Trump is TAKING ON Woke Environmentalists! | Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ Dr. Steve Turley discusses the potential impact of the Biden administration’s pledge to move away from fossil fuels, signed at the UN climate summit. It highlights the importance of natural gas for energy independence, as demonstrated during Trump’s presidency. The article also introduces Francisco Guerra, an entrepreneur who has developed a generator that runs on biomass, providing a potential solution to the fossil fuel eradication pledge. The generator, which can run for hours on materials like wood chunks or grass shavings, represents a step towards a parallel economy that is independent of traditional energy sources.
➡ The speaker discusses his journey from being a magician to an inventor, creating products like the Furby and Tickle Me Elmo. He also talks about his efforts to solve the plastic problem by developing a device that can convert plastic into diesel. He mentions his experiences with patenting his inventions and helping other inventors. Lastly, he shares his concerns about the challenges faced by American entrepreneurs and his efforts to support Christian organizations.
➡ The speaker is discussing a device called a syngas generator, which can convert biomass into gas that can be used for cooking, heating, and even powering a generator. This device is seen as a way to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on traditional power sources. The speaker also talks about his passion for helping others achieve self-sufficiency and his belief in the power of faith, family, and freedom. He encourages everyone to consider getting a syngas generator to increase their independence.
➡ The speaker is planning a long trip and will bring gasifiers, devices that convert organic material into gas, because they can be reproduced at the destination. The place he’s visiting is starting to export tractors to the U.S. He believes that with time and interaction, the “fire of freedom” will ignite there. He encourages others to get a gasifier, calling it the “fuel of the parallel economy.”


The first version we have right now will power a 10,000 watt generator, and it’ll run four and a half hours full throttle with the 10,000 watt generator. So if you use a smaller generator, it could run longer. And you just keep adding, all you do is keep adding more mass to it. After 4 hours, come in and go send the kid out. Hey, go fuel the machine. That’s right.

Faith, family, and freedom. That’s right. The Henley fuels the freedom. That’s right. Hey, gang, it’s me, Dr. Steve. And we’re starting to see more and more signs that the Biden administration recognizes that they’re going to get crushed by Trump come November. Let’s just say that they’re becoming more and more desperate in terms of what they’re trying to sneak in here before getting booted out of office. For example, did you know that at the end of 2023, December 13, to be exact, Biden signed a pledge at the UN climate summit, what’s called the cop 28, that effectively states that those signatories must lead their countries away from using any and all fossil fuels.

So this fossil fuel eradication pledge was never debated. It was never discussed. It was never voted on. But our wealthy, jet setting elite at the UN wants you to never use gasoline or natural gas ever again. And yet, of course, as we saw with all their, you know, from our ruling establishment, all their houses have what, in their kitchen? Well, of course, a gas stove. Right now, this is the opposite of what Trump did.

He recognized that natural gas is hugely important for our self sufficiency, our energy independence, as well as our dominance. Remember how Trump made America unreliant on any other country when it came to our energy needs, and we even became at one point, the top energy exporter in the world. That’s what’s different about the american the spirit that we’ve all inherited. We fight back against the tyranny of government, whether it’s elected or not.

So what does this mean for all of us? What can we do about the fossil fuel eradication pledge? The Biden administration is trying to sneak in here. Well, gang, this is precisely what makes the building of a parallel economy just so incredibly exciting. Because today I’m joined by my friend Francisco Guerra, who’s made it his life’s mission ever since migrating here from Cuba to create tools that’ll protect our freedoms and our independence.

Francisco is a prolific entrepreneur, so much so that time magazine has actually ranked one of his inventions as one of the best inventions of the year. But best of all, Francisco is one of us. He’s a patriot and he’s an avid defender of faith, family, and I have been. I was so excited I got up today. I was so excited to talk to you. It’s such an honor to have you here, man.

Oh, thank you. I’m a big follower and we all stand together in our fight. So, yeah, it’s exciting. It is. And you make that fight all the more invigorating by your inventive imagination that you put into practice. It’s so amazing. What do you make of this move away from fossil fuels? I’m curious, could it actually happen? No, it’s crazy. There’s just no way. We don’t have the ability to.

Just a feedstock. And how are they going to do it? I mean, it’s interesting, but I started to move in that direction because I knew it was coming 20 years ago. Funny story happens is when Obama got elected, I freaked out and said, you know what? I’m going to move to Panama. I’m going to buy an island. A couple of my friends did it. But when I went out through to the islands, I realized these islands are pretty, well, they’re not that big.

But second, putting solar panels wasn’t a great idea. So I said, hey, there’s a lot of biomass, there’s a lot of wood, there’s coconuts that come up on the shore. So I said to these guys, all these guys had these islands and they’re all buying diesel and putting diesel in these 55 gallon drums, bringing it to their house and putting it in a generator. I’m going, that’s so you have so much biomass.

Have you guys ever heard of a thing called a sin gas generator? They’re like. So I said, well, here, it’s real simple. In World War II, there was no fuel in Europe, zero fuel in Europe. So what do people do? They convert their carburetor engine to run off of sin gas. And what sin gas is, it’s really interesting. Sin gas is the other gases. When you burn a piece of wood, no matter what it is, if you’re looking at it while you’re burning it, you can see there’s different colors in it.

Those other colors are gases that are being released that don’t burn yet because they’re released. So they didn’t catch, get caught into the ignition, period. So what I did is, well, I didn’t do it. I mean, this was science. I mean, it was a publication where I found, it was in a publication by the army corps of Engineers, put out something in case of famine and no electricity and no fuel.

But no one ever took it seriously. So what I did is I went ahead and made it into a household version. I did it for me first. But while I was in Panama looking for an island, I kept telling these guys, you guys have biomass? No. No. So you just hook it up to your generator. What? What do you mean? Yeah, you plug the gas that comes out of this into the carburetor and you fill it with biomass.

So this is pellets. So these are like. Looks like rabbit food. They’re just pellets. I mean, just little pellets. You can make this. I made this out of grass shavings in my house. So I collect it, I put it in 55 gun drum. Then I bought this $159 pelletizer. They do it to make rabbit food and it makes pellets. All I use, I fill my hopper in my sin gas generator and it runs for about 6 hours, so it costs me nothing.

I also can put wood chunks in it. I can also put carpet. So this is a little funny. I take pallets that people throw away, we cut them up and we charcoal them, we turn them into this, and then this becomes a great biomass. So it’s got a hop. It’s really interesting. But we knew that it was coming, right? We knew that. I have always known that they’re going to increase the price and this is what they’re going to do is electricity is what’s going to get Expensive, it’s going to get out of hand.

Right? So some cases it’s cheaper to run a generator if your fuel doesn’t cost you anything. Right? Wow. So that’s how the sin gas generator started for us, and we’ve perfected it. We know tough times are going to come in the next couple of years. How are they going to handle the electrical draw for all electric cars? They’re really going to do that. I’m curious, when was that article written that you came across that inspired this idea? You said you came across an article that talked about its use.

No. You know what it was is I know about sin gas. Well, how I know about it is years ago I developed a little contraption that makes hydrogen. And what this machine does is it takes water, it hydrolyzes the water. But I also could take a little straw from here and run a little motor with it. So for two minutes, three minutes, technically, it will bubble like that.

Then at the end of two minutes, I will drink it. It’s delicious. It super hydraulates, it goes right into my system. Anyways, I’m an expert with hydrogen. So hydrogen is free, basically means uses low voltage. It was that research for that. And then it’s something that I knew that, look, how a turbo works in a car is it takes the exhaust and runs it back into the. Again, you know, we could be self sufficient.

Every home in America could be. I’ll give you an example. I am totally off the grid. I have solar panels on the roof of my house with a Tesla battery that I’m off the. Can I have my own? Well, we have a foot of snow outside my home right now. It’s iced over. You can’t leave unless you’ve got heavy equipment or a big truck. So no problem. Everybody’s out of water.

Everybody. There’s ice storm coming and blah, blah, blah. It doesn’t affect me because I have the basic necessities and I have a sin gas generator standing by. I love it. You’re literally creating the fuel of the parallel, the literal fuel of the parallel economy, and you’re living it out yourself. It’s wonderful. I was going to ask, because one of the other areas of the parallel economy that’s growing is classical education.

Not just in the actual k to twelve schooling, proper schooling or formal schooling, but also in homeschooling as well. And it was in part inspired by Doug Wilson after he came across an older article. I think it was written back in the 1940s. That’s just kind of what inspired me about that. Wait a minute now. Similar things going on about how we used to do education, how we used to educate for virtue and wisdom with the great books, with theology as the queen of the sciences and all that.

He started bringing that back. Back in the early 80s, there were only a couple of classical schools that time. Today, now there’s, I believe we’re getting close to about 1000. I mean, it’s just exploded all over the country. So you guys are all tapping into the same, I think, creative energies of wait a know, we know how to do mean Tesla’s technology for free mean it’s been designed, we know it, know who’s going to be the first one to do it, right? That’s why I made these home versions.

And I’m coming out with something else. You want to hear my latest news? This is why I was so excited to tell you. I mean, you’re like Willy Wonka. Go, I am. If you ever get a chance to come see my factory, that’s 45,000 technologies that we’re developing for retail. I used to be the largest retailer for home shopping network, providing them houseware products, kitchen prox. That fueled me the revenue to develop new things that we put out.

So we got hundreds of products. But my main business is special effects. I’m in every movie set and every theme park in the world. So I’ve got these resources. I’ve got a lab. I’ve got engineers. I’ve got a machine shop. We can develop all kinds of things. And that fuels me to do my. I call it my inventing for humanity. But I live half my time in Puerto Rico because of tax program until this year.

Now I’m here all the time because it’s so busy here. They have such a huge plastic problem. We now know that in our cells we have what’s called microplastic. It means that there’s so much plastic that it gets into our cell level, that small of plastic, we don’t know what to do with it. So I know that a simple science project that I tried is I know if you take plastic, like plastic bottles, which is my biggest concern, what do we use? So many plastic bottles.

But what if I told you you can take all the plastic that you use at home, and if you put it into this little device I’ve developed, very simple, and you pack it in with all the plastic, say, once a month, you have 40 pounds of plastic. Wouldn’t it be neat if you turn this thing on and 40 minutes later, out comes diesel? Clear diesel. And that’s what we’re working on.

That’s 2024, is we’re releasing a product anybody can have at home. It uses heat. So the syngas generator could be used to give the heat to run. But basically, when you cook plastic, most people don’t know this. It goes back to its natural form, which is kerosene diesel. It’s in the middle. So I’m going to figure out what to do with all the plastic around my area. Our local town in Lexington doesn’t recycle its plastic.

It’s in the landfill. I’m going to take all their plastic and start cooking it and using it to power their garbage trucks because it’ll cost them nothing. But also, I could generate my own reactor. I could power my community. This is so where I live. TVA doesn’t. They’re. They’re on the fence there, right? They like the fact that I can generate. They don’t even buy back my electricity.

I overproduce. That’s hilarious. Francisco, how did you get, what inspired you to create inventions that, again, the theme that I’m getting from all your work is you’re about protecting the american people from these real tyrannical threats. What inspired you to do that? Well, being born into a communist country and then coming to the greatest country on the planet and been given the privilege to bring products to market and understanding the free trade.

So I just brought my products out, and I found audiences. Now, the Internet became my biggest. When I was a kid, I was a magician, and the problem was, I used to invent magic tricks for the magicians I did for Copperfield and all the top guys and Chris angel, but there’s not that many of them. So I said, I got to start making retail toys. So I started making toys, because as a magician, you kind of make small gadgets, and toys were easy.

And then I worked for hasbro. Ed Lily showed up one day at Hasbro’s office and said, here’s something I made. And they looked at it, and they took my guts, and they developed the furby. That was one of my first inventions. No way. Years later, I developed the inside components to tickle me Elmo. Oh, my. I did write a book on my past. It’s a pretty good little book, and I’ll give it to your audience if they want it.

I’ll send you a link they can download. Oh, that’d be wonderful. So what I learned early on, I said, what do the wealthiest people in America do? Well, they own trademarks, copyrights, and patents. So I started to file my own patents on my own ideas. And that really got me going in the inventing world, and I learned how to invent something and protect it. And I fought along some of the top companies in the world and won every time.

I’ve never been defeated against a challenge. Wow. And then I started helping other inventors just like me that didn’t have the resources, but I had the engine because I had started my organization. I’ve got an organization 35 years old that’s got dedicated people that know what my mission is. And remember, mission simple is what’s best for America. So I was one of the first in China making products.

I know, I’m sorry, but I’m the first to leave. I have brought my molds back, and I’m encouraging everybody. Crazy story here. Something crazy. Yeah. Six months ago, my plant manager in China, who’s been with me for a long time, calls because I just got a notice from immigration to come be here tomorrow at 04:00. He gets there, and there’s a long line of plant managers that are american running american plants over there, and they got him on a room.

They said, your visa has been revoked. You have 90 days to get your stuff and go. The point is, they’re kicking us out. Yeah, that’s it. That’s all she wrote. So I’m moving on. I’ve been moving it for a long time. The problem is there’s some. We have technologies over there that the only place to make certain parts and pieces. The good news is all of us that are in the same spot have already been moving the technology back.

We’re moving our semiconductor machines back here. Problem is, we taught them how to make our stuff. Now we need to learn how to make it here. But we’re telling you, go ahead and upset an american, we’ll figure out a way to do it. There’s thousands of me. I mean, there are literally thousands of me. The american entrepreneur is the strongest entrepreneur in the world. Absolutely. Did I read that you actually got into trouble by helping some churches? So years ago, I bought a bunch of rental property, like hundreds of rental units, and I had to figure out a way to process their payments, because back then, they were just doing checks.

They mail you checks. So I developed a software that actually let me scan the checks quickly. Well, before you know it, I was a pretty big processor. A check processor. Banks don’t want to process checks anymore, so I started to do so. It gave me the ability to be an interesting banking middle. Well, when Trump went out, all of a sudden, the organizations I supported that were out there financially supported me.

We gave donations. We helped them make sure they had money in revenue. I did a lot of their marketing in the background because we monetized mailing list. Their credit card processing shut off. Wow. Not one, but hundreds. Yeah. And you know what they were. If they had anything to do with giving money to the good guys, yeah, they were shut off. You know what I did? I turned them all on.

There was nothing illegal about it. They filled out an application. They had everything ready to go. Two years after that, they came after me. Not only me, but everybody in my industry. But I was targeted because I did all the christian organizations, right? Halfway houses, missions that. It doesn’t matter. You saw they were sending feds into traditional catholic churches. Ever since the war broke out in Ukraine, they’ve been looking at the russian orthodox churches here.

I mean, they’re brutal, man. They’re just brutal. They don’t care. Look, what scared me is I saw the eyes of the enemy in a raging form that I don’t understand, because I’m as big as patriots you can get. It’s funny if anybody said, hey, we want to know about these things, but instead they sent every single part of the government to come talk to me, not come talk to me, to raid my facilities.

Yeah, intimidate, mess with my clients. And lucky, the only thing I can tell you is the hand of God came through and stopped it. It’s the only way. It’s a miracle that they didn’t push. But that’s why I say, now, here’s the bad news, is they’ve lit a fire under me that is unquenchable now. I mean, I’m going to just keep developing things that are going to become an inexpensive way to do things in America that can bypass the channels they’re trying to put in.

Right? I love it. And again, that’s that spirit. It’s just not something you can contain. They think they can do it, but in the end they’re only making it stronger. That’s the beauty of it. You bring up just working with the church, it just reminds me of just the power of the cross, because the cross is a symbol of love. The more you spit on it, the more you magnify the love.

Absolutely right. There’s nothing you can do to stop the love. The symbol itself is love. And then the more you try to spit on it, or like artists, submerge it in a jar of urine and all this sort of stuff, all you’re doing is magnifying the glory of God’s love. They empowered me to this crazy level that I said, okay, I’ve got the ability to see. You can’t censor my audience because I deal most of them with mailing list, email.

You can censor me on another place, as you know, but not with email. So that’s my parallel economy, is I’m bringing great products to americans direct that that revenue is fueling organizations like yours and others like that that need to be fueled to be able to be able to do the things they got to mean. This is amazing stuff, Francisco, and I could talk to you for hours on this.

There’s a link down below that people could check out the syngasifier. Can you give us, I know there’s a tutorial on there, but can you just give us again, this enables people to convert biomass basically into gasoline, correct. To be able to fuel their. Well, technically, it turns it into a gas. And that gas, you can cook with it, right? You can eat with it, but you can plug it in, you basically take it into the intake of the carburetor, where the breather is, it just hooks up.

It’s all very nice to watch. And when you first turn it on, it starts to run like a regular generator. And it’s a little bit of a learning curve because it’s different because you’re using a gas, but you got to start the sin gas generator. Out comes the gas, and then you put it into the carburetor by just a valve, and then it starts producing regular electricity. It’s pretty cool.

It smells like you’re barbecuing because it depends what you’re using. If you’re using pellets or using charcoal, but under the worst possible conditions, you could survive anything. Because with heat, see, that’s the number one thing why I did this product, not the bottle one first, meaning the plastics to kerosene, is because you need to have heat. See, if anything goes down, we got to have heat. You got to have heat to cook food, you got to have heat to distill water, or you got to have the gas to make a generator.

So that’s why I did that one. So we’re ready to go. I even built a new facility for it. It’s in our hometown in Lanston town, Alabama, where I’m the largest employer in the community. And the reason everybody knows that is where we’re making stuff that’s changing the world. These syngas Generators are going overseas to third world countries that they have so much biome. Just think about it.

You can literally feed it just chunks of wood. And what you do is you put it in. It’s really how it works is it’s got a big hopper. You fill it up. The hopper on the bottom, you light it at the bottom, you close this little door, and the flames are going up in this thing because it’s kind of got, like a cage and a little fan turns on.

That sucks the fumes away from going up and out. And when it goes out, it comes out as a sin gas, which basically you just ignite. And it’s clean burning, by the way. Totally clean. There’s nothing toxic. You run it outside just because it makes a lot. I was just going to ask. Yeah. So obviously, it’s outside. Right? Like, you would keep a generator outside. Right. But I made 20 of these, which in the Obama era was.

How many years ago was that? 15 years ago. Yeah, roughly. 2012 was the second term I built these, and they’re still running today. Wow. Because there’s no real moving parts. It’s basic hoppers. There is a little fan in there. The rest is all. It’s all plumbing. My point is, it comes with a lifetime warranty because this thing is so well made, it comes on wheels. When you watch it, it’s pretty cool.

You can keep in your garage until you need it. But what I like about it is if to boil water, you can boil water with it, but run your generator at home. You can buy an expensive generator, and away you go. This unit will power, the first version we have right now will power a 10,000 watt generator, and it’ll run four and a half hours full throttle with the 10,000 watt generator.

So if you use a smaller generator, it could run longer, and all you do is keep adding more mass to it. After 4 hours, come in and go send the kid out. Hey, go fuel the machine. That’s right. Faith, family, and freedom. That’s right. The family fuels the freedom. That’s right. I love it, gang. This is what excites me so much about the rise of the parallel economy.

This is amazing stuff. What I love so much about Francisco is he wants to help you foster self sufficiency precisely to free you up, to defend faith, family, and freedom. He’s amazing. So, gang, whatever you do, if you’re looking to become more self sufficient, I think every single person in this audience should have one of these devices. They’re absolutely unbelievable. If you want to be more self sufficient, less reliant on the government and the insanity they’re dealing with here, again, should be every single one of us.

Make sure to click on the link below. Check out Francisco’s amazing tool that enables you to make your own fuel. This is unbelievable. Highly, gang. I could not recommend Francisco and his work more. He’s an amazing inventor. Even Time magazine has recognized it. Click on the link in the description below. Check it out. The sin gasifier. This is astonishing stuff. I mean, again, think of it as the literal fuel of the parallel economy.

This is the ultimate ticket to independence. So click on the link in the description right now. Watch a video about this amazing product that helps you make your own fuel. Gang, this is what we’re all about. Faith, family, and freedom. Independence. Francisco. Dude, when I looked at your stuff, I was like, this guy is amazing. You are everything that a parallel economy is all about. I mean, literally everything.

And one of the thoughts I had, I’ll just share with you is between you and Elon, we’re good. Yeah, he’s amazing. We are good, man. We are good. We got some pretty impressive minds and imaginations captaining this ship, and we’re good. So, dude, from the bottom of my heart, thanks for all your. And thank God you and your family. How old were you when you migrate over to the United States? Crazy story.

I went nine months old. My parents left Cuba and went to Spain. We lived there for four years till we got our visa here. So I came here at the age of five, and my dad worked really hard. My dad and my mom, they put us through school, and I knew right away, come on, everything’s at your Fingertips here compared to a communist country. Five years old the rest of the time, well, it was so cool, too, because during the DeSantis 2022 campaign in Florida, it was really neat because everybody was talking about the cuban american population, particularly in Miami, date.

And they’re like, dude, these guys are amazing. They’re so conservative and they’re so entrepreneurial, and they’re just so american. And it was beautiful. We talked earlier, my guitar teachers from Cuba, Manuel Barueco, you know of them as well, your guitar player. And it’s just beautiful to see this island, the Caribbean, that’s unfortunately just had this rough patch since, what was it, 1950, 919, 60. And just to see just its citizens come here and continue to flourish in a way they would never be able to do locked under that regime.

It’s just so beautiful and so heartwarming to see and just. God is so good to give us the gift of your talent. So I appreciate it so much, Francisco. Oh, it’s my pleasure. I’m taking some to Cuba. By the way, I’m bringing some of you. Are you? I was just going to ask if you’ve been going. I’ve been a couple of years ago. I’m about to go in the next couple of months for an extended trip, but I’m going to bring a couple of gasifiers because they can reproduce them there.

They’re starting to do some export, which is really funny. They’re exporting tractors to the United States. Interesting. Yeah, I think it’ll eventually start. The fire of freedom does eventually break out there? It will. It’s just going to take some time, but obviously, with your interaction, it’ll happen all the sooner. Yeah. Keep us updated on that. Francisco, we’d love to have you back to talk about that. Thank you so much.

It’s my pleasure. Thank you. Thank you. You bet. All right, gang, click on that link below. This is amazing stuff. This is the fuel of the parallel economy. Make one a syngasifier, one of yours. You’re going to absolutely love it. Click on that link below right now. Francisco, God bless you. Thanks so much for being my brother. .

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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Biden administration fossil fuel pledge biomass generator invention converting plastic into diesel Francisco Guerra entrepreneur Furby and Tickle Me Elmo creator impact of moving away from fossil fuels Magician turned inventor journey natural gas energy independence parallel economy energy sources patenting inventions experiences solving plastic problem Trump presidency energy policies UN climate summit commitments

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