Trump SKYROCKETS as J6 Indictment IMPLODES!!!

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Trump Rails Against January 6 Investigation, Claims Indictment Will Make Him Stronger

Summary of the transcript:

At a town hall with Sean Hannity in Iowa, Trump said the Democrats are targeting him with election interference through the January 6 investigation. He said his poll numbers keep going up, including leading Biden by a lot in Iowa, and claimed the Democrats attack him whenever his poll numbers rise. Trump said the attacks don’t scare him and his supporters because they are going to make America great again.

Although Trump has been sent a target letter, he has not yet been indicted by the January 6 special counsel. Legal experts say there is no clear basis to criminally charge Trump for his speech on January 6 or his actions related to the events that day. The Democrat-led January 6 committee failed to produce a smoking gun despite assuming Trump’s guilt from the start.

Polls show Trump has actually become more popular since January 6, trouncing Biden in battleground states. This suggests the legacy media narrative around January 6 has backfired. For many Trump supporters, January 6 encapsulated the struggle between the concerns of the people and the political establishment. By refusing to back down from his claims about the 2020 election despite calling for peace, Trump positioned himself as a champion of the people.

So any indictment attempt may only strengthen support for Trump among his base. Trump is building a perception that he alone will fight for the common man against the political elites. This latest legal attack will likely bolster Trump’s image as an anti-establishment crusader.




thank you thank you there’s noose stopping the Trump train the Democrats in the Deep State have grown utterly desperate and now they’re panicking that the indictments are making Trump stronger than ever feel good feel good let me ask you just a basic fundamental question you have all of these never-ending attacks yeah and you released on true social earlier today that they now that you are a Target of this January 6th grand jury [Applause] you it doesn’t seem to bother you like I think it would bother so many other


people what is it about you that it doesn’t no it bothers me it bothers me for everybody in this incredible sold out audience and it’s uh it bothers you I got the letter on Sunday night think of it I don’t think they’ve ever sent a letter on Sunday night and they’re in a rush because they want to interfere it’s interference with the election it’s election interference never been done like this in the history of our country and it’s a disgrace what’s happening to our country whether it’s the borders or


the elections or kinds of things like this where the doj has become a weapon for the Democrats an absolute weapon and it seems that every time my polls you know we’re leading by a lot and we’re leading by a lot in a place called Iowa a lot not only with Republicans but we’re leading against Biden by a tremendous amount they haven’t seen anything like it and they feel I guess they want to try and demean and diminish and and frighten people but they don’t frighten us because we’re going to make America


great again that’s all there is we’re going to make so that was President Trump at a town hall meeting with Sean Hannity in Cedar Rapids Iowa where Trump is absolutely killing it he’s crushing Biden in the polls in Iowa remember Iowa Iowa Iowa was once a solid blue Democrat State they voted for Mike to caucus for heaven’s sakes back in 1988 they flipped red deep red voting for Trump twice by a margin of 10 points and as you can see Trump is already capitalizing on this latest sham indictment the potential


indictment for j6 now let’s make sure we rightly assess things as they stand just to be clear as things stand right now special counsel Jack Smith has yet to indict Trump that is not yet happen so let’s just make that clear we send a Target letter to Trump informing Trump that he is indeed a figure in the investigation to the j6 event that Trump was going to report to the grand jury have to report to him in a matter of days now we’ll see whether or not this deranged special counsel As Trump puts


it goes through with this a lot of legal experts are coming out and saying that they have no idea how Jack Smith could even conceivably pull this off I mentioned yesterday former U.S attorney Brett Tolman tweeting out that even calling Trump before the grand jury made no sense rarely do you put a Target in front of the grand jury because in the end the only end up pleading the fifth and you run the risk of compromising your case given due process rights so this Target letter itself doesn’t make any sense and then the threat of indictment


isn’t making any sense because there’s no real charge that legal experts can conceive of to make what Trump did on j-6 criminal my namesake Jonathan Turley professor of law at George Washington University he’s noting that this prosecutor would definitely need a Smoking Gun outside of the speech Trump gave on January 6 prior to the outbreak of the riot because there’s just nothing in the speech itself that’s directly provocative of a writer Insurrection and everything Trump said is completely


protected by free speech Jack Smith would have to produce something that’s a direct link to a conspiracy or an effort to cause violence and we simply haven’t seen any evidence for that I mean for example the j6 kangaroo court right again keep in mind this was the very definition of a committee that began with Trump’s guilt already assumed all they had to do was just find the evidence to fit the crime that they had already convicted him of uh every single person sitting on that committee every member had previously


voted to impeach Trump and after months of this kangaroo committee they came up with nothing in terms of that type of evidence nothing zilch nada and even prior to that a thorough FBI investigation already concluded there was simply no evidence whatsoever that the ride on January 6 was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election so this is why a number of legal experts believe this case is ultimately going nowhere even if it were to go to trial right assuming Trump does eventually get


indicted even if it were to go to trial and even if Trump were to be convicted by a corrupt DC kangaroo court it would never pass judicial review in the Appellate process and that’s ultimately because there’s no actual crime that Trump committed in the speech or in any of the evidence put forward by the j6 committee but the real miscalculation that the Democrats and the Deep state are making here is that these indictments are going to take Trump out of contention for the presidency but in point of fact they’re


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link or call 972 Patriot that’s 972 Patriot and let’s together boycott woke Corporate America today shouldn’t be disqualifying for an elected official participated in January 6th he didn’t strike anybody he didn’t hurt anybody and the only one that died was a protester there not a capital police unarmed female veteran that’s the only one that died the only one who died a police officer did die no but that was a stroke that’s not on site by that that’s because he shouldn’t have been a police


officer so what do you make though overall of January 6 I mean it was watching that footage it was pretty disturbing I mean there were people throwing extra men at the walls and it was our you know the capital it looked a lot like antifa’s action except on a much smaller scale it looked the same as the black lives matter right that’s what I saw the similarities One Burns Kenosha but so it’s okay just because anybody who caused property destruction that needs to be dealt with yeah if you’re there making your voice heard at


the people’s house no less yeah that’s again it’s a fundamental constitutional right of an American citizen and people should not be being held political prisoner uh because of it for misdemeanors that’s East Germany that’s Easter tactics yeah that’s what’s scary it was an actual fiery but mostly peaceful protest Porter getting mauled by a panel of Pittsburgh area Trump supporters on the media’s tortured narrative surrounding j6 as you can see they lost the narrative and that to me is the biggest


miscalculation here among the Democrats in the Deep State and the Legacy Media January 6 whether the Legacy Media likes it or not j6 made Trump more popular not less Trump is more popular since January 6 and none other than CNN is admitting that polls have been consistently showing that Trump is trouncing Biden virtually every single Battleground State you name it Ohio Iowa Pennsylvania Nevada Arizona Georgia Trump is crushing Biden percentages that were not seen before January 6th again for right or for wrong as you saw


with the panel j6 actually encapsulated for many the escalating Face-Off between the people and the permanent political class this is why I think polls were rather they were so supportive of trump after January 6. for many patriots j-6 embodied a struggle a radically frustrating struggle between the concerns of the people and the obtuse deafness of the permanent political class the fact that Trump called for peace he clearly called for the protest to be peaceful before they went to the Capitol Building and then he called for


peace after the riots broke out the fact that he called for peace although at the same time never backing down from his original claims about the 2020 election seems to have permanently enshrined Trump as the bona fide champion of the people someone who will fight on behalf of the Common Man and who simply Will Never back down and so if that’s the case then this latest possible indictment will only end up making Trump stronger than ever before hey gang I know what it’s like to feel alone out there in these


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let’s get fighting [Music]



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Dr. Steve Turley iowa trump biden polls jack smith trump indictment jonathan turley analysis legacy media narrative backfire trump anti establishment image trump common man champion trump crusader against elites trump indictment strength trump january 6 investigation trump polls vs biden trump popularity post january 6 trump sean hannity town hall trump supporter views january 6

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