The Next Move..Could GOP Try To Replace Trump? Russian Assets Seized? Juanito Explains.. | David Nino Rodriguez

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➡ In this episode of Nino’s Corner, FluffTube Edition, David Nino Rodriguez interviews Juanito, a well-traveled guest who has accurately predicted major events. Juanito discusses the challenges faced by those supporting Trump, including attempts to replace him with another candidate. Despite these challenges, Juanito remains confident that these attempts will not succeed.


What’s up, folks? Welcome to Nino’s Corner, FluffTube Edition. I’m talking to Juanito. Juanito, hey, Juan. Hey. Okay, I know you’re about to catch a flight. You’re all over the place. You’re going, I mean, you’re all over the world, literally Antarctica, Japan. I mean, everywhere. Yeah, why don’t you see the next 10 places? All right, well, anyway. Well, let me just tell you, Nino, I, we only have a moment, and we’ll do this for YouTube. So I don’t need to get into the minutia, but most of what we’ve already talked about in other shows, including these last two.

Here’s the deal. Everybody in this audience, I’ve said it enough times, there’s all this drama coming, and now you’re seeing the reality playing out. One second. One second, Juan. Juan, I just want to give you credit. You deserve credit, and you’re going to hear it from me. You’ve been over the target multiple times, and I got to tell you, nobody I’ve had as a guest on has called it with such accuracy. Pinpoint accuracy is the way you have. You called the gut punch, which was the Trump arrest, and now you’ve called the Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0, and we’re in it right now.

It sure does look like it to me. So I just want to give you props on that, man. And you got a lot of people out there that love you, and you may have your trolls, but you deserve to hear that you are really helping a lot of people with holding their hand through this. So I want to be the first to say thank you, and you’re doing an amazing job as a patriot, Juanito. Well, I mean, it’s beautiful to say it’s a team effort. You know, I was with somebody you ever read in the Thadian would know the name of instantly that does a lot of messages on behalf of 45 that you see out in X world.

And, you know, we talked briefly on some of this, you know, there’s a lot of people doing similar things, and each in a different lane. And, you know, they all need to really be appreciated and in our first two because this is the really Now we’re getting into the real tough areas. And by the way, there’s real pushes from behind the scenes to find excuses to prosecute to attack a lot of these people. With real money that’s been pushed in it’s from outside the country with fake reporter news people that has been tasked to divide players within the Trump.

What do you mean? We’re very aware of it. We know who they are. Well, I’m not. I’m not. Oh, I think you told me about this. Are you talking about the I don’t even want to bring their names up, Juanito? No, no, no, we do not want to say any names. There’s actually more than one, but we know where that money’s coming from. We know the people related to another intelligence. Are they going to be doing the fake mock up trials? Is that what you’re saying? Oh, no, no, this is completely different than that crowd.

This is something else. This is a very serious effort to try to portray that somebody would be a better choice than Trump in this coming thing. And he’s just step aside to protect it. Is it going to be is it going to be for Robert? No, I don’t want to get into the details because I don’t know that the others can’t know just how much we actually do know and the inside angles on that. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Yeah, but I’ve caught but hold on one. We’ve said this before that at the convention, right? Since he’s been since he’s a convicted felon, they’re going to try to replace him with someone else, right? Well, yeah, there’s a there’s an effort to have an alternative and portray that some people that are actually very strongly in Trump’s camp would, in fact, be glad and willing to, you know, portray.

But this is the so this is the so hold on one second. This is important. So this is the next thing that’s coming. Well, it’s one of the things that are coming. But I think we don’t need to extract. I don’t think they’re going to succeed because we are aware of it. And they’re not going to get where they want to get to. Could it be Mike Johnson? Could they be pushing Mike Johnson? No, no, it’s not. It’s probably not what you guys have heard. That’s why it’s it’s intended to spin people and get them all stressed out on stuff that should just not accurate or correct.

So I’ve only got a minute, you know, I’ve got to catch a flight momentarily. So here’s the deal. With the attack going on right now at the G7, the five meeting with Zelensky, what they’re going to do is they’re taking $260 billion in Russian assets. They’re going to use it as collateral. And then they’re going to take any interest on that money while they have to wait for everybody to work together to take the money from the Russians and just seize the assets and distribute it. They’re going to use the opportunity to take the interest on that money, give it to Zelensky.

Ultimately, they want to give almost $300 billion, about $260 billion to the Zelensky crowd. They’ve reactivated what they call the Unit 12, which is really the Azov Battalion, said that we couldn’t give any of our American military stuff to the Azov Battalion. But now, by renaming them, we’re giving an American military asset to the military crowd within the Ukrainian military. Do not believe for a second that Putin is not going to take and do something with this and come back at it. And his attack will be like for like. They’re going to attack his dollars. He’s going to attack our dollar.

And our dollar, just the petrodollar, just the contract is upward. It was up on the 9th. The petrodollars. And so they’re going to go to a basket of currencies. Ultimately, on the far side of this from 45 is back as 47. The dollar will be the best game in town, but it will be it will be changed in the interim. As I’ve told your audience, you need to think about stepping aside of why his mentees trouble gets out of the way. You got to think about how you get out of the way. It’s individual. It’s personal.

We’ll have to talk about that more. I’ve got a fly, Nino. I hope that helps. But this is a moment where everybody take a deep breath and consider your next actions. And don’t be flat footed as it happens over the next couple of months. There’s a very high likelihood that your spending power is going to get damaged. You know, 10, 20, 30 percent even. So don’t wait and then be caught with everybody else. You have advanced knowledge, understanding, get in there and fight for your life. All right, bro. I’ve got a golden silver then, right? Yep.

Yep. I believe that’s the right route. Got to go, Bo. They’re holding the door for me right now. I want to go get it. Get on the plane. All right. Thank you, Juan. All right. All right, folks, you heard it there. I’m going to try to get more from Juanito. I guess on Nino’s corner, not TV. So from what I understand, from what I’m gathering here is that the Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 is developing. As you can see, it’s happening now. And they’re going to be seizing Russian assets, which you’re just poking the bear further. You heard what Juan had to say.

I’ve also he also made very clear to me that we’re coming into a financial storm in the next few months. Could they try to replace Mr. T? It looks like that’s also something they’re going to be trying to do is replace Mr. T with someone else, which I said what five shows back? Some convention. Actually, Ivan Rinklin also said this. They’re planning to do this. Paul Ryan, the whole crew are going to say, you know what? Probably not a good idea to vote for a convicted felon and try to push someone else. So Juanito says they’re on top of it.

They see it coming. Boy, oh boy, are things about to get crazy, folks. Now that’s the shortest interview. You might want to mark this one out. That’s the shortest interview I’ve ever had with Juanito in my life. I’m in disbelief, but it’s all coming. It’s all coming. And time to get ready, folks. Prepare. I also have some of my patrons supply down below. Hit the link below. Get food. You can store on the shelf. You’re going to need it. You know, I push a lot of noble gold. Use whatever gold user you want to use. But Bender, that’s up to you.

But folks, we’re coming into serious times right now. And we know they’re going to try to do whatever they can to get Mr. T out of the picture. And I believe it’s going to happen sometime coming into probably before debates or around convention. So let’s see what happens. I’ll be bringing one Juanito back on Nino’s Corner TV probably tomorrow. And we’ll dive into this a lot further. We’ll go meet. And right now you got the bones. We’re going meat and potatoes on the next one. So I’ll get them in there. So all right, folks. Later. Thank you.


See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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Attempts to Replace Trump Challenges Faced by Trump Supporters Confidence in Trump's Continuity Interview with Juanito Major Events Predictions Nino's Corner Flufftube edition Well-Traveled Guest Predictions

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