Timestamp This Video (This Comes Next) | The Economic Ninja

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja



➡ The Economic Ninja talks about how the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, which he clarifies is a private bank, are planning to deceive the American public leading up to the election. He predicts that they will lower interest rates slightly, which will initially affect mortgage rates but will eventually lead to a crisis in the bond market. He also suggests that the government will encourage people to borrow more money, creating a false sense of prosperity but actually leading to deeper debt. The speaker advises viewers to be cautious of these tactics and to focus on becoming truly wealthy rather than appearing wealthy.
➡ The text discusses how people are being misled into making risky financial decisions, like investing heavily in cryptocurrencies and taking on large debts. It criticizes the government for encouraging high levels of spending and borrowing, and accuses the current administration of lying about inflation rates. The author also suggests that some people in positions of power may be using their influence to manipulate others, particularly through music.
➡ The speaker discusses the influence of social media and its misuse by the government and fraudulent influencers. He predicts three rate cuts in the coming months, a surge in second mortgages, and a rise in Bitcoin value. He encourages listeners to reject propaganda, get out of debt, and compete with major financial institutions. He emphasizes the importance of remembering one’s roots and striving for success, regardless of past failures.


What I’m about to say is very important. It’s important that you timestamp this video. If you want to see who is right, who is wrong, what is coming next, I’ve made a series of videos on specific dates where I said something was coming ahead of time. They played out and we moved on to the next timestamp. This one is very important because this video that I am going to explain what the President of the United States is doing and what the government is doing along with the Federal Reserve, totally separate entities. It’s not federal. It has no reserves.

It’s a private bank. They are going to deceive the American people right up into the election and what blows my mind is that they’re lying on such a level that they are fumbling in their words. They are having to look down in their notes. They can’t even speak and look into a camera. So I want you to timestamp this video. I want you to save this, download it if you can. Don’t forget it because there are a lot of false teachers out there talking about economics and they have zero clue what is happening. So I’ll put my neck on the line and tell you what’s coming next.

A lot of people, all they do on the internet is tell you what’s happening right now. They don’t have the guts to project what’s coming. So here we go. Last November I stated the Federal Reserve and the government had a plan to lower interest rates just a little bit. I’m talking about the federal funds rate. I said it’s not going to have much effect at all. In the first few days it will on mortgage rates but then it will pop right back up because of a crisis in the bond market. I said how they’re going to do this is this spring and type one if you remember me saying this.

I said they’re going to start to come out with inflation numbers and data that’s not bad. It’s a little better and it’s going to go over a few months little by little. This data is going to come out. It’s going to get a little better. See all the ones people that remember me saying this and then what’s going to happen is they’re going to lower rates but they’re only going to lower it by 25 basis points and the maximum they’re going to lower it by is a total of 75 basis points. So three rate cuts but those rate cuts are not going to come until right before the election.

I also explained in detail if you remember everyone typing one remembers me saying this last November. I said when they do this they’re going to put the rate cut super close to the election because of the time delay it takes for that resurgence of inflation to happen right for all the data to come in for the companies the companies to report their earnings and then it for the speculation to happen. All right. I also said ahead of time that the government is going to open up ways floodgates for people to borrow more money which will entangle them in debt deeper yet what it will do is it will make this sense of prosperity because debt is the only thing that leads to prosperity as of right now in America.

That’s what I want to stop. I want to stop wrong thinking and I want to see people become wealthy. All right. But it’s a hard road. That’s why very few people are going to be wealthy. But I’m going to tell you right now all of you listening if you’re trying to get out of debt right now. You are seeing these signs. You’re scaling back on your spending and you’re looking forward to the crash. You’re all going to be wealthy all at different levels. You’re going to be wealthy. All right. Type two if you agree with that.

So now I lined out that they’re going to push these rate hikes right to the back end right up against the election to deceive people and they’re going to open up all this lending. So in about four to six weeks the floodgates open in the mortgage industry where the government is going to start purchasing second mortgages along with helix. It’s going to open up a floodgate. It’s a trap and I’ve got a way to show all of you how to make a lot of money from it because I made money from it back in 2001 when second mortgages were a thing.

But it’s going to deceive people. OK. They’re going to feel rich. They’re going to have that wealth effect for just a short period of time. Now the other day the CPI came out pretty darn good. It was like hey it’s going down. This looks good. The PPI producer price index was higher year over year but it also came back a little bit. It’s looking good. So what they’re doing is over the next three months they’re going to say it’s good. It’s getting better. It’s getting better. Jerome Powell will keep going. Well we’re data driven. We don’t see it.

It’s getting better. We don’t see it by the fourth month. They’re going to go. You know what. It’s good enough. We’re going to lower rates. Now they have done this three times maybe four times in the past since 1972 because they are scared to death of the alternative to who’s running for president because he’s already calling for. I want the Federal Reserve disbanded. I want their charter revoked. I want them out of the scene. I want the Treasury to be in charge of printing money. Please understand this type three. If you understand and actually type four if you don’t I want you to be honest because once we start realizing you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it right and how all of these I’m going to show you a story because I did a video about this complete tool right.

And I call him a tool not Neil Cavuto but this guy because he’s a lying sack of crap and the other day he got caught in a lie and he was fumbling over his words. You see a good lie or a good con man have something very in common. There’s enough truth in the story to believe it but there’s another step to a good con man and this is very important for people understand not only is there enough truth in the pitch the story the idea to believe it. The con man will invoke your selfish desires.

He or she will tap into your selfish desires very subtly and what happens is it causes you the person to lean in and every single one of us have selfish desires. I have them too. And that is exactly what the presidency is doing right now. So we have gotten to a point where our country is completely outside of the rule of law and we need the rule of law in our country. They are tapping in how they’re doing this is they’re bringing immorality into our country and they’re tapping into our selfish desires. We have to fight that for the common good.

So now this is what I’m about to explain when they get us right up to that election. There are going to be numbers in the stock market that are going to look amazing. You’ve noticed that Walmart and other companies are coming out with stellar earnings. We all know the fact is this is going to cause a resurgence in inflation. If you couple that with the slight lowering of the Fed funds rate as a fakeout it is going to cause a surge of inflation. Then if you add the ability for homeowners around the nation that are locked into their homes to tap into their equity.

It doesn’t matter that the homes aren’t selling it doesn’t matter that inventory is rising when the government says we’re going to buy up second mortgages. All the people that are hurting super bad that went out and bought a think about this during the shutdown they went and bought cars they couldn’t afford. I was speaking with a buddy of mine that owns a exotic car dealership and he said a guy walked in and he said this was common. He goes and every Lambo dealer I go to all these exotic cars because you guys know that I like fast cars right that’s my thing I like fast cars.

I’ve never really owned one the fastest car I’ve ever owned was a Porsche and it was you know 10 years old. But my point is someday I’m going to go and buy these cars at rock bottom prices. I’m going to do it in front of everybody say see this is what happens when we have patience right. But I went in and I said he said one gentleman went from a Honda Accord and traded it in for a Lamborghini. Two hundred fifty thousand bucks he spent and he got a 15 year loan. It’s absolutely same. Well remember we’ve told stories about all of these crazy people and they are crazy because they’re spending more than they have.

They’re completely delusional about economics or finance. They want to look wealthy without being wealthy right. Sad thing is they do fool a lot of people but they ran out and got thousand dollar payments on used F-150 trucks that were like four or five years old. And they’re paying you know forty nine thousand bucks for the truck forty nine thousand dollars in interest right. OK those same people are about to get into tap into their equity. Keep the bubble popped up a little bit but it’s not what you think because they’re going to be debt consolidation and they’re going to go and speculate.

This is the big part. They’re going to be speculating in the stock market but they’re really going to dive into crypto. When cryptocurrency ran from five hundred dollars to nineteen thousand and change in twenty seventeen I read stories and watched people personally pull equity against their homes. Mortgage their homes extremely high to go in and buy crypto. They were completely wiped out when it crashed and they did sell. So they took massive losses. We see this every time the government allows spending and borrowing at a high level. They’re doing everything that they can to get you to vote a specific way.

Now I’m going to show you a video again. Biden’s economic adviser caught in lies being called out by Neil Cavuto. And you’ll notice in the video as we play it he has to keep looking down at his notes because as Neil’s calling him out in a rush he’s looking at his notes and his talking points. He’s like I got it. Here’s the talking point. Neil’s like I didn’t ask that question. Here’s another talking point. I didn’t ask that question. You see they are caught so red handed in lies and the reason why I want you to time stamp this video.

I will be right. As a matter of fact how many of you agree with me or already have thought this type six down below. How many people believe that the Federal Reserve in conjunction with the administration. White House administration right now are working on a plan to deceive the nation to keep lying like where Biden said inflation was 9 percent but really it was 1.4 percent when he got into office. This is very important that people understand this because in the end there is a special day where I’m going to come out and say look at that video that video that video because all of these talking idiots on social media and I’m going to call them idiots because they’re sheep without clothing.

And that’s why I bugged the crap out of them. I live in their dome rent free. I’m not joking. The to them I’m the idiot. That’s not that fancy. Well get get ready because I’m doing all these videos on her for a reason. So here we go. Is that a zero hedge watch chief economic and let’s get the meta. Let’s just say that out loud the meta. Let’s get the big picture here right. Watch chief economic adviser refusing to admit Biden is lying about inflation. It says Biden’s chief economic adviser refused to admit Thursday that the president keeps telling a huge lie by claiming that inflation was 9 percent when he took office when it was really 1.4 percent and shot up to 9 percent under Biden himself.

Remember I did a video in oh gosh the channel was like six months old and I did a video about lumber. There’s like 30,000 people subscribe because I stood out in front of a Home Depot and I said lumber futures are exploding. Don’t worry about it. It’s going to come crashing down. I get the lumber still is high prices. I was talking about futures and then there was going to give some forgiveness in the price of physical lumber. There were some shortages that were done on purpose. It was weird when some mills shut down and some burnt down.

But I said it’s because the nation’s about to be gripped in that next coming August or September within real inflation. Not just lumber. That was that was inflation because of a supply chain crunch because everyone ran out and built a deck or a fence while they were sitting at home right. They’re forced to be home. I said the whole nation’s about to be gripped in that August or September when inflation reports come out and electricity gas gasoline. Food. Everything’s going to go up and we’re going to start an actual wave of real inflation in our country that we haven’t seen since the 70s.

And it was a big deal. Well it started and then it was drone power that came out in December and said you know what we’re going to get on top of it. Again remember three to four months of inflation data. They’re like all right. We’ll do something. But he said we’re not going to do it until let’s say four or five months from now because he wanted it to get really ramped up. He wants you slowly losing your job. OK. That’s the ultimate goal. And what they want to do is if for some reason the power changes they want to be able to blame the next guy that comes in.

And I want to make sure you all remember who actually caused all of this. So here we go. This is Neil Cavuto talking with the economic adviser. I’m going to get this up really close to the camera. And then what we’re going to do is let me know if you can hear it properly. I want you to look at the economic adviser that’s the complete piddling little piece of crap that shouldn’t have this. And I want to let you know he has a background in music and I actually want to make something very clear. Here’s a background in music.

You’ll also find a lot of the economic or a lot of the advisers have backgrounds that have nothing to do in the White House with what their degree was in. And they usually come down to music. I want you to understand this in type seven if you know what I’m talking about. Satan Lucifer. If you believe in God you better believe in him. Very real was the angel of music. He was the most beautiful angel. And the reason why I’m saying this and it’s very important is because we are very deceived through music because of frequency pitch tone and hooks.

We are very easily manipulated through music. That is why Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and all of these other girls have rocketed to stardom. And I actually have a little bit of a background in this because they inked deals with Satan himself. That’s why they’ve got to always throw out a little bit of the truth like during the Super Bowl where right next to her is this satanic priestess throwing out satanic signs wearing all these pentagrams. Do you remember that? Okay. The reason why these people have these music backgrounds is because they have certain ones of them having an innate ability to be able to deceive.

I know that sounds crazy. It may sound crazy but you know what type seven if it doesn’t if you get what I’m talking about. All right. Here we go. So this is out of zero hedge. This is out of Twitter this video and this is Neil Cavuto talking to the president’s economic adviser and watch how he keeps looking down in his notes because he’s freaking out. Let me know if you can hear this. All right. Why does he keep saying that? You’re a top economic. You’re the head of the Council of economic advisors. Do you ever whisper in his ear Mr.

President just to be technical about it. It wasn’t nine percent when he assumed office. It was one point four percent. It got his eyes nine percent in twenty twenty two. You brought it down from that but it was never ever ever nine percent when you came into office. So why does he keep saying well first of all let me point out that in that very quote you play the president talked about how concerned he was. For households struggling with prices that he consistently. That’s not what I asked you. That’s not what I asked you. Why does he keep misrepresenting this.

He’s making the point that the factors that caused inflation to climb to nine percent were in place when he took office. No that’s not what he said. He said it was at nine percent. It would eventually get to nine percent a little over a year after that. But the fact of the matter is it wasn’t nine percent. So if I can’t trust him quoting data in real time why should I believe what he’s talking about now. So the annual growth in core inflation in the second quarter of twenty one was in fact about nine percent. And his point about inflation down 60 percent off his peak is very much the case.

So it was it was not at that. So you’re almost as bad as he is. Why can’t you just say we was high got as high as nine percent. You’d be accurate in saying that. And we have now brought it down and we’re struggling in around the three percent area. But it’s better than it was. But instead to hang it on his to hang it on his predecessor that you inherited something that was through the roof. And we’re in the middle of Kobe. It just seems to the American people when you’re a Democrat. Notice how he keeps looking down at his notes.

I hear you. I hear you. The president was making the point that I think is unequivocally true. So just like Neil said you’re lying. You’re lying. You’re lying. I wish we could get this point out to more people before the election because there are people that are so confused. The media is barraging them with lies. The White House it always has had a social media section but there are there’s a total shift in the way that the White House is trying to wait to get to the young people through propaganda through social media influencers. My eyes it’s like one of those things that you know is true in life.

But when you see it happen or real you you you experience something you’re just still blown away just absolutely blown away. And that I had this insane epiphany when I started social media and I started to get to know the social media influencers and especially in the finance. How many of them are complete frauds straight up frauds. And I’ve had multiple people no joke say oh wow you’re the real deal the frauds would say that and at first it was because they found out things about me and my finances what I do for a living because I was trying to sort of get together with them and do something some kind of business.

And then I find oh my gosh these people are complete fakes. Well you know that’s one side of the equation think about those influencers that are doing like the dumb things like all I do is play video games at night and you know millions of people watch me or you get the people that are that are you know doing stupid stuff on the Internet for clicks right. The administration is getting with them and saying hey you know why don’t you come come to the the White House we’ll do all these things together and talk and then they’re talking about how cool the president isn’t tough and I’m like this is insane how can we get the truth out.

So here’s the thing I truly am asking you to timestamp this video hit the download button keep it on your phone and call me out if I’m wrong. By the election I’m calling multiple up to three up to three rate cuts of twenty five basis points at a time I’m calling for the next three two or three months from now because we had one CPI call that was not bad it came down a little bit coming down things are good and there’s going to be a ramp up an explosion in second mortgages and coming this summer and then you’re going to see news media coming out and just hailing.

Biden’s plan is working so I’m telling you all of that stuff’s going to happen and I don’t think you could find anyone with the cojones to tell you that kind of stuff or that kind of call on YouTube and that’s why I want you to snapshot it and if I’m wrong cool I’ve been wrong before but I do not believe that I’m wrong about this. And if I’m not I’m telling you one thing gold is an all time high pretty much because they’re the gold traders are waiting anticipating for them to lower rates silver is over thirty bucks I think it’s almost thirty one dollars right now because they are waiting drooling over the fact that the feds going to lower rates even this fake outs going to pump those things I told everyone go buy this it’s exploding right.

The Bitcoin is going to go over a hundred thousand dollars this year don’t take my word for it I’m just to do the bro walk and dream barely made it through high school handed a diploma that I didn’t deserve because I had all F’s and they said just go we just want you gone because it was paid for disgusting but you know what I’m so grateful for that education or lack thereof because I was a horrible student but when I started to learn about money and becoming wealthy I got addicted. I’m living proof that anybody can do it I didn’t have a dime to my name when I got married I actually had to get a loan from my wife to move out of my parents house you want to talk pathetic that’s pathetic that’s low right cool that’s me.

That’s the truth that’s the dude that talking to right now that’s a dude that’s making these calls that’s a dude that’s living in all these other youtubers and and some guys at Fox business in their dome rent free. And the reason why I tell you that is because I’m not ashamed at all because I know where I came from and I’m never ever ever going to forget it because the second you forget where you came from you’re going to lose where you’re going. We you and I are ningination we ain’t that fancy we just want to be left alone but since the government’s poking the bear bear is going to roar and we’re coming at them and the way we’re coming at them is we’re not believing their propaganda we’re getting out of debt and we’re going to go crush it we you and I are going to be competing with BlackRock you and I.

Are going to be competing with chase if this doesn’t get you fired up I don’t know what will type ten if you like this if you want to do this if you’re ready for this and even if you don’t feel like you’re ready you’re going to get more ready and there are more ready and then we’re going to go crush it and we’re going to win end of story. Time stamp this video it’s coming the ninja is out. [tr:trw].

See more of The Economic Ninja on their Public Channel and the MPN The Economic Ninja channel.


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achieving true wealth bond market crisis prediction cryptocurrency investment risks dangers of borrowing more money election year financial strategies false sense of prosperity Federal Reserve private bank financial manipulation through music fraudulent influencers in finance government encouraged debt inflation rate lies mortgage rates manipulation power misuse in finance risky financial decisions social media misuse by government US government deception tactics

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