The Truth About Inflation: Prepare Now!

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja

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➡ The text is a critique on recent news claiming that inflation is falling. The author argues that this is a deceptive message as many parents are facing increased living costs despite official statistics, suggesting a fall in insurance and goods prices. The author attributes the disconnect to biased government policies and unreliable economic indicators.
➡ The speaker discusses the increasing cost of living, decline in middle-class income, rising rents, and increasing credit card debt as indicators of an upcoming economic downturn. They suggest that while this reality seems grim, it presents an opportunity for those prepared to take advantage.
➡ Even though the gathering is small, the intention is to thoroughly enjoy regardless. The text also mentions ‘economic ninja’ leaving, with related links provided below.


Hello, everyone. Economic ninja here. First, before I start this video, because I believe this is serious, people are being deceived. But I want to thank you so much for being here. I want to thank you for being a part of my life, for allowing me to warn, to help you prepare, to encourage you to be your cheerleader. I know it sounds crazy, but I just started this video and we’re going to talk about inflation and how you’re being lied to in a news story that is incredible out of Fox News.

I want to wake as many people up as possible, and I know that you do too. And I know you start with family and friends and it hurts when they reject your warnings or what you’re learning. But I want you to understand this is a normal part of that human cycle of evolution when it comes to economics. This is why we have booms and busts, because most people don’t see the writing on the wall.

So I want to thank you before I start this sincerely from the bottom of my heart. You’ve changed my life because I am just like you. I’m not any different. I have been trying to warn my family and friends, and most of the time it falls on deaf ears. 99%, let’s say. But people are waking up. And so thank you. All right, here we go. Let’s set this up a little bit.

All right, this is out of Fox Business. Bam. Here we go. Let’s read it together. I mean, I love reading stories with you. Inflation is falling, right? Let me stop there. Let’s just stop there. The CPI came out and now everyone’s like, inflation is falling. Inflation is falling. Sweet. No, it’s not. They’re lying to you. They said in that report, essentially insurance costs went down like 32%, if I remember, it was 32, 36.

So let’s take a poll. Did it go down for you? Yes or no? Did insurance in the month of October go down for you? I already know the answer. It’s no. Probably went up, right? Okay, so let’s start there. Oh, wait, there’s some more. But wait, there’s more. This is like the Ginsu knife commercial of news. But wait, there’s more. Along with insurance rates going down, people purchased less electronics and furniture and other crap that they don’t need and that caused prices for those to go down.

It’s because they all started to have to pay a certain bill. It’s called student loans. There’s millions and millions of people. That’s why the government’s like trying so hard. Buy your votes by sprinkling oh, yeah, we’ll get rid of some of that stuff. Remember, as the government abandons student loans and does pay some of them off, right? Not all of them. They’re going to keep certain amount of people in slavery.

That means that’s actually considered an asset on the books. So since they’re losing that asset, they’re going to have to go take more money. So they’re going to hire more IRS guys with guns to come and take more money from you. Remember, there was a famous person. Please put it down below that said, a ruler of a country. You can only tax people to the point at which they will revolt.

Remember, the Boston Tea Party was fought over a tea tax that I believe was 2% on just tea. I’m pretty sure that’s how it worked. Point being is this, we have so many more taxes today than our ancestors did. Just even a mere back, let’s say, 1980 or 1950 or the 19 hundreds. Oh, wait, sorry. Yeah, because taxation. Okay, so you see my point. It’s bad, right? But it says here inflation is falling, but Americans are still paying an extra $680 a month due to high prices.

All right, Fox Business, let’s see if you were in my vote of confidence today. Inflation may be cooling, but the average American is still shelling out a lot more money for everyday necessities. The typical US household needed to pay $205 more a month in October to purchase the same goods and services it did one year ago because of still high inflation. According to a new calculations from Moody’s analytics chief economist Mark Zandy, Americans are paying on average $680 more each month compared with the same time two years ago.

Okay, so here’s the deal. JEFF BORGAN, PRESIDeNtIaN cHief. You know the guy that’s insulting the Chinese president as he’s in, like, the next room over? This guy’s know, busy falling upstairs and crapping his pants. All right, copy. We’re being run by idiots. I get it. Type two, if you agree our country is being run by idiots, and that should get you actually excited. I know it sounds crazy and it’s scary, but when the idiots are left, it’s like that movie.

What was it when? Brondo, Brondo. It has electrolytes. It’s good for you, so we’ll feed it to our plants. Idiocracy. At a certain point, everything fails. It all falls. And so you need to position yourself for that fall. This is when, like, the Ben Bernacki moment in 2005. I don’t think I agree with everyone saying that real estate can fall all at once. It’s impossible. I am an expert, believe me.

No, he’s an idiot. Mike, thank you so much for the inflation. Hold on, Mike. I know, Mike, thank you for the need. This is going to go far with the turkey. Or maybe I can afford a whole turkey with that. Let me know down below, everyone, if I can afford a turkey with Mike Abrams. Super chat. Thank you so much, Mike. All right. You didn’t have to do that, okay? I’ve totally thrown off, and you’re probably laughing your butt off right now.

Here we go. Sorry. Americans are paying $680 more, but the government’s trying to buy your vote. So what they’re doing is they’re going, hey, look, everything’s cheaper over here. You’re paying less for insurance. No, you’re not. No, don’t listen to that guy. You’re good. Vote for me. That’s what they’re doing. And that means it’s going to get even better. The lies are going to get more impressive. Ninja Nation’s not going to be impressed, but all the idiots out there will be.

And America’s got a lot of them. They cleared all of them out in San Francisco the other day. I noticed it was weird. Like, in one day, I wish I could have just driven my butt up there, but I was too busy filming the new course. I would have driven up to San Francisco and took in a big old fat steamer right in front of the president of China and go, hey.

I just wanted to make it realistic. They cleaned up all the streets. It was totally a ghost town. They’re like, hey, the King and queen and all them are coming. So none of you peasants are allowed in the streets. Stop pooping. All right, we got somebody. We pay, like 200 grand to clean that up, but get out. And they cleared out the whole city. Not the whole city, but, like, downtown.

You get my point. It was pretty amazing. It’s like what San Francisco used to look like before they went prideful and destroyed the know decades and decades ago. All right, here we go. So Fox News is saying, wait a minute. The government numbers say that inflation is going down, yet it’s costing more. Says this analysis suggests that while inflation has fallen from the highs of mid 2022, it’s all a lie.

Where many families have yet to see this material relief. October inflation breakdown. Where are prices still rising the fastest now, the economic ninja, that dude that started a channel that’s not doing too well right now because he said way too much. Joking. Like, you could hit the thumbs up like, a million times. It’s not going to matter. They’ve already told me. It’s like, yeah, you’re in jail, you’re in social media, Purgatory.

It’s all right. It’s not going to keep me down. Says the Labor Department reported on Tuesday that the Consumer Price Index, a broad measure of the price of everyday goods, including gasoline, groceries and rent. Oh, crap. You mean all the things that matter? Was unchanged in October. From the previous month, prices climbed 3. 2% on an annual basis. Wait a minute. But when compared with January of 2021, shortly before the inflation crisis that was started by the government and the Federal Reserve.

That’s just a little announcement there began, prices remain up a stunning 17. 62%. It’s going to get worse next year. Inflation has created severe financial pressures for most US households, which are forced to pay more for everyday necessities like food and rent. The burden is disproportionately borne by the low income Americans. That is total crap. Let me tell you something. How many people in this chat are making over $100,000 a year and are feeling the pain type? I am.

I see. Yep. All right, so it doesn’t matter. Are you low income? No. By and large, $100,000 a year is not considered low income. Now what’s happening is the government’s like, hold my beer. Watch this. We’re going to take the bar at what was considered one time low income, and we’re going to raise it. So $100,000, you’re low income now. We’re turning you into the poor. We’re going to take the bar that was once set for the middle class and we’re going to lower it.

No, wait. No, we’re raising it. We don’t even know which way. Again, Biden falls upstairs. He can’t even fall downstairs. That guy literally. Point being is they are robbing you now. I sort of think I know why they’re doing this to my channel. All right, doesn’t matter. Okay. Point being is. Oh, real quick, I have to announce something my budy said. Please ask everyone. Don’t hit the subscribe button.

Just please check to see if you’ve been unsubscribed and watch what happens. Just check if you’ve been unsubscribed. Crazy. All right, here we go. The consumer price index, which is total lie, sham fraud, total crap, is still running well above the typical pre pandemic rate. And the cost of necessities like food, gasoline, rent, and childcare. You mean all the crap we need to actually continue on as a society right now, economically speaking, remain far more expensive than they were just one year ago.

Americans saw some reprieve in October. No, they didn’t. As the cost of gasoline plunged. Okay, I’ll give you that one. Cost of gasoline went down. Cool. But it doesn’t matter. Why doesn’t it matter? Ninja. Because no one’s going on vacations. They’re pulling back. See how this real estate crash is forming? ADR shameless. Plug 80% off down below. They’re not going to be this price ever again after December 31.

I can guarantee you that. I can guarantee it. Now it’s getting more and more valuable as it’s all coming to pass. Everything I’m teaching. So they saw a reprieve in October because of low price gasoline. Gasoline plunged. It actually plunged because oil futures are dropping, because all of the rich people are selling, because they know the collapse is happening. That’s actually why. It’s also why Warren Buffett is actually outselling all of his stocks, building the largest cash hoard in Berkshire Hathaway’s history.

They’re not doing it just because they want to do it. They’re going to rape the stock market when it all comes to pass. They’re going to pick things up for pennies on dollar. They actually did it in 2007, too. All right, here we go. But, hey, they got lots of YouTubers out there saying, why don’t you just buy some stocks and use my Moomu account? Another lawsuit coming.

All right, copy. Shelter costs, which were the largest contributor to core inflation last month, rose 0. 3% on a monthly basis and are up 6. 7% over the past year. Rising rents are concerning because higher housing costs. I got to stop right here. No, that’ll get me sued. All right. Higher housing costs more directly and acutely affect household budgets. No, I’m going to say it. You need to be really careful with all this crap.

This gamification of stock apps, there’s a lot of them out there, and I’m telling you right now, a lot of people are going to be left in the dust when stocks do crash down. This next time. They do. Okay, I can’t tell you exactly when. I don’t got a crystal ball, but I can tell you this. There are a lot of stock apps out there that gamify you and get you addicted, and they do this thing where they pay you to get other people hooked on it.

Customer acquisition costs. And they’re paying these YouTubers like, stupid money, like, you don’t even want to know. Like, it’s stupid. You’ll notice I have none of those affiliate links because I believe there will be a day where they panic sell. You go to sell your stock because the market’s in free fall and they go, oh, I’m sorry, you can’t sell that. It’s because they actually don’t have the stock.

It’s a derivative. All right, be very careful. That is my warning. I can’t name anyone. I’m just telling you right now, there’s lots of them. Okay? It’s not just one. So the shelter component of inflation is still sticky high, said Rick Riedler, BlackRock’s chief investment officer of global fixed income. Just so you know, BlackRock also has the largest fund ever created of its kind. It’s called the real estate Downturn Fund.

You see, they’re getting ready for it. The question is, are you? Do you want to get ready for it? Thank you. Why not? For the super chat. Let me ask you that. Do you want to get ready for this next real estate crash? Start investing in yourself right now and getting ready for it. I built a course, but you don’t have to do my course. My course is definitely different, but whatever.

Food prices, a visceral reminder of inflation for many Americans, also inched higher in October. Grocery costs rose 0. 3% in October, up from 0. 1% in September, and are up 2. 1% compared with the same time last year. Let me ask you this, has your grocery bill gone up 2. 1%? Meaning, and I’m going to make this really clear because you’re being lied to. On the average grocery cart that would normally cost $100 to fill, is it now costing you $102.

10 to fill? No, it’s costing you $200 to fill that grocery cart right now. Am I not right? This is not a joke. They are straight up lying to you and all Fox News is doing, they’re lying to you. But I’m just going to quote the official numbers, food went up 2. 1% this year. Are you an idiot? Fox News? You’re an idiot. At least have a sack and go.

Yeah, that’s a total lie. Anchors at Fox News. Did your grocery cart go up $2. 10 this last year when you put no. Oh, okay. Being lied to. Welcome to an election year. All right. Says here, as they spend more on everyday goods, Americans are burning through their savings and are increasingly turning to credit cards to cover those basic expenses. Credit card debt surged to a new record high at the end of sePtember, according to a recent New York Federal Reserve data.

Well, what? Weird. Totally weird, huh? See this crash just taking effect. Real know. It’s like, you know, I didn’t know how fast this crash was going to come along, man. I was going into turn one. Things were looking pretty good. Then I went to turn two, and I thought, whole crash. There we go, turn three. And I had to ease her on in. And then we had ourselves a nice whole crash.

All those other guys had no idea. They just all piled up behind me. See, this is what’s going on right now in the. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? So my best friend says, Charlie, what are you going to do? The whole place is burning down in the three month period. But, you know, hey, I’m just Mr. Doom and gloom. We’ve been talking about this for, like, forever.

In the three month period from July to September, total credit card debt rose to $1. 8 trillion, which is an increase of 48 billion, or 4. 6%. That’s just. Wow. From the previous quarter, that’s just one quarter. Impressive. You got, who here is just running up their credit card bills? Type six. Any moment now. Just someone. Type six. What? Ninja Nation. Type seven. If you’re paying off your credit card or you don’t got any credit card debt, let’s just see.

Okay? Someone’s having a little fun with their credit card up. Someone bought a TV. All right, there we go. Some sevens. All right, so here we go. From the previous quarter. This is Federal Reserve data. Credit card debt is exploding. All right, cool. Copy. You’ll see. Oh, that’s the end of the story. That’s all I got. Point being is this. Credit card debt’s going up, food costs are going up, and Joe Biden’s telling you that your insurance costs went down.

And I’m only saying Joe Biden because he’s got his hands in YouTube and social media, and the mainstream media guy, he’s got his hands all over kind of little kids. Whoo. Man, we are in some dark places. But I’ll tell you what, I’m not joking. Why? I can say with a smile, this whole thing’s coming crashing down. All this crap, all these lies were going on way before you knew about them, all right? The only difference is now it’s coming to light.

Praise God. And I will tell you this. Get ready for the most opportunistic opportunity. Boy, that doesn’t make any sense of your life coming. As this election unfolds, get ready for it, because it is going to be literally up to you. You will either be ready or you’ll be sitting on the sidelines. Deflation will happen so fast your head will spin. And then by the time they do start to lower rates, and they’re going to go higher before they lower.

Okay. Just let you know that you want to be ready to take advantage of the greatest collapse in history. And I want you to be right there with me. And I can’t wait to just fly around the country and highlight how all of you guys are crushing it. And we’re going to be, like the coolest kids in town. Okay, I hope it’s a big group, but who cares? Even if it’s a small party, we’re going to party.

Right. With that being said, the economic ninja is out. Links down below for. .


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biased government policies affecting inflation critique on economic policies critique on falling inflation news deceptive message of falling inflation decline in middle-class income disconnect in official statistics and reality increased living costs for parents increasing cost of living increasing credit card debt opportunity in economic downturn rising rents indicator of economic downturn unreliable economic indicators upcoming economic downturn indicators

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