Trump Shooter in recent BLACKROCK Commercial?! BLACKROCK Bet Stocks on Trumps Death? The Psyop Unfolds! | Stew Peters Network

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ Stew Peters Network talks about how Deonna Lorraine hosts a show where she discusses the latest news and trending topics. In one episode, she talks about the importance of fish oil and how not all are created equal, emphasizing the need for sufficient amounts of essential fatty acids EPA and DHA. She also promotes a dog food product and discusses a recent assassination attempt on President Trump, questioning the security measures in place. She invites Dr. Mark Sherwood, a former law enforcement officer and current naturopathic doctor, to provide his perspective on the incident.
➡ The text discusses a security breach at an event, where a young man possibly entered with a weapon. The author criticizes the security measures, pointing out that high ground structures were left unobserved, which is a potential threat. The author also questions the actions of the security detail during the incident, suggesting they seemed unprepared and inefficient. Lastly, the author dismisses the idea of a second shooter due to lack of concrete evidence.
➡ The speaker discusses the recent violent incident involving President Trump, expressing hope that it will lead to a realization that political violence has gone too far. They also express hope that people will understand the importance of faith and trust in God. The speaker encourages people to participate in the upcoming elections, despite the uncertainty. They also discuss the potential involvement of foreign entities in the incident, suggesting that it may be part of a larger plot.
➡ The article discusses an alleged assassination attempt on the president, initially blamed on a security breakdown and a lone gunman. However, later reports suggested that there was a tip about a planned assassination by Iran, leading to increased security. The article questions the credibility of these reports and suggests that the real plot might involve Israel and their deep state allies. It also mentions potential political shifts, including rumors of Biden possibly dropping out of the race due to health issues.
➡ The text discusses a theory that there were attempts to remove Donald Trump from power because he wouldn’t support wars with Iran and Russia. These attempts included legal battles and election manipulation, but they were unsuccessful. The text suggests that there might be a conspiracy to force Trump into war with Iran, and that this is all part of a larger plan for Israel to expand its influence. The text also mentions a report suggesting a large number of deaths due to genocide in Gaza.
➡ If Donald Trump gets elected, he might end the Russia-Ukraine war and prevent escalation in Lebanon and Iran. This could lead to investigations in Gaza and potentially hold Netanyahu accountable for war crimes. Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance, is also against the Russia-Ukraine war and could help prevent a larger world war. However, Trump has been influenced by various parties and may not deliver on all his promises from 2016.
➡ The text discusses the importance of staying hydrated and managing stress for overall health. It then shifts to a conspiracy theory about an alleged assassination attempt on former President Trump, suggesting that large corporations like Blackrock and Vanguard had foreknowledge of the event and profited from it. The text also claims that the alleged assassin appeared in a Blackrock commercial, suggesting a deeper conspiracy. The text concludes by predicting Trump’s victory in a future election and criticizing current President Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
➡ The article discusses the current political climate, highlighting the perceived unity within the Republican party and disarray within the Democrats. It mentions a man who trolled a CNN reporter live on TV, asking about Jeffrey Epstein’s client list. The article also criticizes Biden’s handling of his COVID diagnosis and his forgetfulness during an interview. Lastly, it mentions a failed assassination attempt on Trump and mocks the Secret Service’s response.


Welcome, everyone, to shots fired with Deonna Lorraine. I’m your host, Deonna Lorraine. Going over all the latest breaking news, trending topics and truth bombs that you can’t get anywhere else. Go ahead and follow me on social media, especially Gav Telegram, truth social and getterealdeonna Lorraine and on X for all the latest and controversial posts. Deanna for Congress. And help me get unshadow banned by actually following me and sharing my stuff on X. Deanna for Congress. Remember, my show is twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 08:00 p.m. eastern time right after the Stu Peters show. And guess what? It is 08:00 p.m.

now eastern time. And it is Thursday. What a crazy week. We are gliding and sliding into this weekend, but oh, my gosh, do we have a episode for you. Packed with so much news and updates and theories, potential conspiracy theories and so much more. So grab that cozy seat, grab a drink if you want to, or a glass of water, a soda, cook with me, whatever you do to unwind, but hang out with me for the next hour as we go over the top news of the day. Well, first, all fish oil are not created equal.

They could be purified of mercury, but many times you don’t know their storage temperature, their storage life and the pressure they’re under. So you can get a little rancidity, the spoilage of those fish oil. And it’s not just fish oil. This is really important. I want to teach you something here in the audience. This is important because 100% of the people we’ve tested for 15 years have been deficient. Here’s why. If you’ll pull up your bottle right there, I want you to look at both. First of all, the serving size, how many gel caps per serving is it recommending? It says two soft gels per serving.

Okay, now look down into the ingredients, and you’re going to find two specific essential amino acids, fatty acids that are going to be called EPA, icosapentinoic acid, and DHA. So you’re going to look at the milligrams on those. How much are the milligrams? EPA is 360 milligrams and DHA is 240 milligrams. Okay, so you’re looking at a 600 milligram total. EPA and DHA for two capsules, right? Yes. Okay. People out there getting their calculators out? Yeah, exactly. Okay. So here’s what you need to know to get adequacy. In other words, enough in your system to get your omega index, which is the percent of those essential omega three s in the blood, up to 8% to 10%.

You need 3000 milligrams of EPA and DHA in about a three to two ratio. Now that is correct, in a three to two ratio. So if you’re talking two gel caps, get you 600. Wanna do the quick math? How many jaw caps I need to pull out my calculator? You gotta take ten of those a day. Ten of those a day? Oh, my. That’s a lot. Yeah. And so it’s not really a bargain when you look at it. No, actually, it’s so. It’s deceiving. And I watch people do this all the time and they get the wrong one because they know they need fish oil, which is true.

But what you need is the sufficiency of the certain essential ones at a ratio that is pleasing to the body. Because we’re trying to get the ratio of our six to threes, omega six to omega three s in the body up to a good workable one, which is about three to one or four to one. And so you got to take ten of those right there a day to get to adequacy, at minimum. Sometimes, in your case, it could be even twelve. Hey, guys. Well, you all know how much I love dogs, and especially how much I love my beautiful princess.

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Welcome back to shots fired. And, of course, all week we’ve been talking about the shot fired and heard round the world, the attempted assassination of our dear President Trump. How insane is that? I mean, I just, I just can’t get over the fact that this historic moment happened before our very eyes. On Saturday night at this butler, Pennsylvania, rally, President Trump was within real millimeters of having his life gone. I imagine just, I can’t really wrap my head around it still, it’s pretty insane. But we have been delving into this all week, of course, and talking about it from different angles.

And I want to talk specifically about the issue of, you know, how could this even have happened from a security standpoint, from Secret Service standpoint, from the fact that this apparent 20 year old scrawny shooter getting on the rooftop and evading all of these security measures that happened to shoot President Trump in broad daylight? I mean, there’s so many questions, and we really have more questions than answers at this point, especially with more information pouring through by the hour, truly. And I wanted to bring Doctor Mark Sherwood on today because before he became an incredible and amazing naturopathic doctor and my favorite, he had decades of experience in law enforcement and in the SWAT team and in snipers.

He was a professional, trained sniper. So I think, I think he’s going to have a lot of intel to weigh in here and analyze the situation. So that’s why we’re coming on and talking about this. Doctor Mark Pruitt, it’s always great to have you on, of course. So you’re wearing your sniper hat. Tell us so people just understand a little bit more about your background and why it’s so relevant here, first of all. Well, certainly, I echo what you said. Only by God’s grace is President Trump still here. So I, I want to acknowledge God’s presence in the whole situation, and I hope that the world.

Divine intervention. Yeah. Prior to becoming a naturopathic doctor, and I don’t talk about my past a lot. I was actually a 24 year veteran in the major police department, Tulsa, Oklahoma, specifically, ten years of, which was on the SWAT team. And about five years of that time on the SWAT team, I was actually one of the team snipers. I’ve been on many sort of, you know, operations, including hostage rescue, armed and barricaded, suicidal and dignitary protection. So when I saw that event, like we all did unfold, I must tell you, I had a lot of flashbacks, and I started analyzing my mind like everybody else did what went wrong? But hopefully I can offer some, some fresh experiential perspective.

I would like that. All right, so, because first of all, there’s the question of how is it even possible? Because I don’t usually believe the official story, the official mainstream news story anyways. I’m a natural skeptic and questioner, and it just doesn’t even seem logical. How can someone, do you think that’s even possible? First of all, a 20 year old scrawny type of, you know, boy, somehow climbing up to this roof and the building that was closest to Trump and evading all of these security details and secret service and everything, do you think that there’s more of the story than just that? Well, in my mind, there’s either more to the story or one of the most gross failures of a security detail that I’ve personally ever seen.

Right. I think what I think is possible is that it is possible. And I think when you look at and analyze the situation, you have to sort of know what is possible and what you do know, you start right there. So I think what we do know is a person got into the inner perimeter, got on the roof, armed and took shots. We know that. We know that he is now deceased. We also know that’s a possibility that this young man could have gotten in even under the best security, because secret Service typically goes in weeks before and analyzes the clean environment before it becomes occupied with people looking for all of the areas of potential threat to cover those, to sort of structurally and with manpower, cover that inner perimeter so that no one gets in there, and then they also establish an outer perimeter.

Now, the secret Service typically control the inner perimeter, and they typically use local law enforcement embedded to control the outer perimeter. So the possibility exists that this young man, I don’t know where the entrance ways were to the event or how it was done. I haven’t heard of that. I don’t know if metal detectors were there. I suppose it’s possible he could have gotten in and carried a bag if there was no metal detectors and or they weren’t stationed appropriately with a weapon that could have been assembled on site. I think that’s a possibility, and it seems like that’s the most logical possibility because you’re going to get spotted walking with a rifle.

From a possibility standpoint, I suppose that’s about it. My concern is the preparation of this thing in the pre planning stages, it seems very inadequate, and I can’t for the life of me. Deanna, see where they would have left a high ground structure, slanted roof or not, it doesn’t matter. But you don’t leave a high ground structure either uncovered or unobserved because you know that’s a threat. And then from the ground side, you also had the people around the dignitaries, so that with eyes on the people, eyes on the crowd, we’re all trained in that space to look for sort of unique movements, furtive movements, you know, suspicious movements, suspicious characters.

We’re all trained to look like that. Look at those type of persons. And then if shots are fired, we’re designed to cover the dignitary up completely and cover him up so that if another round is fired, it’s not going to hit the dignitary, but it’s going to hit you. That’s what law enforcement is supposed to do. And. And we got to that point, you know, I appreciate the fist pump and fight. However, my book, if I’d have been the secret service, that wouldn’t have happened. That dude had been completely covered up, and I would give him the biggest bear hug ever.

There’s no way I would allow him to be exposed again. Not one more time, you know? Yeah. I actually hadn’t even thought about that. Right, right. That did seem odd to me. Um, because. Yeah, it’s like, okay, wait, you almost got shot, you know, almost got killed. By the grace of God. You missed, and you turn your head and now you’re popping back up again. And, you know, that’s. Yeah, that’s pretty, uh, profound. And then the. We see the security guards, especially one of them who is a woman, and, you know, bless her heart, she was trying, I think, but she’s.

Her sunglasses are falling off, and she’s kind of struggling to hold. I mean, what kind of security detail was that? Seemed kind of an unmatched. You know, kind of, you know, when you look at the insufficient. The person that you’re protecting. Right. You have to. I mean, this is honest. You have. Yeah. And he’s six three, I believe. Yeah. So you want to put people around him that are going to parallel with that size. Yeah. Because if they’re not there, there’s visual observation, at least if nothing potential threatened opening to do what happened. And I was shocked like everybody else, especially when they put him in the.

In the suv. Oh. Was fumbling for glasses and put the glasses on and went into this weird. Almost a weird pose. At that point, I didn’t understand what that was. And to me, you just observe one of the most gross failures of your detail, probably, that I’ve seen in a number of 20 or 25 years or better. And yet you’re worried about a pose. At that point, man, I would have been freaked out completely and completely embarrassed and got that dude out of there as quick as possible. Hmm. That’s a good point, too. I. You’re bringing up things that, in my head, I thought was odd at the time, but I couldn’t articulate.

And you’re right. It was kind of like they don’t almost seemed floundering and not forceful, not like we have a mission aggressively protecting him. Even after the fact, it seemed a little bit like they were kind of bumbling around. Now, how credible do you think this. This excuse or explanation is of this, this Kimberly Cheeto, the director of the secret service, saying that, oh, the reason why we didn’t have a sniper team up there was because of a sloped roof and because the sloped roof might be dangerous for them to access? I mean, is that a pretty b’s excuse or what do you think? A lot of people are kind of calling that out.

It depends on the angle of the slope. Okay. You know, because the slope that sloping up from you can be good for cover and great for cover because you could. You could lean a rifle over the top of that slope and not be seen from the other side of the building. But I would think, yeah, down or something like that. It would expose you as the sniper to one, either falling or because you can’t get your rifle up at that angle. But to not have someone on that edge of that roof, if the backside sloped up as well as the front side slope down, inexcusable.

It’s totally inexcusable. And if you’ll notice, the sniper that was just to president Trump’s right, that you observed kind of flinch, look up, and went back down, appear to shoot. At least it appeared that way. Not sure what happened. I’m not sure who. Who did what. But that was, to me, an odd position, too, because when I have been deployed on those positions, I’ve never been stood up there because he was out in the open, too. And you got to know, as a law enforcement officer, you want to have good cover in it. Sniper typically has.

It’s a team of two. Generally speaking, you have a spotter that’s supposed to surveil the area for you and help you observe things and communicate with you on what you think you might be or you might be seeing. And then you have the primary sniper in case the primary sniper gets taken out, the spotter can step up and, you know, man up, so to speak, and take the gun. They both got guns. And so you have a primary shooter, if you will, and a secondary shooter. The other thing I find interesting, too, that there was rumors going around that the engagement or the decision to fire the shot was delayed by some sort of superior command.

Right. I can tell you this unequivocally. Every law enforcement officer that’s ever done that job, you don’t have to ask for permission. When you see someone pointing a gun at someone else, and you deem that in your mind, in your eye, in your heart, that that’s a threat to life of yourself or someone else, you take that shot. Now, that’s a big burden, especially a president or former. That’s right. But it doesn’t. Even if it was, you know, little old mark over here, little old Deanna, you know, or even a crowd member, when you see someone pointing a rifle at someone else, you don’t need to wait.

You don’t need to go police. Drop it. There’s none of that. This is. That’s tv stuff, man. Interesting. Yeah. It’s like, you take the shot and you have to live with the consequences. Now, that’s a big decision. So men and women in law enforcement need to. We need to keep them in our prayers, and frankly, they should never buy a meal. But that’s another issue. That’s a really interesting perspective, too. Yeah. I mean, everyone’s blaming, like, the higher ups they gave to stand down orders or something like that, but you’re right. Hadn’t thought about that. And now my last question for you is, do you think there’s any evidence to believe that there was a second shooter? Those shots could potentially have been not just from this 20 year old kid.

I don’t know at this point, because I think that there would have been more evidence that’s concrete rather than speculative. We haven’t seen video of a second person with a gun. Right. We have seen video of a person on the roof with a gun. We’ve seen video of a person on the roof with a bullet in their head. Yeah. And so this is what we know. I know that in various other situations, you know, like the Kennedy shooting, you know, there was. There was speculation there was a second shooter. I think time will tell, potentially. But as far as I can see at this point, from just the limited information that I have, there would not be credible evidence at this point to say that there’s a second shooter.

Okay. Interesting. Wow. It’s just so bizarre and crazy. It was like really world changing what happened, but in a, it is divine intervention. And look what, how the tide is also turning towards Trump. And, you know, people are favoring Trump now and sympathizing with him. And even CNN polls are saying Trump is going to predict it to win by a landslide. How do you feel about all this? And does this give almost a renewed optimism for the country and strength? You know, we see Trump pumping his fist, even though he just got shot, saying fight, basically a sign of strength.

Don’t let this take you down, that he’s willing to fight for us. So do you feel like you have a more positive opinion, at least at this point, despite the tragedy of what happened, but of what’s going to happen with our country? My positivity is wrapped around two principles that I see. Number one is, I think everybody saw, including democrats, independents, whoever you are, whether you’re an r, a d or an I, it doesn’t matter. But I think we saw real violence. We saw real murderous intent. And I think that it shook our country to realize, wait a minute, this whole insultive, hurting political, want to penalize somebody else and take their life out has gone too far.

I think that’s one area. I’ve got high hopes that we realize that by our actions. Second part of this is I hope that President Trump and everybody involved, including the D’s and the I’s, whoever realizes that, as you said, only by a millimeter, is that father, grandfather and husband still alive. That’s the humanity, human being. And they saw this retired fire chief campanero murdered. You have this young man whose life was obviously spending on a control that’s now dead. This whole thing is, is very sad to me. My second part of that is I hope that people understand there’s a real God in heaven that spares one life, but doesn’t take evil out of the world.

And that means that we need to really trust him more. So I have renewed optimism that that can happen. As far as election goes, I would say to people, never know. There’s a few things that can happen in the next, you know, four months. We need to be very cautious about our belief system. We’ve seen shocking things in elections before. We still need to get out there and participate and vote, and this should inspire people to do that en masse. Amen. Wow. So true. We’ll see what happens as the, as the events come through and unfold over the next couple weeks and months.

News is coming in fast. Thanks so much, Doctor Sherwood, for your analysis, it was really interesting and eye opening and tell everybody, of course, where they can find you and follow you. Well, they can find us at Sherwood tv shots, of course. And, you know, I mean, I’ve been asked to analyze this thing, even my patient visits recently. So there you go. So we’re just here to help people sort of build resiliency and deal with life a little bit better that has a significant component of health. Amen. Absolutely. All right. Thank you so much, guys. We’ll be right back right after these messages.

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Trump, or former president or most likely to be president now at this point. And more and more interesting news has been coming in really through the minute. I mean, every day, every moment, I feel like we’re being updated and inundated with more information. And a lot of it is just not making sense or adding up about this ill fated moment on Saturday night at the Pennsylvania rally. And now, of course, the RNC is in full swing. We’re here now on the last day on Thursday, and it’s been broadcast everywhere with also some kind of peculiar oddities about the event this year, but also some great things, too, that I want to talk about some of the news again.

You know, now we’re, the latest news is that we are being the shot in fact, is being blamed on Iran. So, so much to delve into and more, and it just feels very scripted to me. All of a sudden, iranian, Iranians are being blamed for this. Here to join us and delve into this and a lot more and all the latest news surrounding this shot. The attempted assassination of President Trump is Sam Parker. Sam Parker is a former candidate for Senate in Utah and a conservative commentator, and he likes to think outside the box in the official narrative.

So it’s great to have you back on. Sam Parker, how are you? Good. Thanks for having me on, Deanna. I really appreciate it. It’s great to have you back on. So, you know, a lot of people, we can’t really delve down different rabbit holes or theories because they just want to go and follow the exact same talking points that the media is shoving down our throats. But I want to ask you, first off, what was your reaction, your first reaction when you saw this happen on Saturday night? I wonder if you saw it live or afterwards.

And then my follow up question to that is going to be, has your reaction or thoughts about what your first reaction was changed at all five days now after this shot? So let’s kind of talk about your first reaction first. My first reaction is there was a plot to kill the president, and I don’t believe in lone gunmen. I think they’re a rarity. And so my first thoughts were, there’s been a plot to kill the president. How’s Israel involved? And has anybody checked the stock market to see if there’s been any shorts, any significant shorts placed on the stock market? Those were my first three thoughts.

So, and then it just sort of ballooned from there. And actually, since then, I’ve been vindicated. I think it turns out today it’s being reported that there were shorts placed on Trump’s truth social. So that’s coming out. And, you know, that’s just like after 911, there were the big shorts on 911, and then, of course, the big shorts on October 7. And that, of course, just points right back to Israel again. They can’t help themselves. They’re greedy. They have to make money on all their plots. They conspired to kill John F. Kennedy and kill John F.

Kennedy and RFK as well. They hatched a plot to assassinate George Hw Bush, HW Bush, at the Madrid peace conference in the early nineties. They also conspired to kill Harry Truman through letter bombs back in 1947. So these people, they’re behind many of these assassinations. Of course, we know about the Bolshevik Jews who were behind the assassination of Tsar Nicholas and many other political assassinations like Count Bernadotte and various other people and world leaders. So my thoughts initially went to, how’s Israel involved? And were there any shorts put on the stock market? And I think that the evidence now is becoming.

I think it’s becoming quite clear if you know what to look for. Yesterday, several prominent israeli and pro Israel, pro zionist and jewish accounts on social media started pushing this Iran did it theory. Now, Iran is behind this plot. Right. Your thoughts on the Iran New, new Iran intel for this assassination plot? Yeah, it’s totally in line with what they normally do. Listen, they assassinated RFK, and they blamed it on the palestinian Christian Sauron Saran. They tried to frame three Palestinians for an assassination plot on George Hw Bush in the early nineties. They tried to frame Arabs for a series of bombings in the 1950s against british and american targets in what’s known as the Levant affair.

So these people have a long history of trying to perpetrate these types of terror, terrorist events and blaming it on Arabs or Muslims or other countries like Syria or Iran. Now, of course, Israel wants to take out Iran. They’ve been trying for years to get the United States to take Iran out for them. Right? So we shouldn’t be surprised. In fact, many people predicted this after the assassination attempt at like, when somebody going to start blaming Iran. And sure enough, yesterday, many of these accounts started carpet bombing social media at the same time with Iran did it.

And what was so silly about it, Deanna, was that the initial story that came out from Saturday and the assassination attempt was that there was a breakdown in the secret service. There was a breakdown of security. It was. It was a lone gunman and it was Dei, and it was incompetence and security breakdown. That’s what they went with for like, two or three days. And now all of a sudden, they’re coming out with headlines and said, well, actually, they got a tip that Iran was plotting an assassination attempt, and so they beefed up security. I’m like, well, which one is it? Was it bad security and, you know, and Dei, or was it beefed up security? Because I got to be honest with you, I didn’t see the beefed up security.

I didn’t see the beef, no. And do we really believe that this one scrawny 20 year old kid from Bethel, Pennsylvania, with no social media, somehow climbed up there and evaded secret Service and all these sniper teams and everything, even when Trump supporters were calling them out, out and identifying him and yelling, hey, there’s a shooter on the roof. We really think this one little kid is responsible for this shooting. Yeah, they want us to believe that it was either patsy. Yeah, they, he’s a patsy. They want us to believe that there was some, some 20 year old kid with no Internet or social media fingerprint just literally just drove over to the event, parked his car, brought his gun and walked over to this building, snuck around, walked over to this building, and then, and then had a ladder crawled up this ladder, got on top of the building, and, and he did it in full sight of everybody.

People were pointing him out for several minutes. And now we know that for 20, at least 26 minutes ahead of time, he was already on the security’s radar and they were watching out for him. They were looking him. Apparently they lost him for a little while. But Dan Bongino, former member of the secret service, said if they had this security threat that they knew about and was reported to them multiple times, why did they even bring the president out on stage? Why didn’t they hold him? There is literally something called their whole job. Yeah, they have a holding room to hold President Trump until the security threat is neutralized.

He’s like, why was he even brought out while they were looking for this guy? I’ve seen pictures, too. This building was like, right there. Yeah, right there. The closest one to Trump. And you can see pictures. I’ve also seen a picture from the crowd looking out from President Trump’s vantage point out over the crowd. And you can see the building right there and the roof and where the shooter. In broad daylight. In broad daylight. It’s ridiculous. It’s crazy. But it turns out that it’s because there was a plot to kill the president. And, you know, and that’s what’s going on.

And now they’re trying to blame the plot on Iran. And that’s the misdirect and the security breakdown. That’s a misdirect. And the 20 year old shooter who’s going to be a dead end to nowhere. Right. Also a misdirect. This is a plot just like all the other plots. And now, you know, Kimberly Cheeto, the director of the Secret Service, is saying, oh, well, you know, that, that building had a sloped roof. And so we don’t like to put Secret Service agents and snipers on sloped roofs due to their safety threats. I mean, these are trained, highly trained snipers and assassins that go everywhere in the mountains.

And, you know, they, they do their missions in the middle of the night. I mean, they are known for doing the most craziest things, the most dangerous things, and you can’t put them on a little bit of a sloped roof. What kind of, we see the pictures of the counter snipers on the other building, a roof that was sloped even more than the roof that she said was too slow. Right. That’s garbage. She’s making it up. Crazy. Listen, this was a, this was a person who was on the evacuation detail for Dick Cheney during 911. Dick Cheney neocon inside job.

And she was also behind, she aided the January 6 cover up. She’s, you know, all the text messages and messages during January 6 were mysteriously all deleted and lost during a data migration. Right. So she was in on that, too. So she is covering. And the reason why she’s not stepping down is because they’re going to use her as a distraction tactic. Yeah. They’re talking points are quick, are quickly crystallizing. Oh, it was her fault. It was a security breakdown. And so she’s playing to that. She’s, yeah, she’ll be the fall guy or woman and maybe she’ll be the fall guy, but for right now, she, she’s, she’s a distraction.

Like we’re, so they want us to look at the secret service. They want us to look at the, they want us to look at a lone gunman. They want us to look at a security breakdown. They want us looking everywhere over here when the reality is it’s right over here. Israel and their deep state allies pulled this off and she’s part of it, most likely. And maybe she’s not, but I think that, I think that she is. Now I want to kind of like put these puzzle pieces together and then sort of tie it together in a big bow.

Now we have news all over, you know, today and yesterday about Biden potentially might drop out of race due to medical conditions. And now we’re seeing everybody who, when he was defiantly not dropping out before saying I will never drop out of the race, now he’s suddenly saying I might drop out due to medical conditions. And now this is circulating. And now we have JD Vance that was just chosen as Trump’s vice president, odd pick, at least to say the least, and potentially dangerous pick. What do you, how do these two pieces potentially also, speaker one, it gets complicated, but let me back up a little bit because, and then we’ll tie that in because people are saying, sam, how do you know this is a plot? How do you know Israel’s behind it? Where, yeah, how, yeah, what are the evidence that points to it.

Right? So here’s the thing. They didn’t want Donald Trump in, in 2020 either because they wanted this Iran or they wanted. Well, first of all, they wanted to go to. I go into Iran and he wouldn’t do it. Like, he refused to go into Iran. That’s what the assassination of Soleimani was. Right? He was supposed to assassinate Soleimani. And then, and then they were going to use that to kick off a greater war with Iran because Israel has wanted Iran wiped out for a long, long time. But Trump wouldn’t do it. He wouldn’t play ball. Now, a lot of people like, well, Trump’s pro Israel, he’s a zionist.

He’s their guy. And it’s not an either or. It’s not a one or a zero on or off. It’s not so binary as that. It’s a continuum. And he is very zionist, he is very pro Israel, but he doesn’t want war with Iran. At the end of the day, Donald Trump is a peacemaker. He’s a deal maker. He doesn’t like starting wars and he doesn’t want to start wars. Right? So he actually backed us out of the Iran nuclear deal. That was good for Iran. He didn’t want war with Iran, so he had to go. He also wouldn’t have been in favor of this war between Ukraine and Russia.

And I’m about to explain why that’s important. But he didn’t want that either. He stood in the way of that. So they had to get him out in 2020, thus the stolen election. Okay? So now Donald Trump’s out of there. So then they were able to kick off the Russia Ukraine war, and then Israel was able to come in, do its Gaza thing, and now Israel, now that it’s taken Gaza, wants to start a war with Lebanon and Iran and fulfill its greater Israel ambitions. Now, here’s how it connects. People don’t understand, okay, how it connects.

To take out Iran, you need Russia occupied with Ukraine. See, they tried to take out Syria. Remember when they tried to take out Syria, but Russia intervened and it was unsuccessful. Right? Russia intervened and the attempt to take out Syria was unsuccessful. So in order to take out Iran, you need Russia occupied. You need Russia weakened. You need Russia taken out. That’s what the Ukraine war is all about, amongst other things. I mean, there’s money laundering and other things going on, too, that everybody likes. So it’s a gravy train for a lot of people, but fundamentally, it keeps Russia occupied.

All right? And that opens the door for us to be able to take out Iran, which is what Israel wants now. We also know who’s running things in Ukraine. You got, you know, Zelenskyy the Jew and Victoria Nyu. And on the american side, neo Khan Jew, the architect of the ukrainian war. These people were behind the ukrainian war, so they’re taking out Russia. Meanwhile, Israel wants the United States to come in and help them take out Iran. That’s the plot. That’s what Trump wouldn’t do in 2020. He wouldn’t go into Iran and he wouldn’t get behind the Ukraine Russia war.

So they took him out. All right. He still doesn’t want that. So what was the plan, to take Russia or to take Trump out this time? Law fair. They tried to take him out with lawfare, but it was successful. And after the SCOTUS ruling saying that he had immunity, that ends the law. Fair. Not going to be successful now. Yeah. So now what? What’s left? The support for Donald Trump is massive after that first debate and then the SCOTUS ruling took lawfare off the table, and now he’s more popular than ever. Joe Biden looks sick and out of it and weak, and there’s no way he can win now against the Trump train.

Right? Yeah. Now these people, these plotters who want this war with Iran and need the Ukraine Russia war to keep going, what are they going to do? We tried law firm. We couldn’t do it. We got to take him out. So they, this Pennsylvania reality wasn’t supposed to happen. This was scheduled after, after the SCOTUS ruling, I believe. And then after the SCOTUS ruling, they delayed his sentencing from his New York trial. That was mysteriously delayed. That was supposed to happen last Thursday. But it was. I thought the judge dismissed the case just in the last, you know, 72 hours, but that’s not.

Well, that could be. Yeah, but, but the sentencing for the, his convictions was delayed and there was no reason given to. So if you follow the timeline, SCOTUS says he’s got immunity. That takes lawfare off the table. His sentencing for what he was already convicted for, that was pushed back. That opened up this last weekend. So they decided to have this event in Butler, Pennsylvania, like, all of a sudden, like that, his calendar was cleared. So it was, it was last minute on Trump’s side. Right. So what does that tell us? That tells us there’s likely somebody in the Trump camp that’s one of the conspirators.

So we got the Trump camp, and then we got the Secret Service. Now it turns out the majority of people there on this over the weekend were not Secret Service. The majority of security there was managed by the Department of Homeland, Homeland Security, which is run by Alejandro Mayorkas, zionist Jew. See, so we see the conspirators starting to line up. Then there was a video that surfaced from Victoria Nyuan from a few weeks ago saying that Donald Trump, he’s never going to be president. It’s not going to happen. She even said, I think, with a little bit of a smile and a smirk.

Uh, so I think that we see the pieces lining up. They want war with Iran. They need the Russia Ukraine war to keep going. And Donald Trump, even though he’s a pro Israel Zionist, won’t give that to him. That’s why they stole the election in 2020, and that’s why they conducted the lawfare against him. And when that was unsuccessful, it only left him with an option. We’ve got to take him out. And they did it two days before the started the republican national Convention. Right. So that at the convention, they could get who they needed installed.

Somebody like Nikki Haley, perhaps, or who was, you know, who was over there in Israel signing bombs, who will give them everything they want, perhaps Ron DeSantis, perhaps, you know, somebody else. But I think that that was the plot. They needed to take him out. They tried with lawfare. It didn’t work. So next, do you thought. So you think that this was definitely a. They wanted to kill him and take him out completely. You don’t think that this was a, like a purposeful almost killing? A purposeful. Okay, so stage. So that’s the other. That’s one of the other theories.

It was staged. It was fake to increase his popularity. Could it have been staged? Yeah, I don’t think it’s a logical choice. I think there’s too many moving pieces. And you see the video, you see what’s going on. You see all the witness statements. This was a real. This was a real event. It wasn’t fake, wasn’t staged. I think it’s just, it really. Now I understand people who have that knee jerk reaction in this gay ops clown world we’re in, where nothing is as it is, as it seems. Right. And it just seemed. There’s so much.

It’s so illogical in a way, too. I mean, he just happened to move his head at that very moment. But of course, that that would imply that Trump was implicit in it, you know, or complicit in it. And I don’t believe that, you know, and it had to go perfectly right. Right. Perfectly right. And and, you know, they still had to kill some people and there would have been shots fired around him. It’s very dangerous. I think the whole thing falls apart as you start looking at it. I know some people are just. They think that, oh, he got hit in the air.

That’s just too, that’s just too perfect. And I’m like, well, you know, I mean, not every shot that was shot at John F. Kennedy hit Kennedy. It hit other people, it hit the ground, hit here, there. You know, he was hit more than once, and not every one of them was a fatal shot. So, yeah, I mean, miracle, coincidence, simulation, whatever you want to call it, they missed and they weren’t supposed to miss. And so we have a chance now. So expect, accept, expect more opposition. Hence now you have the iranian angle being played up. And you had.

Now I’m going to bring in something else. Boris Johnson. When before the Russia Ukraine war kicked off, there was a period of or right when it kicked off, there was a period when peace was on the table and they had basically hashed out a peace between them, Russia and Ukraine. And Boris Johnson flew in at the 11th hour from the UK to convince Ukraine to go to war. Well, what happened yesterday? I think it was yesterday, Boris Johnson comes flying into the United States to meet with President Trump to encourage him to. I think, I can’t remember if it was like, you know, to encourage him over Iran or to encourage him to continue the Russia Ukraine war, but here he is coming in again, stirring the pot.

So you see what’s going on. You see what they’re trying now. They’re trying other measures. Their. Their plot was unsuccessful. They’ve got to keep this Russia Ukraine war going because they really want to go into Iran and they. And they need him to do it and he doesn’t want to do it. So they’re trying pressure on him now and who knows what else. You know, it kind of feels like Covid all over again. You know, how he was against, you know, he didn’t feel like it was that serious maybe at first, or he kind of saw the scamdemic from the beginning, started calling it out a little bit.

He was against the masks. You know, you can tell that he, he. His bullshit detector was going off just like so many of us. But eventually, it’s like they pressured, pressured, pressured, and he sort of ended up, you know, caving through so many, so much, you know, power, so many powerful people and levers behind him pushing for that. So. And it feels like this eerie sense where all the sound bites are the same from CNN to MSNBC to all these, you know, like, it almost seems like an eerie lockstep type of agenda at this point. And it feels like they’re going to again, come in and try to pressure Trump to do something against his will to do something.

And what you said, you know, it sounds like they’re going to try to really, really hard to pressure him to go to war with Iran because, hey, they almost killed you. You know, you should, you should have been dead. That’s right. You know, fight back. You’re all about fighting, you know, so fight back, retaliate. What kind of a message is this going to send America if you, if you’re weak and you don’t fight back? So is that kind of the, what you’re seeing, what you’re saying? Yes, exactly it, exactly. That’s exactly it. Meanwhile, Israel is safely in the background, the neo always.

Yeah. The victims in the background. And so they’re pushing things like lone gunmen, security breakdown, Iran fake. They’re pushing everything except the actual conspiracy to take Trump off the board so that, so they can have their Iran Russia Ukraine war so Israel can take over, you know, its greater Israel project and so it can bury the bodies in Gaza and hide the genocide in Gaza. Look at the Lancet came out a couple of weeks ago in one of the most prestigious medical journals, one of the oldest medical journals in the world came out with a study saying that there could be as many as 180,000 deaths attributable to this genocide so far.

And, and so Israel wants to bury those bodies. Look it, if Donald Trump gets elected and he any, gets the Russia Ukraine war, like, over, and he makes peace and he makes a deal with Putin, right, and he brokers that deal and then he stands in the way of escalation in Lebanon and Iran, even if they finish what they’re doing in Gaza, which he said he’s been for, eventually that’s going to open up Gaza to investigation. It’s going to open up Netanyahu to investigation. And there’s no love lost between Netanyahu and Trump. Remember, Netanyahu threw him under the bus in 2020, right? And Netanyahu didn’t want to make a deal when Trump had a deal set up between the Palestinians and Israel.

So they’re not, they’re not buddies, right? And so if, when this war gets over, if it de escalates and the Gaza genocide ends, Netanyahu is going to be held accountable. The international press and politicians are going to go into Gaza. They’re going to find the bodies, the hundreds of thousands of dead bodies in the genocide, and it could threaten the end of Israel. And they don’t want that, right. They can’t have that. So you have a Netanyahu Israel Ukraine Russia axis here that’s formed between NATO. Now here’s another piece. The new head of NATO, Mark Rut, was just elected.

He denied any Israel war crimes. And Netanyahu has already voiced his approval for this guy. So he signaled Israel is on board with NATO. NATO’s on board with covering up the war crimes of Israel. Israel wants to go into Iran, so they need the Russia Ukraine war to keep going on. The neocon Jews want that war to keep going on. Everybody wants the war gravy train to keep going. You see how the pieces fit. And Donald Trump, even though he’s pro Israel Zionist, stands in the way of that. They had to take him out. The law fair didn’t work, so now we had to take it.

Take him out, like for real. Wow. So crazy that your analysis. And of course, we’ll know if this is true or not in the next couple months last, you know, we have just a few minutes left. I want to also go over Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance. All right. How do you think that plays into it? Do you think Trump genuinely wants him there? And if so, is that kind of frightening? Did people go whisper in his ear again? And what do you think JD Vance is on our side pro maga or not? I guess he, listen, things are very complicated when it comes to JD advance.

Yes. People whispered, whispered in his ear. Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, maybe Peter Thiel and David Sachs. Various people whispered in his ear. Here’s the thing with JD Vance. He’s not for the Russia Ukraine war either right now. Yes, he’s pro Israel Zionist as well. Okay. And he’s willing to do something with Iran. He said in his first interview after being nominated the other night, he said that, you know, we should do something stronger than weak bombing runs in Iran. Now, now that might mean war, it might mean sanctions, you know, but, you know, so he’s, he’s nominally in line with the Zionists in Israel.

Yeah, we should do something with Iran. But he’s against the Ukraine Russia war. He favors a pull out there. I don’t think he wants, he’s anti war in general. He doesn’t want an escalation in Lebanon. So by picking JD Vance, yes, to some degree, Trump is capitulating to larger influences outside of him, to some forces in the military industrial complex and some other CIA car, you know, elements. You know, Peter Thiel basically has massive contracts with the CIA. And of course, JD Vance is a Peter Thiel protege. So there’s that connection. But JD Vance doesn’t give him Ukraine Russia either.

He takes that off the table. And again, that’s the key. They need the Russia Ukraine war to keep going, to be able to take Iran out successfully because remember, when Russia was, was not occupied and they tried to take out Syria, Russia got involved in it. It didn’t work. They’ve got to have Russia occupied. So JD Vance doesn’t deliver that either, even though he’s a pro Israel Zionist. You see how. You see. So it’s a continuum. It’s not either or. These guys are guest pro Israel Zionists, but to a point. And then. So you don’t think.

So you don’t think we should, like, lose all faith in the fact that Trump, some people are saying, oh, this is it, Trump. You know, Trump signed us off and sold us out with JD Vance. And you’re not on that camp either. It’s more nuanced. It’s more nuanced than that, Deanna. It’s, it’s like, is Trump going to give us everything we want? You know, deport, mass deportations and closed borders and, and, and other. And, you know, and, you know, lower taxes and getting rid of this DEI and really, you know, he wants. No, he wants to staple green cards to all these international student diplomas.

They’re not. There’s no more talk of building a wall. Right. You know, so he’s not, he’s not, let’s be real clear. Donald Trump is not Donald Trump from 2016. Donald Trump, 2024, is. Has been infiltrated by the party. He’s been infiltrated by the military industrial complex. He’s been infiltrated by big oil and big, big immigration and Silicon Valley and the tech CEO’s. He’s bowed to all of these people. He’s not the same Donald Trump. So let’s not. So we can defend Donald Trump from assassination. We can say, here’s why he was assassinated. We can say, yes, because he’s keeping us.

He wants to keep us out of further escalation in the Middle east. That’s all true. But is he going to deliver the full MAGA promises from 2016? No. So it’s more nuanced than, than that. So JD Vance is going to help him stay out of, like, a greater world war three, essentially. That’s what it. That’s what we’re talking about. World War three. He’s going to keep us out of world War three. That’s great. But is he going to deliver the MAGA promises? No. Interesting. All right, well, stay tuned. I mean, there’s so much more. We’re only right.

I mean, right. The election season honestly just got interesting. It just got exciting. Assassination attempts tend to do that. I mean, it’s. It’s really like, wow. Okay. This has got really serious. That’s got really interesting, and we got a lot more to go. So, Sam Parker, always great to have you on and get your analysis. We’ll see what happens in the next couple weeks. Especially. News is moving fast. Tell everybody, of course, where they can find you and follow you. You can find me on Twitter at Sam Parker Senate. Twitter at Sam Parker Senate. And from there, you can go to my flow code page, and that’ll take it all to my other stuff, Instagram, Facebook, you know, telegram, gab, whatever.

Fun stuff. All right, cool. All right, thanks so much, Sam Parker, guys. We’ll be right back right after these messages with our next guest. Stay tuned. Don’t go anywhere. Second thing we can do is drink water. I mean, you hear me talk about hydrogen water all the time with our little bottles. Yes. We have to have water to live. Our bodies are 65% water, just like the earth is. Go figure, right? Wow. Does that not give you chills right there to think about? Totally. Yeah. When we drink that water, if we can bring hydrogen in there, it can reduce inflammation, it can reduce free radicals, and it can be calm.

Calm and peace to the cells. So I don’t know how better we can get than those two tips. And we need that more today, Dan, if we’re stuck and just locked into what’s next in the news, it’s going to lock us in. All right. It’s like locking in self imposed prison, 100%. And you have an incredible water hydration device as well that we can talk about real quick. I know that you probably have it on your desk right now. I drink this every day. This is, you know, forgive me for sound like an info marshal, but this is the truth, man.

It’s on my desk. You know, even before it came on live, I put water in here about five minutes ago, pushed the button, and this little chamber that’s via electrolysis creates hydrogen in here. And I’ll push the button one more time so people can see that. Really cool. So cool. See that puts little bubbles in there really neat like that. And when I. I’ll turn it off and show you when I when I pull the lid off, you can hear a little pressure, and I just drink the water. Yeah, you don’t want to be just drinking tap water.

I mean, you want to be. Not, not all water is grated equal, right? I mean, of course, we want to be replanted. We want to be hydrating with lots and lots of water as one of your tips. But not all water is necessarily created equal. No. Get your water filtered. You know, reverse osmosis is my favorite. There’s a lot of little portable filters one can do from a hardware store to put on your fountain or on your pictures in your, in your house. You can get an indoor filter system. Works pretty good. We have one. Or you can buy filtered water, too.

But the cool thing about this is when I drink this, it reduces not just the inflammation of the free radicals, but it can make myself respond in a younger manner. So cheers to being younger. Older, I guess. I suppose. But it’s really important. Really. You got yours, too. It’s important to do the right things that are simple. I’m a big believer in the kiss principle. Keep it simple, silly, you know? Yes. And what we talked about is learning to redefine stress, understand the addiction of stress, getting outside, getting away from it all, and then filling your body with the water, which is life.

All right, guys, now, I know this is a little bit of a longer show here, but there’s just so much to cover, especially with this Trump assassination attempt. And new news just comes pouring in, flying in by the second. So we’ve got more to talk about. And now this is just nuts, just like I always suspected. Now, you know, whenever we, we think of something that’s very suspicious, when things don’t add up, a major event that kind of feels like Covid, like this Trump assassination attempt. We got to ask a lot of questions, and we got to follow the money, and we got to look at those big corporations like, what is Soros doing? And what is maybe Black Blackrock doing? And Vanguard.

It all seems to lead to the same places, doesn’t it? Well, the plot does thicken, because as it turns out, Blackrock and Vanguard are linked to this Trump assassination plot, or false flag, or psy up, whatever you want to call it. I’m not doubting, of course, that Trump got shot and that this happened and a man was killed. I’m just saying whoever orchestrated all of this now is evidently linked to Blackrock and Vanguard, those huge, enormous, deep state companies. Now, I’m going to read a little bit verbatim here, so don’t mind me, but I want to make sure I get it right because this just in soon to be unmasked entities bet.

This is insane. They bet that President Trump’s DJT stock, which includes truth social or truth media, would plummet. They bet that his stock would plummet one day before the assassination attempt. All right, now, this is so crazy. So shorts against the truth social stock more than doubled from July 1 to July 12, meaning people or very large organizations were predicting that by Monday the stock would plummet, something that undoubtedly, of course, would have happened had President Trump died at that rally in Pennsylvania. So it’s so bizarre, right? Why would they, why would all of these people or large corporations bet randomly out of all the days and all the weeks and all the years, now they’re going to bet that his, his stock would plummet just a day that, like, literally the day that this happened on Monday, or, sorry, the day after it happened.

So Monday, they would bet that his stock would plummet. Hmm. So this could obviously mean that somebody or some people or group of people had foreknowledge of the plot against President Trump’s life, and they tried to profit off the calamity, which they always do. Right? They try to profit off in the calamity. Now, for those of you who don’t remember, this also happened on 911. 911. Where bets were placed against the stocks of major airline companies, American Airlines and United Airlines. A day before the attack, an investigation showed that in both cases, a single entity and a well placed insider newsletter tipped off investors to miraculously bet against the two top airlines in the USA that day, who, of course, took a major hit after the hijackings.

So now we know that these people or corporations that were at this, at the time of this post, had yet to be unmasked. They were betting that dj t’s tr stock would plummet, of course, on July 15. Hmm. Coincidence? I think not. So all these people were betting on basically his death. That’s what that alludes to. And now it’s come out even more. Now, here’s the, here’s the real goods here. It’s turned out that it’s Blackrock. That’s the company that’s behind all of this. So let me read this to you again, because this just in. Blackrock and Vanguard, globalist investment firms, Blackrock and Vanguard, of course, are linked to a company that shorted Trump company stocks ahead of the shooting.

And the owner of the building, that would be Trump assassin Michael Matthew Crook. Sorry, Matthew Crooks, interesting last name. Fired his shots from. So Blackrock is linked to crooks. And this is another thing that I’m going to get to in a moment, because there’s multiple black rock connections here to the Trump assassination plot. So leftist invents, leftist investment company Austin Private wealth. That is the main umbrella company, I guess. No, I’m not familiar, too familiar with stocks and trading and everything. I’m going to have somebody on next week who knows much more about this, but I’m just kind of reading verbatim and explaining it.

So this Austin private wealth company filed with the SEC to short 12 million shares of DJT stocks less than two weeks before the Trump rally shooting. And they were betting, like I said, that on July 15 those stocks would plummet. So here’s what happened. And then they expose the fact that APW Austin private wealth holds over $78 million in vanguard and over 34 million in Blackrock shares, according to the latest quarters filing. So interesting. This is all related basically to Blackrock, and they’re sort of at the helm of all of this, is what I’m reading correctly.

And now it gets even weirder. This was just exposed to, you know, they’re getting so sloppy with their crisis actors and their patsies, aren’t they? But Matthew Crooks, the assassin of Donald J. Trump, the 20 year old scrawny kid from Pennsylvania, he was in a blackrock commercial. Yes, in 2022, they somehow unearthed a black rock commercial, or blackrock, and this Matthew Crooks is in it. I mean, you can clearly see that’s him. And at this point, no, no one’s denied it. And, you know, there’s no fact checking been going on, but it’s been circulating. If you haven’t seen this commercial, check it out right now.

My name is Brian Delalo. I teach AP and honors economics in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Financial well being to me is knowing that I can be free to do the things that I love to do. I hope when I retire someday. They say that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community. So why is this 20 year old kid, who I had a feeling was a patsy anyways? He wasn’t the real d, he wasn’t the real assassin here. Come on. But this 20 year old kid was also in black Rocks commercial two years ago.

Come on. I mean, clearly this guy is like a CIA farmed crisis actor or Mkultra, that they put up there as the patsy, as the fall guy. But I don’t truly believe that that was the real assassin of or the would be assassin of President Trump. Do you? Nothing really adds up. I believe there was either multiple shooters or it was somebody else. But of course it was an inside job. And more and more evidence is piling up that this was an inside job, not some lone 20 year old kid shooter who, by the way, now has been proven to be in the Blackrock commercial.

How sloppy could they get? How stupid do they think they, we are? We always see this over and over again. And now with that, it is time for the Darwin awards. The Darwin Awards, the dumbest, stupidest, most ridiculous tweets and events and people of the week, of which there have been so many this week. Now, obviously, the setup against Donald J. Trump and the attempted assassination was the Darwin award of the week. I mean, you couldn’t get any more darwinian than that. And they missed. They missed. They didn’t even get what they wanted. And now he’s winning.

And there’s so much more support behind Donald J. Trump. He is predicted most likely to win even by a landslide. The RNC has been off the chain this week. Everybody’s been airing it and so many people are flipping, even liberals. Democrats say it’s pretty obvious Donald J. Trump is going to win. So this attempted assassination truly blew up in their faces, not Donald Trump’s face. By the grace of God, divine intervention. And it takes the cake for the Darwin award of the week. And in fact, it is so obvious that he’s probably going to win that even Van Jones, CNN’s token black guy, Democrat Van Jones, comments on it.

And he said this, he said that Trump took a bullet and he’s still standing. It didn’t take him out, but Biden got a virus and that’s what took him out. Check out this clip. If you missed it, it’s hilarious. A bullet couldn’t stop Trump. A virus just stopped biting. You’ve got the nominees of this party getting their butts kissed. Biden’s getting his butt kicked by his own party. The Democrats are coming apart. The Republicans are coming together. Van Jones, can you just go ahead and come on our side? The water is warm over here. Let’s just stop denying it anyway.

Stop being on the losing team. Van Jones, when even he’s admitting it. Yikes. We got a problem here. All right now. And that the next Darwin award goes to. Now, this is probably the best media trolling ever that I’ve ever seen. Look at this guy. This guy snuck up behind CNN’s reporter at the RNC and he said, look at, look at Epstein’s client list. Where is the Jeffrey Epstein client list? And he’s just trolling behind her on live tv, back and forth. The best. The best trolling. Grade a trolling. Amazing. Whoever this is, we need to know who your name is and give you this award.

You don’t get the Darwin award. CNN gets the Darwin award. But check this out real quick. If you missed it, service issue. And to reach out to the Secret Service. But I can tell you this, they have a lot of questions as to who exactly at the Trump campaign do and when, because I have talked to a number of people who have been on the ground, the former president, in recent and days and weeks who had no idea. Now, one thing to remember is that Donald Trump is a very tight knit security. He has been with the same detail for years.

He is very close to them. They have a lot of respect for him. He has a lot of respect for them. So Biden’s latest excuse for why he stopped campaigning, aka has no more energy or stamina left, is that he’s now come down with COVID Covid. Covid. But wait, I thought you’ve gotten five different boosters. I thought you’ve gotten all your vaccines and boosters, but yet you keep getting Covid. I thought you were invincible. I thought that’s what we were all supposed to get the vaccine so that we could prevent getting Covid. But now he’s got Covid.

And again, this has taken him out. Trump took a bullet, as Van Van Jones says, and that didn’t take him out. But old Biden over here got Covid, and that’s taken him out. And he’s so delirious and, and so old and decrepit and withering away that he even said this when he was in an interview this week. He couldn’t even remember his defense secretary. He’s so funny. He just said he stumbles and stumbles and calls the secretary of defense that, you know, that black man, that black man, he calls the secretary of defense that black man and couldn’t even remember his name.

So amazing. Just, I just keep reeling in the wins for us right now. And Trump, check this out if you have it already. And so it’s all about, it’s all about treating people with dignity, and it’s about making sure that, for example, look at the heat I’m getting because I named the secretary of defense the black man. I named Ketanji Brown because of the people I’ve made. And another embarrassing flood that just happened today. Again, Biden walks over to a blonde woman that not really resembles his wife Jill, but maybe kind of to him. And he walks over to her and he almost kisses her.

He almost kisses her, this other woman. And then his wife had to go over and pull him aside and like, oh, that’s not me. That’s not your wife. That’s some other random, strange woman. It just gets better and better. Check this out if you missed it. And lastly, these aren’t. I mean, the Darwin award obviously goes to the orchestrators of this failed Trump assassination attempt. And also the Secret Service and everybody that was in on this. I mean, the Secret Service and the memes are incredible. The memes are so great that have come out for the Secret Service.

I mean, here’s one with John Travolta and pulp fiction secret Service. And he’s looking around, looking around with the cow on the roof. Where is he? Where? I don’t know. I don’t know. Where’s the shooter? And there’s so many other great memes with the shooter on the roof, invisible plain sight with everybody seeing it. Secret Service is like, I don’t know. What are you talking about? I don’t see anything. What are you talking about? And of course, the sloped roof B’s. I mean, come on. That. I think that definitely deserves a Darwin award. To Kimberly Cheeto talking about the fact that a sniper couldn’t get up there because of the sloped roof.

Oh, my gosh. We got to protect that slow sniper from a sloped roof. So just as we end the show today, let’s play some of these great memes. The week with the secret Service putting them on blast as they should be. All right, guys, that’s all the time we’ve got for today. Thank you so much for watching shots fired. Remember, twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 08:00 p.m. eastern time right after this do Peter show. And in the meantime, follow us on social, social media, especially gab and telegram, truth, social and getter real Deanna, Lorraine.

And on X for all the latest and controversial post. Deanna for Congress special shout out to my chat room. Thanks for always keeping it positive and patriotic. We love you. Thank you so much for supporting shots fired and the Stu Peters network. And you can support my show even more by visiting my sponsors. They’re right in the description link below. Go check them out. Especially my good friends the Sherwoods. Go to Sherwood tv shots and do promo code shots to get 30% off of all their incredible products and counseling and so much more, especially kingdom fuel, incredible products, and nutritional supplements.

All right, guys, that is it for now. Have a great weekend. Stay safe. God bless you, and God bless America. I will see you next week. Talk to you soon. Young man there’s no need to feel down I said, young man pick yourself off the ground I said, young man cause you’re in a new town there’s no need to be unhappy young mandy.

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