Trump WINS NH! World Elites Begin Planning BIG Moves..Doomsday Clock Moves Closer: David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ David Nino Rodriguez talks about his old dog, Axel, and asks for prayers. He mentions a term called “mother weapers” and talks about people going to Antarctica for some reason. He also suggests that everyone should store food for three to six months. He talks about a person who didn’t step down despite facing charges and indictments. He mentions a few social media platforms and promotes his merchandise. He also announces some guests for his upcoming shows. He ends by talking about a victory and compares it to a hockey game where the underdogs won.

➡ The text talks about a lot of things happening in the world. Some people are worried and don’t know what to do. There’s talk about changes in power, possible problems at the border, and even a possible economic crash. The text also mentions a cat named Stryker who is now the king of the house, and some funny things about animals.

➡ The Doomsday Clock, a symbol of how close we are to the end of the world, is the closest it’s ever been to midnight. This clock was made by scientists who helped build the atomic bomb but didn’t want it used on people. It has moved 25 times since it was first made, and now it also looks at threats like climate change and artificial intelligence. In politics, there are rumors that President Biden wants a new running mate, and his team is making changes to prepare for the next election.
➡ Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis, has decided that taxpayers won’t pay for Trump’s legal bills, even though he supports him. A fake phone call pretending to be President Biden is telling Democrats not to vote in a primary election in New Hampshire. There’s a problem with U.S. army weapons being smuggled into Mexico, which is causing more violence there. Also, Texas might want to become independent from the U.S. because of disagreements about the border with Mexico. Lastly, some people are upset because more places in the U.S. are not accepting cash, which is hard for people who don’t have bank accounts.
➡ The text talks about how some stores in Seattle are not accepting cash anymore, which can be hard for people who don’t have bank accounts. It also mentions that it’s a good idea to have some cash, gold, and silver saved up for emergencies. The text also talks about Kanye West and some strange things he’s been doing, like driving a car with a “666” license plate and posting risky pictures of his wife. Lastly, it mentions a new blood test that can help find out if someone might get Alzheimer’s disease in the future.
➡ A mom named Sarah Healy, who was 39 years old, sadly passed away while she was talking at her father-in-law’s funeral. She had a heart problem suddenly, even though she never had heart issues before. This was a big shock and very sad for her family, including her partner James and their three kids. People are confused about why this happened and are trying to understand it.


All right, folks. Can everyone hear me? Can everybody hear me? Sorry about that. My dog shit on the floor. I had to clean it up. He’s starting to getting old. Axel smacks getting pretty old. And it’s a. Looks like it’s coming to that time sooner than I thought. So I’d like to get some prayers back to Axel Smacksel, please. Prayers for my dog, folks. Lots of big things developing.

I’m going to use this term for the globalist elites and it’s going to be called mother weapers. Okay? That’s what Cliff High says. I’m stealing it from Cliff High. Cliff, I’m going to take your mother weapers to stay safe up here. Lots of people are going to Antarctica to plan out events. Antarctica is a big roads. All roads lead to Antarctica. That’s all I’m going to say. All roads.

You got to wonder, why do they always keep going down there? Big. A lot of reasons. That’s where the real stuff’s happening, folks. Really. We’ll have a show on that. On Nino’s corner tv with Juanito very soon, folks. When the lights go out on Amazon, get yourself a book. It’s about overcoming bullying and addiction. When the lights go out, the mexican mix. The mexican mix on Amazon as well, folks.

Also, you’re going to need this. You’re going to need it. My patriot supply mps is down there below. Get buckets of food right now. Try to get at least three to six months of food. If you can’t afford it, get a month. Get some friends to chip in. I don’t know how you’re going to do this, but you’re going to need buckets of food. I got that I stored in the garage.

I had rice and beans and some mice got into my rice. Mice and rice. So the truth is, folks, time is running out. And this year, we all know. We all know. And yes, I want to savor the victory me of Mr. T. Listen, I am so happy about this. You have no idea. But we got to be realistic, folks. And I’m going to get into this. Got to be really realistic that big moves are coming.

They honestly thought. They honestly thought that all the charges, all the indictments, they were just going to take him down and he was going to bow out. They had lawyers meeting with his lawyers asking him, are you sure? Are you sure you don’t want to step away and save your family? He’s still going. They really believed he would bow out or move out of the way. They really did.

And he’s not so now. Plan B-C-D-E-F. You know what I’m saying? So it’s all coming. It’s all going to be coming this year. Get ready. And now with New Hampshire being a rap, I’m going to tell you right now, a lot of people were telling me on twitter, oh, man. Stop with the fear porn, Dave. Stop with the fear porn. I say fear not. Fear not. We win this, we’re already winning.

The fact that we’re still in this fight, that we’re here right now, and everybody knows what’s going on. The awakening. We are winning. We are winning. You can’t do in the dark when it’s brought to light. Does that just make sense? Because I have no idea. So what I’m trying to say is now what they used to do in the dark is now in the light. And we all see it.

By the way, did Taylor Swift endorse Biden? Did you not see that coming? Did she? I heard she did. Someone told me in a phone call, she did. I don’t know if that’s true. I would imagine. Because when you sell your soul, they expect things from you. Let me break. She did. What a joke. Oh, boy. Travis. Kelsey. Oh, boy. I gotta tell you. I gotta tell you, these people are gonna be the two most hated people very soon.

Probably by the end of this year right now. Probably. It’s already happening. Spotify. Nino’s corner. Telegram. Nino’s corner, baby. What’s happening with telespam? Everyone’s just. It’s like a mass migration. Is everyone going to X now? I’m telling you, you needed to keep your telegram because Elon Musk just had a meeting with Ben Shapiro and Auschwitz. Something’s going on. So I don’t know what’s going to happen with X, but take it with a grain of salt.

Let’s see what happens. But I don’t know if it’s going to be as free speech as it used to be. That’s what hearing. So getter. Nino’s corner. Rumble. Nino’s corner. You like how I do that for rumble? Nino’s corner. Like, I’m constipated. Nino’s corner. True social. David Rodriguez Boxer. Instagram. David Nino Rodriguez boxer. I do little updates on there. A little synapses of what I’m going to be talking about.

Patriowear. com. Bing. Right there. Get yourself some gear. I got hats, I got shirts, I got any. I don’t got any shoes, but I got socks. I got tumblers, I got tumblers. I got coffee mugs. Really cool coffee mugs. So, Twitter Nino boxer. Nino boxer is Twitter ninoscorner tv. Okay, folks, this is. I’m lining them up. I’m lining them up. Laura Aboli is coming on. Scott Bennet is coming back on.

You gotta love his rants, Juan oh savings coming back on. SD Anon’s coming on. I got John D’Souza coming on. Foreman Mike giving updates on the border. Very well connected. He was with rebuild the wall. I got Victor Avila doing updates with the border. I got Mike King coming back. He’s going to be discussing Hitler. I don’t know what he’s going to say, but actually I do know what he’s going to say.

Very controversial stuff. But it is allowed on my platform. So have an open mind is all I got to say, and be ready to have your mind blown. Mind blown. And wait a minute, maybe that’s what all this stuff about Antarctica is. Maybe Scott McKay will be talking about. Tactical civics. January. That’s tomorrow. That’s tomorrow. So tomorrow, Scott McKay is the general in the general’s ten at 05:00 p.

m. Damn time is flying. I can’t even keep track anymore. I can’t even keep track of this anymore, man. It’s like the days are long and the weeks are short. I can’t keep track. Can you all. I mean, it’s already going to be February. It’s already going to be February. I should just leave my Christmas tree up. Should I just leave my Christmas tree up? Just leave it up.

There’s no reason to take it down. All time is. Is an illusion anyway. All right, folks, you might want to turn it down or turn it up. Can you guys tell? Honestly, like, when I didn’t get a good night’s sleep, my eyes get puffy. Like I’ve been punched in the face. Like I got punched in the face for a living. Oh, wait, I did get punched in the face for a living.

I’m surprised I have any brain cells left. All right, I’m surprised you guys listen to me. All right, folks, you might want to turn it down or turn it up, baby. Here we go. Yeah, this ought to wake me up. Ah, coming at you from the apocalypse, folks. Oh, yeah, baby, let’s. Yeah. Ooh, he might just burst a blood vessel, Betty. Yeah, I might. You’re right. Maybe I’d get a lot of likes.

Maybe I’d go viral on YouTube. If I popped a blood vessel and just collapsed on there. That’s all people seem to care about now anyway, so here we go, baby. So let’s really take a moment to savor the victory. Savor this beautiful victory. It was beautiful, right? They got democrats and independents to vote, hoping that that would do something, but it didn’t. So the realization has now set in for these globalist elites that no matter what they try to do, the man only grows in popularity.

I really believe we all knew this. See, every one of you, my audience, we all knew that no matter what they throw at this guy, he’s just going to keep bouncing back because he has the people behind him. They can’t understand this concept. They’re so used to the old magic and the old trickery that they’ve been using on us for thousands of years, okay? That they don’t understand how to change up the game.

And it is a lot like that movie. Ron partain talks about this, the hockey movie miracle. When America, I think in 1980, 319, 84, when we beat Russia, a bunch of amateur hockey players came in and beat the best team in the world that was undefeated for, I don’t know, over a decade. I don’t know how long it is. But during that time in the know, Ron says this quite well.

The russian head coach was down by a goal, and instead of moving their goalie out to play, put all men on the out. He didn’t put his goalie out there because he didn’t know what to do. And the american team spotted this, and the head coach said he doesn’t know what to do. He’s not moving his goalie. He doesn’t know what to do. They’ve never been in this situation before.

They’ve never been in this predicament before. They don’t know what to do. That’s exactly what’s happening right now. They’ve been in control and in power for so long, they don’t know what to do. They’re going back to the drawing board. I heard some are going to Antarctica, whatever. They don’t know what to do. They’re panic. Believe me when I tell you they’re panicked. But that means panic moves, and that means you have to be ready for these panic moves and not buy into the bullshit.

You’re going to make it harder on everybody else if you buy into the bullshit like another boogeyman. They’re going to deploy all assets. And I’ll admit, if you look at my last video, I was actually kind of worried about New Hampshire. I was like, damn, I don’t know, man. They’re going to pull out all stops. Well, the turnout was so big, so great, nothing they could do about it.

And that’s what we have to do again. So as NH begins to disappear, you know who that is. As she begins to disappear and Trump grows with force and unstoppable momentum, the panic moves will begin. And this is guaranteed, folks. This year is going to be pretty damn epic. As Andrew Tate once said, first they try to censor you, then they try to arrest you, and then they try to.

When you understand that these people stand to lose everything, absolutely everything. Not just their failed agenda, but everything. I’m talking their fates are sealed. This is about life and death. This is not like, ooh, we lost. We’re going to ride off into the sunset and better luck next time, guys. We’ll live to play another day. It ain’t going down like that. It ain’t going down like that. It’s not going down like that.

This is for all the marbles. What’s at stake? The future of humanity. The future of humanity is at stake. By the way, I guess Stryker, my cat, I guess he’s the new, he’s the king of the household now. He’s a lot faster than Axel. Axel’s all arthritic and he can barely move. But Stryker fucks with him and taunts him and does shit. It’s a funny thing to, the animal kingdom is a funny thing to watch.

And how they now, I think cat piss is much worse than dog, you know, it’s funny to see how they mark territories and they do certain things and Axel’s kind of accepted them. Now, like when I sit on the couch and I’m watching tv, it’s Axel, the little dog, the cat. It’s just kind of, I don’t know. I don’t. It, I love it. So what are some things that are going to happen today? Let’s look at this.

Not today, but this year I think the onslaught of immigrants will intensify. They’re going to be coming over here like gangbusters, like you’ve never seen before. A big push. I’m hoping there’s no blood on the border. I’m hoping that things like that don’t get out of hand. It’s going to be Texas versus the US. I don’t know. This is getting insane. Is Texas going to succeed? I don’t know.

I don’t know what’s going to happen, but it’s going to get bad. And the reason I did the video with Ron Parkin on the border is going to be called the calm before the storm at ground zero. And we’re just going to show you what it looks like around here, the desert landscape. We went out shooting with our guns. We got that on film and showed you some of the wall, showed you some of the desert land.

Just the calm. It’s almost like a mad Max type of feel. And we’re just showing you what’s coming. And we showed the razor wire, everything. So I’m waiting for Ron to hurry up, Ron, hurry up, Ron. In fact, Ron, if you don’t do it, just send it to me. I’ll get someone to do it. But the border is going to intensify. World War three is going to intensify.

A crash in the economy maybe. Could that be something that happens? And folks, I got to formulate all these as a question. Could all this happen? I don’t know. Unplug the system when it gets really scary. We all watched what is it? The leave the world behind. You know what they’re doing there? Democrat musical chairs. I’m going to get into that. It looks like Biden might be looking for a new vp.

I think they’re going to somehow remove Biden. I don’t know. One of them is going to go, we know Harris or Biden. They’re going to be playing musical chairs some way, somehow. All of these are real options. These are real options. But who will they get to replace Kamala or Biden? That’s the million dollar question right there. Who’s it going to be? Who’s it going to be? One thing’s for sure, things are about to get really interesting, folks.

So let’s talk about the mother effers. Okay, so we know who they are, right? I told you. The mother effers are cliff High’s term for the world economic. You know what? Major news item that across the Atlantic, major news item from across the annex, stole the spotlight at this year’s annual summit in Davos, Switzerland, where the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people gathered to address global challenges. Former president Mr.

T. Record setting victory in Iowa on January 15 became the talk of the town. Oh, did it ever. And now with New Hampshire, I bet it’s the real talk of the town. So much so they’re all sitting at their tables right now going, what do we do to stop him? We must stop him. The mother Weffers in alpine ski village. According to some observers, the question they have is his potential return to the White House dominated the conversations at dinner tables and parties throughout the summit.

So you know damn well they’re not about at all about what America wants. Okay, that’s out of the question. They’re looking at a way to be like, how do we get rid of him? He must go. Thousands of global elites, including ceos, bankers, and policymakers, gathered in Davos for the 54th annual WEF meeting from January 15 to the 19th. Among the attendees, European Central bank president Christine Lagardi was openly critical on Mr.

T. So they’re all sitting there going like, this is going to thwart our plans. We’re all concerned it. We are all concerned about it because the United States is their largest economy, the largest defense country in the world, and has been a beacon of democracy with all the upside and downside, she said, has been asked about the upcoming U. S. Election during the interview with Bloomberg. We have to be extremely attentive.

They have to be extremely attentive, she says. I’m telling you right now. Get ready. Buckle up. Strap on your seatbelts, Sancho. Sancho could run for presidente. That’s a very big possibility. But I must have a hair on my first ladies. I want to impregnate many women. All right. Yeah. It’s my alter ego. It’s my alter ego. Sancho for president. Where I take no shit. Don’t you think that’d be a good slogan? Where I take no shit.

Sancho for presidenti where I take no shit. Oh, boy. His armpits are sweaty and his glasses are. Hey, hey. What is up? What’s going on? People out there. What is going on? Doug Crosby. What’s up, Sancho? So it’s funny when I see thumbs up in these things. Some of them are black, some of them are yellow. Some of them. I like it. I like that I got a diverse crowd here.

I’m glad that you all enjoy me making fun of everybody. Including myself. Including myself. You guys can say what you want. I got a lot of trolls. I get it. The other day, I put up an ex tweet where I’m knocking somebody out. They’re like, that guy looks like he’s 55 years old, 70 years old. This guy was, like, former number one contender under Don King, Owen Beck.

Look him up. When I thought of, he was, yeah, maybe a little older. He was 34. That’s not old. I’m 46 right now. Anyway, he was 34 and knocked him cold. He was out for, like, 20 minutes. But point being, someone under there put me getting knocked out. That was a good little swift kick in the nuts, but it happens. I went 36, and, baby, you can’t deny me.

You can’t deny it. 36 and hardest puncher in the division. But yes, things come to an end and I got knocked out myself. And it’s what happens. It’s what happens. You stay in the business long enough, I’m lucky I can still formulate a sentence, to be quite honest with you. It was a good run. It was a good run. So. Doomsday clock press conference so 90 seconds to midnight remains on global alarm as Bill Nye the science guy.

Does anyone listen to this? Bill Nye the science guy. Oh, gosh, he reminds me a lot of Neil degrees Tyson. Both of them. I put him in the same category. Bill Nye the science guy and Neil degrees Tyson. The Doomsday Clock press conference has determined just how close we are to the end of the world. The doomsday clock reads 90 seconds to midnight as it has been for the past year, which is still the closest it has ever been to striking midnight, symbolizing the end of the world.

The end of the world. The clock, first set up in 1947, operates as a wake up call for the world about global threats such as nuclear war, dangerous technologies and mass health concerns. Dogs going crazy. Doomsday clock controlled by a group of scientists, the clock hands are set by the bulletin of the atomic scientists, so right now, it’s the closest it’s ever been. The bulletin is a group formed by Manhattan project scientists at the University of Chicago who helped build the atomic bomb, but protested using it against people.

The clock’s hands had moved 25 times. The Doomsday clock first moved in response to the Soviet Union’s development of the atomic bomb. Oh, I bet that was a big move. Since then, it has moved 25 times and scientists have expanded the threats they evaluate to determine the time. Now, the bulletin evaluates not only nuclear threats, but climate threats. Climate. You know, there’s climate threats, cow farts, the rise of artificial intelligence and much, much more.

So the doomsday clock settings throughout the years. In 1953, the doomsday clock was set to just two minutes before midnight after the US and Soviet Union began testing nuclear weapons. Ever increasing nuclear threats in 2018 again sought two minutes, 1 minute and 40 seconds in 2020, and just 100 seconds in 2021 and 2022. But they’re expecting this year for it to move much closer this year. So they’re expecting it to go, is it going to hit midnight? Is it going to hit midnight? I don’t think it ever hits midnight.

I don’t think so. That’s just my guess. My guess is that it never hits midnight. I’m going to say that as bad as they wanted to? I just don’t see it happening, and I’m sure you don’t either. So Trump cruises in New Hampshire primary election. Haley vows to fight on. She’s going to fight on. She is just going to fight on because he’s such a bad guy. Sit your ass down.

Okay. Go make him a sandwich. Ah, you like it. You know you like it. Put some mustard on that. New Hampshire, January 23 Mr. T cruised a victory in New Hampshire Republican presidential contest on Tuesday. Edison research projected marching closer to a November rematch with democratic President Joe Biden. Even as his only remaining rival, former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, vowed to soldier on. To soldier on. I’ll tell you what she’s doing.

I’m going to tell you right here what she’s doing. Despite her loss, what she’s doing is hoping conviction happens. She’s hoping a conviction. And you know, it had to be really hard for old Ronnie boy to step away, didn’t it? Even Vivek Rameshwarmi. It was hard for Vivek, too, believe me. But he’s hoping he’ll get picked for VP or something. I don’t know what they’re promising, Vivic, but I’m telling you, they are parading.

Know, I want to like the guy. I do. I like that he gets up there and he gets a bis. Boom, rah, rah. He gets all excited. I want to like vivic, but I mean, it is what it is, man. All right. I’m not saying anything you all don’t know. I know I’ve had some Juan has come on and some other people come on, talking about my, I’m 1ft in, 1ft out with all this.

My guests can say whatever they want, but Laura Lubber, I took this from her ex, Joe Biden reportedly wants Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer to be his 2024 running mate. Instead of Kamala Harris cackling, Kamala Biden is reportedly pressing Kamala to remove herself. So this is rumors, okay? I’m saying that this is a rumor. This is allegedly, in fact, the whole show is allegedly. So I got to make that for fluctube to understand.

Biden is reportedly pressuring Kamala to remove herself as he has told his advisors that she is not up for the job of being VP. Now, who said this, huh? Let’s really think about this. Who said this first on my channel? Juanito did. Juanito did. And no, folks, he has not ever paid me a dime to be on my show, to be quite honest. I should probably pay him, to be honest, he hits it out.

That guy has done so much for this movement. Just saying. That’s all I’m going to say. Tension has always existed between Biden and Kamala. Do you believe that? I don’t know if I believe that, but if you recall the Democrat debates in 2020, Kamala even suggested that Joe Biden was a racist and had racial issues during one of the debates. Biden knows BP Harris is not up to the job, preferring Gretchen Whitmer as a running mate.

President Joe Biden knows full well Vice President Kamala Harris is not up to the job of commander in chief, and he preferred Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer as his running mate in 2020 before caving to public pressure. According to a new book out Tuesday, Biden chose Harris days before the year’s virtual democratic national. Remember why this happened, the virtual Democratic National Convention? Because everyone was so scared. And you’re going to be scared again very soon.

Soon all of you are going to be so scared. You’re not going to go to the grocery store. You’re going to be wearing face diapers, peeing on yourself. You’re just going to be so scared. It’s coming again. It’s coming again. Fear not. Biden chose Harris days before that year’s virtual Democratic National Convention after promising to select a woman. Because it’s all about that, not about ability or qualifications.

You got to be a black woman. And after pro Harris lobbying from former president Mr. O, veteran Washington journalist Charlie spearing writes in his book amateur hour, Kamala Harris in the White House amateur hour. So there’s a shakeup happening with the Biden administration. Right now. A top Biden aide is taking the reins of his reelection campaign. So right now they’re at the drawing board. They’re going, oh, shit, what are we going to do? So President Biden has approved a shakeup of the leadership of his campaign and will dispatch a top White House aide to take over functional control of his reelection effort, just as former President Donald Trump appears to be seizing control of the republican primary contest to oppose him.

So the aide, Jennifer O’Malley, Dylan, who is the campaign manager for Mr. Biden’s 2020 campaign. So she, like they needed her. What do you do? You campaign from the basement. What did she do? We’re going to go to a high school gymnasium, Mr. Biden, and there’s going to be twelve people there, and I want you to shake hands with all of them. And don’t shit yourself. It is unclear precisely what little miss.

Oh, sorry, what title Miss O’Malley will take at the campaign or when the announcement will be made, though it could come later this week. Julia Chavez Rodriguez Julia Chavez Rodriguez, the campaign’s manager since shortly after it began in April, is expected to remain on the campaign staff in a senior role. So they’re shaking things up. They got to reconvene, go back to the drawing board, figure things out.

What do you all think is going to happen? Do you think maybe, I don’t know, Mr. O might put in Big Mike, get out there on the line, big Mike. I don’t know. Did I coin the phrase big Mike? I kind of swear I did. I know I did. I know. I was the first one to say like four years ago, I said it on my show so much and then people started repeating it.

And now it’s just, do you guys remember me first saying it like four years ago? I started saying it on instagram. Can I get a thumbs up if you guys remember? I think I did. I swear. Because that just popped in my head and I said it. I don’t know. I’m asking you guys. I don’t know. Maybe I didn’t. I don’t know. Florida eyes 5 million fund to help cover Mr.

T’s legal bills. Now what do you guys think about this? A Florida bill backed by the state’s chief financial officer would create a 5 million fund to help pay for former president Mr. T’s mounting legal fees. State Senator Liana Garcia, Republican, has filed a proposal to create the Freedom Fighters Fund, which would provide financial support for Florida residents running for president who face legal action. Mr. T, who is seeking a second term, lives in a Mar a Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

So she’s putting forth a proposal saying, hey, let’s help pay for this guy’s legal fees. So the proposal, which still must clear, sorry about that. Which still must clear multiple committees, underscores the broader reality of Republicans to Trump as the leader of the party. It comes a day after Florida governor Ron DeSantis ended his struggling White House campaign and endorsed the former. That must have hurt like hell for him to endorse Mr.

T. You know, he was just like, oh, God. Okay, fine, don’t do it. Five oh. Everybody wants power. That’s just the way it is. Ron finally gets tough. Ron descendants rules. So listen to that. As they’re trying to put that forward to cover the man’s legal bills, Ron DeSantis decides to get tough with old Don DeSantis rules out Florida taxpayers covering Trump’s legal bills. One day after dropping out of the race and endorsing the GOP diner.

So he endorses them, but he won’t let this bill get passed that wants to help him with his legal. No, no, we’re not going to do. No, that part we’re not going to do. I know I said I endorsed him. I get it. But Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said taxpayers would not be responsible for covering Mr. T’s legal expenses. Yeah. You know, Miami Republican has proposed, but it’s okay for immigrants, right? Just let them all come in.

Yeah. Shit. Show my little dog. Oh, little Maya. Well, the thing about Maya is she farts a lot and her face stinks because the folds, you know, bulldogs are constant work. Do you guys know this? They are constant work. And they have funny little personalities. They have the greatest little personalities. But, man, we’re busy all day long cleaning the folds, and then her face stinks and then she attacks vacuums.

If I get a hammer and start hammering something in the wall, she goes nuts. If she sees something running on television, she goes crazy. She wants to attack the tv. She’s a funny little personality, man. Funny little personality. Those little dogs. And she’s a miniature bulldog, so she’s like a midget. She’s a micro bulldog. She’s a micro bulldog, so she’s a tiny little bulldog. She only weighs about, I would say, I’d have to say 40 pounds maybe.

Tiny little thing. Tiny. She’s cute as hell. Cute as hell. I love animals. Animals make me feel, know I don’t like, I belong to like a pack. Biden robocall encourages voters to skip New Hampshire democratic primary so Manchester Nouvet, New Hampshire a fake robocall impersonating President Biden is encouraging Democrats not to vote in Tuesday’s democratic primary in New Hampshire, which just happened, raising concerns about misinformation and voter suppression.

In the recording, which was obtained by CBS News, a voice that sounds like Mr. Biden’s tells Democrats to save their vote for November in the general election and to stay at home. Voting this Tuesday only enables Republicans in their quest to elect Mr. T again. If anybody at this point is still in bed with this guy and still likes this guy, is still going to vote for this guy, you got to get your head checked.

I wonder about this quite often. Is it like the IQ? Is it no awareness what’s happening in our country? What is it? Because if you’re still on board with what’s happening right now in America, I have a lot of questions, okay? I have a lot of questions like, I can’t bully anybody on flufftube, so I got to be careful. You know, they put out these new community guidelines all the time to tell you what you can and can’t do.

It’s hard, man. Especially when you have no filter. Like me. It’s extremely hard. Thank you, doc. Ride. But kiss Rocky’s dog. Yeah. Yeah, bud. Kiss. Let’s get to some border news, because the border is ground zero. Mexico says US army weapons being smuggled across border. So there’s army. So you got to think about this for a second. US army weapons being smuggled over there, probably for the cartels, obviously.

But why? Why would they be being smuggled over there? Because, you know, they’re coming over here. It’s easier to get over there and then bring them over here. Right. Well, Mexico said Monday that us military weapons have been detected entering the latin american nation, which blames firearms trafficking for its northern neighbor for fueling drug cartel related violence. The mexican defense ministry has alerted Washington about inflows of arms that are supposed to be for the exclusive use of the US Army.

Foreign Minister Alicia Bersana said at the news conference. It’s very urgent that the investigation be carried out. She added, without giving more details, the arm smuggling. So there’s armed smuggling happening from America into Mexico. Now what do you all think this is for? The armed smuggling was one of the issues discussed by the two countries in Washington on Friday during a visit by Barcena and other senior mexican officials.

She said Mexico has long pointed the finger at the United States and it’s lacks gun laws. So now they’re ah, you got to control your gun laws over there, America, because we don’t like the weapons coming here. See what they’re doing, see how they’re trying to play this out. America, calm down on the gun laws over there. You got to start enforcing them because the guns are coming here and you’re affecting us.

It’s another way to take away your rights, folks. We know that 70% of the weapons that cause violence here in Mexico come from the United States. More than half a million weapons are trafficked into Mexico from the United States annually, according to authorities in the latin american nation. Greg Abbott. Let’s get into some Greg Abbot news. How Greg Abbott’s border fight bolsters calls for an independent Texas baby.

Oh, yeah. I don’t know. I don’t know what I think about Abbott. I think he’s a rhino. I just do. I think this could have been handled a lot easier and a lot better. Years ago, Mr. Abbott, the supreme court decision to allow federal officials to remove parts of the razor wire barrier Texas had erected along the border with Mexico. A case of DC overruling Governor Greg Abbot has sparked further calls for the Lone Star state to declare independence from the United States in a movement called texit.

So is Texas going to exit Texas? Texas Razor wire is an effective deterrent to the illegal crossings bordering Biden encourages. I will continue to defend Texas. That ain’t doing shit. I’m telling you that right now. I’m on the border and I’m telling you razor wire doesn’t do shit. They come over here with wire cutters and they just go snip, snip, snip, snip. Okay, come on, let’s go. Let’s go have some sorta.

The taxpayers are paying for it. It does nothing. I took Ron partain here, okay? I took Ron Partein here. We got footage of the border. It’s all optics. It’s all theater. It’s all theater. The razor wire does nothing anyway. So I’m not really bothered by this. But it sends a clear message to the immigrants that, hey, it’s a free for all. Come on, we’re not doing shit. In fact, the border patrol will help you cut the wire.

So come on in. It’s all good. The black Democrats are suing Chicago over migrants. So how dare you? This was the first reaction Kata truss, a 57 year old mother in the west side of Chicago, had when she found out who was behind the push to turn her neighborhood park into a shelter for migrants. Democrats she helped elect all these people. I’ve supported every one of them, she says about Mayor Brandon Johnson and his progressive allies.

I was like, are you freaking kidding me? So they’re getting pissed off that people are just flooding in, taking over their schools and their neighborhoods. I told you this was going to happen. That’s the plan. That’s the entire a. Right here on the west side of El Paso, there’s a school called Morehead junior High. They’re building walls. They’re setting up walls all around it so people can’t see is what I’m guessing.

But it looks like to me that they’re getting ready to, if there’s not already a bunch of, there’s all these kind of suspicious cards around there. But that’s a junior high in the middle of a middle class area that they’re just starting to flood in with immigrants now. I don’t know if they’re there still. Now I’m going to go check it out and see, but I know they’re getting ready for something because they’re building stuff all around it.

Trust and other black residents told me that Chicago, which calls itself a welcoming city, has been very welcoming, just not to them. So the blacks now are getting really pissed off at all the Mexicanos, El Salvadorians, Venezuelans, that are all coming over. Since August 2022, Chicago has greeted nearly 35,000 new arrivals with resources like laundry services, mental health screenings, and 15,000 in rental support per person. 15,000. All funds, the trust says, could have gone a long way in Amandescent park in Chicago’s Austin neighborhood, where nearly 28% of residents live below the poverty line.

Wow. No cash accepted signs. Okay, so now a lot of what’s happening right now is no cash accepted signs are bad news for millions of Americans. This is happening everywhere. How many people don’t have a bank account? And just how difficult has it become to live without one? These questions are becoming increasingly important for more businesses that refuse to take cash. In cities across the US, this is how they’re starting it.

People without bank accounts are shut out from stores and restaurants that refuse to accept cash. As it happens, a lot of people are still unbanked. Roughly 6 million in the US, the latest data shows, which is about the population of Wisconsin. And outside the US, more than a billion people don’t have bank accounts. I am a business school professor whose research society transitioned from cash to electric payments.

I recently visited Seattle and was amazed by the mixed signals I saw in many storefronts. Numerous shops had one sign proudly proclaiming how welcoming and inclusive they were. Next to a sign saying no cash accepted. This tells people without bank accounts that they are not welcome. And this is how they’re moving to a cashless society. Folks, this is it right here. This is how they’re doing it. A cashless society.

This is how they first start implementing it. Right here. We don’t accept cash. I’ve been told that with what’s coming, cash will be king for a while. Need to get out. If I were you, depending on how much you could take out, get out a few weeks, a few months worth of cash, put it somewhere safe, and that’s what you’ll be using for a temporary time, a very small period of time.

Also get gold and silver. You’re going to need that. That will ultimately be king. Gold and silver. This is all coming, folks. You may not believe me, I know I say fear not. I’m telling you not to fear. I’m telling you to prepare. There’s a big difference. Fear not and prepare. Every time I went into a fight, I was prepared. I was very prepared. So that way it eliminated the fear.

If you prepare and you know you’re good, you got your bases covered, you don’t fear. Yeah, you’ll have nerves and things like that, but you’re going to come in with confidence. Kanye West News let’s get into know I have mixed, I have mixed feelings about this. Don’t I don’t trust, don’t. I think the guy’s a head case. I don’t think he knows whether he’s coming or going. Every day is a new thing with this guy.

I don’t know. I think it’s also like he just wants attention. So know, I don’t know what your thoughts are on Kanye West. Kanye west is spotting arriving in a devilish ride with six six six license plate for reunion with ex Kim Kardashian and his son Saints basketball game so Kanye west was spotted arriving in a car with the six six six license plate. Folks, doesn’t this guy preach Jesus and preach this? What’s wrong with this? Carsa? What’s going on up here? Budy? What’s going on? You need to get shaken up a little bit.

Kanye west was spotted arriving in a car with 66 license plate to his son’s basketball game on Friday. The Grammy winning rapper, 46, he’s 46 years old, pulled up in a devilish Land Rover as he arrived to watch eight year old Saints game in Los Angeles. Inside the location, he reunited with his ex wife Kim Kardashian and was pictured speaking with her before sitting a few seats away.

Later, he took an instagram to post nearly nude and very risk snaps of his wife, Bianca Sensori. I don’t know how to say it. Her name, who was not spotted at the game the day before. So he was like, oh, I’ll make it up to you, baby. I’m going to post nude pics of you. I’m going to let everyone see. People are so fucked up. Oh gosh. Yeah, that’s how you make her feel better.

Post nude pics. Let the whole world see your wife. That’s how you do it. That’s how you make everyone feel better. Later, he took this nearly nude and very risque snaps of his wife, Bianca. I mean, come on, man. The morality, these people’s morality, they’re so confused, they’re so backwards. He was dripping in diamonds. I tell you what, folks, actions speak louder than words. You can say Jesus all you want.

You can say it all you want, but your actions speak louder than words to me, buddy. Dripping in diamonds, flaunting diamonds as he spotted layers of chains and a wedding man on his ring finger at the game just days after dailyMail. com revealed he had his teeth removed and replaced with 850k titanium densers. He paid 850,000 for dentures. Why? What the fuck is wrong with you? Oh, man, you gotta laugh at these people.

They’re so self absorbed. They’re so just lost in outer space, man. They think everything revolves around them. And, yeah, to dumb people, they do. But to smart people, people that are awake, look at these people like clowns. Like they’re court gestures, which they are. They’re nothing more than entertainment. Like I am to you right now. Colorado pastor accused of pocketing 1. 3 million in crypto scheme. Says, lord told us to do it.

Thieves for Jesus. Thieves for Jesus. Hallelujah, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is king. And he told me to take 1. 3 million. More than 300 people bought index, coin and cryptocurrency created by the pastor. Created by the pastor and marketed through his online church. That’s a good little scheme. Wow. Which is deemed illiquid and practically worthless. A Colorado based pastor for an online church accused of pocketing 1. 3 million through a cryptocurrency fraud scheme told followers in a video statement that the Lord told them to do it.

The Lord told me, baby. Oh, Lord Jesus. I remember I was at a revival one time in all places as Roswell with my budy Arturo. And we were sitting there in this revival, and the pastor came out and he a. I’m telling you verbatim, this is exactly what he said. I know you see me up here in my three piece versace suit. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, God does me well, God really gives me blessings.

And then he says, now, everybody shut your eyes for a moment. Me and my friend are looking each other like this. Like, close your eyes. Close your eyes. In Jesus name. Close your eyes. So everyone’s closing their eyes, and this music comes on, like. And he’s holding his hand up, and he goes, I see somebody who’s really struggling, who’s really. And I swear this is what he said.

Who’s really struggling. I see you’re making out right now to the congregation right now. You’re making out a $10,000 check. You’re making out right now. You’re making out a $10,000 check right now. Me and my friend looked at each other and we go, this guy’s fucking serious. He was my three piece versace suit. A $10,000 check right now. You’re making it out right now. And I thought to myself, wow, could there be someone in the audience listening to that going, well, I think that’s me.

I think it’s me. I think I’m the one that needs to write down. I need to write out this $10,000 check right now and give it to this guy. Who is this guy? That’s a psychopath for you. Imagine this family doesn’t have much money. They got maybe, let’s say, 15,000 in their bank account. Maybe they only have 10,000 and they’re writing you a $10,000 check. You’re taking their last bit of money.

But Jesus told you to do it. Hallelujah. You know I’m right. New blood test that screens for Alzheimer’s may be a step closer to realities. Studies suggest testing a person’s blood for a type of protein called. This is going to be a tough one. Phosphorylated, or PTOW, could be used to screen for Alzheimer’s disease with high accuracy even before symptoms begin to show. A new study suggest. The study involved testing blood for a key bookmarker of Alzheimer’s called PTOW 217, which increases at the same time as other damaging proteins.

Folks, there’s this stuff. I’m taking c 60 right now. I’m going to have the guy on probably. It’s on my telegram. You need to get this. I’m giving my mom this every day. I’m giving my dad. It sucks out all the toxins in your body. It just sucks it out. It’s a carbon atom that just. You put it under your tongue and it gets rid of inflammation. It’s absolutely incredible.

I’ll put it up on my telegram. Go to Nino’s corner. I know there’s a lot of scammers that have my name on telegram. I don’t know how they do it. You’ll know it’s me if I got about. I think I got about 95,000, 96,000 people on there. But go to my telegram. I have it up there right now. This c 60 stuff works. So they’re able to test for Alzheimer’s now with blood.

But the simple blood test was found to be up. It’s 96% accurate in identifying elevated levels of beta amyloid and up to 97% accurate in identifying tau. Tau, I guess. According to the study published Monday in a journal in JAMA, neurology, so if they could test for Alzheimer’s. I often wonder, like, from boxing, there’s a lot of stuff that could happen with the brain, and I wonder about my health.

I’ve taken some hellacious shots, man, from the biggest and baddest guys on the planet. People, show me, what does it feel like to get hit by these guys? Well, it feels like your soul leaves your body and then comes back in. So it really feels like. Like, bam. Wait. I mean, it’s like. It’s like getting hit by a Mac truck. In what the fuck news? In what the fuck news.

This is crazy. Now pay attention to this one, because I think it has to do with this. Don’t put it in here. Sarah Healy, 39, collapses and dies in front of her three kids while giving a eulogy at her 81 year old father in law’s funeral. I’ve never heard of this happening, but I bet it’s this. Bing, bing, bing bing bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. A mother of 339 collapsed and died after going into cardiac arrest.

While speaking at her father in law’s funeral, Sarah Haley of stained semis, I don’t know, suddenly fell to the ground as she delivered her eulogy at the emotional service held for Roy West, 81, who died of cancer. The nurse leaves behind a heartbroken family partner, James west, and children aged 16, seven and six. Sarah’s mom, Gladys Healy, said Sarah was one of those who spoke in tribute to the father of James.

It seems that Sarah has suffered an attack. God. Of arrhythmia, or a cardiac arrest. 39 years old. A woman, 39 years old, cardiac arrest, right there, giving a eulogy in front of her kids. The grease ticket parent added that her daughter had no history of heart problems, so she had no history of heart problems, folks, and a sudden death left them devastated. Well, she added, it was a terrible blow to our family, and I’m sure it was, and I feel terrible for this.

Losing my older and only sister has been the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced. Sarah’sister Trisha Healy. It was a blow to her partner, who had just had lost his own father. It was a blow to her three young children left behind. And it was a blow to Dave, I, and Sarah’s younger sister Trisha, who’s at the ceremony with us. I don’t know, folks. This is happening a lot lately.

I’m telling you, it happens a lot lately, is what I think. But they won’tie. That together, will they? They’ll just be like, I don’t know what happened. It was so crazy. She just collapsed. I don’t know how it happened. I don’t know. They’ll never, ever tie it together. They’ll never understand. That’s what’s crazy to me. That’s why I say these are the casualties of war in 2023 and 2024.

Casualties of war. Yeah. I’m heartbroken for the kids, too. It’s sad. It really is sad. It’s terrible. But I don’t know what to say, man. You go out there and do it. We warned you. We warned you a lot. And I’m warning you again, this year is going to be crazy. Get ready. I’m hearing children need to be. Watch your children. I got to say, folks, we’re really coming into the storm now, man.

We’re going to see what happens. I’m here for you. Fear not, folks. If you’re catching this YouTube live later, understand. It gets highly edited and it gets put on Nino’s corner tv in all its glory. And it’s all, it’s raw form. But I’m also putting up updates and little videos here. And I’m having fun on YouTube. I’m having a little fun. Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be when I put up some interviews, some little updates.

I like to do little funny things occasionally. I’m doing that for a reason. There’s a method to my madness. So just bear with me. So I’ll do my lives, my morning shows, Monday, Wednesdays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. And then Tuesdays, Thursdays and the weekends are my little updates, interviews, things like that. So I’m adding content to my fluff tube. I’m adding content to my fluff tube. I’m not taking away.

All right, folks, this is going to go into editing right now. So whenever you see some choppy stuff, it is what it is. It’ll be on Nino’s corner tv in all its glory. All right, folks, and the new heavyweight champ be the podcast. Yeah. And the black sheep of broadcasting, baby. Later. Bye. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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