U.S. Plan To END Debt – Will Doing THIS Work???




➡ The United States aims to become the global leader in cryptocurrency, with plans to invest in Bitcoin at a federal level to reduce national debt. The value of the dollar has significantly decreased over time, losing over 96% of its original value due to increased money printing causing inflation. As a response to this, companies like BlackRock are investing heavily in Bitcoin. The article also discusses the potential of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation.


This afternoon I’m laying out my plan to ensure that the United States will be the crypto capital of the planet and the Bitcoin superpower of the world. And we’ll get it done. But I say this is the steel industry of a hundred years ago. It really is. I think you’re just in your infancy. I can see it happen. You will keep their hands off Bitcoin. They’re gonna keep your their hands off crypto. They’re gonna let it grow. We’re gonna let it grow. On day one, I will fire Gary Gensler and appoint a new SEC chairman.

Hey gang, it’s me Dr. Steve and what you just saw there was president-elect Donald Trump paying for something in Bitcoin. Now what’s so interesting here is that many like Trump and RFK have actually been floating the idea of reducing the national debt by investing in Bitcoin on a federal level. Now whether that happens or not remains to be seen. But I mean think about it who would have ever even thought in 2016 that the leaders of the free world would even be contemplating a thing like that. Now for you Turley Talkers geeks out there you’ll know that we are entering into an age what scholars call archaeo-futurism, right? Fancy schmancy way of talking about how the traditions and values of the past are uniting with new technologies such as crypto and other technological advances.

And it’s almost an imperative for us that something changes and changes quickly as the value of the dollar has plummeted in the last decades. Now listen to these facts about the devaluation of the dollar. This is gonna blow you away. Remember we measure the value of a currency by its purchasing power, right? Here are some keys. These are some key indicators of US dollar devaluation. Check this out. The dollar has lost over 96% of its original value. I mean this is insane. A dollar in 1800 is equivalent to the purchasing power today of around $22.13.

Today’s dollar would be worth less than 4 cents back in 1913 literally like the cost of the paper that it’s on. And for you history puffs, 1913 is when the Federal Reserve took over the US banking system. And who knows how the Federal Reserve devalues the dollar? You know it. By printing more dollars and printing more money causes monetary inflation, which means that there are more dollars in circulation. But just because there’s more paper money floating around obviously doesn’t mean values been created. If anything, it’s been reduced. And although Trump is now president elect, thank God we still have a ways to go before the current inflation crisis is resolved, which begs the question, what can you be doing right now to hedge against this rampant inflation and the devaluation of our currency? Well, joining me once again is my good friend and crypto expert Dan Ryder.

Dan is founder and CEO of Prime Defy, an amazing company that many of our Turley Talkers have used to not only get into crypto, but start thriving as the world financial system continues to devalue its assets. Now, if you’re interested in learning more about how Dan can help you begin your journey into Bitcoin, crypto and decentralized finance, just like he’s helping me, click on that link in the description below or scan the QR code. You’re going to love it. Dan, welcome back. Great to see you as always. Hey, Dr. Steve, it’s always a pleasure to be here.

Yeah. And it’s exciting, too. We were all we’re geeking out over the big Trump win beforehand. We’re all just having so much fun with it. But, you know, I am curious on your thoughts of what’s really going on here. I mean, you’re on the front lines. So Trump wants Bitcoin. BlackRock is gobbling up as much of it as it can, all the while the dollar continues to be devalued. Can you help us understand what’s going on? Yeah, yeah. Wow. So much going on. It’s such an exciting time for the crypto industry.

And there’s so many elements to it that I think are here to put people in a better future than any of us can imagine if we play our cards right. And I think Trump knows that this new administration that we are welcoming in, you know, with wide open arms to save us from the insanity of the last four years knows that. And, you know, what we’ve seen, like you said before, just incessant money printing for not only the last four years, although there have been a heck of a lot in the last four years, I think we printed about eight or nine trillion dollars into circulation that we never had before.

Right. Just in the last couple of years, the debt to GDP ratio, right? GDP is how productive is our country relative to our debts. That ratio, it’s not ideal. It’s far from perfect. It’s been a problem for debt for over a decade, at least. But the Trump administration previously at least kind of started to balance it. It was it was almost one to one. Right. And we were about 100 percent, a little over 100 percent debt to GDP. Then we had covid covid happened. We saw it spike to over 120 percent.

And then what do we see over the last two years in 2023 and in 2024 again unprecedented spending, even though we had the Fed raising rates and trying to tame inflation. We had unprecedented spending so much so that we have so many dollars out there in circulation that it’s a problem. It’s a problem. And BlackRock, you mentioned BlackRock. They know it. Right. They know it. They’re gobbling up. They’re like the largest holder. Actually, not like they are the largest holder out of all the ETFs. They literally own about one percent of all the Bitcoin or actually two percent of all the Bitcoin out there in circulation.

And they’ve done they’ve done all that purchasing in the last 10 months. Right. Bitcoin’s been around for 16 years. The last 10 months they’ve been buying up all this Bitcoin. Why? They know they need something of value that’s going to hold its weight over the long haul in the coming decade. Right. So they’re positioning around it. Right. Right. If you had to pick a boogeyman for all of this inflation and devaluation of our currency, I mentioned the Federal Reserve. Is that your boogeyman or do you have a different one? What caused all this to happen? Yeah.

You know, this is a rabbit hole. I’m sure we could go super deep on as far as the ultimate set of culprits. I think it’s a set. Right. This has been a problem for decades ever since we lost the gold standard. I think a lot of people watching this are huge fans of gold. Right. Just having some kind of actual value or equity against a currency seems like it’s a good idea. But we drifted from that for a whole bunch of reasons, which we won’t get into here. But that’s caused a problem.

Right. It’s caused a problem over multiple decades now. You mentioned the prices of things, but just being insane compared to what they used to be. And, you know, who I think is the real culprit is actually BlackRock and the mainstream media. Here’s why I say that, because even though they’re the biggest buyers of Bitcoin this year, right, there’s no doubt about it. The number one buyer of Bitcoin is BlackRock. On one hand, we should celebrate them for pumping all of our backs. Right. Anyone who’s in the market already and got in earlier is super excited right now.

The price of Bitcoin is is ripping. It’s hardly finished, by the way. Right. And so on one hand, we could celebrate that. But really, you know, if you peel the onion back, what you start to see is a diabolical scheme to keep the average American at bay from this asset, this prized asset that they want to own as much as they can of over the last two years. What have we heard? Nothing but stay away from crypto, stay away from Bitcoin. It’s a Ponzi scheme. It’s this, it’s that. It’s funding terror.

Yeah, there’s nothing but this incessant narrative around this being horrible. Meanwhile, what are they doing? Exactly. Two years ago, while they were feeding this narrative through the mainstream media, because of course, BlackRock owns all the networks, right? Right. What were they doing? They were not donating. They were investing half a billion dollars into getting ready to purchase crypto. Right. So while they tell you it’s a scam, they’re prepping for the biggest acquisition of crypto that the world has ever seen. And now they’re doing it. And now they’re telling you it’s okay once they’ve bought a few billion.

Right. Like, you know, so now it’s okay. Yeah. And now that they’ve jumped the price up for people too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, I think that was just really deceitful of them to keep this away from most Americans for so long. You know, we need this. The Trump administration knows we need it. Everyone knows we need it. Yeah. I was going to ask you, you know, I was going to ask you how this was allowed to happen, but it seems to me, you know, who’s behind it and how did it happen? But it sounds to me like you hit the one too.

So the who seems to be BlackRock. But the how seems to be the legacy media providing that kind of cover my am I am I tracking with you correctly on that? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it’s just been the whole the whole conversation around this has been unfairly negative and just keeping keeping the casual investor, the average American who hopes for a brighter future, you know, despite the doom and gloom that we see day to day on what’s been happening over at least over the last four years, you know, Lord knows looking for a way to get ahead, right? And and in the most critical time that we had the most critical opportunity, right? Everyone wants to buy low and sell high, right? Isn’t that the dream of investing by low sell high? Well, we had the perfect opportunity to buy low over the last two years.

I still think now is an amazing time to get into the game. But you know, the fact that they took that away from people was was downright nasty. And how they did it was by controlling the conversation around the media because unfortunately, most people are influenced heavily by what they see in the mainstream media as we know. Right. And yet all the forward thinkers, the futurists is where the Elon Musk’s, naive bokellies of El Salvador, even Trump himself, they all see the future and they all recognize it as cryptos at the center of it.

So give us some hope here. What a courageous patriots need to do out there and for such a time as this. Wherein lies our hope in all of this. Yeah, I think it’s it’s it’s to get into the market. You know, who’s a courageous patriot that I’m sure a lot of us on this channel love RFK, right? RFK. If you heard him say this actually last year and he said it again recently. Yeah, I heard it. I just heard this. I know exactly. You know you say it. I think he said 100% of his savings are all in Bitcoin.

He’s all in. Yeah. Yeah. He he put a vast I think I think the the paraphrase quote was he put a large percentage of his wealth into Bitcoin, right? Which is, you know, talk about belief and where the puck is going, right? Yeah. And so I think I think the message, you know, you don’t have to be that extreme, of course, but the message is look look at what is happening, right? Look at what the bigger players are doing, right? BlackRock is assuring its hold, its grip, you know, its ownership over over things, whether we like it or not.

They are they are ensuring that grip by positioning into assets that will continue to have value over the next years to come decade and beyond. Cryptos projected to hit a 100 trillion dollar market cap by 2030. Right now we’re at about a 3 trillion dollar market cap. Right. And as exciting as it is for Bitcoin to be soaring and hitting all time highs, you know, we’re almost at 100,000. Holy cow. Right. I think that’s going to really set people off when they see that. And you think unbelievable. Yeah.

Yeah. And you might think you might hear that and think, Oh man, I missed it. I missed it. That’s nothing to drop in the bucket. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, you know how people can have more confidence in that? Because those are some big numbers, right? For something to be worth that much. But think about this. Think about this. You have Apple, you know, Google, Microsoft. These are multi-trillion dollar companies by market cap, right? All of them within two to three trillion. If you go look up each of those companies, those are the market caps.

Right. And you think about the influence that they have on the world as far as users, the network effect, right? How many people are running around with iPhones or using a computer that’s either an Apple computer or running Microsoft windows? Pretty much everybody, right? Absolutely. And Bitcoin has a market cap of 1.8 trillion, right? Just shy of some of these big companies. Yet, crypto is an industry. Yes. Then 7% of the world owns crypto. So you’re early. So you hear these crazy numbers. You think I missed it.

You didn’t miss it. You’re early. So I think, you know, my big push to people is to get in the game. If you’re intimidated by it, because especially, you know, we notice in our community, we help a lot of more life experienced, you know, more senior folks. The average person in our community is about 50 to 60 years old, right? We’ve got people in their 70s as well in our community. And we’ve helped them create the confidence they need to get into the space. So we have lots of cool training and workshops where we help people get into the game.

So you want to get into the game. You want to start owning these assets that are going to be worth something in the future. And not only that, you know, if you’re interested in how to benefit from them now, right? Because there’s two sides to investing. There’s the buy and hold strategy. And then there’s what a lot of real estate investors like, which is cashflow, right? People want a stream of income, a way to kind of offset their day to day. Well, crypto is actually something that can be used for that in the present.

But hardly anyone knows about that. So in our community, we teach people about all these opportunities and we show them how they can confidently step into this arena and get in the game. So I would say, just get in. Just get in. And no one does it better than you, Dan. Again, Prime DeFi is amazing. If you need, and this is me, if you need someone to basically hold your hand to be your guardrail as you try to get into crypto, because you have no idea, you feel totally blind and you need someone to lead you.

Dan and his team are the ones to do it. If you’ve always wanted to get in crypto, but didn’t know who to talk, didn’t know how and so, didn’t know the who, didn’t know the how. There he is, right there. My man Dan, he is the guy who can do it for you. And no one does it like Prime DeFi. You’re going to absolutely love it. So if you’re ready to take control of your financial future and help steer this country back to its solid, vibrant roots, scan that QR code, click the link below to schedule your free call with Dan and his team.

Don’t miss an opportunity to change the trajectory of your future and that for your family and for our nation. It’s absolutely awesome. So what is, what is, what does Elon say? The future is going to be amazing. Yeah. And you know what, Dr. Steve, if, you know, we’re a small business where we’re a small community on the grand scheme of things, right? We’ve helped over a thousand people just recently. However, we can’t help everyone, right? There’s millions of people out there. We’re doing our best. We will on this call, you know, give you a straight to the point game plan of how, whether we help you or not, we will show you how you can find what you need to get into the game.

Because we believe that this is what courageous patriots, anyone who is a, you know, a God fearing conservative minded investor that just wants a prosperous future. We want to help everyone we can, even if we’re at max capacity, we will point you in the right direction. And so anyone who reaches out to us will do our best. Yeah, nothing to lose. That’s the beauty of it. It’s so cool. We’re just out here to help each other. Again, again, scan that QR code, scan that QR code or click the link below to schedule your free call with Dan and his team today.

You will not regret it. Dan, thanks so much for joining us again. Yes, sir. Thank you. [tr:trw].

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.



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