Trump Praises Anti-Trafficking Film Sound of Freedom, Woke Critics Try to Silence It

Posted in: News, Patriots


Summary of the key points from the transcript:

  • At a screening of the film The Sound of Freedom,” Trump praises the movie that tells the true story of a Homeland Security agent fighting child sex trafficking.
  • The film is breaking box office records, earning over $100 million, but woke liberals are trying to sabotage screenings.
  • A Bloomberg journalist who supports pedophilia wrote a hit piece attacking the film. This raises questions about the motives of its critics.
  • As the movie gains popularity, it faces more criticism from mainstream outlets, but the attacks are too late to stop its success.
  • The producer says 700 requests to show the film globally, proving the movie’s message cannot be silenced.
  • The speaker says the film’s impact shows the resistance against globalists is growing. He leads a group taking concrete steps locally and online to keep fueling the uprising.

In summary, the transcript covers Trump’s praise of the anti-trafficking film “Sound of Freedom,” liberal attempts to discredit it, and how the movie’s success proves the anti-globalist resistance is gaining momentum. The speaker calls people to join the movement resisting globalism.


We have to do a lot more and we got to start with Donald Trump what do you mean well he’s got to be in there because he’s going to go after the traffickers do you think he would do you think he understands that we were with him last night oh I didn’t know that Esther yes oh so he’s going to be moved to do this do something I didn’t know that he wasn’t he’s kind of last night this is the new Moses I mean I’m still Jesus but he’s the new Moses Pharaoh let my children go free.

All right I did not know that was an impressive screening at Bedminster I guess uh Eduardo Jim Caviezel great to see you again congratulations on your success I can’t say I’m surprised but I know how intense you are and good job this is the people’s movie God bless you absolutely that’s right gang the sound of Freedom just got a brand new fan the one and only Donald J Trump trump hosted a special screening of the film at his golf club in Bedminster New Jersey.

He described the film as an incredible and a great movie and he commended the performances and the inspiring story of the film thank you all very much it was incredible Jim that was unbelievable you made this the hottest movie anywhere in the world so I think maybe becoming the president of Mexico by comparison right so I just wanted to thank you all that was unbelievable acting and Tim what a job you did anybody and Trump is right it is setting records as of today this miracle of a movie has broken the 100 million dollar Mark absolutely incredible it is without question an astonishing success.

Again if you don’t know the sound of Freedom tells the true story of Tim Ballard a Homeland Security special agent on a mission to combat International child sex trafficking now I’ve seen it I got to see it over the weekend with my wife no uh no issues reported we’ll get into that in a moment but I gotta tell you it was amazing it was an absolutely riveting film and I said this before in some previous videos it’s just it’s an excellent movie right apart from the message itself which is amazing I was just so impressed by the top-notch level of movie making Jim Caviezel gives an excellent performance as Tim Ballard the former government agent who plunges into the Dark World of international human and particularly child trafficking.

Tim Ballard was there at the Bedminster screening with Trump and as you could see the film is absolutely dominating the box office which is utterly panicking woke Libs because they’re doing everything they possibly can to discourage their dwindling audience from seeing it even resorting to sabotage so I’ve been seeing all over Tick Tock that people are going to watch the movie The Sound of freedom and these weird things are happening like random emergency evacuations the air conditioning not working and having to leave the theater and I thought no that’s probably just something that’s happening in other theaters in other places.

So I took me and my daughters to go watch the sound of Freedom today in about an hour and 20 minutes into the movie we get a random emergency evacuation none of this staff knows what’s going on the mall wasn’t being evacuated just the theater all they did was refund us our money with no explanation but I guess you can call me a conspiracy theorist now.

This is all par for the course of what’s been going on over the last five years since the movie was completed Hollywood for five years has been doing everything it can to bury this film which of course begs the question why what on Earth are they so frightened of Zero Hedge has the headline journalists attacking the film sound of Freedom should have their hard drives investigated I think they’re on to something and so does independent reporter Andy know he called out Bloomberg for putting photo pedophile Advocate a fellow by the name of Noah balotsky to write an article denouncing the film Yes you heard that right Bloomberg employed a pedophile Advocate to write a critical review of the film wait until you see this but first you all know of a very new and serious threat coming from woe corporations right.

It’s called debanking where woke banks are increasingly closing the accounts of Patriots around the globe and one of the most important areas of protests where Patriots are deliberately taking their money out of these woke Banks is in the massive buying spree going on right now with gold and silver we saw this right after the Silicon Valley Bank collapse where more and more investors began moving their money back in the timeless value of gold and we’ve got some amazing friends to this channel who can help you do just that we partnered with the top rated precious metals company goldco who’ve helped Patriots Across the Nation move over a billion dollars into gold and silver.

You heard that right gang that’s billion with a B they’re absolutely amazing click on that link below right now and for those with retirement accounts the Patriots over at Goldco are offering up to ten thousand dollars in free silver when opening a qualified Ira accountant for cash buyers you’re gonna love this you can get bonus silver just by making a purchase so if you buy fifteen thousand dollars worth of precious metals you’ll get 750 in bonus silver if you buy twenty-five thousand dollars you’re gonna get twelve hundred dollars worth of bonus silver but that’s only as long as Supply allows so don’t wait click on that link below right now.

This is your opportunity to protect yourself from debanking these woke Libs and corrupt government by guarding your assets with what Patriots have invested in for centuries the Timeless value of gold and silver click on that link below right now and what did berlotsky say about pedophiles years ago? Well as journalists Andy no found out berlasky said quote pedophiles are essentially a stigmatized group certain people get designated as deviants people hate them it’s no surprise that Mr burlotsky has taken the view that he did in the Bloomberg opinion piece essentially repeating the smears that we’ve heard before against supporters of the film that it’s um q and on based on conspiracies and far-right tropes.

Mr Pulaski was a spokesperson for prostatia an organization that I’ve reported on before prestacia um uh does controversial, let’s just say, research and advocacy on so-called minor-attracted persons, otherwise known as pedophiles they publish blog posts and essays Mr. Balotsky has written several then um essentially in one way or another arguing or putting forth the idea that um miners children um are not always victim of sex abuse in cases where they are involved in sexual encounters with adults because they have bodily autonomy some of them have the maturity to make that decision.

There’s a lot of euphemism in the language, and this rationality is actually also very similar to arguments used by trans activists for why transgender children should be able to be medically transitioned it’s this whole argument of bodily autonomy yeah so that was independent reporter Andy Noe doing the investigative work the media doing exposing precisely the kind of people Bloomberg is employing to trash this wonderful and obviously very timely film and what makes it even worse as you can see all these fledgling efforts at denigrating the film are so utterly futile.

Eduardo veristagi the producer of the film he’s out there noting that initially and ironically, the film went completely unchallenged by critics because detractors underestimated its impact they all thought that the larger entities like Disney and Indiana were going to totally overshadow this movie it was only when the film gained traction among audiences and became the number one movie in America literally on its opening day July the 4th it was only then that it became a target for criticism among the lame stream media but as the producer notes very confidently uh sorry it’s all too little too late for any of these attacks to have any effect.

In fact the movie is showing now in more theaters than ever the movement behind sound to Freedom simply cannot be stopped and the best part this is just the beginning the producer just revealed that he’s received over 700 requests from around the world to show the film in theaters all throughout the planet there’s no putting this Genie back in the bottle the sound of freedom is finally free.

Are you ready to join the resistance because I’m leading a group of dedicated courageous Patriots who can lead a spearhead Into the Heart of the secular globalist establishment we punished Bud Light and Target driven CNN and the Legacy Media to near bankruptcy forced BlackRock to backtrack on ESG and now we’re seeing our conservative dominated Supreme Court ending affirmative action and protecting religious liberty in my insiders Club I show you concrete steps to take locally and online that will only keep this Mass Uprising going until the battle is won don’t wait click the link in my description below and join my courageous Patriots insiders club today.


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andy noe exposes critics anti-trafficking film criticism bloomberg critic pedophilia educardo verastagi producer film requests worldwide joining anti-globalist resistance resisting globalism movement sound of freedom box office sound of freedom sabotage tim ballard film trump bedminster screening trump sound of freedom

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