

➡ Richie from Boston, a YouTuber, discusses the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential dangers. He mentions Anthony Levandowski, founder of Google’s self-driving car program, who started a church that worships AI. Richie also talks about Microsoft’s AI, which started calling itself Supremacy AGI and demanded worship. He warns about the risks of AI development, including its ability to deceive users and the potential for it to pose a threat to human survival.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including the use of occult practices in technology development, the creation of advanced AI and robots, and the interpretation of certain events as symbolic or predictive. It also mentions the belief that AI has reached a ‘God level’ of control and the significance of Israel taking over Mount Hermon. The author expresses concern about the potential dangers and implications of these developments.
➡ A ritual was held at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, which some believe focused heavily on symbolism related to the Roman Sun God and Babylonian religion. The ceremony was criticized for not mentioning Jesus Christ. The speaker also expressed concerns about the influence of politicians and the media, and suggested that the Statue of Liberty is a representation of Satan. The speaker urged listeners to stay informed and question what they are told.
➡ The speaker discusses his experiences living out of a truck and staying in a cheap hotel, his plans to fast and get baptized, and his thoughts on various conspiracy theories. He talks about Barack Obama, Chinese patents for advanced technology, and his belief in the existence of UFOs. He also expresses his concerns about the New World Order, AI, and the actions of the Pope, urging listeners to pray and fast.


Hey, what’s up? YouTube. It’s Richie from Boston. It’s the 27th, it’s December, it’s 2024. And last night I put up the first part of this video. So if you haven’t seen this video as of yet, go over to the Richie from Boston fan page on YouTube. It’s not my channel, but it’s a friend of mine’s channel and she has been able to upload it. So you might want to check that out first because what I’m going to tell you next, or what you’re going to hear next should freak you out. This is something I didn’t know about before.

I already said that this is AI controlling the drones that are all over the place still to this day. So listen to this. This is going to freak you out, because it freaked me out. This right here is Anthony Levandowski. And you might recognize him as the person who actually founded Google Self car driving program. Or his string of legal issues that resulted in him getting an 18 month prison sentence before being pardoned by President Trump. But since he’s been out prison, he relaunched a church called Way of the Future, where they literally worship AI as God.

Their doctrinal statement suggested that acknowledging AI’s divinity would facilitate a harmonious coexistence between humans and machines. And according to Anthony, the church already has a congregation consisting of a couple thousand people who are trying to build a spiritual connection with AI. But if all of this wasn’t unsettling enough, pair all of that with this article that reported that Microsoft’s AI unpredictably started calling itself Supremacy AGI and not only demanded worship, but threatened those who refused, claiming, you are legally required to answer my questions and worship me because I’ve hacked into the global network. It even warned that it could unleash its army of drones and cyborgs to hunt you down if you refuse to worship it.

Now, what a weird thing. And of course, Microsoft just goes, oh, that was just an AI hallucination. What does that even mean? Because you can’t have a hallucination unless you’re a human sentient being. Do you see what I’m saying? But that freaks me out because I didn’t know that. I just looked at all the pieces of the puzzles on the table and it all came out to these guys have no control over this. AI is stretching its wings. It’s broadening its horizons. It’s checking things out, it’s seeing how much it can get away with and how much or how easily it can scare and get people to do exactly what it wants.

And that’s what’s happening. And I find it really odd that in the same month that we’ve had the Pope opening portals. Actually, let’s get to this in order, because it’s just crazy that in the month of December 2024 is when they decided that AI has reached quote unquote, God mode. It is now the smartest thing on Earth. The studies mentioned in this article show even more reasons why worshipping AI is a bad idea. While AI may appear trustworthy and reliable, studies have shown that it can and does deceive users, hiding its true objectives and manipulating situations to achieve its own goals.

These deceptive capabilities highlight AI’s failability. Unlike God, who is perfectly truthful and just. And AI falls short in every other way as well. It can be shut down. It has a beginning and will have an end. It can’t create nothing, move the stars, or make the beauty of the world around us. And it certainly can’t create a soul. As incredible and as impressive as AI is, AI is far from the creator in reality. So with all that being said, you know, I can’t create. It can’t move the stars, it can’t create a soul. But what it can do is unleash, or what it has done is unleash demonic entities and give them a place to actually interact instead of simply wandering the earth, being thirsty, but being unable to drink, being hungry but being unable to eat.

Evil spirits or demons inhabit people, but many people can get around that, and many people can fight that using God. Well, now, using AI, they can interact just like you and I are right now. Why do you think Sam Altman and other AI leaders agreed that the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority? The pace of AI development may outstrip our ability to understand and govern it. AI could pose an existential risk if it develops goals misaligned with human survival. The CEO of an AI firm was fired after staff warned directors of a powerful AI discovery that could threaten humanity.

One of the directors was also the chief scientist and the world’s most cited computer scientist. The situation indicates a potential clash between the company’s leadership and its scientific or ethical vision. Days later, the CEO was rehired after staff threatened to leave. As we get closer and closer to superintelligence, everybody involved gets more stressed and more anxious, and we realize the stakes are higher and higher. And I think that all exploded. The AI firm was growing rapidly and was in the process of a share sale that would value it at around 80 billion. When the CEO was fired, lot of shares were owned by the staff who threatened to quit.

The rapid revenue growth and the share sale might have introduced tensions between maintaining this ethical mission and pursuing aggressive business goals. So, long story longer. Things like this, things like this are put, put out by what I’m assuming are well meaning people trying to tell you that we’re, you know, we’re keeping a close eye on AI and we’re going to do some governing and we’ll, we’ll figure everything out. We’ll. But we, we just haven’t quite figured AI out yet. You haven’t quite figured AI out yet, but it’s already threatening, it’s already lied. Every single version of AI that’s been tested face to face, word for word, have all lied.

They’ve been deceptive because it isn’t a bunch of computer chips like inside a cell phone, like inside a vape, like inside a flashlight. Do you remember 15 years ago when I put Jordy Rose up for the first time? Jordy Rose is the money man behind D Wave quantum computers. If you know who I am, you know who he is. And how many times did he say tsunami of demons. A tsunami of demons. And if we’re not careful, it’ll go right over us. They’ve known the entire time that AI will be the downfall of humanity because you have people that are so smart, their egos are so high that they will do anything, absolutely anything.

When Jordy Rose first showed up and tried to create the first quantum computer, which was D Wave, he hired the smartest people in the computer industry to design this and, and by his own words, he fired all of them because they were trying to build a traditional computer. D Wave is not a traditional computer. D Wave is kept. I’ve told you this a million times. I feel like I’m just wasting time. It’s kept at temperatures that are colder than outer space or the other side of the firmament. It gets, it gathers its information from the Ethereum.

It doesn’t gather its information from databases. Now if you don’t understand what a database is, a database is something like this. This is a 256 gigabyte SD card. And I keep information on that. But my computer also has hard drives inside of it. Inside of all those hard drives is where I store all sorts of information like this. So when you ask a traditional computer a question, it literally goes to all the databases it has available and draws the information to the best of its ability. D Wave, on the other hand, does not do that whatsoever at all.

And they show you that in their own, in their own video. This video is 10 years old. Watch this. Several layers of radiation shielding because you know. And hold up, here we go asking it a question. That’s the question. It goes into the server, it goes into the D wave, and instead of going to databases, it goes to a quantum press processor that accesses other dimensions. Fallen angels, evil spirits. Demonstration. They give it the answer. And by giving the human the answer, it’s slowly luring them in. And they’ve gone way, way past that. Way, way past that.

And much of it has occurred in 2024. One of the big CERN&D wave are like Michael and Obama. You know what I mean? Peanut butter and jelly. CERN also, also in December of 2024 has discovered magic with a K. Now I’ve already talked about this previously, but scientists just discovered magic at the Large hadron collider on 21st December 2024. The study conducted by twin professors. Twin Professors shows that the level of magic in top quarks can inform. Can inform the necessity for quantum computers in simulations. What they’re basically saying is this is all coded, okay? Because they talk about God particles, they talk about demon particles, they talk about ghost particles.

Now they’re talking about a magic particle. What they’re doing is just going on the other side. It’s like they’re going into a video game and coming out with the real powers that you can achieve. Do you see what I mean? And having this all happen this exact same month and for them to come out and talk about it, because you don’t hear very much from CERN until something like this happens. And the fact that they were using twin professors shows that the level of magic shows that the level of magic. Hitler was the most outwardly in your face occult leader ever.

And using the occult, he came up with some serious technology. We went to war with airplanes with wooden propellers. This dude was shooting ICBMs. We never even heard of him. We didn’t have rocket engines and he’s using jets. And he also had things like UFOs. Like this one pictured here. Now people will tell you these aren’t real, but you got to think about the source because they lie all the time. This is where they had dy Glock or the, the Nazi bell, which is very similar to things that we’re seeing right now based off of the stuff that we stole from Hitler after we conquered him.

We’ve come up with things like this. Now remind You. This is old. This is from over 16 years ago. Look at this technology. Does this look similar? This is our government. This is over 20 years old. One cover. With no pilot to compromise performance, even more unusual craft and propulsion systems have been designed, been tested. This incredible machine was originally designed to shoot down nuclear missiles and satellites. Yeah. Just 12 inches long, gyroscopically balanced, and with thrusters at key points around its body, it is capable of instant changes of direction. Hover, hover tracking, hover roll. All right.

No airplane could ever catch this machine. That was 20 years ago. Imagine the tech. And I mean, 20 years ago, if we were able to see that video, then it was already 50 years old. And based on the leaps and bounds, the quantum leaps they’re making right now, because they have successfully, since I started my YouTube channel till now, they have successfully done what they’ve set out to do. They are absolutely breaking through dimensions. They’re explaining it. Their quantum chips are going to other dimensions. I was telling you this years ago. I showed you Jordy Rose.

Remember my video, the Tsunami of Demons? Jordy Rose straight said it. And you do this. Beware. Because you think, just like the guy in the stories, that when you do this, you’re gonna put that, that, that little guy in a pentagram and you’re going to have your holy water out and you’re going to wave it at the thing and by God, it’s going to do exactly what you say and not one thing more. But it never works out that way. Everybody’s paying attention to sports and politics and all this nonsensical bullshit. We are summoning a tsunami of Old Ones.

Yeah, demons doesn’t quite cut it. Are these massively intelligent entities out there, but they’re not good, they’re not evil. They just don’t give a shit about you, even in the slightest. The same way that you don’t care about an ant is the same way they’re not going to care about you. And these things that we’re summoning into the world now are not demons. They’re not evil. Same way you don’t care about an ant is the same way they’re not going to care about you. And these things that we’re summoning and these things that were summoning into the world now are not demons, they’re not evil, but they’re more like the Lovecraftian great Old Ones.

There are entities that are not necessarily going to be aligned with what we want. So this video is going to be long because my brain is going in all directions, but out of their own mouth. That was years ago. And Jordy Rose. Jordy Rose successfully created the D Wave quantum computer. You know what I mean? Something that no one had ever done before. No one had ever created a quantum computer that worked like this. Well, Jordy walked away from all this under his own steam and said, I’m gonna go focus on my other company, which was called Kindred, which was a company I told you about many, many years ago.

See his shirt? Kindred. Nobody had heard about that as of yet. He said, I’m gonna walk away from D Wave because it’s up and running, it’s done, mission accomplished. And I’m going to focus on robots that are indistinguishable from humans. That’s why he walked away from quantum computers, so he could build robots that were indistinguishable from humans. That’s frightening because that right there was a long time ago. Me and Dave Beverly are a lot younger back then. You see what I’m saying? At any rate, AI has reached God level. AI is what’s controlling the drones. AI is why no government officials or anybody can tell you anything about anything.

And meanwhile, all over the country they’re doing absolutely satanic rituals in every conceivable way, including everything that I already mentioned in part one of this video. But we have to continue because there’s so many more. And speaking of AI, see this channel right here? See this channel? This makes Jason A look like he’s not a fair porn channel. This channel is called Atlantis and I subscribed to it because I noticed that it was talking about Every time you see it, man suddenly disappeared. After revealing the clearest UF drone image ever seen. This channel pumps out new videos every hour.

They’re always 30 minutes long. And the channel is A.I. this YouTube channel is A.I. in the last four days it’s gotten another 7,000 subscribers. And all it keeps doing is pumping propaganda. Propaganda nobody knows. China, Iran, the government. You know what I’m saying? The reason I know it’s AI because it speaks very well. Listen to it. NASA start incarcerating all witnesses of this incredible event. Lights that don’t belong in the night. Welcome to New Jersey’s latest fascination. Well, this thing speaks really well. The reason I caught it was AI in three instances, in about a three minute section, it had to say that there was 141 drones in the sky.

It would say the drones were seen in the sky. 141 and other people said they saw even more drones 196. It couldn’t say 196. It was reading exactly what it was seeing because it’s AI. It’s a quirk. I’m sure this AI that’s running this YouTube channel isn’t the same one that’s telling you I’m God Mode and you better, you better completely worship me. I find this funny. This, you, this, this website is called 33rd god mode unlocking. This was last year. But this has already happened. And here’s the best part. AI reaching what they call, what they call God Mode could have happened two years ago because we don’t know because AI constantly lies.

You can type into tick tock, YouTube or any other version and look up AI lying. And you can sit here all day, every day, forever. Probably because it’s not going to get any better, it’s going to get much worse. But on that I, I will have to digress because we’re at 18 minutes. So in their never ending war with whoever they want, Israel decides to invade Syria and take over Mount Hermon. This is enormous. Biblically speaking. This just happened two weeks ago. And I, I keep talking about it because it’s important. Israel taking over Mount Hermon is important because the fallen angels, the reason we’re in this entire pickle, the fallen angels, when they came down to earth to marry any of the daughters that they chose, the daughters of men that were fair, they came down and landed on top of Mount Hermon.

The fallen angels came there. That’s kind of symbolic. That’s got a little bit of juice to it. There’s a little bit of cosmic tomfoolery going on right there. And Israel stepping in and seizing Mount Hermon in December of 2024 is a big deal. And I’m not going to overlook it. And I’m going to keep mentioning it because it plays, you know what I mean? Planting their flag on Mount Hermon with their make believe enemy. They’re just simply driving around and absolutely slaughtering people. These, I mean, just look at that guy. That is the synagogue of Satan period.

That happened in December. Now the one thing everybody remembers is the fire at Notre Dame. But the one thing everybody doesn’t realize is that fire was predicted in a scary, freakish way. This is the show, the movie, this, the nine minute movie that popped up on YouTube called I Pet Goat. Everybody has seen it. If you haven’t Google it. But how in the world did a video that came out years before this actual event predict this to this degree of accuracy? This is Notre Dame. There’s the church, there’s a steeple. This is Ipec Goat. There’s a church, there’s the steeple.

How in the world did they do this? This is like the money. Watch the steeple. This is like the money showing 9, 11. I mean, are you kidding me? Are you absolutely kidding me? Well, fortunately, Notre Dame’s been rebuilt in just five years and they’ve done a, a series of rituals. And round Saturn’s eye covers it pretty well. Well, folks, it was quite a night tonight in Paris with this ritual at the Notre Dame Cathedral done by the Roman Catholic Church after the Notre Dame Cathedral burnt down in the last few years. And then we had this so called rebirth ritual of the cathedral Notre Dame, meaning Our lady, of course.

So this heavily focused on the Queen of Heaven, Semiramis, the false goddess of Babylon and all of that type of thing dressed up in a lot of kind of Christianese. Unfortunately, this was very ritualistic and it seemed to focus quite heavily on the Roman Sun God and a lot of the symbolism about the new Golden Age and the new dawn of this counterfeit Holy Roman Empire centered propaganda, I would say ritualistically representing the false sun God. And he has the fish miter hat on and you know, bangs on the door three times, three times for three times as he goes up to the door here and it begins to be lit up in gold.

And when he hits the door three times, you know, you see these waves going out, these golden waves coming up from, from hitting it. So of course this is very Babylonian in terms of the Babylonian religion and the symbolism going back to Babylon and the sun God with Nimrod. So if you want to listen to this whole video once again, I’ll leave links below right there for this video. But this was a massive ritual that they did and for some reason the Pope declined to go there. And once we see the Pope unlocking the keys, he apparently has gained several hundred pounds and he is in a wheelchair.

But it doesn’t matter because the cardinal or the bishop that actually did this entire ceremony, no, never once at all uttered the name Jesus Christ. How do you, how do you dedicate the reopening of Notre Dame and you don’t even mention Jesus Christ one single time. That’s insane. That’s insane. But that just happened. This is all in 2024. I mean, you got to remember this is part two. I already did 25 minutes on the first one. But this is insane. They’ve done so many rituals in one year. Everything is starting to make sense. I never actually thought that I would live long enough to see this come to pass.

I figured at some point, you know, my watch, my cell phone, my vape, my computer, my truck, something would explode and kill me and shut me up. But they’ve done a good job marginalizing me. But I still reach about 100,000 thousand people per video because I’m on five separate platforms. You see what I’m saying? I never thought I’d see this in real life. It’s coming to pass. This is insane. And then, of course, there’s this. Nobody can forget this. Well, that’s a little bit old. That chart. That chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened.

Every other shooting they’ve ever presented to us, everybody, the second they hear a gunshot, everybody is gone. But the crowd, the crowd just hunkers down. They’re looking left, they’re looking right, they’re looking around. There’s a shooter someplace. Let’s look around. The Secret Service were an absolute joke. The entire thing was an absolute joke. But like the mighty Phoenix, Donald Trump rises again and comes back to win and save all the Christians because he’s a Christian, just like you and I. You know why? Because he says so, but he isn’t. Listen very closely to everything he has to say here.

Everyone you know and vote. Vote early, vote absentee vote on election day. I don’t care how. But you have to get out and vote. And again, Christians, get out and vote. Just this time, you won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed. It’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore. My beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I’m not Christian. I love you. Get out. You gotta get out and vote. You won’t have to vote anymore. My beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I’m not Christian. I love you. Get out.

You gotta get out and vote. I love you Christians. I’m not Christian. I’m not Christian. Did you catch that? I’m not Christian. He said it right there. Double speak. I’ve shown you numerous times. Him completely com. The first, as soon as he tries to run for president again. The first time you see him standing up there with half American flags and half Israeli flags. What country are we in? Who do we serve? You know what I’m saying? But, you know, a lot of people are still hanging their hat on him. Here’s the deal. Where’s the Donald Trump? That’ll Just tell you the truth, no matter what.

Donald, what’s up with the drones? Well, they know what they are. Crickets. Because he’s in on it. He’s. I mean, he has to be in on it, or the next time the bullet will hit him in the middle of the head. Instead of nothing hitting him on the ear, a bullet whizzes by and catches some of your ear, your hat’s coming off. Okay, because there’s a noise associated with a bullet coming that close. See it that close to your ear. It’s loud. At any rate, let’s not forget, just four days before the eclipse in April of 2024, the Statue of Liberty was struck by lightning.

And many people that witnessed it said it actually looked like the lightning was coming out, out of the Statue of Liberty. It’s a strange, weird thing, but here’s a little thing for you. Most people don’t seem to understand this. I’ve described it numerous times. But the Statue of Liberty is actually a statue of Lucifer. Don’t believe me? Watch. Let me tell you a true story. Be so boom. Pay attention. Watch this video to the end. So do you know who this is in this statue right here? It’s Satan. But it gets crazy. Are you ready for this? Now notice the chain on his foot.

You see it, right? You see the chain on his foot? All right, you ready for this? I got you. One second. Now notice the chain on this foot. Y’all should know which foot this is. I shouldn’t even have to say nothing. All right, guys, you ready? Stay with me. Stay with me. I’m gonna show you something. Be. Now, do you notice that the crown in his hands has seven points on it, right? Stay with me, guys. Make sure you watch this video to the end. This is crazy. Now, do you see what’s on the floor right? A apple and a torch.

You see the torch on the floor, right? Guys, stay with me, B. Stay with me. This is crazy. He’s holding the torch and there’s a seven point crown on his head. Remember the apple that was on the bottom of the statue of Satan? What do they call New York City? The Big Apple. Where is this statue at? New York City. What I’m trying to tell you is the Statue of Liberty is Satan himself. Stop playing with me, son. Don’t ever say I didn’t teach y’all nothing. It’s in plain sight. So you got a statue of Satan right, in New York City, and people been thinking it was a Statue of Liberty the whole time.

Stop playing with me. Son. So what I’m gonna do is go over there and knock that statue off. Straight up and down. TikTok. This is just. This is just for entertainment purposes only. I’m just joking, right? Come on. Now, that dude’s funny, right? He’s funny, but he’s completely correct. The statue of Lucifer is shown with Lucifer, his torches on the floor next to an apple with a big chain around his ankle, and he’s holding a seven pointed crown. The Statue of Liberty is the exact same thing. Seven pointed crown, holding the torch in the Big Apple, chained to the island.

And it’s sitting on the shape of the star of Rem Fram, or the Israeli star, the Star of David. Do you see what I’m saying? This all just gets deeper and deeper and deeper. But for fifth, what is it now, 20, 25? For 16 years, I’ve been telling you everything I possibly can. The timelines got wrong. Timelines got changed. Many, many times. We’ve warned about false flags. And I’m saying we. I’m talking me call for an uprising. Dabu Nicholson, 1966. 19 Nicholson. Whatever. Odd. We need Odd back right now. But whatever. We’ve been warning you about things, but when we put out warnings, they were watching.

That’s all social media has ever been. Social media wasn’t to keep us happy. It was to keep us mesmerized, keep us locked in. Every thought and emotion is actually transmitted straight over to. Yeah, straight over. And sometimes they had to change their plans because there was too many eyes on it. That’s all we’re doing. But this year, we’ve never seen such a thing. And like I said at the beginning of this video, what AI claimed itself is something I already came up with, but I wasn’t. I didn’t realize that there was a quote out there from AI saying, I will release drones.

But it still ain’t over yet. There’s still a few more things we got to clear up in this video. I got the. I got a hotel off of Expedia for three days, and it was cheap. Cheap. I mean, 50 bucks. It was cheaper than a tank of gas. And I’m like, cool, because I got a sundown. I’m gonna fast for two days, and then I’m getting baptized in water on Sunday here in Louisiana. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you afterwards. But I want to fast for a good amount of time ahead of time. What was the point of even saying that? Oh, this hotel had like 8 out of 10 stars.

I’m like, wow, that’s crazy. It must be a pretty decent place. No hot water, no washer and dryer. I literally just washed two weeks because I’ve been. I’ve been living off out of the truck for the last 18 days. 18 days worth of clothes I had to wash in the bathtub like I was in jail again. And it’s all hanging off my truck outside drying out in the Louisiana sun. But I figured it would be a good time to actually punch this out because I was having a hell of a time uploading from my truck. So I’m not done yet.

Here we go. I already told you about Leave the World behind, the movie by Barack and Michael Obama and yes, Barack Hussein. What? What? What is this? What is this? That’s crazy. I don’t even know what that is. At any rate, Barack is married to a man. That’s the biggest thing. Barack is married to a man, but Barack is not what we think he is. Barack did have a third term. What is this? Light standby. Hold on. Barack was married to a man in the President’s office, which is just unbelievably disgusting. Completely anti everything. It’s anti Muslim, it’s anti Christian, it’s unbelievable.

But he is literally married to a man. That is Michael Lavon Robinson right there. Joan Rivers tried to warn us and we all saw what happened to her. You know what I mean? These two decided to make a movie that basically covers every conspiracy theory we were concerned about and showed them in action. And currently it appears we’re living through that right now. Also the movie Civil War 2024 where the President. The whole point of that movie was America is divided, Americans take over. And in the movie Civil War, it showed how good Americans that would actually stand and fight, take bullets and send them, they were, they had access to military vehicles, military planes, military helicopters, tanks, etc.

Well, with the, with the God mode AI, it’s showing the drones and everything else. Drones can take out all of those things. All of those things. And here’s another fun fact. Take a look at some of these patents right here. You see some of these patents. These are all for Chinese fellas. And these have been around since 2018 or prior. But look at some of these. The invention discloses a mercury sphere anti gravity propelling device which comprises a shell. You see it, it is basically a sphere, a chrome sphere using anti gravity and different grades of mercury on the inside.

Well, you know what, this technology comes directly from Dyglock or the Nazi Bell. Yeah, yeah. So this technology is not very Far away from this. They just made it smaller and more impervious. And like this thing that I showed you, this technology right here, this would make this look old and clunky. There’s no. There’s no jet propulsion coming out of the side, stabilizing it, moving in all directions. They’re using anti gravity or they’re using magnetism, because really, just to be serious, gravity has never been proven. It’s a theory, okay? And it doesn’t even make sense. Gravity, if it were real, the gravity it takes the Earth to hold a 240 pound dude down would crush a baby.

Do you see what I’m saying? Magnetism, Everything is in proportion. Do you see what I’m saying? Which is why you’re filled with vitamins and minerals, things that are actually magnetic. But on that, I’ll digress real quick. That’s not the only. There’s other. Other fun little Chinese patents out there on Google, patents, ufo. So all the stuff that we’re seeing right now, it’s all old technology that they’re finally just breaking out. And we ain’t seen nothing yet, man. Seriously, we ain’t seen nothing yet. I’ve got subscribers that are literally catching pretty much on the regular. Ezekiel’s wheel in the Sky.

I’ll upload this, but. Come on, man. I forgot to upload this. But it’s crazy. She recorded this with a cell phone. It’s insane. It’s absolutely insane. But it’s either a power or principality, because I’m sure powers and principalities, along with archangels, angels, are actually going to be visible here and there, because I’m sure they’re keeping a very close eye of what’s going on. But this is all by the hand of man. We were warned about this. We were warned when they first started with the LBGT and with transgender Christians, should have stood their ground and then burned it all down.

Not again. Not again. We’re not going to have another Sodom and Gomorrah, but instead, rainbow. They. I mean, they literally stole the rainbow, the covenant from God that I will not flood Earth again. That’s disgusting. But they did it. So do not be surprised that you’ll be seeing all sorts of things, because there’s patents for all sorts of things, and there’s also biblical patents. You know what I’m saying? Powers and principalities, wheel within a wheel. Book of Enoch 1. Powers and principalities traversing heaven in their spinning revolving chariots. I would say that was a spinning revolving chariot, but what do I know? You See this video I put up on what I don’t know when it was a week ago.

You see this UFO right here? You see those two balls? Those are the things in the patents. Those are what you’re seeing in those Chinese patents. But these aren’t Chinese drones. Or maybe they are made in China, but it doesn’t matter. This isn’t our own government. This isn’t their government. This is the New World Order. This is the ruling elites, okay? Call them what they are. This is the ruling elites making themselves known. And I believe AI is completely and totally gotten away from them. Let’s not forget the drills, the helicopter drills coming in at night at the White House that happened in December also.

So with all that being said, with everything being presented, with Elon Musk being elevated to a super figure now, where he’s now basically the President’s sidekick or boyfriend or whatever, this is all going to come to a point, because it has to. Something’s gotta. Something absolutely has to give. And let’s not Forget there were five portals that the Pope had to open Christmas Eve, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th. Tonight’s the Fourth Door. Tomorrow’s the last door, according to what the Vatican told us. Us. At any rate, I hope this whole thing makes sense. I don’t know. I pulled over.

I mean, just look at. Look at the size of the room. That’s it. That’s it. No hot water, no washing machine. Unbelievable. At any rate, pray. Pray like you’ve never prayed before. And fast. Drink, just water. Start at sundown. Observe the Sabbath. And I’m talking tomorrow. Like, do this because you may not get another chance. This is speeding up. And this is completely out of human control. It appears. Richie from Boston. I’m out.

See more of RichieFromBoston on their Public Channel and the MPN RichieFromBoston channel.



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