The Thanksgiving BOOMs From Patriot Leaders Continue To Explode On Black Friday!

Posted in: Patriots


The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

If you saw this post we made a few days ago, you saw how Lin Wood has been defending himself against the barrage of attacks that have been coming against him recently, specifically in relation to Kyle Rittenhouse.

Well, Lin Wood has been sharing more and more incredible information over the last 48 hours! 

And remember, Jarrin Jackson went to Lin’s estate recently to help re-do his entire security setup. 

Jarrin explains below…

And as Lin describes here, the plane ticket he bought for Jarrin was in HIS (Lin) name.

The airplane with malfunctions that would have fallen from the sky was set up thinking that Lin was going to be on that plane. 

And today, Lin drops this info bomb on his Telegram channel…

You can look on Lin Wood’s official Telegram channel for more information that he has shared.

And what I find REALLY disturbing isn’t what Lin Wood has been saying…

It is how Sidney Powell and General Flynn have been responding! 

(I do not know what the conversation between Patrick and Lin was about exactly, so I won’t comment on that)

Sidney Powell has not publicly addressed anything and simply posts Thanksgiving memes and other news stories. 

General Flynn makes an ambiguous reference to Lin via the Rittenhouse situation, but does not come on record to talk about what Lin mentioned recently to clear up the waters or anything. 

And now Gen Flynn is using Brian Cates (QUESTIONABLE!!!) to try and distract you from the situation by bringing up Durham, Biden and Obama…

That, to me, is WEIRD!

Such big names in the freedom movement should at least be able to address the situation, if there is nothing to hide. 

Here Is A Video Reply From Patrick Byrne


You can come to your own conclusions after you do your research and connect the dots.

By the way, here is the link to listen to the Lin Wood phone call with Patrick Byrne that Lin released on his Telegram channel Friday, November 26.

Whatever is really going on behind the scenes, pray that all Truth be revealed!

We The People cannot save this country if we are being manipulated by people that are claiming to be fighting to save this country but are only there to sabotage it. 

Well, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer says it best with this meme…

Thank You For Researching & Connecting The Dots Yourself! 

I sense much more information will be revealed in the next week.


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