Truth vs. NEW$ Inc. Part 2 with Don Grahn Scott Bennett and Brian Davidson

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Truth vs. NEW$ Inc. Part 2 (5 November 2023) with Don Grahn Scott Bennett and Brian Davidson



➡ The discourse held on November 5, 2023, addresses America’s disproportionate interference in international situations, criticises the proxy wars and propagandas, and pushes for greater focus on domestic matters. The situation’s complexity is highlighted with emerging conflicts involving different nations, pushing toward potential Armageddon with the mounting defiance against U.S. and Israel.
➡ Israel’s military response to Hamas, involving hostage situations and bombings, is critiqued for its characteristically non-defensive overtures. The violation of the so-called Caroline test, which advocates for proportionate military action and self-defense is discussed. Simultaneously, a new geopolitically influential superpower is seen to be rising, comprising Russia, China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia (BRIC nations). Furthermore, there is stern critique of the moral decline and manipulative behavior of the US in global politics, including its support for controversial social practices. Lastly, anticipated transformations in the Palestine-Israel scenario are foreseen as the BRIC nations’ influence rises.
➡ The text offers a detailed analysis of the current geopolitical situation involving Israel, Hezbollah, Russia, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, along with their allies. The key points include a significant rise in Hezbollah and related forces surrounding Israel, escalation of military actions by various groups, implications of Hezbollah’s potential for launching missile attacks, heightened readiness of Israel’s defences, increased Russian military production, the involvement of the US and European nations, and potential political consequences for the US, chiefly for the Republican party.
➡ The text discusses the escalating tension in global politics, emphasizing distrust and potential military conflict. It highlights various countries building new military equipment, mentions the questionable character of political figures like Donald Trump, and global distrust due to numerous lies and deceptions. Furthermore, it conveys concerns about drone operations in Gaza, Israeli-Arab conflicts, U.S. involvement in Israeli battles, advances in nuclear warfare and potential threats to Russia. Finally, it suggests devastating consequences if nuclear weapons are used, predicting total annihilation for the acting party.
➡ The text discusses the perception of Russian strength and U.S vulnerability, suggesting any direct conflict could result in serious repercussions for the U.S. It talks about the need for better leaders and politicians who are committed to doing the right thing and work for the people, not the lobbyists. It further details concerns about American society and survival. The piece also criticizes Israel’s actions in Gaza and condemns the propagation of biased narratives in mainstream media, insisting on a more objective reflection of current events. Lastly, the text advocates revolt against disingenuous political figures and corruption.
➡ The text details a series of violent protests against Israel’s occupation of Palestine which took place in Washington D.C. and other major cities, primarily led by Palestinian supporters. This escalated violence between Israel and Hamas, prompting speculation of Israel’s intention to permanently dismantle the militant group. Simultaneously, controversies related to Zionism and anti-Semitism are highlighted, with a French bill aiming to criminalize criticism of Zionism. The U.S’s possible participation in an Israeli-led military operation against Gaza is also touched upon, amid contrasting reports and rumors of a planned genocide against Palestinians, sparking fears of a potential nuclear World War III.
➡ The text discusses America’s military involvement in global locations like Gaza, Israel, and Ukraine. It alleges that the U.S. is frequently engaged in warfare, followed by issues of deceit and manipulation. The piece further compares U.S. involvement in Ukraine to the situation in the Middle East, accusing Washington of fueling conflicts for imperialistic gain. It also talks about the socio-political implications of these acts, including potential revolutions, and the role of religion in warfare.


This is November 5, 2023. We were having a hot discussion about what’s really happening overseas. All the different players who’s wearing white hats, who’s not, and black hats and what’s going on, and we’re in the middle of a discussion, I think. Brian, you have some comments you want to add? Yeah, I’m just going to try to throw a little context here. When did we become Team America? World Police.

America slash Israel. World Police. When are we the ones that determined that Jordan’s neighbor is acting righteously or unrighteously? When are we the ones that decided that we would put our foot down and determine that these are the good people and these are the bad people, and these people have done bad things, and these hell, we’ve been installing dictators, working to change out regimes, making sure that everything was in our interest for hundreds of years.

How did we make it to the top? How all of a sudden, are we the ones that are being bombarded with the propaganda campaigns to get us to support another invasion of another foreign country soil? Hell, we went along with Ukraine against doesn’t. It’s a proxy war. It’s an American proxy war. Now we’re doing an American proxy war, helping Israel clean out Gaza so that they can have that property, too, and all the gas that’s underneath it.

This world has probably about had enough. Egypt, israel jordan Lebanon. And I didn’t mean to put Israel in there, but take a look Pakistan. Take a look at Afghanistan. These are international conflicts that we’ve had our nose up their asses for years. We’ve got to stop this. This is not how the American Constitution was built, but unfortunately, it’s how American politicians are built on the heels of payouts to make sure that we support the right war to get the right people rich.

It’s getting old. We need to stop and do a little introspection as America. We need to stop getting involved in these wars. Step back from all this killing and all this bullshit and all this military stuff. Step back from it and pay attention. We don’t even have a border. We don’t even have a southern border. And we’re going to be out there telling Israel and Gaza where the new border is going to be.

We’re the ones that are going to do it. We can’t take care of what happens at our home. Look at the streets of any major urban city. Tell me there’s not a problem at home. Why in the hell are we spending all of our time and all of our energy worried about what the hell happens to some tribe in the Middle East? Let’s not do that anymore. We should focus on what’s happening here.

And I’m telling you something. We got 23 Senate seats coming up. We got a presidential election coming up. We got all sorts of local elections that have important things going on. We’ve got all sorts of things happening at home. We should worry about what’s happening at home. And let these look, granted all these wars are going to lead to Armageddon. Somebody’s going to unleash the big bomb. It’s going to happen sooner or later, here or there.

But in the meantime, don’t we have bigger problems to worry about over here? I hate to say it, but guys, this is a complex world where a lot of different facets on a diamond are happening here, and we’re sitting here watching football. You know, we’ll do the best we can. And Scott was saying off air how you go to the local bar or go to the local library, talk to people.

Nobody has a damn clue what’s going on, because we simply don’t. We should worry about what’s happening here. I think we all agree with that, Brian. But because these foreign affairs make a difference to us, because our government has gone all in for Israel, they want to have a draft, for God’s sake. I mean, there’s nothing more disruptive to our lives than having the wrong administration in office.

That’s a big problem for us, sad to say. Meanwhile, the world against the US and Israel taxed to expand and intensify outside the US opposition to the massacre. Thousands of children in the ongoing genocide is rapidly rising. That opposition coming from the Muslim nations. In a rare show of solidarity, Shia Muslims are united with Sunni. In addition to the Muslim nation, China and Russia have issued very stern warnings.

Can the US military, 68% of service members of whom are regarded obese and unfit for combat, take on the entire world? Earlier today, Netanyahu stated he was rejecting calls for a ceasefire and that the Israeli military is saying their operations are going to expand and intensify. Rear Admiral Daniel Higgin, an Israeli spokesman, declined a comment where the forces are deployed, but said additional forces at Intergaus in operation would continue to expand and intensify.

Since Netyahu doesn’t even have a majority of Israelis supporting him. This asks, is Net Yahoo committing national suicide? Iran when Israel’s strikes in Gaza became over, the Limb rumblings began when Israel threatened to invade Gaza, hezbollah warned it would enter the fight. This stopped Israel. At this moment, the US stepped in. It sent two aircraft carrier groups offshore, moved 101st Airborne from Romania to Jordan, beefed up its aviation site.

Is transferring more military equipment and supplies to Egypt. Turkey two days ago, Erdoga announced Turkish Navy is conducting live drills that will be next to US ships in the area noticeably mentioned. They would be live as real bullets and real rockets. Syria the US has activated ISIS in Syria, which has launched a series of attacks against the Syrian army. This happened the moment Syria began firing rockets at Israeli positions in the Golanites.

Egypt has moved tanks to the Gaza border with the intention of intervening if Israel invades Gaza. Iraq the Shia Barra military, known as have started sending forces to Syria and Lebanon in anticipation of entering the war. Yemen UThis are prepared to use their long range drones and missiles to strike Israel. The entire region is gearing up for war against Israel, and US. Bases in the region are in the crosshairs, from strategic patient to strategic anger.

Continuous destruction of tanks with Russian cornete, anti tank rockets, disabling radar and surveillance. Regular rocket barrages. Bomb gaza. Targeted strike from Hezbollah non stop bombing a television recording. An unprecedented historical record of casualties. Its citizen and soldiers being taken captive are achievements the Resistance has accomplished in a remarkably short period of time. The Rothschild family of London and Paris did not expect this. All their plans for the past three years have collapsed.

Its captive EU, australia, New Zealand and Canada don’t know what to do other than threaten anyone who supports Hamas. Similarly. Where the Rockefellers? In New York. The old, tired and true trick of pressuring the Arab to clamp down on the Resistance has ended. Witness the reception Blinken received from Cece in Egypt, cold and dismissive. Even worse in Saudi Arabia. MBS kept Blinken waiting an entire Nape night, and he gave it to Blinken.

No American official had been so publicly humiliated over the past eight decades, and Biden was off to meet in Jordan with the King and other Arab neighbors. But they called the meeting off. No one wants to meet with the Americans. They blame the US for the conflict. Meanwhile, Ted Rawl writes president Biden has declared Israel has a right to defend itself and his people. Thou shalt not kill is probably the oldest, most wise read moral and legal edict in human civilization, common to nearly every culture.

However, there’s one universal exception even in countries that prohibit capital punishment in Euthanasia, murder, really, it should be killing is permitted in self defense. So real mean should be Thou shalt not murder, which is deliberately but wrongly killing a person. Self defense is not murder. It is killing. What is self defense? Israel is framing its war against Gaza as their legitimate right under international law to defend themselves.

We’re a war for our sovereignty, our existence. Set ourselves to fundamental objectives to eradicate amos military and governmental capabilities, and do everything possible to bring the hostages held by the Palestinian Islamist group back home. Net Yahoo said there’s no place for a balanced approach. Harassed must be raced off the planet. Indeed, there’s nothing balanced about Israel’s. Carpet bombing has destroyed half the homes in Kaz. Israel killed many times more Palestinians than it lost in October 7.

A ground invasion will unleash more misery and mayhem as it is. Reasonable people may disagree over whether Israel’s response is justified or likely to prove effective, but no one should call it self defense. Article 51 of the UN Charter permits self defensive and armed attack occurs against a member of the UN. October 7 was an armed attack until the UN security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.

As a UN member state, Israel should have requested assistance when the Security Council should still do that. Israel’s claim to self defense ended hours after the Hamas attack, when the Israeli Defense Forces killed a routed Hamas fighters on Israeli territory. Henry took control of areas over Iran. The status quo ante was restored as of October 7 eigth with the exception of the more than 200 hostages seized and now held by Hamas, israel bombing campaign, which began on October eigth, might only be justified as a preemptive act of self defense.

A military campaign to prevent future terrorist attack by Hamas, bush claimed in its its invasion of Iraq fell into this category, but that war failed the so called Caroline test, formulated by the US in the 19th century that guides international law. In 1837, Secretary of State Webster declared a nation state could only justify the use of military force in case of an imminent threat that was instant, overwhelming, leaving no choice of means and no moment of deliberation.

And these conditions being satisfied, military action should be proportional, nothing unreasonable or excessive, since the act justified by the necessity of self defense must be limited by that necessity and cut clearly within it. Self defense is not a blank check for unlimited vengeance or retribution. A nation state is only permitted to apply the bare minimum of force necessary to repel or neutralize a threat. Though greatly reduced after having been driven back into Gaza, a threat does remain from Hamas.

There are the hostages and rockets fired into Israel. Neither, however, justifies carbon bombing or ground invasion bombing actually imperils the hostages. Hamas primitive rockets without Guinness and reportedly kill an average of three Israelis a year. As deplorable and tragic as that might be, the bombing campaign that’s killed over 7000 people in three weeks is wildly disproportionate under the Caroline test, to say nothing of a ground invasion. The rules based international order is obviously broken down.

Who can remember the last time undoubted parachuted into a crisis zone, to cite peace and order, much less did it? Well, Israel can be forgiven for dismissing that option out of hand. But just because everyone breaks the rules doesn’t mean they’re not still the rules. Under the rules as they stand, what Israel is doing can be characterized in many ways, but not as self defense. Scott, your thoughts? Well, there’s a new superpower that’s emerged, and that is a combination of Russia, China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, the BRICS nations as a whole.

But specifically, those nations are forming a superpower based on economic vitality and natural resource vitality. And Afghanistan has wanted to join it. Every other nation has. So the new rising superpower of a conglomerate of nations that is unified, using economic productivity, prosperity, business is the polar opposite to what the United States has forcibly dominated the rest of the world with after I’d say, 1970. And that is there’s the rules based order where the United States makes the rules, but it doesn’t apply the rules to itself.

The rules based order versus the natural law based order. Natural law is what the BRICS nations, which is quite accidental. It was never intended to be what it is. It was a creation again by the forcible strangulation of economic sanctions imposed by the United States against Russia and China and Iran and the economic strangulation followed with kinetic military bullying and threatening and dismantling of nations from Bosnia to Yugoslavia to the Eastern European nations after the fall of the Soviet Union by the deception operations and the expansion against Russia.

The attempt to cannibalize Russia in the 1990s. I mean, we have long memories, thank God. As Brian said, most of the people in this country are fat, dumb and happy and medicated. And I think if they’re vaccinated, they’re dead men walking. But we’re in a nation of fat, smiling zombies. But the emergence of an alternative superpower under the BRICS organization, the disintegration of any moral weight that the US had, which is being demonstrated, it’s being broadcast, it’s being advertised around the world with the transgender rainbow flag castration of your children, letting girls swim in guys races and guys dress up as women and flash in girls locker rooms.

This is the new rules order. This is our European values. British values. American values. Hogwash It’s not my values. It’s perversion, it’s evil, it’s demonism, and I stand against it. And any nation that stands against it, I stand with. So this emergence of alternative powers and political powers is going to drive the rest of the world away from the United States because it seems like we are incapable of having a nineveh moment where we recognize our moral bankruptcy.

We turn from our wicked ways, we demonstrate repentance and humility and in demonstration and purging and repentance, we invite the blessing of God. If we’re incapable of doing that, we will go the way of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lastly, I foresee the dismantling of the walls around Gaza will follow the track similar to the dismantling of the walls around western eastern Germany in 1990 when the walls just were torn down, hammered with sledgehammers.

That’s going to happen to this Israeli prison camp that they’ve erected. I think slowly, I think it’s just going to emerge. You’re going to have thousands of people going there, tens of thousands. And the dismantling of the walls and the public turning of the page that Palestine is a free nation, palestine is recognized by BRICS, palestine has BRICS investing into it and Israel has nothing to say. And if it takes any military action against Palestine or the BRICS countries that are investing in it, it will be ostracized and economically cut off, if not militarily destroyed by this brick superpower that’s emerging.

So I foresee these walls and this isolation and imprisonment of Bekgaza following the same release that occurred in 1990 when the walls came down around after the Soviet Union fell. Jim, fascinating. Brian? Well, we’re talking fundamentally about the decline and the demise of Western society. I mean, look, we used to have a very well developed sense of fair play. We used to have a very well developed moral compass.

We used to be able to act like an umpire and call right and wrong in a fair play game, but now we don’t. We’re the ones that are rigging the game, and we’re rigging the system. And we’re making sure that the players that are out there don’t understand how to play according to the rules. The rest of the world has caught on. It’s becoming very clear and very obvious to the rest of the world that America will align itself with whoever’s willing to buy it or buy off its politicians, and America will do whatever they’re paid to do.

Israel has said terrible things about American people. Henry Kissinger called our military age male military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy. Is that who we are? Dumb, stupid people to be used as pawns in foreign policy? Is that really what we are as a nation? I think Scott’s right. It’s time for repentance and reflection. I don’t know what else to say, but as a society, we have to figure out which way is up and which way is down.

If we can’t figure out what’s a man and what’s a woman I’ll tell you what, why don’t we have one game? Let’s have seven games. Let’s pit the best high school basketball boys team against the best WNBA girls team, and let’s show who’s let’s just everybody had tuned in to see that, right? An absolute routing of this supported propaganda agenda campaign that is the WNBA that’s clearly out there.

It’s a part of our society. I hate to say it bread and circus, but Americans really don’t respond to rational thought anymore. We don’t have the capabilities or the critical thinking skills. Hell, look at the garbage they get away with in terms of their false flags and what. There’s a couple of us sitting around here studying them out, busting them out. There’s a few of us in tiny little corners of the Internet that have the capabilities of breaking this thing out.

With all the people out there that see it ridiculous. We’ve lost our minds. We need to go back to the drawing board. And the cure for that is introspection. We have to stop and look in, inspect ourselves, find our weaknesses, and then look out and say, how do we now then treat our neighbor? And how do we now then take that to the foreign policy level and the political level? Good.

Very good. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Axis of Resistant soldiers surround Israel. Hezbollah’s first ballistic attack on Israel bases ismullah’s made a major escalation when it attempted to target multiple Israeli bases at the border using Birkin ballistic missiles that carry 100 to 500 kilogram warhead. A Lebanese security official confirmed the report of the first use of the Birkin two. Another escalation here in a tweet esboteris used Birkin rocket for first time against the surveillance force of the IDF.

Footage captured a moment when Ezwellet fired a 500 kilogram Birkin two mortar, also referred to as the Jamani mortar put into service for the first time against the Israeli army. On the northern front, Israeli aircraft and artillery hit several hezbollet position in south Lebanon. The IDF relief footage showing strikes on Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon. Its targets included infrastructure and rocket warehouses, compounds used by the terrorist group.

Several massive airstrikes were conducted by the Israeli Air force in southern Lebanon. After launch of Birkin rockets at the IDF. Hundreds of thousand Shihites surround Israel from Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. The team MESSS up Syria’s power. Its number estimate 170,000 fighters in Iraq, several thousand in southern Syria. They have the ability to launch ballistic missiles and Kamikaze drones. We remind you hezboll itself has 130,000. The two wings in Lebanon, Iraq till gather of over 300,000 Hezbollah forces in Lebanon were reinforced with Iranian fighters from the Iman Hussein brigade.

According to the Arab Bressi’s, militias have been operating for several days. Along with Hezbollah allies, the group has escalated tax on Israel. We are not fully aligned with Hezbollah, said the deputy head of the political bureau of the Islamic Group. But we disagree with them on some things, but we are with them in resistance against Israel. The Alma research senator said the Iman Hussein brigade is a militia composed mainly of Iraqi Shiites integrated into the regular Syrian army, operating mainly in the Damascus area.

The entire Fourth Division, commanded by Mayhir Assad, brother of Syrian President Bashir Assad, has evolved into Iran’s long arm. It reports directly to the coups force. The campaign arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards islamic Resistance in Iraq has just announced that next week they’ll be beginning a new phase in their fight for the people of Palestine. In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful permission has been given to those who fight because they’ve been wronged, that indeed God is able to grant them victory.

Believe God Almighty in support of our people in Palestine to avenge the martyrs. Next week we’ll begin a new phase and run the enemy be more severe and widespread on its bases in the region. More israel has ended communication with Russia readiness of the F 35 squadron for Syria and Lebanon. Israel closed all communication with Russia after Moscow moved to get himimin air base to Iran for resupplying Hezbollah while putting all F 35 squadrons on high alert.

It’s very likely Israel will attempt risking new bombings in Iranian of Iranian and pro Iranian position in Syria, even near Russian military bases. The US has intelligence that Syrian President Bashir al assad has agreed to provide esbala with a Russian made surplus air SA 22 missile system. Wagner has been tasked with carrying out the delivery. Today at 1600, Hezbollah’s ultimatum to Israel expires Russia. Media report hezbollah had asked Israel to withdraw its army from the Gaza street.

Hezbollah leader Hasein Nasrala is expected to speak the day before the group released footage showing military preparation for missile launches. Apparently, it’s a hint Hezbollah is ready to open a new front. His much anticipated speech will be broadcast on Friday commemorating the militants killed in the Israeli bombing. BBC Jeremy Bowen gives his own assessment. He could just say certain things that contain the boiling cauldron in the region, or he will put some red lines in Israel warning them to watch themselves.

What Israelis fear moses could say, we just push the button and the rockets are headed your way. It’s not. Hezbo hit 19 points with rockets in northern Israel yesterday. He’s wearing a ring very similar to the ring worn by Kwaseim Suleimani when he was assassinated by the Americans in 2020. Indeed, his body was identified only by the ring on his hand. So everyone in the region will get a message and Israel shall be really worried about what Hezbollah is capable of doing.

Remember, Hezbollah has defeated the Israeli army before. Hezbollah released another footage of Nasrala preparing his speech with ring similar to or the same as Soleimani’s. Meanwhile, Russia prepares something big seven full production increase in production of battle tanks. In addition, some types of ammo have been giving a staggering 60 time boost. We increased production several times in just one year. The production of tanks increased seven times. Fight armored vehicles, four and a half artillery, two and a half ammunition, some products 60 times.

He highlighted the ongoing modernization at Rostech. Stretching company’s equipment is constantly evolving and improving. In an earlier statement, Alexander Pathoff, CEO of Galva Godvard Concern, a subsidiary of Rostech, revealed they’re currently investing in a feasibility of building new T 80 BVM tanks. The project is a top priority, explicitly requested by the military authorities. The significant increase of Moscow tank production by seven times in one year is, among other things, a replenishment of the old tank technology lost in the front of the war of Ukraine.

Scott, your thoughts about these developments? Well, I see the Wagner group being mobilized and inserted in mercenary capacity to aid the Assembling, Turkish, Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian northern front. That is going to be triggered by Israel’s attack upon Syrian air bases and they’ll destroy Russian personnel as well. That will be crossing the rubicon for Israel again. They’ve angered and betrayed the Russians in their adventures in Ukraine. So I see Russia preparing itself again.

The bottom line is Russia can’t afford to allow Turkey to fall, Syria to fall, Iran to fall, and it will not allow those countries to fall. Neither will China. So Russia, China are going to be absolutely foundational to the preservation of the Middle East. While Israel is pursuing its OdinOn plan, it’s trying to break up and fracture every Muslim nation into smaller pieces, as the seven countries in five years have tried to do.

And the West’s delusional, self hypnotic trance of we’re the exceptional nation. We can do anything. We can fight two fronts of a war. We can give money in the billions. We’re America, says Joe Biden. No, that day is ending. The money value of America is ending. The political isolation of America is ending. Europe will be going the way of Russia. It will be cutting off the United States as all sorts of turmoil may be engulfed.

The moment France or Britain or Germany steps in and is part of this Israeli aggression, the Arabs in their country are going to let them know in all sorts of explosive ways, and I think that will ripple in a general removal of these European politicians and governments. So Russia is positioning itself to be king of the Hill, capture the flag, and the US is going to be knocked out of the game.

And unless we have that self reflection, that introspection moment, and reevaluate who we are as Americans, what our Constitution is, what we are in the eyes of the world and what we’re not, unless we have a major self reflection moment, we’re going to be doomed to complete a disintegration. It’s like the reeds that hold the raft together are disintegrating and we’re going to split up into a bunch of logs, a bunch of separate states and separate regions as the Republican form of government dissolves.

I’d say also, finally, the American Republicans who have leapt into this Israeli support, donate financing without pause. This could be the end of the Republican Party in the next. I don’t foresee a 2024 election, but if things go squirrely and things get ugly and you have US bases and US cities and Washington being hit and all sorts of terrorist activities happening and the Republicans doubling tripling down on this tired old war philosophy, it’s going to be the end of Donald Trump and the end of the Republican Party.

And a new independent libertarian voice may rise up that is 100% committed to peace and not isolationism, but complete neutrality. That’s the voice that Americans are waiting to listen to and respond to is the voice of peace and neutrality, not war and Israel’s slave. And I don’t think the Republicans are capable of that. Now. I don’t think Donald Trump is capable of that. So he may be pushed out and someone else saying that could rise, but we’ll see.

Jim Scott. Don’t overlook. The 2020 election was stolen. Trump won the election. He had like 100 million to 37 for Biden. Until we fix the election, we won’t have democracy in America. He kept us out of war for four years. He could have kept us war for four more. Let me correct one thing donald Trump facilitated the Ukrainian aggression against Russia. Donald Trump gave Poroshenko weapons. He gave the green light to Poroshenko to engage in the genocide he was doing.

And his flatulent statements of this would never have happened if I was president is completely wrong, because Putin would not have backed down. He couldn’t have. So Trump is responsible for a lot of what happened in Ukraine. Whether he knows it or not is another matter. And this thing that’s happening in Israel, trump was responsible for that to a large degree, because the Zionists manipulated him into moving the US embassy in Jerusalem.

So I can give him a pass out of ignorance, but if he’s doing it out of philosophical adoration of the Jews in Israel and Christian Zionism, I think that will be his undoing, as the political currents are going to blow up like Old Faithful. But I’ll defer back to you. Go ahead. Great points. Brian, your thoughts? Well, who cares if we are a voice, if we can’t be trusted? I mean, who cares what we say if we’re just a bunch of damn mean? The Minsk agreements were just designed to set up this whole thing with Ukraine and Russia.

We backed out on every word that we put out there. We have no character is. So we’re reading all these articles about the whole world beefing up for another big major military conflict. Oh, everybody’s building new tanks and new planes and new this. Why? Because nobody can be trusted when it’s a world full of liars. We have no character. By the way, I like Donald Trump. I like the fact that Donald Trump’s there and he’s threatening to drain the swamp or promising us that he’s going to.

Does he have the character that the world needs? I don’t know. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. I guess we’ll find out when the rubber meets the road. A New York politician turned basically Republican. Hey, I like Donald Trump. He’s got power. He’s got the power of the people. He’s made a lot of promises. But show me a prosecution. Show me somebody who’s been in trouble for lying in America.

Show me somebody who’s been in trouble for lying around the world. We go to war with our neighbor because we cannot trust them to keep their end of the agreement anymore. They’ve lied. They’ve deceived. They can’t be trusted anymore. This is the same thing that happens next door, and it’s the same thing that’s erupting all over in the Middle East, all over the place. Israel rolls out these false flag bullshit deceptions.

Of course the guys in Jordan know. Of course the guys in Saudi Arabia know. You think they don’t know what’s going on? Hell, I could figure it out from my computer here in Texas. Everybody knows Israel can’t be trusted. America can’t be trusted because we have no character anymore. Everything we say turns to bullshit. So who cares what we say until. We start to do the right thing, this nation will not be put back into a position of hegemony again, ever.

Well said. I think that’s exactly right. Meanwhile, Air Force confirms drone operations over Gaza how involved with a Pentagon becomes supporting Israel? Very disturbing. US. Military confirms its carrying out drone operation over Gaza part of a broader support for Israel. Confirming the drone op, pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Patrick Ryder stated drone flights had begun on October 7 occurred along with providing advice and support our Israeli partner as they work on hossage recovery.

MQ nine Reaper drones had previously been seen circling Gaza. They’re marking their first stops. US. Officials signed by the New York Times say the drone would pass potential leads to the Israeli Defense Forces should they locate hostages held by militia groups. Alongside unexpected success against Israeli armor during ground operating. Palestinian militias are reported to have neutralized the number of Israeli aircraft in recent weeks, with American Reaper drone operator potentially putting the aircraft at risk.

Reaper drones have operated widely over the Middle East for years, intercepted multiple times by Russian aircraft when violating Syrian airspace in operation, CIA operate reaper drone was also used to assassinate General Qwasim Soleimani in January of 2020, for which we are forever stained. Alongside unexpected success against Israeli armor during ground ops. Palestinian militias are reported to have neutralized a number of Israeli aircraft in recent weeks, with American Reaper drone operators potentially putting the aircraft at risk.

This is a number of Middle East ceases. Sources reported that us. Military had deployed 5000 personnel to participate in the operation in Gaza. It’s been denied by American officials, but they went in on the ground ops and they were shot up. It’s been confirmed with senior American officials that city fighting had been deployed as advisors to Israeli forces. Douglas McGregor state. Israeli special forces entered into Gaza, accompanied by American special forces.

In the last 24 hours, some of our special force and Israeli special force went into Gaza to reconnoiter, to plan how they might free the hostages and make an impact. And they were shot to pieces and took heavy losses. As I understand it. Member of Hamas political leadership Ali Barraque indicated the party perceived the US. Had becoming increasingly involved, stating that the Palestinian political group didn’t expect this much of a response from Washington.

An Israeli response, yes, we expected that, but what we’re seeing now is the entrance of the US into battle. This we did not count on. The US has moved to expand military facilities in Israel, struck Hamas forces in Syria and Iraq, and massively escalated its military presence while replenishing Israeli military stocks. America’s NATO ally Turkey has also seen Jihadist militia groups under its influence, such as the Al Nusra Front, escalate attacks on Amos ally Syria since the Israeli Palestine hostilities broke out.

Meanwhile, and I find this absolutely incredible that this was published, us media warned F 35 new bomb will allow one stell fighter to kill 310,000 Russians in Moscow. The US new B 60 113 tactical nuclear bomb will allow a single F 35 5th generation fighter to kill over 310,000 inhabitants at Moscow in a single strike, according to Newsweek. Should the bomb be dropped on central St. Petersburg even more densely populated death, though, would rise to 360,000, while anything within a half mile radius would be vaporized by a massive fireball.

Those within 2 miles would die within a month of radiation exposure, 15% would die of cancer. Many others survive life altering births. Reports on the prospect of nuclear war have been published with growing frequency since tension between Russia and NATO increased in early 2022, growing acknowledgment that the Russian Ukraine war is going badly for Western interest, raising a possibility of a Western block intervention in the theater against Russian forces.

The US. Military now planned to develop the new B 60 113 bomb on October 27, expected to have a max yield of around 350 kilotons, compared to a max of around 50 on the widely used B 60 112 bomb. The widely used and a yield of just 50 kilotons on the little boy used to destroy Hiroshima, 1945. A Pentagon report summarized the new bomb was intended to provide the President with additional options against certain harder and large area military targets here’s.

An F 35 the Russian Defense Ministry and civilian leadership have raised serious concerns regarding NATO’s rapidly expanded nuclear strike capability near Russian territory, with tactical nuclear weapons like the B 61 bombs seen as a serious threat as more usable assets compared to strategic nuclear, which have even larger yields. Although still plagued with over 800 performance bugs considered far for ready for high intensity combat, the F 35 still blows a major threat to Russia, not only as an airborne sensor platform, air to air combat in strike fighter, but potential to serve as a nuclear bomber.

As the only Western stealth fighter capable of carrying nuclear weapons, the F 35 ability to bar detection has made a large number deployed across the Russian border to the Arctic and the Western Pacific highly threatening, posing a far greater challenge to air defense than old fighter classes. America’s ability to deliver nuclear strikes using stealth aircraft is set to be expanded considerably, not only as issues with the F 35 are addressed, but as a new B 21 stealth bomber is brought into service with a potential to deploy multiple nuclear warheads per aircraft.

Here’s, however, the Russian Nest 400. Russia has invested heavily in a range of assets capable of providing a degree of protection against dell fighters, including a ground based air defense network widely considered the world’s most formidable. Of course, the S 400, which deploys radar and multiple complementary wave bands to improve detection capability against stealth aircraft with new Su 35 and 57 fighters, also deploying multiple radar for similar purpose.

The new S 500 has increased the network’s situational awareness, while providing ability to neutralize satellites and airborne refueling aircraft at extreme ranges, which are key to F 35 operations. Russia has also invested heavily in enhancing its capabilities to strike air bases, hosting F 35s across enemy territory, including the American mainland itself, the fighters being particularly vulnerable to such attacks due to their high maintenance needs and short ranges.

These characteristics force them to spend considerable time on the ground, preach hour in the air, and require bases near their targets to operate effectively. Scott, your thoughts? Well, if any foolish American delusional general or politician like Lindsey Graham or others thought for a second that you could detonate a nuclear bomb over St. Petersburg or Russia and achieve anything other than the annihilation of the United States, he’s an absolute fool.

Russia has already said it would react to anything like that. It would use nuclear weapons if they were about to be attacked and if they had already been attacked and their response would be annihilatory. I could see them wiping off everything within the Washington, DC. Corridor. Everything within the Beltway, including, Hearndon, Virginia, reston, Virginia, the military industrial complex, contractors in Tyson’s Corner, Crystal City, the Pentagon everything in the arsenal of the American government would be destroyed, including, probably some of the more economic factories in the United States.

Whether chicago, Silicon Valley, New York, Russia. You know, is no doubt played this out many, many times. What happens if the United States fires a nuclear weapon? What happens? And I think we’re also looking at the annihilation of the American bases in Syria and Qatar and know, the claims of having some sort of secret sneak blitzkrieg advantage over Russia is delusional. When you look at their weapons, you look at their men, you look at their hypersonic missiles, you look at their torpedoes, you look at their kinetic capabilities and the world that is standing with them.

Any action by the United States would only result in the complete dismemberment of America, the cutting it off from everything in the world. And I could see a nuclear annihilation of much of the East Coast as a result. Russia isn’t about invading America. It’s not about blowing up farms in Kansas. But they will take out the American military industrial complex. Heart pursuant in according with what Eisenhower said and we are at that part the military industrial media complex, big pharma complex, whatever you want to call them, has now become a threat to the American people.

And I said this on my interview on Press TV. I said, Americans are captured people that are not behind this conflict, but the bribes that have come to the American politicians from the Israelis animates their enthusiasm for continuing to give money to Israel because they know it will go into a circulatory door and it will wind up in their political coffers. So Schumer and Mitch McConnell and Romney and all of these other political hacks scott was about to say, Ryan, pick up your thoughts.

Well, I completely agree with that. Look, we have something called term limits here in some places. They’re not necessarily the answer to the problem. The answer to the problem is that we need to get the right politicians in that are willing to do the right thing. The problem is that every time you have an election cycle, they’ve got to raise money and they raise money from people that are a part of the lobbies.

That includes the military industrial complex, security industrial complex. Israel obviously gets billions and billions of dollars from the United States. I think it’s been calculated somewhere near 170,000,000,000 over the previous ten years or 20 years or something. That number is not right. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but it’s about the same amount that we’ve been given to Ukraine. There are efforts in the United States government to start to sort of clean out some of the corruption.

I’m glad to see them developing. I don’t think we’ve done nearly enough to deal with it because of the two party system. I think the Democrats are the ones that are pushing the moral corruption a lot more than you’re seeing from the Republicans. But there’s certainly examples of Republicans that have gone overboard. But that is the trick, isn’t it? We’re not going to be trusted for our word by the rest of the world until we have representatives and politicians who are willing to do what they say they’re going to do and do the right thing.

Very difficult to achieve right now. And I think the only way we’re going to get that to come back into play is with a series of prosecutions and a new presidential leader and maybe new control of the Senate. And maybe a few more Matt Gates’s will start to come out of the closet since he’s done such a good job of getting the rhino McCarthy out of the way.

Not going to necessarily say that the replacement is who I’d prefer, but at least he got McCarthy out of the way. I like gates. I like him as a model and as a style because he’s a great communicator and I think he’s got a semblance of character. We’ve got to wait and see how this next election cycle goes with Donald J. Trump. If we’re even here, and Scott’s probably right, they’re probably going to blow the shit out of this place anyway.

I don’t know if we can avoid that. I don’t know if it can be stopped. I don’t know if this army coming across the border on the south side will be activated. I don’t know if hyperinflation is going to set in. I don’t know if food prices are going to skyrocket. I don’t know if we’re going to run out of gas or energy or an EMP is going to hit.

I don’t know any of those things. Which is why in the big picture, get your life, right? Square it up, be a good man. That’s what our nation needs, is more good men right now. If we have enough of them, we’ll be able to get the right politicians in place. Only if we fix the election system. As I’ve observed before, Brian, the Republicans could run Jesus Christ as their candidate, and they still lose to a Joe Biden the way it’s rigged now, Scott, did you want to add a further you were talking about the money recycled at a political hacks in Washington when you were cut off.

Yeah, they didn’t like what I was saying, and they shut down my Internet out of the blue. Go figure that. No, I think that’s what’s coming next. And I agree with Brian. This is naturally causing the rise of real leaders. Real manly alpha male sigma male leaders, not these betas and these libtards. Real manly, Davy Crockett, John Wayne type of individuals, rustic that are not going to put up with this bullshit, this social experimentation that we’ve been subjected to since the 1960s and revival and the renaissance of America starts with real men rising up and just marching forward.

And anything that gets in their way, anything that gets in the way of natural law or the family or entrepreneurship or any of the classic American virtues is going to be stomped down and crushed. I see American real, manly leadership rising up like never before, because when our backs are put against the wall, we will respond with that thermopoly ferocity of focus and dedication. And as someone who’s come from Scottish roots and my history and my family, I know what it is to have a certain attitude of battle in which you are committed to war and fight to the death.

Blessed be the Lord, my strength, who teaches my hands to fight, my fingers to war, our hands to war and fingers to fight. So I think we’re on that trajectory. Jim, thank you. Thank you both. Meanwhile, Douglas McGregor warns in Ukraine, washington underestimated Russian resolve and military power. Washington should not repeat this mistake by underestimating the potential for a regional Muslim alliance that could threaten Israel’s existence. The possibility that Israel could end up like Ukraine should not be discounted.

Meanwhile, the Gaza genocide continues. Israel is an unrestrained monster that endangers us all. Philip Geraldi Wrights mainstream media and official government commentary on the violence in Gaza appears to have acquired a certain rhythm to make sure everyone understands it is the poor Israelis who are the real victims, being assailed by a group called Hamas, invariably labeled as terrorists. It is absolutely obligatory in the first paragraph of an article on developments in the fighting to remind the reader that on October 7, a terrorist group, Amos invaded Israel and killed 1400 peace loving Israelis, taking an additional 200 as hostages.

Israel is described as retaliating, is frequently seen as relevant to the state. It was the most dreadful mass killing of Jews since the alleged Holocaust. To add a bit of current cultural and historic relevant 911 and Pearl Harbor are often cited to suggest it was both a surprise attack and a game changer in terms of how Israel now sees the external threat and will have to harden its national security imperatives.

And there might even be insert a comment from Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi or Senator Chuck Schumer that Israel has a right to defend itself. Joe Biden was also quoted as saying it was 15 911 for Israel. Given the comparative size and population of the US and the Jewish state emphasizing the enormity of the tragedy in America, false News had been a leader in pumping out the interviews and reports suggesting America’s Jewish students are so terrified by the threats, implicit and explicit in the anti Semitic rage manifest on college campuses and elsewhere.

They’ve stopped eating at the University Kosher dining halls lest they become the targets of a madman. And there are the inevitable calls to completely ban gatherings expressing sympathies with the Palestinians, or even waving or displaying Palestine’s flag. The moaning about surging anti Semitism is indeed all over the mainstream media, even though there are quite a few things wrong with the narrative about Israel Palestine in the events of October 7 and after.

In short, the American and European public are being subjected to the usual con job when it comes to anything having to do with Israel. And the propagandaization is certainly also given additional efficacy when it’s repeated by senior politician coming from both parties with unanimous Senate vote of 97 to zero, House of Rep vote of 112 to ten on resolution pledging unconditional and total support for Israel and whatever it chooses to do.

Backed up by two US carry group Marines standing by in the eastern Mediterranean breaking pro Palestinian mob attempts to scale and break down White House fence, a massive pro Palestinian protest broke out at the Capitol today. That was Sunday. Protesters made their way through DC chanting anti Semitic language, leaving anti Semitic graffiti all over town. As the night grew near, the mob descended on the White House, where they blasted mob again in red paint, some even attempting to scale events and break it down.

Stephen a White House northwest entrance had been smeared with red paint. Protester Bushing the gate november 4 Fox News a White House fifth was vandalized Saturday night with red painted Palestinian protesters took the gate. One entrance to the executive mansion is Chanted F. Joe Biden. The New York Post reported. They also covered the General Market, the Lafayette statue with graffiti and Palestinian flags. According to social media, the protests were rallying against the Biden admins who bark for Israel in the war against Hamas.

Some are again heard chanting f Joe biden. Demonstrator also chanted three free Palestine and ceasefire. Now, I’m sure none of these protesters will be prosecuted. Look at the size. I repeat the largest pro Palestine protest in U. S. History, the center of Washington D. C. Is occupied by both Arabs and Jews, going for freedom, democracy, right for all. And that means ending the Zionist colonization. Look at that crowd.

Meanwhile, there’s an absurd story. This time, Israel will finish the job. This is in a publication called American Greatness that’s actually supported by Tucker Carlson. But this is pure propaganda. The murderous attack betrayed by Hamas tore the mask off the poor, sovereign Palestinians. There are many reasons for a sane person to regret the existence of a mosque. The savage Sunni militia controls a Gaza Strip founded in 1987, and they don’t say Israel was involved, but Israel created it.

The group has specialized in terror attacks against Israelis while maintaining vigorous side concession, fomenting anti Western sentiment, keeping their own populace in a state of wretched poverty. Such are the convoluted workings of Providence that the world may eventually find itself grimly grateful for what one perceptive observer called the Sabbath Massacres, the barbaric slaughter perpetrated by Hamas on October 7, which lasts some 1400 dead, thousands wounded, and more than 200 kidnapped and held a hostage.

The main reason to be grateful for this horrific carnage falls from the revelation it afforded in the first place. By acting with such savage and sanguinary abandon, deliberately targeting the young and helpless, the old and inverb raping mutilate beheading, hamas, in effect, signed its own death warrant. We’ve seen all the usual suspect pull Minhas, israel designers that use a brahmin and AMAs spokesman called Gita Ahmad said in an interview, the Sabbath Massacre of October.

Sabbath was only the start. It would be many more similar attacks until Israel is annihilated. But that is idle, impotent, imprecation of a peace with King Lears, a busy rant against his sisters. No, you unnatural hagues. I will have such revenge on you both that all the world shall I will do such things. What they are, yet I know not, but they shall be the terrors of the earth.

One of the most brilliant spokesmen for the Israeli Defense Force, colonel Jonathan Conricus, was right when he described Hamas as a rotten, violent, cowardly terrorist. That was Hamad who slipped the throat of any Israeli chance upon. But he’s likely to chance upon very few. If, as Kondricus has explained in patient, if steely detail, the IDF is going to dismantle Hamas piece by piece, tunnel by tunnel, terrorists by terrorists.

Israelis will, as they’ve always done, in sharp contrast with the procedure of Hamas, proceed deliberately and methodically, taking care to minimize civilian casualties, but without bowing to the illegal emotional blackmail of using civilians as human shields. A regular practice of a mosque in blatant contravention of the Geneva Conventions builds command centers and rocket launchers under or adjacent to hospitals, schools, mosques, et cetera, and employs ambulances as taxis across war zones, another violation of the rules of war.

But the main point is in sharp contradistinction of many other times, Israel has responded militarily to or Palestinian aggression. This time, all signs are that they will finish the job. In the past, Israel has been cowed by world opinion marshy will of the west that emanate from such sinkholes as United Nations and newsrooms as such discredited entities as the New York Times and CNN. But this time, I predict the extreme savagery of the October 7 attack that killed more Jews than any episode since the Holocaust have whipped steel in the Israeli response.

Hamas days are numbered, and the number is not large. That is r1 or paradoxical, reason to be grateful for the attack by Hamas. They did not heed guttenstein’s sage admonition to know how far to go. In going too far, they went all the way, and they will pay the ultimate price for their horrible bloodletting. The other chief reason this grizzly event may inspire gratitude is, it seems to have shaken the world awake, disrupting a pathetical radical shake infatuation with this species of violent anti Western guilt mongering.

Yes, western colleges and universities, including the richest and most pampered, are both anti Semic, pro Palestine animus. From Harvard to Stanford, columbia, Cornell, Georgetown, pan students and faculty are making fools of themselves by mouthing such goads to genocide as from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. But these little eruptations, along with the carefully coordinated mass rallies in major cities throughout the Western world, conceal an inexorable process of disenchantment.

Much publicized has been the withdrawal of financial support by scores of major donors to the university industrial complex. Loss of money may sting at some campuses. For most, it will be but a rounding error. What will matter more than the loss of that much more precious form of spiritual currency? Legitimacy. Whatever else it accomplished, the murderous attack perpetrated by Hamas tore the mascot of the poor sovereign Palestinians and revealed the entire operation as a bloodthirsty anti civilizational impulse we have long known it to be.

For that, at least, we must be grateful for this excruciating moment of clarity. Meanwhile, French senator proposed bill to ban criticism of Zionism a group of 16 French senators have introduced a bill to criminalize criticism of Zionism. Senators Stephanie Le Rudler said anti Zionism is linked to an increase in anti Semitism. Zionism, a racist Jewish nationalist movement, has led to the forced displacement of over a million Palestinians and the arrest of a million more.

According to renowned Israeli historian Ilan PAFE, zionism was a colonist movement that penetrated the Palestinian homeland by force with a wish to colonize a country with possible expansionist ambitions to penetrate the heart of the Arab world. Last month, France banned pro Palestine protests because they’re likely to generate disturbances to the public order, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said. He added, any organization of such protests will lead to arrest.

A commenter to Helen Porte for Yemen all the Zionist leaders, without exception, said Zionism was the return of the jews back to Palestine. They said that they were the descendants of the ancient Hebrews who were expelled by the Romans and therefore is their right to return back to the place from where they were expelled. Today the European Jews face a major problem making this claim because DNA arrived and confirmed the European Jews are actually 100% European.

Therefore there’s no way European Jews that today could possibly be descended from any people in the Middle East, since they are 100% European according to their own DNA. And Jamal X no need for the bill. Nobody criticized them when the dancing Israelis humiliated the American by dancing on the graves of 3000 Americans on 911. This was a great insult to the 911 families who are still waiting for Jossis.

And yet nothing was done. Meanwhile, Countdown to Armageddon Joaquin Ego Pin observes on Sunday, October 20, Eigth Put revealed a bombshell rebarding that three IDF divisions were joined by several US brigades. Amanda 5000 American boots on the ground as part of a joint invasion Operation Gaza began on Saturday, October 20, eigth this comes after the US repeatedly lied, denying it was then troops to Israel. Last weekend it was unveiled that since August of 2023, the US has covertly been building a US military base inside Israel, just 20 miles from Gaza, in preparation for this apparent joint US Israeli ground war invasion.

In other words, the bottom line is from the very outset planned months in advance, this Israeli Hamas war was not triggered by the October 7 Hamas surprise attack whatsoever. That was merely the pre planned stage excuse of a lie to justify destroying Gaza and unleashing a genocide against Palestinians. If this article turns out true that the US has American soldiers on the ground in Gaza fighting and killing Palestinians alongside Israel, it’s a huge provocation that will not be tolerated long by unified Islamic nations in the Middle East and beyond.

Add the fact that extermination of Palestinians is a jointly planned US Israel agenda and you have the blueprint for potential nuclear World War II armageddon exploding right now in the Middle East. Directly contradicting the October 20 Butnik article is a Thursday November 2 piece in Russia’s state owned RT that discloses the White House announcement American soldiers will not be deployed to Gaza during or after the current phase of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

On October twelveTH, Politico also stated the White House decided not to put boots on the ground in Gaza, adding the decision could be revisited. Little more than two weeks ago, Lloyd Austin ordered 2000 more troops for potential deployment to the Israeli Hamas warfront. It’s unclear whether US soldiers are clearly serving on the ground in Israel or Gaza. Conflicting reports and caveat that US government could change its mind at any time, reinforced by Washington’s horrendous historical track record of rampant deceit in nonstop US wars.

If the spot store is accurate, it comes as no surprise if 5000 or more US. Troops are engaging joint operations, launching a US IDF ground war in Gaza. Even if American boots are not on the ground in Gaza like in Ukraine, us intelligent reconnaissance made bombs, weapons, or cold bloodedly killing thousands of Palestinians. So it’s a us. Israel war any way you look at it. Add to this a brief glimpse of recent US history in Ukraine, which bears this point out.

After the illegal US coup in Kiev in 2014, us. And NATO deceptively proceeded to train and build up Europe’s largest army in Ukraine as a sworn enemy of Russia, us plotted deception with Germany and France to sign two Minsk agreements, claiming a ceasefire between Ukraine military forces and the breakaway Donbass region, comprised of ethnic Russians who declared independence from Kiev in 2014. Yet over the next eight years, the US.

NATO trained and equipped neo Nazi battalions killed 14,000 ethnic Russian Donbass residents, forcing Putin in February 2022 to defend his fellow ethnic Russians in Donbass with a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine. It now appears a similar desabi pattern is repeating itself in the Middle East by the not so hidden warmongers in Washington, D. C. Fighting yet another war for the Zionist Greater Israel Project. After US.

And Israel co engineered the October to justify the brutal ethnic cleansing now bodily removing them from their ancient homeland, the US. Is a co belligerent combatant with boots on the ground in total support of Israel’s apartheid genocidal policy. The same dirty fingerprints are left at the crime scene of every bloodthirsty imperialistic war. America never stopped fighting on record at war somewhere in the world 93% of the time on Earth, repeatedly using the same illicit false tactics in every war since World War II.

Always on the wrong side of history, both morally and strategically. Of course, in recent years, it’s become increasingly evident us boots on the ground are not because the American people consent or want them. It’s because the neocon war loving puppets in DC simply do what they are told by their satanic bloodline masters, the Rothschild City of London, world economic foreign controllers who decide long ago to throw the far too affluent west under the geopolitical bus.

Western regimes are simply falling orders from the top of the power pyramid. Even those orders mean the selected puppets are treasonously, imposing suicide on their own citizens and nations. Israeli military was quick to tout initial success for last weekend start of the ground invasion phase, though the Alt News military outlet South Front reported IDF encountered stiff opposition from entrenched Hamas resistance for IDF spokesman General Daniel Hagari. On Saturday, October 20, Eigth Israel stepped up its missile strikes in Gaza, targeting 450 AMAs operational command centers, observation post, Antech missile posts, engaging in heavy military with AMAs.

Scott, your thoughts? Well, it’s quite overwhelming and accurate in depicting all of these things. I think we’re being set up for a tremendous fall. There’s no moral. Victory here. As McGregor and others have said, the current Middle East is not what it was in 1973. This is an entirely different Middle East, an entirely different world. The world has watched for 20 years since the 911 wars were unleashed and the false flag events of the 911 attacks.

Every nation and people in Europe and the rest of the world knows that, except Americans who are schizophrenic and blind over this because they don’t want to admit that we did this to ourselves. And I think Zionism and political Zionism is being defined by the actions of the Israelis against the Palestinians. So these futile efforts to silence, quote, anti Zionism in France with laws saying people will be arrested is complete nonsense.

And I have to say, Trump and DeSantis have put out the same kind of messages that kids in Palestinian protest groups should be kicked out of school or kicked off campus. It’s totally UN american. And that’s been the problem. We’ve got people thinking that they can make such statements and call them constitutional. They’re not. If you want to protest the Palestinians or protest the Israelis or protest the ladybugs of the world, that’s your American right.

So this foolishness of trying to outlaw this in France is only going to result in more mass rallies. And those mass rallies are going to be translated into political revolutions. Remember, I’ve said it before, spiritual winds move political sails. And the spiritual winds that are going to be coming out of the mouths of the religious cleric leadership and every mosque and every Shiite and every Sunni establishment from Libya to Iran to Pakistan to Indonesia.

The spiritual winds coming out of their mouths is going to be go to Gaza. Go defend the women and children and you will avoid torments of the grave and you will be a martyr and you will go to heaven. Directly. I said that when I was in the State Department, that that was the weak link. Nobody listened, and as a result, nobody wanted to because it would have ended much of these wars.

But that was the weak link then and it is the interlocutor now to this massive train wreck that’s coming. The spiritual rewards of jihad are the next message to come out of every cleric’s mouth. And then you’re going to see fireworks that we’ve never seen before. Jim oh, sad. Scott brian julian Assange released Podesta and Clinton emails which opened up Pizza Gate, which led us to a guy by the name of Jeffrey Epstein.

We had all the evidence, but we didn’t have the will to put anyone down. We still don’t have the will to put anybody in cuffs over any of that stuff. And Jeffrey Epstein, if you know what’s under the hood, you’ll understand that it’s a Mossad blackmail operation designed to control billionaires into getting them on the side of Israel and on the side of the machine. We have failed to stop this disease from destroying our nation.

We did this because we didn’t pursue justice. Our failure that’s going to lead to this war and all this blood that’s on our hands is because we wouldn’t prosecute bad politicians, bad power players that had done things wrong. We instead chose to get the money, and we got it coming. Well said. Both excellent today. Don, take us out. You’re on mute, Don. Oh, boy. What a show this has been.

And we are really the target. They’re going to take us all out here. So this is November 5. This is quite the show. I mean, I can’t believe what all the hell is happening in this world, but it seems like it’s really important that you get the straight news, straight truth, instead of false news that you’re getting on the media. And where else are you going to find it? I think Jim Petcher brings it right to the heart and nobody else can do that like Scott and Brian.

So come back next week. We’ll hopefully have reconciliation standing here. So we’re doing good here. So thanks so much for watching today and see you next week. Okay, share this widely. Nobody else will get it unless you do it. God bless. Bye. .


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