Posted in: News, Patriots, RichieFromBoston



➡ RichieFromBoston discusses a video they made about an off-road trail in Colorado, their stay in a cheap hotel with good internet, and a failed attempt at recording due to a non-working microphone. They then delve into a conspiracy theory about a staged shooting at a presidential rally, suggesting that the Secret Service would have acted differently in a real situation. The author also mentions a movie called Civil War, which they believe sends a message about shooting the president. They end by expressing their belief that the economy will crash, and advise readers to invest in gold and silver.
➡ The speaker discusses their concerns about the current state of the world, including difficulties with banks, the impact of artificial sunlight, and potential societal collapse. They suggest that the sun’s intensity has increased due to artificial light technology, and express fears about political instability and potential civil war in America. The speaker also warns about the influx of undocumented immigrants, whom they believe are not here to vote but are armed and financed soldiers from other countries. They urge listeners to prepare for potential crises and express uncertainty about being able to warn them again in the future.


Okay, so I can’t upload from the road. I did a video, a two-part video, on jailbreak, on imaging pass, an off-road trail at the very top of the mountains, top of the world, in Colorado. And I had to upload it. So I had to get a hotel room. This is a cheap hotel room, but the internet is awesome because I sat in the parking lot with a little investigative unit to see how good their internet was. So the rooms suck, but the internet’s awesome. So here I am. And I just did a 20-minute video, and the entire time my microphone didn’t work, which is just awesome.

So, here we go again. Well, that’s a little bit old, that chart. That chart’s a couple of months old, and if you want to really see something that’s said, take a look at what happened. Okay, what was wrong with that picture? Let’s take a look at that again. Let’s take a look at that again. And pay attention to the people sitting behind here. All the people sitting behind here, okay? Because someone’s shooting directly at them, all of them. And yet, this is their reaction. Let’s take a look. Oh, Trump’s talking. Trump’s talking. Let’s all look over that direction.

Let’s all look over that direction. Let’s look around. Oh, a mosquito bite or something? Let’s get down. When on earth ever have people not absolutely stampeded? Oh, someone’s shooting? Where is he? Let’s stand up nice and tall so they can all see us. Who’s shooting at us? It doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t work like that. Trump is repeatedly saying, let me get my shoes, let me get my shoes, let me get my shoes, and then he stands up and says, fight, fight, fight three times. Okay. In a real world, President of the United States is a very controversial president, too.

Dividing the country is at a rally. He’s standing there. Somebody’s shooting. The gun’s pointed at you, and it’s a rifle, so it’s loud. They’re shooting at you, yet nobody panics. Nobody freaks out. The Secret Service would never say, oh, Mr. President, get your shoes. Oh, you dropped a dollar there. Grab that. No. They would bundle him up and get him right out of there, and that did not happen. Oh, look, did I just get shot? Did a sniper just shoot me? Secondly, you’re doing a rally like that with the president within 500 yards of that, the epicenter.

Wherever he is, 500 yards around, okay? This isn’t my guess. I’m telling you. Secret Service, SWAT, SVT, state police, any place that could be used to set up a rifle, they would already be there. Now, according to witnesses, they were telling the Secret Service and the police for three to four minutes, if there’s a guy right there with a rifle on the roof, laying in a prone position, it’s all a setup. It’s all a complete and utter setup, and it’s just strange that it happens to be the exact, the only reason the movie Civil War, the movie Civil War made no sense at all, except for the fact that Americans, one state somehow takes over the entire country, makes it to the White House.

Their only objective, the only story, the only moral in this entire movie is the country is in disarray, we all have to quickly get to the White House and shoot the president. That’s the only thing that’s the only, if there’s a message in this movie, that’s all it was. Shoot and kill the president. And when I watched the movie and told you about it, that was my only conclusion. I said they’re going to shoot either Trump or Biden. Turns out shooting Trump makes more sense because Biden’s people are all pussies. You know what I mean? Trump’s people are all angry, but I still don’t see anything happening.

But they don’t need Trump’s people to do anything because they’ll just dress up like Trump’s people and start it. They’re going to do this. This is what this is. How many coincidences, how many predictions have to come true before you figure this out? I’m not saying this to you directly, but I’m saying to people in general, because it’s astonishing to me that even people I know that are mainstream media, people are like, something’s not right about that entire shooting. Nothing’s right about that entire shooting. The only thing that’s right about it is this pretty straightforward.

And it says right on it at any time, any place our snipers can take you out, have a nice day. And I find it strange that the little diamond right here is exactly where Donald allegedly got shot, even though it looked like he was simply swatting a mosquito. You know what I’m saying? Somebody fires a rifle at you from in front of you, even from a sniper position. That’s the loudest point. The gun is the loudest when the end of the barrel is pointed at your face. And when that bullet whizzes by, Trump wouldn’t have slightly touched his ear.

He would have been like, what the, you know what I mean? It would have been like the biggest dragonfly ever touching your ear and making that noise as it goes by. You see what I’m saying? You’re catching what I’m putting down, you’re following? It’s all a trick. And now all of a sudden the Walmart, Walmart, Wall Street, it’s all the same. Wall Street is freaking out. Everything is great now because Trump Bumble’s got shot. It’s guaranteed he’s going to be the president. There will be no more president. Whatever happens to Trump, whatever happens to Biden, it doesn’t matter because this guy is actually the president.

And some of their aides have actually made the mistake and said the same thing. They put finally put the gate in place, which is to keep it out of there, and they take the open forward all the way up. His name is Carr. And his name is literally having to make a scar. And actually… That looks like me. Look at those ears. And he was the… Now, I covered this video years ago when it was new because Obama walks into a pyramid and then there’s a hieroglyphic and the little dude on the wall looks exactly like him.

I mean, what are the odds? Remember what I told you? Apparently there’s only one civilization in history ever that could take a dead body and preserve it in such a way that if someone found it 2,000, 2,500 years later, the DNA would still be viable. And they call them mummies. Obama just basically pointed it out like he pointed it out so many times. You know, our first gay president. That is Obama right there. That’s a hieroglyphic on the wall inside of a pyramid that Obama went and took a look at. Yeah, Obama is at least going to be the leader of the New World Order.

At worst, he is the Antichrist, but he’s definitely been cloned. Period. I don’t know how else to possibly say it. You know what I’m saying? So before I get to the next thing, check this out or don’t. I just did a two hour long video on imaging pass out in Colorado in the Rockies. And even if you’re not interested in off-roading, etc., this is some of the most beautiful creation you’re ever going to see in a video. And sadly, YouTube isn’t letting anybody watch it at all. This channel is getting destroyed because I got 142,000 subscribers and I don’t get more than 4,000 views ever.

And everyone says they don’t see my videos and I get it. It is what it is. But you might want to watch this because it’s going to be some of the most epic video of God’s green earth that you’re probably never going to get a chance to see. Also, I did a giveaway video a couple of weeks ago and I’ve got 638 comments. If somebody could be nice enough to compile all the people that said they’re in, do that for me and then hit me up because I want to do this giveaway before I don’t have a chance to anymore.

Just shoot me an email at rjcjr10 at and we’ll get that squared away because that would be great because I want to do that giveaway before I forget about it. But here’s the other thing. Here’s the other thing. The moment that this occurred, the stock market jumped, even regular normal people are all like Trump’s automatically going to be the president and everything’s going to be great. I talked to my buddies that are financial YouTubers that no more than I do. They’re going to crash the economy. There is going to be no election. All hell is going to break loose between July and November 8th.

It has to. This is what they’re doing. Leave the world behind. Civil war. Trump gets shot. The Illuminati card. And then everything is absolutely going insane on the stock market, which means these guys are cashing out right now. So if you were smart, you would get your money out of the bank, turn it into gold that you can hold in your hand and silver. These guys will show you how. Because if you try to withdraw your retirement or your 401k or your IRA on your own, you think fighting City Hall is hard. Try to get your money out of the bank without getting investigated.

I mean, they use every trick in the book. They don’t want to give you your money back, which is why they give you pieces of paper and take all of your things of actual value. I’ve had absolutely zero complaints. The reviews on this have been awesome. If it was a real issue, I would have heard about it by now. You know what I’m saying? And two of my family members, two, not the ones I wanted, but two of my family members have done this so far. And one of them got to 10,000. I still haven’t had anybody except that first woman that got 30,000 in silver.

And the only complaint that I had is one guy said he was too young. And what I did is I gave him the number of my contact at Goldco and they worked it out. So there’s that. I told you that when everything was going to come crumbling down, they were going to be using weather as a weapon. Well, I’ll tell you what, I’m in Kansas City right now and it is unbearably hot. The strange thing is it’s 70 degrees outside. But if you go outside, the sun is so hot, you can’t stand it. Well, remember 2017 because I do remember when Germany, they made a big deal about this.

They switch on the world’s largest artificial light. Remember, this was seven years ago, OK, seven years ago, the largest thing. And they were going to use it to develop carbon neutral fuel. Well, photosynthesis is what keeps everything on Earth alive. Everything releases carbon. Trees suck it up and turn that carbon into oxygen and everything is happy. Somehow, some way, they’ve convinced everybody that carbon is now a bad thing and it’s the enemy. The world’s largest artificial sun from seven years ago. And when they tell us it’s already been up and running for 10 years, it generates light that’s ten thousand times as intense as natural sunlight on Earth.

That sound familiar? Is that ringing any bells? You know what I mean? Because that’s exactly what it is. Many years ago, I was going out to visit ODD TV in Colorado. When I crossed into Colorado, you got about 80 miles before you can finally see the rocky start to come up. That was the first time I ever put the air conditioning on in my land cruiser. And when I got to ODD’s house, I’m like, dude, what’s the temperature? He said it’s 68 degrees out. And yet the temperature is 68, but the sun is so hot, it feels like you’re under a pizza oven.

What do you think that would possibly be? Ten thousand times as hot and as tense as natural sunlight. Yeah. So that stands the question. Where is our sun? That’s why I don’t talk about this because I don’t know that answer. Did they open a portal? Did they? I don’t know the answer. But all I do know is the sun that’s up in the sky, they malfunction. They flicker. They’re white. They’re hot. Leaves and foliage don’t just wither and die and fall off the tree at the end of the air. They burn. They burn. You know what I’m saying? Which is crazy.

Excuse me, never happened before that I know of. But I’ll tell you one thing. See this. Right here. This might be what happened to our sun because remember three months ago, right after, I mean, four days before the eclipse. They explained to us on Newsweek and Microsoft that solar eclipses can be made on demand by a new spacecraft. Maybe that’s what they did with their sun. Maybe they have a way of blocking it out or maybe that’s why we see two suns once in a while. I don’t know the answer. But if this thing is ten thousand times more intense than the sun and it’s much closer to us than the sun, maybe we can’t see the sun because this stupid thing is right in its path.

You know what I’m saying? Helium balloons GPS tracking the same as the sun. I don’t know. I don’t know the answer to it, but I’m positive. I’m positive. I’m not guessing anymore. I am positive. That’s exactly what they’re doing. That’s what you’re seeing up in the sky. This is old, old news, man. This isn’t new at all. This has been around for a long time. And if they tell us about it, it’s been around for at least 10 years. So I don’t know what else to say on that particular thing. Seventy two percent. I’ve been uploading for four hours.

That’s a good Internet, even at a cheap motel at any rate, Richmond, Boston. If you have medication that you must have to live, try to find an alternative stock up on food straight up. We got between now and November. Something terrible is going to happen. Way too many predictions have come completely true. And those predictions were based off things like Civil War. Twenty twenty four. Leave the world behind. And apparently now the Illuminati cards. September 11th happened like that in all the signs were there. We just weren’t looking for them. Now we are. And we’re actually clicking on some cylinders here.

Sadly, if somebody from the Trump area decides to start something. All hell is going to break loose, but they don’t even need that to happen because they’ll just do what they always do. They’ll dress up like Trump guys and start it themselves. These guys want civil war. America is over. I’m sorry to tell you, I know it sucks to hear, but check out the country I have. They’ve flooded this place. The last documented amount of undocumented people, which is just an oxymoron, was eight million. There’s probably 20 million in here now, and they’re not here to vote.

OK, they have the technology to completely vote in whoever they want with the machines. That’s old news. These people got indicted for this. And it’s all been out there. They’ve made movies about it. They don’t need people to vote. They can take care of that themselves. That’s no big deal. These are all armed, trained and financed soldiers from China, Iran, El Salvador, every place but America. I’ll tell you what. If Americans are trying to sneak into other countries, doing to those countries what they’re doing to our country, they would just set up wherever we come through and take care of us.

What do Americans do? They comment. They complain. They make memes. They show off their new AR-15 with a ceramic coat job. It’s just ridiculous. It’s just ridiculous. I’m sad to say, but Americans have been dumbed down, demasculinated and pussified to the point where I don’t know if anything’s going to happen other than them taking everything away from us and putting us on trucks. And that’s coming soon. Be ready for it. How many coincidences have to keep happening? How many predictions have to keep coming true? Get yourself squared away. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to warn you again.

It is what it is. I’m out. [tr:trw].

See more of RichieFromBoston on their Public Channel and the MPN RichieFromBoston channel.


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artificial sunlight impact banking difficulties cheap hotel good internet review Civil War movie presidential shooting message conspiracy theory staged presidential shooting economy crash prediction failed recording non-working microphone investing in gold and silver off-road trail video Colorado political instability America potential civil war Secret Service real situation response societal collapse fears sun intensity increase artificial light world state concerns

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