Trucker Convoy Joins Texas BORDER CONTROL in DEFIANCE of Supreme Court!!! Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ Dr. Steve Turley talks about how Texas is not happy with a recent decision by the Supreme Court about the southern border. Despite the court’s ruling, Texas is still putting up barriers to stop people from crossing the border illegally. A group of truckers is planning to show their support for Texas by driving to the border. This is causing a lot of discussion about who has the right to control the border.

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It. Texas remains defiant against the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the southern border. And it looks like they’re about to get some help from America’s own freedom convoy. That’s right. We’re going to see the latest on the ongoing effort by Texas patriots to secure our southern border and what it means going forward into 2024. Greetings, everyone. It’s me, Dr. Steve, your patriot professor, here to help you to think better so you can feel better in these crazy and turbulent times.

So if you haven’t done so, you know what to do. Make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button. The fallout from the Supreme Court’s ridiculous decision, or should I say the defiance in the face of that feckless decision continues today. As were reported yesterday in a five to four ruling with the usual defections of Roberts and Barrett to the dark side, the lunatic liberal side, the court ruled that the Biden administration did, in fact have the right to remove razor wire that served as a barrier to the slew of illegal migrants crossing our southern border was a rather stunning ruling precisely because the decision, in effect is preventing Texas from enforcing the law, all the while enabling the Biden administration to break the law.

However, almost immediately after the ruling was handed down, Texas officials basically told the Supreme Court to shove it. Video from Eagle Pass shows the Texas National Guard are indeed defying the Supreme Court’s ruling by installing more razor wire and barriers at Shelby park. And even Fox News is reporting that Texas forces are refusing to comply with the decision. Take a look. Now, we do want to talk about the Supreme Court decision that came down just a few days ago, giving legal authority to Border Patrol to cut the wire here in Shelby park.

As of right now, no wire has been cut. That’s because the Texas National Guard still has control of Shelby park and Border Patrol is not allowed into the park to cut that wire. Now, I did talk to officials how the Supreme Court ruling will actually affect how Texas is defending the border. Take a listen. We still are going to restrict the access here at Shelby park. We’re still going to add additional infrastructure along the river.

That’s what National Guard is doing right now. Currently, they’re adding additional barriers to that Constantino wire, making those areas more reinforced so that we can prevent and discourage any legal border crossings. And you’re looking at the Rio Grande, where the water authority is actually raising the level controls of the Amistad dam up the river, releasing more water due to heavy recent rain. Just a reminder for those migrants crossing, they’re still making that trek over a dangerous current in that river.

The question remains, if border patrol needs to come in, cut the wire, will Texas National Guard so as you can see, this is the real deal here. Texas officials are not kidding around anymore, and they don’t appear to have the time to entertain the silly nonsense coming from our judicial high towers. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is hitting back against the court’s ruling, promising that Texas forces will continue in their ongoing efforts to stem the tide of illegal border crossing that the Biden administration refuses to enforce.

In fact, Abbot tweeted out that the Texas National Guard was indeed holding the line in Eagle’s pass despite the Supreme Court’s ruling. And Elon Musk retweeted Abbot’s announcement with the simple affirmation, good, good. And I think Musk speaks for all of us, most certainly the vast majority of the nation that has had it with the bumbling Biden administration’s deliberate abdication of their law enforcement responsibilities at the southern border.

And now that support for Texas’s law enforcement is about to get a whole lot bigger, a whole lot louder, and a whole lot wider, wait until you see what’s headed for the Texas border. This is going to absolutely make your day. But first, as many of you know, the grinches at Google have completely demonetized this channel. So make sure to click on that link below and support our awesome sponsor.

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You will not be disappointed. Click on that link below right now. A massive truckers convoy is reportedly headed to the southern border in response to the Texas National Guard’s defiance of the Supreme Court’s decision. Texas representative Keith Self has announced that truckers will hold a demonstration along several southern border routes in protests of both the Biden administration’s willful law enforcement abdication as well as the Supreme Court’s compliance in that abdication.

The take our border back multiday trucker convoy will take place from January 29 through February 3, and the routes for the truckers will include three stops, one at Eagle Pass, Texas, one at Yuma, Arizona, and one at Sancedro in California. Now, obviously, the announcement of the truckers convoy, in light of a recent court decision, is drawing comparisons with what happened in Ottawa two years ago with the Freedom convoy.

As you may know, a federal judge has just ruled that Trudeau’s use of emergency powers to crush the trucker demonstration was indeed unreasonable, unjustified, and ultimately unconstitutional. As you know, the tyrant Trudeau used the emergency powers to crack down on peaceful protesters who shut down Ottawa in a manner comparable to the way BLM protesters had shut down Ottawa just months before. Trudeau praised those BLM protesters, although while he brutalized the truckers, some of whom, as Tucker Carlson has just revealed, some of whom are still in a canadian prison and we’re supposed to be the authoritarians.

I mean, it’s beyond orwellian. But now the good news in all of this and what’s happening in Texas is that it does appear to be a very real awakening, as it were, not just among the people, but among political powers, particularly among Texas officials. We talk often on this channel about the rise of what’s called sanctuary states. And no, I’m not talking about the bluest of blue sanctuary cities that are actually welcoming and housing illegal migrants.

I’m talking about deep red states that are putting up administrative and legal barriers between their citizens and the dysfunctional lunatics that run Washington DC. They appear to have grown out of the rise of Second Amendment sanctuaries where counties provide safe havens for gun owners with law enforcement officials promising to protect rather than violate their Second Amendment rights. That sanctuary status is now starting to apply to virtually like everything, the banning of trans athletes in female sports, the banning of CRT in classrooms, the banning of vax mandates and mask mandates, the banning of central bank digital currencies and use in their states in issue after issue.

We’re seeing red states rise up and tell the freaks in our federal government in their best Gandalf fashion, right? You shall not pass. Your absurd policies are not welcome here. And what we’re seeing Texas officials doing is applying that red sanctuary state strategy to their own southern border. They’re rising up and declaring in no uncertain terms that they will no longer allow the willful incompetence of the Biden administration at the southern border to infringe on their state sovereignty.

So let’s, in all our different ways, let’s all make sure we support Texas holding the line, and let’s pray that this trucker convoy rolling on in in support of Texas officials is just the beginning. But first, gang, as many of you know, we have unfortunately been completely and totally demonetized, which is putting our daily communication with one another at risk like never before. Now, we are actively working on getting this resolved, but as things stand, this channel has, without any warning, been totally and completely demonetized.

And as Elon Musk said so powerfully last week, the whole point of these demonetization efforts is to deliberately try to make us Patriots feel like we’re all alone. They want to sever our relationship with each other and force on us a kind of digital solitary confinement so as to demoralize us and discourage us like never before. But to their horror, it’s not working. Over this past week, you have carried this channel like never before.

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See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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