Tucker Carlson In Moscow!? FEAR Of A Putin Interview Strikes! Frenzied PANIC Begins! David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ David Nino Rodriguez discuss various topics in a coded way. They mention the importance of investing in gold and how it can protect your money. They also talk about the challenges of having open conversations about important issues due to censorship. Lastly, they discuss the potential of a public figure, Tucker Carlson, interviewing Putin, a powerful world leader, and the impact it could have.
➡ This text talks about how Putin, the leader of Russia, wants to share some important news with the world. He’s trying to find the right person who can help him get his message out, someone who people trust and who can avoid censorship. The text also mentions Tucker Carlson, a famous news host, who might be the person Putin is looking for. Lastly, it talks about how Putin is trying to make tough decisions to protect his country.
➡ Putin has two choices: to force his enemies to back off or to stand his ground. He has been trying to tell the world about some unfair things happening, but not everyone is listening. He’s been trying to work with other countries and make money for Russia, but some people are trying to start a war. This interview is going to reveal some big secrets and might change a lot of things.
➡ This text is about a person who is tired of having difficult conversations on a platform called Flufftube. They feel like they’re being attacked and don’t enjoy it. They suggest moving the conversation to a different place called Ninoscorner TV where they can talk more freely. They also mention a change in leadership in a country they were recently in, and compare it to a situation in America.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner tv Fluff tube Edition. Now, this is going to be tough because we talked about this before we went on, before I started recording, and we talked about how we’re going to go about this. So bear with us, folks, because we’re going to go be very coded. Very coded. So put your thinking caps on. Put your thinking caps on. But first, folks, before we get started.

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And if you qualify, they’ll guide you through the whole process. Call 877-646-5347 todaY. That’s 877-646-5347 today and take control of your financial future. We are going in uncharted waters just like Juanito is right now. He’s in uncharted waters. Not many people get to go this far south. That’s all I’m going to say. Juan. I’m very surprised we ever said you have any kind of Wi Fi or anything down there.

Two quick things. It is amazing that we have to have such a coded conversation on what we want to talk about right now, right out in the open, but it just goes to the whole problem. You’re not getting the opportunity to have an honest conversation in the open about things that affect the whole planet. There’s so many things that we need to talk about. Every person on the planet’s affected somehow, and yet the truth speak people to protect you won’t let you hear what’s really going on.

We have to talk. NATO. It’s like we got to talk like a couple of mafiosa. I got to say a thing to you. You’ve got to say a thing to me when I’m saying my thing. Make sure that you understood my thing the way I meant it. Don’t overdo it. Okay? I just want him to know. I mean, I’m serious, but I don’t want him to not ever know how serious I am ever again because you were too serious, the way you conveyed it to him.

Okay. I didn’t want it that serious. I just wanted serious. Okay. So I have to convey this in a way that doesn’t have overdoing on the ramifications. Okay, so listen, you kind of sound like the cookie monster. No, actually, we’re going to make wand cookies, okay? Just one at a. You know, Jen doesn’t like monster in there. She likes cowboy. Okay. It’s just at the place that I got.

The place where I got the cookies. They call them monster cookies, but they’re probably cowboy cookies. Okay, except that they got. Know the reason I like the m m’s is because they got the coating and it doesn’t get melty in your hand. So m and Ms makes more sense than just chocolate chips. It’s an important recipe thing. If you’re doing recipe development and you test it with a couple of kids, they don’t care that they got chocolate on their fingers.

Okay? But if you test it with mom and grandma and the chocolate comes off in the fingers, and then the kids go to hug you in your white dress. I don’t know how we got on this, but let’s get to it. All right. Allegedly, I have to say. Allegedly, Tucker Carlson has been spotted in Russia. Isn’t that the dumbest ass thing you ever heard of, Nino, you got a public figure who is moving around, and then, you know, 100 news agencies around the world report something, and then if you say it just wrong, because you’re in the conservative side of the discussion, you’re toast.

Even you, Nina. Why do you do so many different types of interviews? So that the algorithms, in part, don’t just lock you into one category. And now they’re just wired to get. Thanks for giving away my secret, Juanito. Well, but here’s another thing, okay? When was the last time Saturday Night Live ever got shut down off of YouTube? But they talk about stuff in coded ways, but they can get away with any word they want.

You can’t even say certain trigger words and just boom, it’s gone. Okay. It’s just grinding. It’s just grinding. Okay, Nino, let me do the setup for people. So they kind of have to think about what’s going on. First of all, the short list of people that would be considered an asset to the ticket once a certain person becomes the candidate for the GOP. Is Tucker on there as a vp? So for Tucker, anything he does, he has to be extremely careful.

No screw ups. If he was to just say one thing or do one little interview, get in there with any one person just the wrong way, it could one misinterpreted word or loose word that isn’t edited out just right, and all of a sudden, well, he’s out. We can’t have him as vp. Look what he said, look what he did. Look at whatever happened. So they got to go after him.

So at the end of the day, Tucker has a lot to lose. And so every interview is carefully, carefully looked at. By the way, back when they started even talking this way, that’s after he did the interviews with Roseanne. He did with one of Roseanne. Roseanne did with him. They were being so careful because it’s a hot potato kind of a thing, race and all sorts of things involved in some of those conversations, religion, et cetera.

So now let’s flip it a different way. Okay? So there’s a lot at stake for Tucker to get it right. Putin, arguably one of the three to ten most powerful people on planet Earth today, and he has stuff he wants to get out and he’s being censored. He has stuff he wants to get into the western press for people to be aware of. Why is he doing things? Why did he take certain actions? What was at stake? Is he justified in a lot of what he’s done in the decisions? He’s got a.

He doesn’t have to justify people. I’m guessing Tucker is going to go there and Putin’s going to lay it all out for him and it’s going to be like a nuclear bomb that goes off. Well, we’re going to know everything. We can’t just gloss past this. This is a very important conversation and we can’t answer it here. I mean, you and I explained this to you behind the scenes.

I do this for months and months and months. But if you say it out in the public, then you take a chance on getting screwed up. So here’s the problem. Yeah, but we could always talk about this on another show on Ninoscorn tv, but let’s give the audience the extent we can. Well, we’re trying to reach a broader audience because, of course, that’s part of the issue. There’s a reason why you have to do your firewall, by the way.

That’s another thing. Sometimes people get all whiny because I don’t have to pay. Well, who’s making me have to pay? Yeah, you would have your advertisers and it would pay the bills. It’s not like you’re doing this for nothing at all. You devote huge chunks of your life to do what you do, and then classically, we had people, advertisers could support you and you’d be out there and it wouldn’t cost a person much easier.

But the problem is that you have to have your show behind a firewall for all those out there that are fussing and complaining, hello. And everybody else, because they won’t let you have your advertisers and access to the people that want to promote you and do it for free to the public because they’re choking down the conversation. So the only way you can fund it behind a firewall.

Come on, man. I know it’s painful. Okay, so anyway, you’re doing a public service even with the firewall because you’re at least able, they’re able to bypass the advertisers and hear what they want to hear. Those people want to hear it without any interruption. They get it there. That’s the way it is. Okay, so we’ll talk about it over there a little bit, too. But I think we can get where we need to in the public side here at this.

My question for you is this. Think of all the stuff that Putin would like to say to a western audience. Who’s he picked the phone up and call? Does he call one of the hosts over at CNN who comes over and just wants to do a gotcha thing and doesn’t want know you do the whole interview? I can tell you so many times people that are in the world eye, the public eye, world leaders, our former press himself, they get the whole thing out and then they edit out the parts that the guy wanted to say.

And the interview doesn’t even. You go like, that was the interview. That was the interview. Are you kidding me? So Putin, he’s going to do something and he wants to rock the world? Is he going to trust that to some knitwit over at MSNBC who’s so politically hyperbolic that you’re just wasting your time? And that’s what’s going to. It’s almost like they’re using Tucker and Elon Musk as a team effort because Tucker will put this on x.

Correct. So it’s almost like, it’s like a tag team relationship, right? This is the way it’s working out. It seems like to, you know, we’ll talk about that maybe on the back. Know I have to be a little bit careful. But let’s not go too far over the edge on how you don’t want me to go full. Yeah, don’t go full because, look, we’re getting help. We get a lot of stuff through.

In spite of all the stuff. We’ve got terms that seem to be allowed. But think back all the different ways we had to describe cranial rectal inversions. Only it was done with a cylinder and a plunger. Okay. I’m just telling you, man, what a freaking bunch of morons. And as soon as you’d come up with some term that became common amongst the public, well, then they censor you for saying it that way.

And even if you did the gesture and it wasn’t an up you gesture, they’d censor you for that. They come up with reasons from outer space, okay? Because especially certain of the hosts, like stuff that you and I have done, you could have 1000 hosts out there doing different stuff. But if it has my name on it or something. Yours they’re looking for. Yeah, it’s a magnifying glass.

Oh, my gosh. You just freaking nanoscopic. Well, let’s stick to this. Okay, so let me just say this. So with Putin, he has something he wants to get out. He wants to make sure it gets out. It gets out in a way that the public has to hear it. It gets past all the censors. If other the main bought and paid for three letter controlled three letter news agencies.

Have you ever noticed that, by the way? The three letter agencies, all the news agencies are three letter ones, too. Yeah. Okay, I remember over. So I was walking in the hallway, and I was going between BBC broadcasts, and I’m with an Mi six guy going over to see an Mi five guy, and there’s all these cables down the hallway. I mean, it’s like a foot wide. It’s nothing but these huge cables used for various broadcast stuff.

Okay. Communication stuff and all that. I’m looking at it, and we come around the corner, and then there’s a whole nother group of cables going down the other side of the hallway, and we’re walking between them. I says, what’s going on here? We step over a bridge where it’s actually constructed over the cables where the ones are going one way and ones are going the other way down this hallway.

I says, what is all this? You guys can’t just put it up on the roof? Well, no. When we started, this building was built, they only had so much room for the stuff. But on this side, this is all mi five, and this is mi six here. That’s where we’re walking down to mi five on this side. That’s all BBC. Wow. You got the whole secret handshake crowd, right? And they like to communicate with numbers.

Okay. And they have, like, certain numbers that are their most special numbers in the world. Let’s see. B, that’s the second letter of the Alphabet. Gosh, I wonder who you would use a number combination like that. Anyway, so we move on. So we move on, Nino. So you think about it. Why would Putin the whole planet? He doesn’t pick a host over at Fox. He doesn’t pick somebody out of Europe where they’ve got this huge thing.

They invited Tucker over and by the way, they invited another couple of people over. And I mentioned that to you to kind of work through that. But it just wasn’t the right fit. And because while they were influential, they weren’t the right person with already an audience and a mechanism to get information out and bypass everything and also who have the respect of a certain component of the american people.

Think of it this way. You want to release something really important on some tense subject. Do you go in the enemy’s camp and release it? Or do you at least hopefully get to a camp that could at least take the time to have an honest discussion with you about how you’ve come to this conclusion, how to wait. This piece of information you’re going to give, you at least want somebody that’s going to give you the time of day.

Okay? Even if it’s a contentious situation, very important. And by the way, if you’re laying the groundwork and you want to make sure that the right people get other information that may be conveyed directly ear to ear to somebody else, let me whisper in your ear a certain favor, or you got the soccer ball with something in it and you want to make sure it goes from this person to that person without going to any other person in between.

A guy like Tucker fits all the profiles that you’re looking. Okay? And that’s why I’ve mentioned, like when Sadat wanted to get to Bagan, he had mentioned to a bunch of people that he wanted to get to bagan to try work out a deal on the Sinai. Nobody conveyed anything, didn’t get through. He got to my friend and my friend got somebody, got somebody and got it done.

And then Walter Cronkite tried to hijack the whole thing by saying he’s the guy that made, here it is right here I’m showing a Newsweek articles. Tucker Carlson being spotted in Moscow sparks frenzied speculation, lots of speculation. The reported appearance of former Fox News host Tucker Carlson in the russian capital has sparked intense speculation over the purpose of the conservative media’s personality’s visit in Moscow. Look how they say conservative media personality Carlson arrived in Moscow on February 1 and was spotted attending the Bolshe Theater in the Capitol.

According to the russian outlet, Mash questions quickly swirled over why the tv anchor would have traveled to Moscow on whether he intended to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin during the visit. So I got this on Newsweek. Yeah, well, okay. So I wanted to at least that it’s a mainstream. And there’s, and there’s a lot of mainstream here in there, by the way, what is it that people are trying to get out, even in plain sight? It’s like what I mentioned the other day, I think with you in the background about the magazine cover that Melania did the other day.

I don’t even want to say anything beyond that because we’ll get Franken choked out. Okay, but what was the code in the dress that matched a code in the dress from three years ago? Why is that code, which is in my book, it’s the whole point of the book on page 71. Excuse me. And then they duplicate that from a slightly different angle to send a message. By the way, I think Jen has something over in the store special.

Over in Jen’s website, she has two side by side photos. Look at that and then understand that in time, if you’re in 3d, let’s say at one side, you see something one way. When you move around something, you might see it a different way. You’re seeing the same message. It’s the same message. It’s all about what’s coming back. It’s all about what this really is about. People think we’re moving forward to a particular date later in the year and going to have it and see what happens when in reality, we’re going back in time.

We’re in a time machine because it ain’t over. It ain’t over yet. So what’s the information that Putin has that he wants to convey? I got a message because you did it to a friend of mine. This is guaranteed to be ground shaking is what you’re saying. This is going to be epic. Well, I think at the end of the day, honestly, with what’s going on, you have an incredible number of lives lost, an almost unbelievable number of lives that have been destroyed, for all intents and purposes, with disruption.

Central Europe on the verge of nuclear war. When Putin first decided to go there about a month ago, he called a special meeting a little over a month ago and proposed, what’s the solutions? Imagine things are just getting crazier. They had the drone attacks and they lost $100 million worth of armor in 15 minutes. I think it was more like an hour. But with these new, specialized western drones that these guys came up with six weeks ago or so, and they were having to make a decision.

We’re going to do a tactical nuke. What are we going to do? We’re not going to take these losses. Putin has a constituency that he has to protect, too. All those mothers. He needs to explain, we had no option. Right? What a horrible guy is that he went in and did this. What option did they have? It’s like a James Bond movie with what was being done. So think about this.

Hold on a second. Let me say this. So I’m trying to set this up. I want to make sure I get it. So the point is, Putin has two choices. Do I try to bring this to a head war by another means through communications and force the hand of my enemy, my enemies, to back off, or it’s going to be, I can’t back down. They got to know this and I got to at least make my case somewhere that matters.

What are you going to make your case at the UN? Do you know that Putin for ten years was making the case at the UN, that what was going on in a certain place was against international law and exactly what’s happened? They had people, they knew what was going on and they’re like, are you serious? You think we can just let this go on and on and on and on? What were the first places that they went in and took out when they got heavy handed here a couple of years ago? So he can just raise the bar and let’s have.

Or he can try one last time to get everybody to back off, to understand what’s going on, because the population gets it and there’s a population swell of support one way and not the other. Think about what I’ve said all the way along the really bad weather front that’s coming. Can’t even say that word without getting triggered, is not something in the government or the agencies or even the military, anything else.

It’s the people you have to people. That is the really bad weather that we’re right on the edge of. And it’s about to get a lot worse because the people. So this is going to shift everything. This interview alone is going to shift everything. It’s going to be groundbreaking. That’s basically how you told it to me, in the sense that, well, because for seven years now, eight years, really eight and a half years, even, depending on how you want to do it, there’s been falsehoods that all center towards Russia that have continued to deteriorate our relationship in a way that has brought us to this point.

Look, we told Russia after the wall came down that they had to do certain things and cooperate and all that. And by the way, we won World War III. Soviet Union no longer exists. The russian people are out from underneath that cloud. They were trying to interact with us in the west to function. They built huge pipelines to supply oil and gas to central Europe, western Europe, for industry, homes, et cetera.

And they make a buck on it. And then they take the money and they invest it in their own infrastructure at home. Look, they’re not perfect. I wouldn’t want to live in Russia. I wouldn’t want to live under Putin. But that doesn’t mean that they weren’t trying to function and at least make a buck and be neighbors. You stay on your side of the fence, we stay in ours.

It’s not a wall. But they spent $10 billion world economic. Hold on. Let me ask you this, too. Just one thing. World Economic Fund spent $10 billion trying to foment a war in central Europe. Do you think they got their money’s worth yet? Took them ten years. Okay. How are you supposed to fight that? I mean, he’s building pipelines, and they’re trying to start a war, and now they got one.

So who’s the bad guy? So with that in mind, Nino, he’s got a message that he wants to get out and to make sure it’s extra effective, he’s got some seasoning in there. You want to know what’s going on? Well, here’s what our. And by the way, there’s a reason why that magazine cover came out of France, okay? Don’t kid yourself. There’s a little sneaker of a reason why.

And when you hear it, when the public hears it, they are going to be shocked and then livid. Do you know why, Nino? Because systems that are put in place for communications between various countries know, our militaries and NATO and all that, they’re there. And then there’s other systems put in place that are there for the communications, say, of business groups like banking and things like that. And other stuff is for, like, how do you communicate, say, with your diplomats and things like that.

Now, if we have covert agents like that, we were doing communications using gaming systems, and we had some of the people around us that did that and wanted to be assholes trying to do other stuff but cook in the system. But you think you’re playing my pink pony. And in reality, there’s guys behind the scenes, and my pink pony game is actually sending codes back and forth between operators.

Okay. That’s part of what happened at Penkhazi, by the way, the associate. I have a question. World class gamer. Hold on. Yeah. So you got to there. He’s working as a world class gamer in his free time? No, he’s communicating between all the breaks. Obviously, file got pushed back. So is this kind of like an emergency response push back? Are you kidding me? I mean, that thing is never coming back.

That thing is gone. I’m serious. I told you that wasn’t coming back. And there it goes. It went away because I said the guy is not franking it. That was what me’s put. Go ahead. Okay. So. But I thought, and so does probably all my audience, that he was going to be able to introduce evidence of the bank robbery. Mr. T. So is this the next best move to have Tucker interview Putin and that’s where they talk about the bank robbery? Yes.

It’s going to be more, but am I right? Well, hold on a second. If I was doing it, I’d do it in two parts. I’d do two hour, two 1 hour. But anyway, there’s really two aspects. There’s the stuff that goes back quite a ways that lays the groundwork. Who was the bad guy and group that was trying to introduce a false narrative. No need to say any further than that.

We all know the terms. I don’t even want to say the three times of the country name. That would trigger everybody. Okay, but then who was the person, and where did that person work prior to deciding to run for the presidency? And then in the course of doing that, did they have a lot of friends at that work location who were still there, who were still communicating things? What could they have been communicating in their communication systems? That was not good.

And then, by the way, he came into office, he put all those people on hold. They couldn’t do. They couldn’t even do any work. They’re sitting in the lunchroom playing on their cell phones. Why? Because they weren’t allowed to do anything at all. Now you might find out why. You couldn’t even let them talk in the security. Couldn’t trust a one of them. But am I right in what I just said? Well, so then there’s a second.

The second part is, and now whoever’s actually pulling the strings behind bicycle president, whoever’s actually pulling the strings on the arms, puppets and the legs of these puppets, those guys. Those are the guys that this message is aimed at. And it’s for the american people. Which group is going to run the country? Which group stole at the bank. And which group didn’t remember? Yeah, bank robbery happened. We’re going to let the robbers get away with it.

And, oh, by the way, how much is it? Let me ask you this, Juanito. When this happens, everyone knows the bank robbery happened. When Putin comes out and talks about the bank robbery with Tucker, what then? Okay, so we all know it. We’re all pissed. What then? Well, I think that it’s not his to answer. It’s ours. That’s the whole point. He’s giving you information, and now it’s like the scene from Sean Connery in the bootlegger movie.

And he says, what are you going to do about it? What are you going to do about it? Think about it, Nino. Think about it. Wait, hold on. What Voice are you doing? I thought it was a godfather’s voice. What voice is this? No, that’s a godfather. No, he’s freaking. Just been shot by. He shows up at a knife fight. No, remember Sean Connery gets branded tat tat tat, and he’s got bullet holes all through him.

He can barely breathe through his picture. Marlon Brando this entire time. No, he’s barely. What are you going to do about it? I was like, okay, the guy, great actor. Do you know how much different our life would be if we hadn’t had Sean Connery and all the amazing movies that he did? I think about that with some of the life, we view things in our life through a lot of the movies and media that we’ve seen.

Even being able to use, like, the latest James Bond movie to convey information about what’s going on in the world and the mindset of the people behind it, the evil, et cetera, we at least can see how they think and function. All the great spy movies and godfather and all that. And I’m just telling you, you cannot look at what’s going on in this, Nino without all those images, all those thoughts coming through, because it really is very much the way it is.

Look, we took down an entire country, and there was subterfuge all the way through. Most of it wasn’t military, other than, you say, World War three. That was World War three right now, but it’s the same. Are we talking about your pardon? Well, the key thing, Nino, is this. So much of what occurs in these things doesn’t happen in a way that people can readily nail it down.

They don’t understand. I had a communication yesterday with somebody who did stuff that is off the charts in the way things happened in the country. I was in up till yesterday, and we now have a whole different president in there. We were looking at the whole mechanism, and what they did is similar to what has to happen in America. T has said he’s going somewhere at some certain point is because they pulled off something that was a reverse coup and something like that has to happen.

Can we finish this up in detail on Enos Corner? I’m so tired of doing this. We’ve given him enough. Juan, let’s go back to the corner and talk freely, please. Okay. And I tell you what, because I’ve been on the phone all day, I think I’ve just about lost my battery here. So I tell you what, let me charge up my phone. Can you give me like, say, an hour? I’ll get my phone charged.

We’ll try to carry it on a little bit. You got it. When it go, you got it. All right. I just feel like I’m a referee, and it’s just terrible. I don’t enjoy these conversations on Flufftube. I hate it. And then I get email live by trolls. There’s no plus side to this for me by putting this on flufftube, by the way. I hate it. I really don’t enjoy this.

I get kicked in the nuts, kicked in the teeth for even trying to attempt this. So, folks, you get what you get here. This is the fringe of the, let’s just go to Ninoscorner TV and so we can talk freely. Well, I just want to say that, you know, that’s why I covered it a little bit earlier. You’re in a controlled environment out here in the open. We’re France occupied, know? And yes, my vip audience will always get this first and rumble gets it later.

So that’s the way it works. That’s how I do mean, if, if people don’t like it, they go watch somewhere else. Go watch MSNBC. Okay? Go watch something else. And it’s a free country. I’m sorry. Even when you go down to the car dealer and you want to go take a hour for test drive, I can guarantee you they’re not letting you leave the lot with the Ferrari unless you put a deposit down or something.

It’s not happening. It’s the world that we’re in right now. All right, well, let’s jump over there. All right, bro. All right. .

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