The Great Silver Price Run | The Economic Ninja

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja



➡ The Economic Ninja discusses the current state of silver and gold prices, highlighting that silver is expected to catch up to gold’s price soon. The author explains that these prices are influenced by factors like inflation and interest rates, and are often manipulated by traders who don’t intend to physically own the metals. The author believes in the value of gold and silver as “honest, true money” and plans to invest more in silver after a predicted pullback in prices. He encourages readers to consider their own investment strategies, but reminds them that his advice is not professional financial guidance.


Hey everybody, economic ninja here. I hope you’re doing great. You know what’s doing great? Honestly? The silver price. We’re gonna talk about silver prices right now and a story out of Xpex street. It’s about silver playing catch up in price to gold. Now, as of the recording of this video, golds and silver, little, tiny, tiny little pullback. Why? Because inflation numbers came out and they came out red hot.

Now, gold and silver have not only been trending up because what the mainstream media is saying is because the traders, the gold and silver traders are getting excited about when the Fed drops rates. Just like pretty much every mortgage holder out there, or not everyone but the ones that got mortgages in the last couple of years. But they know that when interest rates drop, it’s because things are really bad in the economy and that’s when gold and silver shine.

Gold has been going up and really been taking the lead. Silver has been doing well, but gold hitting all time highs. Silver still halfway to its all time high. And it’s hit that all time high twice. There’s a reason for that. Let’s go over the story and then we’re going to talk about gold. Silver. I’m going to tell you what I’m doing right now. It says silver poised to play catch up to gold.

Says gold’s breakout to new all time nominal highs is making headlines on Friday. Oh, and when it says nominal, it’s nowhere near its adjusted for inflation all time high. It’s still got a lot farther to go. Says on Friday, the price settled at just under $2,200 an ounce after gaining almost 100oz for the weekend. Silver actually outperformed gold on a percentage basis. The white metal gained a dollar 17 an ounce, or 5%, as compared to gold’s 4.

5% gain. The difference is that silver is stuck in the middle of a range where it has traded for the past four years. It’s roughly $5 an ounce below its 2020 high and $25 below its all time high. Silver is historically cheap, though, versus gold. Historically, the two metals have been tightly correlated. The difference in recent years is that silver has generally outperformed gold and has fallen behind in the current bull market.

Will the lag in silver persist? Does the price action say something about real world supply and demand? Not really. Silver and gold prices are set in the futures markets. The hedge fund managers, bullion bankers and other big players in the silver futures market generally aren’t trading silver with the intent to take physical possession. And most of the decisions they try and make are short term. Let me stop the story there and tell you honestly, they’re absolutely true.

Most of the price is set by paper traders and there’s a lot of manipulation going on. As a matter of fact, I’m going to be very blunt. Gold and silver, God’s money. Why? Because God, the God that created this earth, made it. There’s only so much of it on the earth. Satan’s money is fiat paper, and they can print as much of it as they want and control the masses.

Now, I have a core position in gold and silver because I believe it is honest, true money, and I believe that I make better decisions knowing that I have a core position in gold and silver. Throughout history, good fund managers always said, or not fund managers, but financial advisors, which I am not a good financial advisor, always said you wanted to keep around 10% of your net worth in gold because of times of uncertainty.

Why? Because those times came pretty frequently, right? We had the Great Depression. We had all these times where when stocks fell, gold did well and people preserved their purchasing power, then took the gold, transferred into fiat and bought a bunch of stocks or real estate dirt cheap, right? Compared to where they were a couple of years before, that has gone away. However, we’ve had two of the greatest crisis, financial crisis in last 23 years, where we’ve seen the Dow Jones be cut in half twice.

Gold did very well during both of those times. Yet a few years goes by and everyone seems to forget. Now we’re in the everything bubble, one of the greatest bubbles ever blown up in history, in the history of finance, and yet people really aren’t thinking about gold. Now. I like buying gold on a pullback. Am I buying right now? No, I would wait for a little bit more of a pullback, but I am taking profits in other sectors now.

Bitcoin and crypto are taking the thing. Big gains, just like everything, when they go up really high, they fall really high. It seems funny, but I’ve been around long enough in crypto 2016 and seen a handful of really big crashes. I remember losing 50% of my portfolio 24 hours. It’s nutty and everybody wants to talk about it. Nobody’s taking profits now. Am I taking profits in crypto right now? No, I’m waiting a little bit.

There’s still going to be more hype in that arena. Then I’m going to be pulling it back and I’m going to be vaulting gold and silver. More silver than gold. That’s just me. I’m not telling you what to do, but the point being is that, yes, silver is going to have its day. And when silver takes off, there will be a day, and I don’t know when it is, but this is what I truly believe in my spirit, because it’s God’s money, because silver is what was used to pay for Jesus Christ’s life.

There’s going to be a day of reckoning, and when it goes, it’s going to go so fast your head will spin. So I’m not saying put all your money into it. I don’t. I do not. But I have a core position and I’m going to be adding to it soon. I’m waiting for a pullback. I believe that gold and silver are going to have a little bit of pullback.

I think crypto is going to keep running a little bit, and then I’m going to be transferring that to silver. That’s just what I’m going to do. Not all of it. Not all of it. But I’m going to be taking money from one bag like I talk about as it goes up. I’m going to be taking and putting into other bags that I believe in. I can’t wait for this day and I want you to be there too.

But this isn’t financial advice. I’m just a dude with a Brohawk and a dream and a cup of coffee. It’s getting cold, so we better go. Thank you to all the subscribers. You guys are awesome. Thank you, everyone that’s sticking in, even if you get unsubscribed, thank you for hitting the bell icon. You’re all awesome. The economic ninja is out. .

See more of The Economic Ninja on their Public Channel and the MPN The Economic Ninja channel.


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considering personal investment strategies current state of silver and gold prices impact of interest rates on gold and silver prices influence of inflation on gold and silver prices investing in silver after price pullback manipulation of gold and silver prices by traders non-professional financial advice on gold and silver investment silver catching up to gold price value of gold and silver as honest money

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