Trump Should Pick More Black People? Byron Donalds Destroys All Sharpton Says No More DEI Picks | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels





➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about how Al Sharpton criticized the Trump administration for not including any black individuals in the cabinet. However, Byron Donalds, a Republican Congressman and Trump ally, defended the administration, arguing that the cabinet should be chosen based on competence and ability to implement Trump’s policies, not just diversity. Donalds also criticized the Democrats for focusing more on identity than competence when filling their own cabinet positions.

➡ The text discusses the political landscape, focusing on the potential roles of various individuals in the administration. It highlights the importance of the president’s cabinet picks in implementing his agenda and addresses speculation about certain individuals’ future roles. The text also discusses the potential of Laura Trump as a U.S. senator for Florida, emphasizing her communication skills and policy knowledge. Lastly, it touches on the controversy surrounding the non-release of a report by the House Ethics Committee on former Congressman Matt Gaetz.

➡ This text discusses the controversy surrounding allegations made against Justice Kavanaugh and Matt Gaetz, both of whom were investigated but not charged by the Department of Justice. It criticizes the current Attorney General, Merrick Garland, for uneven application of the law and for labeling parents protesting their schools as domestic terrorists. The text ends by defending Trump’s administration against criticism for not having a black man in his cabinet.



But recently, obviously, we know that… What’s his name? Al Sharpton? I like to call him Race Hustlers. I like to call him Race Hustlers. Al Sharpton, who recently got a half a million dollars funneled through his non-profit organization from Kamala Harris and the Kamala Harris Biden campaign, and much, much more, who also did a softball interview for Kamala Harris during her campaign season. Again, let me say that again. Al Sharpton, who got over a half a million dollars for the Kamala Harris campaign, along with many others, including Roland Martin, who tried to justify getting $350,000 plus himself.

We’re not going for it. Had criticism of the Trump administration, that’s not even an office yet, for selecting the people a part of his cabinet, but didn’t select any black people yet. People of color, as they like to define it, but no black people. Al Sharpton criticized the Trump administration for not having any diversity, equity, and inclusion. Byron Donalds responded on CNN, not Fox News, on CNN, and this is what happened. I have not seen this yet. I’m seeing it for the first time, so let’s explore it together. We should ask Donald Trump. You talked about black men would be with you.

Where’s a black man being nominated by you for your cabinet? Has anyone noticed there’s no black that has been nominated on his cabinet? That needs to be raised. So let me ask you all a question before we get into Byron Donalds’ response, because again, I have not seen Byron Donalds’ response. Number one, do we put people in the cabinet based off of diversity, equity, and inclusion, or do we put people in the cabinet that actually is the best for the job? That’s number one. Number two, if black people supported Kamala Harris at an over 83% clip, exit polls show that black women voted for Kamala Harris at over a 91% clip, black men at over a 78% clip.

If black people didn’t want Donald Trump, not all, but the majority didn’t want him to be a part of his office, even though more black people may have voted for him than in the past voted for a Republican, is he then so obligated to appoint them as a part of the cabinet, even though they’re the ones that’s going to benefit from a lot of the policies that’s implemented in all of these different departments? It’s just a question that we need to evaluate as we hear Byron Donalds’ response. Let’s continue. Reverend Al Sharpton criticizing President-elect Donald Trump for not nominating an African-American member for any cabinet position, I should say, yet there are some spots to fill.

Now, to be clear, he has picked some diverse candidates to be part of his overall team and also in his cabinet. But again, as of now, there’s yet to be a black American picked for a cabinet level slot. Joining me now, one of Trump’s top allies on the Hill, Republican Congressman Byron Donalds of Florida. Congressman, you have been a very vocal and effective surrogate for Trump and for his campaign and, frankly, the Republican Party. What is your response to this criticism? I think it’s criticism where people are upset that they still lost this election. And so if you were going to ask Reverend Al or anybody else in the Democrat Party, they’re still looking their wounds about the fact that this did not work out the way that they thought it was going to.

That being said, Donald Trump’s cabinet is about people who are going to implement his agenda. And he’s not done, by the way. You have Suzy Wiles, the first woman ever to serve as chief of staff. You have Marco Rubio, a Cuban-American who’s going to serve as secretary of state, representing America across the globe when it comes to foreign policy. You have Tulsi Gabbard going to be at DNI. So many others that are coming in are still slots to be filled. So I think everybody needs to pump the brakes and just wait and see what happens. Do you think Democrats are putting form over substance? Absolutely.

Look, even if you look at how the Democrats filled the Joe Biden cabinet, they wanted to have a piece of every identity. But did they get the job done? Did they actually serve the interest of the American people? No. Because here’s what I know. Whether you black or Hispanic, if the border is unsecure, excuse me, Alejandro Mayorkas, if the border is unsecure, does that help people in their everyday lives? No, it does not. And so what Donald Trump’s election is about is bringing competency and reality back to D.C. in the White House, making sure that the job gets done on behalf of the American people, regardless of their race, regardless of their religion, regardless of their creed.

Here’s my thing that I’m trying to figure out. Do you want the people that are going to execute on his vision or do you want people to represent you inside of his administration? Because I’ve always asked this question and nobody has ever helped me to understand this. How is having a black person, a black man or black woman, if you find a black person that is more qualified or is dedicated to being loyal to what he’s trying to execute on based off of what he was voted in for, cool. If that’s the best person for the job.

Again, I thought that Ben Carson was absolutely a phenomenal pick in his first term. If you find a person that execute on his vision, cool. The flip side of that, though, is if you get a black person that is a part of his cabinet, good or bad? Let’s say good or bad. What does that have to do with me? See, at the end of the day, I don’t separate myself based off of identity because you becoming successful as a result of being black or you becoming successful as a result of being white. Has no bearing on my life whatsoever.

It has no bearing on my life. And again, maybe I’m a little slow because I’m a C student. What I’m trying to understand is if this restaurant is successful, right? And it’s a black owned restaurant, but they’re not necessarily saying that they’re black owned or maybe they are black owned. How does that affect me? Is this somebody that’s going to give me a grant? Is this somebody that’s going to help me? Is this somebody that’s what does that have to do with my life? How is that going to affect me? And if Trump gets a black cabinet member, does that mean that I get to be a part of the cabinet one day because diversity, equity and inclusion? I’m just trying to understand.

Shout out to Equilibrium. Happy birthday. What does that have to do? Does it make you feel better? Do you get more money? Do you feel like you got more opportunity? Does it motivate you? What is seeing a person like that in that position going to do for you? Now, if you say that, well, this person is getting into office and they’re actually going to make sure that they close off the borders and more resources are going to be for American people, the more jobs is going to come to your city. Then that’s something that I want.

But if you’re just putting somebody in there because they’re sassy or because they’re a woman or just because they are a man and they don’t actually qualify for the job, but we’re picking them just because they’re black. Or is it discriminatory to pick somebody over somebody because of race and not because they’re more qualified? That’s what I’m trying to understand. Do you think that the current cabinet picks reflect the most competent implementers of Trump’s policy across the board? One hundred percent. Because you have no pause for any of the people who are being raised, including some who are more controversial figures who’ve gotten a lot of the oxygen out of the room.

Obviously, Matt Gaetz, a centerpiece of criticism because of the allegations, but you don’t have any pause by anyone who’s been chosen? No, I don’t, because either I know them directly or I’ve gotten a chance to know them throughout the last several months. All of them subscribe to everything that Donald Trump talked about on the campaign trail. They are mission minded about getting the job done. Look at Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to make America healthy again. He wants to go after additives in our food that are here in the United States, but not in any other country around the globe.

You have suburban mothers who want to see that happen for their children. You have people who’ve had to deal with all kind of other and urban mothers who should want it for their children, but are too ignorant to know that they put poison inside of their children’s stomachs, health abnormalities. And at the time and now what they’re dealing with is going to other doctors, finding other alternatives to address those health issues, finding out it’s what they’re ingesting every single day. He’s going to address that. You have somebody like Tulsi Gabbard, who has not been a fan of forever wars, which, by the way, if you’re a Republican or a Democrat, you’ve not been a fan of forever wars.

She’s going to be advising him when it comes to national intelligence. These are the picks that he’s put in who are going to actually help him implement his agenda. His success as president, the 47th president, is going to be on addressing all the concerns of the American people that obviously they had, because if they didn’t have that, he wouldn’t have the political mandate he’s enjoying right now. Well, let me ask you, because I remember when your name came up as a potential speaker of the House. There were many who speculated that based on the prominent role you played in this campaign and election, that your name would have skyrocketed to at least the front of the line.

We are several cabinet picks in. Are you not surprised that you have not been named? Have you had a conversation about being a part of the administration at all? All I will say is I am not surprised that I have not been named, but that does not mean I’m not going to do other things in the future. Have you had the ask you? No, there’s some other things that I’m looking at going forward. We’re not going to talk about them now. We do this every time. We’re not going to break news now. I would like to ask you, I mean, Governor of Florida, Senator, perhaps if Marco Rubio is confirmed, or any of those spots enticing to you? We’ll see what happens as things go forward.

Do you have support for the name Laura Trump that’s been circling around as a potential person who would step in if Senator Marco Rubio were to ascend to the role that he has been chosen for? So actually, I think Laura would do a great job as a U.S. senator for Florida. I got a chance to really know her through the whole campaign process. Number one, excellent communicator, one of the best in our party. Yeah, Laura Trump is incredible. When I seen her, the first time that I ever really noticed and paid attention to Laura Trump was when we did a review video of her destroying Charlamagne and her basically taking him to task and taking him out back and giving him a whooping.

Because, you know, they tried to have a conversation with her and she dealt with every single question with class, but she absolutely destroyed Charlamagne and everybody else that was a part of that whole thing. So I believe that Laura Trump, number one, she is an excellent communicator. Number two, she’s an excellent campaigner and that she did win a lot of votes for President Trump and bringing visibility to a lot of the things and issues that he was passionate about. And number three, I think that she’s incredible. She is incredible when it comes to communicating effectively, whether or not she would be a great legislator.

I just think that all of these legislators need to we need to find people that’s outside of the establishments to come in and renew. One thing that I actually absolutely hate is that the Congress don’t have term limits. Congress need term limits bad. These lifetime politicians are horrible. But Byron Donalds is communicating it clearly. Number two, really knowledgeable about policy. Number three, her personal businesses that she’s been involved with different projects that she’s done. She knows how to get things done, bring people around her to be successful. At the end of the day, you want to be a representative of the ideals of the state of Florida.

Laura Trump is an example of that. So just to be clear, and I remember the barbershops you had gone through. You talked to many black voters, black male voters specifically on the campaign trail. If the current trend stands and there is not a single black cabinet member named, you’d be fine with that. What I want right now is for the agencies of the federal government to do their job and no more. And to actually fix the ills that have been going wrong in our country. The voters spoke loud and clear two weeks ago. This was an avalanche.

This was a political mandate for Donald Trump. And it’s very clear that they want our borders secured. They want a thriving economy. They want to be able to get out of these conflicts across the globe. And yes, people want to be energy dominant here in America. And if the cabinet picks help deliver the America first agenda that Donald Trump wants, this will be an unmitigated success. And every American will be happy with that. I wonder if voters will see it the same way. I want to talk about this House Ethics Committee. What do you mean you wonder if voters will see it the same way? They already seen it that way.

That’s the reason that they voted the way that they voted. That’s why he won every single swing state in battleground state. What do you mean you wonder? Listen, listen, this is one of the reasons why CNN is going to have layoffs. This is one of the reasons why MSNBC has asked, according to the reports, they asked Rachel Maddow to take a $5 million pay cut. And she probably needs to take more. This is one of the reasons why you see Anderson Cooper about to take a haircut. This is one of the reasons why these networks, listen, we don’t need combative people.

Ask the question and then keep it moving. Don’t say something sassy on your way through the question. Just ask the question and keep it moving. You don’t have to stand on anything. You know, when I do interviews, people criticize me a lot because I don’t give pushback to the person that I’m interviewing because that’s not what I’m there for. I’m there to get their thoughts for them to, whether I agree with them or not, I’m there to get their thoughts and that’s it. I’m not there to try to convince them of anything. They’re on that couch giving that interview for a reason because whatever they’re thinking is irrelevant is relevant to the culture and people want to hear what they have to say.

They don’t want to hear my opinion about it. Now I can do a review video or give my thoughts afterwards. And usually before I drop the interview, I’ll say, hey, listen, I interviewed this person. This was my thoughts about the interview. Y’all experience it for yourself and y’all come to your own conclusion. But I’m not there to try to tell you what I think. I’m there to get your thoughts and that’s it. I don’t understand that. Though they have not chosen to release the report that was compiled by the House Ethics Committee on former Congressman Matt Gaetz.

Do you think the report should be released, if not publicly, to the Senate so that they can have a fulsome review in their role to advise and consent? Well, actually, no, I don’t. And here’s why. A couple of things. First of all, we all know Capitol Hill leaks like a sieve. If the ethics committee sends that report over to the Senate, you’ll have some Senate staffer somewhere in some office or put it out. And that’s frankly inappropriate because the rules of the House and frankly, the rules of the Senate are clear on this. If you’re no longer a member of those reports, do not get released to anybody.

That’s number one. Number two, the FBI already looked into these allegations over three years, a long running investigation. And there were leaks out of the Department of Justice during this investigation. But what did Merrick Garland’s DOJ or frankly, at that also when it started, Bill Barr’s DOJ do. They didn’t bring any charges. There were no charges here. So I think we got to be careful. Do we just want to be salacious because it’s great to take somebody down or as good for news headlines or or are we going to make sure we’re serious about making sure somebody like Matt Gaetz goes into the job of attorney general to make sure that the DOJ is doing its job for the American people, not for the politicians here in Washington, D.C.

That’s what matters. But let me hear what you got to say. I was about to stop it there. I’m going to hear the rest of what you got to say. The same could be true. And the conclusion different to suggest if the report is somehow baseless or it’s based on unfounded allegations or is entirely critical of the Department of Justice, as has been alleged by Matt Gaetz and others, then that very argument and seeing the report could buttress this confirmation. Why not just see the report? It could be helpful to Republicans who want to confirm him.

Because I mean, I’m not going to be naive with you. We know the whole reason why some people are saying release it, release it, release it, mostly from the Democrat side of the aisle because they’re reeling because of the results of this election. Their party is massively divided on which direction they should go. Republicans also want to see the report. Some have expressed that. This is fair, but they’re looking for a reason to get back on track. I understand that. But we have to get to be very careful with stuff like this. If we’re just going to be throwing allegations around, a la Justice Kavanaugh, where allegations were just tossed around, they weren’t confirmed, but they were out there.

And then he went ahead and got confirmed by the U.S. Senate and now is serving as a duly appointed justice on the Supreme Court and doing a great job in that role. Are we now going to demonize people because of an allegation where the Department of Justice did not bring charges? They did investigate this for three years. And to be fair to Matt, the investigation went through. A lot of stuff was leaked about this investigation. No charges were brought forward. So then what are we talking about now? Because if you compare a potential AG in Matt Gaetz versus the current AG in Merrick Garland, we do know that Merrick Garland weaponized the Justice Department.

No matter how anybody might feel about it, there was there was not an even application of the law with Merrick Garland as attorney general. And not just. They, of course, vehemently disagree with that character. They can disagree all they want, but they’re wrong. Not even just with dealing with Donald Trump. You have parents who are just trying to protest their schools being labeled as domestic terrorists by this same Department of Justice. The American people are done with that. They just want the institutions of our government to be even handed and fair. Matt Gaetz will bring that.

So that was Byron Donald’s absolutely destroying Al Sharpton’s criticism of Trump and his administration for not yet putting a man of color or I’m sorry, a black man in particular into his cabinet. [tr:trw].

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.



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