The People Behind Big Pharma Are The Same People Behind The Federal Reserve CDC
The discussed text suggests that large corporations and cartels, like the pharmaceutical industry and oil magnates, allegedly suppress natural cures and promote harmful substances for profit and control. People are kept uninformed about natural cancer therapies, such as leotril from apricot seeds, which could potentially save lives and alleviate health issues. The suppression is not solely for financial reasons, but also involves elements of power and control at the top levels, as implied by the text, relating to Satanism. And instead of promoting natural, preventative methods, these entities continue to sell harmful substances like processed sugar.
The speaker advocates for natural consumption of God’s fruits and vegetables while avoiding processed foods and sugars as a way to prevent diseases such as cancer. They also speak about maintaining a balance in our diets and lives, supporting the use of natural substance B 15 to oxygenate tissues. The speaker criticizes the influence of entities like Rockefeller on various sectors including the money supply, energy, media, and medical industry, suggesting their motives are profit-driven and harmful. Further, they argue against the current functioning of the Federal Reserve and emphasize gold and silver as the only legitimate tender according to the constitution. Lastly, they express their opposition to the supposed overreach of the Food and Drug Administration concerning individual health choices.
The speaker expresses concern about government dictates related to COVID-19 measures and the perceived eroding of freedoms, including health and financial freedom, drawing a link to spiritual matters. They observe a rising public distrust in mainstream media and a return to faith, emphasizing that, despite the challenges, there is hope and encouragement in seeing a revival of spirit, health, and finances. They stress the importance of knowing God’s judgments and adhering to the truth.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of faith, positivity, and remaining true to oneself amidst various obstacles. Despite acknowledging potential dangers due to his religious evangelism, he has no fear, trusting in God’s protection. He encourages listeners to see the forecasted danger in the world as an intertwined system that can feel daunting, but assures that there’s hope in unity amongst believers. The speaker criticizes harmful societal forces, targeting masculinity and family structure as crucial areas under attack. He encourages Godly men to take charge in their communities and recommend for health-conscious living as part of God’s plan. The speaker’s main mission is empowering others through health wisdom, aiming to help one live longer, nurturing lives, and avoid the harmful medical establishment.
Importance is to be placed on God, family and health, respectively. Health aids long-term survival and productivity, while dietary habits, such as a juice fast, can provide mental clarity and reduce cravings for processed foods. Consuming natural, God-given foods, like nuts, seeds and berries, is highlighted for improved living, citing examples of Hunza people who consume high-levels of natural food, showing resistance to diseases like cancer. However, when introduced to processed foods, their rate of disease increased.
The convenience of modern technology, such as prepackaged foods and smartphones, has made us lazy and reliant on devices. To counteract the drawbacks of modern lifestyle, there are health supplements available at the RNC store including B 17, available in various forms and books related to wellness education. Use promo code ‘Tim’ for a 10% discount on the website vitamin B 17 for you.
The Sons of Liberty is a politically neutral organization. We believe that the Judeo Christian ethic has provided the principles upon which this nation was founded. It is our belief that these principles provide not only the foundation and framework for American government and society, but are also essential to the maintenance of a fair and just society. All program content is based on a Christian biblical worldview. One of you said to me recently we shouldn’t boat.
Ladies and gentlemen, I want to tell you I am a boat. Rock, rock, rock good day, America. Welcome christians, conservatives, constitutionalists, liberals, libertarians, communists, Islamists, Lgbtqrstv, WXYZ people. All the boat rockers are in the house. And anybody else I may have missed who the Sons of Liberty radio show. Here where we use the Bible and the Constitution not to see who’s on the left or to the right, but who is on the straight and narrow.
I’m your host, Tim Brown, coming to you live from the US occupied state of South Carolina. The edit@sonsolibertymedia. com. And for our Muslim friends, I’m the infidel that Allah warns about. I hold to the book the Bible as the authoritative word of God. Glad that you guys have joined us this morning. If you’d like to check us out online, please do so. Sonsoflibertyradio. com and also sonsoflibertymedia. com if you’re listening by way of the radio and you want to watch the video portion of the radio show, that’s right, you can see the face that’s made for radio.
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Okay. Same thing happens on the single shirts. They’re $20. Double extra larger, you throw on another $5 on there for that. Also, the two books that we’ve got out so far, Soldier the Cross, as well as all the profits we’re pointing to the front. Those are $10 in the store individually. And then if you scroll all the way to the bottom, you’ll see the silver and the black dog tags.
Those are $8 each. You get one dog tag. So if you want two and you want to get a black and a silver, and you want two blacks, two silver, whatever you want to do, want to mix them up, you can do that as well. And we just want to let you know that that bundle is out, and you save a few bucks by picking that up. Okay? All right.
Now, we’ve had with us three or four times now since Red Pill Expo, john Richardson from vitamin B Seventeenforyou. com. And we’ve talked about vitamin B 17. And I want to bring people on where we’re kind of tackling maybe the same issue, but we’re coming at it from a different angle. And so today I spoke with the sweet lady who sets John up for interviews here, and she’s a go getter is what she is.
And one of the things I was looking at a couple of topics that we could cover, and one was the correlation of the medical and banking corruption in the United States. The same people behind the shots, chemotherapy, radiation, et cetera, and all that are the same people who are behind the Federal Reserve and the CDC. And so to help me talk about some of this, as well as we’re going to throw in this stuff about vitamin B 17 because it’s so important, it’s something that God has put on the earth that helps us fight against cancer.
And of course, they want that shut down. They don’t want anybody knowing about that stuff because they’re making their money off actually killing people rather than helping them to become healthy and have well being. And so to help me do that, john Richardson, good to see you, man. Always great to see you. Tim thank you very much for having me on again. And like I said, every time I come on, it feels wonderful and God inspired because we’re getting to tell this message to the people that tune into your show, both your radio show and your podcast.
So thank you very much, and it’s exciting times. Yeah. Now, we were just talking about just before we started recording here, you had a book there, and we’ve talked about this book several times. In fact, I re put out my interview with G. Edward Griffin on World Without Cancer. And when we talked, yeah, that’s it right there. And you guys can pick that up in John’s store, go to vitamin B 17 for you, the number four and the letter U.
com. And you can pick that book up. You’ve got them in stock there. And one of the things that Ed points out is this coalition, if you will, that is behind the science and the politics of cancer. And they’re really I mean, how many decades are we going on where people are saying, give us money so we can study how we can stop cancer when we know how to stop it through our diet is the main reason we’ve been conditioned to eat all this processed food and stuff? So what’s going on here? What is the correlation between the medical and the banking industry and their corruption together? Well, it’s a very interesting subject, and I don’t like to get it too complicated because it kind of makes you feel like, what do I do? But the truth is almost everything that we think of as money and we can start going to every subject.
Things that like fuel, like what we oil, big oil or big pharma, big medicine, big education, it really all gets down to money, control, and power. And the good people listening to your show don’t understand how human beings could live their whole life trying to keep others down. But what we call the elite or them or the evil, those guys is confusing to people. But it really is the 10,000 or so people that control this whole planet with finances and control of our laws and control of our health, the way we live.
God designed us to live to be 100 and 3140 years old, healthy. Ed GI over Griffin is 92 years old, still healthy. If they hadn’t tried to kill him a couple of times, he’d be even more healthy than he is. But he still eats Leotrol to this day. But the subject you wanted to bring up is how we can understand that the science is there. The first half of this book is written about the science of why Nitrillicides and Leotro work and how the Hanzas live to be 140 years old and how Dr.
Kanematsu Segori studied it at Sloan. Kettering and Ralph Moss covered that story, that they proved that Leotro worked in the prevention and treatment of the C word, but why wouldn’t we know about it? Well, the second half of the book talks about and we can name these chapters and kind of COVID just a little bit of that, and we can ask questions with each other and just kind of understand how it still works today, why we’ve never found out about it.
And we’re only now recently opened up to the idea that if it’s true, why don’t we all know about it? Well, you know how to answer that question, right, Tim? Yeah, they’re suppressing the truth and they do it in unrighteousness. They’re taking us away. Romans One is not just about well, it is it’s about denying that God has authority, that he is the law giver, that he is the judge and all that.
There is a denial of that. There’s suppression, but it’s everything about him. If there’s something that points back to the Creator, these people want to destroy it. They want to spray chalk in the sky to get rid of the sun, the moon, the stars, all those things declare the glory of God. We know that from scripture. If it’s our health, they don’t want us to be healthy. They want us to be their slaves and to do their work for them.
So, yeah, they suppress and they control that in a large part through the mockingbird media. That’s why they spend 30, 40% of advertising on the mockingbird media. So tell us a little bit about this. You’re holding up that book for people who are on the radio. The Rockefellers were some of the big industrialists and the people who largely jumped on this, what, more than 100 years ago, jumped on this issue and started using all of their wealth, the oil and everything else to engage in literally a poisoning of the earth, the people of the earth.
Well, pharmaceutical, basically, the whole thing started from oil, making medicines out of oil. Basically, they created a whole industry and they discovered how to do it. And unless you dig into it, it just doesn’t seem possible. You think it can’t be true that these pharmaceutical companies are just doing this all for profit and they’re just trying to keep us sick all the time and constantly looking for their medicines to help us with things that their medicines are causing.
And just watch a sporting event nowadays, and every other commercial is a pharmaceutical drug. And if you pay attention, listen to all the bad things that does to, you be like crazy to do it. But the average person my age, I’m turning 59 in November. Average person my age is on ten to 20 different pharmaceutical drugs I happen to be on. You can guess how many I’m on.
Exactly zero. But the whole first part of this book, 138 pages, talks about the science. I’ve covered the science with you about why Leotro works or why it’s a simple thing that if we all just did it they really can’t do anything about it. If we just use it as a prevention, they can’t stop us. They can’t make it illegal because it’s found in 1200 different foods lima beans, millet, barley.
It just so happens that the apricot seed is the highest concentration, but they can’t stop you from eating. Even if they outlawed apricot seeds, you could get it in peat seeds, you could get it in other types of seeds. And like I said, there’s 1200 different foods. And you’ve shown that list a couple of times. And then in a book I’m about to show you that I’ve recently discovered, actually, Jan, that fire brand you talked about, that’s getting me on podcast.
She found this book for me that I never even heard of before by Ralph moss. Anyway, the second half of this book says part two. The part two of the story of world without cancer is the politics of cancer therapy. And literally, it talks about chapter one. Let me read this. Cartels escape from competition. Just read this one little section. A review of the science of cancer therapy.
A summary of the politics of cancer therapy. The early history of the IG. Farbon chemical and pharmaceutical cartel, the cartel’s early success in the United States and its marriage with dupont, standard oil, and ford. Those are some big names in American industry. And all of those cartels profit from keeping people sick and dying of cancer. You’re more valuable, Tim, once you get cancer, to get for these cures costing a half a million to a million dollars.
And then, whoops, we lost them. We tried everything we possibly could do, and then we just sent them home to die. You’re so much more valuable than if you learned a way to prevent all this. They couldn’t make that money. These cartels couldn’t make the money. The second chapter, that’s chapter 13. The second one, the ultimate monopoly. Early examples of cartel support for totalitarian regimes. IG. Farbin’s role in lifting Hitler out of political oblivion and converting the nazi state into an instrument of cartel power.
And it goes on, chapter and verse, just like what’s going on now? It’s still going on. We’ve known about the answer to the c word, also known as cancer, for 100 years. And now literally, dr. Krebs was treating cancer patients in the 1920s with leotrol. Here’s the book I’ve just promised you I’d tell you about. It’s called the cancer industry by Ralph moss. He was a doctor that was at Sloan Kettering in the 70s when Dr.
Segura proved that leotril stopped cancers from metastasizing in mice. You would think, wow, if we knew this, if we discovered this in the 70s, we could have saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives of cancer. We could have. But they covered it up, and Ralph moss goes through it. And chapter eight is the leotrill controversy. He talks about that. He talks about all the different reasons why the cancer industry still goes, because profit over helping people.
I, in my own life, have proven to doctors at cancer clinics that leotril and diet can help shorten the amount of time that people take chemotherapy, which seems like an oxymoron, but it shortens the time. And they’ve seen it in black and white, and still they tell me, john, there’s no way we can financially put this into our practice because our patients can get it for pennies. They can buy apricot seeds for pennies a day, and they can buy leotrill or they can eat the foods.
And basically our clinic that takes millions of dollars to operate and run all these doctor salaries would go out of business. So even if you don’t think they’re evil or they’re doing this for just power and control, even the normal doctors and nurses that work in an oncology clinic have no reason to promote a natural treatment except for their own family there. They’ll promote it. But if they’re financially it’s all these reasons, sadly, that keep us, this cartel, this prevention of us knowing what’s helping us because of finances, because of money on the top.
It’s the control and actually Satanism. It’s really Satanism. The power that’s fighting against it’s not just money and corruption. It’s also some of these people at the very top. Who are those people? We know those people is Satanism. That’s the very top of this pyramid. We know what john, I’m thinking about what you I and I sit back and I kind of go, okay. And I know what people say.
They say, well, if they give you the remedy, the vast majority of people are not going to go with the remedy that actually works because it’s going to demand something of them. They’re not going to be able to take a pill and it’s going to be fine. Not that taking pills make you fine anyway. They end up exacerbating the problem often, but I see doctors like Dr. Henry Ely or Dr.
Group or Dr. Janice Schmidt or Dr. Brian Artisan stuff, and these guys actually want to teach people how to make themselves well and how to keep themselves healthy, and people pay for that. And then once they learn the secret, that it’s a fairly simple thing to do. The Bible talks about the way of the sinner is hard, but Jesus says if you take his yoke upon you, it’s easy.
His burden is light. So there is a difference there. But some people see that so hard as well, I can’t have whatever you want to call your Snickers bar, or do they still make Ding Dongs? What are those things? Little chocolate. There’s a lot of ding dongs out there. Tim. Yeah, they make those kind of Ding Dongs, too, but Twinkies, I got to have my stuff here. Well, if that’s what you love, that’s what’s going to end up killing you.
If you’re going to continually feed your body, that kind of stuff. So there is an answer. Poison realize sugar poison. I eat poison kind of regularly myself. Unfortunately, it sneaks in, but the less sugar I take, the healthier I am. That’s the fact. So yes, it tastes good, but that’s a whole nother thing that has been done to us. Sugar shortens our lifespan. It makes us obese and get cavities and get disease and things like that.
Sugar is literal poison. But the industry is so huge and so able to buy off politicians that they keep promoting sugar as a great thing. And let’s be clear, we’re talking about processed sugar. We’re not talking about the sugar you get in nature because fruits and vegetables are all a part of fighting against cancer and stuff like that anyway. So we want to make sure that that is on there.
Yeah, there is a difference. Coconut sugar, stevia, leaf extract, these are sweeteners that are healthy for you. And it’s been proven purified sugar is just poisonous and cancer grows on sugar. I mean, literally, they’ve proven it many times. It’s not conspiracy. Cancer loves sugar, so loves sugar. It loves lack of oxygen, loves to grow in anaerobic state, the more oxygen you can bring to your body. Hence the whole subject of B 15, which you and I have never covered.
But this is a book of studies about B 15, which is also found in apricot seeds, old studies about how helps oxygenate your tissues and your lungs and can help prevent whatever this COVID stuff is. B 15 is also found naturally nature, and I believe, Tim, absolutely god made a plant or nutritional substance for every disease. If we eat God’s fruits and God’s vegetables and what God has provided us, we can prevent so much disease.
Stay away from the processed food, stay away from the poisons that they create just for profit. Food that is at fast food joints has literally zero nutritional value in it. I’m not saying maybe not a whole lot of the lettuce they use is practically so GMO that it may be harmful for you. Less than actual, not even good nutrition in fast food. It’s literally harmful to you. So let’s go back to what God provided us and prevent disease.
Vitamin C was proven to prevent scurvy, and if you weren’t too far along, it could cure scurvy. But it took us 300 years of knowing that before we wiped it out. Now kids only know about scurvy from history books. And that’s in my lifetime, Tim, and your lifetime together, we’re going to do the same with cancer. We’re going to wipe it out in our lifetime. And anybody that I know, including my friend Tim Brown, who I’m talking to, will never die of the C word.
As long as we keep nitrillicides and lateral in our diet and eat natural foods, you can even get away with eating some sugar here and there. That’s a little secret. You can get away with having a beer or a glass of wine or having a piece of birthday cake, but don’t make it the only thing you eat fast food and horrible food is only thing you do and eat a natural.
You know, the Bible talks about having things in moderation. We had David Schmidt down there at the Lifewave conference, he made his own brandy, aging it with light in a lab. It was pretty incredible. But he was talking know, he brought up the fact that the Bible speaks about partaking of things in moderation. And then when you go back and you see, like you go back into deuteronomy, you’ll find that God said when the people couldn’t get to the feast that they were at, they were to take their tithe, which was not money.
It was their first flocks. It was their first produce that they brought out. And all this, they were to take it and sell it. And then it says something of the effect of they can buy whatever their heart desires, including wine and strong drink. Well that was for one time occasions and in moderation that they could partake of that. Why? Because if they made it a daily thing it was not going to be good for their health but every once in a while it was okay to do you might whatever overdo but you didn’t have those things attacking.
So let’s look at this correlation here. We’ve got the Rockefellers not only are behind, say, our money supply, but they’re in behind the energy industry, they’re behind the medical industry. What else are they behind? They’re behind a whole bunch of other things that they’ve got their hooks into through different foundations. News media for sure. Yeah, news media. How are these two combined? The money system? I can point to the constitution that says we’re only to use gold and silver for payments of debts.
That’s the only money allowed. So as far as I’m concerned, what all has been going on since 1913 is counterfeit money. It’s not real money, it’s lawless money. In fact, the Federal Reserve in their own books say the only reason it has value is because you think it has value, but it doesn’t have any value. So what’s the correlation? It looks like all of these things controlled by the same people are working against us.
Whether it’s in the medical industry, whether it’s in the money supply. Yeah, it’s in all of the different things. But the two pronged approach and g. Edward Griffin is probably the one man on the planet that most understands it and most educated people about it. He first came out with a world without cancer and talked about the science. I’ve already covered it. The science and politics of cancer and it goes the same thing, the science and politics.
Let’s convert that to the science and politics of COVID Now we took the whole cancer industry of 100 years and shrunk it down to three years. And it became so obvious to all of us that this was all about profit and control and population control, and they put out small businesses out of business. So the correlation of those two prongs being the battle between good and evil, if you don’t have your health, you’ll pay anything to get your health.
And they know that. So the media is great. That’s something they do. But that’s not the way they bring in the finances. They bring in the finances, the control and the money by the Federal Reserve, which allows them to do whatever they want with money, manipulate money any way they want, and then controlling your health, which is two pronged. One is you’ll spend any amount of money once you have cancer to come up with a cure to get rid of it.
But they also have population control. So if there’s a certain amount of people they don’t want to have around, they just inject you with a vaccine or they give you chemotherapy or radiation, all of which have been proven not to work. So it’s all two sides of the same coin. I have a friend named another friend that was just out here, tim Pethel. He was out here and he photographed my wedding, but he’s making a documentary called From COVID to Cancer the Continuation of the Medical Scam.
Well, I think he’s actually done it the other way around. We’ve been battling this and known the answer for 50 years for sure. Doctors sat around filming themselves back 50 years ago saying, within the next five or ten years, we’re going to wipe out cancer. It’s going to be nothing but a distant memory. But the medical establishment, the money that the trillions of dollars from the banking cartels have put a snuff to anything that would get rid of the trillion dollar industry of cancer, you would think enough is enough.
You would think enough power be enough, and they could just retire to their castles in Switzerland. But that’s not what it’s all about. If you don’t realize, and I know you do, Tim, it’s good and evil. Satan’s not going to give up just because his people have a lot of money. They still want control and they feed on young, innocent children metaphorically. And actually, we could go off in a whole pattern on that, sure.
But the two major prongs are medical and financial. And so if you can do your best and all the people watching you to take away the medical side, if you have your health, it’s tough for them to take you out. It really is. They can give you all the bad news in the world. If you wake up in the morning, you’re healthy and happy and doing well, you’ll keep battling.
And that’s what you and I do every day. We wake up in the morning, take care of our kids, make sure they know about jesus and god and we go to church on Sunday and we’re guiding our families the right way. And on the other hand we make sure we’re taking care of our financial life as well, not putting our money into these cartels and being safe with having gold and silver.
This is not a show about gold and silver but that is truly, according to our constitution, the only legal tender. So if it’s not based in gold and silver my dad said that 50 years ago. If it’s not doing that it’s not lawless, it’s counterfeit. And of course congress has been given authority not only to coin money but then to deal with counterfeiters. But what did they do? Well they joined with counterfeiters and said well this is real money.
And I think this is the correlation I’m seeing. The money issue is forbidden. The way we have money now is forbidden in our constitution. The constitution also does not give authority for the federal government, including the unconstitutional food and drug administration, to tell us what we can or cannot put into our bodies. That has never been an authority that the people gave to the federal government. Yet they’ve usurped it like they have education, like they have whatever they want to talk about and they just say oh we need to do something about it.
Well wait a minute. The constitution didn’t give you authority? Why? It’s okay, we need to talk about it anyway. I think it’s treasonous. And when I see the parallel of what the constitution allows and doesn’t allow and I see it on the money side, I also see it on the health side. In fact you were talking about the last three years. Here is a government that wants to tell people you must stand 6ft away from your fellow Americans.
You must wear this mask that’s going to cause you all kinds of problems for kids. It’s going to cause all kinds of development problems and stuff. They wear them more than a surgeon does in surgery. Like about every 20 minutes he has to take it off, put it in a biohazard dispose away system, not just throw it on the ground, not throw it in a trash can. He’s got to do that every 20 minutes.
And yet people were sending their kids and they were wearing themselves for 1012 hours a day. And we’re seeing the fruit of that and it’s coming from the same people who’ve given us the lawless money. They’re also giving us a lawless health care. I want to call it a death care system. Same thing. Well, a lot of people have realized this and I’m sure you correlated tim that some of the rituals they made us do during this COVID-19 scam were 6ft distance of the same thing that they use in the satanic ceremonies that they run putting on masks and the 6ft of distance and dehumanizing us to the point where we don’t respect human.
Life. And the people are hating us because we’re not injecting ourselves with these poisonous vaccines. And it created all these things that they use during their Satanic ceremonies. So I hate for your audience to hear that constantly. It seems hopeless, but I have so much hope. There’s so much good coming on. God’s word is getting out. There more people that were atheists in my lifetime are coming back to or discovering God and Jesus Christ in these times than ever before in our history.
And so it is a revival, but it’s also a revival of our spirit, our health, our finances, all these things that we’re realizing that we don’t have to listen to these people in charge, these 10,000 evil ones, because there’s millions of us that have the ability to win on our own each individual day by taking back our health, taking back our financial freedom, taking back not listening to these mockingbird media.
I never do anymore. Tim, I don’t know about you. I’d much rather listen to your podcasts and podcasts from these other patriots and people that are telling the truth than this mockingbird media. Absolutely, yeah. Watching the NBCS and the CBS, and I don’t even bother anymore. And even watching Sports sometimes it gets to be obnoxious when these commercials come on. You do laugh about, there is a bunch of these sheep out there, the masses that still listen to this, it must work.
But even they are waking up to it. This Russell Brand story and these other stories we’re hearing about these people that used to be what we consider left wing that are now coming across and going, wait a minute, what’s going on? They’re waking up. And so this cartel of finances and this cartel of medicine is being shown to be exactly what it is, an evil death cult trying to just take over the planet and control it for Satan.
Yeah, I think so, too. I was looking through here. You were talking about certain people coming back, and I’m going to guess that probably a lot of these guys that we see probably somewhere in their childhood, they were infused with the word of God. So the seeds were planted early on. I really do. I’ve seen a lot of guys come out of rock and roll industry and they go, I’m actually coming back to what I was taught as a kid.
Somehow their maturity, they finally found it at 30, 40, 50 years old or whatever, but thank God that he opened their eyes to it. But in their maturity, they’re like, look, I’ve been given pretty much everything the world can give me. And I’m seeing it’s all. Like Solomon says in Ecclesiastes, it’s all vanity. It’s destroying me. Yeah, I’m having experiences, I’m having a blast, but it’s destroying me.
It’s destroying my life. And they’re repenting and they’re putting their faith back into the Christ they heard of when they were a kid. I don’t know how people don’t see it except for what the Scripture says. And so I was going over into Psalm chapter 147 and I was thinking about how God communicates to us in the song, in the Psalms here about Himself and about how he’s known not by his graciousness and he is gracious.
He’s not known by his love. And the Bible tells us that he is love, but he’s known by his judgments. And that’s the thing. He tells us as fathers to teach our children, deuteronomy Six might teach my commands, statutes and judgments. So let me read this little part here. I’ll get you to tie this in with what we’re talking about right here. This is Psalm 147, and I’m going to read just a little bit down from the beginning.
Great is our Lord and of great power. His understanding is infinite. The Lord lifteth up the meek. He casteth the wicked down to the ground. See, this is a warning for the bad guys. You guys that say Jesus is fake news. The resurrection’s fake news. We’re going to hack you. We’re going to do all this kind of stuff to you. You better understand something. You are messing with the Creator’s children.
You’re messing with them. And he sees it, and you’re going to get it. If you don’t repent, you really are. The Lord lifteth up the meek, cast the wicked to the ground. Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving. Sing praise upon the harp unto our God, who covereth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains. He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry, how much more does he give to us, right? Isn’t that what Jesus taught us? He delighteth and not in the strength of the horse.
He taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in his mercy. Why? Why do we hope in his mercy? Because we know the Law condemns us. It condemns us. And so we’re hopeful in what’s outside the law. And that is the mercy of God that comes to us in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And then he says, praise the Lord, O Jerusalem.
Praise thy God, O Zion, for he hath strengthened the bars of thy gates. He hath blessed thy children within thee. He maketh peace in thy borders and filleth thee with the finest of wheat. So you have to ask the question if you don’t have the finest of wheat, if there’s no peace in your borders, if your bars of your gates are not strengthened but they’re weakened, if your children are not blessed, are you on the right path or are you on the wrong path? He sendeth forth his commandment upon the earth.
His word runth very swiftly. He giveth snow like wool. He scattereth the whorefrost like ashes. He casteth forth his ice like morsels who can stand before his cold. He sendeth out his word and melteth them. He causeth his wind to blow and the waters flow. He showed his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation at that time.
It was all his focus was upon the nation of Israel. And as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the Lord. And so, John, you know, when I see this, the people who are not listening, they don’t know God’s judgments. They think life is just what was that old thing? A box of chocolates or whatever, a bowl of cherries. They think that’s all it is.
And they don’t know that this is the ground where we show forth whether or not we really do love God and whether he has set his love upon us in Jesus Christ. Absolutely. I believe we’re living in times that we get to show our faith in Christ and our God. We get to wake up in the morning and know God is with us. That the battle. If we’re fighting a battle of truth and justice, that God is with us and we can have no fear and I don’t mean to be blasphemous at all, that if you have fear, you obviously don’t trust God.
Well, honestly, if you do trust in God and know you’re doing the right thing, the only fear you should have of God’s judgment. So every day I wake up and I see the news of this and this horrible thing happening, that horrible thing happening. But I take absolute excitement. My assistant said, how’s your day? I said it’s fantastic. It’s great. I’ve just got married, I just got back from my honeymoon.
All these horrible things, hurricanes and this things going on that going on. But I know God’s protection and I know that my work, what I’m doing to spread the good word of God’s creations that help us live a longer life and help us battle are what takes away the fear for me. So I tell people regularly I might be having a target on my head. And the more I go on these podcasts, the more I speak at events and the more I tell the Word, I might have a target, but I’m not fearful.
God is on my side. Amen. I have cloak of God. And I’m not saying I’m a perfect human being by any stretch of imagination, Tim, but I strive for that. I strive to tell the truth. I strive to be the best man I can be and I have no fear. Yeah. And I think that’s the work of the Spirit of God. That’s what he does in us. Because what we once were.
The Bible tells us that we’ve been made a new creature. So when we’re faced with these evil guys who are out there now, one of the things the Bible tells us is we are to pray for our enemies. We’re to bless those who curse us. Boy, you’re talking about something that’s very difficult to do because it goes against our very I can pray for you. It’s easy. You can pray for me.
Let’s pray for people that need it. And a lot of these guys are I confess. I confess. And I’ve told people on the show I do some impregatory prayers against some people because David did it. I think there are people who have clearly seared their conscience, and you can tell by what’s coming out of their mouth. I mean, it’s not know they have some filthy language. It’s their whole everything that comes that Jesus says, what comes out of the mouth first is in the heart.
Right out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. And they’re telling you they’ve seared their conscience because of such depravity that they don’t want to just do to themselves. This Noah Harare guy who advises the World Economic Forum, I mean, not only is he a sodomite, not only is he effeminate, not only is he mocking God and things of this nature, but he wants to take you along with him.
I mean, how wicked do you have to be to be that way? And so again, these people are all intertwined. Whether it’s the lawless, money, whether it’s the death care system, or whether it’s the pharmaceutical system or whatever we’re dealing with, they’re all intertwined. And I don’t think a lot of people catch it that way. They see different aspects, but they don’t see them as the conglomerate that they’re under.
It can get daunting and scary if you think that everything is against you, but I want to give people hope and faith and excitement about the fact that there’s so many more of us. Tim, every day you’re talking to people, you’re going to church with people, you’re hanging out with people. There’s so many more of us than there are them. They just have a bigger megaphone. But truth has a way of getting through and making us feel wonderful.
And people are clamoring for the truth. So it’s so much easier to get the message out there now. And we just have to stop listening to the liars, the Noah Harares and the Bidens and whoever’s controlling him and all these other characters are such a small minority and on our side. I am pushing people, you and I and others, to stop listening to these blasphemous losers telling us what they want to do to us and start doing what God wants.
Amen. That’s right not listen to them. Because I’m telling you, everywhere I go, I travel all over the place. I just went to Miami and Fort Lauderdale, and I spoke know different places. And this weekend they’re having a conference with Kerry Made and Robert Scott Bell that they’ve advised on Friday know, getting more of us together. There is way more of us and way more the people waking up than ever before than ever in my lifetime.
And so your audience needs to take heart in the fact that these people that are trying to cram this garbage of Satanism down our throat are losing. They’re desperate. Yes, they’re going to do some things and try to harm us, but we know God wins. That’s not just sit back in your hands and let it happen. We know keep battling the fight we’re doing. We are winning. God does win.
And Satan and all of his minions will be defeated and they will be the ones that we’ll be feeling sorry for. And that’s as know that’s one of my prayers is that these people get what’s coming to them and that they learn in their lifetime. They learn what they were doing was evil and wrong and we’ll be able to forgive and forget quicker than they ever would. Yeah.
And then I think that’s the thing I’d love to see God pour out his spirit upon these people and really turn them around. Now is he going to do that? I don’t know. So I leave those things up to God. That’s what his doing is that’s his sovereign will about what he does. But what we have to do is we have to understand how the enemy works because that’s what you do in any battle.
Any military guy, a general is going to try his best to find out how the enemy fights. That way he understands how to fight against them. Same thing happens in sporting events and all this. You study the other team, their offense, their defense, so that you know how to defeat them. So we need to know what they’re thinking. We need to know what they’re doing in doing that.
But we shouldn’t dwell on it because we should make them wonder what we’re up to. And this is why I continually call upon the men in your communities. This is not a thing you’re going to get on Fox News about. This is not a thing you’re going to get in the mockingbird media about. Get in your community. Get with the men, disciple the men. Build the true church of God among the men who are Godly men.
Build them up in the community. Let’s be that militia, the real law enforcers of our Constitution. Article one, section eight, clause 15 to 16. Let’s build that back up. Let’s be who we’re supposed to be as men. Because that’s where they’ve hit us, John. They’ve hit us as men. They wanted to make us effeminate. They wanted to rip our families apart. They want to make women think that they can just do it all on their own with the help of daddy government.
They don’t want us with our children raising them up in the fear and the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And so when we put men back into the situation now you’ve got a recipe for success. And I’m talking about Godly men. I’m not talking about your average run of the mill degenerate. I’m talking about real Godly men who want to honor the Lord. And some of this, what they’re going to do is they’re going to lead their family in is how to be healthy.
Yeah, sure. Do we get sick at times? Sure. Can God use that sickness? Of course. He used the blind man. He said, this is for the glory of God, not for sinful issues. But overall, we should be healthy. Those who are able to go about doing the things that we need to do, whether it’s presenting the gospel, whether it’s being on a radio show, or whether it’s running a business or whatever we’re doing, we’re there because in whatever we’re doing in that sphere of influence, we’re to glorify God with.
That also very true, Tim. And that’s why I love coming on here. You give me a little bit of different flavor. I wake up in the morning and Leiatrill B, 17 is my passion. I go to church on Sunday, I study the word of God. I try to lead my kids in that way. But that’s not my I wouldn’t say giving a sermon on different books of the Bible is my expertise and my specialty.
And that’s what’s left up to the people that God has entrusted with that ability. My specialty is telling people that they can take back their health given what God has given us, for our health, to be better men, be stronger men, to last longer in our lives, to train our children up past their youth. Many fathers have died because of this medical establishment that they just want to suck the money out there’s 30, 40 year old men dying and leaving their kids to the world to be raised by the world.
And so that is a continuous cycle. Let’s take back our health. And that’s my passion, my goal, as I point to my father back here who ran on God, family and country in that order, that’s where we have to keep our importance. And health is wealth, as my son likes to say now. And health will prevent. Our health can keep us in the fight long after these other losers die off.
Health will keep us in the fight, and they know that. And that’s what was great about your subject matter today, was about the combination of the finance and the health. We can do so much more in our life with our health, and that’s what I wake up doing every day, Tim. So I always appreciate getting the message out there that way, that health is the most important thing after God, obviously knowing that he gave us all these gifts so to make us a better father, human and a member of society.
Yeah, and I’m convinced. I told people that I was doing the juice fast and things of that nature leading up to red peel this year. And one of the things I noticed was my assumption is just how toxic my body and my mind was from some of the foods I was putting in it, which then affected whether people believe it or not. I think it has an effect on us spiritually as well, because all of a sudden, I had clarity of mind.
All of a sudden, the brain fog was gone. All of a sudden, I’m able to say no to little things like these little processed snacks and all that stuff. You get a draw for that. And then it was like my cravings were for the things that I was putting in it, the juices and the salads and all this. I just saw a difference in change, and it was something I wasn’t expecting, because I was just hoping maybe I’d lose some weight and be better for me and this, that, and the other.
And I was pleasantly surprised to see these changes. And I don’t think that they want us like that, because I do think there is something, at least for the believer, where there’s something open up, just I can’t get away from it. And I know Jesus said, it’s not what goes into a man that defiles him. I get that. But I don’t know that they had processed foods back then.
And I don’t think that he would say, yeah, it’s the good thing that you go eat your box of Cracker Jack or whatever your stuff is there. He meant real foods, the foods that he had created. Those things are good. They’re good for us. In fact, we’re to give thanks for them when we have them. Go ahead and talk about what you got there in the book. I just remind people every time when you think about food and what you’re doing juicing and things like that, these Hunzas who are happy, smiling, great skin.
The women at 90 years old have beautiful skin. They put the apricot kernel oil on it. They eat you can see down here, they eat their wealth is considered by how much apricot seeds they eat. Now, Tim, I’m not sitting here you can survive off just eating apricot seeds. I keep a cup at my desk, and I eat them regularly. I try not to eat them on podcasts, and I start spitting them out while I’m talking.
These people live to be 140 years old, not because they’re eating hohos and McDonald’s. As soon as they get American diet, they die off just like we do. God created natural food for us to have a wonderful survival and be happy and healthy and strong. As much as feeding our soul with the word of God, we need to feed our bodies with the products of God. That’s right.
And nuts and seeds and berries that God gave us as naturally as we possibly can. So it goes along with it. It’s not anti. It it’s not, oh, I can do this and not believe in God, and I can just eat these foods and be fine. It’s all a part of process, and it really is something that will make our lives and our family’s lives better. Yeah. One of the things that you were showing there of the hunza people, I recall the story reading the book, and I believe g.
Edward said that there was a lady there that had she was like the oldest living one that they had had. She was like 165 or 169 or something like that. But he talked about once the western products, the processed food started coming in among the people, they got like, 40 cases of cancer like that, like, within just a couple of months. Can you tell us a little bit about that? And what was the marketing toward the hunters? I mean, these people don’t they don’t look like they have television sitting in there and where they’re going to get ads and things like this.
How were they marketing this stuff in there to the people? Well, it’s just funny because ed talked about in the book that the theory of nitrocides and leotrill is that it prevents cancer by working the way it works. It splits into four different molecules, two of glucose, which we’ve already talked about. Cancer loves sugar, one of benzaldehyde and one of cyanide, and it works naturally. It’s not something that I created in the lab.
It’s not something I have a patent on. I’ve never tried to make it like something I keep secret. I want the whole world to know about leotril and b 17 and my dad’s message, and my dad wasn’t the only one. There was many other great heroic physicians that were out there in the 70s putting this out there, but the Hanzas just knew about it. And when the outside people, the people that discovered them in the early 19 hundreds, they would hand them a delicious apricot, and they would eat the fruit of the apricot and throw the pit on the ground.
The Hanzas would look at them like, what are you crazy? What are you doing? That’s the most important part of it. They would grab the seed, crack it open, and eat the seed inside. Excuse me. It was a pit. It’s a hard pit. And that does confuse people. You don’t eat that hard pit and break your teeth. You crack that pit, you dry it for two or three days.
You crack that. And that’s the most healthy, potent, important part. And the Hunza’s new to eat a couple hundred a day. And if you read google, if you get off this podcast and they’re still fooled by google and do a search on apricot seeds, google say, if you eat three apricot seeds, you can die of cyanide poisoning. Well, god created beta glucosidase to break apart amygdala and the apricot seeds, and he created rodinase that’s found in healthy cells to break apart, break down cyanide and benzaldehyde after they’ve had their effect on the cancer cell.
You break those down and they have an analgesic effect. And you’ve heard that from our mutual friend Kate, who taught me that I’ve known my dad. It’s great to learn these things and read the history. My dad said almost 100% of patients that came and started doing latel therapy found they got their appetite back. They had a zest for life again. They had pain relief, their hair would start growing back.
And some of them still died, Tim, because they were so ravaged by the cancer and ravaged by the chemotherapy and radiation. My dad said even though some of them still died, he couldn’t save them all. After going through so much pain and suffering, their end of lifetime was still far superior. And that was many of the letters he received from family members was thanking my father for making the end of their life so much more wonderful, even though they ended up dying anyway because they were so far gone.
It’s a disease that tears apart the body. So the huntsas knew this, the Hunzas knew it without having to read it in books or study. They just knew what God provided them. Eat the seeds and we lived to be 140 when we brought our diet in. Hey, start eating this and start eating that, and start coming into the American way of doing things. They started to die like they started to drop like flies.
And they’re not the only societies. The Inuit, Eskimos also eat one of the organs in the large caribou that is full of nitrilicides, and they eat that and they don’t have cancer at all. Their rates of cancer are zero as well. So Ed Griffin talked about, can you imagine if we had a scientific study that showed all these people that were eating a lot high levels of megdal and living to be 140? And we just said, oh, that must be something else.
It must be because they drink clean water and breathe clean air. Well, we know that’s not the case. We know that when they started still breathing clean air and clean water, but eating a diet that was processed, they started to die very rapidly, sometimes even faster than we do. Yeah, I think one of the big things that gets people in Western culture is the convenience. They can go and buy something, it’s already prepackaged.
All they got to do is get it out. They don’t have to plant it, they don’t have to harvest it, they don’t have to grind it, they don’t have to cook it or any of that stuff. And I think it’s the convenience level. And they just say, this is easier. And so it’s made us lazy, it’s made us stupid. And I don’t mean that as a derogatory. I mean, that’s just what it’s done.
I talk about a smartphone. Smartphones make us stupid. How many of us when you were a kid? I can sit here and rattle off the first phone number that I memorized as a little boy, like when I was like five or six years old. But I couldn’t tell you what my wife’s phone number is without going in there and looking. I just know I push number two, right? And they’re dumbing us down.
And they’re dumbing us down in the way of money, of health and all this other let me let people know exactly where they can go find you. They can go to the RNC store there, and you can get there by going to vitamin B 17 for you. Vitamin B 17, the number four and the letter U. com go there. Use a promo code, Tim, and you can save 10%.
John just doesn’t have apricot seeds. He’s got several different kinds of supplements here that are tied with B 17. He’s also got a load of books that you can get up. Last time that you were on, we talked about the Cyanide cookbook. I see that is in stock. I’m going to be getting me one of those so people can do that there. We got about 15 seconds. John, tell people about what you got there.
The be better bar. This makes it simple to get the B 17. And it’s super tasty. It’s got all healthy, natural stuff. We got these back in stock any day now. That shows that people want B 17, but they don’t want to eat the bitter. So this is a delicious bar. You can put 250 milligrams of B 17 in your diet. Amen. Amen. And they’re great. They’re really great.
Again, you can go to vitamin B 17, the number four and the letter U. com, vitamin B seventeenforu. com. And use Tim as a promo code. Save 10%, Bradley. Be with you at three and we’ll see you, Lord willing. 06:00. A. m audios. Bye. .