Trails Of Kentucky Like you Have Never Seen!! #360max #virtualMTB

Posted in: JailBreak Overlander, News, Patriots



➡ The narrator is on a challenging trail, commenting on the surroundings and his experiences. He’s struggling with the heat and his bike’s faulty brakes. He also shares some thoughts that might be seen as controversial, discussing laws in Germany and global politics.


Lie! Quiet on the set! Camera speed, down production, take one! I will be interrupting with my narration here and there, but I will keep it to a minimum. Enjoy! I will keep it to a minimum, but I will keep it to a minimum. I will keep it to a minimum, but I will keep it to a minimum. I will keep it to a minimum, but I will keep it to a minimum. I will keep it to a minimum, but I will keep it to a minimum. I will keep it to a minimum, but I will keep it to a minimum.

Music Easy stick Man, dog. Lots of spiderwebs. Lots of very close trees. Oh, my God. I don’t see any. This is a great trail. We don’t have these back home. Oh, my God. That one was a nutcrusher. Okay. Don’t know where I am. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a very thin trail. It’s really hot up. That must be up. Because it’s warm up here. It was cooler down the bottom. All right. Back on the trail. Don’t know where I am. I think I know. Stop looking away. Review the film later. People cry. Come on.

Whoop, whoop, easy. Look for a dry place to call it home. Try to find some place to rest there, bones. All the angels and the demons chime. Okay. Man, it is hot up here, boy. Either that, I’m just getting really heated up. Easy. People cry. Front brakes are doing nothing. That’s phenomenal. Thank you, Shram. Why are my front brakes not doing anything? Well, you see. Okay. I don’t have to think. Yeah, see, you need brakes. Brakes are good. Okay. You see, children? Brakes are good. Okay. I don’t know where this comes out. I do see a road to my left.

To the left, to the left. You must not know about me. Yeah, going downhill at a really steep angle with a giant buck right there is awesome. You see children’s under there. It’s really great. You’re not a kid. You’re a big boy. You don’t do problems. When the road’s down the under, this isn’t down the under. Don’t take the job. Whoo, this is sweat and sloppy. Almost went off the grate. You see that? Probably not, because I’m alone. Okay, so here’s a bit of fair warning. I just added this segment because I took this last night.

The commentary is going to drop into the range of what certain people would consider conspiratorial. When, in fact, it’s just true. So be warned. Being 8,000 lumen headlamp on this bike, made in Germany, Buhastmesh. In Germany, you are not allowed to carry a pocket knife to protect yourself because, yeah. Say you want a revolution, well, you know. In Germany, only Muslim men of military age are allowed to carry machetes because of the right wing. The right wing! The right wing. September 11th. We were attacked by Islam, and now every UN country is flooding their country with Islamics.

Why is that? Why? Why? Why? This is the great reset. We’re going to reset the economies. We’re going to reset your bank account. We’re going to reset your social status. The only direction you go is down. Down. Oh, down. My pain is self-chosen. Easy. I don’t know how dark it looks, but I know how dark it is. It’s dark. I believe we are at the… Yep, we are. Okay. Time to bring it back, yes? For America. The return. Well, I’ll tell you what. God Almighty is a very, very merciful God for allowing me to make it back here.

I was grateful when I was able to do a year on the road, go home on fumes, recharge myself a little bit, edit a few videos, help my father and his wife with a few chores, and ride my bike on the east coast a couple more times. And I am truly grateful. Truly, truly grateful to have been able to ride here last night and tonight. And let me just tell you a little secret. Why is it governments will do whatever they want to Christians that won’t do anything to Islam, Buddhists, Scientologists, I mean, any other religion is off, you know, off limits.

Christianity, yeah. Those people are no good. Not at all. The United States is never a Christian country. There might have been a lot of people that were Catholics and there might have been a lot of people that were Christians, but the people that built the place, all you have to do is look at the footprint of America. Washington, D.C. isn’t even part of America. It’s D.C. District of Columbia. Columbia, you know, like that giant statue we’ve got in New York with the giant chain around her ankle. Do you ever notice that? Oh, you didn’t? You didn’t? I didn’t think so.

Do you ever notice that for a country that doesn’t believe in God, they can’t stop aborting babies? A country that can’t stop not only protecting, but promoting in the school systems, in the government, on television, in songs, on Hollywood, gays and transgenders. These are godless people. So why is Israel their biggest ally? Because it’s the apple of God’s eye. Is that the story? Here’s a better story. People in Israel aren’t the Israelites. They’re not the people in the Bible. God wasn’t talking about a piece of land, homie. He was talking about a race of people.

And now suddenly we’re not allowed to be proud to be white. I don’t, you know, I don’t think too much of it either way. But here’s the deal. I’m not going to be ashamed that I’m white. And they’re also promoting that. Why do you think? Simply look at who you cannot criticize. And that’s your enemy, home skillet. Well, I got to say. Oh really, I’d take this, the last trail out. And we did it. Okay, that was my first shot ever editing in 360 video. I hope you enjoyed it. Leave a like, hit the subscribe button, hit the little bell next to it, and leave a comment below and I will return the favor.

I am out. [tr:trw].

See more of JailBreak Overlander on their Public Channel and the MPN JailBreak Overlander channel.


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biking challenges and experiences biking in extreme conditions challenging trail experiences Controversial controversial opinions on laws controversial thoughts discussion dealing with heat while biking faulty bike brakes issues German laws commentary global politics discussion global politics insights narrator's outdoor adventure outdoor adventures and politics personal experiences on challenging trails political commentary in Germany struggling with bike brakes

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