The Raw Deal (15 July 2024) with John Carman Brian Davidson Katherine Horton | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On a radio show, host Jim Fetzer and guests John Carmen, Brian Davidson, and Dr. Kathryn Horton discuss a recent shooting incident. They debate the identity of the shooter, with Carmen suggesting that the person identified by the FBI as the shooter is not the same person who was shot. They also discuss the possibility of there being multiple shooters, with Horton analyzing the sound of the gunshots to suggest there were at least two gunmen. Davidson talks about his independent research and mentions an audio analysis that suggests there were three weapons used.
➡ The article discusses a shooting incident at a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The author questions the official narrative, suggesting that the identified shooter might have been a scapegoat and that the investigation was not thorough. The author also raises concerns about the choice of weapon used and the shooter’s access to the rooftop. The article ends with speculation about possible involvement of intelligence agencies and political motivations behind the incident.
➡ A woman who has been involved in the election process for 36 years was not asked to help in 2020, and she noticed unfamiliar faces from the state capital managing the process. There’s concern about future elections and potential corruption. However, there’s some hope as a judge dismissed a case related to the elections. The discussion also touched on upcoming Senate races in 2024, with various candidates mentioned for different states. The speaker believes that until corruption is addressed, there’s little hope for significant change.
➡ The discussion revolves around corruption, specifically targeting American billionaires and European royals. The speakers believe that these groups are the root of corruption and need to be exposed. They also discuss the alleged satanic rituals and pedophilia networks, suggesting these are part of the corruption. Lastly, they emphasize the need for strong leadership and the importance of conservative mentality, suggesting that the public needs to take action against corruption.
➡ The text discusses a shooting incident where a man with military training was present. The man, along with a woman, seemed to have prior knowledge of the event, suggesting it might have been an inside job. There’s speculation about whether Trump was hit, with some evidence suggesting he was, but the situation remains unclear. The text also criticizes the Secret Service and local police for their handling of the situation.
➡ The text discusses a potential security breach during an attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. The author suggests that the Secret Service ignored several security protocols, allowing the suspect, Thomas Matthew Crux, to gain easy access to a shooting position. The author also implies that there may have been a decoy shooter involved, and criticizes the Secret Service for not securing the highest points in the area, such as a water tower. The text ends with a comparison to the assassination of Martin Luther King, suggesting a similar scenario may have occurred.
➡ The text discusses a situation where security measures at a Trump rally were inadequate, leading to potential danger. The author criticizes the lack of preparedness and questions the competence of the security team, particularly the female members. They also suggest that the team was chosen based on diversity rather than qualifications, which may have contributed to the poor security. The author calls for better security measures and more qualified personnel in the future.
➡ In a video analysis, a blonde woman in a crowd is observed reacting quickly to a situation, ducking and pushing another woman down. This reaction suggests she anticipated danger. The discussion also explores the possibility of multiple shooters in an incident involving Donald Trump, with some suggesting there could be three, including one targeting the other shooters. The conversation ends with speculation about the potential danger to Biden.
➡ This text discusses a radio show on Revolution Radio, where the hosts and guests analyze a video of an alleged assassination attempt on Donald Trump. They discuss the sounds of gunshots and bullets, suggesting there were multiple shooters using different types of weapons and ammunition. They also mention a witness account of a man crawling on a roof with a rifle. The hosts and guests speculate about the use of subsonic ammunition and silencers, and the possibility of a conspiracy involving multiple shooters.
➡ A man was spotted on a roof during a public event, and despite attempts to alert the authorities, he was not apprehended until after he fired shots. The witnesses were shocked and questioned why the Secret Service was not more vigilant. The incident sparked a lot of discussion and speculation, with some suggesting political motivations behind the attack. The event has had a significant impact, causing a surge in support for Trump and raising questions about the credibility of the government’s narrative.
➡ The text discusses the political climate surrounding the RNC convention, speculating that Trump might announce JD Vance as his vice presidential candidate. It also criticizes the Democrats’ reliance on media for their views on Trump and suggests that a significant portion of the American public distrusts the media. The text further delves into conspiracy theories about Michelle Obama and the potential threat posed by illegal immigrants. It ends by questioning the future direction of the deep state and Trump’s potential control by Jewish-run hedge funds.
➡ The discussion revolves around concerns for Donald Trump’s safety due to alleged assassination attempts, the potential for a Republican landslide in the Senate, and the need for change in the top ranks of institutions. The speakers also discuss the possibility of Joe Biden being replaced by Kamala Harris, the threat of directed energy weapons, and the importance of securing the upcoming election.


Not just anybody. You know, I need someone. Well, this is Jim Fetzer, your host on the raw deal, right here on revolution radio. This 15th day of July 16, actually, we’re going to be talking with three special guests. John Carmen, former secret service, Brian Davidson, private investigator from Texas. And hopefully we’ll be joined by doctor Kathryn Horton, who’s a particle physicist from Oxford, all of whom have had interesting and important observation to make. We begin with John, who has some breaking news. John, share with us. What’s the latest? John, we can’t hear you. You’re muted. No, I know.

I was. I was typing an urgent message. Is there a way to put the picture on chat? A picture of the actual suspect that was killed? Not Matthew. Not Thomas Matthew Crooks? Yeah, I can make you. I can make you host and you can do a screen. Here it is, John. I just have it on a copy and paste mode. If I could do that. And it is. John, you got it? I mean, I made your host. Can you do it or no? Yeah, let me open it up again, bigger, so I can do the chat part, because I don’t think I could share it on the chat as a copy and paste.

It’s not doing it that way. Well, why don’t you tell us what it shows? Well, I got. I got the photograph from another source this morning. Law enforcement type. The FBI is identifying Thomas Matthew crooks as the alleged shooter. When that’s not the guy that was shot on top of the roof. Okay? It’s another guy by the name of Matthew mer Yerik. Matthew. I’m writing it down on a napkin here just to make sure I got it in front of me. Matthew Yurik. Y e a r I c k. Maybe you guys could google that while you’re.

You’re on your computer, is a totally different guy. That’s why I had another gentleman saying, oh, that’s not the same. The hair color is darker. And all this. Well, without us getting closer on a close up picture, we can’t tell. The guy’s ears are almost, like, bitten off at the edges. He obviously got hit with a high powered rifle. Blood everywhere, teeth missing, all kinds of stuff. Whatever happened, that’s not the guy that came out with a video that they thought was crooks. So now we have two shooters that I’m aware of identifying. They don’t have it on the news media.

I’m waiting on a call right now, literally, from one of the major news stations. And if you pull it up, they have it on the Internet. Matthew Yerek. The one that was deceased, pending or not, about some stand down order that we can discuss is the person that’s associated with antifa. Two guys, long hair, not, not unsimilar, but they’re not the same person. It’s obvious to me it’s not the same. Even the guy has, I think he has earplugs. If you’ve seen some of the people, they like to shove large objects in their earlobes and other decorative type stuff in their ears.

So this is hot information. And it came from another source that I trust, law enforcement type. And you could tell if you put the two together. And I put it on my facebook just to show the difference so people could take a look at it. And I’ll go back to my picture. The jawline, the facial structure, the eye color and all that are different. The other guy wears glasses. Well, what’s that? What’s that? What’s a skinny on this second led shooter? Well, the actual shooter, they got, I’m sorry, one of the shooters they got and shot and killed.

That is Matthew Yuric. But the FBI controlled by asking you, John, who is Matthew Uric? He’s the one. That’s the one that was shot on top of the. Oh, no, no. What is his background? What is it? Hold on. He’s connected to source supported Antifa. There you go. Well, that the other guy was too. They were both supposed to be tied into antiva. Of course. Yes. And what’s interesting, Thomas Matthew crooks versus Matthew Uric. They both have a Matthew in there, which is kind of interesting. But they’re two different people. They’re putting out the information. Even this guy.

Crooks put out a video saying, you got the wrong guy. I don’t know if you had a chance to see that one. I’ve seen it. Which means it’s a. It’s a Siadhouse. You know, there’s, there’s a nice term, psyops. They make you think one thing, they put a decoy shooter up on top of the roof. This is. This is like the Lee Harvey Oswald and all the other gunner. Yeah, I think it’s obvious the guy on the roof was the passy, that there was a delay, I don’t know, 42 seconds before it was taken out. They had to wait until the real shooter fired before they shot him.

And that’s why the delay. It was absurd. There were, there were spectators. There were calling out, seeing this guy. He had to walk up there. He had to put up a ladder. He had to climb up. They had a local cop allegedly went after him and then got scared off. It’s just about as absurd as it gets. Katherine, John’s a former secret service. He’s giving us the latest update about there having been a second party. Are they both dead, John, or only one? Deadheende? Only one. So far, they’ve arrested four people, but I’m worried that the other guy got away.

But if they’re identifying the deceased shooter, alleged shooter, on top of the roof, then what happened to the other guy? That they went to their house? We don’t know that that’s true because the FBI is setting this. Thanks, Katherine. You seem to be on top. But tell us your thoughts about this. Well, I’m still investigating. I’m very interested, because I told you, Jim, yesterday, that I was. I’m a physicist. I’ve never fired a weapon. I’m from Europe. I’ve never owned a gun, never been near a gun. So I’m just using what I know as a physicist, and I was trying to identify how many shooters there were.

And there are three phases. One is being fired by what sounds like one. The same. The first three shots, the same supersonic weapon, probably with a suppressor, right, but it’s supersonic. You can hear the. You know, you hear the bullet before you hear the gunshot. After that, there’s a volley of shots. And I don’t have the audio software to tell them apart, but there are gunshots at the end. Two or three gunshots that I can hear almost as an echo. That seemed to be too, you know, too delayed to be associated with any supersonic shot from the same weapon that got fired.

Also, the firing speed, I’m not sure if you could trigger with a rifle that fast. It sounded like there were two shooters, but then there’s an eight second gap, and then there’s a final shot. And this time, you just hear one shot. It’s just like. And then a woman starts screaming. Immediately. Either she got shot or somebody had their brains blown out right next to her. And that sound profile sounds nothing like the first rifle that fired the third shot. So from that alone, there are at least two gunmen positioned in different places. One definitely shot somebody and made a woman scream.

The other one grazed Trump’s ear. And then there’s a volley of shots. I can’t really tell what it is. Some of the gunshots that I hear could be the sniper, the police sniper team firing back. But it’s very confused. It would make sense because you only see the gunshot but not the bullet, because the bullet went the other way. But I’m really interested to find out those who have fired weapons and are familiar with the sound profile. How many shooters did you identify? We have two forensic reports about analyzing the sound of the shots for three different weapons, which is consistent with what you’re saying.

Brian, you’re my go to man here. Now tell me, what is your assessment of the situation? First of all, a lot of the work I’ve done so far has not, has been independent. I tend to take an approach where I look at download. First step is download all the earliest and most reliable evidence you can. Right now, we’re getting a lot more video and audio as more of the people that were in the crowd and in the surrounding area upload their cell phone video. The files are expanding every day. And the idea is to put all those pieces together into something that we can, you know, we have the gunshots and the audio analysis that will allow us to synchronize everything to, you know, within a few frames of exactly what took place.

But on this issue that we’re talking about with the gunshots, Catelyn Gregoris is the director of the National center for Media forensics at the University of Colorado in Denver. And her and Paul Whittington got together and did some audio analysis. And they are saying that they confirmed that the gunman was 360 to 393ft from the podium. They’re saying that there were three weapons fired at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. So you’ve got weapon a that fired the first three shots, which we’re assuming is what they’re telling us is the guy on the roof. And I do believe now, looking at that early interview with the guy with the pink hair that the football coach, he swore up and down that that guy had fired those shots.

So you’ve got a very strong early witness that says that from the roof, at least some of those shots were fired from his got from that gun. And he says so positively, the next five shots were consistent with what they’re calling alleged weapon b. And the final acoustic impulse, which they’re calling it instead of a gunshot, was emitted by what they consider to be possible weapon c. So I’ve always believed that the guy on the roof was a patsy, number one. And it’s just speculation and conjecture at this point. But number one, why select an AR 15? To me, it’s sort of the boogeyman of all weapons.

It’s not a good fit for shooting from a prone position over a rooftop at 150 yards. This is deer hunting country up there in Butler, Pennsylvania. And I imagine that if somebody was going to set themselves up for a shot like that, it would be as simple as grabbing whatever deer rifle comes around, and that AR 15 is not the one that I would reach for under those circumstances. Number two, he’s such a convenient patsy. How did he get on the roof? Who assisted him? There’s obviously all those questions that the rest of the media is taking a look at, and the rest of the researchers are taking a look at the story.

That he acted alone, which is what the FBI announced yesterday, less than 20 hours after the event took place, indicates that they have not conducted a serious investigation of any sort, because you would not know that. Additionally, as Laura Loomer reported, his cell phone is at Quantico right now, and they’re unable to break into it, is what they’re telling us. So how do you conclude that somebody acted alone within 20 hours of an event? And that indicates to me that he was set up as a patsy. We do know that he has some sort of blackrock ties somewhere along the way and has been vocal in terms of his outspoken derangement related to Trump, has been picked up and captured on multiple different videos.

They did say that he was, you know, your bullied kid at school because he dressed strange. Those were some early witnesses that gave that. So it makes it for a good situation for an MK ultra Psyop type guy to get plugged in on a situation like that. I can tell you that. They also said that a local police officer followed him up the ladder. And then when crooks pointed the AR 15 at him, the local police officer, you know, ran away expecting that somebody else was going to take the program, take the thing. So we see a comedy of errors.

But then. And then the one big thing that stands out to me is, of course, everybody’s telling us, it’s Matthew Crooks, it’s Matthew Crooks, it’s Matthew Crooks, it’s Matthew Brooks. And, you know, that that feels a little bit strange, given that there hasn’t been enough investigation to determine what really happened here. So it feels like a patsy to me. But, of course, we’re less than 48 hours out of this research that’s conducted. I’m especially disturbed by them announcing there was only one shooter and no conspiracy. That indicates to me they were a Biden admin itself was involved in this.

John, when they saw that shooter on the roof, he had to be taken out immediately. They don’t sit around, wait till for him to get off some shots. I mean, is it. Is just a grotesque violation of SOP for presidential or candidate security. Of course, I’ve told this before. If I was there and I see somebody with a gun and they’re not secret service and they’re certainly not going to be allowed that close. Even law enforcement look like, looking like the guy that profiled everything. It’s real simple. I’m going to tell somebody, take the shot. Boom.

That’s it. And there’s a thing about going around right now, but somebody had to get permission. Then they told somebody to stand down on an encrypted radio. They’ve got code words. I’m not going to go into code words, but encrypted radios are very, very unique, especially with secret service. That means somebody can’t go on there and just say, okay, stand down. It’s going to be a code word. Such and such. Stand down, blah, blah, blah, blah. That’s B’s. That’s a violation right there. That’s high treasonous. Interfering with a federal officer in the performance of his duty by having somebody do that.

I had somebody at customs do that. I have an example. Somebody told me not to chase somebody on a customs radio. I said, identify yourself. That went out over sector, all over Southern California and probably somewhere else back east. They wouldn’t identify themselves if the transmission was recorded. Don’t chase anybody that comes through at a certain area. I said, no, you identify yourself. And of course, I didn’t obey that unlawful order. Anyway. So putting in perspective, with secret Service, we have the ultimate authority. We have to take the shot. We’re not going to wait for somebody to take the first shot.

That’s tv B’s that the left wing wants to play games with a lot of agitators out there. You know, needless to say, when you ask Kooy Bono, who benefits? It’s a Democrat party. They’ve been after Trump forever. You had Biden recently talk about putting Bullseye on Trump. That’s like an invitation to assassination. There’s a quote now from some Democrat party officials saying, why should we be concerned if a registered Republican takes a shot at the GOP nominee? I mean, that’s just ridiculous. Katherine, your thoughts? I. Gosh, I’ve got so many questions. I’m really burning because I spent, I think, on the 13th, Bill and I, Bill Binney and I, we just sat down for late lunch and suddenly we saw this.

And since then, I was up until 07:00 a.m. the following morning looking at all the footage I could find. Because from what I call the cartel signaling. So this is the coded masonic code that is all over the world. Every false flag has these masonic codes. And I identified a couple. For example, the first guy to speak about this in the very early hours was this guy, the DA called Goldinger. Now, why would the DA be the first one to speak about this? Okay, but the CN. So the CNN people, the Fox News people had to spell his name Goldinger, because when you hear that, you immediately think Goldfinger, as in James Bond reference.

But on CNN, the subtitles actually did spell out Goldfinger. So there’s an Mi six reference right now. And I’m trying to teach people that really, it’s not just a democratic Party superstructure in old Europe that’s much older, much bigger than them. So there’s one James Bond reference. Reference right there. There’s also the fact that he’s called crooks. Like Bernie Madoff with billions. Right? Madoff with billions. This guy’s called crooks. Okay? So, you know, in every single one, there’s some sort of bullshit like that for most intellectual people. It is so dumb. And, you know, pegged at such a low level.

They’re like, that can’t be true. But I. This organized crime cartel, historically, their members were pickpockets and whores, okay? So you have to. When you build up a global transnational criminal organization, most of your employees are rather dumb. So the universal language that you have to use has to be pegged to the lowest common denominator. So that’s one thing. But after being up all night, I didn’t find a smoking gun I was looking for. But I found it yesterday at last, which is, to me, it’s pretty clear the intel agencies did it. So English is my third language.

So my question to you guys is, how do you spell inside job? Is it CIA or FBI? Right, but that aside, I think it’s mi six. Really, it doesn’t matter who they hire. But the point is, yesterday, finally, finally, I found smoking gun evidence that, yes, the intel agencies were there and were involved and did that because. Let me go back to the drone bombing of a Caracas parade. All right? Maduro was speaking, and then you can see the podium, the bomb. This little drone goes poof. In the air, making a big old boom. Military people around him.

All the military guys who are used to things going boom, boom, go, what the hell? And there’s one guy in the back in a sleek suit, clearly intel, saying to another military guy who also hadn’t moved, like, come on, let’s go. Right? Like this. No reaction. So from the fact that those two had no reaction, you knew they were involved, they were there watching, pulling everything off. So you start your investigation with these people. And yesterday I finally found somebody in the podium behind Trump who ducked before everybody else. It’s a woman who was on the left.

The first shot is fired. After the first shot, people are like, what the fuck? Crackers, whatever, you know. There was one guy who clearly had military training or was an ace. Hunter was right at the below. This woman next to a police policewoman. And he said he was interviewed, and he said he ducked immediately after the. At first he saw firecrackers, then he ducked on the ground. He said to a police woman, was that a 22? And I thought, oh, I love the Americans. And any other country apart from Switzerland, the first question people would ask is, was that a gun? But in the US, was that a 22? I thought, oh, bless us, I love the Americans.

So anyway, that guy clearly had training, but it took him some time to duck. And yet you look at this, and it’s in the. In the. I think it’s the CNN. All those tv shots where they show the police snipers on the roof, they put the big circle around the police snipers. You can see how one guy lifts his head and seems to, like, recoil in shock when the shots start being fired. Right. The other guy next to him recedes instead of firing back. That’s interesting. But then in exactly when the first shot gets fired, a blonde woman on the left hand side already ducks.

And not just. That makes the woman in front of her duck also with her arm. So if, basically, my point in all this is that if it’s an intel operation, you have your insiders, you have the snipers, but you also have a huge support team that will have infiltrated all the attendees. They will look like attendees, but they know that Trump will get shot that day. They don’t want to have brain matter splattered on their makeup and their beautiful dresses. Right? And they just don’t want to be part of it. Right? They’re women. They want to duck, and boom, there she is.

She’s ducking. So I would start the investigation with her little face, because she had advanced knowledge of this. Love it, Catherine. Love it. Brian. Brian, your further thoughts? Well, I do. My instinct is that there was plenty of people that were read in on the fact that there would be an event taking place on that particular day. So I do think there was foreknowledge. Of course, you have the guy with the astounding prophecy, but that doesn’t exactly count in terms of evidence, although it is shocking what he was able to say in advance of this related.

Sorry, who is that? I missed that completely. Oh, there’s a guy, there’s a guy that made a prophecy, you know, a church guy that made a prophecy a couple of months ago that Trump would be shot in the ear, but he wouldn’t be killed, he wouldn’t be taken out. It was astounding accuracy, frankly. But on this, I think there’s some other indicators that other people had foreknowledge related to the event. Now, as for coverage of where the quote unquote, shooter shot from, the secret Service has now come out and said that that wasn’t our responsibility, that was the, that was the local police who were supposed to secure that particular area in Butler and the Secret Services saying, hey, that’s, that wasn’t our responsibility to cover that.

You can tell the snipers are obviously lined up in position looking at that building from the video, looking behind Trump. So there is, and the shooter was on the roof for a solid. That sounds like about two minutes prior to being capable of firing off a shot, which I just don’t find credible in any of this. I do think there was probably a third device, which is what the acoustical evidence has indicated so far. The other thing is the Secret Service is claiming that this entire thing is, you know, local police are responsible for it. This is Butler, the failure of the butler, Pennsylvania Police Department.

So you’ll see a lot of that continuing, you know, day by day. Again, when I go to weight evidence, it’s the earliest and most reliable evidence that gets the heaviest weight in terms of authenticity and reliability. You know, even coming along later and seeing some sort of police report that says somebody said this or the Secret Service says that all that, you know, that maybe gets 10% weight compared to the 90% weight that comes from the earliest and most reliable evidence. So again, the first step, whenever you see a major event like this take place, is begin downloading.

Know your procedures for downloading. How do you extract a YouTube video? How do you extract from Twitter? How do you. I use video download helper and a number of other tools to create my folders. And then once the folders, I feel, have enough of the earliest and most reliable evidence, you go back and put the pieces together. And that’s when I, you’ll begin to find pieces that have been modified, photoshopped, don’t fit, don’t fit with the narrative or explained away. And one of the things that’s real consistent with these events is that there’s going to be a large amount of disinformation put out there, little rabbit trails that we’re supposed to chase that don’t have a lot of credibility, that are designed to keep us off of the real scent.

For instance, I have a suspect that this New York Times photograph that was put out within 2 hours of the actual shooting, that showed the trajectory of the actual bullet streaking through the air. Something doesn’t feel quite right about that. He’s like, hey, look over here, look over here. Now we know the trajectory of the bullet. As for whether or not Trump was hit, which was the big question, I think the jury’s still out in a sense. I mean, my instinct was that it looked legitimate in terms of getting hit in the ear. But then upon closer inspection, the ear didn’t really continue to bleed as much as it ought to.

By the time he got to the fist pump and the shake in the fight, his collar was still white as can be. And you think even, you know, even with getting the ear nicked, there would be blood on the collar. But I just think everything happened so quickly and so correctly in terms of the way Trump responded that I tend to think that it was an authentic reaction to an authentic projectile. But we’ll be right back. John Carmen, Brian Davidson, and doctor Katherine Horton stand by listening to revolution and we’ll be right back after this.

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Revolution radio., the number one listener supporter radio station on the planet. Revolution radio. Radio radio radio radio. Hey everyone, it’s Barbara jean Lindsay, the cosmic Oracle. If you have questions about your past lives or future plans, need answers from the cosmos about your love life or career, or just want to keep your finger on the pulse of the planet, check out my show, the cosmic Oracle, here on Revolution Radio at Freedom. Join Revolution Radio every Wednesday, 08:00 p.m. eastern Time on Studio B for momentary Zen with host zen the People station, the opinions expressed on this radio station, its programs and its website by the hosts, guests and call in listeners or chatters are solely the opinions of the original source who expressed them.

They do necessarily represent the opinions of Revolution radio and, its staff or affiliates. Youre listening to Revolution radio, percent listeners supported radio. And now we return you to your host. Well, while listeners at home cannot have seen it, I played a couple, you know, times, a video of the shooting, and you can see the anti sniper sniper on the roof who’s just waiting until after the shots have actually been fired at Trump before he takes them out. I mean, it’s just absurd and insulting. And we even have the path there. He took bit up the ladder to climb up on the roof.

They’re all played. Later, the interview with a spectator said they were calling it out. And one of the interesting points about this Eric Prince recounting is he says, given that virtually every secret service protocol was ignored, not enforced, how did he miss? How did he fail? But I’m convinced he was just a fancy shooter. Katherine has her video. I’m gonna have her play it momentarily. But, John, you didn’t have a chance to comment before the break. Go right ahead. Give us your further, your volume went down a little bit there, but I wanted you to see if you could play back the photograph of the area where you showed the water tower that nobody wants to show everybody because that’s a, you have to operate from the highest level in the area.

They should have had that area also covered by secret service. In addition to the roof, those are secret Service snipe countersnipers or whatever, countersniper CST teams. But if you were able to pull it up, I could tell you that that would be the first place I would look for a sniper would be at the highest level area in that area. You got it? Yeah, there’s, hang on a second. Sure. You know what? Perfect. If everybody looked at what I’m seeing right now, you’ve got a large tower, like a water tower, past the area where they shot the, the alleged assassin or the shooter, which looks like it’s this Matthew Yuric, then they have other locations where they could be shooting.

And they don’t want you to see this. This is typical, like, like it was Dealey Plaza. They only want you to see a small piece of it. But when they back up, they go, oh, my God, there’s another area that’s, that’s standard. That means the secret Service had to determine where the shots came from. And at that angle at the highest tower, they were higher than the secret Service. That right there is a violation of their logistics. They should have had Secret Service at the top of that tower and cleared it. They made sure nobody was even there anyway.

Clear shot. Those guys had a clear shot where it was from a distance up there. So they thought they were getting the actual shooter on the rooftop. Two different scenarios, and people wouldn’t believe it until I just explained it because it’s right there. Here’s our prince observation, which, looking at the circumstances in favor of Thomas Matthew Crux, the identified alleged suspect in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, it’s hard to see how the guy failed. Almost every Secret Service security protocol seemed to have been ignored, allowing crooks easy access to a perfect shooting position and plenty of time to acquire a beat on Trump’s podium.

No doubt about it, John. I mean, don’t you find this incredibly offensive than Katherine? John? I mean, it’s so blatant that this was allowed to happen. I mean, anyone can see it. It doesn’t require an expert on secret service protocols to call this one. That’s how stupid they think people are, that they’re going to do it away. But as I explained, the towers, what I would look at and then other alternate locations. The guy on the rooftop was a decoy. That’s what they shot at. And Catherine Washington nicely explaining the fact that what she saw. And I said, I broke it down before.

These guys were the countersniper team. They were looking at somebody on the. On the scope. Then they heard the shots go off. The guy looks up real quick, where’s that coming from? Then he went back. Assuming he shot the guy from that point on, but that was the decoy. Then after that. But if they put an order out in between not to do something, that’s a violation protocol right there. Whoever gave the order is subject to interfering with an agent and all these laws and high treason. And Dean Lee Plaza. It was Emery Roberts who was in charge of the secret service detail and called back agents who are wanting to respond to the sound of shots.

He was a key player. He left two agents behind a love field. They didn’t weld the manhole covers. They left the windows open. The crowds fell into the street. There were all these major violation of secret service protective protocols. And here it was, as blatant as it could be. Katherine, could you please go back to the image of the water tower and where they marked the shooter because that diagram is, again, one of their misdirections and it’s quite. That one is easy to spot. So, first of all, here’s the Karen on the left, the lady who can’t holster her gun.

But anyway, I’ll get onto that. But if you look at this diagram with the orange dot at the bottom of. That’s not what a dead shooter is. He’s in the top third of the metal roof. He’s not on this side, crowd side, he’s the water cooler side. And I know that for a fact because there are aerial shots showing the car park behind this. And the ladder is between that tree and that little roof connector. There’s an actual ladder that you can see. So the dead body is not down here. Exactly. It’s right there where your cursor is right now.

That’s where the dead body is. Now, the reason why that’s relevant a little bit, I don’t know the exact 3d setup, but between the police snipers and the location of the ultimate, where the dead body is lying right now, there’s a tree in between. There’s a tree in between. So if you actually look at Google maps at this angle, the snipers have a clear shot just a bit further up. And it very much depends on how the tree looks in 3d, how high the branches start. But it very much looks like the. The fattest part of the tree is, you know, I will try to find a better one.

And when you look at these different aerial photographs, you realize that at this angle it can be seen. That shooter could be seen by police snipers. At the other angle, the tree might just cover it. I saw one aerial drone footage where the drone hovered above the dead body and then zoomed out between two trees. And that’s. And then back to where the snipers were. Yeah, here they are just covering it up. I’ll try to find an actual diagram, but. Yeah. Good, good, good. Maybe look up where the dead body is. Yeah. Well, let me. Let me ask.

Let me ask you one more thing, or let me interject real quick. Even if another sniper was there, the angle of the bullet that they allegedly got on a digital, where they slowed it down, showed it zipping by. Yeah. All you have to do, it’s real simple. You just follow the direction of the bulletin. At the. At that level would be about. Up to about, what, 1010ft, because he’s standing on a platform and draw a line straight back. That’s where the shooter is. But yet the shooter that they shot was off to the far right on another building.

So you got one shooter dead. You got a bullet coming at an angle, parallel, but not coming from the tower. I wanted to point that out so if it was from the towers, I could go down and make a left right turn. So I’m trying to enhance my description. Like the magic ballet, Dallas. The absurdity, Brian. Go right ahead, Brian. Well, the absurdities come to no end, and there’s probably 100 variables that you could place into it that show the absurdity of the official story so far. But basically what we’ve got is a. A random 20 year old, acting completely alone, walks within 150 yards of a prank presidential campaign rally while carrying an AR 15 dressed in shorts and a t shirt, successfully climbs onto the rooftop in full view of all the Secret Service snipers, sets up his shot, and fires without anyone intervening, except for the police officer who was climbing the ladder right behind him, who ran away in terror.

Apparently, he had no help from anyone whatsoever. He thought he could pull this off on his own and had no expectation of encountering resistance of any type. It just so happens that he’s just your traditional, non radicalized Democrat young man who joined the local shooting club, as well as didn’t get allowed onto the high school shooting team because he hit the wall. He’s never posted any political writing commentaries or any social media ever in his entire life. He wrote no manifesto and left behind no indication about why he would do it. And his last and only political act before attempting to kill the republican candidate was to register as a Republican.

So why are we bothering asking questions? I think the very important question here is, does this explain why Joe Biden intended to stay in the race? Because he thought Trump would be assassinated successfully on this day? John, go ahead. And I’m hearing what Brian’s saying. He’s got some good information as well. I’m profiling this stuff. It goes right back to James Earl Ray. James Earl Ray was another proxy shooter. Go to the hotel. James, James Earl Ray with a gun, sit there and wait for a phone call. That’s what the guy did in Memphis. And then they moved Martin Luther king up to the third floor.

There’s other details behind that. Jesse Jackson was involved and so forth. That’s all they did. A military team shot him. I’m going back to Dan Marvin. You know, the guy that wrote that book, the Green Beret guy, because it was a military operation. Then after they shot him, it’s the same scenario. They got another guy in the trees who shoots Martin Luther King. Then they go to the hotel across the way. Oh, there’s the guy, James Earl Ray. They arrest him. It’s the same scenario, but they shot comparison John, actually. I like that a lot. Martin actually wasn’t dead on the balcony, and they took him to a hospital more distant than necessary, where racist judges said, if he’s still alive, I’ll finish him off.

They brought him into the erde and he chased everyone else and smothered Martin to death with a pillow. How bad is that? William Pamper has done a brilliant job, Catherine, exposing. This yours? Gosh. So, you know, isn’t it funny that the guy, the school child who’s being mocked for dressing in camo all the time and has really the typical profile of an arch Republican, you know, is used as a patsy? I mean, it’s just. I don’t know. I guess they found out that they’re blue haired, you know, identifying as a woman, sort of. Guys couldn’t really handle an AR 15.

I mean, it’s, you know, they’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel here. Oh, my gosh. It’s so funny. But one of the things I also would like to talk about, I mean, there’s so much. I have big questions too. You know, the guy, the big tall guy you always see next to Trump, the guy with the glasses, the guy who on that iconic shot is on his, on his left. I have a question for him, because spectators, one interviewer with a spectator who said, we were here four years ago when there was another rally, Trump rally, just a couple of miles down from here.

And my daughter and I, we were just stunned by the security. There were police snipers everywhere. It was such a show of force, and now there was nothing. There was two teams looking in two different directions. Right? Now. My question to that main security guy, because the other thing I spotted is, if you look at the people who piled onto Trump, he was the senior guy. You had a little dinky, little petite woman, and then you had a bunch of Gen Z kids, right? Maybe one Gen X, but he’s the senior guy, so forget the kiddos.

They don’t know shit. My question to him is, when you walked on that field, having walked into a secured zone many times in your life, didn’t you think, where the fuck is everybody? Where the hell is everybody? Didn’t you feel naked? Didn’t you feel exposed? Your instincts should have been like, you go there and you go, nope, we’re going straight back to the car, straight back to the plane. Fuck this. This is ridiculous. We are in an open field in hunting country. I mean, what, you know, there’s nobody around. The police snipers are looking at a roof in the direction of a roof where there’s a tree obscuring at least part of their view, you know, and what was the security ahead of time? You know, it’s like, sir, there’s a tree between us and this roof.

And somebody said, nah, we’re good, we’re good. You know, so it’s nonsense. But then what’s even more nonsense, I also. I would like to go back to the raw footage of what actually happened. So these people pile onto Trump. The other thing I would like to point out, a 78 year old man ducked and reacted to three shots faster than a secret service. Right? Yeah. Faster than those guys who are from war zones, right. I would expect them to just jump up and duck at 03:00 a.m. at night. Right. When they hear that stuff yet, then eventually they pile on.

Okay? It takes some time to get over there. But then also, you know, what is it with all these women? It’s insane. So the one photograph that Jim just showed, there’s this left handed woman, right, who is shown there completely not really knowing what her job is. She doesn’t really pile on. She’s just there not doing anything, waiting for instructions, looking terrified. And later on, when Trump is bundled into the car, she can’t holster her own gun. She’s like, oh, okay, fuck it. I’ll just hold it like that. And then later, eventually, she can. She can do this, right? And then also, when you saw, when Trump finally stood up, the only reason he could address the crowd is because the young, petite woman was in front of him.

So he looked right across her, on top of her. So you’re facing the crowd, and there’s a clean line of sight onto Trump’s head from the crowd and from the entire big open field in the other rooftops, because your bodyguards are too short. You know, I mean, it just didn’t make any sense, you know? Turns out the head of the secret service, women’s done law Dei hires of women who are actually not competent. They’re not physically able, they’re not mentally alert. They can’t even holster their gun, as you observe. Now, I’ve made you host, Katherine, while John talks, why don’t you set up your video, John? Go ahead.

Yeah, I’m listening to the way you guys are talking about this. And I look at it totally in a different way because of my background and training and the Secret Service and what Katherine was just saying is appropriately a good critique, because I saw the same stuff. Why do they have this short female? What? She was the one with the short hair. She obviously looked a little overweight. I got another look at her. She had her vest on. She’s playing around with the gun too much. I’m sorry. Shots are fired. You cannot hear the exact timing of the shot.

That is the report. Port of the sound. When the bullet has already been released. So by the time you realize there was a shot fired, it’s already zipped by. It’s already gone. But when these agents responded, they were pretty quick. But they weren’t there on the platform. That’s the problem. They should have been on the platform. And then when the female agent was fiddling with her gun, you pull the gun out. When there’s a threat, you keep it out until the threat goes away, until they get him into the vehicle, secured with the door, and driving off.

That’s a separate team. But then I watched the one female with the short hair. Then I watched the female agent with the ponytail that was so irritating to me because she was seen flipping her hair in her ponytail, looking left or right, like, really, really quick back and forth. They’re not supposed to have ponytails because they can be jerked down. Martial arts stuff. Okay, but three females. So, in answer to Catherine’s question, it’s EEOC stuff, folks. They’ve been doing this for years, even in 74, when I was there. They’ll hire one because it’s a female. They need a female.

They need a black. They got to have a black. They got to have an asian. They got to have a Native American, a Hindu, Pakistani, a Middle Eastern. And they don’t care about their qualifications. Otherwise, all identity. Exactly. I see. Katherine, if you got it set up, go ahead and play. But also, if you want to have dei hire some black dudes who are in the military. There’s not a single black woman or guy. Everybody is very white. Well, they’ve got some. They’ve got some. They’re just on different details. They do have them. Yeah, but if you want to have a show of Dei Ness, you know, have tall, big, you know, honking black.

This was such an obvious setup. They put all the doofuses out there in bachelor, so they. That’s like saying, put all the short guys on the. On the same day that they’re going to shoot at him. I don’t want to block the sniper’s vision. His lightest sight. Catherine, go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah. So you know, maybe it is some of these things that the tall guy who was next to Trump, or he’s always next to Trump. He had to be there. And everybody who had two brain cells said, no, with this security setup, some shit’s going to go down.

I will not be there on the day, you know, sending the women because they are dispensable. You know, who cares, right? They are useless. Anyway. But anyway, so let’s. I would like. Show us your video. Show us your video. I would like to show the video here. And I have slowed down the footage, so I would like to share with sound. I hope it comes across well, because we need to heat the timing. Oh, actually, I’m not sure how the window with the speakers shows up, but I’m interested in the right hand side. Can you see.

Can you see the right hand side on the actual original footage? Because there’s the sniper in the middle. But what I’m interested in is the crowd. So I will try to point out the woman here. Can you see my cursor? Yes. Okay. Okay. Because sometimes Zoom shares it with the speakers on the right side. That’s the woman you’re interested in, in the crowd? That is the woman. I’m interested in the crowd. And then let me play this footage. So it’s a blonde woman with sunglasses. There’s a brunette with sunglasses. There’s a blonde woman right behind her on the.

On the row behind. And now watch what. Let’s see. So it’s. It’s slowed down to 25%. So when I play this very slow. Oh, sorry. Here’s the woman. That’s the blonde woman here where my cursor. So, shot. Fight. She goes down. She’s the only one who ducked. There it was. She’s the only one who ducked. And then when you follow it, she actually pushes down another woman in front of her. I’m going to show it again. And sorry that it’s so slow. So this is. It’s this blonde woman here. She will put her arm on the head of this woman and then push her down as well.

But first she ducks herself. She wanted to with us, but she didn’t want to be in the line of fire. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So again, there she is, ducking. And if I pause it, she’s the only one who’s down. Yeah. So this video is from. Who would have thought of looking at the crowd for that calendar? I can’t believe it took me a long time. I was looking for it. I was looking for it. That’s the only reason but basically, if people want to see the video slowed down to 25%. This is the Wall Street Journal, and the video is called how Donald Trump attempted assassination unfolded.

Okay, John, go ahead. And I want to get Brian back. Yeah, that’s a good point. And I’m glad you pointed that out as well, because I also was studying the crowd reactions, scanning left and right, and it was so mixed up, you wouldn’t believe it. Even that guy, Fusco, whatever his name, is, oblivious. He’s standing there with a fedora in the crowd, looking left, looking right, looking down, when the shots are going off, then he’s looking up as Trump’s getting hit, while Katherine is pointing out the other people are. Some people are ducking. Not everybody. They’re oblivious.

They’re busy watching the president, so they’re getting fire from the right. Some are ducking. That is very astute, because if that person did that, that tells me a lot more about that person in the crowd. If they heard that, then something else happened, because two people in that very same area up above from that woman got hit and killed. One got killed, another one got injured. Katherine, was that the one that got injured or near the one stand? This is the main stand, and there were two wings. I thought that the guy being killed was in the like.

So if we’re looking at Trump, the left hand wing. Yes. Upper, upper bleacher. Bleacher, yeah, yeah. But these. This is the main stand, right behind Trump. This is the same one. It’s the same one. The guy in the upper bleacher to the left was one that got killed. One below was a female that got wounded. And that’s above the woman you’re pointing out. I really looked at the footage of him being carried, or it’s some person being carried out with the blood. Yeah, I think it’s the other stand, anyway. This is the center stand for sure.

That’s the one that we’re concentrating. That’s where the guy that got shot. It’s the only one that’s nearest where the shooting was coming from or to. And the guy in the upper left hand corner of the bleacher, like two or three seats down, two or three rows. And I was watching for the guy that was up there prominently in a white shirt. He was the biggest guy standing up in that area. One of those people got hit, killed. A female allegedly got wounded. I thought it was a woman wearing blue. This woman that you’re pointing out is reacting very quickly and putting the head, hand over the head of the woman next to her.

That’s after the first shot. Yes. She hears the sound. She has to expect the sound. Your brain takes a second to identify what, longer than a second to think, you know, what is this? Do I have to duck? She knew she had to duck. You know what? It doesn’t make sense when you try to explain this to other people. Trump’s over in the front in the foreground, and people are in the bleachers, are getting shot in the background. Wait a minute. What’s wrong with that? There are two shooters. Maybe there are three shooters, John. The third shooter has got to be the marksman who takes out the shooter on the roof, right? I mean, the three weapons.

The third’s got to be the anti shooter shooter. That’s right. That’s a good point. That’s a good point. I’m trying to get Brian in here to say, if you wears edgewise, go for it, Brian. Well, that particular area of the bleachers that you just pointed out, I do recall. I hope I downloaded it, but I do recall seeing an early reliable witness that was sitting in that part of the stands. I’d have to probably find their view, but I considered it to be an early reliable witness. However, I was on a job, so I couldn’t download it into my files at that moment.

He stated that that person was hit, fell down into the bleachers, and fell through the bleachers to the ground below, you know, so apparently his position was that the medical texts got to him underneath the bleachers and he had fallen through the bleachers. That would have been the way he described it, I thought, exactly where this blonde woman tends to go down. But it’s just too early for me to really make an analysis about the earliest and most reliable witnesses. And when you’re doing that sort of waiting, it’s not easy to tell if everything that they recall.

The reason we want to capture what they thought they saw was because what they thought they saw is the best that they could get. But things do adjust as people begin to see media and look at events and look at replays. So the goal is just download it and see if you can understand what they were thinking as they were going through their. Their things. As for the Secret Service, you know, I think it’s pretty obvious. Benny Thompson, everybody should know him. He was the big, black January 6 guy who was always sitting up on the stage during the January 6 thing.

He was the one that proposed legislation that would authorize the removal of secret service protection from former presidents. And upon sentencing, following conviction for a federal or state offense that’s punishable in the term and for a term of imprisonment for at least one year. So they were trying to get the Secret Service protection away from him for a long time and they just dropped on the, on the yesterday and his field director said, next time don’t miss. Yes. Yeah, yeah. There’s all sorts of, don’t they understand two can play that game? I’m not going to be surprised if Biden has taken out fourth whip.

It’s going to happen very fast. They want it to happen. The Democrats want to get rid of him. Could be one of their own people. Take him out. But I think his lifespan has been dramatically reduced. Katherine, I know you want to go back. Jim, Jimmy Dorset, yesterday, if they do this to Biden, Biden gets shot, you know, through the air. It goes straight through. Right. He keeps going to be splattered. Yeah. I mean, the one thing he’s proven is that he can, you know, continue going without most of his brain being there, you know, so love it.

I made you a host again, so go ahead and give us your video. Yes. Let’s go back to the basics because I’m still confused about the number of shooters and it will become relevant. I think you can set it up over the break. We’ll be right back with John Carmen, Brian Davidson and doctor Katherine Horton. You don’t want to miss a word of this. Listen to revolution we’ll be right back after this message. Was it a conspiracy? Did you know that the police in Boston were broadcasting, this is a drill. This is a drill on bullhorns during the marathons that the Boston Globe was tweeting that a demonstration bomb would be set off during the marathon for the benefit of bomb squad activities.

And that one would be set off in 1 minute in front of the library, which happened as the globe had announced. Peering through the smoke, you could see bodies with missing arms and legs, but there was no blood. The blood only showed up later and came out of a tube. They used amputee actors and a studio quality smoke machine. Don’t let yourself be played. Check out. And nobody died in Boston either. that’s if you think for 1 second that the capitol will ever treat us fairly, you are lying to yourselves. Because we know who they are and what they do is what they do.

And we must fight back. You can torture us and bomb us. Fire is catching and if we burn, you burn with us. Are you awake yet? Eye open. We’ve tried, and we’ve tried for years and years to use passive resistance and loud voices to make a change. The time is over. Your governments around the world have no other goal than to decimate your entire existence. The hands of the bankers and the elites. The war is coming, and it’s your choice to decide if you want to be a warrior or a victim. Denial is not a choice anymore.

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Go ahead, Katherine. That’s all yours. So at this moment, Trump’s still talking. So the first shot gets fired, I think, at 8 seconds into this video here. And so what I did, I slowed it down. Let me just get ahead a bit, because otherwise we’ll just not. So people are looking to the left, mostly because Trump is pointing at this huge screen. And, you know, one of the things I want to point out is that his life got saved because he looked back at the screen in the moment after the sniper fired the shot. So he was in the crosshairs, perfectly aligned the shot, and it’s a supersonic shot.

The trigger is pulled, the bullet is traveling, and Trump turns his head. It’s, you know, the more you think about it, the more incredible it actually is. But there we go. So now you will hear one shot. And I want. I hope the sound carries. Well, over zoom. But you will hear the bullet and then the gunshot. So it goes, you know, that’s the sound profile. You will hear it three times. And remember this sound here. Did you hear that? That was the fat. So that’s the bullet going tsuk, past the microphone. And then the. The gunshot is traveling from a bigger distance.

And you will hear that three times, consistent with one type of weapon, same sort of pattern of firing. Second. Sorry, been hit in the ears. And he goes down. Now they pile on. There are two more. Did you hear the. Oh, I paused the wrong thing. I paused the share instead of pausing the video. So the other thing is, when you’re listening to that volley of shots, what is confusing is that there’s one, there’s another one that there seem to be three together. And then eventually there’s, after delay, two gunshots being heard, but without bullets, they don’t seem to correlate to the three bullets.

So it’s all kind of jammed together. And without audio analysis software, I can’t tell. But the last two gunshots seem to be without bullets. So I assume those are gunshots that go elsewhere. So do you hear the gunshot nearby, but you don’t hear the bullet? It sounds like the police snipers, but it is very far into the game if that’s the police snipers. But now what’s important is at 23 seconds. So let me go ahead. You will hear one bullet, or you will hear a sound like a bullet without a gunshot or the gunshot without the bullet.

So it’s a different sound. So it’s coming up. Hang on. Let me start here. So lots has happened. The Secret Service is down there now. Listen. And screaming. Did you hear that? Yeah. And that bullet doesn’t have the same sound profile. It doesn’t go right. It just goes. Yes. So people who are experts in guns. Tell me, what was that? Was it subsonic? With the suppression, subsonic ammo is used for silencing. We use subsonic nine millimeter in the secret service as well. So that means it’s below the range of the sound popping. And it’s easily suppressed is the key word, suppressed.

So, yeah, here, this cannot have traveled because if it was a supersonic, you just hear the bullet and the boom separately. So this cannot have come from the gun on the roof. The laws of physics say, no, this is different. Different weapon, different distance, something else. And when, when I play it again, somebody instantly starts screaming. It really is correlated with this shot. So listen. So that suggests being hit by that bullet. The party, somebody next to you. That’s 23 here. The guy, foosk, is just oblivious. You had that quite a scream. Brian, I want to get you.

I want to get Brian back in. Go ahead, Brian. No, I think it’s very interesting. I haven’t. I haven’t taken a look at the slowed down footage yet. I’m glad that she’s got it. I think it’s the most important part of the analysis, and I think you’re pointing out something very important, which is there doesn’t. That report feels and seems different than anything else. You know, this guy was supposed to be some sort of gun enthusiast. You would have thought he had selected the right weapon for the right job at the right time at the right place, you know, being that he’s, you know, trying to be on the school shooting team.

And he was, according to Citizen Free Press, I think they reported that he was. He was a member of a local gun club. And so the local gun club has confirmed that he was a member of that club. You know, did he select the right? Is it two, two, three? What. What are we dealing with here? And I, you know, I don’t know. I don’t know the answers to those questions yet. I don’t think I have a lot to say on this issue until I study it better. John, go ahead. Silencers. And I’m glad Catherine mentioned that.

And then Brian also brought up some of my history itself, because, yeah, I learned how to shoot a handgun at Camp Pendleton in the Marine Corps before I was even out of elementary school. But the profiles are there. But again, back to a regular assassin’s profile. They’re going to use subsonic ammunition. They’re going to use suppressors or silencers. They don’t want to be caught. The other guys are the patsies. They’re out front. They’re using regular weapons. Look at me. Pop, pop, whatever. And let me describe the thing about, on the explosion of a round, you hear the explosion, the bullet’s already gone.

Pow. It’s gone. And I like the fact that Katherine mentioned about the supersonic, because it does fall within the range of what’s faster than a speeding bullet, whether it hits the sound barrier and it goes fast enough. But when they hit the subsonic, it still could do the job. It’s just not coming out as fast. But that’s the whole purpose of the thing, is to get away. So somebody, I think, got away. There was probably three or more shooters, but at the same level, they were going zip right, pie Trump. Into the stands are two different shooters.

Two different directions and people are kind of misconstruing that. They haven’t figured it out yet. Here’s the witness who said, talked about it. Listen to this. Good, good interview. Someone who was here. You weren’t inside the event? No. But you were just outside. Tell us what, yes or so. So we had a party here all day. You can see behind us the principles, farming, greenhouse here. We had a party and we all decided, hey, you know, when we hear Trump up there, we’re going to walk up through the field, stand by the trees up there under the shade and watch the rain, listen to the rally, right? We couldn’t see him, but we could hear him.

So we walked up and probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking, I’m estimating here, I have no idea, you know, but we noticed a guy crawling, army, you know, bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50ft away from us. So we’re standing there, you know, we’re pointing, we’re pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. And he had a gun, right? He had a rifle. We could clearly see him with a rifle. Absolutely, absolutely. We’re pointing at them. The police are down there running around on the ground. We’re like, hey, man, this guy on the roof with a rifle.

And the police were like, oh, what? You know, like, like they didn’t know what was going on, you know, we’re like, hey, right here on the roof, we can see him from right here. We see him, he’s crawling. And next thing you know, I’m like, I’m thinking to myself, I’m like, why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage? I’m standing there pointing at him for, you know, two or three minutes. Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn. I’m pointing at that roof, just standing there like this.

And next thing you know, five shots ring out. So you’re stunned with the shots came from that guy? Hundred percent. Hundred percent. And he, he was up there for a couple of minutes. He was up there for a couple of minutes. Absolutely. At least three to four minutes. And you would tell? Telling, yep. We were telling the police, we were pointing at him for the secret service, who were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time when we were standing by that tree. Binoculars, probably not, because the roof, the way the slope went, he was behind where they could see.

But, but why is there not secret service on all of these roofs here? I mean, this is not a big place did you see? I mean, obviously everyone. When the shoot shooting started, everyone was very panicked. Did you see what happened to him at all? Oh, yeah, they blew his head off. Okay, sorry. Secret Service blew his head off. Okay, just be careful because we don’t find out who’s watching. But you’re pretty sure they shot the guy? Absolutely. Hundred percent. Yep. You saw that happen? Yep. Yep. Okay. Yep. And did you see them go up to him afterwards or they.

Yeah, they crawled up on the roof. They had their guns pointed out and make sure he was dead. He was dead. And that was it. It was over. That’s incredibly shocking. The guy was on the roof right there. You can see the white roof right there. Look at him. Could you. I know. Other than he was in muted colors, tan type clothing, we saw the rifle flinging around as he was trying to crawl. I mean, we saw the rifle 100%. I mean, do you know about guns? Do you know what kind of weapon it was? Oh, absolutely.

No about guns, for sure. Yeah. I mean, there is a rifle of some sort. I wouldn’t know. You know, I wasn’t close enough to read the label on it. Was a rifle of some sort? Yeah, absolutely. So what do you. How do you process what you’ve just seen? I don’t know what to say, man. I tell you, is, you know, if I. If I walked up close to there with anything that can. Secret Service can considered a problem, I wouldn’t be standing here talking to you right now. But I don’t know why a guy who we’re standing there pointing out to police and Secret Service is crawling up the roof.

Yes. Right there by that tree. We were outside the security terminal. But my question is, there’s only a few buildings around here. Why is Secret Service not on every building here? Whole bunch of questions, I think, that are going to come. There’s a whole bunch of questions. Yeah. Yes. She was right in front of me. She kept going back and forth right in front of me. Yes. Tell us about her. I mean, nice horse, nice lady running with a flag. Seemed very, you know, patriotic. What’s the significance of that? No, she just. He asked me if I saw a horse tape.

Okay, all right, well, listen, I’m sorry you had to witness that. It was a terrible thing, and you should stay safe with your family and. Gotcha. Thanks for your time. Just a couple comments of my own here. Ryan’s made the excellent point. This is wrong weapon. The AR 15 has a magazine extending down. You couldn’t lie flat. You want a sniper rifle? Maybe even a bolt action. But the era 15 is the weapon of choice for the Democrats to demonize. So I think this is further improved. This is a Biden Obama, not actually Biden because he’s totally out of it, but this kind of thing I think Barack Obama would be perfectly comfortable with.

And it’s just disgusting. And when he got this guy, Benny Thompson, who ran the January 6, and then they destroyed all the evidence because it exonerated Trump, you know, he coming out with this law to deprive Trump of Secret Service and having field directors saying, next time, don’t miss. These Democrats are running a major risk of backlash by people who do know how to hit the target. And I’m just telling you, I won’t be surprised if we wind up with Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama’s head on a pike. I’m telling you, this can blow up.

This is so stupid. So bad. They thought they were going to kill him. And look, it was just a miracle. If he hadn’t turned his head, he’d be dead. Your thought? Absolutely. Talking about the reaction of the Democrats. Jim, please, please allow me to share my screen one more time, because I found the perfect video that summarizes the reaction and the consequence. This is off Twitter, right? And it’s a lady doing a little skit about, you know, the reaction of the radical left. And it’s absolutely, absolutely priceless. So Jimmy Dore shorted yesterday, but it’s so funny.

I am in stitches every time I’m watching it. And it’s exactly right. This is what. What the radical left thinks. So listen to this. Hey, um, Trump got shot at. Got shot at. Trump got shot at. So, like, did he? Oh, yeah. He lived, huh? Yeah. And what’s worse is he looked really cool when it happened. What do you mean, he looked cool when it happened? He unfortunately looked very cool when it happened. How do you look cool getting shot at? Well, like, what did he do? Pop right back up with blood streaming down his face? Get fists in the air shouting, USA.

USA. USA. Until a crowd of thousands joined in. That’s exactly what he did. Oh, yeah. That’s really cool. That’s priceless. Dumb demographic. We’re gonna lose the election, huh? Big time gathered. Love it. Absolutely love it. Yeah, I’ll take it back. Yeah, go ahead. John, your thoughts? I almost hate to do it, but I wanted to share a picture of the actual shooter that they shot. Not crooks, is it okay? I’m going to show one with the regular face. I don’t know, if you want me to show the other one, which was the aftermath, but let’s see if you can see it.

Oh, okay, we can see it. Okay. The aftermath shot was this same guy. Look at his ear. See, I look at the ears. Those are identifiers. He didn’t look like he had all of his teeth, but he just got shot. But back to the original, he’s got earplugs, he’s got the spacing of the eye sockets, the eyebrows, the nose, the mouth, the chin. Nothing. Not the guy. Thomas Matthew crooks. But it’s interesting, this guy is also a Matthew Yuric. Y e a r I c k, I believe, or y er ick. But it’s interesting because that’s one of the shooters.

That’s the guy that was the decoy. And yet this guy crooks was putting out a video saying, you got the wrong guy. He knew it. So these guys were like putting stuff out there. Big signals. Brian. Go ahead, Brian. I don’t trust the photo that they gave us related to. Hey, this is the shooter. Look. Proof Thomas Crooks is dead. The photo didn’t look authentic to me until I can put the proper filters on it, I don’t really want to say too much about it, but just think about the. What’s the reality in terms of somebody taking a photograph of the dead shooter and leaking it to the press? Who all had their camera there? Who was taking pictures? Who was this person? You know, it feels the picture I just showed you was an FBI source that went through a law enforcement source, but I could email it to and you could put it on a photo forensics if you want.

Yeah, I’m not talking about that photo. I’m talking about the sort of famous photo of the dead guy with the missing teeth. That’s. That’s the guy. Yeah, that’s the Europe guy. Trump media shares spiked 30% yesterday. His social shares went way up. All the Vegas betting odds on Trump being the next president have had a huge spike. I don’t think there is anything anymore, such as a swing state. It appears to be solidly read. Will they continue to gaslight the american public into believing that the polls show that it’s still a neck and neck race after an event like this? How many people will be waking up after an event like this to the fact that the government is giving us another bullshit story that doesn’t add up.

It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Will the violent rhetoric begin to change here on out? I doubt it. You’ve got so many different stories about different democrats over the years that have said things must assassinate Trump. We got to get him out of there. We got to take him out. We can continue to harass them. What’s going to change here is that what they’ve managed to do is continue to incite the MAGA crowd, get us more fired up, make us more cohesive. And I think what’s very important is with the RNC convention coming up, I think it opens today.

Trump will be there. I did get word that JD Vance was seen leaving his house in a hurry this morning. So I think Trump is probably going to announce JD Vance as his vice presidential candidate within couple of hours at the RNC convention. And I think the MAGA team will just continue to go forward. Now, I do want to say this one thing about the Democrat mindset. You got to understand how they have to double down on their views related to Donald Trump. They get their opinions from the media. The media tells them orange man bad, they believe that.

They repeat that, and so they have to defend that. Will they ever wake up? Well, they’re going to have to admit that they were wrong in order to do so. I don’t necessarily see that happening because they’re so deeply indoctrinated into what they’ve been taught by the state and by the media puppets that have fed them. But the good news is that right now, I think it’s close to 45% of the american public thinks the media is lying to them overall. And I think it’s even higher when it comes to this particular assassination attempt. There’s so many different magnifying glasses on this thing right now that there’s just no way anybody can accept the official story.

And the FBI and the clown show at the Secret Service, they don’t have any credibility to investigate this. Same people that could figure out who bought cocaine into the White House are supposed to be figuring out, you know, who shot the president and how it all went down. It’s just not credible anymore. And I think the good news is that alternative media is going to continue to skyrocket in terms of interest. Catherine. Yes. My question is, so will this move Trump to finally declassify all the JFK files? Because he himself said in an interview that he wanted to, he was close to, but people said, maybe not.

It’s not, the time is not right yet. Well, how about now? How about now, right? We almost had a rerun. Oh, I think that’s highly probable, Catherine. The most important file missing is George Johannitis, who was a psyops for the CIA in both JFK and RFK. And they just didn’t want that out because it showed how much. How deeply the CIA was involved in orchestrating the assassination, even though Lyndon was the brains behind it. It originated in Los Angeles, when Jack beat him out for the democratic nomination for president, and he forced himself on the ticket so they could take out Jack.

And indeed, in the course of events, Lyndon said, as chief administrative assistant Cliff Carter down to Dallas to make sure all the arrangements were in place for the assassination. It’s that bad. So, in a way, Obama is following the LBJ style tradition. And I really do think Obama was in part behind this. You know, he’d love to run Michelle. I think it’s just so ridiculous to imagine that the public is going to swoon over a man with breast implants in a huge shaving bill. I mean, I think the public will be Ray Paul’s, but I do think that has been his plan.

When you said huge, I did not expect shaving Bill at the end. Yeah, yeah. You know, I got all kinds of photographs of Michelle before she got her boob job and when she let her beard grow and her husband was no longer present. And one where you got this. The cost of looking good, you know, so much for the earrings, so much for the makeup, so much for the boojob, but then forgetting to tuck in your nuts. Priceless. Well, it’s also the interview with Bear Grylls does with Barack Obama, where Barack Obama himself refers to Michelle as Michael.

I don’t think any man ever married to Michelle would, by accident, call on Michael. Look on. When Michelle danced on Ellen DeGeneres, it’s obvious she has a package most women do not have. And there’s just so much abundance. We got a former physician looking after. Explain how he walked into or taking a leak standing up in a trailer. And now they paid the lot for his silent. But he couldn’t remain silent any longer after what they’d done to the country. Go ahead. I just wanted to say, gentlemen, I just said to bill the other day, you know, infrastructure around us is crumbling.

The healthcare system and the education has taken a plunge into the abyss without the parachute. But entertainment is the best it was, it has ever been in human history. Isn’t it true they’re spending so much money on these illegals? Katherine. They’re giving them not just green cards, Social Security, Medicare, right off the bat, things the rest of us had to work to earn for our whole lives. They don’t give a shit about the american people because they think these imports are going to vote Democrat. It’s just repulsive beyond words. Oh, sorry, sorry. These illegals are also being hired into the vast gang stalking or human terror stalking networks across the US, and some of them are carrying directed energy weapons in their cars.

They have actually branded a line into my forehead here in the US. So, yeah, it’s worse than that. It’s worse than just them getting free health care and being asked. Democrats. A lot of us think they’re an army and waiting that there are caches of arms all over where they know where to get them. I was troubled years ago to discover that agencies like the EPA or the IR’s were purchasing military weapons, a billion hollow point rounds for which they have no discernible use. They have been stockpiled around the country, and they’re going to give the word to these illegals where to find them.

We’re going to be in a hell of a fight, I got to say. Brian, then, John Brian. Well, I think the big question is, where are we going to go from here? Will the deep state burn it down in order to hold on to power, or will they try to control Donald Trump? And I think there are indications that Donald Trump, in a sense, can be controlled because of his, the vast resources that have been aligned with him related to the jewish heads, the jewish run hedge funds, and Blackrock and Vanguard. Did they know? Was it something that was foreseen that Donald Trump would become this president this time around? Again, we got one more break, and we’re going to continue our conversation here.

Not taking calls today. There’s too much here of value. We’ll be right back with John Carmen, former Secret Service Brian Davidson, PI from Texas, and doctor Katherine Horton, who’s led the fight against targeted individuals in the legal framework. We’ll be right back to revolution and we’ll be right back after this. Message management would like to take a moment to thank the listeners and hosts for all their support that has made revolution radio one of the biggest platforms for free speech in an ever growing dark world of censorship. Unfortunately, this platform, free speech, has never been free.

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the people station even the government admits that 911 was a conspiracy. But did you know that it was an inside job, that Osama had nothing to do with it? That the twin towers were blown apart by a sophisticated arrangement of mini or micro nukes? That building seven collapsed 7 hours later because of explosives planted in the building. Barry Jennings was there. He heard them go off and felt himself stepping over dead people. A us geological survey conducted studies of dust gathered from 35 locations in lower Manhattan and found elements that would not have been there had this not been a nuclear event.

Ironically, that means the government’s own evidence contradicts the government’s official position. 911 was brought to us, compliments of the CIA, the neocon in the Department of Defense, and the Mossad. Don’t let yourself be played. Read America nuked on 911. that’s the opinions expressed on this radio station, its programs and its website by the hosts, guests and call in listeners or chatters are solely the opinions of the original source who expressed them. They do not necessarily represent the opinions of revolution radio and at staff or affiliates. You’re listening to revolutionradio, 100% listenersupported radio and now we return you to your host.

Well, the audience can’t see it. I’m showing a photograph, what appears to be a bullet hole, small caliber, in Donald Trump’s right here. And I say that bullet hole is worth 10 million votes. 10 million. And it solidified his support across the board. It’s going to be a wipeout. Maybe. Brian was saying there aren’t any swing states anymore. They’re all solidly breath. I think the Democrats have blown it. They thought they could take them out. That was their intent. I don’t have any doubt this was a Barack Obama inspired move to kill Trump. They’ve tried every other method they have.

There’ve been a dozen previous attempts on his life. One was with a drone where it fired in the middle of the night. A rifle shot into his bedroom. And had they not changed the window to bulletproof glass, he would have been dead. Katherine, your thoughts? My thoughts are that now I’m really worried about directed energy weapons because those are stealth weapons. There are no bullets. You know, holes. There’s no way to track a bullet. And directed energy weapons go through even, you know, bulletproof glass. So there’s also slow kill methods. You can give people a heart attack, a stroke with these weapons.

I’m really worried, but I’m also, I mean, on the upside, you know, isn’t it ironic when Gen Z gets these ear piercings, they just staple their whole ear and nobody gives a shit. And a boomer gets one ear piercing and gets 10 million votes for it. I mean, it’s just not fair. I like that. I like that. Brian, Brian, your thoughts? You know, I’m watching all the other elections because it’s important to remember that just because the Republicans gain control doesn’t mean that anything changes whatsoever. We need prosecutions and we need replacement of establishment candidates along the way.

There are a lot of Democrat seats coming up in the Senate that are still toss ups that need to be focused on. I don’t think any state anymore is a solid Democrat bet. So there’s a possibility of a landslide in the Senate as well as adjustments being made in the House. So. But, but still, that comes down to the question of these people will not act like patriots until they’re forced to act like patriots. And the only way they’re going to be forced to act like patriots is if there’s actual prosecutions of actual bad guys, and we still haven’t seen any of that.

Yes, we’ve got some momentum and an attempted assassination attempt of Donald Trump, but that momentum goes nowhere until we get the right people at the top of our institutions. Remember that the whole thing has failed because it’s institutional corruption. They’ve been able to install their senior executive service people at the top of all these institutions. They’ve managed to corrupt the FBI. There’s nobody that has faith in them right now. It appears they’ve managed to corrupt the secret service at the very top. And again, it all comes down to who’s at the very top of the institution, setting policy driving agenda, assigning investigators to different types of cases, accepting cases, dropping cases.

Those are the important things that take place in the day to day mechanisms that run this country. And I can tell you at this point in time, I still don’t see any indication that any of those things are actually, any of those mechanisms are actually going to be changed. Yes, some people will get fired, they’ll get replaced with other bureaucrats along the way. But it still comes down to remember when Tucker Carlson did his interviews, what were the main themes? I mean, the main themes I saw was, of course they’re going to try to assassinate Trump.

The law fair didn’t work. They have to try to take about. And it looks like they’re running with Joe Biden again, which is probably another mistake. And beware of AIPAC, the jewish lobby that controls all these politicians. When will that go away? How will that be addressed? Where will it be adjusted and how does it tie to this? Still too early to tell, but those are all things we need to be thinking about. Wonderful, wonderful points. John, your thoughts. Did you guys get the email sent you with the photos? There’s a photo of a van there, the white van.

Is that what you’re talking about? No, I just sent you a photo of the guy, Uric, who was the deceased. Okay, tell us what you think is important about it. Well, I’ve been, I’ve been monitoring this stuff and I’m still analyzing information and intel as it comes in all the time. I’m worried that Trump, that they’re going after, they’re not going to give up. If they go after him openly like this, they’re going to keep on. They’re going to do a full court press, possibly, and until the election has been done, or as Katherine, maybe Brian had indicated, maybe something will happen to Biden in between that time because then they can hand it over to Harris or Kamala, and then that stuff can get really weird, too, or something could happen to somebody else.

And you know who’s third line? Mike Johnson. You know, Mike Johnson can always slip in there. That’s always the third line. So anything can happen. But I’m more concerned about Trump. And I’m monitoring other news sources. They’ve got other people being interviewed worried about Trump’s security because they indicated they just released the information openly about a drone that was sent to Trump’s location at one time. That kind of feeds into Katherine’s theories. Also because they are real folks. I’ve reported drones since 1991 because of a threat about smuggling. Then I talked to somebody else. I said, no, it’s got to go to the Secret Service.

They could do the same thing. Then what do they do? They put it out in the movies like White House down with Gerard Butler. Koreans are dropping thousands of drones. They attach, boom. That’s what they do. Attach, boom. They could do all kinds of chemical release stuff and poisoning. I won’t go into details, but there’s all these factors about how they could keep doing these things until they get rid of somebody. No matter what, they’ll sacrifice their own people just, just kind of like a prophetic thing. And I think you’re absolutely right. They’re going to be additional repeated attempts on drug, but I think there’s, there’s going to be blowback.

I’m not going to be at all surprised. Think even the Democrats would like to see Joe Biden taken out. Katherine, your thoughts? Yeah. Oh, gosh, I had so many thoughts, I almost lost my train of thought here. So, yes, first of all, I mean, we have to realize we are in a situation of deep capture. So what everybody is describing is deep capture. When psychopaths, criminals migrate to the top, all of our organizations are pyramid organizations. When the top fills with them and they have the majority, you have deep capture. Now, there’s only two ways to get out of deep capture.

Number one, an even bigger, more powerful system comes along and kicks these guys out, or a revolution from the base takes these people out. And the only chance we have to tidy this up is to really do concerted action from above and below, across the world. Because this is a global network, I keep emphasizing the links to mi six and old money in Europe. George Soros is from over there. He’s not technically old money, but he is big money, but there’s really old money, even bigger pools than him. And they are controlling all this. So another thing that can happen, and these people have already put all the mechanisms in place.

If Europe recaptures, they will relocate to Asia. So they were already moved to make the Himalayas, the next Switzerland, the next Swiss Alps with their bunker systems and so on. And if you track the, I think it was the nepalese royal family where one guy one day went mad and killed everybody, including himself, thereby wiping themselves out. That is literally, what was that? Mind control technology, microwaves, whatever. But there’s all these moves. So we have to tidy this up once and for all, internationally in lockstep. And the people, the american people have to go after these criminals in court or through administrative mechanisms at the same time as hopefully Trump comes in and removes them from above.

You know, there are so many, and they are just so vast, and they stretch all the way down to our local communities. The people who are gang stalking me when I leave their house, they mostly live where I am right now. But also, before we even get to the levers of power, Trump gets to the levers of power. We still have to get through the election. And because most of it is digital, it can be screwed up at 2 GHz, whatever, right? 9 billion screws per second. So I, for example, to give you an example, how critical it is that everybody gets going and secures the election.

Now we have to do what Trump said, fight, fight, but smartly, logically, get into those levers of power. Take back the courts, for example, here in my local area, I live in the countryside. I spoke to a woman who was part of the election system and she was always taking, helping with the election for 36 years. And she says 2020 was the only year where she wasn’t asked. She knows how the system works. She wasn’t asked when she went to vote herself, she said she didn’t recognize a single soul. They were all sent from the state capitol, new team, nobody knew them.

They did it. They’re going to do the same thing again. Bigger, better this time, you know, so that’s the next battle line. But on the positive side, I’ve just hot off the news. The judge dismissed the documents case. That’s what I’ve just heard just now, half an hour ago. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel. At least that judge holds up her end, but we need to back her up because otherwise she will, he will get assassinated. All those judges, right, that stand up, they have been killed already. I know of several judges who were taken out after, you know, trying to support a targeted individual.

So we now need to secure everybody and there’s no, nobody is too small to screw in the system. That’s what I think. Brian. Well, I think right now is a good time to start talking about Senate races coming up in 2024. So obviously in Arizona, Kristin Sinema has been an independent. She barely captured it last time over Kerry Lake. It looks like Carrie Lake, or, I’m sorry, Kerry Lake is in this time against Kristin Sinema for that Senate seat. In California. You’ve got a guy by the name of Laphonza butler who had 54% of the vote last time.

He’s being run against by the guy by the name of Steve Garvey. So there’s a Senate seat that could go very well to the Republicans. Connecticut. Chris Murphy, he took 60% of the vote last time. John Flynn’s running against him in Connecticut and could beat him. Delaware is another one that’s going to be up. There’s a guy by the name of Eric Hansen that might be able to beat him, but that’s 60% Democrat. It’s been that way for a long time. Florida. Rick Scott. I think he’ll probably keep the seat, or, I’m sorry, Rick Scott will probably keep that.

Maisie Hirono’s up in Hawaii. That’s a very big one. And there’s a lady by the name of Melba armor all who may very well be able to beat her there. In Hawaii, Indiana, Mike Braun is the Republican, and he’s going to have to hold on to that seat against a guy or a lady by the name of Valerie McRae. Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, very important. So is Minnesota with Amy Klobuchar and John Berman might be able to pick that one up. There’s a lot of different races that need to be paid attention to at this point in time.

And I just think it’s important not to miss the overall adjustment in what the 2025 Congress is going to look like, how the power structure could change in our favor, these committee assignments could go our way, and politically we could be in a much stronger position. But again, I’m saying the same thing I’ve said before. Until the institutional corruption is rooted out, I don’t think there’s a much hope to change this bureaucratic machine after 2020. James Carville implicitly acknowledged that the Democrats had stolen 57 House seats from the republican 57. The corruption on the Democrat side knows no bounds.

John, your thoughts now? Just checking on another screen here. I agree with what you guys are saying, and I’m still concerned about what they’re going to do in the future because they still have time to do damage. And that’s the biggest problem. And I did mention that thing about the case on Trump and Mar a Lago that’s monumental because it took one incident, then they finally made a decision. They’ve got all kinds of stuff that they should have never even got to that point. They’re pressing buttons. They want to push it to the civil war. They’ll do it.

They won’t like the answer, though. They won’t like the result. But I’ve told people about this before. What do they think they’re doing? So it’s suicidal what they’re doing. And then, of course, you got stuff in the Gaza, you got stuff in Ukraine and Putin and all these other things. I keep thinking about Katherine’s really good suggestions. Last time I saw it on an interview was about taking out certain people in London and the Vatican. You know, I’d like to get her to comment on that one and see if it’s still up to date. Yeah, it’s the power centers.

And just for the record, because this goes out with taking out. I mean, not that I wouldn’t be ready when the time comes, but no, I work on court cases, not on assassination attempts. But yes, actually, Jim, please, could you let me share my screen, because I would like to point out some historical things. So my point is, when I analyze deep capture and the size of this international cartel, you realize that the size of it is so big that it’s not, it wasn’t born yesterday. You can trace it back literally through the centuries as it gained power, as it captured countries.

Really for the first time in history, we have social media, and we can pass information about these crimes to each other before they can take us out. But people have been investigating this for a very long time. The reason why I go on about the City of London, as in the square mile, the extraterritorial area that most people don’t exist, exists and the Vatican, is because those are the traditional control structures, control points, nodes of this international network. That’s how they, the City of London was used to funnel the money that keeps them alive. And the Vatican was in charge of brainwash, and the Vatican bank is involved, and, you know, for historical reasons.

But anyway, talking about historical references, I was struck by the similarities of certain images. So, for example, let me share my screen. It’s kind of funny how they try to go after Trump. And the images that arise in the situations are always eerily familiar to me. So, for example, here, if you look at Trump’s mugshot, the never surrender mugshot, when I saw it, I thought, I’ve seen almost the exact same image before. Where? And then I figured out, remember Churchill? Never, never, never give up, right? It’s almost the same look, right? This guy’s really pissed off.

This guy’s really determined. But now, from yesterday, the assassination, the iconic image here, as soon as I saw it, I was like, dang, I’ve seen almost the exact same image before. Somewhere you know it, somewhere I’ve seen it. And then I suddenly realized it’s from the French Revolution. It’s almost the exact same thing. Somebody got shot, right? And the fight continues. So just, just look. The flag frickin everything. How does this keep happening? Well, the reason why it keeps happening is because we’re still fighting the same international cartel. So if you dig a bit, you actually figure out the french revolution wasn’t all that it was made up to be.

It was run by the Freemasons. It was really asset stripping the french king. And this system has been asset stripping people around the world, other monarchies, you know. But now, in my analysis, this big global organized crime cartel is asset stripping the west because we’re ripe for picking. And don’t forget the european royal families. So if you look at the british family there, Prince Philip died. The queen died very shortly after. Then King Charles has cancer. Kate Middleton was rumored to have cancer. Now she has a baby. I don’t know what’s going on there, but King Charles has cancer.

Exactly what you would give somebody with directed energy weapons. Right? So, in very quick succession, three senior members of the royal family are either dead or impacted, could be dead soon. So I strongly believe that the time correlation, all this happening indicates that that cartel is trying to take out the british household. And I have found cartel signaling announcements of this ahead of time. I made a video about, I think, six years ago about this, saying that the cartel just announced in an advert in Royal Ascot, if you can read the symbols, that they want to take out the royal family, the british royal family.

And this was a plan that was 300 years in the making. They. Did she say it in an ad? It’s very, very. I have a whole video. I don’t want to go into it, but it makes sense from an economic point of view. This cartel operates like locusts. Like a swarm of locusts. They go around the world, try to get all the assets in the country. They’ve assets stripped Latin America, they cleaned out Africa, they cleaned out Asia. China is now taking over Africa. But they already own China. So it’s really just the puppet arms going.

But now we are ripe for picking. So that is what’s happening. So, talking about solutions, the solution will be if, number one, the american billionaires figure out that they are the ones to be asset stripped. If they asset strip me, they can’t really get very much. Up until very recently, you would have gotten your mittens on some shitty Ikea furniture. That’s it. But if you go after the american billionaires, now you’re talking. And the european royals and old money in Europe own pretty much all the land and everything. So now this system is after them. So what we need to do to really get rid of this corruption is to get those two people to align, two groups to align.

I mean, Nick, this is just a footnote, but Nick Kolerstrom and I, three or four months ago, did a thing about Kate Middleton. She appears to have been sacrificed in a satanic ritual in December. These are all fake. There’s since. Since I was a huge fan of her, nearly as much as I was of Diana, who is also, of course, assassinated. She didn’t die in the automobile accident. She came through virtually unscathed. When she was put in an ambulance, she was sedated and just about 100 yards away from the ambulance, they beat her so badly from internal bleeding she could not survive.

It’s just grotesque. Catherine, what’s happened here? Hate, I thought was sensational and added so much class to the royal family. But yeah, she appears to have been sacrificed. Satanic ritual in December and there are no legitimate photographs. This is all very sad, but it’s consistent with the points you’re making. Brian or John? Either. Brian first. Go ahead, Brian. Oh, you know, I probably don’t have much to add to the conversation in terms of the satanic sacrifice, but remember that we can identify the problem network very easily. It already has been identified. It was identified in pizzagate.

It is the pedophilia network of blackmail, corruption and control. They’re easy to identify. It’s been around for a long, long time. And so if you’re asking when the dominoes are going to fall, you’re going to say when is the network going to be exposed and prosecuted? And that’s really how it’s going to have to go down because the corruption starts at the top. Once you can get somebody compromised, and it might start at a very early age, once you can get somebody compromised, it’s much easier to bring them along through the system. Parrots and sticks continue to keep that compromise in place and place them into positions of leadership, such as senators, such as House representatives, such as corporate CEO’s.

Take a look at what happened to tractor supply recently with their corporate CEO siding to go woke. And that backfired tremendously. The american people aren’t taking it anymore. We’re starting to push back on the whole DEI agenda. I think this Trump assassination is going to add a lot of light to that particular fact. The photograph of the Secret Service woman that looks like a cartoon character trying to holster a gun with a look of absolute terror and fear on her face after loading Trump in there is going to be very powerful. Now the woman that runs the Secret Service related to the RNC is doubling down right now, saying she’s not adjusting her plans, that she’s offended, that the american people are suggesting that the Secret Service is inadequate or can’t take care of the problem, can’t fix it up.

The bottom line is I think people will begin to realize strong men need to be placed in strong positions. Weak men need to be rooted out and replaced. And even a strong woman is better than a weak mand. But I don’t know how things are really going to change, except I think you’re going to see a continued growth of conservative mentality. Maybe it’d be nice to see people go back to church again and start praying for the nation like they ought to be doing. I just don’t know if we’re in that much of a crisis yet.

I think it’ll happen as soon as the credit cards begin to start to default and the mortgages start to default and the bottom falls out of the currency. The latest reports in the convention are they’re increasing, they’re enhancing security, as well they should be. John, your thoughts here about the big picture? Yeah, I was. I was going to touch on that thing about the pedophile stuff. I’ve reported military detention disposal locations around the United States and parts of the world. Putin said he was going to cut the supply chain for the adrenochromes. That’s a big hit right there.

That’s a hint at what we’re dealing with, as you guys are mentioning, the pedophile networks and their satanic connections. It’s all interconnected. And I’m worried about the RNC. I’ve reached out to people like that and I talked to all kinds of people. The RNC is one thing, but they put millions and millions of dollars into this function to make a big deal out of the election, which is what they’re going to do. But in secret service terms, nobody’s that safe. Kennedy got hit because he didn’t have the bubble on the vehicle that day. I’ve actually protected that limousine in Washington, but I’m very familiar with this stuff.

So unless they walk around with a bulletproof bubble all the time, one person, they always teach us in the academy, only takes one person who’s willing to sacrifice. That’s all it takes. Anybody. So whether you’re martial arts or not and all these other technical things that they can use, that’s what they’re up against. And it’s a really hard job just to pick up on your LBJFK illusion. They had a backup plan that if they didn’t get Jack and Dealey Plaza, they’d get him at the trademark. If they didn’t get the trademark, they get him at the Lyndon Johnson ranch.

It was the least desirable because Lyndon was behind the whole thing. But the most assured of success is back. We’re going to see multiple attempts on Trump, and I can only hope that the security is good enough that none of them are capable of success. My opinion, he could win this now if he never even left Trump Tower, that this thing is a shoe in and that we don’t want to run the risk of having him taken out. Katherine I’d welcome your final thoughts for today. My final thought is that this just, first of all, beefing up security.

What does it mean? Even more useless Karens around him, you know, to stumble over? I don’t know. So I want to see the guy. Guys need to do guy jobs, because one of the things that the left agenda has proven, even if you take the best trained woman, you take a female weightlifter, she will not be able to compete with somebody who’s a bit crap in weightlifting. You know, never weightlifted before, but as a guy, so that is what guys in men’s sports have proven to us conclusively. But ultimately, the conclusion from this assassination attempt is this a whole nation of 350 or 60 million people cannot rely on just 175 year old man.

He is holding up his end. I mean, heck, he got shot, got up and told us what to do. But now we need to get up off our own houses and actually go and do something about it systematically. We need to be intelligent. We need to learn how our own legal system works and how we can take out these corrupt people and do our own forensics and analysis and go after it. Listen, this has been a great honor to have the three of you join me today, one of the most important interviews of my lifetime. Thank you for being here, everyone.

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American billionaires corruption audio analysis of gunshots Butler Pennsylvania shooting conservative election process corruption European royals corruption future elections concerns independent research on shooting incidents Jim Fetzer radio show discussion multiple shooters theory pedophilia networks corruption political motivations behind shootings satanic rituals allegations Senate races 2024 shooting incident analysis Trump rally shooting incident

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