Trump and Big Pharma want to Get Rich with their AI mRNA Cancer Vax | Stew Peters Network




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➡ The Stew Peters Network emphasizes the importance of being strong spiritually, mentally, and physically. He believes that we are in a spiritual and mental war, and to survive, we need to challenge our beliefs and face the truth, even if it’s uncomfortable. He also highlights the importance of physical fitness and health, and introduces red light therapy as a potential health solution. This therapy uses infrared light to stimulate cellular processes, aiding in skincare, pain relief, tissue repair, and even fighting off diseases.

➡ Red light therapy is a treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. It aids in stem cell regeneration, which is crucial for replacing organs and healing wounds. The therapy has shown promising results in treating various conditions, including different types of cancer and long COVID symptoms. The company My Red Light offers devices with the highest irradiance and a wide range of wavelengths, ensuring effective treatment and providing education on how to use them.

➡ The article promotes the benefits of red light therapy and a supplement called Cardio Miracle for various health issues, including cancer, long COVID, and autoimmune diseases. It mentions studies showing the effectiveness of red light therapy in treating different types of cancer and other conditions. The article also introduces a privacy-focused phone called Above Phone, which offers secure communication and control over phone and apps. Lastly, it encourages readers to visit and for more information and discounts.



We have a lot of interesting conversations in the studio as well. Having a conversation with my guys here about my physical fitness journey, trying to inspire people because we need all of you to be in tip-top condition. And that’s multifaceted. I would say that it is most important to be spiritually strong. I say that because obviously every time you step out of your front door, you’re walking onto what can only be described as a spiritual battlefield. You need to be mentally strong. And that’s really important for a lot of reasons. I mean, obviously there’s so many different PSYOPs that are running in this country.

So independent and free critical thinking and the ability to challenge yourself. That’s really important I have found because if you think about living under the empire of lies, that means that we’re going to poke holes in our own insecurities. We’re going to challenge ourselves to be humble and to say, I lived my life for X amount of years or decades based on thinking that this set of facts were facts and that it was true. When in reality, 180 degrees or the inverse of that is actually where the truth lies. And so that challenges your core beliefs and your foundation, your ideologies, everything that your spirituality even may be built upon is challenged.

And that’s when you’re really free. When you have the ability to see things that maybe are uncomfortable or that you’re disappointed with, or even downright pissed off and angry, that’s okay. As long as you’re dealing with the truth. And that takes a lot of mental fortitude, a lot of mental strength. For guys, it takes a lot of testicular fortitude. You got to have balls to admit, I got to change. If I’m going to be, if I’m going to be effective in this war, then I need to change this and being able to identify what your biggest weakness is.

That’s what a lot of guys don’t do. They pride themselves on their strengths. So I mean, we have resumes. What is a resume? I mean, you’re, you’re typing all of your best attributes. When you go meet somebody, you want to show off your best attributes. If you’re physically fit, you might wear something that’s more form fitting. You know, we’re always showcasing ourself, whether it’s trying to get a job or, you know, if it’s going on a first date, no matter what, when you’re out in public, you don’t wear your pajamas. Well, why is that? Because that’s not your best self.

And that brings me to the third point, which is being physically strong. So spiritually, mentally, and physically are the top three, you know, priorities, having strength in those areas is incredibly important. We’re at war and that means that there’s a war on your body. There’s a war on your health. There’s a war on your fitness. And so a lot of you have followed me on journeys before I went through the energized health protocol, which I was very open about sharing with you guys. And when John Jubilee was on the program, we actually showed progress pictures of myself going through that journey.

And of course we all have things. We all go through stuff and I’m human and I fall short of the glory of God every day. This is why I repent and pray and ask for forgiveness. I mean, we’re always trying to be more Christ like we’re always trying to be better, but everybody is human. And we go through our things and even a specimen like myself, the strongest leader who’s, you know, one of the strongest people I know spiritually, one of the strongest people I know mentally, I was like, well, if I’m not strong physically as well, if I’m not really taking my physical fitness and my health seriously, I mean, just boil it down to not even being a prolific public figure or a leader.

You know, a William Wallace at war being the only platform that’s really willing to go after the truth of a sizable platform, you know, the only show where it work, where it, and we’ve pointed out all of the obvious two factors and defectors. So yeah, there it is. I mean, that’s this morning. And no, I’m not a Calvin Klein underwear model. I admit that, but I’m more interested in the progress. I’m more interested there right there in the gap understanding yet. Yeah. I’m not, I’m not where I want to be necessarily, but every single day in every single way, I’m getting better and better.

I’m getting stronger and stronger. And again, it’s multifaceted. And that means being open to certain things. For example, I was at the gym in Vero beach, Florida, and they were like, Hey, you got to try the new red light thing. And I’m like red light. What is that all about? And they were like, well, we have new red light therapy beds. I’m like, well, I want to try that out because I mean, if somebody can introduce you something to something new, once your mind has opened up to all of the lies that you have been told, willing to check that out.

This is one of the safest ways ultimately to extend life, I guess you would say. Cause our healthcare system isn’t there for that. If you can even call it a healthcare system, it doesn’t revolve around making people better or using the best and brightest doctors, the best and safest treatment options to protect the health or extend the lives of our people. No, it revolves around creating a set of circumstances that allow for these big pharma poison pushers, these pharmaceutical companies and the insurance corporations and everybody else, all of their chosen doctors, they all make a whole bunch of money.

But outside of the medical cabal that’s destroying the health of our nation, there are real treatments and there are real solutions. And so I’m like, yeah, well, if this red light therapy thing could be one of those things, I’m willing to try it out. This is like a cutting edge medical treatment. It uses infrared light and it, I don’t know exactly what the scientific process is, but I understand that it simulates or stimulates cellular processes. It aids in everything from skincare to pain relief to tissue repair, even fighting off cancer and other diseases.

So it can be administered like by just wearing a mask over your face or they have beds like a tanning bed and they admit this red light. They kind of look like tanning beds, but instead of giving you cancer, they actually admit red light and help to fight cancer. And it’s proven to work. So you guys can look at me like I’m a crackpot. It’s also proven to be safe. And the best part about it is you’re giving a big middle finger to big pharma, the pill mill industry that pumps out this infinite supply of drugs that make people sicker instead of healthier.

The goal here is to make us better, not to make you sicker or keep you standing in line at the pharmacy. We all have better to do. And this red light therapy isn’t only just a potential cure to diseases and viable alternative to big pharma drug pushers, but it can also be used to heal those that were damaged by the clot shots, the safe and effective vaccines. It destroys venoms and parasites, all kinds of other things. So this is like an exciting thing for me. It’s a game changer and it’s rapidly carving out this big place in the healthcare marketplace.

And again, this is all important because red light therapy isn’t under the control of big pharma. If anything, these people want to shut down red light therapy because it’s going to make all of their homicidal drug protocols obsolete. And right now, as I said, we’re at war. So it’s extremely important that as many people as possible become educated on making themselves healthier. So let’s talk about it. What is red light therapy? What are the benefits that it carries? Here to help us do that is our good friend Jonathan Otto. You’ve seen him here on the program before.

So let’s let’s talk about the red light therapy stuff because I was introduced to this obscure thing at my gym. Like what is this? Tried it. Felt great. Now I have one of your red light machines. So tell everybody. Yeah, absolutely. Well, since 1903, when Niels Finson won a Nobel prize for light therapy to reverse in this case, lupus vulgaris, then you just see this massive development happen, especially in the last. It just kind of took a whole new turn in the last 20 years with LEDs, being able to emit a greater irradiance.

And they were able to tap into how to basically harness what we see with the sun, which is visible light and invisible light. And then to be able to get it right up close to your body and allow it to influence all the processes of the body. And there’s a reason why your skin is translucent and you’re covered in something that is made for absorption. And the number one thing that it’s made for it when it comes to absorption is light. And if somebody comes from a theological Christian point of view, they’ll see the first chapter of the Bible say, let there be light.

And then humans are created then in connection to that light, we’re supposed to absorb it. It influences all the critical processes of the body, especially stem cell regeneration. And that’s how you replace all your organs, like your organs aren’t the same organs you had five years ago, 10 years ago. In fact, some of them change on, you know, like a gut lining will change every three days. And so all these different processes need to be aided by a fuel source that allow that proper conversion. So your stem cells turn into normal heart, heart cells or eye cells.

That’s the critical thing. And it’s all connected to the mitochondria. It’s called the mitochondrial stem cell connection. And when your mitochondria are fed by the light, they produce adenosine triphosphate ATP, which is, that’s the powerhouse of the cell. Now the cell has energy, it can perform all of its functions, all kinds of things from wound healing, autophagy, all the important processes related to cancer. That’s how cancer is being killed by red light therapy, because apoptosis is a result of when your body produces reactive oxygen species in the presence of light.

And that’s why it’s so effective with all different types of cancer. People are actually fighting cancer with this stuff. And I mean, like, it’s just readily available out in the public marketplace. My red light calm is yours. What makes your red light, when I go to my red light therapy, what makes your red light therapy treatment better than the next? I mean, are people going to get an education on how to use this stuff? Because, you know, for me, I got it, it came with instructions, it was great. But I mean, give people a rundown on exactly how this changes their day to day life and what this process actually looks like.

Absolutely. Yeah, that they’re really important things. So what, firstly, what makes it different and better, because Stu, you’ve known about me that my interest in releasing all the information I had, had, have been is to help people and to make a difference. And so it’s being a part of the noise or giving somebody something that doesn’t work and doesn’t do what it potentially could is basically, you know, that could take a life, right? It’s so important to be able to give people the right information. So what we did with our devices is that we made sure that we had the highest irradiance, which is the amount of power delivered, in that case measured by milliwatts per centimeter squared.

So at three inches, it’s 205 milliwatts per centimeter squared. That’s the highest irradiance, actually more than what you get out of those big beds. They’re typically around 100. Like, it’s twice. That’s crazy. But I can show you that with meters against the device. It’s extraordinary was we put different wavelengths into the devices. Most of those beds or a lot of the devices in the market have two, just red and infrared, probably 660 and 850. We put nine wavelengths into our devices, including blue for circadian rhythm and skin rejuvenation, because the light source doesn’t flicker.

It’s not, it’s not harmful. It’s extremely therapeutic, actually amazing for neonatal care. And then you look at all the way up to 1060. So we’ve got a wide range of of nanometer wavelengths that interface with different parts of the body. I’ve shared with you guys on this platform before the breast cancer study, when they tested four wavelengths for breast cancer, they found that it was only 660 nanometers that could drop their breast cell proliferation in both triple negative and non triple negative. How long are people sitting in front of these red lights? I mean, what kind of a, how often and how long and, you know, describe to people what they’re going to do at home with these things? Because people are like, wait, what? Yeah, exactly.

And by the way, that was by 40% in 24 hours. Now, how long 20 minutes daily, if people have the time for it, if they don’t 12 minutes, three times a week, and you are in flying colors. And then ideally, you are like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden naked, if not as little clothing as possible. And up between three to six inches away from the device so that you can get that irradiance. You can get that permeating in the body and then you can expect all the cosmetic benefits, the skin wrinkles that people are using it instead of liposuction.

I just got mine. So are you telling me that some of these stress lines are going to get out of it here? Show the where’s the bring it in on me. Yeah. Look at these stress lines. That’s what this is because you spend all your time like questioning everything and you’re kind of stressed out. There it is. Yeah. Look at that. I mean, are some of the, are some of these stress lines going to go away? They will. They will. It’s clinically proven and it’s no joke. It does work because that’s face mapping.

So like there’s wrinkles. I mean, yeah, you and your wife both have great skin actually. Yeah. I mean, so there it is. And I guess the proof is in the pudding. Well, you’re not, you’re not 17. No, I’m, I’m 40. I’m coming up to 40. Just, just around the corner now. Yeah. I’ve had the wrinkles for a lot longer than that, actually. I think they started in the bounty hunting days. What are you doing today? Oh, you know, just going to kick a door down, hoping that on the other side of it will be a guy who’s going to prison for 25 years.

He’s likely armed. Oh, you’re intentionally doing that, putting yourself in the seat. Yeah. Well, that’s stressful. No, not really. The stress wrinkles say differently. So anyway, my red is the website. Show it again on the screen. Here it is. There is hope my red Make sure that you get over there and check out some of these therapies. I’ve got like two minutes left and I don’t want to filibuster here. I want you to have the opportunity to get out what you think is most important that people learn today. Yeah, absolutely.

And so like in summary, there really isn’t any condition that has presented itself as being one that is not helped by red light therapy. And the reason is because it’s, it’s fixing their cellular processes. And so it works with stem cell regeneration. And because of that, it’s, it’s scoring in all categories. So prostate cancer, that, you know, that, that 413 person study that came out from a European medical journal found that their likelihood of beating prostate cancer was four times great. If they’re using red light therapy, the 87% overall response rate in unresectable lung cancer, meaning they cannot operate on it.

And it, and there was an overall 87% response rate. The lymphoma studies were amazing. The pilot studies, all three participants, three for three, all go into remission in one week. It’s insane. And they’re using, yeah, that’s true. That’s a pilot study on PubMed from 2006. They used a photosensitizer like amino lubulinic acid, and then all of them went into remission as defined by a complete absence of catenous B and T cell lymphoma word for word. Then you’ve just keep scoring all these categories and you start realizing, wow, this is so important. And, and people have to have access to this.

And if they don’t, they’ll miss that. The long COVID study was amazing. 62 participants, all 62 go in remission of all acute symptoms within two sessions. They were 64 to 84 minutes long. Then, then the, then another two sessions. So like the brain fog and all of that. Yes. It was specifically brain fog, memory loss, impaired gut function and digestive issues. Oxygen levels shoot above 97%. All acute symptoms gone off to two sessions. Then after four sessions, all but two out of the 62 had complete remission of every single symptom. There were 17 family members that were studied as well.

All 17 were protected from viral shedding prophylactically with red light therapy, all 17. This is changing people’s lives too. And then just to wrap a bow in why I think that we can help people more than anyone else right now is because we got that research under our belt. We programmed our devices with the specific wavelengths based on the studies. And, and then we support people with how to use that with photosensitizers to be able to get that absorbing into their cells so that they can get the best results. We’re covering it with a three year warranty, a 60 day money back guarantee.

And we’re giving massive discounts there and including the code stew. If they use that, it’s an additional 10% off the already discounted prices. So we’re just wanting to give back history. Wow. Amazing stuff. There it is. My red And previously you were not able to watch the free webinar, but the full webinar for free. You can now at my red So if you still have questions, which I, I mean, if you’re just learning about this, I know that you have questions. So get over there to my red, get your questions answered.

And Jonathan said that promo code stew is going to get you a significant discount. I mean, I guess I owe my trainer and the nice lady at the front desk at Vero fitness, a big thank you for introducing me to that, because I would have never been asking Jonathan auto questions about this stuff. I mean, if you have one of these things at your gym, you should thank them. We’re talking about fighting and beating and eradicating and eliminating cancer, long COVID, all of these symptoms that you’re getting from the bio weapons that are being sprayed on you and that you’re ingesting in your water and through different venoms and poisons that are being sprayed in the air.

My red get there right now. Promo code stew for a big discount. You know, we live in a messed up place right now. Health and sickness and cancers. I know that I keep hearing about people, people that I know, friends and family, you probably have a lot of this suddenly diagnosed with a life threatening cancer. Or maybe it’s happened to you. Because now this turbo cancer is a worldwide epidemic, and we’re supposed to pretend like it’s normal, like it’s just always been here. But the good news is there are therapies that are working and they have been proven in thousands of clinical studies.

One study found on pub med found that breast cancers proliferation of growth rate dropped by 40% and only 24 hours using specifically a 660 nanometer wavelength. Another study on prostate cancer found that 49% of the over 400 male participants went into remission with just that one therapy. A lymphoma cancer pilot study showed that all three out of the three patients became cancer free completely. Sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. You can discover all of this information and more in a special training from investigative medical journalist, Jonathan Otto. He’s a great friend of mine, good friend of the show.

And he shows you how you can use red light, including the specific wavelengths as proven by those studies for all of the different types of cancers, as well as tinnitus, weight loss, wrinkles, acne, dementia, cognitive function, depression, anxiety, long COVID vaccine injury, stem cell regeneration, lower back pain, sciatica, the whole array of autoimmune diseases, including thyroid disease, arthritis, lupus, gut disorders, all of that. And in fact, you can get your own red light therapy device in your home risk-free, as you’re completely covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee and a three-year warranty.

On top of all of that, there’s financing options, so you can get it now and pay later. Just go to Again, that’s Make sure, you guys, that you don’t miss this free special training while it’s available and claim the extremely limited time bonus gifts, discounts, all kinds of additional savings. And 10%, by the way, with the coupon code STU10. Go to and use the coupon code STU10. Don’t miss the training. Again, I’m going to ask you for your undivided attention, because I’m going to tell you about what could possibly be the most important life-saving supplement that I have ever talked about.

It’s called Cardio Miracle. Each serving of Cardio Miracle has a combination of over 50 high-quality ingredients, including a huge variety of fruits, vegetables, amino acids, and herbs, all of which come together to promote your body’s ability to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is so important for heart health. It helps to relax and dilate your blood vessels, which supports blood flow and circulation. And I love that you don’t have to take this giant pill to get all of this nutrition. No, Cardio Miracle comes in a powder formula, so it’s really easy to mix all day throughout the day into juice or water and take it at any time.

That also helps to support mood regulation because it’s a neurotransmitter. It’s a neuromodulator in the brain, so it can support the release of serotonin and dopamine, both of which are really important and involved in mood regulation. Cardio Miracle also supports mental clarity, sleep quality, energy levels. It can even help with recovery after exercise. Nitric oxide is essential for so many functions in the body, and Cardio Miracle supports the production of nitric oxide, so you get many benefits from just one supplement. Please go to Again, I’m telling you, this could quite possibly be the most important supplement that I will ever talk about.

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See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.



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