize a lot? Like, like, not when you say, hey, can you endorse me? I’m running for office. And if they say, if you get past the primary, I’ll endorse you, because that’s. They always steal it in the primary. That’s what the primary is for. They always take it in the primary. And, and then if you got past the primary, you’re one of the good, you’re one of the guys, then they’ll realize, you know what I mean? Yeah.

And they’ll freakin that’s what it is. And they all, they took me out of the primary twice. Why not? Because they’re scared of me. Because they’re scared of the people. Because you give these people hope, you get them to the end, and they’re over there chomping like a rabid fucking dog. Chomping. They’re gonna take over the whole thing they’re gonna throw. Throw everybody out. No, you lie. I don’t believe it. He won. He won. Take it now. You know what I mean? You see? You see? All right, Bj. Thank you for joining me, my man. Okay, boss.

Where can people find you, bro? Yes. I mean, I’m on the instagram. I’m gonna be opening a twitter and stuff, but bjp always, you know, donate there to your. Your cause or to your political run. We got to figure out some stuff. It’s some stuff I wanted to talk to you about. We’ll talk. Okay, ma’am. You got it. Later.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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affordability based on 40-hour work week aftermath of Lahaina fire challenges in politics and fighting cost of living and homelessness connection harmful foods marketed as healthy moral implications of OnlyFans reforming a corrupt system resilience and determination in politics transition from fighting transition from sports to politics UFC champion BJ Penn transition to politics unconventional solutions to hunger

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