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Donald Trump has been named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year and will grace the cover in the next week or so of how sorry person of the year Time Magazine of course being a politically correct woke mainstream media publication but still much deserved after his tremendous comeback and surviving two assassination attempts and climbing the success ladder from a McDonald’s worker to president-elect again. Too bad Neocons. Not gonna be Zielinski this year. It is the one and only Donald Trump. And yesterday he rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange which is I believe the first time that a president or a president-elect has done so since Ronald Reagan back in the 80s.
At the New York Stock Exchange as we get this opening bell run by the president-elect Donald Trump. As we’re making American bread again. Again. He’s got his thumb on the button down there. Surprisingly the mainstream media did not have a complete and total meltdown because deep down inside their former human selves they know that he deserves this. Former clown news host turned wannabe youtuber Don Lemon however is not taking the news so well. Now if they wanted to make someone person of the year they would have made someone who and my god my god i’m sure he loves this right if they wanted to make someone person of the year i don’t know they could have done it to with any person people who they they could have done to someone who actually stood for democracy who stands for democracy in the country now you think about what encompasses person of the year oh we know don someone has achieved tremendous success not just for themselves but for the country for the world not to mention completely exposing the liberal media for the liars and frauds that they are something that’s been obvious to us normal people for many many years for generations really but they don’t even have an ounce of their manufactured credibility left almost even the dumbest of americans now here’s leslie stall one of the hosts on cbs’s flagship show the historic 60 minutes admitting that doubt shop is right about the media but we’re at a point where if the president of the united states um is going to say legacy media is dead well i guess musk said that legacy media is dead and he wants it dead he wants other media but it but it is kind of sort of hobbling right now and i don’t know how it recovers it’s very easy you stop lying 24 7 actually i stand corrected that would have prevented them from dying at this point it’s too late and i’m telling you we are way off the entire political class is way off um first of all digital is a new door knocking you got to understand that imagine coming to this realization in 2024 okay this isn’t like 2004 or the 2008 election when youtube became a major factor facebook became a major player the social media big tech companies became major players by the 2008 presidential election certainly by 2012 but imagine finally realizing the power of digital media in 2024 we were laughing our butts off at donald trump for suspending his door knocking campaign and letting charlie kirk and elon do a bunch of stuff online we said these guys are idiots these guys are stupid then you start knocking on these doors you know what people come the door with their phone in their hand they’re in a 24 hour digital surround sound this isn’t the 1950s anymore nobody in america wants some stranger coming knocking on their door to start telling them about how great a certain politician is from any political party that’s like a thousand times worse than sending someone junk mail i asked mice i got teenage son i asked him who are the most influential people in the world today i’m thinking myself he’s gonna say brock obama Oprah Winfrey Jay-Z he says Kai sent Aiden Ross jinxie and sketch i don’t know who he’s talking about i said what what what platforms are you are he goes i’m on twitch kick and rumble i said that sounds like you need to go to the hospital what are these platforms i’m telling you guys i’m telling you guys i don’t even know what the hell i’ve been talking about i’m seeing in the mainstream has become fringe and the fringe has become mainstream there are platforms there are people out there are youtubers with audiences rivaling cnn but just guys gets on a laptop they’re that are getting 14 million streams and we’re on cable news getting one or two million no you’re not even getting a million cnn is barely getting a half a million during their prime time shows and for some reason the dying legacy media show meet the press on nbc decided to have jasmine crocodile to talk about the democrats dilemma why do you think democrats lost and what do you think needs to happen by the midterms and the next presidential election in order to find your footing again well i would say that the democrat party needs to stop being communist and take a sharp turn to the right well christine um no disrespect to you um i think you do great work but the reality is that those that tune into our traditional news sources they absolutely went for us and we know that the standards that you have to live by as an actual journalist are completely different from other platforms yes you have no standards and you’re systemic liars and because you have the aura of brand name media and billion dollar corporations backing you millions of morons actually believe the information that they’re getting is accurate and so we know that we were winning for those that were tuning into the traditional news sources but when it came down to people getting their news from places that really aren’t even news sources they were going for donald trump by 19 points and that is exactly why we lost the reality is that we’re going to have to play in spaces that we’ve never had to play and make sure that we’re communicating in all ways um unfortunately we can’t just rely on the mainstream media to get our message across they still don’t get it it’s not that people didn’t vote for the democrats because they’re not watching mainstream media they stopped watching mainstream media because tens of millions of americans finally woke up to the liars and frauds that they are and sought out other independence news sources and analysts but the mainstream media pundits and the marxist democrats in congress are finally coming to grips with the reality that donald trump beat camala harris and so now they’re getting extremely worried about what’s going to happen starting january 20th once donald trump is sworn in again on the day donald trump leaves office the justice department may indict him very strongly in favor of indicting the president when he is out of office i don’t think the incoming president should be threatening his political opponents with jail time that’s not the kind of talk we should hear from the president in a democracy oh that’s just the kind of talk that we hear from democrats in congress though the news cycle is going to slow down quite a bit here over the next few weeks with christmas and new year but then come january they’re going to start getting unhinged again because the inauguration is going to be just around the corner and then donald trump’s going to be doing things like this i’m going to be uh acting very quickly within your first 100 days first day first day first day yeah i’m looking for these pardons these people have been how long is it three or four years first day pardoning the january sixth political prisoners day one excuse me vave m did you have a bright idea that you’d like to share with us about how to stop the magga agenda another way to protest magga cheaply is to not shop don’t shop buy everything used and see if you can get it for free don’t shop crash the economy oh contrary it’s going to be magga christmas and happy four more years which reminds me this weekend you can still order anything from markdays.com and get it in time for christmas but because you’re a slacker you’re going to have to pay for expedited shipping or rush shipping but time is running out there’s only a couple more days left to do it so order your things this weekend and offset the extra shipping cost you can use the promo code slacker at the checkout to save 20 off today through sunday so order your magga christmas and happy four more years sweatshirt or t-shirt the trump cloth sweatshirt or t-shirt your libertiers mug your trump fight fight fight shirt the crisis king shirt teflon don or any of my awesome designs all available in a t-shirt long sleeve and a hoodie and all the different colors as well so head on over to markdays.com or click the link in the description below enter the promo code slacker at the checkout to save 20 off this weekend and check them out
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