Thieves Loot Trains In Chicago Completely Ignore The Cops and Helicopters Sell Stolen Items Online




➡ The text discusses a situation in Chicago where numerous people are stealing from freight trains, loading the stolen goods into cars, and then driving away. The police are aware of the situation but it’s unclear if any arrests have been made. The text also comments on the thieves’ work ethic, noting that they put a lot of effort into their illegal activities. The situation is ongoing and causing disruptions to the local commute.


Let’s talk about Chicago. Let’s move over from politics for a minute and let’s talk about Chicago. Shout out to Do or Die. P-I-M-P. Ology, but logically be learning these hoes by ology. Obviously well. Do you wanna ride in a backseat of a caddy? Chop it up with Do or Die. Do you wanna ride in a backseat of the caddy? It was seven double O-P-M. Move to the back so I can see who, even this pope, him. Creep to the back with a slow limb. Mmm, ain’t this them’s. Pull up in a C-A-D-I double L with the A-C-A-C-O-P-I-M-P.

And it automatically, she gotta be full of that M-O-N-E, but why? Yeah! Shout out to my Chicago brethren in the streets, but I heard y’all was out there stealing. I heard y’all was out there stealing. I heard y’all was out there robbing trains and stealing and killing and double dealing while y’all cousins was out there shooting up stuff at nighttime. Check it out. Make sure I hit a like for the algorithm. I mean, no matter how good y’all live over the west side. Mike Lorber is over the scene by a rail yard in Austin.

There’s police activity. You can see it’s impacting the commute. Mike, what can you tell us about what’s been happening? Look at them. Look at them. They dread heads. They all got on. Look, look, they got on the uniform. Black, white, hoodies, dread heads, and white beaters. Black, white, hoodies, dread heads, and white beaters. That is the uniform of a thief. And probably two Shiesty masks on top of that. The uniform of a thief. Look at them. Look at them. See, you can’t blame the system on this. Go ahead and blame white people for this one.

Whose fault is it? Is it Trump’s fault? Is this one Trump’s fault? I’m just curious. Is this picture we’re looking at looks like a chase of some sort. A lot’s been going on in the last 40 minutes and that was about an hour ago when the Chicago Police Department dispatched that some freight trains were being burglarized in the area of Lake and Lockwood. It’s actually just north of Lake Street. This is the train line that houses the Metro UP line, which is stopped at this time. By the way, we’ve been here in sky five.

We have the only reason they run in the way is because the police officers isn’t out here. So now as the police is walking up, people are running. Look at the person. People taking things off of trains, loading them into cars and then speeding away. This is Lake and Kill Patrick. This is about a block east of Cicero Avenue where we’ve seen people going in a lot. You know, they got your license plate too, right? People were talking about dozens and dozens of people, dozens and dozens of vehicles. Things been taking off of freight cars loaded into vehicles and those vehicles are driven away.

So here’s some tape of that happening before we saw this a while ago. You can see multiple people and Metra has confirmed this for us. Although we’ve seen it from our own eyes here in sky five, people taking merchandise off of the trains, loading into vans and cars and driving them away. Metra Police has been here. We’ve seen about a half a dozen Metro squads. They continue to come in. Chicago Police Department has been here a bit as well. We do not know if there are any arrests at this time, but again, Metra issuing a statement here due to this happening.

And then there’s a large amount of open rail car. Women, old people, some of them are online scooters and homie got a box on a line scooter. And as you can see debris all over the track, those Union Pacific West line trains that run These are the same people. Hey, listen, y’all. These are the same people that will sit here and tell you, man, I’m tired of working. They will go out there and steal some $20 irons and some $99 Amazon packages and they will work their butts off. Have y’all ever seen a thief? Listen, man, the amount of effort that it take to strip a car as fast as they strip a car, they strip a car like that.

They work with relentless force when they strip in a car. It’d be just like that scene on Lord of War where they stripped that airplane when it landed in Africa. It’d be the same thing. But then they’ll sit there and tell you, man, these warehouse jobs are man. I got to ride this high low. I got to be awake. I got to listen to the dock worker. The same people that will sit there and tell you how difficult it is. They cleaned out that entire thing. The entire thing on that truck is clean.

It’s open and it’s clean. City, I want to say the Milwaukee Westline train might be affected by this as well. They are stopped at this time. A lot to take in, a lot going on. It is still going on. People are going up onto the train tracks, taking merchandise. That’s what we’ve seen in Sky5 and loading it into vehicles as the police go rolling in. We’ll keep you posted here on any developments. What you’re looking at now is live. We’re just north of Lake Street. This is Kilpatrick. We’re just east of Cicero Avenue.

Those black squads, you see, those are Metro Police. That’s not the Chicago Police Department. That’s the Metro Police. They’re coming in right now. We’ll take this all in and keep you posted on any developments. We’re live on the west side on Mike Lorber and Sky5. Mike, one quick question. That first shot you showed us of the cars pulling away on the other side. I believe that’s to the west of where this shot is. Is that an escape route? Are those guys gone at this point? We seem to have some sort of handle on this on the back end.

It appears, and I don’t want to speculate anything, but this looks like a coordinated event. Jack, if you can, widen out a little bit for me. I want to tell you why. So if we widen out, Kilpatrick is one block east of Cicero. We talked about this when we were reporting at 4.30. Come down just a little bit for me, Jack. So there’s Cicero Avenue. This is just east of there. This is a very difficult area, Kilpatrick there, to get in and out of. Now, Jack, go back to where we saw people taking the merchandise before.

It’s kind of one way in and one way out, which is a very difficult area. That ain’t nothing but an inside job. That’s 100%. They told their friends and their family. Everybody pulled up. Everybody from the hood knew about it. That is not nothing that’s new. That is an inside job all day long, and I’m so tired of people stealing. It ain’t nothing worse than a thief. Ain’t nothing worse than a thief. Well, we know at least six people have been arrested for stealing items from that cargo train, and today we talked to some residents who live in that area near the west side who say they’ve already seen some of that merchandise for sale on the streets and on social media.

Chicago police are still looking for possible suspects who are responsible for stealing hundreds of boxes of merchandise from a freight truck. They pulled up with the box truck. They pulled up with trailers and a box truck. They didn’t even care about the helicopters that was going above that ultimately was letting the news and the police know and getting their license plates and all of that. They pulled up in a box truck family. Ain’t no way in the world you’re going to catch me over there with all of them people trying to steal.

And a box truck? Train on the city’s west side. Chopper seven showing dozens of people ransacking the Union Pacific rail line Friday afternoon near Lake and Lockwood coming away with what appears to be boxes of TVs. One woman living nearby who you know people going to do anything that they can in their life. They will risk their life over a $199 TV. The way that them TVs was falling, them TVs can’t even still be good. They will risk their life. I seen it during when they used to have them Black Friday sales and people used to be fighting over them stupid plasma TVs.

There was plasma back then. It wasn’t even LED or OLED or OLED or nothing. There was plasma TVs and people was in there. And they was fighting and people was camped out over some worthless pieces of junk that’s going to ultimately phase out as far as the value of what it was. It was camped out. They were fighting. Some stupid TVs. TVs, a TV. Did not want to be identified. Says she’s shocked by how much merchandise was taken. A little bit discouraged about this being in our neighborhood. I understand the people need to make money, but this is not the way to do it.

That resident says she’s already seen people selling merchandise across the area. This comes as Illinois Senator Dick Durbin helped pass a federal law last year which will now force retailers and websites like Facebook to regulate the sale of stolen goods online. Otherwise those companies could face fines of up to $50,000. That’s why the Illinois Merchant Association. Not a companies can face fine up to $50,000 because the black people are stealing it off the rail lines and posting it on Facebook Marketplace and eBay says brazen crimes like this impact the entire community.

There’s a myth that there’s insurance for this. There is no insurance for this. We are all victims of retail crime because for every item that’s stolen, there’s no sales tax collected. That means those sales tax is not available to fund the services that we all rely upon. As police and rail line authorities continue to investigate these reoccurring thefts, residents are hoping changes can be made to prevent them from happening in the future. I’d really like it if they had to stop. There would be a guard or they just keep it moving to a spot where nobody can get on the tracks.

That would be helpful. Chicago police and the rail line authorities continue to investigate the matter and they’re asking anyone who sees any suspicious retail sales online. I want to see why Roland Martin is going to choose not to do a segment on this part of the show. We know why. We know why because they want to keep y’all under the thumb of the Democratic Party and they want to keep y’all voting blue and not being responsible for what you’re doing in your own communities. [tr:trw].

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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