The Raw Deal (28 Aug 2024) with All-Star Cast and Featured Guest Michael McKibben | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots




➡ The Jim Fetzer text discusses dissatisfaction with perceived corruption and manipulation in American politics. It suggests that politicians are not respecting citizens and are manipulating interviews and election results. The text also mentions concerns about potential future disease outbreaks being used to further manipulate elections. The speakers express a lack of faith in the political system and a sense of despair about the future of the country.
➡ The discussion revolves around the political strategies and decisions of Trump’s administration, with a focus on his choice of cabinet members and vice presidents. The speakers question the effectiveness of these choices, suggesting that they were not actually made by Trump but were given to him. They also discuss the possibility of a planned assassination attempt on Trump, and the lack of follow-up on this issue. The conversation ends with a critique of the American public’s complacency and the need for change in the electoral system.
➡ The Pilgrim Society, a group unknown to many, may pose a significant threat to U.S. sovereignty. The society, established in 1902 by British bankers, aimed to create a new type of British empire run by corporations. The society used its control of world banking to buy influence and set up a global government. This information was discovered by Michael McKibben, an engineer and entrepreneur, who also found that the society’s existence was omitted from many historical records.
➡ The discussion revolves around the historical influence of certain groups, such as Jews, gays, and the British Pilgrim Society, on global events and power structures. It delves into the origins of these groups, their connections to the opium trade, and their intermarriages creating influential figures like John Kerry and David Cameron. The conversation also explores the role of banking and usury, tracing it back to Babylon and the Hammurabi code, and how it has been controlled by these groups throughout history. Lastly, it touches on the secret societies that emerged from Christianity, like the Templars, who were also involved in banking and usury.
➡ The speaker discusses the Pilgrim Society, a semi-secret group based in London, and their influence on global affairs. They mention that the society’s newsletters, which were recently made public, reveal their current members for the first time. The speaker also talks about the society’s historical attempts to annex America into the British Empire. They suggest that the society’s power comes from the City of London’s financial support, but also question the real value of this wealth, calling it a “Babylonian magic trick” and “fiat money”.
➡ The text discusses the historical manipulation of wealth and power by influential families and individuals, such as the Rothschilds, who leveraged gold to create cash and control markets. It suggests that these actions are driven by a supernatural force or demonic influence, with the city of London being a significant hub. The text also delves into the secretive practices of the Sabbatian Frankists, a religious sect that infiltrated various societal structures, including banking and law. The Rothschilds are said to have been educated by this group, implying a continuation of their influence.
➡ The text discusses the formation and influence of powerful groups like the Bavarian Illuminati and Freemasons, and their alleged impact on society. It suggests these groups have been manipulating society for centuries, targeting family units, private ownership, and national sovereignty. The speakers express concern about the future, fearing a world war and the erosion of freedoms. They believe that only divine intervention can counteract these powerful forces.
➡ This radio show discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that 9/11 was an inside job involving the CIA, Department of Defense, and Mossad. It also suggests that the Pilgrim Society, a largely unknown organization, is controlling world events from behind the scenes. The hosts believe that the City of London, Wall Street, and other financial institutions are all part of this conspiracy. They encourage listeners to seek truth and enlightenment, and to rely on faith in the face of these perceived threats.
➡ The text discusses a person’s experiences in the Soviet Union, including encounters with intimidation and potential run-ins with Vladimir Putin. It also talks about the fall of the Soviet Union and how people managed to survive through faith and mutual support. The conversation then shifts to the future of the United States, drawing parallels with the Soviet Union’s collapse and subsequent recovery. The speakers express hope for a brighter future, despite potential challenges, and emphasize the importance of truth-telling, unity, and resistance against oppressive forces.
➡ The creators of a social networking technology, who believe their invention was stolen and given to Silicon Valley by the U.S. government, have been investigating and publishing their findings on a blog called Americans for Innovation for over a decade. They have also filed a lien against the federal government for compensation. In addition, they have launched a new encryption product for secure document sharing. They encourage whistleblowers to expose any wrongdoings and help save the United States.



Again, I just, I’m not surprised at all with the corruption and in your face, it’s so blatant at this point, it’s clear that they do not respect the american citizens at all, and they are convinced that the people are going to just continue to sit on their hands and do nothing and take it. I have no other way of seeing this gone beyond the point of bullying. It’s gone beyond the point of just blatant disrespect to the public. And honestly, I’m shocked. I don’t understand how people are allowing this to perpetuate. Yes, yes, yes. Joaquin, what do you think? I mean, I think this thing about the interview is so revealing.

She is utterly incompetent. She can’t do it on her own. They’re bringing in waltz. He’ll probably answer every question for her. But if she makes a gap, they’ll just re edit. In fact, ISIS back. They’re going to do deep fakes. They’re going to make her sound like she’s intelligent by using AI constructions. Your thoughts? Well, it reminds me of a lot of Biden. You know, how everything is so staged and carefully choreographed and everything that guy says, even though he messes it up all the time, you know, it’s ridiculous. I really don’t get into the politics of it because it’s so obscene to me.

And the fact that it has gone on where the problems that resulted in the stolen election in 2020 were never fixed or resolved. They still got the stuffed ballot boxes. They’re going to be doing that again. They’re going to be switching around the times. And, and, uh, and then they also got the monkey pox or, you know, disease x coming in. I mean, they got two or three more waiting in the wings, you know, to bring in so that they can basically switch the times around and make more ballot box stuffing. And. Yeah, and then we have the doomsday, the June day, the voting machines, and they’re not fixed.

They haven’t done anything. It’s just going to be a duplicate. I mean, this is going on and on. The 2022 election was also rigged. It just doesn’t end until, you know, we have a riot, we have revolution. Russ, Russ, your thoughts? And I’m delighted Michael McKibben is joining us now. Go ahead, Russ. Yeah. The happy drunk campaign is in full gear, operating out of basement. The AI theory that you just proposed really makes a lot of sense. That could be very, well, the whole presidency of Kamala Harris. Yeah, it’s just the happy drunk campaign it’s up to the american people to wake up and smell the roses and see it.

And if they don’t, then they get kind of what they deserve. That’s kind of where I’m kind of coming around to that point of view. I don’t really even care. I don’t really even care about my country anymore. Pretty grim assessment, Michael. We began with two stories here about Kamala agreeing finally to do an interview, but it’s going to be under controlled circumstances. She picked the anchor who’s a bias anchor. She’s going to have Tim waltz with her. It’s going to be pre recorded so they can edit it in case she makes any gaps. In fact, I suspect the whole thing’s going to be a CGI with her and, you know, just a fake.

And in addition, just to confirm what’s going on, the gateway pundits reporting the fixes in Michigan, Democrat secretary state Benson makes threatening video warning election officials not to question the next cheat. If you don’t certify the election results, we will come for you. Anything surprising there, my friend? Your thoughts? Well, they have to because she’s illegitimate, she’s a fraud, she’s a pick, she has nothing between her ears and she only does what she’s told and she doesn’t even have enough skill to think on her own. So she’s not going to put herself in any situation where she can’t, where her handlers cannot control the outcome.

Yes, we have a couple more reports that I think are consistent with those observations, including, well, Trump wins the battle over ABC debate rules. That’s for the forthcoming debate. That was whether they would have the mics frozen during the breaks when the other speaker is speaking. They were hoping Trump would interfere, but he prevailed. They’re going to have the muted JD Vance has pointed out we’re not giving you a promotion. That for Kamala, day one was ten hundred days ago. He pointed out at a campaign stop that as far as Kamala Harris is concerned, day one is long past.

She’s had ample time to do all the things he’s promising to do if elected President bans Trump’s 2024 running mate. Told our crowd in Michigan, Harris has had 1300 days to make positive changes. You had your chance, you failed, and we’re not giving you a promotion. I will say this, although I’m not enthusiastic about. Fancy’s an excellent debater. Tim Walls, who’s a very low life, attack wall Vance for going to Yale. I mean, it’s crazy. Minnesota Governor Walsh, bizarre conventions. We contain odd moments. One of the strangest when he attacked senator Vance for going to Yale Law School.

I grew up in Nebraska, town of 400 people. I had 25. Four kids in my high school class. None of them went to Yale, Wells thundered. He also attacked Vance’s education in a previous interview on MSNBC. My hillbilly cousin did not go to Yale. But I’ll tell you what they did. They contributed to our community, and they’re proud of it all. Seemed to think Vance wrote the best selling book Hillbilly eulogy about his rough upbringing in Kentucky and Ohio, where his down on the luck family battled poverty and addiction, isn’t an authentic hillbilly because he rose above that to make something of himself.

Manson listed in the Marines, unlike McWall, to quit the Minnesota National Guard rather than employed a served in Iraq after returning home, he then used a GI bill to attend Ohio State, where he graduated in two years before heading to Yale. And all american stories with waltzing is somehow off putting. There’s another story here about Barack Obama running the Kamala campaign behind the scene, but that comes as no surprise to any of us. Victor Hugo, your thoughts? Well, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually agree with waltz. Some of the most evil people have graduated from Yale, and the lawyers that have undermined the constitutional republic for which it stands have come out of Yale.

So that doesn’t impress me much. Like I said, I’m shocked. Today on your show, Jim Fetzer, I’m actually agreeing with the stolen valor. Tim Waltz on that one is nothing to be proud of. But Victor Hugo is not for the same reason. He never said he wasn’t calling out even having gone to Yale because it’s corrupt or reduces bad people or maybe affiliated with the CIA. He just attacked him for going to Yale, which seems to me, on its face, frankly absurd. Joaquin, you are. Go ahead. That’s true. But sometimes even the most stupidest people get it right.

Sometimes. I’m not saying that waltz isn’t an idiot, but wow, he got this one right. Joaquin, Yale’s also known for the skull and bones, and they were part of the process of lifting mouse tone up into his emperor role and the 65 million chinese people of his own that he killed. But we’re not going to blame Yale for that. But yeah, I mean, the bushes are Yale boys. As a JV football player in Army West Point, I went to New Haven, Connecticut and beat their ass in football. So that was another good one on me for that.

Yeah, the Yalie boy. But you know, it’s stupid. It’s stupid logic, though, to tear a guy down for where he goes to school, what he does after school. That makes some difference. You know, what do they do with their lives once they graduate? Move on. And who did they affiliate with? I agree. One to go for. I agree. Well, I’m not wildly enthusiastic about Vance. I think he has too little experience. If Trump’s incarcerated, Vance certainly couldn’t run the shop. I think that’s why he brought back Corey Lewandowski, who ran his campaign in 2015 when he beat Hillary.

So Corey could certainly do it, even if Trump were at Rikers Island. Russ, your thoughts about this attack by waltz? It’s interesting how they’re trying to out populist each other. They’ll come up with a big populist message. Oh, you’re a fake hillbilly. Oh, you went to jail. I went. I came from a little town in Kansas, the dumb shit american voter. That’s all I can say. If that works with them, then God help them. God help them. I’ll just say that again. I’ve just given up now. It is interesting that Trump has kind of gone after the independents.

He’s got an endorsement from Tulsi Gabbard. I’ve always really liked Tulsi Gabbard. Endorsement from RFK Junior. Yeah, those are. That’s pretty big. So that could appeal to some of the independent voters. That’s real politics. Oh, I think it’s. I think it’s huge. I mean, the RFK endorsement strengthens him in one of his weaknesses, which has to do with Big Pharma, the Vax and all that. And Bobby is so very, very good in that regard. Those two candidates really appealed to me so that this pop. I mean, the populist message should appeal to me since I’m a good old boy from Kansas.

But I just, I think this is bullshit. Who cares if you’re hillbilly or from a small town in Kansas? So I give kudos to the Trump campaign for getting two pretty decent endorsements. Yeah, I think there’s. I might close the gap a little bit on the drunk. The happy drunk lead was every. As everyone knows, I thought Ossie would be his ideal running mate. I wanted her to be the VP nominee, not Vance. And I’m still unimpressed with Vance. But I do think if they, when they debate he and waltz, he’ll reduce him to a pile of putty.

I mean, it’s going to be pathetic. Michael, your thoughts on all of the above? Well, I’m still puzzled why he ever picked Vance because I don’t know what possible electoral benefit he got from that. Because Ohio went for Trump last time. He’s going to go for Trump again. Vance has no experience. And, yeah, he didn’t go to Yale. And it’s clear that his financial shenanigans with Peter Thiel are off the charts. So I don’t see how he attracted anybody on the republican side for his cause by picking. Does he have a problem picking vice president? I mean, Pence was a disaster.

Vance may turn out to be one. And I think your points are very well taken, Vic. He has a problem with all of his appointments. Yeah. What is it, Ross? How can this billionaire question I have goes back to the last, his last administration. For a guy who made his business in the media on saying, you’re fired, how is it that somebody like that would have picked a worse group of people for his cabinet than Trump picked? And that still puzzles me. What was really going on in the agenda in the White House? Because they were like hyenas all over him for four years.

Yes. He really that clueless about that? Yes. Yes. Can I answer? Please do. I’ll tell you why he doesn’t pick them. They’re given to him. Yes. You know, watching the show that presidents are selected, well, so are all the cabinet members. Yeah. I think what happened, it started to be more clear. They put Trump in to give people hope, to say, okay, look, he’s going to fix the economy. He started building. He could have finished that wall. But they left just enough open so that this invasion can come in. Then they stole the election. Everybody knows they stole the election.

There’s more. Enough evidence. If there were really white hats out there, if the Kim trust the plan was for real, the military would have already stepped in and said, listen, this is a coup. I mean, obviously, even what just happened right now with Biden, who still wasn’t the president, but we’re watching a coup again, and the military has to step in. So it’s clear that the us military is corrupt. So the plan is you put Biden in there, an idiot who obviously wasn’t even changing his own diaper, let alone running the world. And then you bring back Trump, and then Trump finishes the deal.

And the deal was to finish the United States so that China and Russia could be the main powers. And Trump’s in on it. He knows. That’s why whether that assassination Psyop was real or not, it doesn’t matter. Trump’s in on this whole thing. He knows it. I mean, there’s no way that, like, like Joaquin said, there’s no way he could have chosen all these bad attorney generals. Christopher Wray. Look at Christopher Wray. We’ve had the assassination attempt already over a month. They still haven’t held a press conference. Nobody’s. They’ve moved on. No autopsy. Yeah, I mean, this is absolutely.

We need to go back and look at that assassination attempt a little more, man. You know, they just washed over that like they washed over the buffalo. Nothing’s come out. Very strange. Whitewashed the whole thing. Yeah, well, no bullet. They never found a bullet. Yeah, I find it. The guy that Trump put in, I find it. Speaker one, extremely telling that the FBI, the Secret Service, DHS won’t turn over the records about protection for Trump and Butler. I mean, this reinforces my belief there was a real planned assassination, but that Trump got wind of it and flipped the script to benefit himself.

Joaquin, your thoughts on all of the above, especially Trump has just been another stooge. Yeah, I think he was definitely in on the fake assassination. And I haven’t ruled out your hypothesis, Jim, about, you know, that they were going to go for him and he did find out. I haven’t done a lot of, I think I wrote four articles at the time. But, you know, we live in a misdirection world. Wherever there’s always something new every two minutes, you know, and that’s why nobody’s thinking or talking about that much anymore, because, oh, you know, it’s all about, you know, the Democrats and, you know, what they’re doing and all this, you know, so it’s like wag the dog, here we go.

Either again, it’s never ending well. You’re making up. As long as you keep people’s attention for 2 seconds and then divert it to something else, you never have to follow up on the truth on anything. And that’s their MO. Agenda. You were making a very important point about Trump not actually selecting his cabinet members and so forth. Please elaborate. Well, as I mentioned, FDR said, presidents are selected, meaning it has never really been by vote, I think for a long time. I mean, certainly in this century, every election has been rigged. We know that the first two Bush ones were rigged.

So I think there are, it’s like all of us already know that there’s an elite and they call the shots. Yes, they have their NGo’s, they have their think tanks, they have their little messenger boys and girls to deliver what their demands are, but they call the shots and let’s face it, he made horrible choices. Trump did in all the people around him. I don’t think it was anybody that was worth anything or really all about his, quote, agenda to drain the swamp. There was nobody there to do that. They were all, you know, we’re talking basically all insider from the Bill Barr, Bill Barr, whose father put Jeffrey Epstein in there.

I mean, the whole Jeffrey Epstein thing, nobody’s even talking about that. All the people that are on that list, meanwhile, Ghislaine Maxwell’s the only one serving time in club fed, getting massages and watching cable television and playing tennis. I mean, the United States has lost all respect on the world stage. It’s such a shame. And again, I blame, like Russell was saying, I blame the people because the people have allowed this to go on. And the fact that I hear people even talking about an election, they’re using the same machines that were hacked by a 13 year old.

Nothing has changed. There have been no arrests. It’s just ridiculous. Russ, on behalf of the people, you know, holding responsible, I mean, I think most Americans feel rather helpless that there’s little they could do, if anything, with the media dominance, with the government in the control of the bad guys. I think you may be just a tad harsh on the public. They’re using this salami strategy on them, the hegelian dialectic. And the problem is that people need to get over that and realize that it’s a massive conspiracy. It’s them. Paper. Got a break? Damn. Listen to revolution and we’ll be right back after this.

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Michael, welcome. Please introduce us, introduce us to this sabotage society. Well, it’s hard to introduce this cold, so maybe a little bit of background would help. I am an inventor. I’m an engineer, entrepreneur. And in the mid nineties, I won the contract to rebuild at and T’s email system. And this was in time for Windows 95, if you recall that when that was introduced. And so I supported the entire world operation for AT and T internally and with all their major clients. And in the process of doing that, the Internet was just starting to happen. And I put up one of the first ten commercial websites that at and t hosted.

So I had a pretty good perspective on what was going on. And what I saw as an engineer was that all the major players, Microsoft, IBM, Novell, Lotus, were going down a path called groupware for Internet collaboration. And I could see from working with at and T Bell Labs that that was an incorrect approach. And so I put together a team. We went silent, raised my own money, managed my own design team, and we said, we’re not coming out of this room, figuratively speaking, until we figured out what is wrong with large scale collaboration. In 1999, we had the magic aha moment, and we realized we had something very special in an invention.

So I went to Washington and I looked for the most skilled patent attorney that we could find and selected somebody called Professor James P. Chandler, who was advising Congress, the military, major corporations. And that was the good news. The bad news is Professor Chandler, as we have determined in the last few years, was an agent for the British Pilgrim Society, and who’s ever heard of that? And what we discussed sounds like something Plymouth rock or american pilgrims, that kind of thing. But, in fact, that was a very carefully chosen deception by the bankers of the city of London.

And they specifically organized in 1902 to develop a new type of british empire that would be run by corporations, that would manage the army, the monarchy, and propaganda. And that was in 1902. And what I’m summarizing here, it took us over ten years. Cecil Rhodes. Cecil Rhodes. It was his brainchild from the late 18 hundreds. And by 1992, he was a privy counselor for the Crown. And he, in 1889, he got a charter to found to start the british South Africa Company, and he teamed up with the likes of Cecil Rhodes and Warburg and Schiff and the Barclays and a number.

Pardon Jews. Yeah, well, that’s an interesting subject. I’ll get back to that one. Thank you. So they basically began a trek to set up this one world government, and they actually called it that. Initially, they wanted to set up a white race government, and then they changed that to the english speaking world government, and they started using their control of world banking to basically buy influence wherever they needed to buy it in order to set up this strategy. Started in 1902. That year, they also started coaching a guy by the name of Vladimir Lenin who actually lived and worked in London and came there six times, and he was coached to be a Bolshevik and to go back and start communism.

There’s a relationship to Mao as well, but I won’t get into that right now. The Jews. Yeah, there’s a larger issue there. So we started looking at this pilgrim society, and what we realized that the general go to historian that everybody quotes for this period of time was a Georgetown professor by the name of Carol Quigley, and he’s written several books, the anglo american establishment. And what’s the other one? Tragedy and fooled. And what we’ve discovered over time is that Quigley wrote out from history any awareness of the pilgrim Society, even though at the time, in 1902, it was in all the newspapers.

But since then, if you go to Quigley’s books, the ones I just mentioned, and you type pilgrim society, there will be no search results. And then in 1909, they organized something called the first imperial press conference in 1909. And we have an interesting story there, because we started looking for any evidence of that particular conference in 1909, found nothing. And then somehow, I think, sovereignly, we found a copy of their minutes in an offshore archive, an offshore campus archive in a particular college in the midwest. And there was a copy of this particular event, was well documented.

And then what we started looking at in 1909, the Pilgrim Society, they were ready to get started with their organization, they brought in 650 newspaper men from around the world to come to London, and they were going to talk about how they were going to use newspapers to control their agenda. And it was organized by a guy by the name of WT Stead, who is now known as the father of tabloid journalism. And by the way, Quigley writes about none of this. And so what we learned from this conference is they were going to reorganize the empire around propaganda.

And specifically, at the end of this conference, they organized something called the Empire Press Union, and that was going to be the way they were going to disseminate one message throughout the world using the emerging wireless technology. At the time, actually, Marconi was a participant in this conference. And so they formed the Empire Press union, which we know today popularly as Reuters and Associated Press. They were british control, our british control to this day. At the end of the conference, the participants, as they were going home, learned that the british parliament was meeting, and the prime minister at the time, Asquith, started organizing what we now know as Mi six, Mi five, and GCHQ.

And he was using delegates from this newspaper conference as the original spies for the British Empire. None of that’s in their history. None of that’s in any of those intelligence histories. They’re starting to have to deal with it now because our research is becoming more and more public as more and more people circulated. But I can say with every one of these things I’m mentioning, I have actual primary research that I could take to a court to prove these elements. Michael, this is all fascinating. It’s got to be totally novel to our audience. I want to get some preliminary first impressions in reverse order.

But first I want to clarify, when you talk about the british banks, you mean the Rothschild banking empire? All of it, including the Rothschilds, is bigger than that. And although they may have at one time talked about a white new world order, it’s very clear today it’s a jewish new world order that’s supposed to be governed out of Jerusalem. Would you agree to that? I would have a different view of that. And what we have discovered, this whole jewish issue is really fascinating in that what I think we ought to be saying is babylonian radonite. And these were the Jews of Babylon, who were the bankers of Babylon, but in fact, they called themselves Jews at the time, and this goes back to 600 BC and beyond.

They were identified as Jews, but the fact is in their bloodline, they were turkish, they were sogdian, they were persian, and they were even chinese. Yes. What we’re calling Jews. My summary of that is. What we’re calling jews today are largely not ethnic Jews. They’re babylonian. I think here we would all agree to that. The problem is with public discourse, the term is used so commonly, it’s very difficult to communicate successfully without indulging in imprecise language. Ross, I want your thoughts for lemonade. And then Joaquin., comma. I’ve got probably five or six major articles on this whole general topic.

Quidley, gatekeeping, he’s talking about. The only nuance I would add to it is that Cecil Rhodes surrounded himself with homosexuals. Right. And. And so there’s worth kind of compromising start, especially back in those days, you could really control. Right, homosexuals through threats of blackmail or exposure, they could. Blackmail, yeah, today. Yeah, today. It’s a badger distinction. You’re supposed to be celebrated if you’re gay. Go right ahead, Russe. Yeah, yeah, that’s pretty much it. And if you want to go, you can look up my articles. I’m just. I can’t remember a lot of them off the top of my head, but I would say that, yeah, it was a.

It was kind of a combination of Jews and these homosexuals that kind of put the thing together and then how it morphed where it is today. This not dictator. This is early history. You know, things just didn’t. Things just didn’t arrive to today. 2024, just like that. It’s an evolution. Yeah. It’s worth looking at. This is a major reason why it’s so. It’s so to get to the point, it’s 2024 is now all jews. Okay, I’ll do that. No, it’s gays and Jews looking at some interesting history. Looking at some interesting history that gays and Jews.

Right. Yeah. History that’s unknown. Unknown to the american people. I mean, as you say, even Quigley, you know, suppresses it all. Joaquin, your thoughts? Yeah, I think that. I recall that the pilgrim society, they wanted to resurrect the british empire because it was already starting to fade into the sunset as America was becoming more dominant. So I remember that as part of the Cecil Rhodes objective of developing this baby of his. And I know that also they. I believe they have a society over here in America, too. They do in New York. Yeah, they do, don’t they? Yeah.

And it’s basically the equivalent. It’s almost like they call it their America, and then the British have theirs. Yeah, they call the New York version their branch of the British Pilgrim Society. Well, the american branch is really tied into the opium trade in China. And so if you go like Roosevelt, his ancestor was a big opium trader. That’s where the money flowed out of. So they’re kind of monopolists, you know, it’s creating monopoly and particularly around vices and drugs. And so it’s an early iteration of that. And you look at John Kerry’s mother’s side, their Brahmins, his father’s side.

Yeah, the Boston Brahmans. His father’s side was jewish, but the brahmin side was opium traders. That’s what money. They were using opium as a means of exchange in Boston. That’s how the Boston banks got started. Right. So what happens is when you see these, these leaders emerge in modern times, they have this strange mix of these backgrounds, opium. And they usually be kind of mixed. There’ll be a Brahmin family, a protestant family, and a jewish family intermarrying. And then, Pop, here comes John Kerry. Same with David Cameron. David Cameron’s great great grandfathers financed the russo japanese war.

They were monopolists. And one grandfather was a jew tied in with the Rothschild family, and the other guy was a Scotsman. So you get this very strange mix in this whole pilgrim society concept. Joaquin, I know you’ve come across that. Have you come across that aspect? Yes, Joaquin, I know you wanted to add a few more words. Well, there’s also, you know, the East India Tea Company, I believe they got their start around 1699, and they were a big part of the whole, you know, chinese heroin movement. You know, there’s these basically these bloodline families that have been in control for many, many centuries now.

And they go back, as Michael was saying, to basically the babylonian time, direct descendants of the Babylonians. And they also come from. They say that the Khazarians are. Khazar came from the turkic nomadic tribes. So there’s mixes of the east and the west in there. It’s all very interesting. Really gets interesting. Sorry to jump in on this, because this is kind of my topic really a lot on this. What really gets interesting is not going back to Babylonians necessarily four generations back. You start looking at the great great grandfathers, a lot of these characters, some of them that I’ve mentioned.

That’s where it really gets interesting. You know, the bush. They have very interesting ancestry, and that’s what ties into this whole Cecil Rhodes jewish network, because it’s a. It’s mixed marriage. It formed an alliance. Well, the interesting thing is that Rhodes himself was not jewish. But going back to what Joachim said about the heritage here. What we started looking at as a real organizing principle here was the history of usury. And that’s what goes back to Babylon into Hammurabi code, because that was the first time that charging interest was codified in a country’s laws. And what we’ve seen is that ever since then, people who call themselves Jews have controlled that in Babylon.

But what we find is, even though the cuneiform records actually confirmed that these jewish bankers were running the banks of Babylon, that was at the exact same time that the prophet Ezekiel Washington railing against usury. So there was a juxtaposition there of situations. And so what we started looking at was the history of the banking and commerce trade from Ireland or not Ireland, Iceland to China and the Silk Road. And so what we see in 1066 is William the Conqueror took over England and first you was the first one to unite all of the english duchy kingdoms.

And what was one of the first things he did? He formed the City of London in a charter which we can see today. And specifically he said that the way we were going to pass the membership down in this charter was from father to son. There’s the bloodline in our modern history, just for the audience who doesn’t understand. The City of London is 1 sq mi in the heart of London, where the bankers have their offices, where mo marked off. He observed, if you want to end international terrorism, just lob a cruise missile into the City of London.

Not the sprawling, massive city of London with all of his historic aspect, but this very concentration of wealth and power. Michael is addressing. Please continue. Right. And so they’ve got meticulous records that they still use in law in England to trace back the ancestries of the people that became the inheritor. This became the modern british aristocracy. Well, if we go back, prior to that, we find some arab historians identifying these jews in Babylon, calling them RadOnites, and that the rotten was an area of southeastern Babylon where they settled the Silk road, trading. The merchants and the bankers settled all trades, and they did this for thousands of years.

And so what we see is in 850, the Arabs started moving into Babylon, and what we see then is the jewish bankers in Babylon started moving west. Now, they weren’t, they already were west. They had, they had trading routes every 20 miles throughout all of Europe and all the North Africa, all the way through the Middle east. So these were very skilled merchant bankers who by then had so intermarried, they lost any notion of their jewish blood. They were this mix of khazarian, turkish, persian, sogdian which is part of the stands and then all the way to China.

And one of the interesting things about that, the ethnic DNA of that group, is they developed a deformity in a hooked nose. And I won’t go any farther in that. But that’s the way the Chinese could identify who they were. And so what we see then, in about the time of the first crusade, we see the disappearance of the word Rhoda knight, except in England. In England, William the conqueror ordered the inventory of all lands in England. And they identified Radnites as people who were bankers and merchants in England that carried on in the city of London.

So now we’re starting to piece the pieces of history together. But what we’ve noticed is that historians going back hundreds and hundreds of years have been censoring history so that we would not be aware of this. Michael, this is so fascinating, so rich. I want to go back to Joaquin and then Victor Hugo. Joaquin, further thoughts of yours? Well, I love this topic. In my first book on pedophilia, I covered some of the secret societies that came out of the christian religion, the Templars. And they also were bankers and participated in usury. And of course, they kind of wreaked havoc in the Middle east, in Jerusalem.

And then the catholic pope basically outlawed of them. They went underground. They, I think they burned at the state, their leader. And they ended up coming, becoming the Freemasons up there, mostly in the British Isles. They went big time into Switzerland, that’s how. Switzerland? Yeah. So the story of them is that was the friend that was the king of France. Drove them out, drove them under, and they just loaded up their loot. Some of them went to Scotland, apparently. There’s a whole bunch of stories, but a bunch of them went to Switzerland, which brings you right back into this banking line again.

And once again, it has this sort of middle, middle eastern babylonian holy land connection. Michael, as you can see, I brought you in with the right gang of guys. Victor Hugo, your thoughts? Jim, I want to thank you for bringing Michael on because he’s actually stating it really clearly, concisely for your audience, which most of them, I think, are aware of this. I can tell you, Michael, I’m living in the gateway country, the Republic of Georgia, which is in the old Silk Road. Yeah, you’re in Georgia? Yeah, I’m in the Republic of Georgia. The Philadelphia. Oh, okay.

Yeah, yeah. Nice. So I’m right on the border with Turkey in the Ajara area. And these people are familiar with the khazarian mafia and the origin of all this stuff. So what you’re saying really rings true to me. And what I’m surprised is how well versed these people are in what you spoke of. But how ignorant the people in the I call the United States of Israel are with regards to all of this. Victor Hugo, I’m learning so much. I mean, each of you knows more about a pilgrim society than I, so I’m finding this utterly fascinating.

And you know what’s funny, too? I was just talking about the pilgrim society on my show, so it’s fascinating that you happen to bring Michael on. Michael, I’ll have to share my email address with you. I’d love to have you on the show so we can even go deeper into this conversation, because this is something that most people don’t realize. Also, you mentioned the city of London, that is with the triad of Washington, DC, which is the military arm, and the Vatican, which is the spiritual arm of this. I call it the synagogue of Satan. As far as, like James said, we use the term jew, and we are well aware of the fact that that’s sullied.

I. But anybody can identify as a jew. I self identify as a fat, black, jewish, lesbian taco trapped in a man’s body with Asperger’s. Survive the Holocaust, because you could be whatever you want. So what Jews do, like me, I hide behind the name jew so that if anybody says, oh, you’re full of shit, I’m like, you’re anti semitic, telling them that I’m black, and then I call them racist. So it’s a game. The Jews know how to play the game. So I know it’s not all the Jews. And I know that there’s somebody above the Jews.

Can you go into who it is that’s controlling these Jews? Because I’ve been told that it’s 100 families or the Elohim, that there’s aliens involved in all this, and that the Jews just have, like, a Stockholm syndrome, and they’ve been told to be the. The prisoners or the prison guards for all of us non Jews who are on this prison planet. Can you go into that? Yeah. One of the things I was going to mention about the time of the first crusade is in the history books. The term Ashkenazi emerged in about the 11th century. It did not exist in ancient times, did not exist as any hebrew tribe.

It was made up. It was made up, named after a couple of towns near Mount Ararat in Turkey. There’s a film on Russ’s land. So we’re just. He’s just clearing the Mount Ararat is also where Noah’s ark. Exactly. I’ve been to Eshmyadsen in the hills of foothills of Mount Ararat and Armenia. Wow. We got a talk. I used to run a gospel music group and we got down to your area. Nice, nice. All right. And so anyway, the Ashkenazi name just appeared out of history. And so, and all of these blood turt, persian, sogdian, khazarian, chinese people grabbed that name, Ashkenazi, and then later sephardic.

But the fact is, neither Ashkenazis or Sephardics. Hold that. Hold that thought, Michael. Hold that thought. We’ll be right back with Michael McCabin, Victor Hugo, Joaquin, and Ross right after this break. Listen to revolution and we’ll be right back after this message. Was it a conspiracy? Did you know that the police in Boston were broadcasting this is a drill. This is a drill on bullhorns during the marathon that the Boston Globe was tweeting that a demonstration bomb would be set off during the marathon for the benefit of bomb squad activities, and that one would be set off in 1 minute in front of the library, which happened as the globe had announced.

Peering through the smoke, you could see bodies with missing arms and legs. But there was no the blood only showed up later and came out of a tube. They used amputee actors and a studio quality smoke machine. Don’t let yourself be played. Check out. And nobody died in Boston either. that’s if you think for 1 second that the captain will ever treat us fairly, you are lying to yourself. Because we know who they are and what they do. This is what they do. And we must fight back. You can torture us and bomb us.

Fire is catching. And if we burn, you burn. Good evening. Are you awake yet? I hope. We’ve tried, and we’ve tried for years and years to use passive resistance and loud voices to make a change. The time is over. Your governments around the world have no other goal than to decimate your entire existence at the hands of the bankers and the elites. The war is coming, and it’s your choice to decide if you want to be a warrior or a victim. Denial is not a choice anymore., the number one listener supported radio station on the planet.

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They do not necessarily represent the opinions of revolution radio and staff or affiliates. You’re listening to Revolution radio. 100% listeners supported radio, and now we return you to your host. Good work, Russ. It’s much more clear. Michael, please do continue. Yeah, I wanted to roll this forward to something that happened two weeks ago because I think you’ll find this interesting, and we’ve just published a major expose on this. But two weeks ago, the pilgrims are headquartered in the City of London and they’re a semi secret society. Rhodes, he specifically admired the secrecy of Masons and Jesuits.

Now, the pilgrims are neither mason nor Jesuit, but they use many of their practices, and they even recruit from the Masons and the Jesuits for their insiders. But two weeks ago, their website went live with all of their hidden newsletters for the last ten years. And that was amazing because we’ve been able to piece together over the last hundred years members of the Pilgrim Society, going back to 1902, and some of it in the congressional record over time, where congressmen realized that historians were censoring this information and the existence of the pilgrims from our lawmakers, but they would introduce certain evidence into the congressional record, which we have discovered.

But recently, in the last two weeks, they released 21 of their newsletters from 1907, or, sorry, 2007 to the last one was last fall. And each of these newsletters actually identifies their new members. So for the first time ever in history, we now have a record of current members of the Pilgrim Society. And that particular meme that Jim put up during the break is the indication of the article that was written that says that we are very close to being overtaken by the pilgrim society and specifically annexing one of Cecil Rhodes main instructions to his followers.

Washington. We can’t have this one world government unless we have America in our camp. And there was a very scrappy journalist from America called Lillian Scott Troy back in the day, back in 19 oh, 519 oh six. Who actually identified these people? Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, as well as the Rothschilds and others. And she actually wrote newspaper articles back then. Hey, folks, these people want to annex America back into the empire. And in fact, there is a newspaper, multiple newspaper records, that show that the new king, Edward VII, who, when Victoria died, Edward, took over the throne, he specifically visited Andrew Carnegie up in Scotland and offered him a dukedom if he would deliver America to be annexed by the British Empire.

That’s. Michael, do you think the reason why they were so bold is to release these newsletters now is because we are so close to having the United States Republic fall? Yep, I do. That’s fine. At this point, the gloves are off and they’re like, listen, we’re here, we’re queer. Get used to it. Mike. Michael, all I gotta say is start doing the genealogy on these people. We have, and we published that today, yesterday, and we’ve got a lot more to do because we’ve got 21 newsletters to analyze and get all their information. And what you guys are saying is absolutely right.

This is bloodlines that have been so deformed and perverted that they don’t know how to do anything in their lives but be perverted. And they’ve got so much power because the city of London is feeding them endless cash that we now have this, excuse, the word, bastardized world government that these guys control, for good or ill, with their unlimited cash. But what they have not counted on is that God is still in control. The thing is, though, it’s a babylonian magic trick. When you say they have this cash, it’s actually just an illusion that they’ve been able to brainwash the world with.

It actually has no substance. So how are they able to get away with it? It’s fiat currency. And here’s the thing. One of the major objectives of our intelligence at the end of World War Two was to gather up all the japanese and all the german gold and to add it to the archives of the Rothschild gold bullion vaults in London. And so what we see is the way they have. They formed the Marshall plan. They took that gold, they levered that into fiat currency, and that worked for a while. And in 73, under Nixon, Kissinger announced the end of the gold standard and the beginning of the petrodollar.

And so what they have learned how to do over the last four millennia, they’ve been doing this a long time, is they learned how to lever gold to create cash, drive up these markets, grab all the debt, and as soon as the debt bubble bursts, they hightail it out of town and do it again. And what they’ve been successful at doing, I have seen from my history research is that since they named themselves Ashkenazi, they created this anti semitism screed as a shield to escape criticism. And pogroms were even a joke because what they would talk about Frankfurt and they’d go down to Munich, that’s not our fiat currency and they had to keep it moving.

And they’ve learned how to do this. Who controls them? Who’s controlling these people? I think it’s a supernatural, I think it’s a handful of people in the city of London who are controlled by demons. The big players in this is, this kid went through history. If you look like the waschilds were immensely wealthy, you know, back in the 19th century, that means kind of dissipated, spread around. But then you got, you have, Rhodes was tremendously wealthy. He was one of the wealthiest. So people shake their head and can’t understand how this could happen, how this conspiracy could evolve.

Well, they’re just very powerful, motivated, organized, hyper wealthy people. It’s still going on today. I mean, our world is completely dominated by the hyper wealthy and it’s just a continuation of this. I think it’s crime syndicate. They’re demons. They’re demons. When you say they’re demonstration, go deeper. What do you mean? Well, if we look at the religion of the Babylonians, who is what we’re talking about here. We’re talking about, if you read about King Solomon and all of his wives and all the demon gods that he built altars for at the end of his life. And these bankers from Babylon, they worshiped some key demons.

One of them was Molochenkin. One was Mammon, another one, there’s a group of about ten that they. This wasn’t, this wasn’t casual. These people were committed. And so the main one we focused on is mammon because that really drives debt financing. And so what we see today is the demon of Mammon is the controller in the city of London. The city of London is a big demon, Laird. That’s what we’ve concluded. I want Joaquin to get a few words in edgewise. Yours? Yeah. There’s interdimensional forces that are called in when they do their seances, when they do their rituals, they bring in Lucifer who goes by many different names.

But, yeah, I mean, they’ve been around forever and they’ve kept these secrets for a long time. I mean, if you look for them, there is research out there. And Michael, you’ve done a wonderful job. Doing your research? I did some when I wrote those books, but, yeah, they have been in control. And the Rothschild, they are just one of many of these bloodline families that have had. They share the control, but the bloodlines of the Rothschilds came from, of course, Frankfurt, Germany, and then they sprouted out. Amschel Rothschild sent his five sons out, one to Britain, one to Vienna, one to Naples in Italy, one to Paris.

They did five of them, and they took over the whole banking infrastructure, infrastructure that became the cabal, infrastructure for the world banking system. So, yeah, I mean, they’ve been around for a long, long time, and they kept all these secrets from the public. They pretty much have controlled history. We don’t know most of our own history. They as well. Michael, you put. You brought God into this and you brought demons into this. So is it fair to say that what you’re describing is we’re in a spiritual war? And if so, how does God win this? Because there’s so many people who are corrupted, it seems like the demons are winning.

Well, I think that. I think you’re right, except that the Bible teaches us how to deal with demons. If you read the New Testament, one of the things that Jesus remember at the garden of Gethsemane, when Peter cut off the ear of the roman centurion, and Jesus told the demon, get behind me, Satan, he wasn’t talking to Peter. He was talking to the demon that had controlled Peter. And I think that is the power of faith that we have not yet wielded in this circumstance we’re in, is the power of believers to tell these demons. There’s a great phrase somebody said, when you meet a demon, you move to the other side and tip your hat, because God is not done with the demons, even.

And what we have to do is tell the. Tell the devil to get behind us. And you’re right. Satan, demon, mammon, there’s a number of names that are used, and I think that that’s what we have seen. If we go back to the Rothschild. You mentioned the Rothschild, Joachim, in the 17 hundreds, when they really got. When Mayor Amschel Rothschild really got his legs, you got to ask what was going on before that. But let’s not go there, because he really. I want to get into that. Okay, give me the floor, Jim. Can I have the floor? You may, but I just wanted to throw in as an agnostic.

See, I’m not being a believer. For me, it can’t be a spiritual battle. I mean, the values are there. I mean, I could describe it many ways are sympathetic and reflective of the attitudes. But I’m left in a bit of a quandary. Ross, pick it up from there. Okay. And the lead up to when the Rothschilds really came to power, and you people have probably heard this term lately because Candace Owens has been speaking about it, and I don’t think she’s done too bad a job. Not a great job. If you want to hear a great job describing the sabatian frankest, I have two podcasts and several articles.

That was where I was going, Russell. Well, okay, we can both deal with this, but I got to get my links in. But I’m going to be on this show because I’ve done a lot of work on this. Go for it. Go for it. This is 16 hundreds to 1700, roughly. And the Jews have always had these big messianic movements, this big part of their religion, and sometimes they go absolutely nuts. And so you had Sabbath is Eve. That was in 1666, corralled a huge number of Jews into his messianic movement. It kind of fizzled out a little bit, but it didn’t really fizzle out.

It kind of went underground, but it spread into, like, Amsterdam. And some of the wealthiest Jews in Europe, particularly in Amsterdam, Prague had a center of them, of sabatian Sabbatians, but then it kind of faded away. They went kind of underground. Then came this guy named Jacob Frank, who took over the movement. And he was the, the guy that really knew how to work the program because he would set up spy networks. They had flirty fishing where they would intermarry with Catholics. And he got into the court in Vienna with Maria, the Empress Teresa down there.

His daughter was like a consort to Empress Joseph. And they kind of convinced Empress Teresa that they could convert Jews into Catholics. That was a big project, that interest. In other words, he was a con man. And so they would just morph into Muslims, Jews, Christians. They didn’t even, they didn’t care. They had no strong religion other than sinning and kind of this inverted religion that they had orgies, comprehensive. They’re very big into money. They were big social climbers. They captured one of the sabbatian women. They used their women a lot. It was kind of seductress.

Got hooked up with, called the Judan prince of Vienna, the richest jew in the austrian hungarian empire. And this really created a big, massive amount of wealth and power, secretively. At one time, they said that, like, about a fourth of the attorneys in Warsaw were Jews. So they took over the legal profession. They took over the banking all this kind of stuff. But they eventually made their way up to Offenburg, which is up Offenbach, which is outside of Frankfurt, and started educating the Rothschild kids. It would send them out to back to be educated by Jacob Frank and his crew.

Jacob Frank died, and then, and then the story kind of gets covered up. I mean, even the, even the main authors who are Jewish that have written on this topic and describe a lot what I just said don’t really make the full transition to how the Rothschilds took over this whole network because they had a whole spy network. They had a whole communication network that was really powerful for international banking at that time. You didn’t have Internet, you didn’t have wires, but you had spies and you had that. And then they got into Freemasonry and brought in Adam Weisfeld.

So I’ll let you pick up the rest. That’s sort of the background of how this whole world got captured. Joaquin, I know you want to make an end up. Go ahead, Joaquin. Yeah. The Adam Weishaupt got together with, with Rothschild, who financed him a course, and they became the order of the Bavarian Illuminati. And boy, did they take over in a lot of power. So, yeah, I think. I think they started to let the Jews into the Freemason lodges. That was big, too. Oh, yeah, they’ve been like this together, Freemasons and the Jews have been like that.

So, yeah, I mean, they coalesce into these power groups and they know how to hold on to power by basically keeping it in the family and, you know, having all the mental health issues or surrounding that. But, yeah, it goes back. And I want to also make the point that back in 1776, on May 1, basically, Adam Weishaupt put out a list of all the obstacles that were in the way that they needed to abolish. And on top of that list was the family unit. So, I mean, here we go. You know, the family is being under attack day and night.

Parental rights are being attacked day and night. Another thing is private ownership. And, boy, you know, the great reset, you’ll own nothing, you know, I mean, that’s their, basically, their mem is that the plebeians, the nobodies, the useless eaters will know that. And the other thing they go against is national sovereignty. The sense of patriotism, the sense of culture. They wanted to attack that for their one world government. These are all the obstacles to one world government, and it’s all under attack here in the US by the promotion of equity. I mean, this is part and parcel of Kamala’s program for America, where she just astute, we all know, but that’s what they want.

It’s a leveling of society. It’s anti capitalism, anti achievement, anti merit. I mean, it’s an idiocracy, but it’s a communist idiocracy. Yeah, go ahead, Ross. I know, but I want Victor back describes frankism, which is basically invert everything. But I want to give you one little quick sidebar note. There was a very influential group of frankist and Prague, and they came to the United States early 18 hundreds. And among them was the family of Felix Frankfurter and Brandeis. Yeah, Michael, I want to touch on what Jim Fetcher said. Jim Fetzer made a very good point. He says he’s agnostic.

And you stated that in order for us to win this spiritual war, we have to have faith. But realize most of the people, it seems, are either agnostic, like Jim Fetzer, or are just completely atheist or completely satanic. So if we’re going to win this, and this is a spiritual war between God and demons, then how can Jim Fetzer and the atheists join in to win this battle? That is a personal decision that each person must make. And all I can do is speak for myself, that I’m an engineer, so I’m a very practical person. And so I don’t quickly jump to, oh, that’s a demon.

Well, that’s the devil made me do it, like the comedian used to say. But in this case, think about it. We’re looking at an agenda of usury that’s over 4000 years old. How can that be a human being that has to be a demon, that has to be a spiritual power that continue. How can you pass on to generational wealth? I mean, you know how wealthy people are with their children. Their children are a little lazy and their grandchildren are very lazy. And just given the normal course of development, they’re going to lose their wealth. But in this case, they don’t.

They keep passing on these, these traits of demonic activity from generation to generation. And I think that conclusion is something Jim obviously will draw for himself. I draw it as we’re dealing with spiritual warfare here. And what we were left when Jesus was here on earth is he showed us how to deal with demons. I embrace a diagnosis and the history, just absent the theological ramifications. I mean, for me, I all in with the enemy that victor. I’m the same way as Jim, and I’m totally aware. I’m totally aware of what we’re dealing with. I don’t need, you know, I don’t need to be a Christian or anything like that to be totally aware of the threat of these people.

And it’s an egregore. Egregore means a mind thought process. And they probably are worshipping demons themselves. You know, they’re into that kind of stuff, Satan, evil. So that’s very. They totally are war. That’s fine. But I’m just saying I’m totally aware who they are, so you don’t have to be a big Christian to be that way. I get that. But you just said, no, I’m not against either of you guys. I’m just trying to get to the solution here. Because earlier, Russell, you said that you pretty much gave up on the United States. States. And there’s a lot of people like you.

When I hear people commenting about the situation in the US right now, it’s very dire. But then by the same token, Michael says, you know, jesus set the example, but they killed him. They crucified him. Right? So, like, you know, are we supposed to just let these people continue to eat our babies and kill us with this usury and all these like, bioweapons disguised as vaccines and the airplanes with the, I mean, we know they’re killing us. And what’s really strange is you hear Donald Trump now with JFK junior or RFK junior saying, wow, they’re making the Americans obese.

They’re poisoning the food. It’s like, wait a minute, you guys just realized this? They’ve been doing this for a long time. All of a sudden now this is coming part of the discussion. It’s good that they’re saying it, but is it a little bit too little, a little too late, like you’re saying, Russell? Afraid so. We’re going to find out. We’re going to find out. I’m kind of black. I’m kind of black. I mean, I’m old, you know, I’m not that young anymore. If I was young, maybe I’d have a little different attitude. But, you know, I have a granddaughter now, but as far as me, I’ll be checking out.

Yeah, I worry about my children and grandchildren in the world they’re going to inherit. I mean, I don’t want them to be slaves. You know, that’s no lie for anyone, Joaquin. Well, I think it’s going to come down to God’s intervention because sadly, I don’t know that there are enough illuminated human beings that have the courage to fight. I don’t really see it. I mean, look at America. Look how passive everybody is. So I don’t know, why would God want us safe if we can beat them? But I am not certain. I think it’s going to take God’s intervention.

Why would God intervene on the US? It’s totally freaking full of fat people who watch porn all day and all are consumed with materialism. If God is really a good God, then he would be like, you know what? Fuck him. By the way, I understand half, half of computer use. Half of computer uses devoted to watch in porn. I mean, it’s a, it’s ubiquitous. Joaquin. Yeah, yeah, I think that. I think that a lot of people are going to die. I do believe that they are going to pull off the world war three. I think they’ve been provoking and provoking.

They’re probably going to even do some kind of false flag and blame Putin. This man has shown a remarkable restraint not too strike against the west. They’ve been demonizing him for what, a couple of decades now. I think we’re going to hit world War three and it’s probably going to be on three fronts of Pacific Asia over Taiwan, and then the korean peninsula is going at it and then Middle east is dragging America right into that. There’s two basically aircraft carrier groups. Okay, we’re hitting another break and then I want to get back to Michael here.

Stand by. We’ll be right back. Listening to revolution radio at freedom and we’ll be right back after this. Message management would like to take a moment to thank the listeners and hosts for all their support that has made revolution Radio one of the biggest platforms for free speech in an ever growing dark world of censorship. Unfortunately, this platform, free speech, has never been free. We need the support of the people. It is the people like you, yes, you, that keeps the station in the front lines of the battle against tyranny and oppression. Please help support revolution radio so free speech will not be silenced in a world that seems to be going deaf to the real truth.

With your support, we will be able to become an even bigger pillar of light in the dark world. Revolution Radio Freedom., the number one listener supporter radio station on the planet. Revolution Radio. Radio Radio Radio join Revolution Radio every Wednesday, 08:00 p.m. eastern time on studio b for momentaries with host Zen the people station. Even the government admits that 911 was a conspiracy. But did you know that it was an inside job, that Osama had nothing to do with it? That the twin towers were blown apart by a sophisticated arrangement of mini or micro nukes.

That building seven collapsed 7 hours later because of explosives planted in the building. Barry Jennings was there. He heard them go off and felt himself stepping over dead people. The US Geological Survey conducted studies of dust gathered from 35 locations in lower Manhattan and found elements that would not have been there had this not been a nuclear event. Ironically, that means the government’s own evidence contradicts the government’s official position. 911 was brought to us, compliments of the CIA, the neocons of the Department of Defense, and the Mossad. Don’t let yourself be played. Read America nuked on 911. dot that’s the opinions expressed on this radio station, its programs and its website by the hosts, guests, and call in listeners or chatters are solely the opinions of the original source who expressed them. They do not necessarily represent the opinions of revolution radio and, its staff or affiliates. You’re listening to revolution radio, 100% listenersupported radio and now, now we return you to your host, Joaquin. I think you had a further thought, and then I want to go back to Michael. Go ahead, Joaquin. No, go ahead, Michael. Okay. I think that the reason Jim called me was this recent revelation of the members of the Pilgrim Society that are in operation right now.

And somebody asked, who’s really running this show? From everything we’ve concluded over ten or 15 years of research, it’s the pilgrims that are running the show. And they’ve got some core people inside and they are driving the bus. And it’s all related to the city of London. And what we see in this latest list that they’re loading up the guns for the takedown. And what we see is a heavy presence of military people, of intelligence people, of propaganda people, and there are smattering of others. So basically, I think that the british pilgrims have used the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, in the United States as their world policemen.

And that if we look at our history over the last 100 years, in our lifetimes, we can begin to see this. That each provocation that involved the military ended up benefiting who? The banks, the military industrial complex, and these same people who have passed this capability down from father to son. Steady loss of freedoms. Steady loss of freedoms. Yeah, exactly. And so the. I’m a. I’m a civil engineer by training. And one of the things you learn as an engineer, maybe some of you are, I don’t know your backgrounds, but is that you can’t fix a problem until you define it properly.

And if you only have half of the pieces, then you’ll get half of a solution. And so what we started doing over a decade ago was started putting these pieces together to get where we are today. I’m very confident in the conclusions we’re drawing here and listening to everything that you all are sharing as well. But what I think is we have now got the shape of the enemy that we’re dealing with, and it is the pilgrim Society. And it isn’t uncanny that an organization as prominent as that over the last 150 years is almost totally unknown by the public.

It goes without saying. You’re talking about Wall street too, correct? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Wall street is a. I call Wall street the whipping boy of the City of London. It all goes back to the city of London, even the Boston Brahmins. So our banks in New York and Boston, they all take their orders from London and all of our trading, all of our international exchange trading that occurs in our stocks with DTCC and CD and Company and the Chicago Board of Trade and the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq. Do you realize if you trace the ownership back, it does go back to the Rothschilds in London? It’s such a clever name because it sounds like a variation on the Mayflower Society.

What could be more innocuous in american than that? Victor Hugo. Victor Hugo bothered me for the longest time. Why did they pick the word pilgrims? Well, now I know. Brilliant. Look at their logo. You’re talking about pilgrims from Babylon. They know they’re pilgrims from Babylon. Why do you think the British were so keen to get all of the archaeology of Babylon, headquartered in London? Because they were gathering their lair in London. Fascinating. You said earlier that you’re a preacher or a pastor, is that correct? I was a european director for a gospel music group. And you mentioned Putin earlier.

I took music groups into the Soviet Union, into eastern Europe, into Poland, and we sang gospel music, toe tapping american gospel music. And we got into the Soviet Union and I worked with. Pardon, you and Joaquin stated that God would take care of this battle. The spiritual battle. That being said, wouldn’t God know that it’s the city of London, Vatican and Washington, DC and probably Israel as well? So to win this spiritual battle, wouldn’t God just kind of take a those four places? Doubt, maybe even Switzerland for good measure? I mean, again, God works in mysterious ways.

So, pastor, I can’t speak for God, but from what I know of the way God works in humanity, he’s waiting for us to be more enlightened and to learn how to pray and learn how to fight these wars. There’s a great scripture. Our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and spirits in high places. And that’s what we’ve been talking about, the demons. Now, for those who don’t believe that, I think that you would have to probably acknowledge there is evil in the world. However, whatever is empowering that evil, it’s there.

And that’s what we’re talking about here. And I think that what I’ve noticed in my career is that when willing souls ask God for help, he helps. What we need to do is start looking to God for our solutions. And I don’t think he’s. I mean, he could smite the enemy. I don’t know. He obviously is not doing it. But on the other hand, there are miracles occurring every day that we don’t know anything about. And so consequently, we’re all here. We all got up this morning, we all received the gift of life, and we’re sitting on this magnificent technology that’s taking our voices all over the world.

Those are miracles. And so God wants us to use these tools to share truth. And I think that’s what solving the problem is. Let’s get to the truth here. Not just pieces and parts of it, but all of it. Are you guys all noticing that the frequency is kind of weird because I’m noticing that people are really stressed out. Is it just me or are you guys noticing that as well? Oh, yeah. Well, I think people who are starting to become aware of what’s going on haven’t spent a decade or more like most of us have, trying to understand what’s going on, and so therefore, they’re kind of lost.

And I think that’s where it’s going to be up to us to share truth with them. Joaquin, then, Ross? Joaquin. Yeah, I agree with you, Michael. It is going to be up to us to help the others get along. And the normies face the reality that they’re totally oblivious still, too. And there is going to, like I say, I think there’s going to be some dark days ahead. But these organizations are going down, the ones that have been in control, all these puppet masters, they’re going down. And they also realize. Why do you think everything is being escalated so rapidly now? Because they are aware that more people are now finding out the truth and getting upset and angry and wanting to do something about it.

Yeah, there’s a high percentage of still oblivious. The normies, many of them will not get it. But more and more of us every day are. And I think that we are delivering a message of truth that is finding people that are open to it. Yes, almost everybody knows there’s something gravely wrong with this world. They got that much right and looking for answers. And I think that we can provide some of those answers and guidance and assistance to get us through it. Russ, right there. And I wanted to share. We mentioned Putin earlier. Well, when I was taking these gospel music groups into the Soviet Union, that was during the Brezhnev era.

And who would have thought that an american gospel group could get into the Soviet Union and could actually do concerts? Well, we did that, and we worked with very many brave Soviets. And two. One of the guys who was one of our translators spent two terms in soviet prison and the soviet concentration camp because he worked with us. And he. And his. His sin was anti soviet activity. That’s what he was put in jail for. Anti soviet activity. Anti soviet activity could be any criticism. However, any complaint about Christianity was translating for these crazy Americans that decided to show up there.

So anyway, after he had been in this first term in the concentration camp, I went over to see him in Tallinn, Estonia. And I was followed all over the place in these black JGB cars. And when I got to the hotel to go back to Leningrad, there was a guy standing there with my picture. I mean, they were intimidating me. And so I got to Leningrad, and when I got to the airport, I was taken back in a back room, and I was frisked and further intimidation. And then I got on the plane and came home.

Well, I learned later. Now, this is like I learned in the last five years, that the head of monitoring foreign activity in Leningrad when I was there, was a colonel by the name of Vladimir Putin. Yeah. Saying, love it, love it, love it, love it. It’s possible that Putin frisked me. Hey, Russell Ross. So times change. I mean, look at it now. But what we saw back then was we saw the decline and fall of an empire at the Brezhnev era. Nobody thought that would have ever happened, but it did happen. And we watched that economy completely collapsed.

The ruble lost all value. And yet people kept living. They kept having faith. They kept moving forward and helping each other, and they survived. And many of them survived in faith. And so who knows what the future holds? But I trust God will guide us in what we need to do every day. Michael, what a fascinating parallel the collapse of the Soviet Union becomes. Modern day Masha thriving, surviving, flourishing. The collapse of the US could lead to a parallel reconstruction to our once again becoming a great society. We have lost it so badly, Russ. Well, I get the big picture of all this stuff.

I have spent probably way too much time in my latter part of my life researching it. I kind of look at it right now, shaking my head because nobody really reads my stuff. It’s there. I’ve kind of done my thing, so. Winter additional details well, we love having you right here, Ross. And I gotta say, I made such a wise decision in bringing you Victor Hugo and Joaquin together. I can’t believe to tell you how much this means to me and others, our audience. And Michael, you’re making sensational contributions today. This may be among, certainly, clearly among the most important shows we’ve ever done and you’re making such a profound contribution.

What do you think can be done absent, you know, God helps those who help themselves. How do we help ourselves, Michael? Tell the truth. I think each one of us has truth to tell and we must tell it. There’s a great parable of the sower in the Bible, in the New Testament and you take the seed that you have in your hand and you toss it on the ground. Some of it falls on rocky ground, some of it falls on thorny ground and some of it falls on good. And I think that’s our job, is to take those seeds of truth and to cast them out and let God give the increase and let’s not worry so much.

In my mind, this is the way I think about my effort, is I’m not going to worry about what happens after I do that, because that’s in God’s hands. But my job is to cast that truth and those seeds out and let him give the increase. And I think that, that we can all do. Victor Hugo. Mike, you’re inspired. That’s great. I also want to add to what Michael is saying because I’m here on the ground. Michael Blunt, you’ll appreciate it because you were in Tbilisi and I don’t know how much into Georgia you went. We almost sang at the, at the seminary there, north of Tbilisi.

The KGB stopped us from singing there. Wow. I could tell you this, being on the ground here, the Republic of Georgia is booming. There are all sorts of skyscrapers going up here. Major hotels like the Maria Sheridan are all investing in this place. I’m surrounded by Russians who have so much money that they’re now coming to the Republic of Georgia to invest in summer houses and to invest in just vacation homes. So I understand that a lot of this money is being laundered because of the Russia Ukraine war. But the future that I see for the United States and for your grandchildren, Russ, and for your grandchildren, Jim, is that I don’t know if you have grandchildren, but the future does look bright for the United States.

I agree with Joaquin. There’s going to be a lot of debt. There’s going to be a lot of sadness. There’s just going to be all sorts of awful destruction. But just like the Soviet Union fell, Russia is rising right now. And, boy, are these people confident. Are they united. I’m in a christian orthodox country. These people, they still go to church. They still pray. You can feel the energy here. It’s a very positive energy. And we’re surrounded by war zones. We’re near Armenia or Baijan. We’re right next to Turkey. We’re a camel ride away from the Middle east.

So, but this is a space where people are flowing, and I see that coming for the United States. I do believe that people will see the error of their ways, that they will rise up in the United States is going to be better than. I love that at Campbell. Right away. Joaquim, more of yours? Yeah, I think, yeah, we’re going to go through some dark times. But I think also we have to be very cognizant that the rulers, the people that we’ve been talking about have maintained their power through divide and rule, and they’ve done a masterful job at pitting groups against each other, blaming each other, rather than seeing our common enemy.

Who are these, quote, diabolical demons that have been in control for so long? So the key here is to not allow yourself to fall into this Dei. I’m the color of my skin and all of this, you know, critical race theory and I, the demonic stuff of the Sodom and Gomorrah that’s out there. We got to rise above this and we got to realize, yes, we are one humanoid family on this earth at this time. We can go like this and just, you know, perish by fighting each other to the death, or we can figure out with a little help from God that we can unify and we can beat the evil that seems to be so much in control.

We have the power to do that, but it requires some balls, basically, courage, and it requires empowerment through information and knowledge. And that’s what they’re trying to keep us out of. They’re trying to shut us down from even being a, of what is the truth. And that’s what my latest article telegram found. He’s in prison like Scott did her. They are reaming him. And the British, you know, Richard Medhurst, they put him in prison under terrorism act in Britain, you know, so they’re trying to silence all the truth tellers out there through one way or another, and many times it’s through assassination.

But we must be together and we must fight them. If we, with God’s help, we will prevail. Russ. Russ. Russ. There’s a knock on my door. Hang on a minute. There’s a knock on my door. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Look, we are here. They know where to find us. Russ, listen, give us your take on where things go from here. I suspect I may be more on your side to this because I am agnostic, as we all know. And you, I think, share that attitude. Give us your take and shamelessly promote winter watch. Well, you know, the only thing I can really do is do the play by plays.

I understand the big picture and people can research that through but I just. Right now, I can only take elements of this. I do think that one component of this monstrosity, Israel, is in huge trouble. I think they’re going to could very well lose their country, but they could take the world down with it, is the problem. But that’s, you know, that’s the one. One aspect that I’m really concerned about. Iran seems to be pretty restrained. If they could lose it, it’d be very easy. I mean, look how easy world War two started. You know, how quickly it expanded and just got worse and worse and worse and worse.

And there was no way out of it. So at some point in time, Iran may lose patience and just trigger a wider war and draw the United States into it. That’s the immediate concerns we all need to protest the genocide, protest any kind of war that develops on the streets through our voice, because that’s very play by play. Well, source, I have what good intel suggests those israeli nukes and the capitals have been neutralized and that the Samson auction is more of a myth than a reality. I do take heart from the fact that it was only like 3% of Americans who participated in the revolutionary war and defeated the British.

3%. So if we can find 3% of Americans today, maybe we could do the equivalent. I fear. I worry about the army of invaders. We got them right here in our midst. When are they going to put on their blue helmets and start killing us all? Michael, I want you to tell us about Americans for innovation, where they can learn more about the pilgrim society. Your good work. You’ve been masterful today. Thanks, Jim. When we started doing our research to figure out who stole my social networking invention, I never realized I’d end up being on a.

On a panel with you gentlemen. But what we started doing is we said we don’t know who started, who invented, who stole our technology, how they did it, when they did it, but what we’re going to start doing is investigating how they did it. And so what we started doing way back over a decade ago, was we made a blog called Americans for Innovation, and we started publishing our research. And we focused on something very specific that I had learned from all of our litigation. We sued Facebook for patent infringement in 2008 and won a split verdict in 2010.

We proved that they’re using our invention. By the way, the technology we’re using right now is infringing my patent. Anyway, I’m glad we’re able to use it. We started investigating, getting provable research, in other words, information that we could use in a court of law. And that’s what we’ve been doing for ten years. And so we just don’t read something and say, well, that’s kind of an interesting thing. Let’s quote it. We actually go get the source documents, and then we quote it. And so Americans for innovation came out of that. And since in the last two or three years, we started publishing our database, which is now up almost a terabyte, and we published it as truth history, so people could go to the website and search on any of the information that we have published there.

Sounds like the octopus. The octopus? I don’t know that one. The guy that they killed. And what was his name? You know, Jim. Danny. What is Danny Castellaro? You haven’t come across that name? No. It’s included in my article that I wrote. Same stuff. Stealing technology. And he kind of identified this shady network that he dubbed the Octopus. Before he could really get the story off the ground, he just mysteriously ended up dead. And, well, I’ve noticed that’s happened with more than a few truth tellers. But for us, Netflix story on it, that kind of gets in this 90% of it.

America’s four innovation is a numeral for Americans. Numeral four. michael. We’ve just launched a new encryption product called that allows people to share documents using polymorphic encryption. And that is uncrackable in three lifetimes of the universe. So whatever people do in terms of file sharing and small notes cannot be cracked by a third party. So that’s out there and that’s linked onto the website as well. So what we’ve done is we’ve basically said, okay, we’re going to get up here every day and we’re going to do our best to dig out truth, publish it, and wait for a better day, keep our powder dry.

And we also filed a lien against the federal government called the Miller act notice, which is basically tell since we discovered that the american government is who stole our technology and gave it to Silicon Valley. That’s right. All of the products that people use today were all given our invention through the IBM Eclipse foundation and the us government, specifically DARPA. And so what we have done is we have filed a lien at the executive office of the United States to pay us for the technology that has been stolen to date. They have not replied. So that is a current demand.

And as you can imagine, the value of social networking, you can look it up on the Internet. And that is what we’ve said, okay, federal government, you owe us this money since you confiscated our property. And we’re still waiting for that check. But in the meantime, we are continuing to advertise to publish truth in this truth history and continuing to dig in this research. And this latest research deals with the document dump that the pilgrim society probably did inadvertently two weeks ago. You’re doing great work, Michael. Final thoughts. Russ, yours. I’ve had my opportunity this evening.

I appreciate that. You’re doing a great job, Joaquin. Don’t let the bastards get you down. Yeah. Yeah. Joaquin has a book by that. Joaquin has a book by that title, Victor Hugo. The floor is yours. I believe that the whistleblowers will save the United States of America, the constitutional republic. Whistleblowers, if you’re out there, realize what Michael just said. He’s giving you the opportunity to provide the information necessary to expose these people behind the coup that are attempting to bring down these United States. And whistleblowers live without fear. We will make this a better world for future generations.

And it starts with the United States. So please save America, whistleblowers. But gentlemen, thank you again for another magnificent show. Michael McCammon, you were Joshua monster poll. I appreciate it. And spend as much time as you can. Thank thank you for listening to Revolution radio. Join me in the Brian Roos show on Revolution radio, eastern Standard Time, every Tuesday night from six to eight.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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American public's complacency British bankers and global government change in electoral system corruption in American politics despair about future of America future disease outbreaks and politics lack of faith in political system manipulation in American elections Pilgrim Society threat to U.S. sovereignty planned assassination attempt on Trump Trump administration political strategies Trump's choice of cabinet members

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