THEY Control EVERYTHING! – Donald Jeffries with Jeff Rense Dec. 04 2023




➡ The text discusses an unpublished, anticipatory analysis of the creation of Israel by John F. Kennedy, expressing admiration for his leadership and asserting a view that Jews have attained disproportionate power and control in areas such as media, government, and various social issues. The author challenges notions of antisemitism while acknowledging over-represented Jewish involvement in sectors of global influence, attributing it to communal support and strategic positioning.
➡ The text criticizes the perceived double standard regarding religious representation in the Supreme Court, asserting that while there’s objection to excess Catholics, an equivalent number of Jews would not garner the same criticism, highlighting this as one of the most significant deceptions in history.


If you want to know what a what what a real leader was like, I’m going to publish it. If they let it stay in the the American Memory Hall, which is coming out next spring, I want to include as an appendix a long letter that JFK 22 year old John F. Kennedy wrote to his father after touring the Middle East. And in it he he brilliantly dissects the situation and talks about what would happen if they created Israel.

If there’s Zionist state, it’s created, and this is probably seven, eight years before it was created. If you read it early in the war years, then you’re saying, well before we entered the war, it was be about 1939. I want to say 39 or 40, but there were obviously rumors that and his father doesn’t want to go in the war, so you can tell he begins it, and he’s very careful about the way he phrases things.

But there’s no question that letter would be considered anti Semitic today. And I’m surprised they haven’t used it against JFK because when he’s talking to his father, it’s clear they’ve discussed Jewish power and they’ve discussed what would happen if he had his eye in a state. It’s very clear. It’s fascinating. But he’s very even handed in terms of how he looks at the situation. But I think people will be fascinated by him.

I think you can find it out there. It’s available. But it reminds us again what kind of a leader he was and why I continue to be all this time. Later people accuse me, he was the last president. Come on, that’s simple. He was the last president. And anyone who’s a geopolitical analyst or writer, researcher, how can they not legitimately understand what’s happening in this world unless they track and appreciate, not necessarily in the most positive sense, what 2% of the world’s population has done.

The achievements, the chokeholds, the strangleholes, every major nexus of power and control of anything of substantial interest is controlled by the same group of people. What they’ve done again, I tip my hat to them. What they’ve done is pull off an astonishing conquest of an entire planet. For the most part, and I’m not stating that you’re right. And I think, again, people the reason why you have people to whatever I don’t think there is any large degree of anti Jewish feeling out there.

I really don’t think people care. No, most people straight, and as I pointed out many times, I don’t know what it means to be a Jew these days. Most of my relatives are Jews. I don’t have any Jewish that I know. But one of my mother’s sisters married a guy who was Jewish who converted to Catholicism. They had eleven kids, and several of those had seven. They’re all big Catholic family.

So all of those, the vast majority of my cousins are partially Jewish. Again, here’s where you go. Is it nature or nurture. All right? Right. It’s nurture. This is a culture. It’s a culture of greed, subversion, hegemony and ruthless annihilation of your enemies for profit, right? Think about also it’s solidarity. It’s racial solidarity, or whatever you want to call it, ethnic solidarity, because it’s impossible, as I point out many times again, it’s got nothing to do with hate.

It’s impossible for one group that’s that small part of the population, 2% of the population to have been the president of every television network that has ever existed, major television outside of Ted Turner with CNN until he sold that every other television network from the big. How they do it, it’s not magic. They simply promote their own. They work their way into a position of authority, influence, and they pull their own up.

That’s all. Absolutely. Unless you’re part of the club, you don’t get promoted. It’s simple. That’s how they’ve done it. Every major thing. I’ve got a story I’m getting put together in a page here which shows, oh, it’s going to be a powerhouse. They’re all one page. What do you call them? An illustrative graph. Okay. They’re beautiful the way they’re laid out. You’ve seen them before, all the top show business people, and they have all the studios and all the names of the Jewish members and that they’re Jewish and so forth.

They usually put a little Star of David by them, and it’s all controlled. Here are just some of the areas that are covered, each with its own. We’ll call it a flyer. It’s kind of like a flyer. Every single aspect of the media is Jewish. Every single aspect of the COVID agenda is Jewish. Same thing. Every single major aspect of the slave trade was Jewish. Every single major aspect of gun control is Jewish.

Every single aspect of Disney is Jewish. Every single aspect of the abortion issue is Jewish. Not every single but you get the point. That’s the tag. Every single aspect of the Jewish Talmud is Satanic. No arguments there. Every single aspect of pornography and the hookup culture is Jewish. Every single aspect of well, we’ll skip that one. Just not my dinner time. Every single aspect of the Biden administration is Jewish.

Every single aspect of Trump’s campaign funding is Jewish. Every single aspect of the LGBTQ movement is Jewish. And they’re all pictures here and names of everyone. Each one of these is a different full size image. Think of it as an eight and a half by ten flyer, all illustrated, all color. Here’s more. Every single aspect of mass immigration invasion is Jewish. All the names and the faces are all here.

Every single aspect of the Ukraine Russian war is Jewish. Every single aspect of 911, every single key aspect and we can qualify this. You get the point, though. 911 is Jewish. It goes on and on. Every single aspect of communism is Jewish. Last one. Every single aspect of the Federal Reserve. Finish it off. Sure. Absolutely. Jewish. It’s all areas with the JFK assassination. When I started researching it as a young guy, I wasn’t really looking at Jews or anything that much.

But although my father was obsessed with Jews, so I grew up hearing things all the time. I’ll tell you this story. No one’s been able to figure it. I told Jewish friends this, but my father was so obsessed with Jews that my childhood nickname was Yiddish, and I didn’t know what it was then, and it took me till I’m much older. And then by that time, he was gone because I wanted so much to ask him, why would you call me that? I didn’t even know what it was.

I just said, okay, that’s what he calls me. When I was little, he was obsessed with Jew. So I grew up hearing these things, kind of thing. Although he didn’t have the kind of knowledge like this, but he would just point out all the Jewish entertainers and stuff. So I knew at a young age. I didn’t know they were only 2% of the population, but I realized, wow.

Because in real life, I had hardly ever met anybody Jewish. We just didn’t run into them. But that’s the crux of the problem. And to whatever extent real. If there was really any kind of violent group that wanted to do harm to Jews and I don’t think there is, but if there was, we’d oppose that in a minute. Of course. But what would trigger that would be what we’re talking about.

The fact that they have this unbelievably, disproportionate influence in areas that are so important. The media, government, almost everything you can name, as I’ve said, every major nexus of power and everything, it’s just over the top crazy. Yeah. Here’s a few more. I’m saying every single aspect, realizing it’s not every single aspect, but that’s the tag. Every single aspect of feminism, every single aspect of BlackRock. Get the picture? Every single aspect of the hedge fund industry, every single aspect of the JFK assassination.

It’s all it when the truth becomes terminal, a terminal disease. We’re know. Again, when I was first becoming awake politically, I was reading the Warren Commission hearings and exhibits. I was reading the critical works on the assassination. And I didn’t realize at the time, but my heroes, my two big heroes, the critics were Mark Lane and Harold Weisberg, both Jewish, both heroes. Sylvia Marr wrote accessories after the fact Jewish.

Those are probably the three greatest the three most important critics of the Warren Commission early on. And many of the people I’m sitting there reading and critiquing the work of the Warren Commission and most of the work of the Warren Commission was done by junior counsels like future Senator Arlen Spector, Jewish. David bellan jewish. Wesley j Liebler Jewish. And again, I’m starting to realize this. And again, I don’t know what that means, but I do know that it’s so disproportionate.

Let’s put it this way. If the president of every network was, I don’t know, a mooney or Unitarian or something, I mean, people would wonder and they’d say, okay, well, how did that probably the reason why so many people look at the influence of Jews in a Nefarious light is because that’s the way you’d look at it. If it was any other mean, look at the criticism that there are too many Catholics on the Supreme Court.

If okay, but there would not be criticism if there were too many Jews on the Supreme Court. And it’s a double standard. It’s one of the slickest con jobs, honestly, in modern history or even ancient history. It goes way back. It goes way back. It goes way back. .


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