TikTok Ban: Bannon Says Trump is For SALE

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ Steve Bannon claims that Donald Trump has been influenced by TikTok issues and accuses him of causing harm through lockdowns and other measures. Bannon suggests that Trump’s stance has changed after a meeting with billionaire and TikTok investor, Jeff Yass, who is now moving into conservative politics. Previously, Trump had ordered TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, to sell its US assets due to national security concerns, but his position seems to have shifted. Yass, who has avoided significant taxes, is now funding campaigns to reduce taxes and support Trump.


Steve Bannon suggests that Donald Trump has been bought, has been bought over the TikTok issue. And so we look at this, and just to summarize, so he kills people of hospital death protocols, he does lockdowns, he kills businesses, he kills people’s careers and jobs. He funds this depopulation shot, and then we find out that Trump is for sale. Steve Bannon says, so if you didn’t know about the Pfizer money and all the rest of this stuff, therefore, you should vote for Trump.

What a syllogism that is, right? Murderous lockdown, dictator, medical martial law and all, therefore vote for Trump. That’s the obvious solution, isn’t, you know, banning sites like TikTok, as I said before, is a very dangerous precedent. If you do it with TikTok, they’ll do it with rumble, they’ll do it with substac, they’ll do it with other things. The government should not be allowed to do that by the First Amendment.

Trump has now flipped. He got the right answer, but now you’ve got the GOP. Like, Bannon is angry about that. And he says that he’s been bought off. Trump said, if you get rid of TikTok, Facebook and Zucker, schmuck, will double their business. I don’t want Facebook who cheated in the last election doing better. They are a true enemy of the people. There you go, our former president, with the mentality and the diplomacy of an eight year old adult child.

Anyway, Steve Bannon, in response to that, said that it’s real simple. He said, Yascoin Yass and Jeffrey Yass is somebody who is a billionaire conservative hedge fund manager. He’s got a $33 billion stake in TikTok. He’s got way more money in TikTok than Donald Trump has in total. He’s got a big investment in it. And Yas has decided that he’s going to move into politics, specifically conservative politics, specifically Trump.

And so he had a meeting, Trump did with Jeff Yass, and then he comes out of the meeting and he’s changed his position. He’s always supported shutting down TikTok, and now he’s, again, like I said, right decision, all the wrong reasons. Steve Bannon says it’s simple, Yascoin. In August of 2020, Trump issued an executive order ordering byte dance to sell its US assets and destroy all data within 90 days.

Then he said, there is credible evidence that leads me to believe that Byte dance, through acquiring all interest in musical ly, might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States. So now he is flipped big time. So who is this guy? A rising GOP mega donor. TikTok investor Jeff Yass has avoided over a billion dollars in taxes, which has largely escaped public scrutiny.

But now he’s pouring his money into campaigns to cut taxes and to support Trump. And so this is a guy and had very interesting origin to his fortune. Reminds me of back to the future again. Back to the future guys said that they had Trump in mind for Biff when they had the big casino and the crass, rude, bullying Biff that looked a lot like Donald Trump. But this guy’s a bit of a gambler himself.

He’s been more successful than Trump. He’s not bankrupted six casinos like Trump did. He’s made a lot of money. But he began his money making money and gambling. That’s where he got his start. In 1985, three young men from Philadelphia, their lawyer and Burley Pinkerton guard, arrived at a horse track outside Chicago carrying a briefcase with a quarter million dollars in cash. They had been running the numbers on these horse races.

They did their computer modeling on an old compact computer, because this is 1985 we’re talking about. They said it’s the size of a small refrigerator. Jeffrey Yass and his friend friends had found a way to outwit the track’s bookies. According to interviews, records and news accounts, a few months earlier, they’d wagered $160,000 gambling that with tens of thousands of bets, that they could nail the exact order of seven horses and seven different races.

It was a sophisticated theory of racing odds, honed with help from a PhD statistician who had worked for NASA. They bagged $760,000, then the richest payoff in american racing history. So they’d done this once, they’d taken $160,000 in, and they made $760,000. Now they come back with a bigger stake, 250,000 of it. And when they show up that day and they turn in their picks, the house will not let them do it.

And they threw them out. It’s kind of like the card counters who do the 21, they figure it out. It’s like, whoa, well, if these guys have figured this out, we’re not going to let them play, because we got to have the odds stacked in the favor of the house, because the house always wins. Unless it’s a trump casino, they always lose. But anyway, he was 27 years old.

They threw him out, he sued him in court. So now you got to take that. And the court said, no, they don’t. But again, a couple of guys, that kind of, a couple of biff guys from back to the future, they seem like a natural complement for each other. So they said in this article. So since he couldn’t gamble the racetrack, horse track, he decided he would go to Wall street and gamble.

And of course, nobody stops you from doing that, right? That’s a wide open gamble there. So he is a very wealthy guy. $33 billion just in one investment into TikTok. And so he talked to Donald Trump. Now, Donald Trump is somebody who right now really needs some money. He could really use some coin from Jeffrey Yass. Maybe he got it. What does Jeffrey Yass want in return? Well, he has been playing games with a tax code as well.

And so he’s had some very novel applications of some tax strategies. Some people say he stepped over the bounds. And so he’s got a big tax bill of a billion dollars, and he would like to have somebody in the White House friendly to him. Of course, they’ll still have 80,000 IRS agents for the rest of us, but Jeffrey Yass will have a man on the inside if he can give some money to Donald Trump.

Bannon knows Trump. And Bannon knows that Trump is for sale and he still supports him, just like MAga knows what Trump did with the lockdowns. They know that he put out a global steep population shot. They still support him. Bannon knows that he’s for sale and still supports him. Isn’t it mean? And you think that’s bad? This is public stuff now. I don’t know Steve Bannon. I’ve never had a conversation with him.

A lot of these other people I have, and I’ve heard what they say in the back rooms as well. And if you think what they say publicly is bad, you should see what these line grifting hypocrites do when they’re talking privately. People like Alex. The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it.

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billionaire Jeff Yass TikTok investor harm through lockdown measures Jeff Yass conservative politics Jeff Yass funding tax reduction campaigns Jeff Yass tax avoidance national security concerns TikTok Steve Bannon Donald Trump TikTok influence Trump ByteDance US assets sale Trump meeting with Jeff Yass Trump position shift on TikTok Trump TikTok issues
  • I don’t know about you but I do find a lot of uncensored truth. that exposes the deep state and is the best platform to educate the young.
    As for the vaccine, no stupid conservative would have rushed out to take the jab just becuase Trump said so. He pushed the jab early and gave people a choice. Those scared ones who followed the media, big pharma and industry intimidation, and scare tatics, took the jab. The rest, who did their own research and exercised their free will, said NO. So whats the beaf with Trump??? He gave us a choice… and if you fail to exercise it and give way to coersion and fear, don’t cry later. What I learnt from this whole exercise is ….when uncertain …do your own research and not follow anyone blindly,

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