TRANS Mafia JAILS Irish Christian Teacher for not Bowing down to Trans Pedo Grooming Curriculum!

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ Deonna Lorraine hosts a show called “Shots Fired” where she discusses current news and trending topics. In a recent episode, she talked about a teacher in Ireland, Enoch Burke, who was arrested for refusing to use transgender pronouns for a student. She also promoted a dog food brand called Nature’s Blend and a line of vitamins and supplements by Dr. Sherwood. The show airs twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
➡ A teacher was suspended and later arrested for refusing to use preferred pronouns for a transgender student. The teacher, who believes in traditional gender roles, was arrested for contempt of court after violating a court order that barred him from school premises. The incident has sparked a debate about gender identity and the rights of individuals to express their beliefs. The teacher’s actions are seen by some as a stand against what they perceive as an unnatural and harmful ideology being forced upon children.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the education system, suggesting it’s being used to indoctrinate children with harmful ideologies and values. It also criticizes the current immigration situation, arguing that it’s more of an invasion than a migration, with the government facilitating the process. The speaker encourages parents to consider homeschooling and citizens to be aware of these issues.
➡ Energy Renew is a product that enhances your energy and skin health, while Kingdom Fuel is a nutritional shake mix offering essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins. A debate has sparked on social media about the health benefits of raw milk versus pasteurized milk, with some arguing that raw milk is more nutrient-dense. However, concerns about potential bacteria in raw milk have also been raised. The discussion also touched on the topic of breast milk versus formula, with some suggesting that natural options are often healthier.
➡ The text criticizes the U.S. government’s health advice, particularly regarding food. It suggests that government-endorsed foods, like pasteurized milk and subsidized crops like corn and soy, are harmful. The text also discusses the benefits of natural foods and practices, such as drinking raw milk and breastfeeding, and criticizes the overuse of antibiotics and the fear of germs. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of individual health assessments and listening to one’s body.
➡ Dr. Sherwood appeared on a show to discuss the importance of living in harmony with bacteria, parasites, and viruses for a healthy life. He also promoted his website, Sherwood tv shots, where he offers free resources, books, and health-related products. The host, Deonnaloraine, reminded viewers to tune in to her show, Shots Fired, twice a week and encouraged them to support her sponsors, including the Sherwoods. She ended the show by wishing everyone a great week and promising to return with a new episode.


Welcome, everyone, to shots fired with Deonna Lorraine. I’m your host, Deonna Lorraine. Going over all the latest breaking news, trending topics and truth bombs that you can’t get anywhere else. Go ahead and follow me on social media, especially Gab Telegram, truth social and getter at real Deonnalrain and on x for all the latest and controversial posts. Deonna for Congress. Remember, my show is twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 08:00 p.m. eastern time right after the Sue Peters show. And it is 08:00 p.m. eastern time now. So grab that cocktail or mocktail, glass of water, glass of wine, whatever you do to unwind.

And hang out with me for the next hour as we go over the top news of the day with two exciting guests. We’ll be right back right after these quick messages. Hey, guys. Well, you all know how much I love dogs, and especially how much I love my beautiful princess, but very picky pug Layla. And you know how much I want to just take care of her and have her living her best and most fulfilling, healthiest life. Well, I discovered nature’s blend, essential wellness for dogs. This is the advanced, all natural solution for your dog’s health, and she loves it.

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So I want you, if you love your furry friend, check these people out. It’s an incredible company. Go to Deanna loves for more info and get your dog’s tail wagging again. That’s d E A n n A loves and let me know how it works out. Give your dog the gift of vitality. Do you want to look younger, look your best and be your healthiest? Well, Doctor Sherwood, my personal friend and favorite naturopathic doctor who truly knows his stuff, has a new line of vitamins and supplements called their kingdom. Nutritional products that will truly heal you from the inside out and have you looking and feeling amazing.

Go to Sherwood TV shotsfired. That’s Sherwood TV shotsfired. To check out their kingdom products, especially kingdom fuel. Kingdom Fuel is their proprietary complete nutritional shake mix. It provides a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals and the full amino acid profile protein people need. Get it now, along with any other kingdom products, for 30% off by using my promo code shots at checkout. That’s 30% off by using my promo code shots. So go to that link again, Sherwood TV shotsfired. And start giving your body the health makeover it needs. Welcome back to shots fired. While the transgender mafia is at it again.

Over the weekend, weekend school teacher from Ireland named Enoch Burke was arrested at Wilson’s Hospital school in Ireland because he refused to endorse and affirm transgender ideology and push that indoctrination and grooming onto his students at his school. So he was arrested and now jailed for it. Can you believe the power that they have? You know, the gender in the LGBTQIA community say that they’re victims and that they’re the minority. They’re really not. They are as powerful and use tactics like any other powerful mafia, and it’s getting really, really scary. Judge Barry O’Donnell, who made apparently over 400,000 pounds from 2016 to 2018, representing an organization called Tusla, that we’re going to get into Tusla as a barrister.

He ordered his arrest. We’re going to talk about this, and if you haven’t seen this video of the teacher, Enoch Burke, check this out. This was him actually getting arrested. I have a right to work here. He has a right. I have a right to be here. You’re arrested not to tell students they need to tell puberty blockers you’re arresting him because he wants to do. Here at Wilson’s hospital, school teacher been arrested for not accepting transgenderism. I’m not going to turn my back and my duty to my students. No, you don’t have a duty to do what’s wrong and to bring me before the court.

To bring me before the court. Mutilation. Gender neutral. Yeah. That he has to take chemicals. That he has to take chemicals. That he has to take chemicals. All right. So now people are getting arrested and jailed simply for parents we know for not affirming their child’s gender and for teachers not pushing that on their children. So here to talk about this and delve into the details, who’s been following the story closely is David Curtin. David Curtin is the heritage party leader over in the UK, it’s a right wing, populist political group. He’s a writer, speaker, political commentator, and Christian.

And of course, he is pro family, pro nation, and pro life. And he’s been following this story closely. David Curtin, welcome, first of all, to shots fired. How are you, Deanna? Thanks for having me on the show. Yeah, doing well. Thank you. I wish Enoch Burke was as well as me, but good to join you on the show to talk about this. Anyway, it’s crazy. So I heard about this, and it was trending all over social media for the last couple of days, and I reached out to him, by the way, but I’m pretty sure he’s pretty busy and occupied and can’t come on the show tied down with these other things.

But can you tell us more of the details of who this teacher is, first of all, and what happened to him over this week? Well, he’s imprisoned, so, you know, he’s been removed from society for something that’s gone back four years. And I think what happened in his school was they introduced a new policy according to the LGBT ideology, and he was told that he had a child in his class who was a boy, but the boy said he was a girl, so he was required to use transgender pronouns and refer to this boy as a girl and treat him like a girl.

So one child. One child in this class? Yeah, that’s right. Well, I mean, in his class, they might have been more in the school, but, I mean, this is a general thing that’s happening. It’s not just something that would have been happening in his class and his school. This has been rocked out around Ireland, as far as I know, and it’s been rolled out around the world. I mean, we have this issue in the UK, and we have had it for many years. I know people personally back in 2017 who were suspended from their jobs for not adhering to the transgender ideology and calling boys girls and girls boys.

So this has been going on, really since about 2015 was the first time I heard of it, and I thought, this is never going to catch on. This is absolutely crazy army that you can say that boys are girls and girls are boys, but it’s been pushed and mainstreamed, and now it’s got to the level where we see Enoch Burke, a teacher, a christian teacher in Ireland four years ago. He’s told that he had to do this. He refused to do it. He was suspended from his job. Then he was arrested. I think the first time he was arrested was two years ago.

At the start of the academic year of 2022, and he spent 100 days in prison because he said, I’m not going to adhere to this, but I’m still going to go to work. It’s absolutely wrong that you suspend me as a teacher and stop me from doing my job because I won’t adhere to this crazy, absolute mental illness ideology. So I believe this was his third time being arrested in the last couple of years. Is that correct? Yeah, that’s right. He was arrested, you know, September 22, September 23, and now September 24, at the beginning of each academic year for schools, they start in September in Ireland, in the UK.

So I think at the beginning of the year, each year, he’s gone to start his job again, just turning up for work, and the school has got some court order in place saying that he’s not allowed to go to the school and do his job. But, you know, I think he’s a very brave man because he is defying the court order here, which has been put in place on him at the behest of whatever powers that be that are there to enforce lgbt ideology and make sure that everybody who is a teacher and an educator adheres to this.

He said, no, I’m not going to adhere to this. I’m going to stand up for what is right, what is good, what is christian, what is scientific, what is just basic common sense. And he’s been arrested for doing this. But you can imagine this would not even have crossed anyone’s minds 20 years ago, maybe even ten years ago, but today, it just shows how much we’ve degenerated into absolute insanity where someone is suspended for their job because they refuse to call a boy a girl and they call a boy a boy, and they’re not going to use their they them pronouns or whatever it’s supposed to use for this boy in his class.

I mean, it’s absolutely ridiculous. So he’s a hero. You know, he’s willing to put his freedom on the line to stand up for sanity. And, you know, I haven’t been asked to do that myself. You know, if was asked to do that, if I was put in that situation, I don’t know what I’d do, you know, but he really is fighting for this, and he’s an example to us all to, you know, making a huge sacrifice to stand up for what is right, what is good, God’s way, you know, just basic science, as I said, and to stand up against the madness that is rolling out.

You know, not just in Ireland. It is in Ireland, obviously, but across the whole western world, particularly english speaking countries, have been very, very hit by this. You know, I’m sure in the USA, in various states, you saturated going on to. So, so what was he, Jay? Well, I mean, arrested. I mean, that, that is just so bizarre and it’s so extreme. They went to his house to arrest him. What’s the even, what’s the crime? I mean, do you know what the crime is coded at? What, what is it? I think it’s contempt of court. Wow.

Because the school got a court order against him to stop him from going onto the school premises. But he actually did go to the school premises, went into the school building and was just there saying, I’m here, I’m ready to work, I’m ready to teach. But he wasn’t allowed to do that because of a court order. So he was arrested for contempt of court. Basically. It’s not, you know, not actually any particular crime, but just the school out of court order against him to prevent him going to work. And what grade does he teach? I think it’s a secondary school, so he would probably teach lots of different grades.

I mean, sort of children from eleven up to 18 years old. Okay. And so that’s the thing when they say it’s just there’s one child in this class that, that you have to cater to then and push this curriculum on. It affects all of the children because now all of the children are going to be confused looking at this biological male who now wants to be called a she or they. And there, there’s the conversation thrust into their, their universe, which they didn’t ask for or want. And how do you explain, you know, you don’t want to have to explain to an eleven year old why this, why Frankie at school is suddenly wearing a dress and, and wanting to be called a girl.

Or they, but that’s why they, they do it intentionally so that this conversation could be had. Because children, you know, they are naturally born when, if they have biological parts that are a male, they think they’re a boy. You know, if they are a female, they think they’re a girl. And if that, if that is twisted, it’s from parents or the media or something else telling them there’s, hey, you might be something else, you know, you might be a girl if you’re a boy or might be a go at boy if you’re a girl or something else, you can be something else.

Just like, you know, hey, you can be a rainbow or you could be a cat. I mean, children won’t naturally think that unless that conversation is thrust into their existence, which, again, which is why it’s so sinister and evil, because it’s not natural. It’s not what they would normally think. Absolutely. So corrupting in the good old days, you know, which is only five or ten years ago. Yeah. You recognize someone. Sex. You’re. You have. There are two sexes, male and female. There isn’t something called gender, which is different to biological sex. Your sex is defined by your anatomy and your chromosomal.

You know, I know there’s a tiny, tiny percentage of people who are intersex who have anatomical abnormalities. Like a deformity. Yes. You look at their chromosomes and you can tell, you know instantly from that whether they’re male or female. But, you know, there are people in the past who had gender dysphoria who think that they’re not the sex that they are, but they would be treated the same way as anorexics, you know? Yeah. If someone’s anorexia and they think that they’re fat, you don’t affirm them. Oh, no. Yeah, you’re. You’re really. You don’t go to an anorexic.

Yeah, you’re really fat. Yeah, I’m going to affirm you. Stop eating. You know, because I’m fine. Right. We have this idea that, you know, people who, with gender dysphoria, we have to affirm their delusion, their unreality, and then you push. Pump them with chemicals, which. And then you cut their bits off and it makes them sterile, and 80% of them grow out of it naturally. I mean, all these people who have been told this, they then can never have children in their life. And many of them have regret, trans. Major regret. And it’s appalling. It’s absolutely wicked.

Sorry, Lorraine. I’m sorry, Deanna. I’m getting. You know, this really winds me up because I used to teach you myself, you know, before I got into politics. I was a science teacher. I used to teach about reproduction, but I would never, ever consider telling children this is reality. In fact, there’s the absolute opposite of this. It’s wrong and it’s wicked. It goes against science. It goes against God’s order, you know, both of those things. And we got to stop doing this. So, you know, that’s why I so appreciate Enoch Burke standing up for this and being willing to be arrested and go to prison, because it’s the right thing to do and it’s standing up against this wicked.

You know, it is a satanic agenda. It comes from the pit of hell. This inversion, really confusing children. It’s disgusting. And, you know, anyone with a sane mind can see that it’s completely wrong and mad and insane. Yeah, it is. And now I want to delve a little deeper into this. Judge Barry and this Tuzla. Tusla, the child. The Irish State Child Protection Agency. It’s evidently an organization that’s saturated with lgbt and gender ideology, and they urge staff to learn about cross dressing and drag performances and making transgender ideology a condition for fostering children. Do you know a little bit more about this agency, Tuzla or Tesla? I’ve looked into a little.

A little bit this week because obviously, as you said in the beginning, the judge that ordered his arrest this week had been paid hundreds of thousands of euros acting as a barrister for this organization. It’s a government organization that is linked into the Minister for Children and Disabilities and Healthcare, just like probably our child protected protective agency that is totally corrupt here in the US. It’s not. It’s not protecting children at all. It’s not really protecting children. What, they’re trafficking a lot of them, pushing this ideology onto children. The opposite. They’re harming children. But what they do, they twist everything.

And they say, if you don’t adhere to our ideology that children are sexual from birth, and then this is. This is the ideology behind these things. It’s. There’s the gender ideology. Queer theory. Children are sexual from birth and children should have sexual rights, you know, which is so twisted because, you know, anyone up to a few years ago would say, let children be children. You don’t sexualize them. They’re not sexual from Perth or when they’re in primary school. Yeah, okay. They reach puberty and then you have to guide them. Parents need to guide them through that time, but not in primary school.

And certainly this gender nonsense is. Is all made up by academics who are complete quacks. You know, they just. They just made it up out of nowhere. So this Tuzla is responsible for trying to get this new subject into school called relationships and sex education and overseeing that. This is not just happening in Ireland. It’s happening around the world. It’s happening in the UK, it’s happening in the USA as well. It’s actually the branding of something called comprehensive sexuality education ultimately comes from the World Health Organization. They want the children to learn certain things. I was looking into this, and you don’t have to look too far on Tuzla’s website to look at their guidance for what they want to get.

This is from a document called healthy sexuality and relationship development. The education and support needs of children and young people in care. There’s a tool, toolkit for educators to use, and this is, this is from the World Health Organization. I recognize it. The World Horror Organization. Word for word, they say zero to four year old children. What’s normal sexual behavior? Touching or playing with their own genitals, attempting to touch or curiosity about breasts, bottoms or genitals of adults. That’s from a document on Tuzla’s website to do with this subject, which is now being rolled out in all schools.

You know, this is paedophilic. Absolutely paedophilic. You know, you just don’t do this with kids. I mean, you know, heaven know what it’s. What is later on, you know, when you’re older, heaven knows what they, they say you should be getting up to then. But that’s for children. It’s. It’s absolutely base, you know, that the people pushing this should be put in prison. Not Enoch Burke, who’s standing up for what’s righteous and what’s good. Amen. It’s really so inverted. And the, the more parents can wake up to this, too, and yank their children out of schools and homeschool them if they can, you know, get your hands around your children’s and their values, because otherwise your value, their values are going to be taught by these sick pedophiles.

And it’s, it’s really, sending your child to a school at this point is like sending them to an indoctrination camp to be groomed as a radical marxist and potentially even, you know, destined to be a transgender and sterile for life. I mean, it’s really sick what they’re teaching. I mean, this is cultural Marxism. It goes right back to the communist manifesto where they want to abolish the family. And children should be brought up by state educators. They want to destroy families. They want to destroy everything that’s good and natural and normal. And the thing is, you now have activists going in deliberately becoming teachers because they think that they can influence children’s minds at the youngest age.

I mean, it was, you know, I think the Jesuits worked out, you know, they said, give me the boy and I will show you the man. The, you know, the fundamental values that someone has are largely shaped by the time a child reaches, reaches seven. So they tried going to secondary schools and teaching them about this. There wasn’t too successful because they’ve already got values from the parents. So now what they want to do is go into the very, very youngest of children at early primary school, kindergarten, before they even go to primary school and change and warp their.

Their way of looking at the world there so that they. They don’t view the world as being. Is having two sexes and the traditional family is the right way, the right and best model of a family, which it is. But they want to get children to actually, just by, you know, osmosis, if you like psychological osmosis, take on this idea of gender ideology that they’re sexual from birth and that there are all different types of families. You know, I hear this mantra almost all the time, that families come in all different shapes and sizes and that means, you know, you’re supposed to accept them as all equal, when actually God’s way is there’s a mother and a father, they’re married, they bring up their boys and girls, their sons and daughters in their way, and you pass on values, christian values, traditional values, from generation to generation.

What is happening now is the cultural Marxists are deliberately trying to disrupt the transmission of values from parents to children. And they’ve already done it fairly successfully to some extent with past generations, but now they’re really going hell for leather with it in schools at the moment. So you’re absolutely right, Deanna, to say that really, we’ve all got to consider your home education or homeschooling. That’s what we need to do for our children to make sure that they don’t get indoctrinated by this evil, wicked, satanic rubbish. Amen. And before we wrap up, speaking about another major threat to the country and to the family unit, tell me a little bit about how the immigration has been going over in your neck of the woods and how people are responding to it.

I mean, there’s just crime after crime that we see on the news committed by illegal immigrants that are just flooding in and wreaking havoc on the community and the. And the natives there. It’s an absolute disaster. I mean, we’ve had it, really for the last 25 years when immigration stepped up a level in the UK from the time of Tony Blair. But in the last four or five years, it’s just gone even to a higher level. Now we’re seeing in the UK tens of thousands of migrants coming illegally across the English Channel. I mean, I know that you’ve got an even bigger problem in the USA with the southern border there.

I mean, I feel the same. I feel. Feel like you. It’s. The country is being invaded. Same playbook. Yeah. It’s not immigration, it’s not migrants that are, you know, Sweden, mothers and children. It’s an invasion. An invasion of men, mostly men, who are fight of fighting age and have zero respect for the country or its values or anything. They’re not here to adapt and assimilate and be a positive contribution to the country. They’re here to invade and destroy way. Absolutely. And I don’t think anyone minds a small number of people coming over who contribute to the country like we had in the past, you know, people who have got skills, who want to start businesses, who want to be employed in jobs where there’s a skills shortage.

Not that we should have a skill shortage. I mean, you know, there’s absolutely no reason for a country like the USA or the UK or Germany or France to have a skills shortage because we got tens or hundreds of millions of people. I mean, that’s ridiculous. But you actually wonder if these skills shortages are fabricated artificially. But the solution they offer then is mass migration. And this is facilitated by the government because in the UK we have a huge boat around our island that’s 20 or 30 miles wide. This shouldn’t be possible for migrants to come across the English Channel, but they actually are being brought into the centre of the channel, escorted by the french coast guard.

Then the Royal Navy and the border force from the UK meets them, picks them up and then sails them back to Dover, and then they get bused around to accommodation which is seemingly already there for them. So this is not just something that is happening, you know, without the involvement of government in it. The government is doing this, they are facilitating it. Right. And they’re rolling out the red. It’s like a red carpet. First class escort experience, too. You know, they’re going to fly them in, they’re going to bust them in, they’re going to get them free hotels and cell phones once they get in.

It’s. It’s unbelievable how much. When people say, oh, it’s just, you know, they’re just naturally migrating because they’re in fear of what their home country is like. No, no, no. They’re being. This is a operation, a full scale operation and invasion. Yeah, of course, because the vast majority of them are military aged men. In a normal migration movement where people are fleeing war or disaster, you have men, women and children together. Well, this is different. This is almost all military aged men. And you can see them setting up camps in the UK, more in Ireland. It’s very obvious that they’re building camps for them to live in and they’re totally changing the demographics of the country and you know, you can live in a small village of 500 people and suddenly you find the government has put a thousand migrants in the edge of your village and then suddenly they’re the majority in a place that you call home and they just say, well, you take it or you’re racist.

You know, don’t. Don’t protest because if you protest, you’re racist. That’s the message that is coming from the government in this country and other countries around. Yep. It’s insane. Yeah. Well, thankfully, we have leaders like you and political parties like the heritage that is trying to stop this and raise awareness. Can you tell everybody where they can find you and follow you? David, you’re awesome and chock full of information and I’m so glad that we’ve got you and others like you that are fighting to wake people up. Well, thanks, Deanna. It was really great to be on your show, to be able to talk about all of this.

And I’m the leader of the heritage party in the UK. You can find out more about us on, which is our website. And you can follow me on twitter as well at davidcurtan. Okay, awesome. Well, thanks so much, David Curtin. We’ll have you back on again for more updates. We’ll be right back, guys, right after these messages with our next guest. Don’t go anywhere. Hey, guys, do you often feel like you’ve got low energy and you just really want to give your energy a boost that sustainable all day? Well, this awesome new product I’ve been taking, energy renew, gives you that kick you need to keep going all day long with no more midday slumps.

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Do you want to look younger, look your best and be your healthiest? Well, Doctor Sherwood, my personal friend and favorite naturopathic doctor who truly knows his stuff, has a new line of vitamins and supplements called their kingdom. Nutritional products that will truly heal you from the inside out and have you looking and feeling amazing, go to Sherwood TV Shotsfired. That’s Sherwood TV Shotsfired to check out their kingdom products, especially kingdom fuel. Kingdom Fuel is their proprietary complete nutritional shake mix. It provides a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals and the full amino acid profile protein people need.

Get it now along with any other kingdom products for 30% off by using my promo code shots at checkout. That’s 30% off by using my promo code. So go to that link again. Sherwood tv shots fired. And start giving your body the health makeover it needs. Welcome back to shots fired. Well, conservative commentator Matt Walsh from the Daily Wired run by tiny angry person Ben Shapiro. And we all kind of know that his views are a bit extreme compared to ours and they don’t really agree with what we believe, especially when it comes to vaccines and personal health.

And Matt Walsh also says some not so conservative or freedom minded things sometimes. This week a post of his went viral when he said this raw milk is disgusting. We live in a first world civilized society and people are actively choosing to consume raw milk. Milk riddled with E. Coli and listeria pasteurization is not some evil sorcery, it just kills the dangerous bacteria eumorons. He made sure to add eumorons after this. Now he proceeded his insults and thread to say this. Next you should go out and drink some raw water straight from your local lake without doing anything to purify it.

Enjoy the parasites. Hippies calls us hippies, calls us morons. All right. And then he continued the insults with this. Very disappointed to see so many right wingers falling for this hippie propaganda. Glorifying third world hygienic practices should be the leftist domain. Pretty interesting stuff. And this post just went viral with so many people and doctors from the left and the right weighing in. Now this is the same guy who also though pushed the COVID bio weapon onto millions of people, just like Ben Shapiro did when he said get the vaccine you dopes. Matt Walsh did get the COVID shots.

He also said that they were safe and effective and safe as any vaccine on his site. And he shared an article, one of many from his social medias, pushing the vaccine onto people. Now, Matt’s tweet about raw milk has sparked a huge debate across social media this week with all sides of the aisle weighing in. And it just goes to show you too, so many things that they push. They push us. They tell us to eat or drink, ends up being terrible for you and destructive for you, even potentially killing us and so many things that they say are terrible for you might actually be the healthiest thing for us.

What about the debate with breast milk versus formula? I know that in the last couple of years, especially the mainstream media and the government and the powers that be have been forcefully pushing formula on mothers and trying to normalize it, saying it’s just as good or maybe even better than natural, God given breast milk. So, of course, our favorite doctor is here to discuss and weigh in because I personally love raw milk and I think it’s great and healthy for us. But I want to talk to our favorite doctor, Doctor Mark Sherwin Sherwood, naturopathic Doctor Sherwood.

Doctor tv shots to join us and weigh in on this very viral topic this week. So let’s talk about raw milk. How you doing, Doctor Sherwood? Evan, I’m doing really well. Thanks for having me on, as always. And man, this is a hot topic. No doubt it is a hot topic. So I personally, I’ll tell you what I do, and kind of just discovered this as I’ve gotten more into my health in the last couple years, and I, I saw, you know, through different studies and everything, that raw milk might actually be healthier for you than the pasteurized milk that we get in any grocery store.

But of course, I want to hand it to you. What do you believe? Well, I think as a general rule, and this goes with raw, anything raw has more nutrient density than things that have been put to heat. I think that’s a general principle. We all know that right now. Some things we know is killed by heat. I think that his statement about being riddled with listeria and E. Coli is bit much. We know that pasteurization by its very process is supposed to eliminate that through the process, but it also eliminates nutrient density. Yeah. Yeah. And I think with no doubt, raw milk is more nutritionally dense by leaps and bounds as compared to pasteurized milk.

The interesting thing that I find that we probably need to point out is the United States government subsidized the whole process of pasteurization and that milk does the body good. Right. So there’s a lot there that he’s saying. Now, this is what I do know. I know that in raw anything, there’s a potential beneficial for bacteria. I mean, that’s a, that’s a surely. And, and I think also when you understand, you know, where we get our source of anything, including raw milk, matters, what do you feed the cows? Where the cows being fed? I’ve used this statement before, Dan, and I think it’s very important.

What you eat, eats, or what you eat is fed makes a difference, specifically within the milk, because milk is a fat substance and toxins are stored in the fat. So if you have a good old grass fed milk out or grass fed cow out there, and you’re drinking raw milk, you know, right off the teat, so to speak, and not literally, but you get my point. Yeah. You know, it’s like, it’s not going to be a bad thing. Now, having said that, it’s really important to understand that a lot of people in our country have gut dysfunction.

It is a matter of debate as to where people are genetically speaking. There’s an enzyme called LCT. LCT. Don’t ask me for the RS number, because I don’t have it memorized, but it’s one of our enzymes that’s coded genetically. Depending on which database you look at, there is a decent amount of people that really are not lactase. Persistent lactase is an enzyme that breaks down the sugar lactose. But that’s not to say that the body does. Doesn’t have the ability to compensate and work around it. I see more people overall be able to tolerate raw milk and not get sick, then I do those really rare cases where they do.

As a matter of fact, I can’t remember, and I don’t know if my wife can remember the last time we really saw someone that was drinking raw milk and was basically being eaten alive by listeria and E. Coli. I suppose it’s possible, but that statement riddle was a little bit big, Evan. I’ve never personally witnessed that happening, either to anybody in my personal circles or me. As a matter of fact, when I was. When I had, you know, my son maverick, was an infant, and I was breastfeeding them, feeding him, at. At some point, my personal supply ran a little bit low.

And so my doctor, of course, or pediatrician was very quick to say, well, just feed him formula. Feed him formula. It’s great. Great. But somewhat some people in my personal circles that I trust said, try raw goat milk. Raw goat’s milk is the closest to human breast milk as. As possible. And I was very scared at first that, oh, my gosh, I’m going to give him some raw goat milk, and he’s going to have Listeria, he’s going to have all these different diseases or pathogens, and it turned out absolutely not. He couldn’t have been healthier. Rarely get sick, rarely got sick as an infant or a baby, so.

And I personally, when I can have it, when I. When I have a good source for it, like a local farm or something. I like getting raw milk. I like getting raw cream. And again, I always feel as healthy as possible. Never gotten sick for any of this. So I think my belief in what has been confirmed by a lot of people in personal health circles like yourself is that they, the government, and the powers that be, they’re so quick to try to stamp out all the pause, all the healthy nutrients for us and give us such over processed foods and liquids and supplements when sometimes just natural, I think, is better.

What say you? Well, certainly you’re talking about a government here. Now, I know we’re talking about the United States government. We’re citizens of the United States, but you’re talking about a government here who tells kids to eat cereal with pasteurized milk poured on it, and that’s a good thing. The same time, the whole mess is toxic. It’s carcinogenic, it’s pollution. The whole thing. It’s chemical oriented. So, you know, if one part’s bad, the whole part’s bad. So I think the 30,000 foot view here is, let’s use a little wisdom, folks. If the government tells you to do something regarding your health, health regarding food, don’t do it, because obviously, our health has not gotten any better, has it? I mean, we’re seeing the government subsidize dairy, corn, soy, wheat, sugars.

Need I say more? It’s. It’s pretty obvious. And so, you know, I think the naysayers out here, uh, looking at, you know, Matt Walsh’s stuff and that whole deal, need to step back and let wisdom kind of reignite pain. You know, is there bacteria out there? Parasitic activity that it could get anything? Of course. But is it at a level. And this is a big deal. Is it at a level that causes a person a problem? And, you know, I do a lot of stool testing, and I’m telling you, I see it a lot, but I don’t see it have problems.

And if a person’s drinking Merle milk and not having any GI issues or obvious disturbances of the creation of rejection or sensitivity allergies, man, it’s certainly better than having something that the government subsidized. I think that’s the broad stroke here. We can paint, Evan. Amen. Do you happen to know when they started this mass pasteurization and homogenization process with milk? Because obviously, back in the day, that’s what human beings drink. It’s milk from the cows or from their farms, and they didn’t have this mass pasteurization process that, you know, with the kind of milk that we buy from grocery stores.

Well, I think it. You go back and it’s named after the famous scientist Louis Pasteur, you know, that’s where it came from. And the idea, you’re looking back at the early 19 hundreds, Deanna, where the germ theory came about, where germs were the cause of diseases. And about the same time, you started seeing a lot of antibiotic usages being developed and increased, you know, penicillin, etcetera. And these things are not bad. I’m not saying that. But back in those days, things were different. We had different hygiene practices, we had different sewage practices. We just didn’t know as much as we know now.

And we’re learning more every day. But that’s where it kind of originated. And it came forward many, many years later, a few decades later. And once the, the food pyramid got pushed into us as a society, from our government, that’s when it really began to take shape big time. And that’s when you saw this massive influx of this pasteurized milk products. Not just milk, but products being pushed onto our neighborhood supermarket shelves. Cheese, butter, fake cheese, you know, like velveeta and the american cheese slices, is. Although sometimes they’re good. But no, I mean, it’s just as fake as it can get.

You don’t, you’re not really obtaining the real nutrients from the dairy, right? No. I tell people all the time, if you can eat off the land and eat and drink as natural as possible, I’m not saying go down there to the neighborhood, you know, pond that’s setting still and very stagnant, take a drink of water. I mean, that’s stupid. But, you know, it’s like, like utilize some wisdom here. People have been drinking raw milk for centuries. There is a decent part of the population that doesn’t tolerate it. If you don’t tolerate, you’ll probably know it. Yeah, if you’re laxative intolerant, you’ll probably know that early in life you will.

It’ll give you a lot of gi gas and bloating and you will know it. And every time you have a milk product, you’ll have the same effect. It will show up within immediacy up to about three days and just pay attention to it. And then I think it’s important to add that, you know, because of our gut dysfunction, that’s very common today. This thing called leaky gut, which is really common in our society, it’s very ubiquitous in people. You have the lowered ability to tolerate anything and so you have this big push of things that we become sensitive to and even allergic to, not because they are sensitive and allergic to themselves, they’re good for you, but because of the frequency of consumption in conjunction with the leaky gut.

So there’s. There’s all kinds of nuances here involved, and I, I cringe every time I see one of these, these pundits, you know, push out here a broad stroke thing about what we should or shouldn’t do when they’re not dealing with the person individually. My wife and I see people individually. We talk to them. Most importantly, we listen to them. That’s really the only way you get to know somebody, you know? Right. I mean, as I’ve gotten to know you, I know, you know, your system is going to tolerate raw milk. If not, you’re smart enough to know it wouldn’t, because you actually have taken inventory.

Your health, bad reaction. Probably won’t do that again. You know, good reaction. I’ll continue to do that until I get a negative reaction a couple times. Evan. Yes. And I think people need to know, too. One ingredient in milk that I have used just continually as it pertains to Covid is something called colostrum. Colostrum is in the milk. It contains antimicrobials, antibacterials, and growth factors. So even in the milk, let’s think about this. If you got bacteria over here within the same milk, you’ve got antibacterials. So are they canceling each other out? So if they’ve got this, does that cancel it out? And by the way, colostrum, we use it a bunch for Covid because cows, guess what, have coronavirus.

How about that? Yeah, that’s interesting. So, yeah, that was part of our protocol way back when, and we’ve used it a lot. It’s actually, colostrum is called nature’s first food. Kind of cool, huh? It’s really cool. And that brings me to my last question of the day about breast milk. So, of course, in the last couple years, and maybe it’s just because I’m a new mother, so I’m more attuned to it and recognizing it. But there has been this major push on mothers and parents in general, to have their children be formula fed. And even Bill Gates comes and saves the day with a new type of formula.

He says it’s, you know, it’s better than breast milk. It’s got everything that breast milk has and then some. And then we have the whole chest feeding phenomenon with males, you know, biological male, the pretending to breastfeed women or breastfeed their babies. And we have this big push and I believe part of it is just getting women back in the workforce as fast as possible and also depriving their children of healthy, God given nutrients when they can get that from natural breast milk. So why don’t you just settle this debate once and for all? Is formula just as good as natural God given breast milk or his breast milk? BETter formula is not as good, formula is terrible.

Use breast milk. If youre going to supplement breast milk, use a good source colostrum with it. Ive had that happen a bunch of times where ladies would not be producing a lot or have windows where they didnt and we supplemented with good source colostrum. The babies turned out great. When you breastfeed. The baby is getting the benefit of getting the growth factors to heal up their leaky gut because babies are born with leaky gut until they can have real food. Yeah, they’re getting the bacteria from you, the antimicrobial from you, the anti parasitics from you, and they’re getting an immune system from mom.

That’s how babies are getting passed on this innate and adaptive immunity. And then as you get them outside and play and they touch things, they put their fingers in their mouth, in the ground and all this stuff, put those things together, you’re talking a natural state, the way God intended, and you’re talking about a child that’s going to grow up strong, healthy, vibrant and not immunocompromised. Yeah, it’s interesting, I’ve noticed a big trend in the babies that were born during the early Covid days where the mothers all were so living in fear that they were keeping their children inside their homes all day, not going outside, or even worse, wearing masks, getting them vaccinated.

These kids are sick all the time now and I believe it’s because they did not go out and experience more germs. They didn’t do these kinds of things. They didn’t grow up in a healthy way in their formative months and years. So now it’s like they’re allergic to everything or they’re getting sick constantly. They do not have a strong immune system at all. No. And to live with this anti germ mentality, um, antibacterial mentality that all bacteria and all germs are bad is, is pretty stupid, you know, when you get right down to, I hate to be that, you know, coarse or simplistic with that, but it’s pretty stupid because ultimately we are made to live symbiotic with bacteria, with parasites, with viruses.

So we can all kind of exist, not just to survive, but to thrive in this thing called the world. Amen. Well, it’s always great to have you and get your analysis and take on everything. Thanks for settling the raw milk debate. And thanks so much as usual, Doctor Sherwood, for coming on the show. Tell everybody, of course, where they can find you and follow you. Well, go to Sherwood tv shots. And there’s all kinds of free stuff there for your blogs. We’ve got a pretty cool television show. We’ve got some books and we’ve got all kinds of help.

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All right, Layla’s getting antsy, so I guess I gotta run. You guys have a great weekend and a great week. I will see you next week, guys, with a new episode of shots fired. Love you. God bless you and God bless America. See you next week.

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