Tucker In Moscow..Putin To Drop TRUTH NUKE On America!? Dems Begin To Wake Up.. David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ Join David Nino Rodriguez as he First discusses Tucker Carlson going to Moscow for an important talk that might reveal some big truths. Second, he shares a personal story about his dog, Axel, who is very sick but still fighting. He appreciates all the support and prayers for Axel. Lastly, he talks about some upcoming interviews and events, and asks for support for his work.
➡ The speaker is worried about illegal immigrants coming into the country and fears that the U.S. might start a war with Iran. He also talks about a trucker convoy that went to the border to pray, and mentions that even some Democrats are becoming activists. The speaker also discusses potential threats from Iran and the possibility of Russia sending nuclear weapons to Cuba.
➡ The trial about former President Donald Trump’s election interference has been delayed, but no new date has been given. There’s also talk about recruiting new voters, including immigrants and young people. There’s a personal relationship between the prosecutor and the district attorney in the case, but they say it doesn’t affect their work. Lastly, a person who leaked Trump’s tax records has been sentenced to five years in prison.
➡ This text talks about a lot of different things. It mentions a political drama in Arizona, where some people want Senator Kirsten Sinema to run for reelection. It also talks about issues with immigration and crime in the U.S., including a story about a man in Texas who pretended to be a kid online to catch and kill a person who had done bad things to children. Lastly, it mentions a problem in Denver, where too many people seeking asylum have come to the city and are causing problems for hospitals and shelters.
➡ Elon Musk’s company, Neuralink, is making a chip that can go in your brain. This chip could save your thoughts and feelings, even if you die, and put them in a robot or another person. China is also trying to make a similar chip. Also, famous actor Carl Weathers, who was in the Rocky movies and the Star Wars show The Mandalorian, has died. Wendy Williams, a famous TV host, is having money problems and health issues. Taylor Swift won a big music award for the fourth time. Lastly, the dad of a famous football player, Patrick Mahomes, got in trouble for drinking and driving for the third time.
➡ The person in the text is trying out new things and asking if people like his videos of the desert. He’s also planning to do different things. He talks about a past experience where he met an Indian on top of a pyramid, which was a very special moment for him. He’s also planning to talk about this experience in a show.


What’s up, everybody? Can everybody hear me? Loud and clear. Can everyone hear me? Loud and clear. Okay, so, all right, so I’m getting off to a rough start here, but Tucker arrives in Moscow, and it looks to me like truth bombs are going to be dropped from my discussion with Juanito and a few other people. We could be talking about election stuff, we could be talking about the true nature of the war.

And you know where it looks like this is going to be an epic, epic interview, folks. Give me a thumbs up if you can hear me, first of all, please let me know you can hear me, because this seems all. I haven’t done this. Every time I take a little time off, I’m a little shaky here. Give me a thumbs up if you can. All right, good. All right, so here’s an update on my dog.

The last week has been hell for me, folks. It’s been hell for me. I’ve returned to being like an eight year old kid. I can’t believe the water flow has been. It’s been waterfalls, man, with your animals, your people, who are dog lovers, cat lovers, whatever. I’m both now, right? I have a cat and a dog. There’s just certain animals that come in your life at a certain time.

And that’s why this hurts so much. Because Axel came into my life at a time when my whole career got nuked, my whole life got nuked, and I had nothing. All I had was I’d have two cent to rub together. I was broke, I was suicidal. The only thing I had was that dog. And that is why this hurts so much. And the other night, it was about three in the morning, I heard him be yelping in his room.

I ran down there, went into his room, and he was laying on the floor. He has hip dysplasia now, and he couldn’t get up. And there was crap and piss everywhere, and I had to clean it up and lift him up to get up. I don’t know what’s happened since then. I don’t know if it’s the prayers or what it is, but I figured out that he can get up if there’s a rug under him.

So I laid a carpet there. So now he’s getting up, he’s able to go to the bathroom. I’m holding off from putting him down because he hasn’t given up on me. So I’m not going to give up on him just yet. I hope you all can understand that. So I really appreciate all the prayers and concern over my animal. It’s not an animal to me, he’s a soul.

And I love this fucking dog. I’m just going to tell you that right now. I’ve got him to eleven years old. I hope he makes it to twelve. But I’m taking it day by day right now. And that’s all I can do. So I want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank all of you. Thank you for caring about Axel. Sometimes these dogs come into your life for a mission, for a purpose.

I feel like he came into my life for a mission. And maybe he needs to go pretty soon to go help someone else. I don’t know. But that’s all I can say. So thank you. Thank you very much for the prayers, folks. You can venmo me. D Hyphenrod 1977 d Hyphen Rod 1977 when the lights go out. When the lights go out on Amazon, leave an honest review.

The mexican mix, leave an honest review on that one as well. That’s my mama’s book. She’s very proud of it. Folks, get your noble gold. No time like now. We know we’re in hot water right now, and it’s only going to get hotter. The heat is going to get turned up. So global financial storms might be raging, but thousands of investors in precious metals with noble gold investments are smiling.

They know that whatever happens, their investments will be safe from turmoil. Protect your savings from the market. Volatility. I hope I said that right. Volatility. I don’t know why I’d have such a hard time with that word. With noble gold investments Ira and claim your free silver virtue coin. Talk to a noble gold investments expert today and they’ll talk you through your options. And if you qualify, they’ll guide you through the whole process.

Call 8776-4653-4776-4653-407 and take control of your financial future today. You can hit the link down below folks, and get started now. Folks, I get it. A lot of you give me shit about having Juanito on the program. I understand it. Every time I post this guy on my YouTube, I’m stringing myself up like a fucking pinata to get whacked at. Okay, I get it. I understand it’s fucking hard.

But if you understand how YouTube works, there are certain people that if you bring them on, they’re hot. They’re nuke hot, okay? You can’t have them on. He’s one of them. So that’s why I don’t put his name in the title. That’s why I slip and move with him. We have to be careful. I can’t set off any alarm bells. If you don’t like it, don’t fucking watch it, okay? All right.

And I know those trolls come out in full force on that one every time. Spotify. Nino’s corner telegram, Nino’s corner getter. Nino’s corner rumble. Nino’s corner true social. David Rodriguez Boxer, Instagram. David. Nino Rodriguez boxer. Twitter. Nino boxer, patriot wear. Bing. Yeah, right there. Yeah, see, it looks different here. Boom. Right there. Get yourself a Sancho cert where we take no shit. Sancho. Right here. Sancho for presidente.

We would take no shit. I got a lot of cool stuff on there. Go check it out. Let me know what you want to see on there. I got more designs coming. I got some cool designers on there, man. They’re actually doing a really good job. So go to patriotware. com and get yourself a sancho. Sir, you’ll have better luck with the ladies, believe me. Nino’s corner tv, wanna save and marathon is up there right now.

It’s long. It’s 2 hours long. Okay. Think how I feel when I’m sitting through these interviews with him for 2 hours. Okay. I’m doing it for you. I’m trying to get the information I can. But some stuff is very sensitive. And we have to be careful how we say certain things even on Ninoscorner tv. But you’re going to get a lot more there. David Snedeker is up right now.

He’s an eagle pass, or he was an eagle pass. Talking about awakening the giant. It’s a great interview. We went down the rabbit hole, took some lefts and rights, and found ourselves in a maze, ladies and gentlemen, in the rabbit hole. So go down there and check out David Sneteker. Scott Bennett is going up today. SG anon’s coming back on. And Mike King is coming back on. Kathy O’Brien and the ghost team up.

February 22, the general’s 10th. 05:00 p. m. All questions welcome. Talk about mind control. This is going to be good. We’re going to be talking about breaking the mind control. So the ghost and Kathy O’Brien on Nino’s corner tv. The general stant it’s fire. And at this point, you might want to turn it down or turn it up. It’s up to you. Here we go. Get ready. I got to pop my ears.

Maybe this will help. Coming at you for the apocalypse, folks. Oh, yeah. Tucker Carlson in Moscow. Oh, shit. Boy, I’m telling you what, this is like a torpedo torpedo. Torpedo. Now, you know that the trial, as Juan says, may not even happen now with Trump, where he was going to introduce evidence. Now, they thought maybe in my mind they’re thinking, well, maybe we thwarted their plans. That’s a fast.

Tucker is going to, is in Moscow with Putin, and speculations begin to arise. Now, I’m not going to say I know exactly what they’re going to talk about, but I can say with confidence it’s going to be stuff that Biden’s not going to want to hear. I think a lot of truth nukes are going to be ignited. And I think what’s going to happen is people are going to wake up really fast to what’s going on.

Do you know that in Russia, in their school system, they’re already teaching about America’s bank robbery? They’re already teaching this stuff in school. They’re learning about what happened to America already. Well, we’re here teaching pride, okay? A lot of pride. We’re teaching a lot of pride here. So what’s going to happen now? So they got to move really fast, and they’re going to. So get ready, buckle up.

They’re going to move really fast. And here’s what I’m talking about. They have to start as many fires as possible, man. My face is still swollen from all the axle tears, I guess you could say. So they have to start as many fires and wars as possible. Their entire existence, and I mean this from the. And I couldn’t be more dead serious about this. Their entire existence depends on this.

Their entire existence depends on a scorched earth. Thank you. Spilling tea with spunk. Thank you. As these foreign wars continue to transpire, we keep bringing in illegal immigrants through the southern border for a proper takeover, an invasion, basically. So now what happens now? So what does Biden do? We must start a war. Another one. Start another one. Light another fire. Boom. Bomb Iraq in Syria. And let me tell you, folks, Iran’s next.

Iran’s next. So they need to spark more rage and conflict with Iran. Guess who’s behind the gates? There’s a lot of Iranians here, a lot of fanatical ones that are here within our borders. Who do you think is coming over here? Who initially gave Iran billions and now we want to go to war with them? Sounds like a boxing promoter to me. They own both fighters in the fight.

So we give them billions of dollars, I think, for this type of scenario right now. So if you watch the last Juano, I hate even saying his name on here. Juanito interview. I asked, are we the people waiting on the military, or is the military waiting on the people? Well, understand this. This is why it’s important to send out our military to different places in the world. Just keep sending them out, sending them out, sending them out while we bring in other people.

Other people, I don’t know, military aged men to take their place. To take their place with no loyalty. No loyalty to our constitution. Now I’m just going to leave it there for you. And there’s people on the border right now that are taking the matter into their own hands. We’ve got a trucker convoy. I’ve interviewed the trucker convoy. It was more of a prayer rally. They weren’t going there to cause any problems or anything like that.

They went there to pray. Very christian men. So it wasn’t what I thought it was going to be, but it still served a big purpose. They were doing a lot of baptisms, a lot of things like that at the convoy. Thank you, Susan. But now we’re starting to see conservatives and moderates become, like activists, right? And as they become activists, they’re even creating militias. Going to the border.

It’s getting nuts, right? It’s getting pretty crazy. But we’re starting to see even the most far left democrats wake up, which is phenomenal, which is great, which I love. So we got far left comic Michael Rappaport, okay, says voting for Trump is on the table after seeing migrants beat down cops in Times Square. I guess he’s like the poster child for stupidity. I don’t know. But he’s the guy, right? If you want to look at a far left fucking, you look at this guy, okay? That’s the guy.

You look at him, and, boy, that guy’s got some issues. But so what’s happening right now, folks, what’s happening right now is. Can you guys hear me all right? Because I swear I can’t hear very well. I can’t hear myself very well because my ears are, feels like I have cups over them. I don’t know what’s going on. I got to pop my ears, I guess. So what’s Biden doing? He’s moving fast.

So now, folks, you got to expect everything to move a thousand times faster. A thousand times faster. So buckle the fuck up. Buckle up because it’s going to get crazy. So Biden gives chilling nuclear warning over attacking Iran after kamikaze drone kills troops. Ex UN weapons inspector David Albright said Iran may accelerate its already well developed nuclear weapons program if the US decides to launch direct strikes at their territory.

So here we go. It’s a mexican standoff and Santo always wins these. So US President Joe Biden has been giving a chilling nuclear warning. So here he starts with the rhetorics. A chilling nuclear warning over attacking Iran with three us soldiers. Where three years us soldiers were killed by drone strikes. Ex UN weapons inspector David Albright said the rogue state could be led into thinking that building nuclear warheads is their best way out if they are directly targeted by the US in retaliation for the death.

So it’s heating up and we’re pretty much there now. We are pretty much there now. Now, who’s been talking about this forever on my show? Juanito. He’s been talking about this shit for years now. Years now. We’ve been talking about this on Nino’s corner tv. If you’re there, good for you. Pat yourself on the back because you’re way ahead of the game. Way ahead of the game. US launches retaliatory strikes in Iraq and Syria in response to Jordan drone attack.

So the United States launched attacks against the Iran backed militias in Iraq and Syria on Friday, its first retaliatory strikes for the killing of three american soldiers in Jordan last week. According to an official at the Department of Defense, us military forces struck more than 85 targets. That’s a lot. Hidden facilities such as command and control centers and drone storage sites. According to the US Central Command, the military action is a significant escalation in Washington’s bid to deter the growing threat from Iran backed groups across the Middle east.

Now. Growing threat from Iran backed groups across the Middle east. Where are they at, folks? They’re right here. They’re in America. So what are you doing? What are you doing? I’ll let you all ponder that. Who do you think’s here? This is how serious this is in our country right now. Wow. In CENTcON statement on US strikes in Iraq and Syria at 04:00 p. m. Eastern time, February 2, US Central command CENTCOM forces conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard, corpse Cuds force, and affiliated militia groups.

Us military forces struck more than 85 targets with numerous aircraft, including long range bombers flown from United States. The airstrikes employed more than 125 precision munitions. The facilities that were struck included command and control operations centers, intelligence centers, rockets and missile and unmanned aerial vehicle storages and logistics and munition supply chain facilities of militia groups and their IRGC sponsors who facilitated attacks US and coalition forces. Now, what’s going to really get America behind this is if something happens here on our soil.

Do you understand the urgency now? Did you all see that video of the guy who crossed the southern border who said, you will know who I am very soon. You will know who I am very soon. We know who you are. We know. I just got an update. It says Mr. T will be sentenced to prison, likely before the election. I beg to differ. I beg to differ.

Not going to happen. I don’t believe it. Sorry. I just got an update saying that. So breaking is Russia. Is Russia sending nukes to Cuba for the first time in 62 years, Moscow is reportedly considering sending nuclear weapons to Cuba once again. It would be the first time since the cuban missile crisis in 1962. Is this in response to the US sending nukes to the UK? So everything, the whole world’s heating up, folks.

They expect, because you got to understand, they got to cover their bases. They understand that this is war and that the war we’re in is fifth generational war. They’re taking down America. So they’re setting up their chess pieces in a way, because they know that these trigger happy people that are in office want nothing more than a scorched earth policy, because why? It’ll save their ass. They know what’s coming.

I told you. It’s like Mr. T’s wearing a dorsal fit and he’s like Jaws. He’s coming for him. They can’t stop this guy. No matter what they do, they’re not going to stop him. So they got to get the party started, if you know what I’m saying. National security advisor Jake Sullivan refuses to rule out strikes inside Iran. They got to start the war, folks. So, national security advisor Jake Sullivan on Sunday did not rule out strikes inside Iran after the US launched airstrikes Friday targeting iranian proxies in Iraq and Syrian in retaliation for the killing of three american soldiers.

So let’s start world War three. I guess you could say it’s pretty much already started, right? So they don’t rule out strikes in Iran. And where a lot of the fanatical has, blah, hamas. Where are they right now? They’re here. They’re in America. We’re letting them know. I really hope there’s, like, some liberals that watch my show for the first time and they’re probably just scratching their head going, I didn’t know any of this.

What is he talking about? This is crazy. This is crazy. If you don’t get it by now, if you don’t see what’s happening by now, I have friends that call me. Hey, man, you watching the fights, bro? No, I’m not. I don’t give a fuck about boxing or any of it anymore. I’ve transcended that low vibrational cesspool of shit. It’s incredible for me to see people that are still in it, especially, I don’t know, it’s like they just can’t think out the box, think outside the box.

It’s crazy. It’s like no growth, no growth, no growth. Judge delays Trump’s federal trial as court considers his presidential immunity claim. So now they delay it. This is what I was talking about. So that’s why I asked Juanito if you heard me on the show. I asked Juanito, I said, hey, man, is this because they’re delaying the trial so they need a tooth prom insert here. You know what I’m saying? So Washington, former President Donald Trump’s federal election interference trial in Washington, DC will no longer begin on March 4.

Judge Tanya Chukin. I don’t know, that’s how you say her name. Thank you, Kelly. It’s unclear when exactly the trial will now start. See, I was looking forward to this. I know you all were, too, because we thought, wow, he’s going to introduce some evidence. It’s going to be a truth bomb, but backup plan, I think, is Putin. So it’s going to come out no matter what. You can’t stop the truth, folks.

You can’t stop the truth. So the trial is delayed, but because they knew, they’re like, shit, man, this is not good. Now, this is just my opinion. My opinion. Thank you, Alicia Marie. Just my opinion. They’re like, oh, fuck this. He’s going to show everybody everything. Stop it, delay it. See, what they’re trying to do also, folks, is get us to the November with as many wards as possible, ship out as many troops as possible, recruit the ones coming in on the southern border, and then use people like Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift to recruit a bunch of Democrat voters. Mr. What the fuck’s his name, the football player, Kelsey. Have them be the face of the new voters. And all the people coming in the southern border, they’re voters too. That’s their goal here. That’s where they’re going. I hope it was worth selling your souls. I hope it was, because you’re not going to a very good place and I hope to fucking watch that shit.

All right, here’s something that’s not adding up to me very. It makes no sense to me. So maybe some of you could help me out here, because I don’t understand this at all. So it looks like we were told and I never bought into it. I don’t listen to any of these syndicates pushing shit that, oh, this guy’s been put to death and we’re watching his clone, and that guy is still walking around.

But it’s his double. Look, I know there’s doubles out there. I’m sure there’s clones too. But I’m not buying the bullshit. So here’s something else that is not adding up to me. Biden will tap senior advisor John Podesta. We all know who that guy is. John Podesta to replace outgoing us special climate envoy John F. Kerry once Carrie steps down this spring. I’m just asking questions. I thought that guy was long gone.

I thought he was gone. They put him out to the fishes. Ah, it’s very hard to do this show when you can’t hear yourself because my ears are clogged. I don’t know how the hell this happened. Fulton County DA Fanny Willis. You know what I was going to say. I’m trying to make it easier for my editor to not have to edit everything out. So if you’re watching this not live, there’s going to be a lot of editing because I kind of go full.

I got to go full retard. All right. Founding Willis acknowledges personal relationship she couldn’t help herself she acknowledges her personal relationship with special prosecutor in the Mr. T election case. Fulton County District Attorney Fanny Willis on Friday acknowledged having a personal relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade. As former president, Mr. T and another codefendant have sought to get them disqualified from the Georgia election interference case. In 176 page filing, Willis seemed to respond to the allegations by stating that any personal relationship among members of the prosecution team does not amount to a disqualified conflict of interest or otherwise harm of a criminal defendant.

Willis and her office argue that the relationship hasn’t corrupted their ability to oversee the case. I beg to differ. Defendants have done nothing to establish an actual conflict of interest, nor have they shown that in the handling of the case, district attorney Willis or special prosecutor Wade have acted out of any personal or financial motivation. The filing said that Trump co defendant Michael Roman, who first made the allegation that Willis and Wade had a relationship to get the charges tossed, widely speculates that Willis benefited financially from the investigation and prosecution of this criminal case, but provides no support to justify that conclusion.

Fanny Willis. Fanny Willis. Oh yeah. Fanny Willis. Oh yeah. You like that? Fanny Willis. Hell, take it from the back. Take it from the back. Fanny Willis. Oh yeah, baby. Oh yeah. Things seem to be backfiring, folks. Ex IRS contractor sentenced to five years in prison for leaking Mr. T’s tax records. Isn’t it funny that everything they throw on this guy just backfires on him somehow? Everything they throw.

Does this seem normal to you? Now? Really? Think about this for a second. He’s defiant. He flips him off. He says whatever he wants to say and still gets away with it, and it ends up backfiring on them. Does that sound like someone who’s in control to you folks? Because really, this guy should be in jail a long time ago. He should be rotting in a jail cell right now.

But for some reason, dang it, I don’t know. Shucks. I don’t know. Nothing seems to stick. That should tell you something. That should tell you something. There’s something else going on here. A former contractor of their Internal Revenue service who pleaded guilty to leaking tax information to the news outlets about former Mr. T and thousands of country’s wealthiest people was sentenced to five years in prison Monday. I seriously wonder how long Axel has.

It could be any day. But someone gave me some good advice. They said when he’s ready to go, he’s still hanging on, folks. He’s still hanging on. I can’t give up on him yet. He’s not suffering. He’s still wagging his tail. He still likes his treats. He still goes up the stairs. But it’s like I’m trying to make him as comfortable as possible. But I think when that day comes, someone gave me some good advice.

He said, take him to the park. Let him run around. He’s not going to run around, but just the idea of going, it’ll be the last big truck ride. If I even say that word to him, truck or park, he goes nuts. Like nuts, like a five year old kid. So I’ll give him a big steak dinner, take him out to the park, let him smell the grass.

Then I’ll take him in. I’ll take him in and get the job done. That’s what I’ll do. That’s how I’m going to do it. So that’s what I plan to do. I got to tell you, that’s why I haven’t done a morning show the last two morning shows, because it’s been affecting me that much. I thought, man, sometimes I think to myself, I’m stone cold. I’m a tough ass.

I’m a hard motherfucker. No, I’m not. I guess I’m not. I’m a bitch. I swear, man. And he’s an extension or he’s still an energy, a spiritual energy cord to certain friends that I’ve lost. Certain friends that I’ve lost in the year. Last year, I lost four friends, right. And two of them were with me when I got him in Las Vegas at the shelter. So he’s still kind of like that connection between.

So, like, when that goes snip, it’s going to be letting go of a lot of stuff. I mean, a lot of stuff. So this has been the strangest part of my life. I heard Slice Stallone say something. He said it on his documentary in Netflix. He said before 30, it’s like, addition, addition, addition. And then, I mean, before 40 is addition, addition, addition. And then after 40 is subtraction, subtraction, subtraction.

I get what he’s saying. I’m going to come back with this. I’m going to say that’s if you have no depth, because you should require enough depth after 40 that you look at other things as additions. Right. But you start losing a lot more people. I’ve noticed that. I’ve noticed I started losing a lot more people. And I consider Axel a person. I do. I like him more than most people.

I’m just going to be honest. So the fart that won’t go away, it keeps lingering. Haley, so you’re still here. Don’t you have something to do, like go bake a cake or something? See, Haley swipes at Trump Biden over age, and you ask she’s still sticking around. You know why she’s still sticking around? Let me explain this. You all know she thinks the charges are going to stick, so they’re telling her behind the scenes, don’t worry, we’re going to get him.

It’s only a matter of time. It’s only a matter of time. Stay in the race. We need you. Don’t go anywhere and look no further than what it says here. Former United nations ambassador. Oh, we know what team she’s playing for. Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign took aimed at President Biden and former President Trump’s ages in a new digital ad. Is anyone even listening to know who is that judge? Judge fuck.

The one that’s on tv all the time. She backed her. Pick your lane. Pick your lane. What’s her name? Judge Judy. Is it Judge Judy? Judge Judy now backed. What do you expect? That lady is mad at the world. She hasn’t been fucked in about 30 years. Of course you’re going to back her. Judge Judy. You need Sancho. You need Sancho to come to your place. Someone send her a Sancho shirt.

Judge Judy Sancho gives his regards. He’ll come over and give you a deposit if you need it. But then you have to make me a fucking sandwich. All right. I don’t know how to say this name. Kirsten Sinema gets a look. Okay, so a look from the GOP as Carrie Lake stirs drama. So they’re saying, thank you, Em Loole. So they’re saying that Carrie Lake is just stirring up way too much drama after she exposed everybody.

So now they’re turning it on her, like, ooh, she’s a bad person. She’s bad. So we got to get someone to replace her because she’s causing too much drama. In Phoenix, in one of the year’s most important Senate races, some Arizona Republicans are saying and unusual are eyeing an unusual savior. Yeah. Someone they can control. Senator Kirsten Sinema, a democratic turned independent. A Democrat turned independent who has given no indication she is running for reelection.

If Sinema runs, it would set off a turbultulous and unpredictable three way race. They’re going to need that because they don’t carry a three way race in one of the nation’s most competitive states yet. Some Arizona Republicans say Carrie Lake’s turbulent campaign providers provide Sonema with an opportunity if she were to enter the race against Lake and Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego. So they’re saying, let’s throw another person in there.

Let’s muddy up the water a little bit. Let’s muddy up the water. Man. This is for all the marbles, folks. Everything is off the table. Or is everything. I have a hard time with this one. Is it off the table or on the table? It doesn’t make sense to me. It makes sense either way, honestly. You know what? Everything’s off the table. We’re going to go for it.

You know what? Everything’s on the table. It’s on the table. Ah, well, you know, I try my best. I try my best. You know, I don’t always do so good. You know, I try my best. So, border news. 155 House Democrats voted today against deporting criminal migrants. Of course they did. Against deporting criminal migrants who commit Social Security fraud. They need to stay here. That’s okay. They broke the rules anyway.

Just let them stay. They’d rather protect illegal immigrants than our seniors. So Social Security fraud. A lot of these people are World War II vets or korean vets like my dad, Vietnam vets. And they commit Social Security fraud. And you’re letting them stay in here? Elon. Elon Musk. What’s your all thoughts on Elon Musk? In the bet you didn’t know category, Homeland Security secretary Majorgas issued written guidance making it clear that illegal presidents alone is not grounds for deportation.

Criminal charges, convictions or gang membership alone are not enough for deportation. You basically have to be convicted of an axe murder to be deported. I even have my doubts there. That’s because every deportation is a lost vote. They’re really counting on these people voting. If you’re watching this after the live, there’ll be a lot of edits, probably a lot of edits in this one, but if you like it raw, if you like it barebacked and hard, it’s on Ninoscorner TV.

Ninoscorner TV will have my morning shows in raw form. So the alleged migrant attack on New York City police sparks political uproar. An attack on police officers in New York City’s Times Square, allegedly by a group of migrants, most of whom were released on bail, has sparked a US election year political furor. At least twelve suspects were allegedly involved in last weekend’s attack. Six have been arrested. Five of those were released on bail.

They were released on bail and the rest remain at large. One remains in jail. Immigration is a hot issue ahead of the November 2024 general election. Oh, I bet they do. But they need their votes. More than 6. 3 million migrants are recorded to have crossed into the US illegally. Crime is skyrocketing. Crime is skyrocketing everywhere, every city. By the way, record highs that could affect the reelection chance of President Joe Biden.

Male broke out on Saturday evening after three New York Police Department officers attempted to break up a disorderly group of men outside a migrant shelter in midtown Manhattan. When the officers tried to arrest one of them, CCTV footage shows them being attacked by assailants. The officers were left with minor injuries. I don’t know if you saw my video. I just put up. I’m out there, like, cruising around.

But we came into where the church is here in El Paso, downtown, and I called over some of the migrants and I had my camera going. So of course they’re going to say Travaco. Travaco, yeah, whatever. Anyway, we got that recorded. If you like these type of videos, I’m going to do more of them. Not so much on the border. I might do some border stuff, but not much.

I’m going to record my spiritual journey into Crestone, Colorado. That’s coming up. Give me a thumbs up if you want to see that, because I’m going to take a friend up there. We’re going to go to Sedona, Arizona, and I’m going to take a drone and we’re going to record everything. And then we’re going to go up to Crestone to see Wonder Bob. And it’s just going to be a relaxing video searching for ourselves.

We’re going to be searching for our true spiritual self. Yes. Arizona citizens are helping border patrol round up migrant getaways. Tim Foley and his crew are the definition of patriots. They’re helping our beaten down border patrol deal with the migrant invasion the Biden administration has brought into the country. Foley states that since Biden took office, there is 1. 8 million getaways. Getaways. Those that have been processed. So basically, do these guys know all they’re doing is catching the ones that get away so they can be processed? I would find better shit to do with my time.

Just saying. Just saying. You’re catching these guys. They take them to the border patrol so they could be an uber service. It’s a lot of work just to let them go again. I don’t know. Maybe I could get one of these guys on the show and they can give me the reasoning behind this because I don’t understand it. Denver is struggling to stay afloat, facing pressing budgetary concern after arrival of 36,000 migrants.

And they’re all going to the hospitals. So Colorado’s capital has joined the ever growing list of cities that have become overwhelmed with the influx of migrants. With over 38,000 asylum seekers arriving in Denver in the past year, the mile house city has struggled to accommodate the new arrivals who have inundated city shelters and hospitals. Let me say that again. City shelters and hospitals, prompting state officials to enact a limit on how long migrants can stay in a state funded room starting February 5.

The city initially paused the discharge of migrant families from shelters on November 17 to assist the increasing number of new arrivals. However, after seeing a dramatic uptick, the city is now housing 4500 migrants and will resume discharging migrant families. Denver’s deputy director of communications, Jose Salas, told the Post the city will extend its previously length of stay policy for families from 37 days to 42 days. Fuck you, taxpayer.

Fuck you in your ass. Okay? Fuck you. You work for us, okay? Oh, boy. You want to go to the hospital? Fuck you. Migrants come first. Sorry, it’s the way it is. We’re using your money. Yeah, what do you think? You thought we weren’t? What are you talking about? Fuck that. I don’t know if people are as pissed off as I am. I just don’t know. Do you see why these shows have to go into editing? How am I doing, folks? Way to bounce back, Nino.

Hey, I always bounce back, man. Allegedly posed as a minor online to meet a child predator, then fatally shot him. What? James Spencer II, 22 years old, has been charged with murder in connection with the death of Sean Connery showers, 37. James Spencer II is accused of posing as a minor to lure in Sean Connery showers. Police alleged Spencer admitted to killing showers in May 2023. Showers pleaded guilty to possession of child sex.

You know what material. In 2009, a Texas man is charged with murder after allegedly posing as a minor to meet and kill a convicted sex offender, according to authorities. The Houston Police Department alleges that in May 2023, James Spencer, the third, 22, shot and killed victim Sean. Is he really a victim? I mean, let’s be honest here. I don’t know. I don’t know how I look at this.

I kind of look at it like, good ridden spy. We don’t need you here anyway, so to me, I don’t know, maybe give this man a fucking medal. I don’t know. Sorry. I have my views on this. Whatever. I mean it. Why would this guy. Maybe this guy was fucked with when he was a kid, and he’s like, you know what? I’m going to take it out onto the next.

I don’t know. You don’t ever know the thinking behind this stuff. I don’t like, really just wait around and let this guy hurt somebody. Hurt a little child. He’s gone. We don’t have to worry about him no more. I don’t know. So what’s your thoughts on Elon Musk anyway? So save your brain like a game, says Elon Musk, as neuralink plan promises to prevent AI extinction, wiping out humanity.

So what Elon Musk is doing here with neuralink? It’s a brain chip company that has inserted its first device in a human. According to the billionaire CEO, Musk has previously revealed big plans for the chip, and we’ve rounded up some of them. Below, Musk went into detail about his plans for his neurolek brain chip during a Q and a session at the clubhouse app. In 2021, you could probably save state in the brain.

So if you were to die, your brain, your stated brain, could be returned in the form of another human body or robot body. So what he’s saying is what we’re able to do is download your consciousness into an avatar or a computer or another human being, a clone, whatever. What’s your all thoughts on this, to me, this is fucking evil. I look at this like, could you imagine never dying? Your consciousness, you don’t have a soul.

See, this is what I’m talking about. And this is why I have a problem with Elon. He does a lot of good stuff, but he still wore the baphomet costume. He still wore. And for people like me that are awake spiritually, we know. We know what the fuck we’re looking at. I saw that, and I was like, all right, I see you. The baphomet costume. And now he wants to download your consciousness onto a computer chip and put it in computers and robots.

That says to me, he doesn’t believe in a soul. And then in China. China is doing kind of the same thing. China. China unveils plan for chilling zombie brain chips to be implanted into skulls to rival Elon Musk’s neuralink. China has entered the race to implant brain chips into human skulls. In a bid to pit against Elon Musk’s neuralink, the country unveiled a chilling timeline, developed what it calls a brain computer interface that aims to release products as early as 2025.

In China’s stock plan in the field of brain chips comes as Musk announced the first neuralink brain chip has been successfully implanted into a human skull. The billionaire said that preliminary results from the human test subject are promising. And now the announcement by China, following the footsteps of the Tesla boss, could potentially spark the biggest global tech rivalry of this decade or even century. So China has thrown their hat into the neuralink race.

Let’s see who wins this one. Carl Weathers. Carl Weathers has passed away, folks. That sucks. I was sad. I was sad to hear this one. I was a big rocky fan as a, you know, I saw the statement that Sylvester Stallone put out, and I was like, man, that was grippy. That was sad. That’s got to hurt, man. A lot of people around Sylvester Stallone are dropping. I know what that feels like, sly.

I know what that feels like. Carl Weathers, the actor best known as Apollo Cree. Hey, yo, Apollo. Keep punching. In the rocky movies and more recently for his role in the hit Star wars series the Mandalorian, died Thursday in his sleep. I hope it wasn’t from this. A lot of people seem to be going out that way, but he’s dead, so sayonara. You did a great job. I love your movies.

What more can I say? Wendy Williams reveals health and financial struggles in shocking lifetime doc trailer. I have no money. Wendy Williams. So Wendy Williams will detail her personal and financial struggles in the upcoming Lifetime documentary where is Wendy Williams? I don’t even know if she’s still doing shows. I don’t even know what’s going on with this person. Wendy Williams. The two night movie event follows Williams after her popular daytime talk show was unexpectedly canceled.

That was unexpectedly canceled in 2022. I thought she was doing good. Maybe she was too much competition for old Oprah. No, but I don’t know. So now she’s coming out with a documentary called where is Wendy Williams? The two night movie event follows Williams after her popular daytime talk show was unexpectedly canceled in 2022 and she was placed under a financial guardianship. I didn’t know that. Lifetime released the trailer for the film on Friday, February 2.

The footage shows the once outspoken tv host suffering. She’s suffering with mental health issues and struggling to walk. So wait a minute. 2022, mental health issues, struggling to walk? Sounds like this to me. That’s why I put these articles in here. Sorry. Shouldn’t have done it. I don’t know. Just speculating. Don’t put it in here. So Taylor Swift makes Grammy history. Would you expect anything else after someone sells their soul? Because I wouldn’t.

So Taylor Swift set a record for album of the year wins on Sunday with midnights. She’s now the first singer to win that category four times. And let me guess, you’re going to win a Super bowl too. Let’s just be honest. It’s a Kansas City Swifts. They need to change their name to the Swifts, Kansas City Swifts. And then give the said. I bet you after the Super bowl they’re going to have photo ops with Taylor and Kelsey kissing with the trophy.

What do you want to make a bet? I bet you this is how it plays out. I bet you that’s what happens. Prove me wrong. Prove me wrong, San Francisco. That’s how I see this going down. Look, I don’t know if I was a gambling man. I bet on the Chiefs. In what the fuck news. In what the fuck news. Father of Patrick Mahomes. Patrick Mahomes, Kansas City Chiefs.

Kansas City Swifts. Sorry, Mahomes. It’s a Kansas City Swift snow. Patrick Mahomes senior, faces third DUI charge. I know what that feels like. I almost got my third DUI four and a half years ago. See how many do I have right now? I have two. I almost got three. Patrick Mahomes Sr. A former Major League baseball player, a former Major League Baseball player and the father of Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, was arrested for suspicion of DUI on Saturday in Texas.

It was the third DUI arrest for Mahomes senior, via Jesse Novell of the Kansas City Star. The arrest happened on Saturday in Tyler, Texas. The second charge occurred in 2018. Mahomes senior pleaded guilty. He received a sentence of 40 days. He served the time on weekends from February 2019 through February 2020. I had to do that. I went to tent City. Where was I? In Scott, Maricopa county.

And I got to eat their vending machines that sheriff opioid’s wife owns. I would get tuna and Doritos and crumple up the Doritos in the tuna and eat it with a spoon. It was mighty good. I had a good time in there, and then I stayed like two weeks in there, and then I just did nights. And then I was just like, man, it’s hot. It was hot.

And then the bed sucked. So I figured out a way to get comfortable. So the pillows are like real thin pillows. And what I did was I would ball up the pillow so the pad is only about this thick and it squishes down. It’s horrible. And you’re on a steel bed. So what I did was I got water bottles and blew air into them and made them like, padding, and I put them behind my pillow.

And I had a nice little luxury pillow, folks. Yes. And I read the whole time. Anytime anyone tried to talk to me, I’d be like, I’m reading. I read about seven books in there, back to back, cover to cover. It was an interesting experience. Anyway, while irrelevant to his son, the situation becomes a potential distraction for Patrick Jr. With the Super Bowl a week away. Three years ago, Chiefs assistant coach Britt Reed, the son of head coach Andy Reed, was involved in a serious accident while impaired.

On the Thursday night before the Super Bowl, a young girl suffered serious and permanent injuries as a result of the crash. In this case, no one was injured. However, under Texas law, Mahomes senior faces two to ten years in prison. God, do you see why I don’t drink anymore? This is why. Two to ten years in prison. I ain’t risking that shit for anything, folks. That’s another reason I quit drinking.

You sure you can’t just have a drink here and there, Dave? I mean, come on, really? Because just a few beers and I go drive and I get pulled over. I’m fucked. Okay? So, no, I can’t. I don’t want to. It’s another reason why, and that’s just one of the reasons why I got sober. So this video is going to be very edited. I know that. I know you all know that.

Let me know. Do you guys like my little short docus that I just put up? I just experimented with them. I don’t know what I’m doing really. I’m just testing it out. So do you guys like the shooting in the desert, the footage of the border? Do you guys like that stuff? I don’t know. Because I’ll keep doing it if you like it, but I’m going to do different stuff.

Give Axel a CBD dose. You liked it? Really? I didn’t get many views. It only got like 30,000 views. Yeah, well, why don’t you go back and watch them? How about that? You tell me to make them, but you’re not watching them. Maybe they’re not interesting enough. I don’t know. All right, folks, this is going to be edited. Please know that. Go to Ninoscorner tv and you can watch in its raw form, bareback.

Bareback. Man, my head’s. I have like a head cold. I don’t know if it’s from like, I’ve had this for like a week. I’m still stuffy. I wonder if it’s from Axel, man. Like, just like dealing with that shit. I don’t know when it’s going to be. I know it’s not today. I know it’s not today. Could it be tomorrow? Could it be the next day? I thought I was going to take him in Thursday.

Didn’t happen. I couldn’t do it. And I’m glad I didn’t do it because I guess the prayers are helping. Prayers are the best medicine, by the way. Prayers are the best medicine. Did you guys like my mayan story that I told on Twitter? Do you guys even know what I’m talking about? That’s our true story. And I even posted the picture not with the Indian, but I did meet an Indian on the top of the pyramid and sat with him as we overlooked the jungle.

And it was illegal. If I would have been caught, which I thought I was caught, because when I was scaling the pyramid and I got to the top, I saw his silhouette. I was like, oh, fuck. I’m going to get arrested. I’m going to go to jail for a long time. I shouldn’t be in this national park at midnight anyway. That’s a true story. Ah, yeah. All right, folks.

Yeah, I did smoke the pipe with him. I did. I don’t know really. I assumed DMT because, man, I was seeing all kinds of crazy shit. But I was listening very intently to him. And I was so full of adrenaline, and I was sweating so much, and I was pale. I looked at myself. I was like, the moonlight. It was such a surreal experience, once in a lifetime type thing.

I haven’t really thought of it. I was anticipating 2012. Nothing happened. And I was like, whatever. But then now I’m looking back on that conversation. I’m looking back on 2012, and I think to myself, holy shit, man. Was this guy right? Because it sure does seem like everything’s happening the way he explained it. I mean, everything’s just snowballing and consciousness is speeding up. There has to be something there, man.

I don’t know. There has to be something there. I’m going to be on with Josh from decentralized media. We’re going to be talking about this. He reached out to me, he goes, dude, I know about your story. I study this stuff. I was like, man, I couldn’t make this up. That’s just what the Indian told me. And he said, dude, let’s do a show. Let’s do a show on this.

I was like, all right, so we’re going to do a show on this about the mayan Indian and the science behind it. So the zombies are not speeding up. Not on Twitter. Well, people tell me, why are you on X? Why are you on these things? It’s like, dude, there’s nothing on. Well, then, okay, true social. There’s nobody on my true social. There’s like 30,000 people. I don’t know.

X has 180 plus. Where do you think I’m going to go? Yeah. All right, guys, I’m out of here. I’ll see you Wednesday, I think. Yeah, Wednesday. I’m kind of stuffed up. I think I’ll blow my nose. All right, folks. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting, El Sancho. Bye. And the black sheep of broadcasting. All right, later. Bye. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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