The Raw Deal (14 June 2024) with John Carman and featured guest Art Olivier

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On June 14, 2024, Jim Fetzer hosted a radio show with guest Art Olivier. They discussed theories about the 9/11 attacks, suggesting that the planes involved were not actually in the air that day and were still in service years later. They also discussed current global tensions, with Russia potentially ready for a nuclear strike and the possibility of World War III. Art Olivier shared his views on how world events are being manipulated towards this outcome, referencing historical events like the Soviet lend-lease program during World War II, which he believes helped the Soviet Union become a superpower.
➡ During World War II, the U.S. created duplicate currency for Germany, which the Soviets also had the ability to print, indirectly funding their government. This, along with other factors, helped the Soviet Union become a superpower. In recent times, the U.S. economy is struggling, with the dollar losing its global dominance and the country potentially facing a financial crisis similar to Zimbabwe. This could lead to the introduction of a digital currency, giving the government more control over citizens’ lives.
➡ The text discusses a theory about a planet, referred to as Nibiru or Planet X, which is believed to pass Earth every twelve and a half thousand years, causing catastrophic events like massive tides, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Some people believe these events are predicted in religious texts and that the next occurrence could lead to the destruction of coastal cities and a restart of civilization. However, the speaker expresses skepticism about this theory, noting the lack of archaeological evidence for a worldwide flood. The text ends with a reminder to spend time with loved ones, as the future is uncertain.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories related to Israel, Mossad, and the U.S. politics. It suggests that Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, is setting up Israel for an attack and implicating itself in major terrorist attacks. The text also mentions the influence of AIPAC, a pro-Israel lobby, on U.S. Congress members. Lastly, it discusses the possibility of President Trump’s re-election and his views on the situation.
➡ The discussion revolves around various conspiracy theories related to the 9/11 attacks. The speakers suggest that the destruction of the World Trade Center and Building 7 was premeditated, with one theory linking it to an insurance settlement. They also discuss the possibility of the buildings being destroyed to erase certain documents. The conversation also touches on the symbolism of the Twin Towers and Building 7, comparing them to the columns of Solomon’s temple.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks, suggesting that the buildings were destroyed by more than just the plane crashes. It also discusses the political implications of these theories, including the role of Israel and the potential for future conflict. The text ends with a discussion about the potential for nuclear warfare and the threat posed by Israel’s alleged “Samson option.”
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and controversial events, including a disputed interpretation of a passage in Leviticus, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the alleged manipulation of the media. It also mentions the potential for governments to harm their citizens, and the importance of resistance and awareness. The text ends with a discussion about security procedures at the White House and the potential for these to be bypassed or manipulated.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including procedures for entering the White House, the possibility of sneaking people in, and the use of code words. It also talks about the rotation of Secret Service agents and their duties. The text then shifts to political discussions, questioning Biden’s competence and the strategies used to elect certain candidates. Lastly, it delves into biblical prophecies, the creation of Israel, and the fulfillment of these prophecies, ending with a discussion about a grant given to Israel to develop a fighter jet, which was then sold to China.
➡ The text discusses astrological events and their connection to biblical prophecies, particularly the alignment of stars and planets in the Virgo constellation, which some believe symbolizes the Virgin Mary. This alignment occurred twice, once during the birth of Jesus and again in 2017, with the latter event involving the planet Jupiter, referred to as the ‘king planet’, being within the ‘womb’ of Virgo. The text also delves into geopolitical events, such as the Iranian nuclear deal and conflicts in Israel, suggesting that these events are influenced by biblical prophecies. Lastly, it mentions the rebuilding of Solomon’s third temple in Israel, funded by the sale of temple coins, and the potential implications of this event.
➡ The text discusses the potential for a global conflict, with the leaders of Western nations being accused of incompetence and possibly pushing the world towards a third world war. It also mentions the potential use of nuclear weapons and the devastating effects they could have, including a radioactive tidal wave that could wipe out coastal populations. The text also suggests that those in power may be safe in underground bunkers, while the general population would be left vulnerable. Lastly, it discusses historical events such as the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the attack on Pearl Harbor, suggesting that these events were part of larger political strategies.
➡ The text discusses a theory that the American military was used to destabilize Arab states, which were a counterbalance to Israel’s regional dominance, and to confront Iran. It also suggests that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated to gain American attention. The text further delves into the potential for nuclear war, with Russia’s unstoppable missile technology being a key point. It also touches on the political situation in Ukraine and Russia’s involvement, hinting at a possible engineered conflict. Lastly, it discusses the idea of recurring cycles of civilization destruction and rebirth, possibly linked to solar cycles.


Somebody, not just anybody. You know, I need someone. This is Jim Fetzer, your host on the raw deal here this 14th day of June, 2024, right here on Revolution radio, Studio B, where I have my ride, a co host, John Carmen, former secret service customs agents and more with our special featured guest, Art Olivier. He’s a man of many talents, including creating a fascinating fictional account of what might have happened to a flight on 911, where we know all four of the 911 crash site were fabricated or faked, albeit in different ways. I’ve explained this in many places.

Go to my bitchute channel, Jim Fetzer, for example, and check out my 911 special dedicated to Robert David Stehol, where flight eleven north tower wasn’t even in the air that day. Nor was flight 77. Plus flight 93, which allegedly crashed in Shanksville, was over Champaign Urbana, Illinois, after the event, as was flight 175 over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, after it had allegedly crashed. Right. Tracked down the FAA registration data and discovered that the planes that were actually used for those flights, and remember, the same plane can be used for different flights on different days. We can have one day from Tampa to Chicago, another day from New York to San Francisco, weren’t even taken out of service, formally deregistered until the 28 September 2005.

Which raises that question, how can planes that weren’t even in the air that day have crashed on 911? And how can planes that crashed on 911 have still been in the air four years later? Art, I’m delighted to have you here. Of course, you were talking about flight 93, which was reported to have landed Cleveland. The mayor, who is black, but whose name was white, even announced that the flight had landed there. And you provide a scenario, a horror scenario of what might have happened thereafter. My Brendan Hart, I’m glad to have you here. Welcome to the show.

Thanks, Jim. Glad to be back. Yeah, delight it simply. I wanted to begin with, if you could turn up your volume just a tad or that would be good. I want to begin with some headlines. I want to begin with some headlines. Let me pull them up. I had them here before they disappeared. It will happen. Here are the headlines. Russia. Russia is ready if necessary for a first nuclear strike. Sudden deployment of prometheus. Dozens of nuke target Ukraine limited nuclear conflict with Russia. US shifts doctrine to respond to Moscow NATO convenes nuclear planning group Russia.

Hence all EU countries humiliating ultimatum of unconditional surrender of Ukraine rejecting it opens Pandora’s. Let me say that’s a very misleading title. Russia is actually ceding all of Ukraine not presently occupied by russian forces back to Ukraine so we have there a propagandistic heading. Meanwhile, here we have putin demanding more land to end the war. Terms swiftly rejected by Kiev serbian president Vicky we will have a world war in three to four months. Art. I don’t think it’s going to be three to four months. I think it’s going to be a whole lot sooner. Your thoughts? Yeah, it’s hard to say with the timeframe is on that, but it’s just going as planned.

And I’ve been talking about this for a long time that it just seems that people that are controlling this world are put, you know, heading us towards a world war three. It’s just, you know, everything that’s. That’s going on, just. Art, did I lose your. Did I lose your audio? Did I lose your audio? I thought we were. I don’t know. Hear me now. Yeah, now go right ahead, please. Go ahead. Continue. So, yeah, I see that. It just seems to be the master plan is to get us involved into World War three. I mean, if you go back all the way back to the 1940s, you can see how this started with the soviet lend lease program.

Now, during the World War two, we had this huge program with the Soviet Union. We would build them airplanes, tanks, jeeps. We would ship it all over there to the Soviet Union, along with enough copper wire to go to the moon and back twice. We were doing everything for them. And then we also shipped them all the plans and materials to build an atomic bomb during World War two. And with the soviet unleashed program, this is what made the Soviet Union a superpower, you know, because they were really kind of a backwards country. But we gave him all his money and equipment, and, you know, and it’s all detailed out in Major Jordan’s diaries.

Have you ever read that book? I have not. Art, tell us about it. Oh, okay. Oh, yeah. Fascinating. Fascinating book. So, Major Jordan, he was a little bit too old to be a soldier in world War two, but they recruited him to head up the. The Soviet Lin lease program out of Great Falls, Montana. And at that facility, they were just flying planes all day long. They would fly them out to nome, Alaska, and then a russian pilot would get in, and then he would fly the plane into the Soviet Union and into Siberia. And the planes were always loaded with all sorts of other goods, but these were all planes that Americans had built.

And then we were giving them to the. To the Soviets. Now they call it a lend lease, but, you know, we’re just giving everything away to them. And the major Jordan was told by the State Department. We’ve got some bomb making equipment that we’re sending it to the Soviets, but we don’t want you to record this on any official manifestation. Just leave it off. So he followed his instructions, but he had his own diary. And in his own diary, he detailed what these bomb making equipment was. He never heard about. This is no, like, no bomb I’ve ever seen.

But he was sending them. He was sending them aluminum tubes. He was sending them yellow cake uranium. He had sent them all the materials to build atomic bomb with, you know, and he didn’t know this. He didn’t know what the heck this stuff was. And one day, the. The russian colonel that was assigned to the Great Falls, Montana site there, he said, you know, major, you know, his name was Racy Jordan. Racy, I’m going to buy you dinner tonight in town. And he’s like, okay. You know, he didn’t trust this, this guy, you know, because he didn’t even like him.

You know, the colonel hated Major Jordan because he’d always stick by the book. And so anyway, he was really suspicious. So he told his second in command, he says, okay, if the Soviets try to get a plane out of here, he says, don’t let him do it. And you call me at the restaurant immediately. So he goes to the restaurant, he tells his driver, stay in the car, you know, and wait for me. So he goes in. They have. They have a few shots of vodka before they even order dinner. The waitress says, you got a call.

So he goes back into the kitchen, answers the phone, and the tower says they’re trying to get a plane out. And so he doesn’t excuse himself. He gets in the car. They race back to the. To the base, and they go. They point out which plane they’re trying to get out. So he tries to get into the belly of the plane, and there’s this big burly Russian sitting there, you know, and he’s blocking his way. But Major Jordan pushed his way in. And then he goes in there and he sees all of these leather bound briefcases, you know, and he says, what’s in.

What’s in those cases? Diplomatic immunity. We know, tell. So he goes, you know, I know everything that comes out of here. So he goes over to open one of the cases, and this Russian jumps on top of the case. And so, you know, he’s thinking, okay, there’s two of them and one of me. Okay? So he leaves. Major Jordan leaves and he gets an MP. And then he tells the MP, he says if they pull out their weapons, shoot them. And so the MP had his rifle there and he had him trained on the, on the, on the Russians.

And so then Jordan, he starts opening up these things, actually, were they not. I mean, aren’t. They were Soviets, right? This is a soviet era before. Prior to Russia. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But these, these were Russians, but, yeah, they were, they were. They’re soviet officers, is what they are. Yeah, exactly. So the. So he opens up these cases and then inside was all these documents. They’re just packed full of documents, and there’s about 50 of these cases inside of the belly of this plane. And they had top secret and it was crossed out. And what the documents were were from the Manhattan project.

So these were all the plans to build an atomic bomb. So he had already given them all the materials and now they got the plans and so they had everything they needed to. To create an atomic bomb. And what year would this have been? Or what year would this have been? This was near the end of World War two. So this was 44. Yeah, yeah. Not about 1944. And so another thing that they sent out there were engraving plates and ink and paper, and what that was was an exact duplicate of the occupation money that they were going to print for Germany.

So after we took over Germany, the german mark was completely destroyed. And this was their currency, which was this american made currency, but the Soviets had the ability to print the exact same currency and they used that to help finance their government. So the american taxpayers were paying for the soviet government even after World War two. And so these things combined made the Soviet Union into a superpower, because they wouldn’t have. They just simply didn’t have the technology to build an atomic bomb. You know, maybe they would have by now. I don’t know. But certainly not back, you know, late forties and early fifties.

Before I bring in John, who actually protected soviet diplomats and so forth. I just like to add we have the latest report that Russia’s GDP is now the fifth in the world after Japan. So it’s going to be us, China. I’m not quite sure what’s going to be the third. It might have been Germany in the past. And if Nord Stream had gone forward, Germany would be the economic power. Maybe it’s the EU combined, then Japan and now Russia. All the sanctions have so massively backfired. The whole world is abandoning the dollar that you can see if you cross the United States politically, you can have your funds confiscated.

Who’s going to have confidence now? We even have NATO deciding they’re going to send 50 billion of frozen russian funds to Ukraine. I mean, this is just calamitous in terms of US preserving the dollar. The Saudis are not going to renew their 50 year agreement. You transact oil only in dollars. I mean, the US is falling apart economically. It just shocks me. It happened in such a short period of time since after the election in 2020, it’s been all downhill for the US. And I gotta say it appears to be completely deliberate to sabotage and destroy the United States.

I’ll take a quick response and then bring in John. Yeah, without the petrol dollar, there’s really nothing to back our currency and it’s not tied to gold. And ever since the pandemic, they just been, you know, running those, you know, just helicoptering the money just out. Just totally irresponsible. I mean, you know, you sense since the. What was that, 20? Yeah, 2020, they’ve just been printing so much money and it’s just becoming worthless. And now, now without the backing of the petrol dollar, yeah, we could. We could end up being like Zimbabwe pretty soon. Yeah, we’re going to be on the verge of it.

And they’re going to use that to introduce a CBDC, the digital currency, you know, so I can control every aspect of our lives. John, join the conversation. Got to find that mute button. Yeah, it’s very interesting. I was just typing another text message because my history goes back to protecting presidents at the White House and Ford and Carter. But right down the street on the other side of Lafayette park was 1609 16th street, which was the main russian embassy back then, 1974 era. But we protected the diplomats and all these other people. But I’m listening to art.

Is it art? Yes. Okay. The history behind us is very interesting because I’m trying to make a timeline as far as where I was at certain times. And I actually ended up protecting a former KGB colonel by the name of Stanislav Lunev. And that may ring a bell or not. He had a book called through the Eyes of the Enemy. And I think I was asked to do it by George Putnam. And also Chris Ruddy was somewhat involved. But that guy was a, I don’t know, Democrat, Clintonite. But it also connects with the fact that we’re talking about suitcase nukes.

And since I also worked at the border, you’re talking about stuff that’s going in and out of the country. We also handled exports, imports, defense contracts, defense materials that go outside the country to other countries. So there’s always some paperwork and you mention a manifest that’s secondary nature to people in customs. We handle manifests, commercial exit entry gates and all this stuff. I worked at Calexco. I worked at the largest land border port at San Ysidro. So on occasion we would work an export gate where Department of Defense materials would go outside to Mexico. We don’t know where it goes after that.

In fact, I’ll go the other extreme. We get sea containers that come from outside the country under diplomatic or other statuses, which is a very secret thing that the CIA gets involved in. And if one of their pouches, sea containers, ships whatever diplomatic status comes in, they grab whatever they want and then they delete it from the computer of text. Treasury enforcement computer system. They deleted it. So I tell people this stuff and I still can’t get into Congress. I still can’t get through the congressman to get me to pull. Be pulled in because I’m a whistleblower.

But it all connects to this stuff about this era. Stanislav line, I believe, passed away about two years ago. I didn’t get a direct contact on it. Again, the book was through the eyes of the enemy. And when they put a description on him on Wikipedia, they put some other guy’s face on there. So I contacted Wikipedia. That’s not Stanislav Lunev. Lunev was shorter than I am. He had a propensity to smoke too much. And when I was up at something in Huntington beach. Is it John? Let’s go for a break. I need a smoke. I would tease him.

I said, no, I don’t smoke. I said, no, no, I need a smoke. Okay, I’m teasing him, right? He’s a shorter guy. I’m six foot three. He’s probably about five foot six, seven. Grayish hair. Mine’s white, but his is like, you know, uh. Nordic, right? Like a different kind of a. Blondish. Yeah, blondish gray. So. But nice guy. And he testified before Congress, I believe, in the same year, in 98. And he had to wear a black sack over his face to protect his face. And they had security people. So I believe it was one of the Senate House committee committees on foreign intelligence.

So I’m not sure if you’re familiar with those guys too. But everybody’s always trying to feed stuff over to Russia. Even the Clintons were involved in stuff like that. Kerry, Senator Kerry was delivering samples, allegedly, of cake material, yellow cake material. So it all fits into what you’re saying. But it’s just. I’m trying to dovetail it that it’s true. They’re always doing stuff like that, but they’re ahead of us on weapons anyway. And we get lied to every day on the mainstream media, art. Yeah, yeah. There’s nothing more irresponsible than going out trying to kill people from a country that has all these nukes pointed towards us.

And, you know, and that’s what we’re doing. And, you know, it started off with, well, Victoria Nuland doing the, plotting the coup d’etat in 2014 in Ukraine, along with the ambassador to Ukraine. You know, and you can go to YouTube and you can, you can actually listen to the phone conversation. Somebody had intercepted the phone conversation where they were plotting out this coup d’etat. And then we start, then we interfere in the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. And then we provide weapons to Ukraine. First money and then weapons. And then now, of course, Biden is saying, yeah, you can use those weapons to actually attack inside of Russia.

So we’re going to be using american weapons attack inside of Russia. Who was it? The senator redneck from the south. Which one? Lindsey Graham Kennedy. Lindsey Graham, yeah. He went on the media and he said that we need to start giving them f 15s, you know, so they can use those to bomb Russia. And it’s. It’s obviously part of a bigger master plan because it makes no sense at all. You know, for the average american, it’s like, you know, you ask the average american, do you think. You think that’s a good idea, that we go out and kill Russians? You know what? No.

You know, but. But the politicians, you know, they’re under some kind of orders to help facilitate the obvious. This is the israeli agenda. I mean, we’re just stooges. Congress is israeli occupied territory. Even Trump seems to be all in for the genocide and even threatening to deport student protesters. I’m appalled. I’ve been a staunch Trump guy right up to the point where he called into Hannity and started assailing the student protesters as being anti semitic, where they’re not protesting Jews, they’re protesting genocide. What could be more appropriate than for a student to protest what may be the most horrific crime worldwide of genocide? And then he said to me, it’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it.

Meaning he’s talking about wiping out amasses. Or we’re ignorant of the fact that for the Israelis, every Palestinian is Hamas because they support them all. They declare there are no innocent Palestinians. They want to slaughter them all. And Trump’s only complaint was they weren’t doing it fast enough. I was appalled. Speaker one, have you seen morally fit to be president? But I have no doubt he’s going to be re elected with an old landslide. By a landslide. Yeah. Did you see Congressman Massey? He went on, Tucker, and he. AIPAC spent millions of dollars on his opponent this year for Congress and in the primary, but Massey ended up winning anyway.

But he was talking to some of his colleagues, and when you talk about any kind of, like, funding for Israel or stuff like that, you know, because he’s very libertarian and he doesn’t believe in. In foreign aid. But anytime he talks about anything that has any kind of relation to Israel, his colleagues will say, oh, well, that sounds good, but I need to talk to my AIPAC guy. Like what? And he said that all the congressmen in Washington, DC, they all have an AIPAC guy, right? Columbia is going to give security for each of the Jews.

Nobody knew who the hell they were. Nobody even cared. But in Congress, they not only have personal security, they got their own, a PAC guy to tell them how to think about foreign affairs. Art, this is unbelievable, but, I mean, unfortunately, all too credible. Yeah, yeah. But you know what I think? What, if you want to go deep, deep, deep into the conspiracy, is that I think that Mossad is setting up Israel to be attacked, maybe even be nuked, you know? You’re very familiar with the dancing Israelis. Sure. Yeah. And, you know, so I read the FBI report on the dancing Israelis, and it seems to be that their mission was to get arrested.

They made spectacles of themselves over there at Liberty park. They went out in front of that apartment building and had all these people in the apartments watching them jumping up and down and hitting their lighters and high fiving each other. You had. But then in that FBI report, everybody that called the cops on the dancing Israelis, their phone number is in that FBI report. It’s redacted, but it’s there. But the one call that is not in the report at all is the last call that was made. And the last call said, we have a white van.

We have a white van, and we’re driving it towards the tunnels going into Manhattan. And the people in the van are dressed up like Palestinians. So they get in their white van after that phone call, and they start driving towards Manhattan. They get pulled over there near the. Was a giant stadium over there. Cops come in. They have a dog. They sniff. They detected some kind of bomb material or something. They didn’t find anything. They had five guys in the van. They’re all israeli nationals. And then they tell the people, he says, oh, we are not.

We are Israeli. We are not your problem. The Palestinians are your problem. The same thing that they said when they called in and said that we had a white van and dressed up like Palestinians. So, so they called the police on themselves, you know, and the other, the other phone numbers that weren’t in the report were the two cell phones that they confiscated from the, from the van. And I think that if they would have taken that phone number from the ones that they constituted from the van, they would have matched it to the one that made that last phone call.

Art will be back after this break with John Carmen and Art Olivier. Stand by. Listen to revolution radio at freedom and we’ll be right back after this message management would like to take a moment to thank the listeners and hosts for all their support that has made revolution Radio one of the biggest platforms for free speech in an ever growing dark world of censorship. Unfortunately, this platform for free speech has never been free. We need the support of the people. It is the people like you, yes, you, that keeps the station in the front lines of the battle against tyranny and oppression.

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Oh, okay. Yeah, I’m in Palos Verdes. Oh, so the. I’ll go on with that. The dancing Israelis. So two of the dancing Israelis were known to have ties with Mossad. And they were incarcerated for, like, I think, 70 days. And then they were just flown out of the country back to Israel. Now, had they been just a bunch of bad Mossad agents and messed up by, you know, high fiving and making a spectacle of themselves and getting arrested and implicating Israel in 911, once they got off that plane, they would have been disappeared. They would, nobody would ever heard from them again.

But instead they got on tv and on a talk show and they said, oh, well, we were just there to document the event. So they further implicated themselves. And, you know, and I think that’s on purpose. And I think that we’re going to hear more about the dancing Israelis. I think, you know, I believe that Trump will probably get elected again. I think that’s part of the plan. And Trump had said in the past that the dancing Israelis, he called them the celebrating Muslims in New Jersey. And so I think that he will correct himself. And I think they’re going to blame Israel for 911.

Now, they did the same thing in something similar to this on the seven, seven bombings in London. And at that bombing, Benjamin Netanyahu was in London in the same area where the bombs were detonated. And he said that he didn’t go to his meeting that morning because he had been alerted that there may be this terrorist attack. Well, I know who would alert him. Well, obviously Mossad would alert him. And this was before the attack happened, so he didn’t have to implicate himself, but he did. And you look at what happened in New Zealand when they were, you know, they, they did that skit with the killing all the Muslims in the mosque.

You know, that that killer was just in Israel prior to coming there. So in all these major terrorist attacks, it seems like Mossad is implicating Israel in those. And I think that that’s all going to come to a head, you know, sometime in the near future to get all nations turned against Israel. Hey, you know, I used to protect the israeli embassy in DC as well, so I protected all embassies, midnight shift, whatever. So I’ve had actual contact with some of these people and there’s some very suspicious people at work at the embassies. And, you know, if you work at the embassy, you are Mossad.

If you’re at the Russian, you’re KGB, you know, and so on and so forth. So my opinion is we’re still not getting the truth, or at least the major american public isn’t because they don’t know the games. These guys are very sneaky they do some stuff that you just wouldn’t believe, but it just goes back and forth, back and forth, you know? And we had a guy that would jump out of the embassy on midnight shift when it’s freezing cold. Just go check his luggage. Nuts on his wheel, on his vehicle. That was his routine. He would go out there, make it like he’s just checking the lug nuts you’re down there, like, actually tightening, you know, and act like he’s doing something, and then come back in after 1015 minutes, while I’m standing right there.

I said, no, nobody’s coming around the cars. There’s nothing going on here. Those embassies were monitored by the secret service, NSA, and all the other people with special cameras embedded in a building or apartment complex through a air conditioning unit. So one of the guys said, yeah, flash your light up there and see what happens. Oh, yeah, you can see the reflection real quick. So they know, but they’re always lying about. I’m pretty sure you guys both heard about the alleged agents Massad that were setting thermite charges at the building before the incident, 911. And it also ties in with what they had with melting steel and all these other things.

So. And I was EOD trained, so we talked about that stuff for a while back, too, way after it happened. Even back to Mara when the Mara building. Same thing. So if they don’t have. It’s a false flag thing. Same scenario. If they don’t have a boogeyman, they don’t have something, they’ll make one up. Kind of like World War Two, FDR, kind of like USS Liberty with LBJ Jim, or one of these other incidents. They keep it on. It’s the same thing. They just recycle a different scenario. That’s just my opinion. But, you know, I want to go back to point about Trump misdescribing the dancing Israelis as celebrating Muslims.

That was very peculiar. I mean, this is the same guy who, the day after the event, was interviewed by local New York television and explained the same builders who’d constructed the World Trade center were working for him now, that there was no way in which plane hits could have caused those buildings to be destroyed, that something else had to be involved. He specifically said bombs. At that point. I found that so refreshing that yet a prominent figure was calling out something wrong about the official narrative of 911. And to follow up on your points about the dancing Israelis, there were over 200 Mossad agents who were allowed into the United States on visas approved by the CIA.

The master plan was to isolate Manhattan. They were going to blow up the Holland tunnel, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Brooklyn Bridge. I’m not entirely clear exactly what you’re implying, art, about them as it were, turning themselves in. That’s certainly not been my impression from the past. They did have dogs, found evidence of explosives, they had passports, they had box cutters. And they did say, just as you said, that we are not the problem. The problem is the Palestinians. John, go ahead, a quick comment. I know a guy who used to work for immigration, he worked at the embassies overseas in Europe, Michael J.

Springman. And he was ordered to give those guys visas if that name pops up anywhere. Yeah, yeah, good. Yeah, good, good. I mean, I think Trump has gone full zionist so far as I can tell. I don’t think he’s going to out 911. I would, I had hopes in the beginning. Would your thoughts? Do you know, do you know who the first person that Trump called on the morning of 911 BB was? Lucky Larry Silverstein. That’s the owner. Yeah, right. And you know Lucky Larry. Wow, this, this is, I’m sure you guys know this, but, but most people don’t.

Lucky Larry spent millions of dollars on putting together the plans to rebuild building seven. And he submitted those plans in April of 2001, long before the 911 attacks. And there was no way that any lender would give him the money. He didn’t have the money to build the building because to take down the existing building seven, you would have to take it down basically brick by brick. You can’t just do a controlled demolition on building seven and then haul the stuff away because you would be damaging all the other surrounding properties. So that wouldn’t be allowed.

And the only way that he could possibly to implement his plans that he submitted in April of 2001 was from an insurance settlement. That’s the only way that he could get the money because no investor, because there was no return on investment. You could have go 1000 years and there’s no return on investment because the city wouldn’t allow him even to build as many square footage, as much square footage as the original building seven because they made them dedicate part of the footprint of the building for a road. So the footprint was much smaller for the new building seven.

And so there’s nobody, no investor in the world would say, oh yeah, I think that’s a good idea that we take down a modern office building and then replace it with a smaller office building. You know, there’s, there’s just no return on investment. So. So yeah, obviously he had to have prior knowledge of 911 that those buildings were going to be destroyed, you know, and then he got that great big, what was that four and a half billion dollar insurance settlement? And the, you know, because I was. I didn’t know about that right after 911, but I was amazed that they broke ground so fast on building seven and thinking, you know, because I’m involved in commercial real estate and it’s like, no way.

They couldn’t, they couldn’t develop the plans fast enough, and then they got to get the plans and they got to run them through the city. And you’ve got all these processes that would take well over a year. I mean, a year would be a fast track, you know, building that would take a couple of years. And there it was. Art, I got a quick question. Have you ever heard the theory that they thought that the reason they destroyed building seven, even though it wasn’t associated with the twin Towers, was because they allegedly had documentation to the JFK assassination or something? Well, I know that they put a lot of things inside of that building that were destroyed that were supposed to come out.

I didn’t know anything about the JFK assassination, but that’s possible. But they did put in like, the Security and exchange commissions. They had all of these documents that were going to investigate certain companies and that all just went away after 911 because. But I think that the real reason why they took down building seven is very esoteric. They called that building the Salman Brothers building. And the twin towers were called Boaz and Yachin. Boaz and Yachean were the two columns that were in front of Solomon’s temple. And after the. After those towers came down, then Solomon’s temple was no longer protected by Boaz and Joachim.

And the twin Towers, proportionally are the same size as Boaz and Yachim. You know, they’re much larger, but they’re proportionally the same size. And building seven. Yeah. And so then Solomon’s brother’s building, Solomon’s temple, you know, of course, without the Boaz and Yachin was, was destroyed 7 hours later. So I believe that that was the real reason. But, you know, of course, people that are on the inside knew that building seven was coming down. You know, we made reference to that in Operation Terror 911 story. You’re not supposed to know about the security and exchange hiding, you know, taking all their documents, putting inside of building seven and then.

And then having that building. Can I ask you a question real quick? The towers. Say it again. Boaz and Joachim. Yeah, Joaquin. Aren’t they supposed to be like a gateway of some sort or protective thing, prophetically or. Yeah. So that was the purpose of the, of the columns in front of Solomon’s temple, was to protect the temple, and just as the twin towers were there to protect the Solomon Brothers building. So I think that that was the esoteric reasoning behind that. Well, it’s very strange that building seven was maybe the most substantial building ever erected by the hand of man.

They used solid steel beams. Even in the twin towers they used hollowed out because they provide virtually the same degree of support. But in building seven, solid steel erected over two massive electrical generators designed to never collapse. Ray Jennings was in there that morning. He’d gone there because he was heading for Rudy Giuliani’s command and control center, where Rudy had two floors with its own air and water. He got there and he found still steaming cups of coffee, half eaten sandwiches. A fireman came along and said, we got to get you out of here. A building, a stairwell collapsed under him.

He heard explosions going up. I was in there, felt himself stepping over, deadly. But when he got out, he gave interviews about it. And of course, yeah, that’s why they had the New York Emergency operations center in building seven, because it was built so, so stoutly. Right. And it had nothing to do with JFK. It had to do with the Wall street investigations. Yes. And other documents they wanted to destroy. But I mean, it was absurd. That building was as robust as any ever designed. And then they brought it down in a classic controlled demolition. All the floors coming down at the same time, roughly the speed of gravity.

And it left at 12% of the original height of 47, 5.5 floors, which is what we know from experience, is a typical result of a controlled demolition of casinos and resorts in Las Vegas. And Eldwar, Dan Rather was even calling it out at the time, as you know, art, he was saying, this is just like the casinos we see, Detroit and Las Vegas. John, go ahead. Yeah, yeah, real quick, because I have the eod training, you know, explosive ordinance disposal and all that when I was secret service. But one common denominator that they keep repeating over and over is that there’s no way that two planes crashing into a building is going to melt 3000 degrees to melt the steel.

You know, so all those things about the actual logistics of the melting of the steel, the thermite bombs, they even suggested even surgical nukes were probably planted somewhere. But there’s no way they could have gotten the temperature that high on just crashing in. You could crash planes all day long. It’s not going to do what they did there. So it was a self demolition, in my opinion, as building seven. You know, as you guys are pointing out, that’s really good johnny stuff. You may not know, I founded scholars for 911 truth in December of 2005, when Alex Jones had his American Scholars conference.

In June 2006, he invited me to give the keynote lecture on 911. And the following Sunday, Ceasefan interviewed the panel with all four panelists from scholars. Steve Jones, who might co chair. Bob Bauman, who had a PhD in nuclear engineering from Caltech, who is a Star wars advisor to Reagan and Ford. Webster Tarmale published 911 synthetic tear made in the USA, and myself as a founder of scholars, talking about the top ten reason we know the hijackers are fake. So, you know, nanothermite was a subterfuge. Obviously, they did use in cleaning up, but it wasn’t used to destroy the buildings.

It’s a feeble explosive. It only has one 13th the power of tnt. It does turn out to have been done using a mini nuke in the sub basement. The design was a tube within a tube, and the palm report explained exactly how it was done from the bottom up, destroying the inner tube with a 47 massive core columns. And then what we saw were the effects of the building blowing apart in every direction from the outside. All the floors remaining stationary. No collapse whatsoever. They’re being blown apart, but there’s no collapse being converted into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust.

And when it’s over, the buildings are destroyed, too, or even below ground level. I had Father Frank Morales from St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. He was a first responder on my show, twice emphasizing that point. So, you know, very sophisticated. But when you understand how it was done, you realize what a fantasy. Palestinians, Arabs, didn’t have access to any of this technology, couldn’t possibly have done it. Innazar was implying they even had a fake phone call in claiming responsibility by the popular drug for the liberation of Palestine. Then they showed immediately vintage Palestinians rejoicing over an earlier political or religious events.

That, though, were contemporaneous, when they were just as slack jawed and stunned as the rest of the world. Art yards. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That footage of the Palestinians celebrating, they were actually handing out candy to everybody. They were passing out candy, and it was well before 911 when they did that. But that’s the footage that the media ran to help implicate the Arabs in the attack. I want you to take on Trump here, though. When he described the dancing Israelis celebrating Muslims, Netanyahu couldn’t have asked for more. What the hell is going on there, Ark? Yeah, well, my guess is that Trump is going to turn against Israel.

You think once he’s in office. Yeah, yeah. So the, you think all the claims he’s making now, criticizing the protesters and all that is just PR for the campaign and that he’s actually going to be strong for America first because many of us have believed he’s now Israel first and only America first now. And then. Your thoughts? Yeah, so, you know, I always look in the esoteric aspects of this thing, and so in revelation, the beast, which I believe Trump is the beast. In revelation, the beast is he’s given power, but then he loses his power.

One of his necks is injured and it looks like it’s fatal, but then it heals and it comes back and then he retains power again. But he has, the beast has a contract with Israel where, you know, and I think that contract was of Israel is when he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He was the first president to do so. And what he actually did to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, which de facto had that implication. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, um. So that, uh, you know, and, yeah, his strong support for Israel is, is that, um, that’s what it says in revelation, that he’s, you know, he supports Israel.

But then halfway through this contract that he has with Israel, then he turns against Israel. And, you know, and I just see that happening. You know, and all nations turn against Israel and I just see that that’s where they’re going. Now. What’s hard to, to imagine is that how Mossad would be a part of this program to get all nations to turn against Israel. But just think about the CIA. Now, does the CIA do everything that’s in the best interest of the United States? Obviously not. So you have to think about, they’re running their own empire, they’re running their own enterprise.

Yeah. Almost everything they do is detrimental to the people of the United States. And I see Mossad doing the same thing because I see the Mossad and the CIA, the Mi six, whoever, all intelligence agencies, I think they all work together and for a common goal, and unfortunately, it’s not to benefit the people of their nations. John, did you want to add a few? No, I was listening very carefully. I agree with that because you would think that things would go as it is in the media, but the media is covering up all these angles in the United States.

You have to go outside the United States to get the truth. I talked to a gentleman yesterday and he was indicating, oh, yeah, if you want to get the truth about something in the United States or what’s going on in the world, you got to go to a polish news service. And I access these other services through a free site where you can go to Fox News or Oan, or you can go to Al Jazeera, which is blocked because I can’t get it. It’s weird because I tried to go through it. Russia today, all these other ones, and a lot of them speak british English, but they’re still getting the word out.

But we’re in such a psychological psyops, war type thing. You can’t be sure about what’s going on because they’ll have Austin on there, the Department of Defense. Then they’ll have some other ex general or something talking about the weapon systems. And I was going to bring up the subject about the submarine thing. And people are getting all excited. I said, if there are 12 miles out, they’re legal. Submarines can be all over the place from any country, but yet they make a deal like, oh, they’re encroaching national water. Exactly. So, but anyway, it just goes on and on about the Russians.

I think these visits are making to Cuba and Venezuela. Very smart. I mean, how would you feel if you have these missiles pointed at you from all these countries? The west just isn’t recognizing Russia’s legitimate national security concerns, and it’s provoking a world war that the Russians are going to win. If there’s any winner at all, they can wipe out the west. Art, your thoughts? Yeah, yeah. And, you know, on the esoteric part of that, it goes all the way back a long time with the, the thousand suns. So there’s a poem, an article that was written back before the civil war, and it was called the vision of George Washington.

It wasn’t written by George Washington, but in this vision of George Washington, he talks about the three great perils that would face the republic. The first was the revolutionary war. The second was the civil war, which hadn’t happened yet. And then the third was the peril of a thousand sons. And in this, this is where the United States is basically nuked by a thousand nuclear bombs. But another big threat when we’re talking about the submarines is the Samson option. The Samson option is israeli operation, where they have all of these submarines traveling around the world, nuclear submarines that were made by Germany.

They travel around the world. They have nuclear weapons in there. And if, let’s say, all nations turn against Israel, Israel is destroyed. Then they would launch their nuclear weapons at the countries who they felt that were responsible for destroying Israel. And so that’s another huge threat that nobody talks about right now. That’s like the doomsday machine, basically, where they continue on and continue on even five years or ten years after, they’ll just keep bombing and bombing. Yeah, well, I think it’ll be pretty quick. It’ll be pretty quick after. You know, I just, the, if you go back 150 years and you look at these media articles and you’ll see media articles about 6 million Jews being killed or being in peril.

And of course, they used that after world War two. And then even Netanyahu recently said that 6 million Jews were in peril from the Russians. And it wasn’t too long ago that the number of Jews in Israel just exceeded 6 million. So I could see that this esoteric the plot would be to kill 6 million jews inside of Israel. Well, this is all rooted in a disputed passage in Leviticus that says that chosen people can return to the promised land only when there are -6 million who’ve been consumed in the flames. But the original Hebrew didn’t include a word for 6 billion, so they had to interpolate.

We’ll be right back with Art Olivier and John Carbon. Listen to revolution and we’ll be right back after this message. Was it a conspiracy? Did you know that the police in Boston were broadcasting, this is a drill. This is a drill on bullhorns during the marathon, that the Boston Globe was tweeting that a demonstration bomb would be set off during the marathon for the benefit of bomb squad activities, and that one would be set off in 1 minute in front of the library, which happened as the globe had announced. Peering through the smoke, you could see bodies with missing arms and legs, but there was no blood.

The blood only showed up later and came out of a tube. They used amputee actors and a studio quality smoke machine. Don’t let yourself be played. Check out. And nobody died in Boston either. that’s if you think for 1 second that the capitol will ever treat us fairly, you are lying to yourselves. Because we know who they are and what they do. This is what they do, and we must fight back. You can torture us and bomb us. Fire is catching, and if we burn, you burn with us. Are you awake yet? I hope.

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They do not necessarily represent the opinions of revolution radio and, its staff or affiliates. You’re listening to revolution radio. 100% listeners supported radio. And now we return you to your host. Well, we’re back again. Jim just stepped out still. He’s out. All right. Yeah. Um, the, um. I don’t know if you worked with anybody in the chinese embassies. Yes, I did protect the chinese embassy as well, in Washington, but we didn’t really have too much to talk about on a midnight shift. Yeah, day shifts, I would run into people, but, yeah, I don’t recall anything special stands out with them.

So they did the same thing with the Chinese, you know, giving them nuclear secrets back when they had what was called the Cox committee, and they were looking into how China was getting all of our secrets to build a hydrogen bomb. And a lot of that. The information that they were getting was coming out of Stanford University when there was three provosts there that were allowing the information to be released. Condoleezza Rice was one of them. And so they were releasing all these information to build that, um, hydrogen bomb. And, uh, the, um. When the report came out, then we had the, uh, the Monica Lewinsky Bill Clinton scandal.

And so all, you know, they were taking up all the oxygen in the room. You know, everything was about Monica and Bill and. And, uh, and none of this information that was documented and the Cox committee report really ever made it into the media. Well, I met a guy named Johnny Chung who was a whistleblower he was the one that introduced the chinese people, diplomats or whatever. They would come to the White House with duffel bags full of us currency. And Secret Service had a real problem with that because that means they had to go through it.

They had to count it, they had to scan it, x ray it tested for all kinds of biological stuff, whatever, and it just wasn’t procedure. But I did meet Johnny Chung. Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah. I was protecting Stanislav Lunev at the same time up in LA at the Hilton hotel right outside LAX. But, yeah, if I’m remembering back properly, that’s, that’s where all this stuff was going on. So they allowed these people to come in, and then President Clinton would waive certain requirements if they were a former felon or if they were somebody of questionable background or if it was an enemy agent of some sort.

No, they would raise their beef about it and say, no, they’re not going to let the gun. And then they would be overridden by the president or something. So that falls into same characterizations. Yeah. Yeah. Were you there in the White House at all when George Bush was president? No, no. I was there just after Nixon left August 9, Ford, then Carter. I protected the other heads of state and, or Sadat Menachem begin at the White House with Jimmy Carter when they have in the private peace talks and, of course, Kissinger and the first family and all these other people.

The list is endless. So. Yeah. Because one thing I thought was really interesting, and I’m sure it would have been hard for the Secret Service agents to deal with, was when George W. Bush had his male prostitute come into the White House and a couple of. Again, he made three dozen or more. Yeah. Yeah. Jeff Gannon. Yeah. Yeah. Because the congressman subpoenaed the, the, the documents on when Jeff Gannon was coming into the White House. And I know it was like, I think at least 14 times where he, he had signed in to come to the White House, but he didn’t sign out when he left.

Right. And, you know, and that, that course. Right. That goes against procedures. You have to sign in and you have to sign out. Correct. There are. He must still be there. Well, there’s a lot of misconceptions, but what you’re pointing out is correct. That’s like Vince Foster would take off during his lunch break, go out of the west wing, up executive Avenue northbound and hit Pennsylvania Avenue. That’s another exit point. Those areas have been re upgraded with all kinds of extra security boost for the uniform division, which I was a part of as well. And I even took people on a tour that were from Governor Wallace’s office on a midnight shift because I ran into these, these people, they weren’t going to be able to see the White House tour.

And I happened to run into them. They said, oh, yeah, they’re leaving like Tuesday. Well, they’re closed Saturday after a certain time, Sunday, Monday. But everybody gets checked in. But when my name was registered, it said my name plus two. You see what I mean? That’s secret Service records. They have a special thing about how they keep the records. So if Monica came in, she was a pass holder, then they would just put Lewinsky or something and then go in. But if these other guys were going in, you can bet that they covered it up, that they, they didn’t record it.

That was by orders through the director of Secret Service, whoever it was that week, and, or through, through the president because of whatever sensitivity it might have been. And, you know, word gets around. These guys aren’t stupid. You know, I can sit there and observe the guy, say, yeah, there’s something going on with that guy. And I could tell you his profile, all of it. And I did that at the border, too. But all these profiling things really do work. In fact, I was even contacted by the guy that was supposedly hanging around with Obama when he was a senator and giving rides in the back of limousines type stuff, you see.

So apparently that’s been going on for a period of time, but not when I was there. But if you see certain people come in, movie stars, I’ve seen movie stars. I’ve seen John Denver, Huel Bryan. I blocked Barbara Walters from trying to get in. She lied, saying she had an appointment with Ford or Betty Ford, but they won’t get in unless they got an appointment. So somebody has to approve them to come in. You know, like Andy Warhol, who I caught with the camera at the bottom of the bottom floor of the White House taking a picture of me, and I confiscated his camera.

A White House staffer was right there with him, plus three or four or five other people, you know, so there are certain procedures, but there’s a way to work around it. Like the informant, Robert Merritt, that was brought in by Secret Service guy. And everybody says, oh, it was some agent, but they didn’t know what it was. They thought it was somebody else from outside the agency. No, nobody goes into the United States White House and EOB next door to drop off some guy to visit with Nixon, to talk at his old office, at the VP office at the EOB next door, you know, the big gray building, War department, Eisenhower building, same thing.

You know, another, another story that you would probably have some insight on. This one is from the pedestal files. In the, in the pedestal files there was a, there was an email from Stratford and it was sent out to all these people from Stratford, which is has intelligence ties company. And they were talking about the hot dogs and pizza party at the White House. Codeword. Yeah. And they talked about the $65,000 that was spent on hot dogs and pizza at the White House and that they brought him in from Chicago, you know, so obviously you don’t bring in hot dogs and pizza from Chicago, where $65,000 hot dogs and pizza would feed a thousand people.

And you know, this event was never, never known. But, you know, Jim knows the, you know, hot dogs and pizzas is code, pedophile code for little boys and little girls. No, I get asked that question a lot too, because they asked when I was there. But you got to remember it was Nixon just left. So they still had staff left over from that. Henry Kissinger was left over. And then eventually Dick Cheney came in under Carter and all these other people. Rockefeller had already left. But I did not see that kind of activity where I was at.

And we covered everything from below ground, ground level, all the levels up, even on top of a roof. I’ve been there. They would just call up say, John, can you go where? Okay, no problem. I have somebody waiting for me to open up a ladder or an access point. So I go on the roof because the countersnipers couldn’t reach it. You would think as compartmentalized as secret service is, and they had double backs, you’d work two weeks day shift, get off and have to come back and work at midnight shift for two weeks and then go back to three to eleven.

So they always seem to compartmentalize certain people and rotated them. And you may work the perimeter, then you work in closer on the mansion inside. Then you work into the Oval office areas and outside places like that. You’re going to see who comes and goes all of the time. But I’m telling all you guys out there who are listening, there’s still a way to bring people in if they want to. And I’ve almost drawn down on some agents that were civilian address because they thought they could walk too far without bringing out their White House pass and document or badge.

And I’ve had to get real aggressive with some people like that. But sometimes they become complacent. That’s the word complacent. But if they really want to sneak people in, yeah, they could. But I keep getting tired of hearing the single comments about all the, all the traffic children that they release under the White House tunnels and stuff. And that’s just ludicrous. You got to have a top secret clearance to be in that area and not to mention the whole block, maybe even two or three blocks. Top secret clearance. That, that kind of says something. Treasury Department on 15th, then in between White House, then executive Avenue, then EOB, grey building.

So you know how. How the social media jump. So. Yeah. Do either of you think that Biden’s going to be on the ticket in November? I can’t see it happening is incompetence is so manifest that Merrick Garland even took a contempt Congress rather than release the audio tapes where he was being interviewed by the special counselor hurrah on the classified docs, because it showed his mind wandering. He couldn’t remember anything the years he was in office, when his son died and all that. They were horrified that it would be used against him politically, demonstrating he has no cognitive competence whatsoever.

Well, you know, the way. The way I see it is when they want a candidate to get elected, that they put the worst possible person in opposition. You know, you go back to when they wanted to make it seem plausible that Obama could get elected. So who did they run against? Obama? John McCain. You know, you know, the guy. Insane mcCain. You know, everybody hates John McCain. And so they ran him against him. And then, so when they went to Trump to win, they put in Hillary. And. And so now I think that they’re really playing up this cognitive problem with Biden by, you know, him, you know, can’t remember.

He’s walking around, looks like he’s, like he’s pooping his pants or. Yeah, not the first time. All right, well, he walked away on the g seven meeting just yesterday or whatever, he was walking away, and then Macron or somebody had to pull him back over to the group. He was getting lost. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, so they, you know, I think it’s all part of the show because they want the. The worst possible candidate to run against Trump. And, you know, and all these trials and tribulations that Trump is going through, this is what is prophesized in the Bible for the beast.

You know, the beast has to go through all of this, and then miraculously is his wound is healed and all the world is in wonder of the beast, you know, and telling me, following a biblical game plan, I’m just boggles of mind. It boggles the mind. Well, you know, you think about. You think about what. What is the modern state of Israel? It’s biblical prophecy. And, you know, and they worked on that for a long time. You had, you know, it started off with the, you know, the zionist movement in Europe, in Germany, and then you had the Balfleur decoration, and then, and then they put all of these.

Well, you know, before World War two, Germany was paying jewish people in Germany to go to Palestine. You know, not too many of them took up, took him up on that. But they were trying to get his jewish people into Palestine back then. And then during world War two, they put all the Jews in concentration camps. And then after the war, to get out. When the allies took over the concentration camps, they said, well, you know, we’re not going to let you out, but unless you want to go to Israel. And so a lot of Jews from these concentration camps went directly to Israel.

And at the same time, they had these pogroms in Yemen and Morocco, where these sultans were paid to oppress the Jews all of a sudden. And Rockefeller had his planes ready to go and said, hey, you guys getting oppressed? Come on in the plane. We’re going to take you to the promised land. And so, you know, all of this stuff is. That’s all biblical prophecy. And it happens. It happens all the time, you know. And another, another biblical prophecy that was fulfilled was not that long ago, back in 2017. So this was, you know, and it ties into how we.

We help out our enemies all the time. So there was a $1.6 billion grant given to Israel to develop a modern fighter jet. This was called the J ten. And so since Israel had favorable trade status with the United States, the companies like Raytheon were able to sell the avionics for the most advanced avionics that they had to Israel for this fighter jet. And so they built a really modern fighter jet. They built two prototypes, and then they sold the entire program to China. And so now China is building these super advanced fighter jets. And it was, there was a couple of names for these fighter jets, the nicknames, but you could combine the nicknames, and it comes out to the Red Dragon.

So the Red Dragon is prophesied in revelation that the. The Red Dragon tries to kill the woman of the. The child of the woman of the Apocalypse. And the. This happens as soon as the child is born, the red dragon tries to kill it. And there’s this conflict. Now, the day of that happening is when there was a wonder in the heavens, the wonder in the heavens. We’re talking about stars, constellations, and the woman of the apocalypse was clothed by the sun, which means it was a daytime with a moon at her feet and a crown of twelve stars around her head.

Now, the woman of the Apocalypse is the constellation Virgo. And the four popes have said that the woman of the apocalypse is the Virgin Mary. So that’s why it’s Virgo, the virgin, and the crown of twelve stars around the virgin was three planets, and the planet and the star Regulus were all in alignment. All four of them are in the line. This was the wonderful. You know, the other eight stars were the other major stars in the constellation Leo. And this happened twice that we know of. The first time that we had something similar to what is spoken in revelation was in 911, September 11, three BC.

This is when Jesus was born. This is when the Christians believed that Jesus was born. The second time this happened was September 23, 2017. And. But this time was different. This time within the womb of the Virgin, which is the four stars that make up the womb of the Virgo. The king was inside of the womb. The king had impregnated the womb, and the king was in there. This is the king planet, which is Jupiter, was inside of the womb for nine months, and then it exited out, and then we had this wonder in the heavens.

So I think that what the plan was was to have the red dragon attack Israel from Persia, from Iran, but it wasn’t. The Iranians couldn’t buy it in time. And this also has to do with the iranian nuclear deal. The iranian nuclear deal was that if Iran bought the red Dragon from China and also bought aerial tankers from Russia, that we would release the billions of dollars that we had in american banks. We would release it back to Iran. Of course, you would think, well, that doesn’t make any sense. That’s not in the best interest of the United States.

This is how this stuff works. So Iran agreed to that, but they didn’t get their planes in time. So what ended up happening was the day before this September 23, 2017, date when all these planets were in alignment, Iran test fired a multi head rocket. So the red dragon, it has multiple heads, and of course, the dragon breathes out fire and everything else. And so they test fired this multi head dragon. And then the very next day, on September 23, 2017, Israel attacked iranian positions inside of Damascus. So we had this. This conflict, you know, which I did a video on it before it happened, but I was predicting that they would have this conflict on on that date.

And sure enough, they did. John, microphone. There we go. Now, I’m following this very carefully because I used to do some prophetic predictions on some other things, and it ties in with all these things about what Israel’s going to do, the apocalyptic timeframes. Some guy came up with the date of 419 2025. His tribulation, Jesus Second coming, 930 2028. Even back to the predictions of Itzhak Kaduri, who was a famous rabbi that had a prediction that Jesus was supposedly among us already but didn’t want it released until after a year that he’d passed. But I’m always watching to see what they’re going to do with the, the golden dome mosque because they already hit the al Aqsa, which is right next to it, destroyed that, but they didn’t hit the one with the golden dome.

So once that happens, they still have, what, less than two years to sacrifice the golden heifers, and yet they supposedly. The red heifer. I’m sorry, the red heifer, huh? Red, yeah, that supposedly they transferred the sperm or the ovum to mix it with one of their own brand over in Israel. So that’s another angle. But they’re still going to end up getting sacrificed because during the time after the temple was destroyed, then they do the third temple, which they’re already practicing and rebuilding and ready to go. They’ve got people trained for it. If I’m not. Yeah, yeah.

You can. For like about $60, you can buy a temple coin. And on the temple coin goes into funding Solomon’s third temple. Was that the shekel or the silver coin would trump. Yeah, yeah. Half shekel. Because that’s what it costs to get into the temple. Way back when, you would have to pay a half shekel to get in the seat of the temple. And so, yeah, so they have a picture of Cyrus the Great on the coin, and then over Cyrus the great is Donald Trump. That sounds like Trey Smith stuff. He talks about that all the time.

He’s kind of interesting character, but. Yeah, yeah, I’ve seen it. Yeah, I’ve seen it. Yeah. So, yeah, you want to help the, the apocalypse come to fruition, go out and buy some temple coins, and you know that that goes into funding Solomon’s third temple. Well, of course, as an agnostic, I don’t buy into prophetic, you know, biblical prophecies, but I’m certainly open minded to using biblical prophecies as an outline or a game plan for making events happen right here. Yeah, I’m with you on that, Jim, but just because you and I don’t believe in biblical prophecy doesn’t mean that there are not some nefarious people in this world that are using biblical prophecy as their guidelines on what they’re doing.

I’m open to that myself. Yes, absolutely. John, you want to add your thoughts? Yeah, I’ve been monitoring this stuff in Israel for a few, quite a few years, and I’ve studied eastern religions when I was first year college up in China Lake military base near Ridgecrest or whatever. But I keep monitoring these things about the tunnels. You know, what’s the big deal? Well, they don’t want you to know about the tunnels, but yet Hamas uses them. They could go after them, but they’re doing the defense thing. It’s the same scenario over and over, and they’re displacing all these Palestinians out of the Gaza.

That was even part of the subject of discussion when Anwar Sadat that I was protecting Jimmy Carter and Menachem, begin in a private part of the mansion at the White House because they could have given them land where they could go to this other area right at the tip, right near the ocean off Egypt. It got turned down continually. So everybody wants to own Jerusalem because it’s so prophetically connected, religiously or not, or it’s the constant war between the Palestinians and the Jews. Palestinians, you know, it’s constant. And they are willing to sacrifice, what is it, two thirds of their population.

This is part of the muslim faith thing that they say as long as they can kill off the other guy, they don’t care if they waste off two thirds of their population. Stand by for this break and we’ll be right back. And take your calls listening to revolution and we’ll be right back after this. Message management would like to take a moment to thank the listeners and hosts for all their support that has made revolution Radio one of the biggest platforms for free speech in an ever growing dark world of censorship. Unfortunately, this platform, free speech, has never been free.

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Even the government admits that 911 was a conspiracy. But did you know that it was an inside job, that Osama had nothing to do with it? That the twin towers were blown apart by a sophisticated arrangement of mini or micro nukes? That building seven collapsed 7 hours later because of explosives planted in the building. Barry Jennings was there. He heard the them go off and felt himself stepping over dead people. The US Geological Survey conducted studies of dust gathered from 35 locations in lower Manhattan and found elements that would not have been there had this not been a nuclear event.

Ironically, that means the government’s own evidence contradicts the government’s official position. 911 was brought to us, compliments of the CIA, the neocons of the Department of Defense, and the Mossad. Don’t let yourself be played. Read American nuked on 911. that’s the opinions expressed on this radio station, its programs, and its website by the hosts, guests, and call in listeners matters are solely the opinions of the original source. Who expressed them. They do not necessarily represent the opinions of revolution radio and freedom. Slipstone. Hit staff or fill it. You’re listening to revolution radio freedom. 100% Listener supported radio.

And now we return you to your host. Well, the call in number to speak to John, art or me is 608-957-8727 I repeat, calling number to speak to art or John or me. 608-957-8727 if you tried in the last couple of minutes, try again, because I stepped away from the computer. But I’ll be glad to have you join us. Now we have the latest report that NATO is directly involved in attacks. Germany is approved strikes inside Russia. This is all too fateful. I cannot believe the incompetence and stupidity of the leaders of the western nations are your thoughts.

Oh, well, I don’t think it’s stupidity. I think it’s all part of the plan, you know, to get us into world War three. Yeah, I mean, obviously it will, you know, you don’t. Yeah, it would be if they think they’re going to. To achieve some kind of goal, you know, to stop Putin from taking over all of Europe or something like that, like these neocons like to talk about, you know. Yeah, that. That would be stupid if that’s what they believed in, but I don’t think they believe that. I think they’re just out there to implement world War three.

Yeah, John, but to reiterate, people are worried about a nuclear war, and Putin supposedly has already put it out that they’ve got enough conventional weapons to take the jobs on anyway. But the submarines are a backup. Those guys are nuclear. So if things get really rough, you know, everybody’s a sitting duck. But it’s interesting to know that he won’t commit to a nuclear war because he knows that both sides will lose in some way. You know. You know, one of the weapons that I, that I was reading about that, that Russia has is this. They can launch it from a submarine and it sets off a nuclear explosion in the ocean.

And they said that they could have a tidal wave of, radioactive tidal wave of 1500ft, which would just, you know, come over the whole coastline of an area there, and that would kill, you know, millions and millions of people, tens of millions, hundreds, you know, so it’s worldwide. The vast majority of the population lives on the ocean front worldwide. So, you know, you’re talking about the east coast of United States catastrophe and we’re inviting it. I don’t know. Are these mental munchkins like Lloyd Austin even aware of the threats to America that they’re supposed to be defending us against? I don’t, I don’t see a single competent figure in our administration, military or civilian alike.

I can’t see one competent figure, art. Yeah, well, I think that all these people that are making these decisions, they’re going to be in some huge underground bunker under the Rocky Mountains near Denver at the time all this happened. So they’re not worried about it for their own personal safety. They’re just doing what they’re instructed to do. Hey, let me give you an update. That’s continuity of government, or CoG, where they’re supposed to whisk out the presidents, all of the living presidents have the ability to be whisked away because they’re still former presidents. They still get security reports.

And I was going to bring up the thing about Australia and New Zealand, which is below the equator, which apparently isn’t affected by surface type bombs, nuclear, but it’s always in those areas. If they’re looking for places to go to their bunker, it’s not necessarily Cheyenne mountain or NORAD. Those are the obvious ones. But they have to whisk away even members of Congress. So it’s getting kind of interesting where they’re going. Secret service is on top of that all the time because they have to protect these people wherever they go. So think about it. You got George Bush, Junior Clinton, and Obama and then Trump and then Jimmy, you know, God bless him.

He’s. He’s not that functional. I mean, he’s. He’s getting up there in age, you know, but makes you think about it. Are they starting to practice the didgeridoo? Are they starting to talk with a slang? You know, like in Australia? And I’ve done interviews with people out there. It’s kind of heavy, but it’s kind of interesting if people think about it below the equator. And I’ve been told by intelligence, people that say the same thing, get below the equator, go to down under, go to some other place where it doesn’t affect it because the electromagnetic fields don’t.

You can have a nuclear winter in the northern hemisphere that might not affect the southern. So we’re talking extinguishing life above the equator. Absolutely. And I don’t see how it’s going to be avoidable. Art, your thought? Yeah, I don’t know. It just really seems like that’s. That’s the plan. And I’ve never seen any weapon throughout human history that was produced that wasn’t meant to be used. And you even look at the. Right now, there’s only been two atomic bombs that have been used in war since they’ve been developed. And what people don’t realize was that those atomic bombs that went off on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that was seven months after Japan had already submitted their surrender to Douglas MacArthur.

And MacArthur took the surrender. He went to, presented it to President Roosevelt, and Roosevelt said, douglas, you’re America’s greatest general, but it’s worst politician, because MacArthur didn’t understand. Why wouldn’t you accept the surrender? You know, we got so many Americans that are dying in this war, and, you know, and in between the surrender and the nukes, you know, you had Iwo Jima, and you had and some other, you know, horrendous battles where tens of thousands of Americans were dying. And. But, you know, it was. They didn’t. They weren’t ready with the nukes yet. They wanted a nuke.

You know, they wanted to play with their toys. And. And I. And so I see that, you know, all these weapons that they built, they. They intend on using them. Hey, I did research on Amelia Earhart, same timeframe, when all the Japanese were encroaching on all the islands towards Hawaii, 1937, when she disappeared. And the Japanese did capture her, according to this other information, a book by Mike Campbell that I’ve got. And FDR was doing it intentionally. He knew they were coming in. So FDR was a political, very political, treacherous guy. He knew they were coming into Hawaii and he let it happen.

So it sounds like he was wanting the sacrifice to make him known. John, that’s not new news. My God. John Stennett has an old book about day of deceit, that we’d crack the code and everyone was notified except the commander of the hawaiian fleet and all that. And they got the carriers out, but they left the battleships to be taken out. And this is. Yeah, even Ian. And covered the smoking gun. The smoking gun was the Mark Arthur McCulloch’s eight action memo, where he laid it out, the eight things that needed to be done to get Japan to attack the United States.

Right, right. And including interdicting the japanese access to oil in the South Pacific, which was a major provocation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She was a great woman. Yeah. It’s a good. It’s a good book. They’ve even got some stuff in there next to these. She just died in captivity. Right. They didn’t kill her or torture her, did they? Well, that’s. That’s the information that they eventually did do that, but they wasted her and the guy, Noonan, who was the co pilot, and they claim that they didn’t have Morse code. That’s a lie. They claim all kinds of things, so they covered it up.

What a perfect opportunity, but to have a pilot flying around acting like they’re going to do another around the world trip and put a few cameras on it, and then they’re going to lie about that. They did the same thing with Howard, believe she was actually conducting surveillance military service for the us government on the flight around. This book I’ve got by Mike Campbell is full of information. We got it, John. Yeah. And I don’t read books unless it’s real serious, so you can bet that I was really into it. There’s. There’s. There’s all kinds of witnesses in here that are government witnesses, former generals and stuff like that that talked about she was entitled to be executed.

That was all in accordance with international law, art. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. Kind of an impromptu thing, right, art? Yeah, yeah. But, yeah, like. Like Jim was saying, you know, they. They knew exactly when the Japanese were going to come in and bomb Pearl harbor, and they. They even directed the merchant ships not to sail north of Hawaii because they knew that that’s where the japanese fleet was coming in at because they didn’t want admiral Short and general. Or is it general Short and Admiral Kidmo? Other way around. They didn’t want the leaders in the hawaiian defense forces to know that the Japanese were getting ready to attack them.

They didn’t want them ready. So all they did was they moved out all of the modern ships out of the harbor, out of Pearl harbor and they left the old world War one ships there because they didn’t really need those. But of course they wanted a very high death toll. And so when they were planning out 911, the project for the new American Century said that absent a catastrophic event like a new Pearl harbor the US might miss its opportunity to move in diplomatically and militarily into the Middle east and project its influence outward to create a new american century that would endure for the next 100 years.

Total bullshit. But that was the idea. Get the american military to take out the modern arab states. That served as a counterpalance to Israel’s domination of the entire region and eventually to confront the persian nation of Iran. That remains the agenda, art. Yeah, yeah. And, and so I think that maybe that’s how they came up with the three, you know, nearly 3000 people killed. Yes, because I think. Yes. Yeah, yeah. They had to make it, you know, serious enough to get the Americans attention. Yeah, yeah. And killing, killing 3000 people, that’ll do it. Of the twin towers weren’t psychologically catastrophic enough.

My goodness. Yeah, yeah. But they had to. Yeah. They had to have the numbers, you know. And a lot of those, a lot of those people, you know, I mean, there was probably 2000 people killed on 911. But a lot of the people were simulated victims. And, you know, for a lot of it was for esoteric purposes. You know, like I think we’ve talked about before where you had 343 firefighters that were killed. The police were told to get out of the buildings because they were going to come down to the twin towers and the firemen were told to go in.

And the official number is 343. So there were probably a couple of hundred firemen, firemen that were killed and then the rest were simulated victims to get up to the 343. And the 343 is seven cubed. And that is a reoccurring theme at 911. Yeah. The numerical aspects are very telling, are they not, of all this nonsense. Unbelievable. I don’t see how nuclear war now is going to be avoided. I thought an excellent way to demonstrate Russia’s superiority would be announced in advance. They’re going to hit NATO head headquarters in Brussels, have the building to back you.

Wait and let NATO do all it can to defend against it and send one of their hypersonic into wipe it out just to bring home the point that the russian missiles cannot be stopped. So, you know, it’s just in on it, too. You know, I think that all with that rail gun, it’s kind of like. It’s like a multi head missile takes off, and then when it gets up to a certain altitude, then it breaks up into seven or eight missiles going to their respective targets. And they kept saying it’s like a rail gun. It was electromagnetic or something.

So it’s not operated the same way. But you can’t stop it. That’s the point. You can’t stop it. But it’s all the technology that they’re using. Yeah, well, if you’re parked 12 miles off of shore, you don’t have time to stop anything, you know? Well, they know where. They know where Zelensky lives or his mansion is in Miami. Joke. That’s one of the first targets, you know, that’s how they do it. Yeah, they’re doing there. I have contacts in Russia. I was. I had guys on another show. Routinely, some colonel and another guy and a famous actor.

I have a friend of mine, Nick Mancuso. He’s in Paris. So I talked to him routinely on messenger or something. So I’m always trying to get feedback on what’s going on, because when they had the protest marches over in Paris months and months ago, he looked around, said, no, there’s nothing over where he’s at. And he’s over by the promenade where the Eiffel Tower is. But yet they’ll film something and localize it to a certain area. And you get all these protesters. Every one of those protesters, they had a phone. Not like this one. This is a.

Is not a droid phone. Identified the location at time that they were using the phone in that area. Those people got arrested. That’s the technology. But I get a different story from those guys because they’re out there, act like everything’s normal, nothing’s going on. But yet Zelensky’s asking for more money. Art, I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask you to elaborate on why you think Putin is in on it. Well, you know, biblical prophecy you had the land of put is in there where in the end times events. And I know that the Soviet Union was created by the banksters.

You know, you know about Trotsky’s gold and how that was instrumental in the revolution to overthrow Kernsky, the person that was put in power after the tsar was killed. And then, of course, Lenin and Stalin and Trotsky came in and they took over everything else. And they were all funded by the banksters. And after the Soviet Union was dissolved, I don’t see any reason for the people that controlled the Soviet Union, the, you know, the cabal of them giving up their control. And I’d just never seen how there was another revolution to throw out the cabal of ruling Russia.

And, you know, and the whole situation that we have in Ukraine just seems to be engineered from a long time ago. Ukraine was its own country for about two years. You had western Ukraine, and then the rest of Ukraine merged, and they created their own country. And then when the. But then after World War one, the Soviets took that over, and they created the Ukraine SSR. Soviet republic. And the. But they also included area that was part of Russia historically, where the Russians lived, which was east of Ukraine, and this is the Donbas region and Crimea.

And it really was no reason for that. But other than that, they were. I think that eventually that they would have this. You know, maybe this could be the end times war there in Ukraine. So when the Soviet Union broke apart, they gave Ukraine their own country, but they also included the Donbas and the Crimea, which were all. Where all the Russians lived. And so they all were able to live in peace there for quite some time. But after the coup d’etat that assistant secretary of the state, Victoria Nuland engineered, helped engineer, you know, then you had all of these people coming in over there that saying, hey, we want just Ukraine only for Ukrainians.

We want the Russians out. And they would go there and they would attack the people in the Donbass region. And, you know, which, of course, gave justification for Russia to come in to protect those russian people. So it just seems like. I just don’t see the. Where Russia became independent of the cabal who put the Soviets in power in the first place. I just don’t see how they were they ever ended their control over the russian empire or Soviet Union. Somebody mentioned that he was an arch. No, an Arc royal ark member of the Freemasons, and I hadn’t heard that before.

Putin. Yeah, yeah, I have no doubt that he is very well versed in Freemasonry. And, you know, most of them are. So, yeah, I mean, if you look at the. You know, the handshakes that they give each other, you know, when they’re at these meetings and stuff like that, you know, and it kind of gives it away. Well, just think he’s the only true straightsman and stride the world stage today, and that if we have any chance of evading nuclear war, it’s only because Putin is there. But I do believe there are russian nationalists like Mindev who are very worried that Russia hasn’t been sufficiently aggressive in ending this war with Ukraine, that there’s not going to be a lot of patience left.

I think the west is precipitating the war. Russia doesn’t want to fight, but is prepared to fight, and that the west is going to be wiped. And the question becomes how many of the rest of us are going to be taken out in the process? That whole northern hemisphere thing are your thoughts, and then, John, were to the point of getting final reflections? Art? Yeah, no, I believe that that’s the plan here in the United States. The peril of a thousand suns. This is what Oppenheimer said when they first lit off the first atomic bomb in New Mexico.

He said it was, you know, he quoted the Gita, bhavakat Gita saying there that it was like. And so I just believe that that’s, yeah, all part of the master plan on implementing this biblical prophecy, the upshot of which is going to be Israel ruling the world from Jerusalem. No, no, no, I don’t think so. I think Israel will also be destroyed. And that, you know, biblical prophecy is that after the tribulation there will be a thousand years of peace. But I just see that, you know, that, that civilization goes through these cycles about every twelve and a half thousand years where, you know, we build up these great civilizations and then they’re destroyed and then we build them up and they’re destroyed.

And I. This is getting in really deep, but it goes into where these solar cycles, you know, you have the kyber belt that goes around the sun and it goes around in the sun in an elliptical orbit. And what scientists say is that there has to be something out there that counterbalances the kyber belt and something that they haven’t seen, nobody has seen this. And what it could be is a black hole, it could be a compacted energy source or it could be a planet. But they calculated that the mass of this planet was about ten times greater than Earth and it goes in this elliptical orbit.

And I think that every twelve and a half thousand years that that’s when it passes Earth. And once it gets close to Earth, it creates all of these horrible events, you know, like huge massive tides that, you know, this gravitational force will create on the earth which will destroy all the coastal cities and you have earthquakes and volcanoes and all these things that are predicted in revelation. And I think that there are people on Earth that know when that, you know, the Sumerians called it Nibiru and the scientists call it Planet X, but I think they know when that comes by.

And I think that, you know, even in the Bible, the prophecy that was written in there, you know, like I talked about, the, you know, the woman of the apocalypse and how that happened in 2017, that that gives them a timeframe on when this event will happen, when we have this massive body that comes by Earth. And so it could be that they went to nuke all of the coastal cities and then the tides from when everybody comes by, we’ll take all that rubble and take it out to sea and basically leave no trace. And then we start civilization over again.

Every religion has a flood story. In the Bible, it’s the Noah’s ark. But. But they all have that. And, you know, because I think that that happens every time we have this. Well, there’s my understanding there’s no archaeological evidence of a worldwide plot, that there are local plots, but not any worldwide plot. So, you know, I’m a bit skeptical even about this planet x thing, but I’m, you know, willing to hear more about it. You’ve given us a thumbnail sketch art, John, you want to a final thought, John, of yours? Yeah, yeah. I’m listening to arts information here, and I do all kinds of research on all these other subjects, too.

I got a DARPA guy that I talked to that we talked about. The moon. It’s hollow. People going to Mars. The moon cannot be hollow. I mean, it’s just ridiculous. A mass would be so different and have a completely different orbit. Right, right. But it’s a satellite, but it doesn’t rotate. To be continued. Meanwhile, thank you, Art. Thank you, John. Meanwhile, spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends, and people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left and support revolution radio. Thank you for listening to revolution radio.

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AIPAC influence on US Congress Art Olivier 9/11 theories digital currency introduction Israel Mossad conspiracy theories Jim Fetzer radio show 2024 Nibiru or Planet X theory Russia nuclear strike readiness Soviet lend-lease program impact Trump re-election possibility US duplicate currency for Germany US economy struggle World War III possibility

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