Truth vs. NEW$ Inc Part 1 (19 August 2024) with Don Grahn Scott Bennett and Brian Davidson | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots




➡ Jim Fetzer in this radio show discusses various topics, including the tension between Ukraine and Russia, potential nuclear threats, and the involvement of the U.S. and NATO. The show features several guests, including a professor who has written controversial books and an investigator from Houston. They discuss the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons, Ukraine’s actions, and the potential involvement of the U.S. and NATO. The show also touches on the personal experiences of one guest with the FBI, suggesting he may be under surveillance due to his connections with Russia.
➡ Landy Brewer was accused of financing terrorist groups through Union Bank of Switzerland, using thousands of bank accounts and millions of dollars. He was arrested for a minor paperwork error, which he believes was a setup. He advises others to be cautious when dealing with law enforcement, suggesting they should always have legal representation present and record interactions for evidence. He also discusses political issues, including his belief that the current administration is illegitimate and that we are living in a time of increasing tyranny.
➡ The text discusses the political tensions between Russia, Ukraine, and Western forces, suggesting that false flag operations could be used to escalate the situation. It also mentions a potential threat to Russia’s largest nuclear power plant and the global consequences of a nuclear event. The text further discusses the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline, with accusations against Ukraine and Poland. Lastly, it talks about Russia offering refuge to foreigners escaping Western ideals and the potential shift of 159 countries from SWIFT to BRICS, which could negatively impact the US economy.
➡ The text discusses the idea of conservative Americans moving to Russia due to dissatisfaction with their government’s actions. It also mentions the possibility of an alternative American government being established in Russia. The text further discusses the potential for conflict between the US and Iran, with Israel expecting support from the US and its allies. Lastly, it mentions the potential for economic instability due to the rise of BRICS and the weakening of the US dollar.
➡ Iran has been threatened with a nuclear strike but is prepared to respond in kind. The country is waiting for the right time to act, focusing on justice rather than revenge. Despite tensions, many young Iranians hope for a positive relationship with the U.S. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to support Israel, causing confusion and conflict within American politics.
➡ Trump, found guilty on 34 counts, could face up to four years in prison per count. However, due to his age, lack of criminal record, and the nonviolent nature of his crimes, he might receive a lighter sentence like a fine or probation. If sentenced to less than a year, he could serve time in New York City’s Rikers Island, but if sentenced to more than a year, he would likely serve in a state facility. Despite the sentence, Trump could still run for president, and if he wins, he might not have to serve his sentence while in office.
➡ The text discusses a theory that Trump staged a false assassination attempt to expose potential threats within his security detail. The author believes that this was a strategic move to identify those who were genuinely surprised by the event, indicating they were unaware it was a setup. Despite multiple attempts on Trump’s life, the author suggests that this public display was a clever way to regain control and root out any internal threats. The text ends with a call to return for a second segment of the discussion.



And welcome, folks. This is August 19, 2024. This is truth versus news. Truth versus news is a show that should never happen, because truth and news should be married. They should be very happy and working together. But right now, you’re seeing that the truth is standing with the media, and it’s just all over lying and chaos. Boy, everything is flying around here as we held this democratic convention time in Chicago. It’s really chaos. But we have the best people here to sort it out. We have Jim Fetcher, who’s an outstanding professor, who’s written little books like nobody died at Sandy Hook, which is a foremost book, being challenged in court.

And that’s the truth be told. And how about american nuke on 911? And another little one, another controversy. JFK, who got. Why I. This is still in question about who killed JFK after all these years. It’s just something else. But he’s right on spot. There’s a book written about him now, too. And we have Scott Bennett, the one and only man who wrote the book about Phil game. It’s really an outstanding addition here on what’s really happening and all the corrupt organizations we have in our country. And they are corrupt, getting corrupted. And then we also have Brian Davidson out of Houston, who’s an extraordinary investigator that is really on top of everything.

He’s got some insights that you’re going to like. And, Jim, I guess we have to talk about war and Russia and different things to start off with. And that’s not where we should be in the middle of August, summertime. You got it, Don. The president of Belarus, which is, of course, allied with Russia, is worried that Ukraine is, is pushing Russia to use nuclear weapons, which they’d regard as a public relations bonanza. Ukraine’s incursion into internationally recognized russian territory looks like an effort to compel Moscow to use nukes, which would irrevocably damage its image globally, belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said in an interview with Russia.

One Lukashenko warned Kiev’s operation in the Kursk region, the largest cross border assault by Kiev since the outbreak, posed enormous risk to global security. The danger is this kind of escalation on part of Ukraine is an attempt to push Russia into asymmetric action, for example, the use of nukes. That such a move would be a pr bonanza for both Kiev and its western packers. We probably have hardly any allies left, those sympathetic countries left at all. Lukashenko also responded. Statement by ukrainian officials that incursion was aimed to improve Kyiv diplomatic position for possible talks. The plan is a classic, but doesn’t work in a struggle against a great empire that’s not even begun to fight in earnest.

Going to current nuclear doctrine, Russia can deploy its arsenal only in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass description against it or its allies, and in case of aggression against Russia with conventional weapons when the existence of the state is at risk, Putin said on several occasions, no need to use nukes. Moscow has warned it may change its policy, but they’d be in response to what it perceives as escalatory moves by NATO. Meanwhile, Moscow says Ukraine destroyed a russian bridge with a western provided missile. Very bad. Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakarova said missiles used to destroy a bridge in the Glushkovy district over the course oblast were likely launched from US provided Himars rocket systems.

For the first time, the cursed creation was hit by western made rocket launchers, probably Himars. As a result of the attack, it was completely destroyed. Volunteers assisting the evacuation of civilian population were killed. Another bridge incurs reported to have been hit. Both bridges were targeted with him hoarse the ground incursion came a few months after the Biden admin gave Ukraine the green light to use US provided missiles and strikes inside Russia. US says it won’t support long range strikes, but hasn’t defined the limits thereof. Times reported us is blocking Ukraine from using british provided storm shadow missiles inside Russia with a range of about 155 miles.

US and NATO insist they were unaware of Ukraine plan to invade Kursk. A russian official are pinning the blame on Kyiv’s western backers, whom I believe would have given them the intel to do it. Meanwhile, in contradicting the earlier statement, Biden is considering sending long range cruise missile to Ukraine. This would be a colossal blunder. If the joint air to surface standoff missile has a range of over 230 miles, would become the longest range weapon the US sends to Ukraine. No final decision has been made. Ukraine has received a small number of f 16s which can carry nukes.

It’s unclear when the 16 will be put to use, since only a few ukrainian pilots have been trained. Meanwhile, Russia is ready to execute nuclear attacks on NATO targets. According to leak documents sign documents from western security sources, Putin has allegedly sought to enable the russian navy to execute nuclear strikes within NATO territory were all conflict with the alliance to emerge, but of course targets would not be solely military. There could be hundreds, even thousands of targets across Europe. Russia is also still capable of transporting nukes on surface ships. A strategic army reduction treaty signed by US and Russia in 1991 was supposed to have eliminated the possibility of having these nukes on service ships, but it’s often been questioned whether Moscow were adhering.

I could guarantee the US is not possible. Targets include the west coast of France, military installation in Norway, Germany and Estonia. British port town of Barrow and Furnace, known for its production of nuclear submarines. Jeffrey Lewis, a professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Sociomont reside easy tactical nukes of potentially war winning weapons. They’re going to want to use them, and they’re going to want to use them pretty quickly. Scott Ritter comments about the latest in Israel and many questions to ask you about the latest in Ukraine and Russia. But before I do, you had an encounter with the FBI in your home last week.

Can you. And I’ll let you know. I got nothing to hide here. But they’re, they’re concerned. It came down to their concern about my relationship with the russian government and that somehow I’m taking direction from the russian government. They’re telling me what to do, what to say. There’s some sort of, and it, you know, but the other thing is based upon the folders that they had this thick, where they had all of my emails, all of my texts, all of my communications. I said, you guys know everything. I mean, everything that’s. Did they have a search warrant to surveil you that preceded this raid on your house? They didn’t tell me that.

They just showed me the texts that they had printed out. You know, clearly they admitted that. They’ve been monitoring me for years. I said, how long has this been going on? They said, well, we’ve been, we’ve been looking at you for years. I said, okay. I sort of suspected that, that I don’t care. I have nothing to hide. And, you know, they, but so what clearly is the problem is that there’s a pattern of behavior on my part. Going to Russia apparently is not allowed. Meeting with the russian ambassador is not allowed. It is. Of course, there’s nothing illegal about it, but under their book, it’s not allowed.

In writing articles critical of the United States policy on Russia is not allowed. And when you put all three of those together in their minds or in the minds of the Department of Justice or somebody who complained to the Department of Justice, they’re saying, well, you’re an agent of Russia. And I said, well, what is a specific example? Show me one thing that you say. This is how we know they couldn’t do it. So it’s in my opinion, and people agree with me, that they’re looking for covert communications that they seize my electronics because they believe embedded in my electronics are some sort of COVID communications capability that was outside what they did, or they took advantage of being in my home and planted bugs throughout the house.

We don’t know. We don’t care because we. I’ve done nothing wrong. I mean, it’s a pain in it. I gotta watch. They’ve actually stolen things from his home. He reported. And Scott, if Ritter is an agent of Russia, what are you. They’re gonna come after you, my friend. I can see the writing on the wall. Thoughts? I’m Glinda, while Scott Ritter is the wicked witch of the east, if you will. I’m the supermodel they like to dance with. He’s got the big green face in the mall. No, I’m kidding. It’s a tragic. It’s a tragic thing on a variety of levels.

And this is where don comes in well and Brian comes in well, too. And we’re all seasoned with the law. I’m particularly seasoned with the abuses of the law because the government under the Obama administration and Eric Holder and Lanny Brewer threw me in jail for three years, saying that I filled out a housing form improperly. But it was precisely to stop me from submitting the shell game whistleblowing report detailing the Hillary Clinton Clinton Foundation. Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Landy Brewer. Terrorist financing through Union bank of Switzerland, in which 19,000 bank accounts and hundreds of millions of dollars were used to finance al Qaeda, ISIS, and other CIA mercenary groups in Libya, Syria, Africa, Ukraine, and elsewhere.

Throwing me in jail was the goal. How they did it was saying I filled out a housing form improperly by circling the wrong bubble kind of thing. Now, I thought this was a CIA setup and a training operation. I never in a million years believed it to be real. I trusted it to be a misunderstanding. But little did I know until they threw on the shackles. It was a desperate attempt by cowardly minions that resemble the little androgynous yellow eunuchs from despicable me to kind of shut me up. And then my eyes went from black and white to full color.

Then the cascade falls away. The scales fall away. God gives you wisdom. He hardens you from iron to steel, and you become a transformed human being. Like Ben Kenobi said, you’re struck down and you become more powerful as a result of this. I went through that. Joseph went through that when he was thrown in the dungeon. And I think Scott Ritter is about to go through that, too. I think Scott has, in his commentary, in my opinion, he’s very naive on this whole thing. He made some very terrible choices that will haunt him and prosecute him, possibly because, number one, you never have a five hour interrogation conversation with any agent, any police officer of any description wearing a badge.

They’re not your friend, they’re not your buddy. They’re not there. They’re not your fan. They’re not there to take a autograph book. They’re there to hurt you. They are there to hurt you and hurt your family and punish you and take you away from your wife and your daughters and do everything they can, because I’m just following orders. So, riddle, by tolerating them and granting them a conversation, basically put his hands on the cross and said, yeah, guys, go ahead and nail me. Yeah, I’ve got nothing to hide. The worst thing you can do, and I know you have to learn it the hard way, but this is where I’m saying this to educate people, because we’re coming into a time of encroaching tyranny.

What Scott Ritter should have said is, gentlemen, I don’t answer questions without my attorney present. Where is your warrant? Is that a wet ink warrant? What are you asking for? I’m calling the sheriff. I’m having my local county sheriff here to witness this and to document everything. I want everyone’s business cards. I want your names, I want your emails, I want your numbers, I want your field office. I want your supervisor’s name. And be advised, Joe Biden is not the president of the United States. So any appointment that he has made is illegitimate. It is unconstitutional.

And any orders that you receive from anybody in homeland security or the Treasury Department or the FBI or any of these federal agencies is null and void. I don’t grant you jurisdiction. You don’t get to come in my house. Are you threatening me with coercion? Are you threatening me with shooting? Well, be advised. And you have your phone recording this the whole time. And if they say you can’t record us, you say, fuck you, I’m not recording you. I’m recording me. I’m recording me for legal purposes and for evidence. And you make sure you call that sheriff and say, get your ass down here, Barney Fife.

I want you recording this because I’m being invaded. I have people here showing up, and I don’t know who they are. And then you say, everybody that walks out of my house, I want you to inspect what they’re taking, because if it’s not on the warrant, they put it back. They’re not allowed to come in and take boxes of papers. They’re not allowed to come in and take books. They’re not allowed to come in and take little keychains that maybe you got from Russia for your little daughters. They’re not allowed to come in and surveil you.

Mainly because when they take things out of your home that are not on the warrant, they can slip in some child pornography photograph that they took from Epstein island and say, look what we found, mister Ritter. Now, if you want a plea deal, if you want this to all go away, then just say, I’ll take a plea deal. But part of that deal is you’re never going to appear on RT again. You’re never going to go to Russia again, and you’re going to join the Biden administration and say only good, happy things. That’s what their agenda is.

And anyone under the delusion or the ignorance that we’re all Americans and the government has our best interests. You know, keep eating the cat shit and pretend it’s chocolate pudding, but don’t put vanilla frosting on a. On a ball of horseshit and tell me it’s a cupcake. I’ve been down this road before. I’ve tasted their evil and death and lies. And the thing is, you become a stronger human being, and they can’t come at you. Ritter’s yet to go through this. I think they will prosecute him. The 5 hours of conversation like they did General Flynn and prosecuted Flynn.

And if it wasn’t for me, Flynn would be a dead man. I’m the one who got him out of jail by giving the material to Sidney Powell, who then filed an amicus brief saying that the court. And the court needs to be aware that Covington and Burling and the Department of Justice have conspired through an incestuous relationship to undermine General Flynn. And the moment she put that amicus brief up there with Scott Bennett’s amicus brief, they dropped all charges. So this is not about justice. This is about a political agenda. Scott Ritter is, of course, an honorable man.

He’s a marine corps officer. He’s very skilled and seasoned. But on this level, he still is suffering the Barney Fife America. I’m an American. And my country, right or wrong, and I’m still a patriot. That is very dangerous because it colors your eyes. It blinds you to the reality that we’re not in the republic. We’re in the Gestapo empire of castrated eunuchs wearing rainbow flags, eating crickets, and doing climate change. They have no interest in your constitutional rights. They have no interest in anything other than getting a paycheck and filling out their pension. This is what FBI do.

They’re androgynous minions from despicable me. And the sooner people realize that, the sooner they’re better. They’re going to be better offended, defended and offended, too. I gave a lot of interviews on russian tv about this. We’ll see what comes. But the other thing about the attack upon Russia, I did a lot of interviews on this this week on RT. This was an attempt to provoke Russia into a nuclear counter reaction because they knew that according to russian doctrine that if someone invaded russian territory, they reserved the right to use nuclear tactical weapons. I said this, and funny enough, Lukashenko a couple days later said the same thing I said on RT.

So this was part of their planning is to try and provoke Russia to do attack, clear nuclear response. That didn’t work. They’re now trying to attack and do a nuclear threat to extort Europe by attacking Zaporozha, the nuclear plant. I said that a year ago. And now they are, they’re being captured and destroyed. And the soldiers that have been captured are quivering in their boots because they’re going to be tried as terrorists because they were given orders to shoot civilians in the legs. Men shoot civilian men, legs in the legs. And then those civilians with guns kill them.

That’s an act of terrorism. These aren’t russian soldiers behind you. These are civilians living in Russia. Kursk is Russia. So for Ukraine to have done this, I think, is going to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. And in the next three months, you’re going to see an absolute crushing defeat of Ukraine. And then Russia is going to stand back and say that’s all. And they’re going to tag team with winter and let the russian winter come in and destroy what’s left of Ukraine. And then in the springtime, we’ll have an entirely different landscape. Jim.

Well, I agree with you about what you said about Ritter. I think Ritter needs to take the position that these guys are our enemy, not our friends. And you can’t win them over to our way of thinking and make friends within the FBI among the people who’ve been sent in to execute a search warrant, that’s Hollywood to believe that there’s still good guys left in the FBI. Make no mistake about it. These people work for the government. They’re incapable of make of their own independent thought. They’re incapable of running their own independent business. They’ve sold out.

They work for the government. And that’s how I feel about these people. People, okay, you cannot win them over with mister nice guy attitude. They’re sent in there to set a trap. They’re sent in there to hurt you. They’re sent in there to. And I wouldn’t put it beyond any of them to have planted something inside and then use it as some sort of leverage to say, hey, shut your mouth. Stop talking about what’s happening in Russia and Ukraine. Call it a day and step on out of here, or we’re going to go ahead and hit you with this fake charge and we’re going to do the law fair and destroy you.

So Scott’s completely right. Scott Bennett is completely right on this. He should have been quiet, properly exercised his rights, and had a lawyer in there as well as the local sheriff, making sure that they were overseeing. And as for the situation with the Kursk incursion, look, there’s no way Ukraine could have pulled it off without western help. So we know that they’re in there doing it with western help. And that nuclear power plant is the biggest in Russia. If there was another Chernobyl type of event or the japanese nuclear type event, it would. All the fallout would go over into Europe.

There’s a lot of american officers, including Stanislav Kropvinek, who’s an american nuclear arsenal expert, by the way, who I met and know personally when I was in Russia. Yeah, well, he. He wrote a good article about what, what this meant in terms of choosing to hit Kursk with the largest nuclear power plant in Russia right there. And the fallout. I thought it was a great article. Remember that Russia has 5500 nukes in their arsenal. America has about 5000. Not that it matters. Global deaths, global desolation would probably come as a result of just the release of two or three at the right places at the right time.

You’d have basically a 90% crash of the entire economy globally. Russia is capable of transporting the nuclear power systems. But remember that this is all a propaganda war. And so whenever there’s chatter about, well, Russia’s going to let loose the nuke, that sets the stage for a perfect false flag. All Ukraine, all the western forces, the western forces aren’t into protecting Ukraine’s citizens. They’re cannon fodder. So go in, set up a false flag in Ukraine, blame Russia, and now you’ve got your global war, and you can take down superpower number two, Russia, and leave us hegemony back in place.

So I see a setup. I smell a setup. Russia’s been incredibly patient and they’ve done a great job of preventing this sort of escalation. But just remember how blinken talks, just remember how the american forces and the western forces talk in terms of the importance of winning the war in Ukraine. We’re going to win. We’re going to beat Russia. We have to take them down. We have to do it. Don’t put it beyond these people to use false flags to do so. We’ve seen false flags exhibited all sorts of arenas that we never would have expected before, and they’re happening all over the place, so it wouldn’t surprise me.

If it happens again. Let’s just hope that Russia keeps their eyes open and does the best they can to defend it and expose it. I have yet to see Russia expose a false flag. I would like to see them. I’ve yet to see it. I have yet to see anybody except for our group in terms of our international partners and the people that have that speak at the false flags and conspiracies conferences get serious about exposing false flags. So there’s a very small group of us and I would think that that would make us targets because I expect that a very large false flag will be coming and the last thing they want is us chattering away about everything that takes place.

Nice, very nice. Meanwhile, a polish PM calls for the Nord stream scandal to be buried. Whoever funded and carried out the sabotage should shut up. Donald Tusk has said Polypm Tusk deserves those responsible for blowing up Nord Stream to keep quiet. According to german state media, prosecutors in Berlin issued an arrest warrant for ukrainian national notice Vladimir Z. Latimer Z in connection with the destruction of the pipeline. Working with a team of saboteurs, Vladimir Z. Is believed to have rented a yacht in Poland, sailed to a site in the Baltic off the danish island of Bonhomme and planted explosive on North Stream one and Nord Stream two.

German investigators filed a cooperation request with her polish counterparts in the hope of locating the suspect in a post tuscan appearance, keen to quash any attempt to investigate. To all the initiators and patrons of Nord Stream one and two, the only thing you should do today about it is apologize and keep quiet. Poland, despite EU interstate regulation, failed to respond to Berlin’s request for cooperation. In an interview with Der Welt on Tuesday, the former president of Germany for an intel agency, August Hanning, claimed Poland was likely involved in facilitating the attack. The way it seems is it was a ukrainian team operating there.

This was of course only possible with support from the land, to wit, Poland. When we look at the map, the polish agency were engaged here. I think not only that, this was an arrangement between people at the top level in Ukraine and Poland. The polish deputy prime minister rejected the accusation, claiming Poland did not take part in anything. Back in January, the Wall Street Journal claimed Poland’s national security agency had refused to turn over testimonies of eyewitnesses who encountered the yacht’s crew without closed circuit tv. Footage from Boleyport of Holmes Gregg, where the vessel was moored and failed to answer questions obfuscated or gave contradictory information when pressed by german investigators.

Very telling. Meanwhile, Putin has signed a decree providing assistance to an offering safe haven for foreigners trying to escape western illiberal ideals. Really remarkable. Under the document, foreign nationals trying to escape western liberal ideas will have the right to apply for temporary residents in Russia beyond the quota approved by the russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the russian language, russian history and basic laws. Very striking. Even Alex Jones has picked up on it. This new decree blows a lid off the establishment agenda, letting freedom nothing vote. Bypass the usual bureaucratic nonsense like language test or history exams.

If you’re ready to reject the insane policies of your home countries. Pushing these destructive, anti human, neoliberal ideas, Russia is rolling out the red carpet. The russian government is about to compile as the country’s poisoning minds with these twisted ideals. And the foreign ministry is gearing up issue visas to two patriots as early as September. Time to stand up for spiritual and moral values. Meanwhile, 159 countries are set to use BRICS as an alternative to swift. Among the alliance continuing effort to create an alternative to Swift, the economic alliance has sought to create its own BRICS payment system, which will play a major role in the alliance trade dealings, specifically allowing unilateral settlement done without the need for us dollars.

The movement point to be vital for the bloc and participate in Asia. There will be a lot of them. According to run russian BBC official, there are already 159 countries seeking to adopt the system, with a potential launch coming in October. It could have massive global market ramifications which are going to be very, very damaging to the United States. Anticipate the value of the dollar is going to drop and the quality of life in America is going to descend with it. Scott, your thoughts? Well, BRICS is the inevitability, the inevitable result of the United States weaponizing the dollar.

The United States weaponizing the dollar because of this delusion that the world cannot dance with anyone other than the United States being the super model of the world and the policeman of the world and the high priest of the world. And the chief dietician of the world and the chief sexual identity referee or surgeon of the world. We have assumed a mantle of not just global leadership, but absolute global domination, like we’re the wizard of Oz, and we really have become that inflated green head in the sky with flames around us, when in reality we’re a hunchbacked, sexually schizophrenic, stuttering, mumbling over vaccinated, under traveled, undereducated old man behind a curtain that has even forgotten which buttons to press and levers to pull in the act of diplomacy and international relations, Joe Biden being the quintessential symbol of this.

So we branded ourselves to the rest of the world as what? What have we done for the world in the last 2030, 40, 50 years? I can say 2030 years, 20 years, we’d be generous. That’s in any way positive, healthy, generating, nourishing, affection, generating nothing. Nothing. And anyone who says differently is a lying, lying, delusional fool. We’ve destroyed countries. We’ve destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya. We’ve destroyed and taken resources. We’ve done color revolutions, tried to overthrow Venezuela with Juan Guaido. And now we’ve got Homer Simpson’s dad, the old man, trying to replace Maduro. That’s not worked.

We tried to do a coup d’etat in Georgia. We did a coup d’etat in Bangladesh. We did a coup d’etat. Pakistan throwing Imran Khan in jail. All of this is weaponizing the United States in a way that no one wants to come near us. We’re like the. We’re like a Frankenstein monster mixture of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde that’s become a rapist and an arson at the same time. So the world is turning away. That is why President Putin is very wisely. I wonder who he listens to very wisely, making the decision to invite traditional, conservative family values, christian republican people with families and children and wives that don’t want transgender castration on their children, don’t want an atheistic communist worldview being taught in schools.

He’s inviting them to come over to Russia. And I’ll tell you, I’ve met a lot of Russian Americans that are living in Russia when I was over there who love the country and would never come back because they feel safe. Their children feel safe. Their children are happy. They don’t have to worry about some black thug walking down the sidewalk, slapping your girl in the face or some homeless, delusional tent city, you know, coming in and squatting in your backyard, or you know, the borders being overrun by mongrels. You don’t have to worry about that in Russia.

The streets are clean, too. There’s no syringes. There’s no paper. There’s no garbage. So you are going to see a mass exodus, I think, like the south african white farmers go to Russia. I think you’re going to see that in Britain and France, Germany and America, these conservative family people moving to Russia. And I hope Russia is very discerning on who they allow in. But I think that’s a brilliant move because single handedly, you pull out of the west the best and brightest, and you leave the shit behind, present company excluded. I know a lot of us have family and real estate and things here that keep us in the United States, but you really are inviting the best and brightest to go to Russia.

So it’s a brilliant move. And you’re going to see, I think, this attempt to set up and continue this provocation of this war with Russia is really a camouflage to trigger a police state in the United States. They’re trying to create a narrative and environment to set off a false flag, set off a new nuclear dirty bomb, set off an EMP, or all of the above. Blame it on Russia, blame it on Iran, blame it on Zelensky and the ukrainian lunatic Ukraine are all pissed off because we haven’t given them enough weapons. They’re going to do this in the United States to usher in a lockdown.

Covid-19 and maybe spread some monkeypox propaganda on top of there to try and think that the american people are going to take it. And I don’t think they will. I think they’re going to create a civil war, revolution, violence that they’ve never expected, and they cannot win, because at the end of the day, the people who win wars, the people who win fights, are those who love their family and their country and will fight to the death to preserve their family and their country, not because of their country, but because of the rights that they have in their country.

And I don’t think the Democrats are capable of understanding that which will be the instrument of their eventual demise. Jim? Brian. Well, as America gets more complex every day, and the influences that push and drive our government institutions and agencies into this corrupt mindsets continue to devolve into insanity, more and more patriots will wake up as good people begin to recognize the fact that their children have been indoctrinated into LGBTQ. You know, whatever lefty thing is going to come up, they’re going to realize they’re losing their children. They’re losing their country. Got to remember, America was founded by patriots who fled Europe.

They fled the over regulation. They fled the. The over policing of the economy. They fled the kings and the monarchs that used too much power and usurped the power and used it incorrectly. We were made of people that ran away from that type of tyranny toward something that they can set up on their own and set up better. I don’t see Russia necessarily being the answer to the problems, but it is interesting that Putin would issue this sort of dog whistle to patriots to say, hey, if you’re a conservative american and you’re sick of your government overreaching, you’re welcome to come on over here.

While that sounds nice, and I appreciate the invitation, I have to remember that Russia has problems, too. They’re 50% Muslim and 50% Christian. They’re obviously not the Hollywood style villain that they’ve been made out of. Just watch what’s happened in Ukraine. Russia has been incredibly. By every analyst that you could possibly find. They’ve been incredibly patient and incredibly generous in terms of how they’ve conducted this particular series of battles in this particular war. That’s obviously, Ukraine is being run by a puppet western government that that same puppet puppeteer did the Minsk agreements, which obviously have. Have just been nothing but lies, lies, and more lies.

So it’s the western hegemony that’s the problem. And the only way to break loose from that is BrICS. I don’t really see anything. I’m glad to see that story in here. 159 countries interested in joining a secondary financial system that is not the same one run by the same banksters that have run the american system. I don’t know that the BRICS system isn’t open to the same sort of corruption as the western run banking structure and systems. But, hey, it’s always a good time for a new beginning when something turns really, really bad, and it’s obvious that it has turned really bad.

The problem is, if BRICS continues to gain momentum, we’re going to see more and more inflation, and our dollar is going to continue to be weakened worldwide in terms of its ability to purchase from China and other BRICS countries and Russia as well. So oil and gas, obviously tremendous part of our economy. And if the dollar gets weaker and weaker and OPEC continues to get weaker and weaker, we’ll see more and more inflation. Energy costs will continue to skyrocket. I think they’re already up 22% this year. You know, it’s not a good time. It’s a time for us to be more planning a revolution here in America, a conservative revolution that needs to be brought out with a proper mindset, than it is time for us to be running off to Russia, in my opinion.

Let me. Can I say one thing, Jim? Brian inspired me. He always inspires me. But he said something that inspired me. And I’m going to throw this pitch at. Watch this. Here it comes. This is Robert Redford hitting the baseball, shattering the lights and the glass in that movie, the natural. Ready for this? Here’s what’s coming. Putin creates an alternative american government in exile with american patriots going to Russia to create the new american republic. Congress, the House of Representatives, the new Senate. You take Americans over to Russia and create the american government in exile, just like they tried to do in Iraq.

Remember when they took that dude from Iraq and they put him in London, just like they’ve done in all sorts of other episodes. Wouldn’t it be funny if Russia took the best and brightest Americans and created an american government in exile in Russia there would terrify the deep state and all of the government apparatus. Now watch. Within 24 hours of don putting this up, the FBI go ballistic and descend on my house. But an american government in exile in Russia, boy, that would, that would hit, what is it called? A home run. He must post it on what happens next.

Meanwhile, Israel stuns by saying, US UK ransom assistant offensive strikes on Iran. I’m quite sure this was said to obligate them not because they had agreed to do it. I’m certain they had not, Foreign Minister Israel Katz said Friday. You expect Norway, the US with its allies Britain and brands to assist in offensive operation against Iran if it attacks. Neither of the countries have openly proclaimed the ready to launch direct attacks on Iran. However, he was invoking the example of the US. It’s yet unclear whether even Washington has signed on to it, though the Pentagon has moved assets, including a carrier strike, to the regional waters when on April 13, Iran fired hundreds of ballistic missiles and drones, us fighter jabs intercept the inbound projectiles.

Israel cannot not respond strongly to attacks upon it, he said. His assumption is US will partner Israel in any retaliation. And yet, israeli media later said of the presumptuous remarks, they were softened in the original official readout produced by the israeli foreign minister, omitting the sentence about needing to retaliate. Us and western eyes have so far engaged in offensive strike only on the Houthis in Yemen. His words that we are intent on testing the water, seeing how far Israel’s western partners are willing to go breaking. A senior White House national security official warned Iran at cataclysmic consequences if the islamic republic attacks.

Here it is, a senior US official said. US wouldn’t crazy Iranians. I know there are many not to move down the road of responding by attacking Israel because a consequence could be quite cataclysmic, particularly for Iran. The US has vowed to defend Israel were it to face a major attack from Iran and its allies. It had deployed more military assets. According to a report from the Times, Iran is expected to delay its reprisal to allow Gaza seized fire negotiations to make progress. They will make none, the US said. Also, an iranian attack could impede Gaza ceasefire negotiations.

Sunday, Hamas rejected the latest proposal from the US because it included new demands from israeli prime minister Netanyahu, who I guarantee does not want to have a ceasefire. Meanwhile, a former iranian diplomat, Amir al Muzof, told al Maiden that Iran had been threatened with a nuclear strike and is fully prepared to respond in kind. The response would match any such attack. He means that literally. In an interview with Meladeen, former iranian diplomat Amir al Musawa revealed Iran had been threatened with a nuclear strike. He emphasized that country has affirmed any nuclear attack would be met with a proportional response, where the only response proportional to a nuclear attack is a nuclear attack.

According to al Mosawa, those conveying the threat were met with a far stronger response. Hearing people that disregard unfounded claims of alleged iranian cowardice, he concluded, affirming Iran is fully prepared to counter the zionist entity alongside its allies in full force. And here’s a further report about it. Iran threatened with nuclear strike and provides a shocking response, will nuke you back. I believe it. Scott, your thoughts? When is the last time Iran has ever done anything destructive, corrosive, injurious to any american, any american building, any american infrastructure, anything, anything american. Aside from the allegations that the Houthis have fired missiles and ships and stuff, when has Iran ever done anything to the United States? And I can’t recall ever.

I can’t recall 1979 when they took the embassy, regaining control of their government after the CIA coup of 1953. But we’re told all about seizing the embassy. We’re not told about the coup, where they were gaining control of their government. Yeah, and I’ve been to that embassy. When I was in Iran, I toured it. I saw the skiffs, I saw the documents, I saw everything inside that embassy. It had been preserved like a museum. And it was a CIA listening post that gave the CIA complete ownership of the whole hemisphere. Russia Iran and other things. But Iran now, put it this way, Iran has its youth, its young people.

Everybody under the age of 60, really 65, 70, but everybody under the age of 60, 50 has nothing but hope and a desire to unite and embrace and have a relationship with the United States. There’s no hostility. There’s no desire to convert America to Islam. There’s no hatred of Christians. There’s no hatred of Jews. There are 40,000 Jews living in Iran, have their own seats of parliament. This is the animosity, if you will, that you could try and say Iran shows. And I wouldn’t say it’s animosity. I’d say it’s a propensity towards justice, is a desire to achieve justice for the palestinian people that have been victimized and killed since 1948 under the Nakba, have been ejected from their lands, and have been suffering a persecution and an inhumanity since 1948 and especially in the last twelve months.

So Iran has stepped in to try and stop this genocide. It’s never done anything against the United States. But more importantly now Russia has stepped in and China has stepped in. And Russia, China and Iran form a symbiotic relationship, an unofficial defense pact and soon to be official economic pact. And you might say, because Iran and Saudi Arabia have had a rapprochement that China has arranged, you really have no interest in having a relationship with the United States because there’s no point. It’s like touching a leper looking at Medusa. You’re only going to suffer, unfortunately. So these threats that the United States is making against Iran are futile because they would easily overwhelm every naval ship, every military aircraft in that region would be sunk to the bottom of the sea or obliterated because of Russia’s technology.

And Russia won’t let them fall. And finally, right now, Iran is biding its time. Let’s not forget, the Israelis fired a missile at Hezbollah. It bounced off, it fell back into an area of Syria and killed a bunch of dru children who were playing soccer. Hezbollah didn’t do it. They weren’t. It didn’t kill Jews. It killed a different ethnicity of people living up there. And Israel then proceeded to assassinate the Gaza negotiator who was trying to make a deal to return hostages and settle the conflict. Israel didn’t want to return the conflict or settle the conflict to return hostages.

Israel, under Netanyahu, wants to commit genocide in this Amalek obsessed Old Testament delusion that has been poisoned by their talmudic perversion and evil. But it’s going to fail, it’s going to result in the implosion. But what Iran is doing is just biding its time and taking its time and causing the israeli military to be on edge and high alert for days and weeks and perhaps months on end. And then you will see at an appointed time Iran taking probably action. But they won’t do it in a, they won’t do it in a vengeful way. They’ll do it in a way that equates justice.

And that’s what Iran’s about. It’s about an equilibrium and justice. They do not have a religious hatred of the west. They just want to preserve their own islamic republic. And anyone that says, well, the mullahs and Iran is extreme, I’ve been there. It’s not extreme. It’s conservative. But I’ll tell you one thing. I’d rather live in a conservative Iran where you don’t have to worry about women getting raped and violence on the streets than I would some piece of shit hellhole in Minneapolis or Chicago or Seattle like we are seeing now. Jim, I think you got it right.

Scott. BRIAN yeah, it’s so funny because the headlines like America warns Iran not to mess with Israel. I mean, that’s, that’s like the headline. Who’s pulling the strings here in America? Obviously, Israel is pulling the strings with all of our politicians. The Republicans don’t, it’s funny, the Republicans don’t seem to have this sort of schism about, hey, we shouldn’t be reporting the, we shouldn’t be supporting Israel. It’s the Democrats that are coming along talking about the Palestinians and Gaza and, you know, the different war crimes that are taking place in that. That’s, to me, that’s mind boggling.

The Democrats don’t care about people in any sense of the word here in the United States. They don’t care about anything, but they care about the Palestinians. Now, it’s confusing me somehow to no end to figure this out. But I think it’s just very funny that America comes along and basically says, hey, Iran, if you keep threatening Israel and you keep threatening because they’re beating up all your, turning off their water and they’re raping all your friends and they’re threatening the entire, the entire Middle East, America is going to go ahead and step on in if you do anything stupid.

Hey, so this is Israel wagging the fingers, saying, we’re going to unleash our dogs over in America on you if you don’t, if you don’t fall in line and let us continue to commit our war crimes. It’s just mind boggling to me how this entire Middle Eastern thing is playing out. But the clock is ticking on this thing. I can even see the Democrats beginning to cave to the Palestinians. As a matter of fact, just at the DNC today, they broke through the lines that the free palestinian protesters got through the defensive lines and the stages, and they’re going to go crazy at this point in time.

But they don’t know why they’re fighting. They don’t understand what they’re fighting for. So I see chaos. I see insanity. I see it continue to develop and I see America continue to get weaker and weaker and weaker and lessen. Donald Trump is, is elected into office, and then we’re going to have an even stronger position toward Israel. Then we’re going to let them run free, do anything they want, anywhere they want to, anybody they want, any, how they want. Because, hey, money, baby, money. It’s, it’s insanity. It is. It is. Yeah. If the, if the UN would actually, criminal court would get in, something might actually happen.

But I haven’t seen a single action in place there yet, so. Well, you know, I’ve said on press tv, they need to eject every embassy, every consulate, every israeli passport from every country around the world. And if you don’t do that, then you’re on the side of the israeli evil. You have two choices. Either stand against Israel and stand against evil by ejecting everything they create or touch or send rejected entirely, or don’t reject it. Which means you accept evil. You’re one with it, you’re participating with it. Jim. Well, the Democrats are going all out to stop Trump, and I don’t discount his being incarcerated.

Check this out. After a jury found Donald Trump guilty on 34 felony counts in his New York hush money trial, the judge is set to announce his sentence on July 11. The judge was a tyrant. So could Trump merely receive a fine or probation? Or could he join his former CFO behind bars at Rikers island? Here’s a look at the potential sentencing outcomes and how they could be impacted by the appeals process and the 2024 election. First, each of the 34 counts that Trump was found guilty of carries up to four years in prison. But there are several reasons why Trump could get a more lenient sentence.

At age 77, he’s a first time offender with no criminal record. The felonies he was convicted of are low level nonviolent crimes. And since he’s a former president running for office again, the judge may not want to set a precedent by locking him up. That’s why it’s entirely possible that the judge could impose a fine or give Trump probation, which would require Trump to report to New York City’s probation department. Still, legal experts say say a prison sentence isnt off the table, and Justice Juan Mershon had already threatened to put Trump behind bars when he violated his gag order ten times.

If the sentence is shorter than one year, Trump could end up in New York Citys Rikers island. Former corrections officials say its possible he could go to the west facility, where there is plenty of room for him and his secret service detail. Originally constructed for inmates with communicable diseases, the facility is now known for holding high profile inmates like disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and former Trump Organization CFO Alan Weisselberg. In the event he receives a sentence longer than a year, Trump would most likely serve time in a New York state facility. Regardless of the punishment, Trump would still be eligible to run for and become president.

Even if the judge sentences Trump to prison, Trump could ask for Bailey appeal to stay out of custody while he challenges the conviction. So we’re gonna be appealing this scam. The appeals process could take more than a year to resolve, and if Trump wins in November, it’s highly unlikely he’d have to go to prison while serving as president, though he wouldn’t be able to pardon himself since the president’s pardon power doesn’t apply to state convictions. Very well done. Meanwhile, I think in fact he’s actually going to be sentenced to prison. That a corrupt judge has got an October surprise for him.

Looks like the Democrats aren’t too confident about Miss heels up Harris, given their plotting yet another witch hunt against Trump, despite the fact there was an assassination attempt on his life. So much for bringing stability back to politics. The Dem may in fact well be playing a rather nasty October surprise. Weaponizing the court system against him, according to the Daily Mail. Such as surprise would actually not be surprising given the entire trial against Trump. It was nothing short of a total sham. A sham it may well have devastating consequences for the forthcoming election. In a conversation with Fox News hotbell, hammer legal scholar John Hughes sounded off what Hammer described as a story nobody’s talking about, that Trump could face more judicial harassment.

You noted Judd Merchant, who is rather obviously the Democrat party via his daughter’s consulting, might issue a cent to Trump just before the election. Troublingly, he could send her up straight to jail. That may well become a reality, judging from you suggestion, starting with the fact merchant is racing to send Trump as quickly as possible. He could have exercised his discretion to change the sentencing date, but instead he moved it closer to the beginning of absentee voting in my home state of Pennsylvania. But of course the Dems need Pennsylvania, which it was a bit startling. They chose walls rather than Shapiro to BVP, as Shapiro hails from Pennsylvania and is also jewish, which is especially evident given Wall’s relationship with a pro Hitler Emonae, whom he insanely refers to as a master teacher.

Could you imagine what would happen if merchants sent Trump to jail time, even though it’s a first time nonviolent offender? What if he went even crazier said he doesn’t get to stay out of jail while his case on appeal. He has the power to order him to jail immediately. Given this had been a circus of a trial so far, more than one conservative would likely expect him to actually do it. Trump was convicted of 34 felony based on the testimony of an apparent perjurer, and the felonies were clearly nonsensical. The odds of sending him straight to jail reflects the reality that judges, being an ultra corrupt piece in the legal drama, any sensible judge, of course, would recuse themselves.

They do operate through shameless corruption. Merchant has been asked again and again to step aside. He refuses to do that. How do you see it play out? What does the judge do? Merchant has ruled against every opportunity he’s had, you remarked. Of course he has. He sure does like hamming it up with the cameras while he does it. Meanwhile. Oh, this is just about Roger. Meanwhile. This has to do with why I think there was a real plot to kill Trump. The heads of the secret service, FBI and Homeland security have all declined to testify in the House on the shooting of President Trump.

What other reason could they have than that? They have a great deal to cover up. Scott, your thoughts? Yeah, I thought they worked for the american public. I thought they worked to defend the president. I thought they worked to go after criminals. And everything about this Trump alleged shooting stinks to high heaven on every level, every direction. And they should have, and Brian knows this probably better than anyone. They should have had the little yellow plastic tags next to every bullet casing that was on the roof and the little arrows coming in and out of every bullet hole to show the trajectory and the angle.

They didn’t have that. I didn’t see any photographs of that. The whole thing was a setup. It was a scam, was a psychological operation, I think. And, yeah, there may have been an actual plan to shoot him, and they got ahead of it. There’s a lot of theories, but to return to the first case, Jim, I mean, ultimately they are going to imprison him. I bet you $100 on it. They’re going to imprison him. And the judge is going to say something like this. Mister Trump, you did more damage to this country by defaming and insulting the presidency.

You did this, you did illegal activities, you signed these forged documents, you knew you were trying to milk the system, you’re trying to steal, you’re trying to do this, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I have no choice but to send a message to every president in the future history of the United States that no one’s above the law. So I’m giving you a year in prison, or three years or five years. You don’t like it, take it to the appeals court, but it’ll take at least a month or two or three. Oh, and then the election will be over.

So you’re going to be locked up until that point. That’s what they’re going to do. And the question is, are you going to have a revolution, civil war, violence at that point, are you going to have the secret Service and special military teams step in and go, hell no. The state of New York and its corrupt black prosecutor and these other retard halfwits that have destroyed the state of New York with immigrants are not going to destroy Donald Trump as the presidential choice of the vast majority of american citizens. The other thing is, legally putting him into isolation is cruel and unusual punishment because he is a non offended, not non, you know, offensive person.

He hasn’t done anything worthy of solitary confinement, and the Secret Service have to go on with him. Be advised, every meal Trump has, has to be separately inspected by the inspector general, by the Secret Service. So he’s not going to be able to drink anything, eat anything, go anywhere, unless it is absolutely purified and filtered by the Secret Service. And the other thing is, the judge can do anything he wants because they’ve granted jurisdiction to him to hear this case. When you grant jurisdiction, you grant the judge to make whatever decision, and if you disagree, you have to go through the appeals process, and that can take a long time.

So this b’s that this silly little girl up there is trying to say, well, he wouldn’t get a, a jail sentence. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. The guidelines mean nothing. A judge can do whatever he wants. I’ve seen it. I’ve been there. I’ve seen the CEO of six letter, you know, high level companies thrown in jail for doing nothing because people like Chris Christie wanted to pursue a political agenda. This is a political agenda. The question is, is it going to be the final act in the rise of Bolshevik tyranny and the crushing of the independent american patriots spirit? Or is it going to be the rise of individual american patriots up against tyrannical judges? Jim? Well, here’s what’s going on.

I agree. He is going to be incarcerated, going to be sent to Rikers for a year. Now, the point is to take him out of the campaign. How can he run his campaign from Rikers? He cannot. And clearly JD Vance is too inexperienced to do it. I believe therefore, that’s why he brought back Corey Lee Wandowski. Corey could do it. He’s done it in the past. He ran the campaign that got Trump elected in 2020. I believe that’s what’s going on here. Brian. Well, I think there’s some real spy versus spy stuff happening behind the scenes.

There’s no doubt, no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the Trump assassination attempt was another false flag. Whenever you have conclusions that are reached within hours of the shooting, such as the shooter acted alone prior to they had even broken into his phone or even found the second phone, or, you know, all the b’s that they put out around this thing, it’s just, it’s ridiculous. In this situation, Trump ended up on the proper side of a false flag that was designed to probably, in my mind, it was probably designed to root out the nefarious forces within his detail and be able to identify the ones that were thinking it was a real assassination versus the ones that knew that it was a fake assassination.

I think Trump got wind of a real assassination attempt and it was going to be a very serious one, or many different designs of assassination attempt that may have included another attempt on his airplane. And there was an older attempt on his airplane, too. The first. During the first term, there was. There’s been multiple attempts. Last I heard, it was somewhere like, we’re up to 18 or 20 different documented attempts on his life. So I think he did this one in a very public fashion. He had some people set it up so that it would be incredibly visible and CNN and all the other networks would be there in that particular situation.

They executed the false flag using parts of the false flag detail, the same false flag detail that’s been out there multiple times, running multiple different shows. And then I think what happened was that it caught some of the real with the assassins by surprise, which is why you’re finding these people at the top of these services, such as Homeland Security and others that aren’t talking at all. Of course, the one thing nobody will mention and nobody will talk about is how much of a false flag it really was. You won’t hear any of the big names on any of the networks talk about it, as long as they’ve got you believing either he was assassinated, it was a real attempt, or, you know, something went wrong, or there was a second shooter.

Again, it’s all this disinformation that comes from every different angle, but the bottom line on this one is Trump got control of the detail that runs the false flags. And I think that control of that detail was designed as sort of a trap in a way, to root out the forces within his secret service that would have really been going for a full assassination. I think that’s the only thing that explains all of the. All of the different variables that are floating down on this thing. Quite brilliant, Brian. Congratulations. We’ll return to this in our second segment.

Don, take us out. What a session is, what, August 19, 2024. Democratic convention starts, and all kinds of chaos is going on around the world. Threats and violence and things. Boy, you gotta show this one. And I will say, you gotta come back, too. And I thank you so much for your comments and good, good wishes and sharing this show. It’s really good and, well, so we thank you so much and come on back for part two. You’re not gonna want to miss what’s. Come on up. God bless. That should stop.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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