Trans Women Are Real Women AOC Advocates For Biological Men In Womens Sports In Senate Hearing | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



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➡ The The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels text discusses AOC’s recent speech about a bill, where she criticizes Republicans for their stance on women’s rights and trans girls. She argues that the bill lacks enforcement mechanisms, which could lead to invasive examinations of young girls. The text also includes a commentary suggesting that men should dominate all sports to end debates about gender in sports. Finally, a Fox Sports commentary is mentioned, criticizing AOC’s speech and arguing that the bill is about birth certificates and routine physicals, not invasive examinations.



AOC, right? Before we deep dive into anything else, let’s talk AOC. You know what I see a lot of times from people that speak about AOC? They’re biased because they like the way that she looks. As crazy as that sound, they are biased because they like the way that AOC looks. Is that crazy? Anyways, let’s dig into it. Let’s go into what AOC is talking about lately and why people are criticizing her as usual. Take a look. Capitol Hill yesterday when it passed. Hosts of the Gains for Girls podcast on Riley Gaines joins us now.

Good morning, Riley. Good morning. It’s good to be on with you. So AOC had this to say about the bill. Let’s watch it. Republicans who have voted against, consistently against the Violence Against Women Act, now want to pretend today that they care about women. And why? To open up gender and, yes, genital examinations into little girls in this country in the so-called name of attacking trans girls. Let me pull up the whole speech. I want to go into the whole speech. There’s no need to, you know, I don’t like it when people clip it up.

I’m gonna just play the whole speech and then come back to the commentary. I’m honored to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from New York, Representative Ocasio-Cortez. Thank you so much, Madam Chair, Madam Ranking Member. Here we are today. Republicans who have voted against, consistently against the Violence Against Women Act, who have taken away the right of all women to choose and have control over their own body. Who, as women, are bleeding out in parking lots across the country, standing there, allowing us to die, now want to pretend today that they care about women.

And why? To open up gender and, yes, genital examinations into little girls in this country in the so-called name of attacking trans girls. And to that, today, what we have to say are two words, not today. The majority right now says there’s no place in this bill that says it opens up for genital examinations. Well, here’s the thing. There’s no enforcement mechanism in this bill. And when there is no enforcement mechanism, you open the door to every enforcement mechanism. Trans girls are girls. And for all the folks that are so concerned about women, trans girls are girls.

And for all the folks that are so concerned, thank you for your concern about women. Trans girls are girls. And for all the trans girls are girls. And for all the folks that are so concerned, y’all vote these people in the office. You do realize that, right? As crazy as we can say, well, AOC is this or this and that and so on and so forth. As crazy as we can say, and we can hold her accountable. We also have to be mindful of the fact that her constituents are rocking with her.

She just won in the last election. And by a wide margin. And she feels comfortable saying this because people overlook this type of stuff on a regular basis. This is why she feels comfortable saying this on the floor. Thank you for your concern about women for the first time that I’ve seen. I don’t know about y’all. I don’t know who’s been to gym class lately, but girls, even if you only believe in two genders, I’ve played co-ed sports all the time. But what this also opens the door. Even if you only believe in two genders, I play co-ed sports all the time.

I just want a LeBron James type character to just go in and just destroy the entire WNBA. Then we can put this whole conversation arrest. Guys shouldn’t even try to switch genders. They should just go over in today’s sport. College, NBA, all of that. One season, just go in and destroy everything and everybody and say, hey, listen, I identify as a girl. You ain’t even got to be gay. You don’t even have to be really that. All you got to do is feel that you’re different. Put you on a Juana man wig. And trust me, I am not an advocate at all.

Zero zilch nada. I don’t believe that men should be in women’s sports. I don’t believe that men should be using women’s bathrooms and vice versa. However, I believe that there should only be one league. Just call it the NBA National Basketball Association. It ain’t got to be the NBA. It ain’t got to be the WNBA. Just wake one league, make everybody be able to try out for it. Football, basketball, volleyball, hockey, golf, everything. Just let guys just go in and dominate everything. It’s already a losing league anyway. Let them go in, dunk on y’all monkey heads, and then see how that plays out and we can put this whole conversation to rest.

Real talk. What are we doing? It’s for women to try to perform a very specific kind of femininity for the very kind of men who are drafting this bill and to open up questioning of who is a woman because of how we look, how we present ourselves, and yes, what we choose to do with our bodies. I know who loves this bill. Yes, bigoted folks love this bill. Assaulters love this bill. But also CEOs love this bill because Los Angeles is on fire right now. And this is the number one priority that this majority has.

So we supposed to ignore. All right, so let me get to the commentary over here on Fox Sports and see what they got to say about it because I’m sure they got somebody that can speak to this. Ammonine little girls. I mean, this is just off. Yeah, that’s one way to put it. If she spent two seconds reading the bill, she would know this has nothing to do with general inspections. This has nothing to do with any sort of anatomical examination. This resorts to birth certificates and a routine physical, which every athlete already has to complete to be able to play their sport anyway.

And so to watch the theatrical performance, which that’s exactly what it was from all pretty much all of the Democrats on the House floor, it was disheartening and to continue to see them tout about women’s rights. And she mentions the Violence Against Women Act. Do we remember how AOC voted on the Violence Against Women by a Legal Aliens Act because she voted in opposition. So I mean, look at these people. Look how they voted on the Lake and Riley Act. Look how they voted on the Save Women Sports Act. And if they were a no on one or both, then they do not get to continue to say they support women and women’s rights.

So rather, I was actually surprised when I saw it was only two Democrats from Texas delegation. So we got some Texas Democrats that have some sense. You got Representative Henry Cuellar and you got Vicente Gonzalez that voted for the bill. I don’t think this is a partisan issue. And I thought that the Democrats really cared about women. They’re going to destroy the sport. Yeah, you don’t think it’s a partisan issue. Neither does majority of Americans as made very, very clear on November 5th. But apparently November 5th taught the Democrats nothing. I was curious going into this.

Will we see people double down, like we saw from AOC, or will we see people start to slowly recant from their position? And if you can remember, Lawrence, a few months back, I mean, pretty immediately following the election, you had Congressman Seth Moulton. He went on the news and he said, look, we’ve become too radical as a party. I have daughters. I don’t want my daughters on the court or on the field with with police, but even Congressman Moulton was pressured into voting in opposition of the protection of women and girls in sports act.

But that, you know, my daughter is in sports and I’ll be going to her competitions and I’m going to her competition a day and tomorrow this afternoon. And my daughter has been training since what, eight, seven, eight, nine years old or something like that. So she was seven years old first and wrote her when she was, she was six. She turned seven and multiple degree black belt ranked amongst the top at one point held the top spot in her age group. And the United States of America is being sponsored on USA take one though.

Junior Olympics, possibly going to be an Olympian one day. And she’s sparred regularly against guys in her own, you know what I’m saying? In her training, she’s trained all over the world with some of the greatest coaches. She’s had some of the best assistance and the greatest support ever of all time. There has been young men that has came up in the exact same group, class, everything with her, meaning that they were the same age. Some of them were younger, some of them were older and they were the same age and they were training and all of this other type of stuff.

And they’ve all grown up together, right? So we know all of the parents, all of the parents know each other. We help each other. We support each other and everything. Some of them had boys, some of them had girls or whatever, right? And as great as my daughter is some of those, those boys that grew up with her and that they all spar together today at 16 and 17 years old, they have to pull back and I’ll be looking and I’m looking like, oh, don’t kick my daughter like when they spar, they have to hold back because no matter how much training that she does, physically, and those boys will probably never make it to the Olympics, but because she a girl, she probably will.

Those boys physically could break my daughter in half if they wanted to. That’s not to say that she’s not good at what she does or she’s not great at what she does or she don’t put into work or whatever, so on and so forth. She get what she earned. And when she take an L, she take an L and when she win and when she win. But let me tell you something. This don’t have nothing to do with how much you train. Those boys are savages. Thank you, Jesus, that they don’t go full throttle on competing with my daughter when they sparring together.

And they push her and all of that, but they know how far they can go. And then so they take, they pull back because they don’t want to hurt her. Thank you, Jesus. Don’t hurt my daughter now. And we’re going to have to go get the strap, you know what I’m saying? But my point is that, bruh, a boy, a biologically born male has no place in women’s sports or their bathrooms. Why is this even something that we’re debating? Why is this something that they advocate for? Why is this even something? Listen, if you don’t even have children, you shouldn’t even be able to vote on this inside of the Senate.

There’s no reason for us to even be sitting here having this conversation. It tells you something. It tells you that more than a party, what the Democrats are is, it’s truthfully their cult. You know, I do find that interesting because we interviewed the Congressman and you thought that there was an epiphany on this issue to see the double down even after the election, I think is truly shocking. What do you think is the end goal here? Do you think in the end that you guys are going to win this fight? It passes the Senate and President-elect Trump, when he becomes president, actually signs the bill.

I’m very hopeful. The Senate seems to be a lot more bipartisan on these hot button issues than certainly the House does. So I’m hopeful. I don’t know what the timeline looks like, if you can remember last year. The Senate totally disavowed this issue. They would not even bring it forward for a vote. So nonetheless, it’s a big step forward. And I’m hopeful that President Trump, on day one, as he campaigned on, will take decisive action and ultimately ensure that the line is upheld by its original intent. Y’all better pray, man. Y’all better pray.

Y’all better vote. Y’all better becoming more informed. And y’all got to start holding y’all legislators accountable for some of the stuff that they see, or some of the stuff that they’re doing and participating in inside of esports. [tr:trw].

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.



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