Truth vs. NEW$ Inc Part 2 (14 May 2024) with Don Grahn Scott Bennett and Brian Davidson | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer in this article discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, accusing the U.S. government of being dishonest about the situation. It criticizes the State Department and mainstream media for their biased coverage, favoring Israel and ignoring its alleged wrongdoings. The article also mentions the use of Palestinian children as human shields by Israelis and predicts a backlash against this. It ends by highlighting the censorship of Al Jazeera in Israel and the lack of support from other media outlets, suggesting this is due to a pro-Israel narrative.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s perspective on media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, criticizing mainstream media for not providing a balanced view. The speaker praises alternative media outlets for allowing people to form their own opinions. The text also highlights student protests against Israel’s actions, and criticizes the violent response from authorities. Lastly, the speaker calls for every Jewish person to take a stance on the conflict, implying that silence is complicity.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, including the perceived unfair treatment of young people, the impact of changing laws on culture, and the importance of critical thinking. It also touches on the tension between the U.S. and Israel, the political differences between Trump and Biden, and the influence of lobbyists on political decisions. The author expresses dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs and calls for accountability and change.
➡ The text discusses dissatisfaction with political leadership in Washington, DC, accusing them of betraying the American public and spreading lies. It also expresses skepticism towards election polls and mainstream media, suggesting that they are manipulated. The text further predicts potential chaos and conflict in the future, including possible false flag attacks and martial law. Lastly, it criticizes the Biden administration for various actions, including legal cases against former President Trump and providing Social Security benefits to Ukrainians.
➡ The article discusses the belief that the U.S. is heading towards societal collapse due to economic issues and political decisions. It also suggests that Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company, gave its employees a different COVID-19 vaccine than the one provided to the general public. The article further criticizes the push for mass vaccinations and questions the safety and efficacy of vaccines in general. Lastly, it expresses concern over potential health issues that could arise from the COVID-19 vaccine, such as infertility and cancer.
➡ The article discusses concerns about the Pfizer vaccine trials and the involvement of the FDA and Department of Justice in handling related lawsuits. It mentions a whistleblower who was fired after raising concerns about the trials. The article also touches on the impact of the vaccine on society and ends with a discussion about Russia’s transformation and detachment from the West.


Folks, this is truth versus the news, and we’re in a big fight right now. You can tell it’s really getting heavy, especially back there in Israel where they don’t find any fault with the problems we have back there. Do they give them, Scott, according to State Department, they can give you every detail of every event Hamas ever committed, but they can’t find anything Israel is done wrong. It’s all a blur. Well, if you watch RT, they often have the State Department briefing where this fat indian sodomite named Vedant Patel gets up there and falls all over his obese stupidity and trying to invent these rhetorical smoke bombs and play all sorts of evasion games.

Comparing the Gaza israeli palestinian situation to Russia as being apples and candy bars is his term. I’m sure he loves candy bars by the look of his overweightness. But the fact is we as a country have got a government that is deceiving and lying to the american people without any shame. And that really is the sign of a decadent and dying society. When you have no honesty, when you have no character, when you have no shared sense of maturity, there is a maturity and a holiness that goes with speaking the truth as best you can. And this deception game, which is an israeli game, which they are always repeating up on the United nations stages, is going to be the death of the United States.

And I’ll end it by saying the Israelis, there’s a story out today about all of these Palestinians and kids that have been telling stories about the Israelis, grabbing them, tying them up with zip ties and using them as human shields, walking down trails, walking down paths, walking into buildings, telling the kids to knock on doors. So the palestinian people, pricked in their heart for the soft, whining, crying voice of a palestinian child, will open the door and get an israeli bullet in the head. That’s what Israel is doing, using children as human shields. So they’re projecting onto the Palestinians what they themselves are doing.

And it’s, you know, I do think the world is going to wake up and it’s going to. It’s going to cause a backlash, Jim, that we’ve never seen before. But that is never more deserved until now. And that is an absolute bloodletting of every jewish Zionist Talmudist who occupies America or any other nation that has the gall, the mendacity to stand up and try and keep this narrative of how the Israelis are just poor little flower children that are getting abused and stones thrown at them by arab terrorists, where quite the opposite is true. Jim, you got that right.

Scott. Brian. Well, we speak the truth because it preserves our character and integrity in theory. And young people can even see that when they know that they can’t trust the mainstream media. They can’t trust our high level politicians such as Blinken. I mean, look at the blatant lies that have been coming out for the last ten years here in America. I remember when Russia was accused of war crimes while we brought in banned cluster bombs and dropped them all over russian troops in Ukraine. There’s been war crimes committed everywhere. Nobody cares about civilians in when it comes to military spending.

More bombs, more wars. What do you see Israel doing? Oh, we need America to provide more bombs for these people. Yet on the other hand, oh, Israel’s clean as a. Clean as a fresh newborn kitten. They’ve got nothing to hide, nothing wrong. Yet the gaslighting is at such a high level that even the kids can see it again. I’m going to look back at the campus protests and say there is a percentage of them that are recognizing what’s going on here, and they’re beginning to wake up. And if you question and see the first lie, then you start to ask yourself the question, how deep do the lies really go? And that’s a good thing for America.

And that’s why viewership in mainstream media channels is down tremendously. While Internet growth on truth tellers or people that are at least doing the best they can is growing at an all time high, they can’t control the Internet. Expect that to be the next play that they will make a move to censor, continue to censor, shut down opposing view points that are. That are rising on the Internet. Yes. Yes, you got that right. There’s no doubt about it. Meanwhile, banned Al Jazeera gets shut down in Israel just as israeli forces move into Rafa. Is Italy’s prime minister, Georgia Maloney, out to turn state owned television into state controlled television? And halfway through India’s six week long election process, we examine the narratives both in the mainstream media and on the social side.

This past week offered a brief moment of hope for the approximately 1.5 million Palestinians trapped in Rafa, supposedly the last safe space for civilians in Gaza. Hamas had accepted the terms of a ceasefire agreement. It looked like lives would be saved. But on Tuesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the proposal fell short of Israels key demands. And now an assault on Rafa is underway. Coinciding with all of this has been the closure of Al Jazeeras news operation in Israel. Our news coverage, tv broadcasts and website are all blocked there. That measure may shield Israelis, at least temporarily, from the horrors that are being inflicted on Rafael, but it will not stop this network from covering the story.

What it does signal to the world, though, and the Netanyahu government’s allies abroad, is that Israel’s so called democracy is not what it’s cracked up to be. The Israelis are trying to sort of portray this kind of like an endgame, that this is sort of the last bastion city in the Gaza Strip, where they’re claiming that the military operation is not complete until the army goes in with troops to what they describe as dismantling Hamas remaining infrastructure. The reality and practice of this is that Rafah is right now the only hub for palestinian life and society and refuge for people who’ve been displaced for the past seven months from the northern strip all the way down to the south.

Rafa was supposed to be the red line that Israel would not cross. Its forces have corralled around 1.5 million Palestinians there, more than half the surviving population. After seven months of punishing civilians with bombs and bullets, you can add another betrayal to the mix. Having advised those civilians to take refuge there, the Netanyahu government now calls Rafa the last stronghold of Hamas. And within a day of rejecting a ceasefire that Hamas had agreed to that would have freed every remaining israeli hostage, Netanyahu sent in the troops for reasons that may be far more political than strategic.

So his desire to continue this genocide is both because he’s genocidal, but also because he is a survivalist, and he wants to make sure that he remains in office. The bigger issue is that it seems to be that there are no red lines. Back in March, we heard President Biden say there’s red lines that if he crosses, he cannot have 30,000 more Palestinians dead. And then he very quickly backtracked from that. They’ve made a mockery out of the international legal system as we know it. They’ve made a mockery out of the genocide convention. And the fact that Netanyahu continues to be able to do whatever he wants to do just shows you how genocidal he is and how genocidal the United States is as well.

Of the four interviews in this piece, you will notice that only one of them is via webcam, the one we did in Israel. We had no choice. Given that on the eve of going into Rafa, the Netanyahu government banned al Jazeera from the israeli airwaves and from reporting from there. In announcing the police raids on Al Jazeera’s offices, Israel’s communications minister called the network a threat to israeli security because it broadcasts statements issued by Hamas. What Al Jazeera really is, is a clear and ever present danger to the israeli narrative. It has journalists on the ground in Gaza documenting the story the way most international news outlets cannot.

Since they have been locked out by Israel, western news outlets, forced to cover Gaza at a distance, have reported on the israeli crackdown on Al Jazeera. But in an industry that usually stands up for its own, there has been a noticeable lack of solidarity there. Al Jazeera, I think many people, if they do watch it, would see it as some kind of propaganda. They would see the news media outside of Israel is captive, in a way to this pro Israel narrative, and they don’t consider al Jazeera as one of their own. So al Jazeera is othered because it is funded by Qatar.

Netanyahu has attacked Qatar even though it’s instrumental in mediating for ceasefire. So that’s why there is hardly a ripple of dissent among foreign media. But those of us who need that diverse view of what’s happening in the Middle east know that that is false. The notion that by broadcasting the statements of Hamas or interviewing people that the Israelis are designating as terrorists is supporting terrorism means that you don’t actually believe in real journalism. I follow the telegram feeds of the al Qassim brigades, the armed wing of Hamas. And because I follow that feed, in addition to israeli government feeds, I have a much more nuanced picture of what has happened on the ground.

The fact is that what they don’t like about Al Jazeera’s coverage is that it has the audacity to contradict the israeli narrative or to simply do the job of journalism. While the israeli military and politicians alike have been making these claims for some time, they have not been providing the evidence needed to support them. It’s not that Al Jazeera is advocating Hamas position. It’s that Al Jazeera is allowing people to make up their own mind. I think that’s absolutely right. I think that was very nice report and that Al Jazeera performing a task like Press TV is for the international world.

Scott, your thoughts? Yeah, very well said, Jim. You’re right on the money. PresS TV, Al Jazeera, Sputnik, RT, all of these other networks are allowing people to make up their own mind with very reasonable commentary. You know, I’ve been on a lot of these channels. I’ve been all over the Middle east, and I, you know, the palestinian people are the kindest sweetest gentlest, most humble, respectful people you’ll ever come across. Not the Jews, not the Jewish Zionist, the arrogant, ugly, spitting, demoniac, ferocious, I mean, inhuman individuals I’ve come across in Israel, in the United States that follow and do this israeli narrative.

They’re the true monsters. Not the Al Jazeera or Qatar or, or Iran or anyone else. So that’s also a glimmer of hope, too, that their entire grasp on public perception is quickly diminishing, if not exploding by their own hand. And I’ve been on their networks when I was over there, and no one of any other network has ever told me what to say or what I can’t say. They just say, Mister Bennett, what do you think? What’s your opinion? What do you say? And I tell it like it is. Like a 50 caliber opening up on a target.

And it’s a sign of insecurity and cowardice and deceitfulness on the side of Israel and the United States that does it as well. The United States kicked out RT and Trump allowed him to do it. Obama kicked out and shut down the russian consulate in San Francisco, and Trump allowed him to do it. And they invented the whole narrative. And Trump went along with it, allowed him to do it. So, you know, we’re seeing information in the fountains of true, honest analytics, you know, being covered up as well they can, but they can’t stop it. It’s.

The dam is breaking. It’s already pouring out and they can’t stop it. Look at the student protests. Like Brian said earlier, youngsters, in the last 20 years, they may not have been born or old enough to remember 911, but they have been grown up in the 911 environment. And they’re a little bit, you know, they don’t fear Muslims or Arabs or Russians. And that lack of fear is causing them to question the genocide that the United States and Israel has been unleashing. And it’s going to be the end of the United States and the end of Israel, or the complete ostracization of these nations.

And I’ll put it this way, every jewish person in the United States and around the world, wherever they are, need to be completely confronted and questioned. What is your stance? What is your opinion on this israeli genocide? Because they’re doing it in the name of your religion, your flag. And you have one of two options. Either you oppose the genocide, or you support and encourage it. If you support and encourage it, I hope that God takes you to hell and burns you for eternity, because that’s what you deserve and that’s what you’ve been doing to the Palestinians, and so should it be done unto you? Jim doesn’t sound like a lot of fun, Scott.

Brian? Well, there’s no doubt that the mainstream media is in a rapid decline right now, as all Americans and people around the world are turning to alternative media. There is fear in the hearts of your basic mainstream media, um, propaganda artists. People have lost faith in our late night talk hosts doing politics. There’s all sorts of things changing out there related to how different events are being covered in the mainstream media. And even CNN is trying to make adjustments to go more to the conservative side, but they’re having a hard time making that adjustment. So I expect to see a continued decline of mainstream media until they start telling the truth.

We should punish them. But remember, who funds them? Who sets them up? It’s the Zionists. It’s the Jews. Take a look at your board of all your mainstream media companies, and take a look at who owns them and who runs the show over there, and you’ll figure out why they continue to tell such heavy lies. Israel, I think, made a very bad mistake in their October 7 narrative that Hamas had come in and hit this music festival. It felt a little too much like Las Vegas. It felt a little too wrong, given what the rest of the world knows about their security state.

And I’m glad to see that the mainstream media is no longer the source for most people’s information these days. The old breed that still is addicted to their MSNBC, well, they’ll die out, and they’ll be proven wrong, and they’ll be basically voted out. But the young kids, they’re all, they’re all looking at their phones, TikTok, among others, to get information. So it’s a good thing. Very good. Let me say one thing. Brian said something profound, too. What would Johnny Carson say about this situation? Let’s go way back in time, and you and Don know old Johnny better than I do, but I remember Johnny Carson, thank God, one of the rare tv personalities.

And there were others like him. You know, I wasn’t a big fan of letterman or anything, but Johnny Carson was a class act. You know, Nebraska, he had, he had, he is smart. He had skits. I mean, you could, you could probably go back the older ones, but what would Johnny Carson say compared to the Jimmy Kimmels and all the. In this OPA, what’s his name, Aubert, or the ugly child molester guy with the brown hair? What does the, what would the old school commentator, you know, comedy guys say about this? Situation, they would be reasonable and rational and detached.

That doesn’t exist anymore. You’ve now got a consolidation of all of the entertainment, late night comedy, it’s not even funny anymore. Political correctness and this fear of offending anyone has completely castrated the american society into a being afraid of their own shadow. And that needs to be exploded if this country is ever going to be free and sane again. Jim Excellent, excellent point, Scott. I like that completely. Meanwhile, a student in Tafata sweeps us campuses, reports the electronic intifada across the US, around the world. Student and faculty engaging in a way of protest demonstration campuses on their campuses demanding their institution divest from companies profiting from Israel’s apartheid and genocide.

They have been met with violent repression from police smears from their administrations, corporate media, pro genocide lawmakers, and zionist groups. I joined four students in early May and a professor whom in part while organizing to demand divestment. They experience firsthand not just arrest and violation of civil rights, but the broad and growing support of their communities and by palestinian civil society. Tell me again that protests don’t matter. People in Palestine responding in every palestinian home, tears mixed with unwavering resolve as we witness you in tv news. Palestinians soon recorded these messages to the students of the world protesting against Israel’s occupation and attacks in Gaza.

Joseph, student protester at UCLA, described the attack at the Palestine solidarity in camp last night. He received twelve staples to the back of his head after being hit by a wooden plank. UCLA students were attacked by violent zionist mob Tuesday night. The school admin and the mayor sent in the cops to do it. Why the f would you do that to your students? The people in power do not care about safety because zionist mobs attacked the encampment while police stood by. The LAPD labeled them a focal point for attack. It was simply unbelievable for them to first allow us to be attacked and then use it for their reason for the sweep.

Sharif I, a member that Columbia University apartheid divest, described the New York Police Department’s attack on students that had happened several days before. Just watch the first two minutes. You hear tasers going off, students screaming throughout. They are thrown to the ground, assault, and police throw students down the stairs as they push the press away. This is just five minutes of what happened last night. Grotesque. A lot of it was incredibly vicious, very fascist, frankly, in the same beat, the university president constantly said she was doing this to keep students safe. Is ironic, such a contradiction.

To have a university president frame this entire situation this way. The camp was the safest place on campus loving, beautiful. An amazing sense of community so many of us felt for the first time we had a space on the campus. A student at Indiana University and Rider with fairness and accuracy and report. All snipers were escorted onto the campus by administrators and supposition on a roof of buildings overlooking the encampment here. Pigs singled out the green Bejaver arrest. Not only are they arresting people under statue statute that is likely illegal, they’re doing so selectively. These jack booted effing fascists will stop at nothing to protect.

I use complicity in the Gaza genocide. Scott, your thought? Well, we have lost our soul and lost our right to deserve among the freedom nations and call ourselves a civilized member of humanity. When we abuse and destroy our young people, when we cut off the penises of our little boys and the breasts of our little girls and call it dignity and liberty and human rights, which is another jewish Zionist Talmudist agenda. The Talmud has like eight or eleven different sexual types. That’s the. The demonic confusion there. So you know what, what the United States is allowing and the Republicans are allowing and encouraging and demonizing, calling them fascists, what we’re doing to young people disqualifies us from, from any reasonable respect.

And that’s what’s happened in this country. We are losing our political mind, and not all people in the country, but we are witnessing the power that, you know, the political stations of America completely losing itself. And the other reason these young college students are particularly sensitive to the idea of tribe, of community is because they’ve been raised in broken homes, for the most part with divorced parents, or worse, homosexual parents or whatever. There’s been a fractured brokenness in their sociological upbringing and their cultivation and the soil from which they’ve grown. And that’s all been induced by jewish liberal talmudist zionist propaganda and lies and insanity that came in, in the nineties and was continued on.

When you change laws, you change culture. And we’ve created a very toxic culture. But the students, as weird as it sounds, this shocking display of evil by the Israelis in the United States is maybe going to be sufficient to shock common sense and decency and a sense of social fairness and equilibrium into these kids. So it’s not about creating a bolshevik communistic America. It’s now about stopping a genocide that the United States and Israel is complicit on aiding and abetting. I would finally say the international criminal Court should have sworn out warrants for every member of Congress, every member of the military who has been aiding and abetting this genocide and the same should apply for Ukraine.

Jim. Nice, Brian. Well, when I first got into the conspiracy community, I was obviously shocked at how deep it actually went, and which is why I signed up. I was as early as I could, to take one of Doctor Fetzer’s critical thinking courses. Critical thinking is such an important part of what we do, because right now, with the phones and with the Internet and with the comments, any kind of story comes out. It might have a couple of facts related to what happened, but then it’s going to twist the rest of that story when it comes from the state controlled propaganda department in terms of what this means to you.

And then you’re going to go to the comments and you’re going to find artificial intelligence bots hopping around trying to gaslight and make it look like you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re not listening. The trick to critical thinking is being able to sit back and reflect on the actual components of a story, recognize the fallacies, recognize the trickery in terms of how they’re delivered, and then cut to the point. Ask yourself the question, why are they twisting it to this extent? What are they trying to accomplish? And why should I be looking in the other direction again, going back, the best thing Trump ever did, and he’ll still be a hero in my mind no matter what happens the next election.

But the best thing he ever did was call the mainstream media false news over and over and over and over. Fake news. Yeah, yep, yep, yep. Brilliant. I agree. I agree. That was huge. I’ve said similar things myself. Very good, very good. Meanwhile, of course, Trump slammed Biden for halting the bomb deliveries and for siding with a mosque. Former President Trump is criticizing the Biden decision to halt the delivery of bombs to Israel, accusing him of taking the sight of Hamas terrorists. Well, we all know one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. I am with Hamas.

Trump claimed delayed weaponship was a victory for Hamas which had previously attacked Israel. He further accused him of siding with terrorists question the safety of american hostages held by Hamas. Biden had warned IPM against launching an offensive in Rafa, a region in southern Gaza. Ramas is believed located. The warning reflect a growing division between Biden and Netanyahu is a Biden administrative has concerned about the potential for increased tension and bloodshed in the Middle east as there were not enough tension and bloodshed already taking place. Former President Trump accusing oppressive siding with Hamas Trump false Biden Biden defended his decision, emphasizing his support for Israel remained strong, expressing reservation about the use of certain weapons leading to civilian casualties.

In Gaza, a halt in the weapon delivery has faced criticism from far left pro palestinian wing of the Democrat party. Actually, they were honored for it. They responded positively to the halt and weapon delivery protests. Meanwhile, Trump indicates support for Israel’s autonomy in resolving the situation. It’s a horrible job, but it’s got to be done. It’s just got to be done quickly. The political difference between the leaders as well as the ongoing tensions continue to shape the debate surrounding us support. Nevertheless, Trump’s leading five of six swing states in a two man race between Biden and Trump.

He leads 51 to 38 by a whopping among likely voters by a whopping 13 points, 51 to 38 in Nevada, 6.49 to 63 in Arizona, nine points, 50 to 41. Georgia, three points, Pennsylvania, 48 45, one in Wisconsin, 40 46. While Biden clings to a one point lead in Michigan. When third party candidates like RFK junior were included, his lead soared to nine in Arizona, 14 in Nevada, and stayed about the same at eight in Georgia. As three quarters of the likely voters say the economy is no better than only fair or poor. Large majorities trust Donald Trump to do a better job on the country’s financial well being than Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Dore again. Hey, we’ll see at May 11 in Denver, Colorado. Go to Jimmy for a link for tickets. People were wondering why the new speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, who said he didn’t want to fund Ukraine wars and he was a real solid guy on free speech and why he flipped so easily. By the way, it’s because he took all money from a pack. He took it for his pack. That’s right. Speaker Mike Johnson received a $95,000 payment from a lobbying group shortly after passage of the $14.5 billion military aid package last year.

So, boy, he does look like he takes, takes it hard in the pack, am I right? That’s a guy just took it right in the back. Look at that haircut. That’s a guy with a swing and gaping pack. I can’t sit down right now. My pack is, my pack is. Somebody jammed $95,000 up that thing and that’s all it took. That’s all it took. 94. I gotta say, that kind of obscene humor indicates complete, fed up, complete contempt for the objects of. It’s absalting, Scott. Well, it is. It is, Jim. But, you know, it’s actually mild compared to some of the rhetoric that I would use to describe Johnson and the rest of these people.

And I have used flavors of it in the past because they are betraying and traitors to the american conservative republican movement. And cause that is supposed to be Reagan esque. And Trump to a certain degree represented it, but he also failed and came short. He was a Democrat for many of his years. I’ve never been a Democrat. Never. Nor has anybody of any value in my family. But Johnson, the speaker of the House of the Republicans, not asking for anything, for the border protection of an invasion of military age young men from every hispanic and african country, nothing to stop the border, nothing to stop the invasion, and everything to Ukraine and Israel.

This is Mike Johnson’s loyalty. This is brewing nothing but contempt by the american people. And imagine this, you’re the Republicans don’t care about the american public. They care about their money bags in Israel, and they’re going to impeach Joe Biden for suspending or stopping a missile shipment to Israel. You didn’t. You didn’t impeach Joe Biden for mandating a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine that has killed how many people? That should also be a rubber tire around Trump’s face because he was the one who allotted it and allowed it to go forward. You don’t get to plead ignorance with Burke and Fauci making the decisions.

Trump made the decisions. They didn’t impeach him for that. They didn’t impeach Biden for any of the other various betrayals of the american public, but they’re going to impeach him for this. It just shows you what kind of a clown. Barnum and Bailey, laughing stock, the Republican and the political leadership is in Washington, DC, when they have completely sold their souls for money and are selling lies to the american people again, giving the american people cat shit, sprinkling powdered sugar on it, and telling them it’s in their best interest. It’s a candy bar. It’s good for them.

No, it’s poison, and it’s death. And the sooner poison and death comes to these political parasites, the better. Jim. Brian. Well, as a result, Mike Johnson went to Trump’s felony trial today and had a visit outside the courthouse where he said it was nothing but lawfare. So I guess Johnson is doing the best he can to walk that fence in both directions, doing what he ought to not be doing, while saying what he ought to say, which is exactly what a hypocrite does. So Johnson obviously is controlled, and he’s been called out on that multiple times.

But so was the previous speaker, and the speaker before that, and the speaker before that, as for the polls. I’ll never trust the polls. I know that Trump won the last election. The polls said they’d be close. Now they’re telling us that the polls are going to be close this time around, too. I’ll never trust the polls. I’ll never trust anything that comes out of mainstream media which supports and endorses and funds these polls. It doesn’t matter to me. I believe so many Americans have woken up this time. It’s going to be a complete landslide through.

The vote has come out with a new app that allows you to check your own local elections for duplicate PO boxes and duplicate addresses and duplicate votes. I applaud that effort. I think that and great Tucker Carlson came out this week and I think he interviewed one of the ladies from True the vote and exposed a lot of how the election fraud took place last time around. I think they’re just going to roll it out bigger and stronger this time around because there wasn’t a single prosecution last time around, so why should they stop? Let me just say, I think they’re going to do something worse than that, Jim.

I think they’re going to initiate false flag attacks, pretend there’s a war, there’s some attack on the grid, there may be a nuclear set off. Anything, anything they are going to do, the Democrats, the uniparty, they cannot allow an election in 2024. I’ve said before, they’re probably going to assassinate Kamala Harris, move in Gavin Newsom or Megan Whitmer and do this whole artificial takeover, declare martial law, decare, declare national emergency. I’d like to think we have an election, but I would be derelict in my duty if I said we are. I think we are not going to have an election.

I think they’re going to try and unleash chaos, thinking that the american people are going to bow down and be obedient servants and slaves, where I think it’s going to result in the opposite. I think it’s going to awaken a sleeping giant and a roaring bear that is going to say, okay, we’ve been waiting for a civil war, now you’ve triggered it, and now we’re going to end it. And I’ve said before, too, they need to completely encircle Washington, DC by the 495. Every state sends its national guard up there and says no agency has authority and no person gets in and out.

Washington needs to be treated like a leper colony if the states are ever going to resume their sovereignty. Jim, Brian, you had a further thought? Why shouldn’t they just do what they did last time and do it again. There hasn’t been a single prosecution. Nobody’s gone down. What are we expecting the protests to get us where we need to go? Until there’s total absolute rebellion, it’s not going to happen. And if they roll it out on that level, they could very well collapse this already very thin economy. I don’t see them changing a thing except for reinstalling Trump 2.0 Israel defender.

Then they’re going to, then it’s going to be business as usual. The government’s going to look continually exactly the same. They’re going to say, oh, it went off without a hitch. Poor Joe Biden didn’t get reelected. Maybe it was the largest margin in history, but it was still close. They’re just going to continue to gaslight and play the cards nice. Very. Meanwhile, Henry Kissinger now admits it was a great mistake. Now this is an old story. He died in 2023, but it’s worth remembering. Alert. Henry Kissinger now admits it was a grave mistake to import so many people of totally different cultures and religions into the west.

It was their plan. Now they feel scared in their own fort. Here he is. Henry, for you, being born in Germany and having survived the Holocaust, how does it feel if now on Berlin streets, Arabs are celebrating the attack on Israel publicly and are distributing Swedes to other people? It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different cultural and religious and concepts because it creates a pressure group inside each country. That said Henry. Henry. Meanwhile, Biden admits he buried Trump in legal problems. Former White House west secretary Jen Masaki stated one of the biggest obstacles for the bait campaign right now is navigating the legal cases against former President Trump.

She pointed out it’s a unique challenge for the 2024 reelection who Trump, as the presumptive GOP nominee, is in the race in a courtroom facing criminal indictment. The New York trial will aid into the hush money payments is the first of four indictments resulting in facing 88 criminal charges, formerly 91 minus three to Swiss. Psaki pointed out. While the case in New York is unprecedented, it’s also an important news story creating a problem for Biden as illegal cases are blocking out the assigned, the MSNBC host noted. Because of those cases, there’s not a lot of room for reports on other issues.

And this is unconventional for a time when candidates are debating, for example, Social Security proposals, I’d add the border and a host of other issues. Unbelievable. Crime representative Jim Clyburn argued earlier he did not believe the Biden campaign was managing to break the omega wall to communicate to voters all the achievements of the Biden administration. White House press secretary from 2021 to 2022 pointed out it’s not about a checklist of accomplishments for having full understanding of everything the infrastructure bill was accomplishing. Rather for Biden to show why he was a better choice than Trump. Well, here’s a sign that might lead you to wonder about this.

He signed it back in June of 2022. Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriation act of 2022. How many people know Joe Biden in 2022 signed a law to provide Social Security benefits to Ukrainians? Just absolutely insane. Absolutely insane. But there it is in black and white. Scott, your thoughts? Well, you know, if people do a little bit of research, RT did a documentary on Yugoslavia and the bombing in the nineties and 1999. And you see the real Joe Biden, not this drone and rubber mask wearing thing, but the real Joe Biden celebrating and roaring about bombing Belgrade and using depleted uranium.

When I look back on what the United States did in the 1990s against Russia and other countries and then accelerating the war on terror in 2001 with the fake attacks on the United States, and I’ll say this too, Ritter and McGregor and Napolitano and all of these people, Flynn, unless they admit that 911 was an inside job, 911 was done by the CIA, Mossad 911 is physically impossible for the official narrative to be real with regards to the twin towers collapsing, building seven or the Pentagon, unless these son of a bitches stand up and say 911 was the start of our decay and our rot and everybody. I don’t care if they’re buried, needs to be dug up and prosecuted, unless these little commentators, Ritter and McGregor and all of them included, stand up and say it, they’re not worth a goddamn ounce of integrity because they’re cowardly and they’re interested in only feathering their own nest, that’s where this evil started.

And very few people have the integrity to stand up and historically contextualize this. And we have to do that. We have to do it ferociously and uncompromisingly. So, you know, the whole thing about Biden and all of these things that, that have been done, it’s just the face of evil, Jim. It’s being peeled back. And again, that old quote, we’ve, we’ve looked. We’ve looked for the enemy and it is us. The United States is the enemy of humanity because the United States has sought and accomplish to a large extent, the end of humanity, the end of civilizations, the end of countries from Afghanistan to Iraq to Syria to Libya, and now we’re ambitions on Gaza and Palestine and Iran.

The sooner the United States is either completely crippled, has its back broken economically, which we’ve done to ourselves too, and militarily. Until there is a collapse and a humbling of the United States, our schizophrenic, delusional culture, media and politicians and military don’t seem to be willing to learn the lesson. And I think we’re off the cliff already, like Wile E. Coyote, and very soon we’re going to be hitting a rock bottom. And I think the economic collapse of the dollar is going to cause the entire societal collapse of the United States that the Democrats ignorantly think will give them the license to do an authoritarian sort of lockdown.

Hey, we’re all in it together. We’ve got to stand strong. Bullshit. The United States is over. The new republics, the new sovereign states, the new city states following the Florence italian republic model is what is going to come next. JIM BRIAn well, as for the source of the problem, I think it goes way back before 911. 911 was instrumental in waking a lot of people up. So was Russia. Russia. Russia was instrumental in waking a lot of people up. But I think the real beginning was JFK. I mean, the JFK assassination woke a lot of people up and they just refused to watch the mainstream media.

There was the moon landings. There’s a lot of people that woke up to that when that happened. This goes back to Operation Mockingbird, firmly established in the fifties. Why? Where, what, what were the circumstances and how did it take place? It doesn’t really matter. It’s been here for 70 years now. It’s just that now the magnifying glass is hitting it harder and harder and harder and more and more people are beginning to see the outrageous lies and gaslighting that are rolling out from the public. The quote unquote public voice of the mainstream media. Very nice, very nice.

Meanwhile, Pfizer internally mails your employees received a separate COVID vaccine. Can you believe this? Have you ever wondered why we never hear about Pfizer employees being injured by the mRNA shots they should be dropping like professional soccer players since the company vaccinated its entire workforce. But they’re not. And there’s a reason why a whistleblower leaked an internal email. Pfizer dated January 2021. Guess what? None of Pfizer blades were given the same russian roulette death shot. As a general public, they got a special separate vaccine. If you think back to late 2021, there was a shocking incident when Pfizer CEO Albert Borlau was invited Israel to meet with government officials.

No one could travel in or out of Israel without proof of vaccination. Berlau sheepishly admitted he was unvaccinated. The guy trying to get every government in the world to mandate his safe and effective product hadn’t even taken the shot himself. Gee, I wonder what he knew. We didn’t know. Now we’re learning. Even when Pfizer employed did get vaccinated, they didn’t get the same shot as everyone else. The whole thing would be funny if it weren’t so sinister and evil. Once again, the emails dated January 8, 2021. The MRI vax had only been available to the general public for about five weeks.

Pfizer already knew the shots were dangerous and didn’t want to inject their own employees with the same toxic poison they were giving to the general public. Pfizer nearly let the secret slip after in a Senate hearing in Australia back in August 1 senator asked Pfizer exacts if it were true the company had imported a batch of vaccines that was not expected by australian health authorities. Lawyer confirmed it was true, but shrugged it off because Pfizer undertook to import a batch of vaccine specifically for the employee vaccination program. It’s also interesting. Email says it shots were administered on site at Pfizer’s research facility.

They didn’t want their employees being vaccinated at a health clinic or a pharmacy because then they’d be taking the spike protein shot. Whatever was in these special doses they gave their employees, they didn’t want it falling into the hands of any of the regular medical clinics in places where the public was getting vaxxed. The Pfizer whistleblower wonders whether the shots they were given were even really stated. I know we employees at Pfizer receiving different vaccines or placebos, and this was the word around my sight when I worked there. Wheat the leaked internal memo doesn’t specify how the shots were different.

It only states the doses Pfizer employees received are separate and distinct from those committed to governments around the world. It was sent internally to all Pfizer staffers at the Pearl River Research site in Rockland County, New York. Pfizer has 88,000 employees worldwide. We’ve never seen any report of any of them being stricken by myocarditis or turbo cancer. How lucky for them. The whistleblower who leaked the memo chose to remain anonymous, but he has verified his identity with news outlets he provided to me provided the email. It states the vaccine doses to be used for this program are separate and distinct from those committed by advisor to governments around the world and will not impact supply to national governments in any way.

This admission has been hiding in plain sight for months now because everyone assumed the lawyer meant these were the same shots and public was receiving, but they were not. Pfizer employee got a special vax with different ingredients than ones that victims were coincident at taking through mandates and public shaming campaigns. What do you think is more likely to have happened? Was Pfizer simply trying to be benevolent by not shipping into the limited supply vaccines for world governments? Or is it more likely they already knew at that early date the shots were dangerous? They made a corporate decision to not sicken or kill their own employees while hiding the dangers from the public.

Meanwhile, american preparation for mass burn flu vaccine get this from Doctor Peter McCallough. Please enjoy the highly graphic review with iconic news anchor Lou Dobbs of recent developments concerning highly pathogenic avian influenza, h five n one bird flu and the one man who contracted conjunctivitis to Wisconsin and drew attention to a jump of device from animals to humans. Frankly, I don’t think it’s possible the government responds. A bird flu appears to be threefold. First, destroy flocks or herds of livestock, calling when a man will turn h five n one PCR positive. And we know the PCR can get positive any way you want.

Second, possible ill advised mass vaccination of poultry following the failed chinese model. Third, prepare for mass human vaccination with pre purchase CSL sequence based avian influential vaccine technologies with the FDA approved Audans influenza 85 NY monoviolent vaccine. Scott, your thoughts? Well, you know, the Supreme Court of the United States has already ruled in law that you cannot force a needle into someone’s skin or a breathalyzer to take out people’s breath. The Supreme Court has ruled the integrity of the body is absolutely sacrosanct and it is inviolable. This is regarding a case regarding DUI issues, but the same principle applies especially to this COVID-19 mRNA altering subject matter.

So the Supreme Court’s principled ruling in a case back in 2015 can be overlaid as a template for protecting Americans from ever being forced to get this. Sadly, Trump didn’t sign an executive order saying no American will ever be forced to get a vaccine or fire, or shown any prejudice or discrimination by their practicing exercising their right given to them by God to protect their bodies. Trump didn’t do that, as he’s not done many other things. So again, he fails out of ignorance, cowardice, or some sort of deception to facilitate this massive generational death that’s coming upon everybody that got it.

How many people got the vaccine? Because they said, well, Trump said to get it, so I’ll get it. Well, they, you know, in a sense, you can say, well, you deserve to die for being stupid. You do not get a vaccine in your body, period. That’s, that’s the lesson we’ve learned for the last hundred years. There’s nothing good about a vaccine. It’s all money making, it’s all fraudulent, it’s all corrupt. It all results in every kind of cancer and disease and other things that come up. And the Pfizer admission here is just part of a long line.

This really should be, I mean, you should have all of these companies, their buildings burned to the ground and their employees hung by wires and beaten like pinatas and killed and skinned alive and rolled in salt and burned at the stake for what they’ve done to an entire world of people. And, you know, we’ve seen this, too. When James O’Keefe interviewed that little black sodomite, and the black sodomite who worked at Pfizer said, well, we’re just experimenting and we can engineer this and that. And the moment James O’Keefe got that interview was the moment these traitors on his board fired him and he had to create a different entity altogether.

This is the generation ending, the world ending storm, Jim. This is the apocalypse of a DNA dissolving and destroying phenomenon. And you’re going to see other derivatives of this, such as masses of infertility, every other form of turbo cancers, and everything else that we’re seeing, you know, coming up, OJ Simpson, they just did a video on Facebook. That dumb murderous son of a bitch who’s up there telling people, get your shots, I don’t want to wear the mask. And then suddenly he’s dead from turbo cancer, prostate cancer, a few months or a year later, that’s going to have, that’s going to happen to everybody on a macro level, but it should never be forgotten.

And anyone who ever works for these big pharmaceutical companies, if anyone ever sees them in public, it should be the last time they’re ever seen in public. Jim. BRIAn well, what’s most disturbing about the Pfizer scenario is that the FDA is working with the Department of Justice to get rid of all the lawsuits that are beginning to arise right here in Beaumont, Texas, just down the, down the road. A federal level judge was basically put into a very tough position when the Department of Justice intervened on a whistleblower lawsuit related to the Pfizer trials. She worked for a company that ran the trials.

She tried to complain to the FBA, FBI, I’m sorry, the FDA, back in 2020. And they fired her from her job because of the pressure on the contractor that was running the trials. She immediately filed a lawsuit. Now this thing is as quiet as a kitten. You got to actually follow the case, which is how the government wants it. If you think Pfizer doesn’t have a get out of jail free card, you’re nuts. AstraZeneca pulled their vaccine out, too, but the whole thing was obviously a well orchestrated agenda 2020, Department of Defense style operation on all of us, and people are seeing it all over the place.

How many people got killed as a result of it? I don’t know if they’ll ever be a good tally, but I can tell you it’s been catastrophic on our population, in our society. Fortunately, the ones who are left are the truthers that never bought into it in the beginning. We weren’t the ones that put the masks on and took the jab. Well, for our final story for tonight, I want to give you my nominee, not just for man of the year or man of the decade. Man of the century. James Pitzer. I found my feelings hold Blueberry hill hold Blueberry hill when I found you the moon stood still on Blueberry hill and until my dreams came true there we in the beyond play love sweet melody but those fountains remain when never to be lovira you part of me still for you were my thrill oh, blueberry hill come clean, we’ll see what you.

I’ll break myself blue each of the moon will go higher spend the wedding there we in the wheel play melody but all of the swamps we live will never be. I was just astonished when I saw this on Saturday. I had to share it. Scott, a thought. Brian? Well, I don’t know. I don’t know when that was taken. How old it is. It seems very old. Probably back in 2000, 2001, too. But you see Kirk Russell, you see Goldie Hahn. Goldie Hahn Stone, you see Kevin Costner. And I don’t hold them up in the highest intellectual regard, but it’s.

If that was Vladimir Putin, it was a time when they thought they would keep them under their thumb, and they’ve come to realize that is not the case. Russia has had an amazing transformation, largely because of the decadent transformation of the west. And Russia has had to detach itself from the west. It’s been forced to with the sanctions and the swift system ostracization and the militant war that the west has waged against Russia. You know, those happier times, if they’re real, you know, nothing in Russia has changed. Everything in the west has changed for the worse.

So I think in the future you’re going to see a happier, independent Russia, largely because it doesn’t have the albatross around its neck of modern America. Jim, very interesting comments. Brian, yours quickly. Well, that’s entertaining. I don’t really have much for final comments today, so let’s just close it out. Well, I’m a huge fan of Vladimir Putin. I just thought it was a highlight for him to do this. I thought it was wonderful. Don, take us out and what a wonderful show. What an awesome show and what awful facts we had to share today. It’s pretty heavy.

Could end on a light note. And we’re not ending things. We’re going up forth. And you should go forth and share this videos and shows and stand for the truth. You know what it’s about. So essentially, thank you so much for watching your comments and everything else. Please share this and you’ll find it to be rewarding. And that is okay. Awesome audios.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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