The Next Red Flag is Here: I Allegedly

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ Dan from I Allegedly talks about how banks are lending less money than before, which hasn’t happened in 50 years. This could be a problem for people and businesses who need loans to pay for things. He also shares a story about his cousin’s credit card not working because of a bank error, and suggests that people should have more than one bank account and credit card in case of emergencies. Finally, he mentions that a company called Macy’s turned down a big offer to be bought by another company, and that China’s economy might be in trouble.
➡ The article talks about how Los Angeles is not a nice place to live because it’s dirty and unsafe. It also mentions that many banks are closing their branches, which could cause problems for people. The article also discusses how crime is causing businesses, like a popular burger place, to close. Lastly, it talks about how the cost of food at restaurants is going up because everything needed to make the food is getting more expensive.
➡ Mr. Hill can’t afford to lose money on selling sandwiches. People in Alabama and Colorado are upset because new laws make them tell who owns their businesses, which some think is an invasion of privacy. President Joe Biden is planning to forgive $5 billion in student loans for 74,000 people, which has made some people happy and others angry. Lastly, a man named Uncle Chen who smokes while running marathons has been disqualified, sparking a debate about whether that’s fair or not.


Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. You’re watching. I allegedly, and I’ve got a good one for you because here is the next red flag for all of us. And I’m going to get right into it. But before I do, we also have a sponsor today, Dr. Marty. And I’ll talk about him a little later. But first things first, banking right now, for the first time in 50 years, 50 years, banking has contracted.

The amount of credit has contracted for three consecutive quarters. This hasn’t been this bad since the Great Recession. And the banking problems have just been compounded over the last 50 years. And now it’s coming to a head. Steve Hankey, we talked about him last week, and David Rosenberg. These are two economists that have said, wait a second. People need to get ready for how bad this is. It’s raining on the island, so it’s kind of nice to walk out here in a morning and just.

People don’t like to come out in the rain, clearly. But this is bad. And you’re going to see a real problem with this. And I want to read you something because this is getting serious and people don’t want to realize that. And I got a text from my cousin, who’s a great guy, good dad, good businessman, author. I just enjoy everything about him. But let me read this to you.

Okay. Hey, cuz, last week when I was in Texas, my credit card was compromised, so of course it had to be shut down. And the new one won’t be coming until today when I’m in Albuquerque. So I checked into my hotel room last night using my Wells Fargo debit card. Declined, saying I had exceeded my daily spending limit of $5,000. Wth. Okay, we all know what that means.

The hotel was only $600 that I called Wells Fargo and they said they had a system wide error. And again, a system wide error. Guys get concerned about this because did you hear about that in the news or you’re hearing about it now? Okay, so, had a system wide error and it has to do with purchases and atms. I asked why in the hell they didn’t notify customers at all.

Of course, the guy had no answer. Long story is, I want to thank you because I used my USC credit union card, which worked beautifully. I would have been so screwed if I didn’t open the second account like you suggested. Thank you. Now, clearly Dan’s a brilliant guy. No, but clearly my cousin travel, and my cousin works for the coolest company in the world. That I always say, when can I talk about it? And eventually I’ll be able to tell you guys about it because it’s going to revolutionize a lot of safety and security things in our world.

But think about that. Without the second account, without the second card, he would have been stuck in Albuquerque. Now he’s gotten me, could call me, could call his kids, he could call different people, probably the company he works for. But what if you don’t have anybody, guys, and you’re sitting there, you’re buying groceries and you’re out and it’s Friday night and you can’t get a hold of anybody or you’re in Albuquerque? Albuquerque, okay.

So it’s really wild when you’re out here like this. But this is the state of everything. Credit for businesses, the amount of credit is declining. Why is that? It takes credit to run the machine. It takes credit to purchase fuel, to buy supplies, to make payroll. If you are in the construction industry and you don’t have a credit line, you don’t have any money, and it’s raining, guys aren’t going to get paid if you’re not getting paid from different jobs and things like that.

So you have to have a credit line to run your business. If it’s contracting, if they’re cutting this, know it’s going to be a problem. But I don’t believe for a second that Wells Fargo didn’t know what was going on. Do you? Again, the next red flag. Here it is right there. But you have to take this seriously. Get yourself a second account. We’ve talked about this. I’m so proud of dozens and dozens of people that have written me and said, dan, we have eight accounts and that’s on you.

Okay? How many you want? How many feel good about people that have a lot of money and there’s people that subscribe to watch this stuff every day that have millions and millions of dollars, and the rest of us will just be peasants compared to these people. But they take the advice, too. So rich or poor, take the advice. There is an article below about what is the best number of credit cards to know for everybody.

This guy says you should have two. I think you should have more credit cards. I think they should be paid off. He said the max should be three credit cards. Now, the Dave Ramsey way of life is you don’t have a credit card. We all know that. But I think that people need to have something because things happen. You need emergency. There’s emergencies. If you travel, okay. If you rent a car and you use your debit card, it’s instantly taken out of your account where if you use the credit card, they do the authorization.

If you travel and you go to a hotel, hey, we’re going to charge you. You’re going to be here five days. We’re going to charge you $100 a day for incidentals, and it’ll fall off three days after your stay. What’s eight days later? You’ll get your $100 back. And not everybody can afford that. So take a look at this. Look at the stories below. Business Insider did a good one this time where they were talking about the business contracting, because that is serious, guys.

It worries me when people don’t realize we’re all looking over here with everything that’s going on, and then when some guy who is traveling, who travels, I’m telling you, my cousin travels three of the four weeks a month. It’s just crazy. And because he’s a single older guy, he can do that, but they push him pedal to the metal. So share your thoughts on this stuff. Let me know what you think about that.

Have you had any problems with Wells Fargo’s lately? Let us all know, too, because it’s really important. Let’s talk about our sponsor, Dr. Marty. Dr. Marty is considered one of the world’s leading holistic veterinarians. And let’s face it, there are millions and millions of dog owners out there, and dogs are part of the family. I can attest to that. But one thing that Dr. Marty came up with was that our dog food is dangerous and that what we put in our dog’s mouth can dramatically affect everything from joint pain, their breath, the smell of the dog so much.

What you should do is go to forward slash Dan and see the video that he put together talking about what we give these dogs. That’s an all processed dog food that we just don’t even think about. We think we’re eating the healthier dog food. And once you know that this is in there, you would never feed your dog that again. So take a look at this today. There’s a nice video that he put together.

But you want your dog to have a nice, healthy, happy, long life. You want them to live without any pain, and you want them to live comfortably. Take a look@dogfoodexposed. com. Dan, check it out today. One thing that’s very funny is we hear about businesses that we know are in trouble, definitely know they’re in trouble, and then they get an offer to be purchased and they reject them.

Now, spirit Airlines, last week, they didn’t have a choice in it. The government stepped in and said, you’re not going to merge with JetBlue, which I think is horrible. And they’re trying to go to court to get this to where they can do it. But the next one is Macy’s. Do you guys think Macy’s is doing well and they should turn things down? They got a $5. 8 billion offer to be taken over and they rejected it from the investors.

Now, we want to be independent. We want to be on our own. We don’t see your vision as being a good thing. Okay, good luck with that. Good luck with that. And gloom over China. China’s got a real problem. Somebody sent me a great article about that that I wanted to share with you guys. It’s below about how the chinese economy is collapsing and they’re going to be basically upside down in a short period of time.

Will they make it through the end of the year 2024? We will see. Plus, to be fair to the cats, I had a subscriber send me the picture of Delilah, the cat that likes to watch me talk and says whenever she hears my voice, she goes to the tv and watches that. So, hello, Delilah. I hope you’re doing well. Hope you’re not wreaking havoc in the house. But anyways, thank you.

I always love the photos, guys, that you guys send people. You guys have asked lately, hey, let’s see some more bad neighborhoods. You keep walking through everything good. You guys, LA is a dump. Los Angeles is a dump. It’s just got done raining. I was going to go up today to the walk of fame, which should be called the walk of shame, according to the article from the Daily Mail in the UK.

And it just shows you how dirty this place is. Los Angeles is awful. And for those of you that have been around the channel for a couple years, I’ve been up there a dozen times and my daughter lived up there. And one of my proudest accomplishments as a parent was getting her out of that area. She lived right near sunset and vine. And it is a dump. It is horrible.

There’s crime, it is unsafe and it is dangerous. And I got her out of there and it’s great. And again, wants to be in the movie business. Wanted to direct and act and do all this stuff. It’s a perfect place to do it. Okay. Until it’s not, if you know what I mean. Until it’s know. Citizens Bank, bank of America, Capital one, they’re going to close tons of branches right now.

Oh, okay. Did that get advertised, too? No, it’s not now personally, guys, Capital one, the bank branch, they have those basically in malls. Like there’s a couple of malls that have that. They have some in San Francisco where they have the capital one cafe where you can go in and get a coffee and things like that. But they have free Internet too. So if you have a capital one credit card, you can go use that and get free access to Internet and coffee and things like that.

And they treat you great when you go in there. So take a look at that. But you’re going to see hundreds and hundreds of bank branches get closed between now and Easter. You’re going to see it. It’s going to happen. So, you know, you’ll like this one story with Chase bank closed a woman’s account and no, nothing, nothing like, hey, you were writing bad checks or hey, you were overdrawn, closed the account because they didn’t like what she did for a living and they closed the branch then.

Okay. And it took months to finally get her money back. So again, warning after warning after warning, I think that we’re going to wake up on a Saturday morning and realize that on a Friday that they shut everything down and you guys won’t know what hits you. Some of us will be ready for this. We won’t like it. We’re not going to be, not saying, hey, that bank that’s got x amount of dollars in it, no, you’re going to be unhappy about that.

But let me know. All the leading economic indicators fell again. And wait a second. The economy is doing great, Dan. Everything is doing good right now. It’s not. It is not. So have we avoided a recession right now? Maybe. Okay. But when you talk to any business owner that says that they are worried that they are not getting paid on time, they have problems with customers credit, they have problems getting their own credit.

This is going to get compounded in the coming weeks and the coming months. You’re going to see this become a bigger, bigger problem. And again, this administration doesn’t care about the small business person. They care about their fat cat friends. They don’t care about us. So do what you can do to protect yourself as soon as possible. So additional accounts, new relationships with banks. If you have a line of credit with the bank, go to another bank and start talking to them about lines of credit and try to get something.

Let’s say you have 50,000 at one bank and you want to get the same thing at another bank. They may only give you ten, but it would solve problems if you had a collapse of a financial institution. Let me know what you think so far, guys? Now this is the sign of the times. And this is how insane the world is right now. Could you imagine having a profitable business that is in the top 10% of your other locations doing well? And now it has to close.

Well, why are people not making money? They’re not going anymore. No, it has to close because of crime. In and out. Hamburger is a west coast. It’s moving east slowly. I think it’s even in Texas now where they have a hamburger place. It’s really good. Okay. But the oakland in and out location that’s been open for 18 years has to close now because of crime. Armed robberies, carjackings, auto theft, strong armed robberies where they just beat people up and take their money and take their food.

They’ve had 1174 incidents in the last year of that. Isn’t that great? Car stolen. Hey, let’s go get a burger. Hey, my car is gone. Okay? Is that insane? Now, Mr. Herrick, the in and out spokesman, just said, listen, this is tragic because the store is really profitable. It’s a really good store, and I bet it is. There’s nothing else in the area, but Oakland is a dump.

And it’s funny, I have a friend of mine, Pete, who I love dearly, but know clearly misguided, because he’s an Oakland A’s fan. But Pete went out know Oakland A’s are going to move to Vegas eventually. And my son said, wouldn’t it be great to go there before the last season and see an Oakland A’s game in the stadium? And you and I. And I called my friend Pete, and he’s.

No, no, under no circumstances are you going to go there. No, it’s not safe. It’s not good. It’s a horrible place to go see a game. Dan, do not do that. Do not take your son there. Don’t risk your life. Don’t risk your life to go see a baseball game. Okay, Pete, fan of the Oakland days. I won’t do that. Now another story that made local news that now it’s making national news.

There is a shoe store in Bellflower, California. Now you’ve got Orange county, and then you’ve got Los Angeles County, Long beach. And right next to Long beach, you’ve got artesia, and you’ve got hawaiian gardens and bellflower. Okay? It’s a middle income city. It’s nice. Okay? I’ve been there a lot. These thieves. Think about this. Stole a government car. Stole a car with government license plates. Was reported stolen.

They stole that car. And they ran the car through the shoe store and just completely cleaned this guy out. There is a video from our local newscast below to watch this. And this is insane, but this is how bad it’s gotten. These thieves have gotten so brazen that they will steal a government car. You can’t even make that up. Okay, so some government car gets ripped off, and then they ran the car through a shoe store and stole tens of thousands of dollars worth of shoes and completely cleaned this guy out.

And again, it took him years to get the place set up and have his dream business, which he got. And now he’s got the nightmare of all nightmares of having everything completely cleaned out. They have these public docks that are very cool where you can go and walk, and you just got to be careful they don’t slip and fall when it’s raining like this. But let me know what you think about this so far because this is insane right now that you’re seeing this kind of theft.

And again, in n Out hamburger. What’s next? What’s next? California. They jacked up the per hour wage that’s going to take effect in April. And you’re going to see fast food places go, you know what? I don’t want to do this. And in and out is closing because they don’t want to jeopardize. Read the article. We don’t want to jeopardize our employees safety, our customer safety. It’s too much.

We’ve had too much with this. So again, we’d rather just lose the location and shut it down and take millions of dollars of losses as a result of that. And the community doesn’t get an in n Out hamburger. So let me know what you think about that. Let’s face it, eating out at restaurants has gotten so expensive, a restaurant owner, Brian Hill, that owns a central city tavern, has gotten so much heat from his friends, he’s even been on the news talking about this.

Hey, man, I went and bought a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich from your store, and it’s now $16. And he says, wait a second. You got to understand what’s into this right now. Bread, Mayo, the bacon, the tomato, everything has gone up dramatically to where that cost him over $5 just to put that on the sandwich. Isn’t that crazy? But this guy’s rent and to run the place with his employees cost 90 grand a month.

And the sandwiches used to be $13 a year ago. Now they’re $16. And people are screaming about this. People are not eating out like they used to. It really is. But you’re going to see this go up because what’s going to happen more is when the wages go up, you have to raise the price. This guy’s not going to lose, hey, we sell a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich and lose $5 on it, that’s not going to be an option for Mr.

Hill. So share your thoughts on that one. There are two different states where people are screaming about reporting their ownership into businesses. The first one is Alabama. The second one is Colorado. They have that new financial disclosure law where they have to give up the goods of who owns the company if they have a beneficial ownership stake. If you have a larger percentage of the company, you have to give this up.

And what it’s going to do is it’s going to eliminate money laundering and fraud and things like that. That’s what they think. But man, oh, man, are people’s privacy is just completely sidetracked with this. Because if you own an LLC or even if you own a DBA, you have to give the home address and your phone number to these people. It’s crazy, right? Know, people are furious over this.

It’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out. Now, the one thing that has really upset a lot of people is Joe Biden is going to give out almost $5 billion worth of free student loan forgiveness to 74,000 people. And I would like this. Okay? I didn’t take out student loans. Remember, I told you this 100 times. But what this works out to 74,000 people into $5 billion works out to $67,567.

Wouldn’t you like 67 grand given to you for free? Hello. I would. I’d love that. So people are upset about this. People are furious over the last video I did where they, hey, you may have to pay state taxes on this. That’s not true. Dan. I spoke to h and r block. Better get some good advice, guys, I’m telling you this right now because you’re getting a 1099.

If this happens, it’s going to be considered bonus income, extra income, side income, 1099, festival time. So share your thoughts on that. And it is pouring rain on me, guys, right now. Okay, so we’re going to cut this kind of short. I’m going to finish this video with this last story. And I don’t know if you guys know this or not, but I have ran three half marathons in my lifetime, and that is a total of 13.

1 mile. For each of those, a marathon is 26. 2 miles. And I am telling you this right now, I trained for months to do these every time. And when I hit that 13. 1 mile marker, I didn’t want to go another step, okay? That’s how hard it was to do the 13. 1 mile. There is a chinese marathoner who goes by the name of Uncle Chen. There’s a great story below.

Uncle Chen smokes continuously when he runs half marathons and does them on a monthly basis. And he smokes the entire time. Chen smokes. Uncle Chen is 52 years old. Uncle Chen looks a lot older because smoking is bad for you kids and don’t do it. And I’ve had a lot of people in my life be affected by cancer, and you should never smoke. But Uncle Chen, this is kind of funny because one thing that you see people do at the marathons is when you get to the finish line, a guy will light up a cigar the last hundred yards.

Look at that guy. He’s crazy. I had a brother that would play softball and would walk up and play. Still haven’t, by the way. He’s not like, I don’t have him anymore. He just doesn’t smoke anymore. He used to play softball and he used to go up to bat smoking a cigarette. And the 80s, guys, it’s a different time. So Uncle Chen is out smoking. And they said, no, we banned smoking.

So he’s been disqualified for his finishes. So do you think that’s fair? Do you think Uncle Chen shouldn’t be smoking during the marathon? Read the story. Because it’s just, this is hanging there. Oh, my gosh. I loved it. Please don’t forget to hit the like button, please. If you guys want to recommend a place to go, I’m all ears. I just hope it stops raining and subscribe to the channel.

If you want to email me anything, it’s hello@iallegedly. com. I appreciate each and every one of you, and a bunch of cool stuff is about to happen for all of us. Okay, I’ll see you guys soon. Look at that. Just ripping on me. It’s raining. Okay, I’ll see you soon. Close. .

See more of I Allegedly on their Public Channel and the MPN I Allegedly channel.


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bank branch closures bank error affecting credit card banks lending less money business ownership disclosure laws in Alabama and Colorado China's economy crisis crime impact on businesses impact of reduced bank loans importance of multiple bank accounts Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness living conditions in Los Angeles Macy's buyout offer rejection rising restaurant food costs sandwich business profitability

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