Truth vs. NEW$ Inc Part 1 with Don Grahn Scott Bennett and Brian Davidson

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots

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➡ On December 31, 2023, a show panel including Jim Fetcher and Scott Bennett, discussed the top ten major events of the year. One of the key stories was Russia’s victory and NATO’s defeat in Ukraine, along with Putin’s realization of the West’s goal to dismember Russia. Another discussed point was America’s slipping stature as a superpower, despite a large defense budget, owing to internal and external issues including its porous Southern border, declining dollar value, rising crime, government inefficiency, and failure in advising Ukraine amidst its ongoing conflict.
➡ The text discusses the perceived end of a conflict where Russia is strategically moving towards the west. It challenges the notion that Putin aims to conquer Eastern Europe, as socio-economic issues arise in Europe due to a rapid influx of unrequested migrants. It also mentions internal U.S concern over support for Ukraine despite a seemingly concluded conflict. Lastly, the text delves into potential leadership changes, suggesting a planned replacement for Ukraine’s current leader, Zelensky, and mentions Russia’s retaliatory attacks following an assault on Belgarod.
➡ Russia is suggested to conduct psychological and diplomatic warfare, separating Zelensky’s government from the Ukrainian people to foster reunification. Meanwhile, the Houthis in Yemen have demonstrated military power against the American empire, disrupting major global trade routes, specifically the Red Sea corridor. This disruption, retaliatory to Israel’s campaign in Gaza, has perpetrated an economic crisis and incited conflict between Houthis and US forces, with the potential to provoke further military escalation, leading to major geopolitical consequences.
➡ The text discusses the current geopolitical tensions and conflicts, highlighting the shifting alliances and conflicts among countries such as the US, Israel, BRIC nations, and Muslim countries. It also delves into discussions about possible solutions like migration, offering suggestions such as moving immigrants to America and shifting the responsibility to Washington DC. The main focus is on Israel’s conflict with Hamas, emphasizing on the serious casualties and widespread destruction, along with the potential for Israel to become a pariah state. The narrative also critically assesses the role of major global actors like Biden and Netanyahu, suggesting the former’s critical role in resolving the conflict.
➡ The text discusses the military activities between Israel and Hamas. It mentions Israel’s difficulty in detecting Hamas’s underground tunnel networks and the surprising attacks that emerge from them. Despite initial claims of having defeated Hamas in the north, Israel is having to withdraw due to effective defensive tactics from Hamas. Furthermore, incidents of friendly fire within the Israeli ranks indicate a lack of discipline. The text also raises concerns over the potential psychological and emotional crises within Israel, and suggests that its strategic and tactical superiority is waning. Additionally, the text examines how organizations like Hezbollah are also challenging Israel’s dominance. Finally, Israel’s act of pumping seawater into Gaza tunnels, potentially ruining the area for centuries, is mentioned, as well as the alleged use of starvation as a wartime tactic.
➡ The text discusses allegations of serious human rights violations by Israel against the population in Gaza, including impeding humanitarian aid, starvation tactics, and the use of suspected uranium and neutron bombs. It suggests that these actions, which purportedly result in extreme physical and genetic damage, could be geared towards urban warfare and indirect genocide. The commentary also debates on the changing world perception towards Israel’s actions and speculates a growing global anti-Israel sentiment. Also, it challenges the use of wartime atrocities as justifications for present actions, and underscores the potential impacts on future geopolitical relations.


Is our last show of this year, and today is December 31, 2023. That’s 12, 31, 23 or 123123. And things are happening one, two, three in a row here. We’re going to get into the top ten things that happened this year that were not desperately good. Jim’s got a list that won’t quit. And let me introduce our panel here. Of course, we have Jim Fetcher, the greatest minor in America, with his books about Sandy Hook and others.

You got to get. These books are classics and probably the most important historical books you’ll find. And then we also have Scott Bennett, who is just a real wonder. And he’s written a book here about shell game, about the financing of terrorists. Oh, wow. But he’s just on a run right now. He’s just doing great around the world. Then we have hats off to Brian Davidson, a private investigator out of Houston, Texas.

And, boy, we have got one heck of a show today. And I think the stories are really heavy. Top ten stories of 2023. Boy, I don’t think 23 was a good year, do you, Jim? Well, Don, there are ten stories, but they’re all roughly equally weighted, so it’s not actually as though they increase in significance, though some may feel as though they do. Let’s begin with our top ten stories of 2023.

Number one, Ukraine. NATO loses. Russia wins. Putin admits he’s been naive about the west. He thought they wanted to welcome Russia into the community of nations when what they really wanted was Russia’s dismemberment. The west was determined to break Russia apart after the collapse of the Soviet Union, leaving multiple states based on the country’s ruins would be too weak to resist outside influence. Putin admitted he was naive early in his political career, even though he had a solid background in soviet intelligence.

The president said he believed the west understood Russia had become a completely different country after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and that there were no further ideological differences warranting a serious standoff. But even when he saw western efforts to support terrorism and separatism in Russia decades ago, he thought was the inertia of thinking, mental habits that were to blame. They just got used to fighting the Soviet Union.

In reality, however, he now recognizes west was deliberately trying to undercut Russia after the collapse. They thought they just had to wait a little longer and then they could break Russia apart as well. West saw no need for the existence of the world’s largest country with its vast resources. It would be better, as suggested by former NSA advisor Z. Big Berzinski, to divide Russia into five parts and subjugate them one by one.

This plan hinged on a premise that smaller states would have no weight or voice of their own, would have no chance to defend their national interest in the way United Russian Federation has been able to do so. Colonel Maguire observes, 500,000 ukrainian soldiers have died, ten times worse than World War I. This war is done. Not surprisingly, therefore, Ukraine would like to raise 500,000 more soldiers. But they are not there.

They’re recruiting children, the elderly. I can’t wait for them to put pregnant women at the front lines. Meanwhile, Hal Turner reports that Russia has come to the United States to lay out terms of surrender. These include complete ukrainian surrender, complete of all military equipment. Russian territorial range from Kharkov to Odessa. Give Russia complete control of the Black Sea. Western Ukraine cannot join NATO or have any military aid.

Russia doesn’t care who controls western Ukraine and has openly offered it. Polon. Whether these would be acceptable is a whole nother matter. Here. We have where some have floated the idea they might give parts to Romania or Hungary or Poland. Let’s listen to Colonel McGregor reflect on the latest. United States, still a superpower. Is it the greatest military in the world? Over the past few hours, the House of Representatives has passed a $886,000,000,000 defense bill that doesn’t account for the hundreds of billions of dollars they don’t tell you about.

This will go to President Biden’s desks to be signed. Presumably, it should make Americans feel safer. Right? It should propel us to superhero status in the United States. But it looks like it’s done the opposite of that, as our U. S. Southern border is like a sieve. Tens of thousands of people pouring across the border every day. Bridges crumbling, tent cities across the United States. The de dollarization of the United States dollar is happening in real time.

Just listened to Vladimir Putin at a major press conference over the past few days talking about the de dollarization was 87% of all transactions in Russia, now down to 20%. So is the United States still a superpower? Let’s ask Colonel Douglas McGregor. He’s the CEO of ourcountryarchoice. com, retired combat veteran and SEC defense advisor under President Trump. Colonel, great to see you. Happy holidays to you, and Merry Christmas.

Same to you, Clayton. So I’ll ask you, I’ll start there. I mean, it’s a very broad sort of 35,000 foot question, but when you see this National Defense Authorization Act, $886,000,000,000, and Americans are struggling to put food on their table right now. Should Americans feel safer that their government has just spent that amount of money to shovel to the Pentagon? Clayton. This is probably a good time for a retrospective.

We’re headed into the end of the year, and if we look back on the last two and a half years of the Biden administration, we can actually go further than that. But certainly if we just focus on the time since Biden took office, there is a legitimate question about the current strength and power of the United States, both internally as a society and externally as an actor on the world stage.

And there’s a real question about our future. Where are we really headed? And I think the answer is nowhere good. We are actually in a rapid decline as a great power. The problem is we have a government similar to the scene in the wizard of Oz with the little man behind the curtain who is manipulating lights and images in front of everyone. And suddenly the little dog runs over, pulls the curtain back, and the people discover, my God, there’s nothing behind any of this.

I think we’re getting close to it. We’re not there yet because still the majority of Americans are not really paying attention to what happens overseas. In fact, too many of them are not paying attention to what’s going on inside the country. A lot of them are beginning finally to notice the rising criminality, the human trafficking, the drug crisis because of the open borders. But still, there are too many Americans who are sitting comfortably watching football and trying to find out about Taylor Swift’s love life.

And when someone brings bad things up, too many of them are. You know, it’s not really my. Is it is their problem. They live inside this country. They can’t ignore the plight of people on the Texas border, the people in southern Arizona, and the people in southern California, but we do. And at the same time, we have to go back and look at this terrible war that’s occurred in Ukraine.

What has happened in Ukraine? Everything that we have predicted, and I’m talking about the government and its minions and its supporters and the mainstream media, has failed. All of the advice that we have given to the Ukrainians, all of the equipment that we have given to them, none of it has worked. It’s all failed miserably. I think at least a billion plus people around the world who pay attention.

America is weak. America looks vapid. And then we have this president who has trouble grinding out two or three coherent sentences, and we just listened to President Putin of the russian state speak for over 4 hours. He delivers a speech, and then he speaks extemporaneously for hours answering questions, for hours without notes, because he has command of the information, command of the material. That’s one of the big reasons that Putin has such support inside of Russia.

He’s a highly intelligent man, and he is absolutely committed to what is in the best interest of Russia. And he’s done everything in his power to avoid a war with the United States and NATO while we have done everything we possibly could to provoke him and continue to do so. In the meantime, you’ve got over a half a million ukrainian dead lying on the battlefields. I don’t know how many civilians have died, how many millions have left the country.

It’s probably well over the 14 million that we saw a few months ago. The ukrainian nation is effectively dead. It’s comatose. I don’t think it’s even on life support. The people who are on life support in Kiev, those are the crooks and the criminals running the country. They’re about to receive another infusion of american cash that they no doubt will transfer to their bank accounts on Cyprus and Switzerland and elsewhere.

How much of that will make any difference to the poor human beings dying on the battlefield is impossible to mean. When you reach the point where in order to be evacuated as a ukrainian soldier or officer from the battlefield where you were severely wounded, that you have to bribe the ambulance crew to take you to a location where you can receive real medical attention, it’s over. There’s no military infrastructure to take care of anyone.

People are simply being herded into gunfire. This war is over. The Russians are moving deliberately and slowly towards the west. And the great lie that Putin wants to conquer eastern Europe is falling apart. And that’s beginning to happen in Germany and Austria and France and elsewhere. Finally, after months of lies after lies after lies, the populations are beginning to say, what? What’s really happening? I’m looking around, and my economy is destroyed.

Our jobs are vanishing, and we are overwhelmed by foreigners, unwanted migrants, people that are in our country. We never asked for them. The government never consulted with us. The government simply said, if you don’t accept millions of foreigners into your midst, well, then you’re a Nazi. Then you’re a bigot. And people are saying, oh, wait a minute. This has nothing to do with being a Nazi. This is about the survival of the french nation, of the german nation, and so forth and so on.

All of these things are coming together. Meanwhile, inside the United States, Americans, many of them, quietly are saying, wait a minute. More money for Ukraine? This war is over, isn’t it. It’s essentially gone. Just look at the map. Look at the advance of the russian forces. The russian forces are now in pristine condition. They’re the strongest and most powerful military establishment on the planet. What are we. We can’t even man the armed forces.

We can’t recruit. Scott, I want you to pick it up from there. I think he does a wonderful job of an overview, but give us the latest developments in relation to Russia and Ukraine. Yeah. Let me play this video and you give me participants screen sharing, and then I will. I like McGregor. He’s one of the few men I really admire and respect and listen to present, know.

Excluded, of course, but McGregor is a brilliant man. He is a historian. He’s educated, he’s eloquent, and he’s honest. And that’s the highest degree of respect I would give to any man, is honesty, and he’s fearless, and that’s what we need in political office and military office. And I think he’d be the perfect president. He’s a George Washington type. I don’t think he’s going to go in that direction, but he’s head and shoulders above anything else.

We have. Michael Flynn. He’s a big lighter compared to the searchlight in the sky that McGregor is, and he’s telling the truth. This was an interview that I just did on RT, and I’m going to spare my words so I can economize. But I want to play this because it gives both an assessment of the Ukraine situation, the Ukraine lashing out, and what Russia needs to do next.

So let me just play it on the algorithm. The US State Department told Russia they don’t support Kiev’s actions. Russia’s foreign ministry said that London and Washington are culpable for the attack and that the incident will be brought up at the UN Security Council. The terrorist attack in Belgarod will be the subject of proceedings in the UN Security Council. The United Kingdom is behind the terrorist attack in Belgarod, which in coordination with the United States, incites the key approach to terrorist actions.

Understanding that the conqueror offenses by the armed forces of Ukraine has failed, London, as the ukrainian government’s representatives recently stated, has banned Kiev from negotiating with the russian side. They bet on the so called victory. Maybe with the background noise, you just give us a summary. I think that’ll work better. Go right ahead and tell us what you were reporting on our team. Well, let me see. First of all, I just want to get your thought here.

Let me play it this way. No, I wanted to play the video the background noise is part of the video. It’s gone. Background noise was part of the video? Yeah, it was some Mexican doing the blowing of the leaves, but it’s over with. Just. All right, don, you can edit all that out. All right, here we go. Also, what you make of the timing of this Ukrainian strike, could it be linked to that Russian strike yesterday on Ukraine or, as the Russian Mod says, a result of Kiev’s failures on the battlefield? Well, it’s both.

It’s definitely an attempt to distract away from Russia’s massive barrage yesterday. This is what the Kiev regime does at the orders of the United States and Britain and Germany and NATO commanders, of course. So it’s a distraction operation. They’ve tried to say another russian missile went into Poland. They pulled that old story out again, the same one that they tried to do eight months ago or so. It’s very clear that the entire ukrainian regime under Zelensky is crippling and falling apart.

We’ve seen people like Oleg Soskin, a former advisor, saying Zelensky should resign as well as the defense minister Umarov should resign. So it’s clear there’s a musical chairs disintegration of the Zelensky regime that’s occurring. This act of terrorism and desperation and murder is a grotesque sign of really the savagery that Russia has been facing. And I think Ambassador Nebesnya’s statement in the United nations should be the hardest hitting statement he’s ever given.

They should clearly be saying, people of Germany, this is what your government’s doing. People of Britain, people of Scotland, people of Ireland, people of the United States, this is what your government is doing to innocent children ice skating, to innocent children laughing and opening presents under Christmas trees, to mothers giving apple cider to their little children in the winter of Christmas time. This is what your governments are backing with the weapons and the cluster bombs that they are giving to a psychopath, Zelensky murdering children.

This is what the people of America and Britain and Germany and France, the european nations are backing. So I think Nabesdi and east to divide the governments of the globalist. George Soros, World Economic Forum, UN, NATO psychotics, separate them from the people of the west. And you’ll see, of course, in the next year, an entire abandonment of Ukraine. This is another reason I think they’re setting him up to be replaced by Temashenko, the female.

And I think they’re going to try and replace him or assassinate him and then try and sue for peace. So they’re trying to slow down the russian advance by these sort of terrorist attacks. And then they’re also stabbing Zelensky in the back like Julius Caesar. And next they’ll replace him and try and immediately throw someone in front of the russian military to plead for peace. But Russia should not accept any of these overtures.

They’re all lies. They’re designed to create a 38 parallel stalemate. Russia should push forth and in the next ten days, Russia should launch, I would say, the most devastating military attack it’s ever done. So that Christmas is welcomed with silence of ukrainian guns because Russia has effectively destroyed them all. God, I think that was simply excellent. Your thoughts about Ukraine, Russia, UN Security Council meeting? Well, I think it’s the money lenders that are pulling all the strings.

This is nothing more than a big clearance operation. Now, for Putin to come out and make this comment that he was shocked and surprised by the duplicity of the west shows that his intelligence isn’t as good as ours. I mean, we know better than that. This is ridiculous. To clean out and enslave has been in place since the 18 hundreds. And even farther back, I believe, to that all the way back.

It goes back as far as money has been traded and banks have been setting themselves up. Putin ought to know by now who you can trust and who you can’t trust. It’s a question of who’s he taking his money from? That’s the same thing with the western leaders as well. I really think that the more I look at things, the more it’s boiling down to a bunch of central banking cartels that are controlling everything all the time, telling us who our politicians are going to be, telling us what our politicians are going to do, telling nations how they’re going to run their situations.

And I think that they’re a bunch of damn masons. I mean, I’ve seen pictures of Putin dressed up in his garbs and all of his things. He’s part of the club. He’s the special club. Oh, I didn’t know the west was going to double cross me. Oh, yeah. Give me a break. Either the man’s not a patriot or he’s a sellout. He knew. Fascinating. Fascinating. Let me just add, Jim, Russia has struck back as a result of that attack on Belgarod.

Russia has struck back. And I’ll just summarize. An attack was carried out on a branch of the National Space control center in western Ukraine, which was used by Kiev for reconnaissance fuel depots in Kharkov, Kiev control, parts of Russia’s Zaporosha region were also destroyed. So Russia sent precision missile strikes and eliminated, quote, representatives of the SBU leadership, foreign mercenaries and fighters of the Ukraine Kraken unit who were directly preparing sabotage on russian territory.

So Russia has struck back and eliminated a bunch of command and control centers and leaders and things like that. And I said in that video, they need to amplify their psychological war, their diplomatic war. They need to be doing everything the opposite of what Zelensky is doing. They need to separate Zelensky and the government from the ukrainian people. They need to be creating dual passports, dual id cards, Ukraine, Russia, you know, something like that, where the people perceive that their future is inevitable, reunification with Russia.

That doesn’t mean they lose their identity, but their reunification is inevitable. And by engaging in diplomatic war and psychological war, you will quicken the disintegration of the Zelensky government. So they’ve yet to really amplify that. But Zabesnia also went on the United nations yesterday and gave a speech, and I talked about that. He needs to be very hard hitting and direct. Very good. Meanwhile, United States, top ten stories of 2023.

Number two, the Houthis create chaos. The Houthis have biden by the short, it writes Mike Whitney. Yemen stopped the blockade of israeli bound ships as soon as sufficient food, water and medicine were allowed to enter Gaza. Guess that’s asking too much, says Elizabeth Murray. Yemen’s Houthi has shown how a small army can take on the american empire and win. They have shown how courage, resolve and commitment can act as a force multiplier, allowing a far weaker military to punch above its weight.

They’ve shown how a few well placed missiles in key locations on the world’s most critical shipping lanes can send tremors across a global economy and shake the rules based order to its foundation. In short, the Houthis have shown that David can bring down Goliath without breaking a sweat, provided David maintains his perch along the Babal mandab Strait. Here’s what’s going on. The Houthis occupy an area along the narrowest part of the Red Sea, the most important shipping corridor in the world, which is responsible for 12% of international trade, almost one third of global container traffic.

When the movement of ships is disrupted along the waterway, insurance premiums skyrocket, prices on retail rise, oil prices go through the roof. That’s why western barriers are committed to keeping these shipping lanes open at all times, whatever the cost. Here’s how CNN puts it. The yemens ran back hootie rebels are stepping up strikes on ships in the Red Sea. Which they say are revenge against Israel for its military campaign in Gaza.

The attacks have forced some of the world’s biggest shipping and oil companies to suspend transit through one of the world’s most important maritime trade routes, which could potentially cause a shock to the global economy. At present, these shipping lanes are effectively closed due to Houthi attacks on israeli bound vessels. This has slowed overall traffic to a crawl. If the current situation persists or worsens, the impact on the global economy could be catastrophic.

Vanessa Beeley writes, not a single cargo has arrived in Israel for two weeks, and we expect the same for the next four. Surprisingly, the Houthis don’t stand to gain anything from their efforts. They’re actually putting themselves at great risk of retaliation by the US to pressure Israel into stopping its relentless bombardment at Gaza and allow the starving palestinian people access to food, water, and medical supplies. The Houthis should probably be applauded for their selfless compassion and humanity, as do all of us.

But Washington doesn’t see it that way. They don’t think Mahouti’s actions are laudable, virtuous, or just. They see them as a challenge to american primacy, as a threat to their regional hegemony and global leadership, as interference in their Gaza policy, in which Israel has been granted carte blanc to kill and maim as many Palestinians as it seemed fit to achieve its own strategic objective, which is the greater Israel.

So we have, as an unstoppable force versus an immovable object, we have two opposing point of view, no way to resolve them without a direct military confrontation. That means there’s going to be trouble in the very near future where the Houthis have prepared naval mines for american and israeli ships. Last Monday, Secretary of Defense Austin announced he’d assembled a ten member coalition to patrol the waterways in the Red Sea and defend freedom of navigation.

Now, a reasonable person might wonder why he would cobble together another makeshift military coalition instead of first contacting the houthi leadership to see if a deal could be worked out in confrontation, avoided through diplomacy. But those who followed us foreign policy for the past three years know the US does not negotiate with people or countries it considers to be its inferiors. So this option was quickly discarded. Instead, the US has decided to pursue a traditional approach to emerging crises, involving a fair amount of incendiary rhetoric followed by a military hammer blow.

And that appears to be the direction things are now headed. There’s not a lot of wiggle room here. These want a cessation of the violence and the distribution of humanitarian aid, and they’re willing to go to war with the United States to make their demands met. And no one knows better than the Houthis what that means. During the nine years they war with Saudi Arabia, Washington provided the weapons and embargo power that led to the death of an estimated 377,000.

More than half died due to starvation and disease caused by the siege. So the Houthis know of what Savagey Washington is capable. Even so, they are not backing down, not caving in. There’s going to be a ceasefire. There’s going to be war. It’s up to Biden at his side. But if he opts for war, he should realize it’s not going to be a cakewalk. Oh, no. There are going to be attacks on american bases, american warships, saudi oil fields and infrastructure.

Oil prices will soar. Commercial shipping will grind to a standstill. Global equities will tumble. Meanwhile, Russia and China will be watching from the sidelines while Uncle Sam drans the last ounce of credibility and power down a black hole on the arabian peninsula. This is al Houthi leader, said Abdullah al Maq. Al Huthi summed it up. If the US wants to go to war with us, they must know that we are waiting.

We want a direct war between Yemen and the US and Israel. We are not afraid of America, and all the people of Yemen will stand against that. This is a war the US could easily avoid by doing the right thing and approving a ceasefire now. But that would bring a swift end to Israel’s atrocities and stop the attacks on commercial shipping at the same time. That’s a solution we can all live with.

And while they initially brought together the US, the UK, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, the Sicilis and Spain, it appears the whole project has been abandoned, perhaps because chinese, iranian and indian warships are now in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Scott, your thoughts, my friend? Well, Russia and Iran have just signed an economic deal to trade in rubles and the rion, the iranian currency.

So that’s significant. And the Eurasian Economic Union has signed a deal to do trade with Iran. So all of these sanctions has backfired. And to build upon what McGregor was talking about earlier, all of these, the wars in the last ten years specifically have been the ruination of America. We’ve just spent ourselves. We’ve not created new weapons technology. We’ve just used what we’ve regurgitated from the military industrial complex and gone around the world and overturned beehives.

And now the bees are all swarming together in a unified mind to not only restrain the United States from tipping over anymore like we were just trying to do in Serbia, by the way, we’re trying to create another color revolution that’s going to backfire. The entire world is distancing itself from the United States economically. And in the Red Sea, the houthi shipping attacks that is going to culminate into a broader war.

The United Kingdom is already going to strike the Houthis they’re advertising. So I could see the United States, the United Kingdom, engaging in far more serious attacks. The navy is already destroying houthi ships that are firing upon them, allegedly. It’s only a matter of time before a missile is fired and sinks one of these us ships, and then it goes to the next level, and then you’re only going to have the lose.

Cataclysmically, I predict you are going to see the United States lose all of its naval vessels in the Red Sea, in the Mediterranean, in the Persian Gulf. Because we’re ships and they’re land missiles, we don’t have any hope for resupplying them. And I think the bases in Iraq are already in the process of being removed. I could see US central command, if they pick a fight with Iran, Russia is going to give Iran all of the weapon technology that it needs to defend itself.

So you see Russia, Iran, China, and I think India, too, is going to enter this. The Indians are about as loyal as a pile of shit on the sidewalk. They have no loyalty by temperament, by religion, or anything else. So if the United States thinks that India is going to side with them, they’ve got another thought coming. So you’re already seeing BRICs, the Eurasian Economic Union, and all these other countries siding against the United States.

And Israel is even less loyal than the Indians, of course. And I think you’re going to witness all of these muslim nations sending slow parades of guerrilla fighters into the war region to attack Israel. So Israel, as others have said, too, is dead. And it’s only a matter of time before you see a massive airlift of people leaving Israel. And I don’t know where they think they’re going to go.

Ukraine is not going to welcome them because Russia is going to capture Ukraine, and they’re not going to buy any property there anymore as they’ve been doing. So the whole world is about to go upside down, and the United States is not in a good position. Jim. Brian, your thoughts? I’ll tell you where they’re going to go. They’re going to go to Mexico and then cross the border into America and have nice, comfortable lives.

They’ll be able to pick up their $5,000 food card at the border, and then they’ll be able to go and find themselves a nice little apartment someplace and get a good job in a little community that supports them. And they won’t have to pay any taxes, of course. They won’t have to worry about anything. They’ll get free medical care. Why wouldn’t they leave? As a matter of fact, we’ve got this problem in Yemen.

Now, these hootie guys, what are they thinking? Third rate power going up against the great sea, maritime power of the United States of America? What do they think in protecting their little ports and their interests like that? We can’t have this. The problem is America’s out here waving around our flag all over the place and the rest of the world, and even our partners are saying, you know what? I’m not so sure that these guys are on the moral high ground anymore.

This is getting a little bit dicey here. You got this tiny little country totally disrespecting us in that area, and there’s nothing that we can do about it. You know what? I have a suggestion. I think America ought to go ahead and go get all these hootie rebels and just offer them american citizenship and fly their asses over here and give them a check card for $5,000. That’s the best way to solve the problem.

I think Americans ought to leave the country and migrate so they can get all the benefits. We should send off all of our young academics over to fight with the hootie rebels and then bring all those hootie rebels over here to start a new life in America. Brilliant. Let me just add one to that, too. When Brian said, bringing the hooties over, I like that idea, of course.

But here’s one thing. The states like abbot, flying these illegal immigrants to Vermont or elsewhere, I can understand the humor of doing that and stuff. But if they really wanted to be effective, they should take every one of these migrants and fly them to Washington DC and just dump them on the Capitol. Because it is the Capitol that is doing this. It is the federal government that is allegedly preventing Texas and other states from rounding them up.

Now, Texas ought to round them up and ship them back, but in the meantime, if they were going to be effective, they should drop them all off in Washington DC and let them saturate Washington DC and the halls of Congress and such. Oh, my God. That is so funny that you say that. That is so funny because Trump comes out this week and says, sure, I think we should go ahead and let the FBI have their new building in Washington, DC.

The armed pit of the world. Of course they don’t want to head someplace else, go someplace out. But I’m telling you, that place is a pit of despair. Nobody wants to be there. Nobody wants to be there. Very nice. Very nice. Meanwhile, top ten story that 2023 number three Israel losing to Hamas. The Washington Post has published maps of Israel’s destruction of Gauss. It’s horrific. The israeli military campaign has been unlike any other in the 21st century.

Israeli airstrikes and ground invasion began 20 days after the October 7 have destroyed large swath of the besieged territory, killed 20,057 and displaced the vast majority of the population. Washington Post analyzed satellite imagery, airstrike data, UN damage assessments interviewed more than 28 workers, healthcare providers, experts, ammunitions, and aerial warfare. The evidence shows Israel has carried out its war in Gaza at a pace and level of devastation that exceeds any recent conflict, destroying more buildings in less time that were destroyed during the syrian regime battle for Aleppo over three years, 2013 to 2016, or the US led campaign to defeat Islamic State in Mosul, Iraq, and Raqqa, Syria, in 2017, the Post found.

The Israelis have conducted repeated and widespread airstrikes in proximity to hospitals which are supposed to receive special protection under the laws of war. Satellite imagery revealed dozens of apparent craters near 17 of 28 hospitals in northern Gaza, including ten craters suggesting the use of bombs weighing 2000 pounds, the largest in regular use. Meanwhile, Paul Rogers reports Israel is losing the war against Hamas, but net Yahoo and his government will never admit it.

Until recently, the narrative has been largely controlled by the IDF. The narrative was helped by severe difficulties for the few journalists still in Gaza, including at risk of their personal safety, about 80 of whom, by the way, have been, in my opinion, assassinated. Now a different picture has begun to emerge. A lack of evidence to support the IDF claim. A Hamas headquarters under the al Shafta hospital when the IDF couldn’t identify the location of the israeli hostages, despite allegedly having some of the world’s most advanced intelligence.

Now there have been two further incidents. On 12 December, a skilful trip, Lambush stayed by Hamas in an area supposedly controlled by israeli forces. An IDF unit was ambushed to casualties. Further troopers sent aid and they were ambushed. And then they sent reinforcements, who were ambushed, too. All this means IDF commanders are coming under huge pressure to succeed. They’ll go as far as the war cabinet will allow.

Many of them are highly intelligent but single minded. They’ll now know that brawl of net Yahoo’s rhetoric. Hamas, or at least Hamas’ideas, cannot be defeated by military force. They also know that while talks are stalling, pressures from the families may soon result in another humanitarian pause. Thus, the aim will be to damage as much as they can, as quickly as they can, while they can. Whatever the cost of Palestinians, what makes it possible is dependence on an extremist minority of religious fundamentalists, entrenchant Zionists in the government.

They would not have anything like the wider support in Israel for October 7, but they’re doing more and more harm to Israel’s long term security. Not only does Israel risk becoming a pariah state, even among its allies, but it’s now fueling a generation of radical opposition from a reconstituted amas or its successor. It needs saving from itself. But that depends more than anything on Biden and the people around him.

Wrapbushed by the rapidly changing public mood in western Europe, they must recognize their role in bringing an immediate end to the conflict. Meanwhile, Uhud Ulmart, a former PF who, together with BB Netanyahu is a brain trust behind 911, declares, elimination of Hamas will not be achieved. Net Yahoo is waging a personal war, former PN Ulmer commented, the goal of the war to destroy the Hamas movement will not be achieved.

Stressing that Yahoo’s pledges are boastful and he’s fighting a war for his own personal gain, he writes, gauze is crashing. Thousands are sadly paying with their lives. Thousands of Amos fighters are happily being killed, but the destruction of amas will not be achieved whether Sinhwar’s founder enjoys a short life until he, Mohammed, and their partners in Hamas leadership are eliminated. Hamas will continue as a very weak, battered, bleeding force, but it will continue on the edge of Gaza.

Given this is the true assessment we must bear for a change of direction. I know it’s unpopular in the atmosphere of incitement, bravado, and arrogance characterizing conduct of this government in its head. One must not shy away from saying things that are not obvious but are necessary. Get this, here you have Scott Ritter. Well, if you won’t say it, I will. Hamas is winning this war. They’re winning it tactically.

They’re winning it operationally. They’re winning it strategically. The whole Hamas plan was to get Israel to do everything they’ve done, to get Israel to bomb the infrastructure, to collapse buildings into rubble, to create this massive chaos above ground, and to lure Israel into this, where Hamas operates below. I’ve been looking at some of the same curious, you know, I would have thought that, know when they build their tunnels to defend, that the tunnels would have gone right up to the surface and that there would have been some sort of boulder or bush disguising the tunnel entrance.

And then I’m thinking, well, wait a minute, Scott, you’re smarter than this. I took ground penetrating radar into Iraq to look for buried things, and when you have that kind of a surface anomaly, you pick it up. So I’m looking at the videos. It appears that Hamas’s tunnels end around 1238 to 10 meters below ground, and that in order to do their attack, they are breaching their tunnel and then collapsing that soil in, and then they’re climbing up because there’s this big lip, this big soil lip that they have to come up.

They put a ladder up and they work their way up. What does that mean? That means when Israel is coming through with their radar, their side scanning radar, their ground penetrating radar, looking for these tunnel networks, they ain’t detecting that because that radar can’t go down that deep, which means Israel has no clue where these tunnels are. And this is why you can have Israel actually build a camp where the bulldozer comes out and bulldozes up this little berm area, and then you have the Israelis in there smoking dope, smoking cigarettes, doing whatever they’re doing, grab assin and all of a sudden, in the middle of this pop as a tunnel opens up and out pops Hamas and they kill a bunch of Israelis and they go back down, and then they seal off that tunnel.

They blow it up, collapse it, and the Israelis can’t follow it in. This is a very coordinated defense. They fought the Israelis to a standstill in many areas. Israel’s had to withdraw from certain areas of northern Gaza. Remember, before the pause, the operational pause, Israel, we’ve defeated Hamas in the north. Not even close, pal. Not even close. The battle hasn’t even begun. Israel has to have to withdraw from certain areas.

Areas they deem to be secure are suddenly their tanks are getting popped, their guys are getting killed, and it’s not a whole bunch of dead guys. I mean, over 100 soldiers have been killed. It turns out around 20% of those are killed by Israelis. A friendly fire incident, which, again, points to the chaos of the fighting and the lack of discipline on the part of the Israelis. These aren’t good soldiers.

They’re not good soldiers. You know, they’re not good because they’re ill disciplined. These are idiots that broadcast a video to his know, hey, baby, happy birthday. I’m blowing up something. Boom. And they do that video and Hamas is watching and going, kill him. And they did. You got Golani brigade guys burning schools. Hey, we’re burning schools. We’re burning stuff. And Hamas said, kill them. And they did. Hamas is in control of this battlefield.

It doesn’t mean that they’re going to push Israel out. That was never the objective. The objective was to pull them in and then hold them, grab them, kill them, grind them down. 5000 Israeli wounded, that’s the number you should focus on. And of that, 2000 are permanently disabled. That means they’ll never recover. That’s a number. 5000 casualties that Israel has suffered. And they aren’t winning. They’re losing. The military is almost in a panic.

Meanwhile, up in the north against Hezbollah. Hezbollah is just playing this funny game of just grinding them down, grinding them down. Billions of dollars of high tech equipment have been blown up. Maybe hundreds of millions of dollars have been blown up by Hezbollah and Israel can’t replace it. So they’re getting increasingly blind in the area. So you hear Galant, the Ministry of Defense and others, we’re going to hold Hezbollah.

Dude, Hezbollah will kick your ass, okay? If you think Hamas has your number, Hezbollah has your number in all the numbers of your girlfriends, okay? They own you. They own everything about you if they want to. If you want to have total war with Hezbollah, you will lose northern Israel, you will lose the Galilee. That is a guaranteed outcome. And the israeli military knows this. So not your thoughts.

I mean, between Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, Israel’s in dire straits militarily. Well, Blumenthal had a good observation. And that is there is a psychological, emotional meltdown that’s occurring in Israel. There really is a pathology, a psychosis, a mental problem. And you can trace it back to their whole talmudic arrogance of everyone else is Goyam, and we’re the masters of the earth and they’re, you know, trying to live this out.

But tactically and strategically and numerically, Israel is dead and dying and very soon will be completely annihilated. And remember, there’s a good quote that Netanyahu said, america is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. This is what we do to countries that we hate.

We destroy them very slowly. Benjamin Netanyahu, 1990 allegedly. I’ve heard that quote from asserting to him, too. So ritter is right. The tactical war in Gaza is going to result in the Israelis pulling out. And if they try and drag the United States into an air operation, it will be the annihilation of every politician that votes for this. And I think that’s the real coming collapse, I think, is going to be the rejection of the federal government and the return to independent states.

I do not see the Republic of the United States continuing. It’ll be a band of. They may still recognize the constitution, of course, but what Stephen Pidgeon described as diagonal land, you’re seeing the formation of the conservative middle of the country states going all the way up to Alaska, forming as a result of the coming crash of the dollar, too. So I’ll end it there. Go ahead, Jim.

Brian, your thoughts? Martyrs, they’re an interesting breed of cat. They’re willing to trade their lives for something that they consider to be more important than them. Maybe for the whole. You can go through history and find your martyrs all over the place. You can find that tried to get martyred, that got stronger and stronger and stronger. Guys that did get martyred, and they got stronger and stronger and stronger.

But martyrs generally die for something they believe in and they’re willing. And why not? Of course, you’ve got the Christianity or you’ve got the Muslims. It’s the same idea I desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is better by far, but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. The Muslims feel the same way. If I die, I’m going to head off to paradise and I’m going to have my thousand virgins or whatever it happens to be.

These people are trained with this mindset from a very young age that their life is less important than that. It’s better to sacrifice their life in a war like this for the whole. Now the question is, why doesn’t Israel feel the same way? What is it that they don’t have in their religion that doesn’t make them want to become martyrs? And if I was Israel, if I was an Israeli, I’d begin to recognize something very important here.

I’ve been sold out by the american money lenders and by the jewish money lenders. If you want to talk religion, go for it. The one thing Jesus Christ had a real hard time with was the money lenders. What ended up getting them killed on that cross was turning over their tables in the temple. That’s what ended up producing the 30 gold pieces to sell them out. Remember, Hamas is winning this war because they’re willing to sacrifice all these people as martyrs, and Israel is not.

This reminds me of Vietnam. Those people were fighting for something. Martyrdom. And that’s why they’ll win. Nice points. Nice. Very good. Don, you’re muted. Yeah, real quickly, did Denton Yahoo say back in whenever that he hates United States? Of course he did. That’s what we do with nations we hate. Yeah, how about that? That’s the kind of friend we’re making. Thanks. You got it. Because they’re losing. They’re committing massive war crimes.

Top ten story at 2023. Number four, Israel is pumping seawater into the Gaza tunnels despite warnings from Russia about war crimes. The idea of is at work doing it. Once they set up two more palms. The plan is for Israel to completely take over the Gaza Strip and absorb the land into its own. In other words, annex all of Gaza. The fact is that the seawater is going to contaminate freshwater wells and make the whole region uninhabitable for centuries.

And they’re going to potentially lose the 137 israelian foreign hostages who remain in hamask activity who appear to be underground. Israel has identified at least 800 tunnels. Believe the full scope, however, is much larger. We’re not sure how successful pumping will be. Since no one knows the details of the tunnels, it’s impossible to know if it’ll be effective. Here’s a photo of a moss senior officials in the northern brigade in the Gaza Strip in a tunnel.

The lights, the sofas, marble like floor, the fans. According to this report, five of the commanders photographed here have been eliminated. Frankly, I don’t believe it. Meanwhile, human white throts reports Israel is using starvation as a weapon of war. What could be more obvious? Israeli forces are deliberately blocking the delivery of water, food and fuel while willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, apparently raising agricultural areas, depriving the civilian population of objects indispensable to their survival.

These are all blatant violations of international law, of the Hague Convention, the Geneva Convention. But those are merely man’s law. They claim to be respond to a higher law, God’s will, which says that the chosen people are entitled to the promised land and can slaughter anyone who stands in their way. At the beginning of the massacre, the israeli defense minister announced the complete siege, saying the israeli military is fighting human animals.

For over two months now, Israel has been depriving gazette population of food and water, a policy spurred on or endorsed by high ranking israeli officials reflecting an intent to starve civilians as a method of warfare. World leaders should be speaking out against this war crime which has devastating effects on Gaza’s population. Remember the rule of threes. Humans can survive three minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food.

This has been going on since October eigth meanwhile, if anything, perhaps even more stunning, Israel is using uranium and neutron bombs in Gaza, according to the research of Christopher Busby, a top nuclear physicist, longtime student of biochemical damage caused by the dispersal of depleted uranium. He has published his findings of the evidence for use of Israel by a neutron uranium warhead in Palestine and in Lebanon. His results are suburb by samples taken from air, soil, bomb craters and other sources in Gaza.

Consistent with an earlier study published in Nature in 2021, Uranium, green audit’s research paper notes, is anthropogenic, meaning man made doesn’t exist in nature, which means the only possible explanation for its presence is weapons which they believe used by Israel. In the case of Gaza and already in Lebanon, the reports note it proposed, the only logical answer is a uranium based weapon exists, producing U 235 by neutron activation and has been deployed.

Such a weapon must be some kind of neutron bomb. Turns out after Israel bombed an area in Lebanon, there was a 20 fold excess of gamma radiation in the crater compared to the background. Octars in Gaza reached out in 2009 to express concern about unexplained weapon effect and observed in people of all ages who’d been exposed to israeli weapons and bombs. Busby attempted to go to Egypt to obtain samples, but with refused permission.

He was, however, able to test samples smuggled out of Gaza, finding the presence of enriched uranium. The new study like the sample of Gaza sand, oil and recycled building material and sand from Sinai, published in 2021. All the samples from Gaza had to enrich uranium, while the sand from the Sinai did not. Thus, sinai not being a part of Gaza, functions as a control. The measures were the results were established using gamma spectrometry known for having greater accuracy than other methods.

The authors believe Israel may have used a weapon contained 238 that produces U 235 neutron bombs because they produce neutron. If they are using weapons of this variety, it’s bad news for everyone in Gaza. The health effects are devastating. If they are exposing people to uranium, aerosol particles and neutrons, it can cause immediate effects like vaporized human limbs, severe burns, unusual flash burns. These weapons also have genetic effects and there have been reports of excess birth defects in Gaza already.

The authors note neutron weapons in uranium particulate aerosols are ideal choices for armies dealing with targets that hide in urban environments. As they pass through walls, they kill people but do not destroy buildings, which is exactly what Israel is dealing with in Gaza right now. Other genetic effects means they’re also effective in aiding genocide. Scott your thoughts? Well, what this is going to do psychologically to the nations of the world, and I think America, even the average dullard American, is going in this direction.

And that is what the Israelis are doing in Gaza has overshadowed and eclipsed the October 7 attacks, allegedly that I think Israel was a party to. And that’s one area I disagree with ritter. He goes on and says that the Gaza attack was this brilliant, orchestrated, practiced operation by Hamas. I’m inclined to suspect that. My intuition tells me otherwise. And others like Hugopian have been very lucid in his academic presentation of this was all a planned operation.

So it certainly looks that way. But what this has done, Jim, is no one remembers October 7. And here’s the other thing. No one is going to remember or buy or have sympathy for the Holocaust. Now, putting the aside, the false issue of the Holocaust and all that nonsense, the nonsense of the Holocaust, remember, the majority of the world and the people have been brainwashed about the Holocaust.

Oh, the poor Jews with their numbers tattooed in all the ovens and all blah, blah, blah, Schindler’s list, no one is going to care about that or remember that because the tuning fork, right, you hit one fork here and it vibrates this one over here. What Israel is doing in Gaza is obliterating everyone’s memory and sympathy for the Holocaust. Because anyone who raises that, any jewish person or politician that raises that or tries to sell or take advantage of that like they always do, is instantly going to trigger the awareness of, wait a minute, why do we have people blocking the freeway with Palestinian flags? Oh, it’s because of what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians.

It’s inconveniencing Americans at this point. And I think you’re going to see the Israeli Mossad do more false flag attacks and blowing up buildings and stuff. But everyone is going to look at anyone who claims the Holocaust and say, you have nothing to speak about, because what you’re doing to Gaz and the Palestinians is exactly what you’re claiming the Nazis and the Germans did to you. It balances out, it nullifies each other.

So that’s the big next observation that I’m predicting is our people are going to grow intolerant and really angry at Jews in general because they’re causing all of this stuff. And I know there’s all sorts of undercurrents, masonic and luciferian and stuff like that, but for the average American, the average Canadian, the average Britain, the average Frenchman, the average German, even though they’re brainwashed, everyone, I think, is going to move in a direction of being just anti jewish, pissed off and not buying anymore these Holocaust excuses.

And I think it’s going to trigger anger when the jewish lobby and jewish people and all that try and use it. Jim? Oh, I think you’re completely right. Jewish victimhood is a figment of the distant past. No longer they are savages and monsters. They’re every bit as brutal and sadistic as a stereotype they’ve advanced of the nazi prison guards. Brian, your thoughts? Character is important. The reason that you fight fair is that when the battle is over, you’ve got to live with your neighbors.

Jews don’t fight fair. Or at least whoever’s pulling the strings here aren’t fighting fair. The whole lie of October 7, the whole world’s beginning to see through that. It’s all over Twitter. Everybody’s being able to figure it out. Wait a second. How did these guys break through the best security defenses? Even General Flyn came out the other day and did a video about how it was crazy. You know what it is? Everybody watched Las Vegas happen.

Well, how did Steven Paddock get all those guns up in that hotel, in the casino? That’s the most watched place in the whole entire world. So it’s unfair that they would pull a psychological operation in order to advance a financial agenda, which was gentrification of why? Gentrification of Gaza and the oil fields, the gas fields in the. That’s the point. Why. And you killed all these people and made martyrs out of them for what? It’s security.

So they don’t do another October 7. The whole world’s scratching their head right now saying, wait a second. Israel and all who are partnered up with them, including America. I’m not thinking they’re on the moral high ground anymore. Israeli real estate developers are already promoting luxury condos with a view of the Mediterranean in Gaza. They’re already doing that. Don, take us out. What a show. First hour here, last show of 2023.

Boy, and what a year it has been. And it has not been a good year. And we are reviewing it for what it’s worth. We want to come back for the other half because this is powerful and we need to really get the facts here and straighten out the record for history. So come on back. God bless. See you soon. Bye. .


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