The Raw Deal (26 July 2024) with John Carman featured guest James Perloff

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On a radio show, host Jim Fetzer and guests James Perloff and John Carmont discuss a new book about the Lincoln assassination and share their observations on current events. They speculate about the appearance of President Joe Biden, suggesting that he may have been replaced by a double due to noticeable differences in height, appearance, and signature. They also discuss past conspiracy theories, such as the rumored death and replacement of Paul McCartney.
➡ After an assassination attempt on Trump, his campaign is taking new safety measures, including moving rallies indoors. This change, advised by the Secret Service, is seen as a safer option due to controlled entrances and secure facilities. However, this shift may impact the spirit of the campaign and Trump’s image of resilience. The assassination attempt has raised questions about the campaign’s strategy and the balance between bravery and recklessness.
➡ The text discusses the challenges of uncovering truth in a world filled with deception and misinformation. It highlights the erasure of historical information and manipulation of search results on popular platforms like YouTube and Google. The speakers also discuss the importance of using alternative search engines and browsers to access accurate information. They emphasize the need to preserve and bring back forgotten evidence to public knowledge.
➡ The book discusses evidence related to the Lincoln assassination, focusing on John Wilkes Booth’s diary which was not presented at the trial of his alleged accomplices. The diary, revealed two years after the trial, could have exonerated two people sentenced to life in prison as it suggested the assassination plot was only formed on the day of the event. However, 27 pages from the diary, specifically those before the day of the assassination, were found missing in 1977, leading to suspicions that they were deliberately removed to hide incriminating information. The book, available on Amazon, aims to challenge the official narrative of the Lincoln assassination.
➡ This text discusses various conspiracy theories surrounding political events and shootings, including the 2020 presidential election and an alleged assassination attempt on Donald Trump. The author suggests these events may have been staged or manipulated, pointing to inconsistencies in media coverage, the involvement of actors, and other suspicious details. However, the text also includes counterarguments and calls for more concrete evidence to support these claims.
➡ The text discusses various theories about an alleged assassination attempt on Trump. Some believe it was a real attempt, others think it was a publicity stunt by Trump, and others see it as a warning to Trump. The text also mentions skepticism about the event, suggesting it could have been staged. The discussion also covers the possibility of multiple shooters and the use of advanced camera technology to capture the incident.
➡ The article discusses a new book that questions the official story of President Lincoln’s assassination. The author suggests that there may have been a conspiracy involving high-ranking officials who wanted to control the post-war reconstruction of the South. The book raises questions about why Lincoln was denied the protection he requested, how the assassin knew he only needed one shot to kill the president, and why certain evidence was kept secret. The author also suggests that the assassination may have been part of a larger plan to suppress civil liberties and control information.
➡ A police officer named John F. Parker, known for his misconduct, was assigned to guard President Lincoln on the night he was assassinated. Parker abandoned his post to drink at a nearby saloon, leaving Lincoln unprotected. Despite his negligence, Parker faced no punishment and even continued to serve on the presidential bodyguard detail. This information is often overlooked in discussions about Lincoln’s assassination.
➡ The Secret Service was established in 1865 due to counterfeiting issues. The text discusses theories about the assassination of President Lincoln, suggesting that the Secretary of War may have been involved. It also talks about the treatment of those accused of being involved in the assassination, including a theater employee who was harshly punished for a minor role. The text concludes by questioning why John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln’s assassin, was so confident he only needed one bullet, suggesting he may have had inside information about the lack of a bodyguard.
➡ The text discusses the assassination of President Lincoln and the subsequent impact on the South. It suggests that the assassination was not a random act, but a well-planned operation with inside information. The text also discusses the choice of weapons used in the assassination, emphasizing the importance of concealability. It further explores the political implications of Lincoln’s death, particularly the harsh treatment of the South during the Reconstruction period, and suggests that Lincoln’s death was beneficial to the radical Republicans who wanted to maintain their power and exploit the South economically.
➡ The speaker discusses historical events and their portrayal in movies, focusing on the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy. They note similarities between the two events, such as both presidents being shot in the head and their assassins being killed before trial. The speaker also mentions the disruption of communication systems following both assassinations, suggesting a pattern in these incidents. They end by mentioning a man named Eckert, who was involved in both events and later worked for a controversial figure named Jay Gould.
➡ John Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated President Lincoln, managed to escape Washington by crossing a bridge during a curfew. Despite the strict orders not to let anyone pass after 9:00 p.m., Sergeant Silas Cobb allowed Booth and his companion, David Harrell, to cross. This has led to speculation about whether Booth had powerful connections or if Cobb was tipped off in advance. However, the only evidence available is Cobb’s statement, leaving many unanswered questions about the incident.


Not just anybody. You know, I need someone. Help me if you can. I feel you now. And I do appreciate you being right. Well, this is Jim Fetzer, your host on the Raw deal, right here on Revolution radio studio. Be this 26th day of July, 2024, where I’m delighted. Tab is my featured guest today, James Perloff, who has a new book on the Lincoln assassination. It really goes further, deep or dissects the elements, perhaps better and more impressively than any past work, even though, of course, the Lincoln assassination like that at JFK has been studied voluminously in the past.

Before we get there, and I’ve invited John Carmont, former secret service, to join us today for observation. He would make about both of those events and also seeking to elicit both James and John’s comments on some developments regarding our present president, where there are a number of very peculiar developments. Here’s an interview just appeared with Joe Biden’s brother, who said, of course, it was health concerns, but what I’m struck is his countenance. Look at that. That guy is indistinguishable from the man we have seen. And he’s got that funny chin, too. This might be one of those who’ve been subbing in since, of course, the real Joe appears to have died in 2017.

Now, here’s a guy behind the Oval office talking. Notice his hands. I have colleagues working in Hollywood as stutmen, for example, who say these hands are too young to be that of this guy, an excess of 80 years old. Let’s take a look. My fellow Americans, I’m speaking tonight from behind the resolutesque in the Oval Office. In this sacred space. I’m surrounded by portraits of extraordinary american presidents. Thomas Jefferson wrote the immortal words that guide this nation. George Washington, who showed us presidents are not kings. But more interestingly, they’ve rolled out a new Biden. Take a look at this.

The guy looks like he might be a basketball player. There’s Jill of clapping. And I was just floored when I saw this. Did my eyes deceive me? I’ll play it again. That’s the lens they’re using, Jim. It’s like a wide angle lens. It’s long lens. Now, I asked my daughter and my wife what they thought, and they both said it was a camera angle. But here’s proof it’s not a camera angle. The guys three, four, five inches taller, I mean, this is unbelievable. Look at the difference. And there’s Jill. I’m going to get you in, John.

Then there’s Jill. You know, just going right along with it. And how about this? How peculiar is this? Look at the holes in his ear. I don’t think I’ve ever quite seen anything exactly like that. Plus, here, of course, we have the signature of the statement where he’s withdrawing. And I’m not alone in observing. That’s a fake signature. Here you have, from my past research, the original double for Joe, who has a very different signature than the real Joe, including that he adds junior. Joe wrote out Joe Biden. This guy writes R. Biden Junior. But go back and look at this.

There’s no junior. And there’s an underlining, clearly a fake signature. Very, very troubling. James, let me get your thoughts first, and then I’ll turn to John. What’s your take? Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if John has a better take than I do. I saw that video you sent me, and I know quite what to make of it. I know that Joe is taller than Jill, and there seems to be some height difference. But I don’t doubt some of these reports that there’s been more than one Joe Biden. But I’m not quite sure what to make of the height difference there.

He does look sturdier than you normally see him when he comes out to speak to the public. But it’s too short of a time and too little pictorial evidence for me to draw any kind of certain conclusion about it. But I certainly would say this. There’s always a deep state fakery going on. There’s no doubt about that. Yeah, I don’t want to put you on the spot, James. Listen, in my research on death and replacement of Paul McCartney, one of the strongest proofs is that the replacement, we call him fall notice. Billy Shabert. William. Billy Shears.

William Shabbat. He was introduced. And the sergeant Pepper is the one and only Billy Shears. He’s four inches taller than Paul. Yes, you’re right about that. Yeah, you’re right about that. I have an article. It’s the only guest article ever on my blog, Jane, comma, written by Patrick O’Carroll. A very extensive analysis of the Beatles, how they came to be, how they couldn’t have produced some of those albums in the short amount of time that they were given, and definitely evidence that you’re right. Billy Shears, who appears to replace Paul McCartney, was definitely taller than the original Paul.

And I think you can make a strong. As a matter of fact, let me go back to 1969. I was a freshman in Woodman Hall, a dormitory at Colby College in Maine in 1969. There’s a guy down the hall, he had a tape machine, and he played one of the Beatles albums backwards. And you clearly hear a voice saying, paul is dead on that. So even in 1969, and we’re talking 45 years ago, there already was discussion of Paul McCartney being dead. Yeah. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Two italian forensic scientists sought out, sought the hypothesis one at confirming that they discovered Paul had bad teeth and a narrow palate, whereas fall fake Paul, Billy Shears had good teeth and a normal palate.

John, you want to get in here on this new bite and your thoughts? Oh, yeah. Nice to meet you, James. We’re going to talk off the air, hopefully. Oh, sure. That sounds great. Yeah. I mean, when I’m seeing all these pictures of the White House, I worked there when I was secret service, so I’ve got personal firsthand knowledge, and I’ve actually sat at the resolute desk because that was Kennedy’s desk. So everybody knows the history about the fact that it was a gift from John F. Kennedy from the resolute, which was a ship, and he recovered the ship.

Queen Elizabeth gave it back as a desk with actual parts of the. Of the ship with the presidential seal on the front. And you guys may have even seen pictures of John, John and Caroline playing with the little doors, that there’s a secret door in and out of the desk thing. So it’s kind of funny because I used to check the hot phone, which was in the lower left side, but they’ve changed the technology. But anyway, back to. Back to the Biden thing. The signatures are different. I’ve done analysis before and things like that before. Yeah, there is a height discrepancy.

Jim, it’s really weird. And I look at the ears. The ears are the most exact pieces of information. I’ve debunked people that said, oh, Bob, Joyce’s is Elvis. He’s not. He’s got ears as big as mine, and Elvis has chipmunk ears. Real simple. All you have to do is get a picture of your ears and that’ll clean it out. And I got pictures of a Michael Jackson that’ll blow your mind. But I. Yeah, there seems to be some problems with that. And as soon as I saw the picture, I’ve seen the picture. And, yeah, there’s a problem with that.

The original picture of them walking out of the Oval office along that little, um, Cavalcade, whatever you want to call it, is the route that he would take to go back to the main mansion and the lens that they use is not the regular lens of a camera, so it may be altered to look at that way. But the other picture where he’s obviously like, you know, three, 3ft, 2ft taller. And this up the head, it does. I think it’s four to six inches. Let me go back. Yeah, there you go. We go back to those images because people normally lose height like I have.

Here you have it. Here’s the comparison. Staying beside Jill got a cross her eyes for comparison, and he’s, I’d say, three to four inches, wouldn’t you, James, would you agree? I’m just taking these photographs at face value, not putting you on the spot, James, when you say it’s a three to four inch difference, it definitely looks taller on the photo on the right, because there’s always little factors you have to consider, like was she perhaps wearing high heels? I don’t mean to throw a damper on things, and I’m not saying this is not correct, but there are different factors that come into play within photographs.

But you’re probably right, and it has to be the exact same height that they’re standing on. So if they’re standing on the same level platform and she is wearing the purple outfit, then that would be equal to whatever. But the lens that they’re using bothers me because the lens is kind of overdoing a little bit. I saw this, I said, whoa. Because this guy looks like he could be a basketball player. Ridiculous. I think they’re doing it again. Scamming the american people, I think will believe anything. I’ve got the cartilage on those ears, though. What’s that here, John, you want to come? The ears on the cartilage match even though they’re at a separate angle.

One’s bending over, that’s going to be obvious. One’s slightly back. But you can still identify people, because even when I was us customs or secret Service, you look at quarter 45 degree angle on the photos, usually, so you can see the ear. That is a key identifier. You may be able to alter the lips, the nose, the eyes, but the eye sockets are always, usually the same if it’s the same person, no matter how old you get. So that’s part of my identification analysis stuff, because I’m a professional profiler. But, yeah, that appears to be the same.

Okay, listen, yeah, I want to get your take too, on this adjustment in relation to butler. Trump’s campaign takes new safety measures after assassination attempt narrowly escaping death took a bullet to the ear. One other person died too injured. Secret service is under fire. Resignation of the head he plans to stop holding outdoor rallies. This is at the advice of the Secret Service. Kurt plans are to hold indoor rallies. He may, however, occasionally participate in smaller outdoor events or larger rallies and facilities where entrances are more fully control that meet, for example, football stadiums. Indoor rallies are a safer option.

No doubt, controlled entrances and secure facilities like stadiums reduce the risk significantly. Or there’s something uniquely electrifying about Trump’s outdoor events. They become a symbol of his political strength and connection with supporters. Moving indoors may feel like a win for safety, but a loss in spirit of the campaign is doing what it must to ensure his safety. Given the recent attempt, they aren’t just prudent, but necessary. Does, however, raise a question. Is this a temporary shift or a permanent change in his campaign strategy? The switch to indoor has a psychological impact. In addition, the outdoor rallies are a testament to his resilience and ability to draw large, passionate crowds.

Scaling back may be seen as a concession to those who wish him harm. Despite the attack, Trump remained defiant. His resilience in part of his appeal, his ability to bounce back, only strengthens his image. But there’s a fine line between bravery and recklessness. Campaign’s decision reflects a careful balancing act. Now let’s go back to Butler. Here you see that iconic photograph of his fist raised. Fight, fight. Patrick machete asking, was it allowed to happen? Well, that’s putting it mildly. I love this headline from the Babylon Trump indicted for inciting an assassination attempt. Yes, of course. Now here’s some classic footage of what we, you know, that’s a little bit old, that chart.

That charts a couple of months old. If you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened, let’s play it again. And, you know, that’s a little bit old, that chart. That chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. Now, we know the security was ridiculous. Look at this bob hole with a big notch in it for just those buildings. There were not very many buildings in the area, and they didn’t cover the water tower either, which was the highest structure.

So clearly this was all wrong. All wrong. There you go. Hang on. You can see the path he took. Even brought his own ladder, and it was a pretty substantial ladder to get up on the roof. He was actually further on the other side, but there’s the water tower. And now we have, of course, this bloody ear here. You can see what looks like a hole in his ear. One of the questions has become, is, was there enough blood here for it to have been real? Notice his collar is not bloodied at all. I mean, that’s rather surprising.

I believe there was a real plot to Gil Trump here. You had the Austin private wealth company shorting 12 million shares of Trump stock, a huge bet that the business value would plummet. And they represent ACLU, Adl, Austin Shalom, Austin Jewish Community Center, Camp Young Judea, congressional, Austin Jewish Academy. And I want to say these all lend weight to the idea that there was a real shooting taking place. John, I can tell you where. Eager to add comments go, could you please bring it back to that circle with the, the. Absolutely. That is the best diagram.

And, you know, I’ve been doing interviews since the 13th about all this. I need. I need you to send me a screenshot of that, because we had it on a previous show before. But I want to tell you guys something based on further information. There are three windows, and I know you can’t see this, but I’m using my cursor. Just go down from where the body of the guy that they claim is crooks. His name is probably Matthew Yearrick, has a serious background and went to Ukraine and the film video. And I’m giving you updated information that’s with.

Within a couple of days of the actual stuff since the 13th. The guy they filmed showing walking around had, like, grayish colored pants, a colored. A grayish colored t shirt, and he had the long brown hair. And they showed him going up to the building, around the building, eventually ends up on the top. The guy on top of the building that got shot had shorts on. So either he has the zippered pants where he could take off the cuffs, or that’s a separate guy. But that’s a separate piece of information. I remembered that the tower was covered up in plastic.

That’s a separate issue, too. But there are three windows, just chopped. The end of that building where the body was found. To the left is the other building. Three windows. Three windows in this vicinity, John. Yes, sir. Or. Or all the way up here? Yeah. No, the other way. Right, right there. No, right there. Down, down. Yeah, right there. Draw a straight line. That’s. That’s the shooter. That’s the actual shooter from a window. The other guy was a decoy. I’m telling you right now, my background and all this other stuff, I’ve always said, show me the line of attack where it was and you could show from the right all the way to that window and not the other guy.

The angles are perfect. Not the guy on the roof. That was a decoy. So they took out the decoy. Lone mail gunman. You never get to talk to those guys because they’re dead. The actual shooter got away and he was from the building. There are three windows. One’s open, middle 1 may have been closed, and maybe even the third one open. But you can see the first window along the perimeter of the side of that building. Makes a perfect line through that area where the people got shot at the. At the bleachers, into the area where Trump was standing.

That is John Carmen’s assessment. That is what’s going on. And I’ve been looking at videos all day yesterday for a couple hours. It’s mind blocking. Okay. And we actually do have. I don’t. I inadvertently left out, you know, putting. Yeah, and there’s other stuff. Deal with the tower. That would be the highest level that anybody would be covered. Secret Service could have secured that area. And obviously they had plastic covering. Well, if that’s the date of the actual occurrence, all this b’s later where they’re trying to say they saw a shadowy figure. That’s CGI. They’re just trying to throw you off.

You know why? Because the actual shooter is in one of those windows down below in that other building. Okay. That’s what they do. Does this look like real, real damage? That’s real. But I think. I think he got nicked on the edge of the. Of the ear. So it’s not here. This is what appeared to me to be like a 22. I don’t think he got. No, that’s way too close. He think it’s right now for longer. I think he got Nick right at the edge of the ear. No different than if Tyson went up to hugging.

Okay, Tyson likes to bite ears off a little bit. Now, here are some skeptics. Mike Stone forgive Trump his fakery. After years of fake school shooting, fake mail in ballot to fake election, a fake pandemic, and a fake vaccine, I see no harm in a fake shooting designed to win Donald Trump the presidency. Do you? If our choice for president is four more years of an imposter pretending to be Joe Biden, or four more years of Donald Trump all take Trump. Would you rather Trump play fair and lose the election? Because the other side is never going to play fair.

The other side stole the last two elections, stage a fake pandemic, do millions into taking a deadly vax. The other side, along with their followers, is completely unhinged. They would kill Trump. His entire family and all his supporters if they could. So what’s wrong with fighting fire with fire? Put it more accurately, fighting fakery with fakery. Do you know a single brain dead Democrat who feels even the slightest remorse over the last two stolen elections? Of course you don’t. They are incapable of remorse. If you don’t believe me, ask your Democrat friends and family members if they feel bad about the stolen presidential election at 2020 or the stolen midterm of 2022.

You don’t have to tell me how they’ll respond. I already know. If they feel no remorse over the crooked details or political leaders, why should you feel remorse over Donald Trump giving them a taste of their own medicine? When Trump wins in November, you should openly gloat about it and rub it in as much as you can. Man. If they hadn’t tried to kill Trump, he never would have won. What a lucky break that was. And a thing some people actually thought that shooting was fake. Go ahead, do it. Have a little fun for a change.

For those of you still teetering on the fence about whether this event was real or fake, consider this. The assassination attempt of Trump fit. Seven of my twelve telltale signs of a fake shooting. The seven signs we see no blood, no bodies, no surveillance video. GoFundMe account set up within 24 hours. Nonstop media coverage. Evidence immediately destroyed. The immediate perpetrator immediately caught or killed multiple shooters. Principles involved current or former actors. He begins talking. No blood, no bodies, no surveillance medium, no photographic evidence. Cory Capatore was killed. Have you seen his bloody corpse? No, I haven’t.

He’s supposed to be a volunteer fire chief for Buffalo Township fire Company 27. But did you see the memorial they set up at his own fire station? They spelled his name wrong. They did it again at the Republican National Convention. Was it because of Buffalo Township park country? Never heard of the guy? Or was it a subtle tell to those in the know? They do that, you know, throttle sign to rubbing people’s faces. Why do you think that video of a smirking Robbie Parker was leaked to the public? It wasn’t by accident. GoFundMe account said with 24 hours nonstop media coverage, evidence immediately destroyed, police avoided hosed down the roof of the building where the alleged shooter was said to be, along with the roof where the counter striker was.

The alleged perpetrator immediately got her killed. Multiple shooters, principals, Carter, former actors. Donald Trump is an actor, and a pretty good one. Did you forget about that? I can’t leave without warning. Even with Trump in the White House, nothing’s going to change. People are too mired and sent to intent on damning their souls to hell for anything substantial to change. And what in the world is going on with the republican party? As Andrew England put after watching the convention, it’s strippers, it’s homos, it’s foreign religious rituals, it’s fake ear bandages, it’s believing stupid shooting hoaxes. It’s calling for mass immigration from India.

It’s endless wars with Israel’s enemies. I will say this, Ty, Trump did a good job of humanizing her grandfather. Now PK down from Australia has done a video about a couple of the members here. He’s actually gone through the whole crowd to make the case. These are crisis actors. The key are these couple. In this very first preliminary, these couple of women are looking at their cell phones for instruction to what to do and rather than filming Trump. And this one looks at her cell phone and then she crosses herself. This one looks at her cell phone, then she crosses herself.

He suggests that’s not by accident. And get this, we have a whole video about prior reports about the shooting before it even occurred, including in the Times of Israel, leading a number of us to suggest that this looks like it just might be a staged event. Now, John, I’ll go over your comments first and then James. Well, I don’t think the shooter, the decoy shooter thinks it’s a, it’s a staged event. I don’t think the other guys that got hit and killed, they just released one of the other people that was wounded out of the hospital, I believe, yesterday.

We want to know what the, what the rounds look like. Were they 22 long rifle, which I believe they were. And we need actual information on the ballistics of what they recovered. If they go to the extent of claiming it was a two two three, we are involved or they are involved in a major cover up. And the fact that he got hit, I believe he got hit. He got nipped on the ear. If he got closer, it would have got too close to the head. That’s really cutting it. And you can’t cover up a hole that’s going to cause some serious surgery and some other type of preparation.

As you can see, he’s back on, back on his feet again and he doesn’t wear the bandage right now. So I think it was just a nicked ear. But I want you to make sure you send me that picture, that, that aerial photo, because that’s critical because a lot of people haven’t done it. And secret service interviews with the people on, on top of the roof. I’ve watched it carefully because I got the video yesterday from another source and it describes what the guy had. Because if you line it up on the railings of the top of the roof where he’s bleeded out already because he’s already got hit a headshot.

We’ll be right back with James Perloff and John Carmen. Stand by. Listen to revolution and we’ll be right back after this lesson. Management would like to take a moment to thank the listeners and hosts for all their support that has made revolution Radio one of the biggest platforms for free speech in an ever growing dark world of censorship. Unfortunately, this platform for free speech has never been free. We need the support of the people. It is the people like you, yes, you, that keeps the station in the front lines of the battle against tyranny and oppression.

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First of all, I would defer to John’s expertise as ex secret service on this matter. You know, I’ve had a lot of attention on the launch of my new book, so I’ve only been following this relatively superficially. But a few points that I have noted in the course of this one is that just two days after assassination, somebody directed me to a bit shoot video by someone named Jim Crenshaw. I’m not a follower of hers, but I see has 80,000 followers. And in this video, he pointed out that the sounds you hear, you’re three shots, at least three shots.

And as the camera is focused on the SWAT team guy who’s firing at Crooks was clearly a patsy. No matter what your scenarios, Crooks is obviously a patsy. The sound of the shots corresponds exactly with a recoil of that. That shooter, that SWAT team shooter. Now that raises the question of what shots, if any, were fired at Trump. And my suspicion would be that there were shots fired in his direction. And I think that John has made an excellent point, that as opposed to the water tower, it would probably be becoming from the windows that were beneath crux, because that would give you approximately the right trajectory, as opposed to the water tower, if an investigation of any integrity was to be conducted.

A lot of points have been made about this, and I’m sure you’re familiar with many of them. I’m sure you know that Senator Josh Hawley has pointed out that a lot of the security were not experienced secret service, but were relatively inexperienced people from homeland security. Thomas Crooks appeared in a blackrock commercial twice, which is pretty unusual. And this kid has supposedly picked up a five foot ladder from Home Depot on the way there. But the ladder he used was much taller than 5ft. That’s suspicious. Along with the fact that there seems to be substantial evidence that the Secret Service or security there knew about crooks, but did nothing about him until the moment of the attempted assassination.

Now the secret security chief has said that they couldn’t put ticket service on the roof because sloping too much. But if you look at the pictures of the alleged body of crookes, he’s almost flat. It’s about a four degree angle and that doesn’t really make a lot of sense. Another little factoid that goes along with this is it occurred on the same day as the cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove. Whether or not that is significant or not, I don’t know. Um, but also, uh, Jim, you’ve been talking about the iconic photographs. You know, when Trump raises his fist, he said at the republican convention his hand was covered in blood, but when you see him raise his fist, it’s not covered in blood.

And the picture just happens to catch the american flag there. That seems like quite a symbolic photo. Maybe it’s, you know, some people would say it’s God’s providence, but other people say it’s been staged along with that. There was a camera that actually caught the bulletin as it whizzed past Trump’s head, one of the bullets. And given shutter speed, it seems unlikely with frames per second that you could have actually caught the bullet. It just seems a little artificial. But there are takes that this was an attempt at assassination of Trump, with crooks being the dummy, and that would not be an unusual scenario.

As John has pointed out, he’s immediately killed, so he can’t be questioned. And this has happened before with alleged assassins of political figures. And the third interpretation I’ve heard of this is that this could have been some kind of a warning to Trump that this is what we can do to you. If you don’t, if we let you be president and you don’t follow our instructions, you will be taken out next time. That may have some credibility to it, I don’t know. It’s interesting. He picked JD Vance to be his vice president two days after this incident, and Vance seems to be a swamp creature, and of course, it’s a swamp that Trump has been pledging to take out all along.

So, three interpretations. A real attempt that missed a publicity stamp by Trump or a warning to Trump. Those are the three narratives I’ve heard. But I don’t have the expertise, and we haven’t had enough time, I think, to truly analyze it and be sure. I like all that, James, I think that’s excellent. I think that photograph of the bullet is ridiculous and the iconic photo is a little too iconic. I’ve been told that Trump was missing in action for ten days, suggesting he could have been rehearsing this script here. Right, I heard that, too. Yeah. I’m very skeptical about what’s going on here, but it had the effect, politically, of solidifying him in the swing states and, you know, consolidated all his mega supporters.

I mean, the guy has virtually attained a superhero status. John, your further thoughts? Yeah, I’m trying to remember all the points. Those are all good points. I’m going to try to go back from the most recent, which would be the camera question. The problem with cameras, and I’ve been a photographer since I was a kid, since 13. I had a camera, I went to Japan, I had a minolta, I later got a Minolta spy camera and all, so I know about frames. We no longer live in the world of regular film and cameras anymore. Now we have digital.

Now I’ve got a. I’ve got a security camera here. It’s a flip phone, but the megapixels is like, what, five or something? I’ve seen people with high speed film and thermal imaging can take pictures of UFO’s when they slow it down because they saw something go right past, all you see is a blur. Then they had downloaded it to a computer, and then they could figure out they just saw a UFO, which will slow it down to. And then slow it down some more and more, you know, frame by frame by frame, even the beat of a bumblebee or a bee.

So if they could do that technology, they can see a picture of what I think is probably the left to right transfer of a bullet that missed Trump. That’s not a problem for me. I can accept that because that’s where the direction of travels from. I’m telling you guys firsthand, this is the first interview I’ve done, which I’m exposing a part about the windows. They don’t want anybody to talk about the windows. And I’ve already reached out to various congressmen’s offices that have not reached back to me yet. And I was on Fox News on the 13th.

But the tower is a decoy. They shot the decoy shooter. They could have had another one in the parking lot, another one in the car. And he also had a device, no different than a garage door opener. I’m just using that as a prop, a garage door opener. And he also had what looked like a cell phone nearby, a smartphone, not a flip phone. And he had a bag of material. And he also had a bag of ammo, which is a go bag for police and law enforcement that even I used to carry. So I’ve looked at all these items, and it all matches up.

That’s the lone mail shooter. Crooks or Uric, doesn’t matter. And they don’t want you to see the three windows off to the left of that same building in the rear. That’s where the shooters from. And let me just. Mayor cause telling this head of the Secret Service to keep her mouth shot about what happened. Kimberly Cheadle. Yes. Of Gilheze. She was totally evasive and made absurd replies to questions from Congress. Exactly. That suggests they were complicit. We’ve got, I agree with you. She was totally evasive. She wouldn’t answer straight questions. Excuse me, I’ve been sneezing a bit.

Plus, they had three different ops going on in Pennsylvania. Jill had four times as many Secret Service as they gave to Trump. And Kamala was there, too, apparently with her entourage. So it looks like they were setting it up to excuse, you know, what had happened there because they were stretched so thin it was just inadvertent. We’re really sorry Trump got whacked. I do think it was 22 long rifle. I fired those before. They’re very effective. You hit the head of it, the 22 long rifle, you’re going to be dead and the bullet’s going to bounce around inside your cranium.

ISIS back. John, let me explain also, I’m glad you brought that up because I have other people I talked to have military background, at least two other people with military where they actually trained with 22 long rifle in an m 16 or assault rifle weapon. Let me point out that when we used ammunition, it was subsonic, nine millimeter. Subsonic. Why is that, John? Well, because maybe somebody might want to attache a flash suppressor, a silencer on it. You can’t measure sound from a silenced bullet. You can’t measure it. So you got other people, I won’t mention names talking recently where they stretch it out to an hour deal, which is just totally a waste of time.

But they do have three registered sound cracks. Kachunk. Kachunk. Kachunk. That’s the actual noise of the slide going back and forward. That’s, that’s no less than a 22 long rifle, not a 223, which is a gigantic, powerful 22. That’s going to make a bigger explosion. But I want to reemphasize this is the hottest information I’m giving you guys, because nobody else has interviewed me about the flash. Because if a guy fired a silenced weapon from the window, that’s what’s happening now. I’m getting calls. Well, in d le Plaza, there was only one unsilent weapon, and there were, by my count, eight altogether.

But only one was science. Create the acoustical impression of only three shots having been fired. So I think this is extremely valuable. Like the discussion there. See, some suggest Trump actually deserves an Academy Award for this. I love it. I did a discussion just a couple days ago with Victor Hugo and Joaquini Gobean. And really we were all pretty much inclined to think this had been a stage event. So anyone who wants to check out more, you can find that on my bitchute channel, Jim Fetzer on my Twitter account. Just check it out. I love this because it’s going to generate interest in a whole lot of false flags.

Now we turn to James latest about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Here’s an early drawing of John Wilkes Booth taking him out in Portland theater. Wrong handgun did he use? But go ahead. Yeah. Yeah, James, you’re welcome. I just pulled this off to illustrate because here you have your book exploding the official myths of the Lincoln assassination. Like many major historical events, Abraham Lincoln’s assassination had an official story and a backstory. On April 14, 1865, the president was shot by actor John Wilkes Booth, a southern sympathizer, at Ford Theater in Washington. Simultaneously, a Booth accomplice, Lewis Powell, attempted to stab to death William Stewart, the secretary of state, at his home.

Though not expected to live, Stewart survived his wounds. Booth and another accomplished, David Herald, rode south. On April 26, Union cavalry tracked a pair to a Virginia barn. Herold surrendered. Booth refused despite orders to bring him back alive. Booth was mortally wounded by a soldier who fired through an opening of the bart. Afterwards, a military court tried eight alleged booth accomplishments. Four were hanged, including Mary’s Surat, a first woman executed by the United States. And here’s, uh, the gallows where they’re hung. So ends the official story in a nutshell, which is almost people know. Due to media control plus removal of critical documents from government archives, James Perloff dismantles destroying his new book.

Thanks to the digitization of handwritten 19th century documents and with help from two intrepid predecessors, went alive, the other dead more than 60 years. Readers may be surprised at how much 1860s America resembled today’s America, with a deep state behind the scene controlled information, suppression of civil liberties, and secret agendas. Among the books questions, some answering, some just asking why, on a dishonest pretext, did secretary Edwin Stanton denied Lincoln the protection he requested at Port theater? Why was Lincoln assigned a disreputable bodyguard who deserted his post before the assassination yet was never punished? How did John Wilke Booth know he only needed a one shot derringer to kill the president? Why were the only actual assassination attempt by Booth and accomplices against the only two prominent men in the administration, Lincoln and Seward, who opposed the brutal reconstruction plan to devise for the Southe? How was the Ford theater presidential box modified to facilitate the murder? Why did Washington telegraph wires shut down after the assassination? Why did War Secretary Stanton take charge of the investigation intended, the attorney general? Why was Booth’s escape road the only left unpatrolled? What did Booth tell southerners his real reason for leaving? A card advised President Johnson dressed the day of the assassination, Secretary Sewards attempted assassin, Lewis Powell, gained access by pretending to deliver medicine.

How did he know the doctor’s name in the house? Exact layout. Why were soldiers closest to capturing Booth replaced by a select Washington detachment, including two commanders who were trusted associates of Stanton’s right hand man, Lafayette Baker? Why was it court martial of the sergeant who, against orders, allegedly shot Booth, cancelled? Why was Booth diary recovered from his body, never entered in evidence that the conspiracy trial kept secret for two years, and when finally exposed, 43 sheets of the 86 pages were missing? Why were booths, alleged obelisk that denied a jury trial and prompt defense counsel? Why were they continuously shackled heads hooded before being either hanged or sent to a remote island prison west of Key west? What close friend of Booth were also old friends with Stanton’s intelligence sheep, William Wood? I gotta say, James, those are wonderful questions, and I am just impressed with what you’re doing here.

Give us your thoughts. Where do we go? Tell us more about your findings. We’re eager to hear. Well, first of all, I’m very impressed that you read that list. You kind of saved me a lot of work. Those are points I usually go through. But, well, we might mention something that I didn’t mention there, which was a general grant. The south had just surrendered, or at least Robert E. Lee had surrendered just five days before the assassination. That effectively ended the civil war, even though still a few confederate forces on the field little celebrated in the north.

And general Grant was in Washington. He was supposed to go to Ford’s theater that night with President Lincoln and their wives to attend that play called our american cousin. But the last moment, Grant canceled out. And so President Lincoln had to find replacements. And that included Major Henry Rathbone and his fiancee, Clara Harris, was a daughter of a senator from New York. They sat in the booth, the presidential box, I should say, with the Lincolns. Now, why did President Grant, future president Grant, now, General Ulysses Grant, cancel out? Now, what he told Lincoln was that he wanted to see his family in New Jersey.

But this doesn’t really make any sense. He was in the train to New Jersey when Lincoln was shot, but there was no urgency about his going to see his family. Nobody was sick. Nobody was about to get married. He could have just as easily accepted an invitation from his commander in chief and then taken the morning train, but he decided not to. And as you read my book, you can see that the mainstream historians have a spin on every aspect of this assassination. And what they say about Grant cancellation is that his wife, Julia, didn’t get along with Mary Todd Lincoln, and she pressured her husband not to go.

That doesn’t really make sense, because all they’re being asked to do is sit in full view of the public at Ford’s theater. That’s not going to result in a cat fight between the two wives. The real reason the Grant canceled out that day has to do with Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who is representing in the cabinet what they call the radical Republicans who want to brutalize the south after the war. Grant went to the War Department that day, and he was told by Edwin Stanton, the secretary of war, don’t go to Ford state tonight. There could be real danger.

That’s why he canceled out. But in contrast to that is Sten’s attitude towards Lincoln. And I want to read to you what Lincoln’s daytime bodyguard, William Crook, said on the day of the assassination, April 14. In his memoirs, he wrote this. He quote, I was surprised. Late on the afternoon of the 14th, I accompanied Mister Lincoln on a hurried visit to the War Department. I found that the president was more depressed than I’d ever seen him. And his step was unusually slow. Mister Lincoln said to me, crook, you know, I believe there are men who want to take my life.

Then after a pause, he said, I have no doubt that they will do it. The conviction with which he spoke dismayed me, wanted to protest. But his tone had been so calm and sure, I found myself saying instead, why do you think so, mister president? Other men have assassinated, was his reply. All I could say was, I hope you’re mistaken, Mister president. Now, crux stands outside the War Department where Lincoln goes into the War Department. What’s his purpose for going there? He wants a competent bodyguard. Crooks is going off duty. He wants a competent bodyguard to go with him at the Ford’s theater.

He goes in. He speaks to Stanton. And Stanton advises him not to go to Ford’s theater. But not with the same conviction he told Grant. Now Lincoln says, I have to go. The public is expecting me. It’s been announced. He says, I want a competent man to escort me. I want your assistant, Major Eckert. I know how strong he is. I’ve seen him break iron pokers over his arm. And Stanton says, sorry, President Lincoln, but we’re going to be very busy tonight in the War Department. I need Major Eckert here for his services. We’re going to be very busy.

Lincoln didn’t accept it. He went straight to Major Eckert’s desk. And Major Eckert was in charge of the cipher desk, meaning the telegraph desk. And Lincoln says, Major Eckerd, would you please accompany the Ford’s theater tonight? I know how strong you are. And Eckerd says, sorry, mister president, I’ve got too much of a workload tonight. And Lincoln says, well, surely, major, your work could wait till the morning. Eckert says, no, sir. Got to be done tonight. I just want to point out it’s very unusual for a major in the US army to refuse a request from his commander in chief, the president of the United States.

But Lincoln accepted and said, okay, I’ll take Major Rathbone instead of. Now, what you need to know is that both Eckert and Stanton are lying to Lincoln. They are not busy in the War Department that night. They were not even in the War Department tonight. No telegraph message was sent out by Eckert from the telegraph desk. He signed it off to his assistant, Major Homer Bates, who were getting this information from. Bates wrote about it in the memoirs. Stanton went home. He wasn’t in the War Department. They’re lying to Lincoln. Now, again, the mainstream historians always have a spin.

And what they’ll tell you is, well, Eckert and Stanton are so concerned about Lincoln’s safety, they figured if they denied him the bodyguard he wanted, that he changed his mind about going to Ford’s theater. But he didn’t. Right in front of them, he said, well, I’m still going to Ford’s theater with Major Rathbone. If they’re really concerned about the president’s safety, why did they change their mind and say, okay, I guess we could spare Major Eckerd to be your bodyguard tonight? But they were lying. And what I also want to talk about is, who was Lincoln’s bodyguard that night? And this is really critical.

It’s a man whose name has been virtually erased from history. Lincoln’s bodyguard at Ford Theater was John F. Parker. John F. Parker was a member of the Washington Metropolitan Police. He was one of four members of police force assigned to the presidential bodyguard detail. Now, he had a lousy record as a police officer. He’d been charged with misconduct many times for being drunk on duty, asleep on duty, visiting a brothel, using foul language. But always the charges were dropped. Somehow he winds up on Lincoln’s bodyguard detail. What you need to know is that he deserted his post that night.

He was initially stationed in a chair on the outside of the presidential box behind a closed door. But he left his post, and he went next door to what they call the star saloon next to Ford’s theater. Boozed it up. He was not at his post when Lincoln was shot, and he was not seen again until 06:00 the following morning. 06:00 the following morning, in an apparent attempt, a pathetic attempt to redeem himself, he came to police headquarters with a prostitute and charged you with being a lady of the streets. You can imagine what the reaction of the police was.

We don’t care. The president has been shot. We’re trying to find his assassins. They didn’t charge the woman with prostitution. And some people believe he actually spent the night with the prostitute. We can’t prove that, but there’s reasons to believe it. Number one, he was known to frequent houses of prostitution. Number two, why is he bringing this woman at 06:00 in the morning? You’re not gonna see a prostitute at five in the morning playing her trade. Plus, the streets were filled with lynch mobs. This pandemonium, people were threatened to burn down Ford’s theater. Very unlikely that prostitutes can be outplying their trade in that kind of an atmosphere.

In any event, I want to quote what William Crook, the daytime bodyguard, wrote about John F. Parker in his memoirs. He said that crook should have been at the rear of the presidential box, quote, fully armed. And permit no unauthorized person to pass. Incredible as it may seem, he quietly deserted his post of duty. It was through this guard’s amazing recklessness, to use no stronger words. That Booth accomplished his foul deed. End quote. Now, you would think that Parker would have been punished for this. He let the president be assassinated. He would have gone to jail, lost his job.

But no, he didn’t go to jail. He wasn’t dismissed of the Washington police. And even remained on the presidential bodyguard detail. After letting President Lincoln be assassinated. When Mary Todd Lincoln saw him at the White House. Still, she said, you’re responsible for my husband’s murderous. Now, she was a high strung woman. People know that. But she was right. And now, the Washington police did conduct an investigation of this matter. But all the records have disappeared. It obviously took somebody with a lot of clout. To get this guy off the hook and have no punishment. By the way, she mentioned he showed up for work 3 hours late that day.

And I don’t think it was just due to his habitual laziness. But to keep the president states. Waiting for 3 hours for you to shut up, show up after crook went home. I mean, there’s so many. And this guy’s been erased from history. I have a 1400 page book of files on the Lincoln assassination from that time. The War Department, the police department. John Parker’s name is mentioned once in a footnote. That’s it. He’s gone from history. He was not called to testify at the trial. Nor was his name ever mentioned. This is just one small detail of Lincoln assassination.

And there are dozens in my book. David, I’d love this. I love this. Yeah, John, go for it. Well, I just had a quick question or two. We’re talking about the War department. Is that the same building? That’s the EoB next door to the White House. War department was next to the White House. That’s correct. Okay. People need to understand that’s a gigantic gray building, kind of dismal. And I’ve worked there, too. I’ve been all over that place so that all this stuff is walking distance. And they still have prostitutes of the evening or afternoon or morning on 14th street.

And we had our secret service building off 1310 L. And I could tell you other stories about that. So, too, what happened to Pinkerton after the war thing? Pinkerton was the one that was first, allegedly one of the most famous people who was assigned to protection of Lincoln. I don’t know if you knew much about that part. I do. I was, I sent you a chat message real quick to both of you that I actually saw the actual medical devices that were by the army and they were showing them around. I said, oh, my God, there’s the actual devices and the medical instruments and a whale bone probe that they actually used on Lincoln when they were trying to find the bullet, which is a 41 caliber derringer.

John, hold that thought. We’ll be right back with James Pereloff and John Carmen talking about James new book on the Lincoln assassination. Fascinating stuff. Listening to revolution and we’ll be right back after this message. Was it a conspiracy? Did you know that the police in Boston were brought broadcasting, this is a drill. This is a drill on bullhorns during the marathon, that the Boston Globe was tweeting that a demonstration bomb would be set off during the marathon for the benefit of bomb squad activities. And that one would be set off in 1 minute in front of the library, which happened as the globe had announced.

Peering through the smoke, you could see bodies with missing arms and legs, but there was no blood. The blood only showed up later and came out of a tube. They used amputee actors and a studio quality smoke machine. Don’t let yourself be played. Check out. And nobody died in Boston either. that’s if you think for 1 second that the Capitol will ever treat us fairly, you are lying to yourself. Because we know who they are and what they do. This is what they do. And we must fight back. You can torture us and bomb us.

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They do not necessarily represent the opinions of Revolution Radio and, comma, its staff or affiliates. You’re listening to revolution radio. 100 listeners supported radio. And now we return you to your host, John. Continue with your thoughts, please. I almost thought I forgot my thoughts for a second. I think I was talking about Pinkerton was the one that was originally a private investigator. And then from that they started having the other bodyguards. And I’m listening. Very good. Me and James will have a conversation after the show sometime, I’m sure, because of what would become the Secret Service and out of the Pinkertons.

Well, yeah, what I wanted to point out was eventually, when they went from the certain military people, and you already indicated that there was a Washington DC police officer. Well, just so happened, even when I was there, 1974, Nixon had just left. They previously had Washington DC police as White House police detail, which, which turned into executive Protective Service slash uniformed division, which was still Secret Service in 74. Prior to that. I mean, we’re talking about way back in the fifties and even the attempt on the president’s life back when Truman left the White House because they were doing repairs to the White House.

They had a puerto rican terrorist group try to assassinate him at Blair House right across the street, which would be technically from the executive avenue, and you would see the War Department or the executive office building actually also named the Eisenhower Building. Same thing. They killed the assassins, but the Kofelt was killed. And there’s a plaque out there in front of Blair House. And the new executive office building is above it, where the counter snipers also position themselves whenever the marine one comes in. But eventually, the whole thing was they eventually progressed and turned into the Secret Service uniform division.

Secret service was established since 1865, mostly out of the counterfeiting issues, which I’m sure James could get into as well. I’m sure that we would really like to hear about stuff on John Wilkes Booth, because there’s a lot of interesting things going on with that. Well, my inference from what James has articulated as a secretary of war was behind the assassination. He may have had financial sponsors. James, please do elaborate. It’s pretty obvious. And my guess would be the stabbing would be just a cover up. It probably was relatively innocuous. They exaggerated it in the press to make it look as though it were serious, but that’s my guess.

James, please. When you talk about the stabbing, are you talking about the stabbing of Major Henry Rathbone? No, no, no. I meant Lyn stouten actually stabbed himself to the secretary of war. Oh, you mean when he died. There was rumors about that, if that’s what you’re referring to. Although some people say he had family and peers at his deathbed and that he didn’t do that. I don’t think there’s anything definitive on that. That was. It was Seward. Yeah. Oh, I’m sorry. I’m. Yeah. Secretary of Seward was definitely stabbed. Yeah. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. This is good.

Yeah, no, it was. My inferences. Your research substantiates that Stanton was behind the assassination, or at least a key player in setting up Lincoln for his death. Definitely. Well, first of all, he’s the one who lied to Lincoln the day of the assassination. But another thing to remember about Stanton is that he took charge, put himself completely in charge of the investigation of Lincoln’s death. And normally, this would have come under the attorney general. This is like today, if there was a presidential assassination, would come under the Justice Department, not under the Department of Defense, which is what the War Department became.

But there are further evidence of guilt. I mean, he wanted to control the investigation lest he be out. I mean, I think that’s. It’s indirect evidence, but it’s one of many, many pieces that point to him. And I. I want to mention now, in case anybody thinks he was an old softie and that’s why he didn’t punish the bodyguard. He was a ruthless man. And during the Civil War, you know, of a soldier was caught falling asleep on guard duty, was sentenced to death by court martial. Lincoln might write up, you know, a reprieve at the request of the family, and Stanton would rip it up.

I mean, he just signed countless death warrants. He was known as a ruthless mandev. But I just want to compare the treatment of the bodyguard to the treatment of an employee at Ford’s theater. I do this in my book as an example. There was a Ford employee named Ned Spangler, and he worked as a carpenter, and he worked as a scenery shifter, meaning between acts. While the curtain was down, he helped move the scenery for the next act. He was one of the big eight that was tried at the trial of the conspirators. Four people were hung, including Mary Surratt, and four were sentenced to hard labor.

He was one of those who went to hard labor. Now, what was his crime? His crime was this. On the day of the assassination, John Wilkes Booth, that night came up behind the theater on a rented horse. Was not his own horse. And the stable owner, named John Pumphrey told Booth, he said, look, watch out for this horse. It’s very high spirited. He could break away on you. So Booth wanted to make sure that horse was ready for him when he got out of the theater. He’s got to make a very fast escape. So he knows that Spangler, but not as a co assassin.

He’s often performed at Fort theater, John Wilkes Booth. Even Lincoln saw him perform there. And so Spangler knew him on a professional basis. That’s all. And so Booth said, hey, Spangler, would you hold my force for me? I want to go into the theater for a couple of minutes. Now, Spangler doesn’t know he’s about to kill the president, but he holds the horse. But times are wasting, and he has to get back into the theater to start shifting scenery. So he tells a fellow employee named Joseph Burroughs. Joseph, would you hold the horse for Mister Booth? I have to get back to the theater.

Well, that’s it. That extent of his proven crime, that’s been proven. Okay. No proof that he ever discussed assassin any of the president with Booth or that he knew any of Booth’s accomplices, but for this, secretary of war, Stanton orders him to be arrested. He’s placed in solitary confinement like the other prisoners, except for Murray Surratt. A cloth. I’m sorry. A canvas bag is placed over his head. You can’t see with it on. You can barely hear there’s one small hole for breathing and eating. He’s also. His hands are handcuffed and his legs are manacled with an eight inch chain.

And these are on at all times. The bag doesn’t even come off his head for eating. Now the guards. He has two guards on him. It’s true for all the prisoners. They’re all in solitary confinement and the guards are forbidden to speak to him, but they take pity on at mealtime. So he can’t have the hood off. But they feed him through the hole. Well, one guard feed him, well, the other. The other one. The other one stands guard on watch in case they get caught. Doing this is how. This is a violation of the. The 8th plank of the Bill of Rights, which says you cannot use cruel or unusual punishment.

And by the way, these bags were invented by Stanton. And they had to wear them all up to the time of the trial and during the trial, except when they’re in the courtroom, when they were still manacled, but they had the. The hoods off. And this guy Spangler got the lightest sentence of anyone, like I say, four were hanged. Three, including Doctor Samuel Mudd, who made a cast for, homemade cast for Booth after, you know, he broke his leg when he jumped onto the stage and shouted what he shouted, the leg was killing. Went to doctor Mudd’s home in Maryland.

Because he slightly knew Doctor Mudd. He got life in prison. That was commuted later by Andrew Johnson, but he got life imprisonment spangled, got six years, and that was the lightest sentence. But that’s just briefly, briefly holding Booth’s force. He wasn’t even holding it when Booth came out of the theater. This is just a contrast you’ll see throughout the Lincoln assassination annals. This happens where people who are guilty go scot free. People who have nothing to do with assassination get hung or sentenced up. The plan signed by Stanton to make a big public splash, as though he really being ruthless on the conspirators when he was just patching it together to excuse those who really committed the crime and make it appear as though he were punishing who were actually innocent, as though they were guilty.

I mean, I think you’ve done wonderful job, James. I’m just fascinated by this whole thing. Tell us more. Okay. By the way, I’ve got to credit Otto Eisen Schimmel, who first woke me up to this. He wrote a book in 1937. I know our listeners can’t hear, but our viewers can. What a book called why was Lincoln murdered in 1937? He followed it up with another book in 1940, and also a top researcher. Most people have never heard of him, but his name is Don Thomas, and he and I have had at least 50 phone call conversations, many emails exchanged while I was writing this book.

And he’s an outstanding researcher. He directed me to many digitized resources that at one time, you had to go through microfilm in order to see it. But anyway, getting back to the link, assassination details. What weapons again, did Booth bring into the presidential box? A one shot Derringer and a knife. Now, why was Booth so sure he only needed one bullet to take care of the president? I mean, if there had been a competent bodyguard like William crook at his post, Booth probably would have had to use that one bullet on the bodyguard. And that leaves him with only a knife.

And he has to get through Major Rathbone, who grappled with Booth on the night assassination before he jumped on this stage, and then to try and stab Lincoln to death with a knife. Lincoln’s six foot four is very strong. Used to be a rail splitter. Booth is only five foot eight. The conclusion I draw from this, okay? And it can’t be proven, although there are hints that point to it, that booth knew there would be no bodyguard there, that the bodyguard was not going to be there. And that was one of the reasons that he knew he only needed one bullet to use against Lincoln.

Now, for people to say, no, it’s impossible that the booth had inside information. I’m going to prove to you he had inside information. Let’s talk about the assassination of Seward again. The assassin, his name was Lewis Powell, got into the home. He said, I’m here from the pharmacy. She showed little packages. I’m here with medicine from Doctor Verde. Doctor Verity was Seward, Md. Seward had been bedridden due to a carriage accident. Now, the servant was distrustfully. He said, I’ll take the medicine up to the secretaries. And Powell said, no, no, I got to deliver it myself.

He knew exactly where the stairs were. He knew exactly where Seward’s bedroom was on the third floor. He had inside information. And this operates throughout the whole Lincoln assassination. It’s not just some plot dreamed up by John Wilkes booth. He’s got information from the inside telling him what to do and how to do it. Fascinating. I love it. John, your thoughts? John, your. I had my mic muted. I get it. I was discussing this case recently with another friend of mine, and we were kind of joking. Why did he use a small deranger or single shot weapon? I said, well, it’s probably because he, he had his dirty hairy 44 Magnum in the shop or he couldn’t carry a 357.

But back in those days they did have, during the civil war, six round pistols and so forth. So what I’m going to tell you from my Secret Service background is concealability. That’s the whole point of it. Nowadays you can get a two shot Magnum 22 Magnum derringer. I’ve carried one when I was a police officer as a backup weapon. Those are horrendous. One shot is enough. It will make an explosion, a noise that you wouldn’t believe. But I believe it was a 41 caliber ball type pistol. Had to be loaded, that sort of thing. The one they show in the diagram.

It’s kind of confusing because I’m very particular about. Well, that looks like a handgun, but it looks like a semi automatic or it looks like a revolver, five shot, six shot, chief special or something. But it’s all about conceal ability. And then the dacre’s. The dagger is a backup weapon, but if he knew he had access, one shot, get out quick. And the also, the idea is to be able to escape concealability, the quickness of the, of the firing or the assassin’s attack and then being able to escape. Unless he’s going to just fire off a bunch of shots, then he’s causing a lot of attention and then other people might respond and all that.

It’s one shot, get in, get out. That’s, that’s my thinking. So. But then it didn’t happen that way, I guess, because he ended up jumping off of the booth. I’m sorry, box. We’re doing that freudian slip thing onto the stage and he yelled out something. Can you remember James with the actual 6 September Tamaran? Thus always deterrence. The state motor Virginia and the south is avenged, by the way. I just want to acknowledge what you’re saying. I do talk about this in my book, that a Darren easier to conceal than a revolver, but I really believe that both.

Had he worn a coat, it was an evening, he could have concealed in a deep pocket a revolver if he wanted to. Sure. I don’t think he had to rely on that one shot pistol. And he was certainly taking a big chance. If a bodyguard, a competent bodyguard had been there, it would have been a real problem for him. Yeah, and it’s usually so they can throw it away, which he did. The Derringer was found afterwards. Yeah. He didn’t have it on him when he, when he fled the theater. There you go. That’s a profile anyway, just to pick up further on this, let’s see.

We get plenty of time. Booth’s selection of targets is very interesting. After Lincoln’s assassination, something called reconstruction, as I’m sure you guys know, was imposed on the south. It was very brutal. The south had already had its infrastructure decimated by Sherman and other generals. They lost their food. They had cities, whole cities were burned down. Atlanta, Savannah. The South was at the mercy of the north at the end of the war, and they were exploited. After the war, owners, taxation was placed. Properties. You can see that in the movie the gone with the wind. Properties were taken over by carpetbaggers, businesses were lost, and they were under military occupation for twelve years.

They were not allowed to elect their own governors. It said the war Department would appoint military governors instead. And this is one reason why there was always a lot of bitterness in the south, towards the north. They were so brutally treated. Now, Lincoln stood against us in his second inaugural address in 1864. He elected. In 1864 reelected, he said, malice towards none, charity towards all. He wanted property returned to southerners. He wanted southern states to be returned to the Congress. Their representatives and senators, which the radical Republicans who Stanton represented, knew that would mean the end of their power and the deep state who they represented, they would be outvoted by the combination of northern and southern Democrats.

And they. I’ll show you a real contrast in the south. They condemned the assassination of Lincoln. Jefferson Davis said, quote, it will be disastrous for people. Robert E. Lee condemned it. Virginia newspapers called Booth a scoundrel. And back in the nineties, I read a book. I went back to reread it, writing this new book of mine. It’s called a confederate girl’s diary, written down in Louisiana, 440 pages long. Here, closing words of the 440 page was, our confederacy has gone with one crash, the report of the pistol fighter at Lincoln, end quote. Everybody in the south seemed to know that Lincoln’s death would be a disaster for the south.

Number one, because it meant the radical Republicans plan for Reconstruction would now be imposed, and number two, that we can be blamed for the assassination. Now, there’s just one man in Lincoln’s cabinet, one prominent man who stood with Lincoln, that the south should be treated gently and without retribution. And that was Secretary Seward, the only other man, when actual assassination attempt was made that night. Now, there were alleged other assassination attempts against Vice President Johnson, General Grant, Secretary Stanton himself. I have a whole chapter called alleged other botched assassination attempts. But the only two people who really they went after with the two people who stood in the way of reconstruction.

I don’t think that’s a coincidence. And before I throw it back to you guys, I just want to read a quote from radical Congressman George Julian. He said this in his diary. He wrote this on April 15. Lincoln died on the morning of the 15th at 722. So Lincoln’s body probably isn’t even cold. There was a political caucus of radical Republicans. These are not the Republicans of today, by the way. These are nothing Ron Paul type guys. These people are pro marxists. They’re anti constitutionalists. The republican democratic parties don’t up today don’t resemble the parties of those days.

But here’s what he wrote in his diary. He attended a caucus. He said, quote, I like the radicalism of the members of this caucus, but have not for a long time heard such profanity. It became disgusting. Their hostility towards Lincoln’s politic, conciliation and contempt for his weakness were undisguised. And the universal failing among radical Mendez here is that his death is a godsend. It really seems so. From among the last acts of his official life was an invitation to some of the chief rebel conspirators to meet in Richmond and confer with us on the subject of peace, end quote.

Radical Republican Congressman George Julian. So in the south, they’re mourning Lincoln’s death. Not to say that they liked Lincoln. He had been a dictator. He had arrested people without warrant. He supported the habeas Corpus Suspension act. He closed down newspapers and disagreed with him. He was a tyrant in many ways, but he was a lesser evil compared to these other men involved. So just an indication the south had nothing to gain from Lincoln’s death. Even though there are mainstream historians now trying to put the blame in the south without any positive proof, it was the radical Republicans who wanted to keep their power and to impose this economic exploitation of the southeast that were, as Congressman Julian put it, thought Lincoln’s death was a godsend.

I’ll throw it back to you and we’ll get to more forensics. Fascinating. John. John, your thoughts? Yeah, I was off camera for just a little bit there. I lost my 80 tabs on my thing, so they’re trying to break into my system. I’m listening carefully as best I can. Do you remember that? Remember I watched a couple of movies that really tied into some of the time frames, which was Errol Flynn when he was playing Custer. They died with their boots on. Yeah. What a film. I love it. Yeah. Which tied in, very interestingly, to the same time frame.

And then, of course, the outlaw Josie Wales with Clint Eastwood, which also another interesting top two that came to mind. I go, yeah, they were taking guns away from everybody. You couldn’t even have squirrel rifle, you know, but they ended up giving their stuff, gave him a last meal, and then they assassinated all these southerners. But it was very vicious. But I keep going back to Custer, which was an excellent movie. They died with their boots on about what they did back then. All this stuff with these, these famous generals and how they did things and conducted themselves.

In fact, in the movie, they died with their boots on. They both had people at the same academy. I believe it was probably Annapolis. And at some point in time, that’s when the Civil War broke out, and they actually played Dixie while the people from the south went. Marched off to go to their homes in the south to fight the war right there. So it’s kind of weird how they did things, but I’m glad James brought stuff about the physical attributes of Lincoln. I’m six three. Lincoln was six four, tall, lanky, very strong and all that.

And here’s a five foot, what? Five foot six seven or eight booth. Can you imagine him trying to reach up and try to do any of that? You know, reaching to stab or not? But even just a shoot, it’s always a headshot. That’s the key element that we’re talking academies. You got poisoning, you got all these other things. And with technology, I’ve always kept my agency, former agency, informed about drones and things like that. But it’s always a headshot. You can’t risk doing a body shot. But that’s what happens. It’s always a headshot thing. So maybe James could remember all the comparisons they used to do years ago.

Remember the movie executive action, Burt Lancaster, Robert Ryan and all that. I used to look at that over the years and go, well, I’ve got a different view now. I’ve got a more background, different varied background, more extensive background. So I look at all the mistakes in these, these historic films. But do you remember all the stuff where they compared the Lincoln assassination with the JFK assassination? Yeah, they went from the one location, from the Ford theater to the White House where he later died, and the secretary’s name was whatever, you know. And all these other things back in Kennedy secretary was.

That’s right, that’s right. Kennedy secretary and all that. So there’s all these prophetic comparisons. Has James run across any prophetic information as well? Well, I don’t specifically mention that book, but many people have pointed out that there were a lot of interesting comparison between Kennedy and Lincoln. Both elected in the year ended in 60, both with vice presidents named Johnson, both killed with gunshots to the head, both killed right when they’re sitting right next to their wives. And in both cases, the alleged assassin was killed before he could go to trial. In both cases, they were killed by men with a pretty good shot.

Single bullet putting to death. Each assassin would be with Oswald versus the military guy. Except Booth really did shoot Lincoln. And Oswald was standing in the doorway of the depository when the motorcade passed by. Didn’t fire a shot. That’s true. It’s always the lone mail gunman. So I’m trying to figure out how far back they could take it. John Wilkes Booth. I actually know a guy named John Wilkes when I was at us customs, which is interesting. I don’t think about it that way, but it is an interesting. He probably got teased all of his life.

Can you imagine? You know? Well, let’s come up on the break. Is it good with you if we open the line to callers? Would that be. That would be w. Just fine, sir. Excellent. Excellent. Well, might you add a couple more thoughts before we hit the break and then all. Well, yeah, the. The telegraph wires went down right after Lincoln’s assassination, and. Well, I won’t. I have the quote in my book. I won’t give you the full quote. Who was Stanton again, that stunt would be a guy in a position to do that. James, though you agree? I mean, he’s the one who would have been able to control these matters.

Stanton put the telegraph industry under War Department control. And who’s the man in charge of it? Thomas Eckert, the night assassination. The man in charge of the telegraph industry is Thomas Eckert, the same man who refused to be Lincoln’s bodyguard at Ford’s theater. And he was questioned about this by the House Judiciary Committee in 1867, and he said, well, it only lasted 2 hours. I didn’t think it was important. Well, 2 hours gives the assassins a two hour head start before the news of Lincoln’s assassination is communicated. Did you look into the reason for this? He said, no, I was too busy.

And then people have pointed out, wait a minute. That’s the reason he gave Lincoln for not being his bodyguard. I’m real. Well, I could keep hearing this excuse from Eckerd and Eckert, by the way, Eckert, after he becomes assistant secretary of war, leave right back. We’ll be right back. Right back, listening to revolution and we’ll be right back after this message management would like to take a moment to thank the listeners and hosts for all their support that has made Revolution Radio one of the biggest platforms for free speech in an ever growing dark world of censorship.

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eastern time on Studio B for momentary Zen with host Zen the people station even the government admits that 911 was a conspiracy. But did you know that it was an inside job? That Osama had nothing to do with it? That the twin towers were blown apart by a sophisticated arrangement of mini or micro nukes? That building seven collapsed 7 hours later because of explosives planted in the building. Barry Jennings was there. He heard them go off and felt himself stepping over dead people. A us geological survey conducted studies of dust gathered from 35 locations in lower Manhattan and found elements that would not have been there had this not been a nuclear event.

Ironically, that means the government’s own evidence contradicts the government’s official position. 911 was brought to us, compliments of the CIA, the neocons of the Department of Defense, and the Mossad. Don’t let yourself be played. Read America nuked on 911. dot that’s the opinions expressed on this radio station, its programs, and its website by the hosts, guests, and call in listeners or chatters are solely opinions. The original source who expressed them. They do not necessarily represent the opinions of revolution radio and, comma, its staff, or affiliates. You’re listening to Revolution radio. 100% listeners supported radio, and now we return you to.

Well, if anyone would like to call in the number 608-957-8727 608-957-8727 meanwhile, we’ll continue the discussion. John, go ahead. Oh, I had a comment before I forget. What James brings up is really important to notice is the fact when they shut down the communications back in those days, they still did it during the Kennedy assassination, all communications was disrupted. Telephone calls in the Washington, DC area were shut down. I mean, even on the JFK movie with Oliver Stone or the Roger Stone, Oliver Stone thing, rather, Donald. Donald Sutherland played a special CIA guide describing. They even put out the message about the assassination in Australia, you know, like 12 hours or 24 hours before it actually happened.

You know, so they were already preparing all these things. But it still seems to fit a certain pattern that. Oh, yeah, you disrupt the enemy’s communication, which allows the people to get escape, like James said, and so on and so forth. It’s the same pattern. You know, it’s like they go back in the playbook and go, okay, what did we do back then? What did we improve? How do we update it? And I could discuss modern technology stuff, but that might be a little bit farther ahead than we need to, but go ahead. Can you guys hear me at all? Yes.

All right. I only heard about one fourth of what John just said, and it says your network bandwidth is low. Oh, there you go, saying, I have a problem with my Internet connection, but you guys can hear me now. We can hear you crystal clear. Just go right. Okay. I could not hear John’s comments enough to put them together was saying that they study past assassination to see how they can improve when they make a new attempt, learning from it, refining. But there are many similarities. That sort of thing was his communications, basically. Go ahead. Okay, so I was just picking up where I was leaving off.

I was starting to talk about how Eckert became the assistant secretary of war after he left the government. He became an employee of Jay Gould, the robber baron, and he wound up becoming chairman and president of Western Union. And usually you don’t get those kind of positions unless you have very powerful people behind you. I should also mention that concerning the pursuit of John Wilkes Booth, he escaped Washington by crossing a bridge. It was called the Navy Yard Bridge. And there was a curfew in effect in Washington at that time. No civilian without a pass and the password get crossed after 09:00.

Now, this, this has been in effect over two, and it’s almost two and a half years. Booth often stated Washington. He had to know Washington had a 09:00 curfew. So how does he get across the bridge? Here’s the actual order that military men were under. Quote, no person except general officers will be passed over any of the several crossings between the hours of 09:00 p.m. and daylight, without the countersign meaning password, and they pass. So people may try and say that well, Booth was an actor. He figured he could be glib and get his way past the guards.

No, if he didn’t get past those guards of that bridge, he would have to go back into Washington where Lynch mobs are already being formed. Everybody knows John Wilkes Booth is the assassin. He’s done it and made it. Shouted his words in front of at least 1500 witnesses everywhere. The word is spreading. John Wilkes Booth is the assassin. He probably would’ve been lynched before he even police could get to him. So how does he know we’ll get across this bridge? The only evidence we have on how he got across the bridge is from the sergeant who was commander of that bridge, Sergeant Silas Cobb.

Booth and his companion, writing companion, David Harrell, both made across the bridge despite of orders to the contrary. And what Sergeant Cobb said was this. He said that at 1025, this is about right, because it’s ten minutes after the assassination. Booth came riding up. Sorry, sir, no one allowed to pass. After 09:00 p.m. booth says, oh, I didn’t know. There’s no order like that. I need to get my home in Maryland. And Cobb says, what are you doing out so late? And Booth says, well, I wanted to wait for the moon to come up so I could see the roads better.

So Cobb says, okay, okay, go ahead. Then shortly after that, David Herald comes up. Now, Booth really needs David Herald because David Herald really knows the roads of Maryland very well. And Cobb says, sorry, kid. Nobody can pass up to 09:00 p.m. harold said, I didn’t know the rule like that. And Cobb says, what we doing out so late? Says, well, do you know what it is, sir, I trist with a young lady, but I live in Maryland. I really got it at home. So Cobb says, okay, kid, you can go ahead. All right. Now, that’s the only information we have.

It comes from Sergeant Cobb. But here’s a couple of things. Booth has to have a guarantee to get across that bridge or he’s a dead Mandev. Number two, why isn’t Cobb punished? He’s just let the president’s assassins escape in violation of a standing military order. You’d think he’d be court martialed, stripped of his sergeant stripes. He would have been punished, but not just like the bodyguard. Stanton, normally ruthless, does absolutely nothing to him. Yeah, yeah. The indications that Stanton, Washington, the key player and in the position of coverage, I was simply over. Paul, we have you right there on the line.

Go ahead, offer your thoughts. I was listening to what your guest was reading there and, you know, the thought just crossed my mind. How do we know that any of that was dead? You know, I mean, I’ve read a bit on the assassination as well, and I’ve heard shows about it. And at this point, I think almost everything that has been written about a lot of history is suspect. You know, I just got an email the other day from someone. Now, I’ve seen these sort of photos before, and the email pictured the pictures of two different Joe Bytes, right? And, I mean, I don’t know that either one of them is actually Joe Biden, okay? But I just made the comment in a flip manner as a response, you know, because a lot of times you.

If I do want to respond, I might want to come up with some kind of a quip. So I don’t feel like writing anything of any length. And I just said, well, which one’s president? And then I realized as soon as I wrote it and sent it, you know, how much there was to what I just put down with, you know, get two different Joe Biden’s. One of them could be the real Joe Biden. But, you know, you’ve done work, Jim, on, you know, at least a couple different Hillary Clintons and so forth. And, you know, the point being, you know, which one’s president.

Well, neither one, right? In other words, none of these people are in charge. They can. They can replace them easily. They can do a fake assassination attempt for whatever purposes. Kind of makes me wonder about the Reagan attempt, too. I was listening to a show, and, I mean, how do we really know that he was really, actually hit, you know, you know, whatever it was. I know. Well, Paul, Paul, you just have, you know, the best people doing the best they can to reconstruct. Reagan appears to have been shot under the armpit when the secret service agent was pushing him into the vehicle with a flushette.

But look, about the Biden, I don’t know if you caught the early part of the show. They got a new Biden. He’s like much taller. He looks like a basketball player. Pauldin, it’s embarrassing, I know. And it makes my point precisely, which is this. None of these people are president in terms of actual, real authority. You know, the power on the throne. You know, we’ve all heard about the power behind the throne. Well, in this situation, can we really say who’s running the show? We all have speculation on was it Klaus Schwab? Is it George Soros? Is it Blackrock? Is it the CIA? I mean, this is, this is precisely the point, right? We don’t ever get what it is we want, right.

And we’re not going to get what we want with Trump. Well, your question, I’m inclined to agree with you at this point in time, Paul, about Trump. That is not going to be what we think or have. Hope. James, Paul was just challenging about the conversation getting across a bridge. He asked, how do we know? How do we know this is what was actually said? Now, the only thing we have, we do have, is Sergeant Cobb’s statement that exists. And was Sergeant Cobb blind? Did Booth perhaps have a pass and know the countersign? Or his, Cobb perhaps tipped off in advance to let these two men pass? We don’t know.

But based on the evidence we do have, which is his written statement, which I don’t particularly believe, and tying that together with many other pieces of indirect evidence such as this, the finger keeps going back of guilt towards Stanton and the War Department, I’m trying to point out the consistent inconsistencies. Whether or not that was really what was set at the bridge, I don’t know. We only have Sergeant Cobb’s statement. But like so many parts of this puzzle, there are a lot of holes in it that don’t make sense, such as his failure. Stanton could have given him a pass, which obviously, it would be respected on the bridge.

I mean, Stan was so powerful at this point in time and became increasingly so. I think you’ve. You’ve really done, I think, a masterful job, James, of pointing at the true conspirators behind the assassination. Paul, your further thoughts? So, James, are you familiar with a book called web of conspiracy regarding the Lincoln assassination? I’ve heard that title. I have not read that book unless it was a very long time ago. Who is the author, Paul? I actually don’t know. It’s one of the books that I have somewhere that I am not that familiar with. You know, we all have tons.

I got all kinds of books, and most of them I read, and I can tell you the author, the title, what they’re about. But this one I dabbled in because at the time when I got it, I was probably in my mid to late twenties, and I just didn’t have the mind that I would later develop. But, yeah, I mean, the point being, though, is that all we really have after this length of time, or, of course, in general, is pretty much what has been reported already and what we’ve been told. And, of course, what you’re saying about the statement of the sergeant.

You know, I just find the whole thing to be similar to what we’re seeing in general. And the point that I normally have made, which is we’re spectators in an audience. You know, we’re watching a play, and the actors and actresses are shuffled about and the scenery changes, and we can only really know for sure so much. Of course, we’re just doing our best to sort out who are the actors and which events are real and which are faker. Stage. James, you want to add further? Yeah, there’s a lot of fakery going on. The idea is to view the patterns of deception and analyze the consistencies that we can see amongst the inconsistencies and to determine that there was another story than the official one.

I should mention, by the way, one of the things I didn’t realize when I started writing this book was there has been an elaborate campaign to dismiss Otto Eisen Schimmel’s 1937 book, which was so powerful that in 1971, NBC on Lincoln’s birthday in 1971 had a major documentary made by Wolper Productions, which was made, also made roots north and south and 200 other productions, many of them well known. And it’s a labor production, and it made the same points we’re making. Why was Lincoln denied the bodyguard? Why did the bodyguard desert his post? Why were the telegraph wires shut down? Why did Stanton leave the road on patrol that Booth took, which we haven’t even gotten into yet? Why was John Wilkes Booth’s diary, what it was kept hidden for two years? And when it was finally found out about, why were 86 pages missing from that diary? Why did so many key documents vanish from document files that related assassination? This was 1971.

Now, remember, in 1971, nobody had smartphones or PCs they could look at. So with over 95% of american homes having tvs, and remember, the only three networks back then, ABC, CB’s, and NBC, a large, many millions of people had to be tuned into NBC that night and seen this documentary, which made the very same points I’m raising tonight. But what I discovered as I wrote this book was that there’s been a tremendous campaign to wipe out this information. And the modern mainstream historians, hints, hall steers, et cetera, have had an elaborate campaign to smear eisen scheme and to wipe out the memory of talking points were once, relatively speaking, common amongst american people 50 to 80 years ago.

And that’s one reason why I wanted to write this book, was to bring these points of evidence back to the public mind, which had been forgotten about deliberately. Right. So if you wouldn’t mind, because, well, I’d be interested to hit. To hit a few of these references, like this book you talked about, Aizen Jimmel, I’ve never heard of it. So I would like to take a look at that and some other things. If you want to leave with Jim, just like a brief thumbnail of some of the things that you are, the things that you refer to, I’d love to look into it, but I’m going to make an interesting point.

This has happened to me recently. I think we all know what they’re doing overall with erasing the past, making it very difficult for us to find out the truth pretty much about anything using the conventional search engines. And so here’s an experiment. Jim, I’m sure you’re familiar with the documentary that Sophia made called 911 mysteries. Sure. Okay. And I’m sure you’ve seen it. I hadn’t seen it in a while and I was actually re watching some of it the other day. Well, here’s what, here’s what happened, just for the fun of it. So there was a link that was from another site that was embedded, okay? And it was a YouTube link.

So what I did is I instead I went to YouTube, right? And I used the YouTube search engine to look for this film. And I typed it in. Exactly. In other words, I typed in 911 mysteries full length, which is what the title was, of this embedded link on another site. And do you think it took me to it? No. I scrolled through page after page after page of, in many cases oddly unrelated work and I never found it. And I’ve had this experience with other things before where it actually still does exist on a link at YouTube.

And you could find it. Right. But to get to it, and of course, as you know, in general, when you go to YouTube now, it’s become the globe or the National Enquirer. I mean, it’s so disgusting, it’s so salacious, so clickbait. You know, the pictures and the titles are full of ridiculous innuendo and in many cases completely misleading. So they are really in many ways erasing the past. And I’m not sure exactly where it’s all going, but I’m certainly disgusted by it. Yeah, good points, John. I’m sure you have thoughts you’d like to toss in. No, I’m listening to the information there.

You have to use a different browser. I’ve been through this stuff before while I was on the show. Just in the last half hour, something deleted my tab, so I had to go back and recover it. So I’ve learned this procedure. Reference to YouTube. Yeah. They have been controlled over the last half, six months to a year. Use a different browser. Use duckduckgo, don’t use Google Chrome. Use all the other ones. Tor, signal, brave, etcetera. When an extreme case comes up, I’ve got a backup brave browser so I can go in and search so you can get the proper research responses.

But that’s an indicator that they’re still covering up the truth even as far back as they can go to keep deleting the intel, deleting the truth. Even a friend of mine, Rodney Stitch, who wrote a book about the plane crashes, I was in his book Drugging America, or I still am. He passed away years ago at 93. They were trying to remove his Wikipedia description, and I had to go message those people and tell him, this guy’s for real. I’ve got a background. Here’s the stuff. And they apparently were going to put it back in. They’re constantly removing patriotic type information and interest.

Wikipedia says Zionists. I’ve had repeated problem with them where I tried to correct misleading false statements about scholars for 911 truth, which I founded, and they wouldn’t let me do it. They told me they wouldn’t let me do it. They had all kinds of spheres. I mean, I had an excellent page up until I did a conference in the 2014 on the campus University of Illinois in which we discussed are there limits to inquiry? Using JFK, 911 and the Holocaust as examples. And some guy down under took offense and he just destroyed my Wikipedia page. I’ve been able to discover it using a way back, but I mean, they can be vicious.

They’re pretty accurate up to a point. I know, Paul, you’ve been saying the problem with YouTube are more extensive than a year. Yes, absolutely. The, you know, the Sandy hook people have taken down hundreds and hundreds of videos exposing the prod because it was such an amateurish production. But that goes way back. Those go all the way back to 2012. Let me give you one more example. Was the guy actually protected, which was Stanislav Lunev, the former KGB colonel, the highest ranking defector from Russia. He passed away a couple years ago. But I happened to go to a Wikipedia and they had some other russian guy, dark hair, semi bald, with a russian, you know, uniform.

I said, that’s not Stanislav, that’s not him. So I Wikipedia messaged them and they took it off. So sometimes. So, but, so, but here’s the thing. Of course it’s troubling is so it’s been mentioned about all these different browsers or search engines that you should use, but most people, of course, are not doing that. Most people are going to use Google Chrome or safari and the conventional ones as a rule. I mean, Miles Mathis covers this all the time in his papers when he looks into the genealogy of some of these people and he talks about the fact that a lot of it’s been scrubbed because they could go in.

And of course, all this information, no matter what it is, for the most part, originated somewhere from a firsthand source and a piece of paper, you know, or a book. And so they have essentially transcribed all the actual physical information that existed at one point and put it online. And of course, now they’re shuffling it around or it can be edited and manipulated. Paul, you’re absolutely right. Right. And I was shocked. Like I said, I shared this one example, but there’s been others. But to me, this was particularly egregious because I put the exact title in 911 mysteries with the exact upper and lower case.

Right. And put it at full length. And I just go into YouTube and I searched on YouTube and it would not. It would not take me to it. Oh, we got it, we got it. We got it. James, look, I think you got a wonderful book here. I’m very, very impressed. We only have a brief moments left. I’d like you to just say what you’d like to say about what your audience would like to know about your book. I mean, it’s on hasn’t yet been banned. Six of mine have, but there it is. I like what? You’ve only been banned.

I’ve only been banned once on Amazon. And hopefully they won’t be doing it with this book because there are other books that challenge the Lincoln assassination that have not been banned. I probably a little too far in the distance for them to do that. But, yeah, there’s quite a bit more evidence. And you actually get a very good review at the beginning. You’re actually reading from my Amazon description. But I think one of the most powerful pieces of evidence in the Lincoln assassination is John Wilkes Booth diary. Now, at the trial of John Wilkes booth accomplices, alleged accomplices, eight of them, they entered into evidence his pistols, everything found on him except for three things.

Knife, pistols, belt holster, file, compass, spur, tobacco pipe, carbon cartridges, and bills of exchange, notes from bank. But they didn’t enter into evidence’s diary. And nobody knew John will smooth had a diary until two years later. 1867, Stanton had a break with the head of the secret service, Lafayette Baker. He fired Baker. Then Baker went off on his own. He wrote a book called the History of the Secret Service. And in that book, he revealed that Booth had a diary. And the public went wild. Congress went wild. They said, we want to see this diary. Now, the chief prosecutor named Joseph Holt.

The judge advocate general was asked, why didn’t you introduce a diary at the trial? He said, I didn’t think it was relevant. How could the tobacco. Let me quote what Congressman Benjamin Butler said. I want to know this. It was a good judgment, part of the gentleman prosecuting the assassins. To put in evidence the tobacco pipe, spur and compass. Found the boo’s pocket. Why was not the diary in his own handwriting? Found the same pocket put in evidence. Now, this diary had elements that could have cleared two of the people who sentenced to life in prison.

Because I revealed there was no plot to assassinate Lincoln until the day of the assassination. And two of those people, Doctor Mudd and a guy named Samuel Arnold. Were far away from Washington the day of assassination. They hadn’t been in touch with Booth in a long time. And there’s no way they could have been discussing assassinating the president with Booth. And yet they got life in prison. And the FBI confirmed this, by the way, in 1977. I think we have enough time just to mention this. 1977. You can find it online. I quote it my book.

The FBI says, quote, the forensic laboratory investigated the Booth diary in 1978. At the request of the National Park Service. Quote, in total, there are 43 full sheets, 86 pages missing. The diary and unquote. And the FBI found that the 27 pages immediately preceding the day of the assassination were missing. And these weren’t blank pages. Because you could still see the edges of the pages. That had fragments of Booth’s handwriting on them. Somebody removed those pages, and it wasn’t Booth. Because some of those pages got Stanton would be more obvious. It was Stanton. He was the guy in the.

He was. He was given the diary by the officer. Took it off Booth’s body before Booth even died. He brought it straight to Stanton. Stanton kept it a secret. Although the prosecutor, Joseph Holt, knew about it. So did Eckert. And so did the head of the secret service, Lafayette Baker. But it was kept a secret for two years. Obviously, the people who kept it secret for two years. Are also the people who removed those pages. Because they knew it would incriminate them. But that’s just one of the more powerful pieces. But there’s not much more evidence in my book.

Again, this is wonderful, James. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I love it. I love it too. It’s got this historical character to it. I love it. James. Honest to God, I want to thank you. Thank you very much. Called exploding the official myths of the Lincoln assassination. Longest title I’ve ever had. But it’s got the subtitle make up for it. Can you hold it up again? Yeah, sure. Thank you. There you go. Got it. Paul. Thanks for the call, John, for your expert commentary as our former secret service agent Jane Perloff, you have a wonderful book. I’m just delighted you could join me today about this and I encourage everyone to check it out.

It is available on dot. Meanwhile, spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about because we do not know how much time we have left and support revolution radio. Have a great weekend. Back on Monday. Look for my book open target. That’s coming up soon too. Have a good one. Thank you for listening to revolutionary radio.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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2020 presidential election theories alleged alternative search engines and browsers Amazon book on Lincoln assassination campaign safety measures Jim Fetzer radio show discussion John Wilkes Booth's diary Lincoln assassination new book misinformation and deception missing diary pages Paul McCartney death conspiracy political event conspiracy theories President Biden double theory Trump assassination attempt truth uncovering challenges

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