Tyrant Governor Karen Extends Emergency Constitutional Violation | Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

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➡ Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News talks about how New Mexico’s Governor, Michelle Luan Grisham, issued a controversial order banning concealed carry in certain areas, which was later limited by a federal judge. Despite this, she’s pushing for longer sentences for felons with firearms and has extended her order making playgrounds gun-free zones. Meanwhile, a company called Blackout Coffee is running a giveaway and supports gun rights groups. The governor’s actions have sparked lawsuits and increased crime rates, leading to calls for residents to pressure their representatives.


The tyrant Karen of the country is at it again. Just about a year ago, New Mexico governor Michelle Luan Grisham issued her emergency public health proclamation which included a complete and total ban on lawful concealed carry in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. Lawful, I say, because it did nothing for criminals because criminals still are criminals regardless of any unconstitutional edict from the Queen. It was her attempt to be the best gun-grabbing governor in the country or rather the most tyrannical Karen, I guess. As a result Grisham was sued immediately and in an attempt to save face she amended her order to only prohibit concealed carry at public parks and playgrounds and she did that because she was getting sued and hoped that the judge would go easy on her.

Well, a federal judge restricted that order even further ruling that public parks are not sensitive places according to text history tradition while allowing her edict to remain in effect when it comes to playgrounds which was absolutely baffling because they’re not sensitive places either. So, in other words, you can protect yourself and your children at a park but not at a playground. Yeah, interesting. Crazy. Guys, there’s still time to get in our giveaway, blackoutcoffee.com slash gng. Hit the lower left hand bubble there and we’re going to give away seventeen hundred and seventy six dollars to one lucky winner.

You can enter by simply purchasing some coffee. The more you spend, the more entries you get, but head over to blackoutcoffee.com slash gng. Use my code GNG10 to save ten percent all the time and not only we get some great coffee but you’ll be entered to win some good cash and don’t forget we support those gun groups such as gun owners of America’s Second Amendment Foundation Firearms Policy Coalition with their corresponding line of product. You buy one of those or ten of those, we send two dollars for each product sold with their likeness on it right back to those groups so they can continue suing idiots like Michelle Luan Grisham.

So that’s our way to help and give back every single month and don’t forget our newest product we just released and don’t forget our newest product are ready to drink coffees in blueberry latte and cold brew. You can pre-order some right now to get them before everyone else. We’ve been working for a long time on these and I can’t wait for you to try them. Now Grisham called lawmakers back to Santa Fe yesterday in a special session to deal with crime and homelessness. Now Grisham is urging lawmakers to consider longer minimum sentences for felons and possession of firearms indicating she wants a minimum of a nine-year prison sentence with no reductions for good behavior.

The same law, felon and possession, that is currently under attack in the court system because it’s unconstitutional. It doesn’t pass the text history and tradition test that the Supreme Court said is the only test when it comes to government restrictions on the Second Amendment. Now the governor also pointed to thousands of cases that have been dismissed in recent years over competency questions including many that involve violent felonies and you know what? I agree with her on that. Judges need to stop being so damn lenient. It is important to note that her gun control order has done absolutely nothing to lower violent crime as most violent crimes in Albuquerque have sharply increased.

She’s also quietly extended her emergency public health order that makes playgrounds in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County gun-free zones. Remember she said she was only introduced for a couple weeks when she initially did this back in September but we’re approaching the one-year mark. Yeah. When they tell you who they are, believe them. The lawsuits against her and her unconstitutional edict are still ongoing. The next one or rather the one that’s getting a hearing soonest is Fort V Grisham which is scheduled for oral arguments in late September. But if you live in New Mexico and I know some folks who watch this channel are residents of New Mexico, you gotta put pressure on your representatives.

I understand that is a Democrat stronghold in certain areas but you gotta put pressure on them regardless. Don’t care if they don’t want to hear from you. You’re their boss. Put some pressure on these folks and for the ones that are pro-gun you need to ask them why is it taking you a year? Why hasn’t this been stopped yet? You’ve had almost a year so get on them. I appreciate y’all just want to give you this heads up from the tyrant Karen of New Mexico and we’ll see what happens here as these lawsuits progress.

I appreciate y’all don’t forget $1,776 will be given away to one lucky customer of blackout coffee. We’ll choose the winner probably the first week of August so that everybody gets their stuff in and gives us time to calculate and tabulate and then pick a rando. Remember everybody you are your own first responder whether the government likes it or not be safe stay vigilant and carry a gun to keep you your friends your family your community safe. Our rights do not end on imaginary dotted lines on a map or somewhere where some wannabe king or queen sprinkles some pixie dust to keep everybody safe.

It’s us. We the people that keep everybody safe. Take care. you

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Blackout Coffee giveaway Blackout Coffee gun rights support federal judge limits concealed carry ban increased crime rates in New Mexico lawsuits against New Mexico gun control longer sentences for felons with firearms Michelle Luan Grisham controversial order New Mexico Governor gun control New Mexico playgrounds gun-free zones residents pressure representatives on gun control

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