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➡ We had a chat with Mary Holland, who is the CEO of Children’s Health Defense, about the global impact of COVID-19. She referred to the pandemic as a “war” and discussed how it led to drastic changes in our lives, including lockdowns, business closures, and shifts in mentality. She also criticized the emergency measures and vaccines, calling them a global experiment that violated international law. Despite the challenges, she highlighted the global pushback against these measures and emphasized the need to prevent such a situation from happening again.
➡ The speaker criticizes the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, arguing that measures like social distancing and mask-wearing were ineffective and based on lies. They believe that the public was misled about the effectiveness of vaccines and that the authorities were dishonest. They also express concern about future crises and emphasize the importance of personal health and immunity, criticizing the lack of focus on these aspects during the pandemic.
➡ The article discusses the current state of health in America, focusing on the rise of chronic diseases in children and the impact of COVID-19. It criticizes the government’s response to the pandemic, arguing that the focus on vaccines overlooks the importance of a healthy immune system and lifestyle. The author also highlights the negative effects of processed food and the benefits of home-cooked meals and homeschooling. Lastly, the article calls for a change in the healthcare system and the need for healthier, happier citizens.
➡ The text expresses gratitude towards Mary Holland and Gerald, thanking them for their help and support.


Hello, everybody. We’re very honored today to have with us someone who’s a real spirit of truth and honor and facts, Miss Mary Holland. And we’re going to talk about a number of things regarding health and what is going on in the world and how it’s really messed things up in ways that who would have believed? We were just talking before we went on the air about, you know, I’m up here in Kingston, New York, and she said how nice it is up here. And I said, yeah, but the whole place has changed since the COVID war.

And I call it the COVID war because that’s the language that the president’s congress from Italy to France, all over the world, the world leaders call it a war. We’re fighting a war. So when you fight wars, the people follow very obediently. So the whole, you know, Mary, the whole situation has changed. You know, life is dead up here now, you know, 910 o’clock, the streets are empty. You know, the mentality has changed dramatically. I think you’re so right to call it a war. It was a war. And this war on infectious disease has been going on for centuries, for decades, intensively in the United States.

And it was primarily focused against children. So we’re children’s health defense. I’m CEO of Children’s Health Defense and we’ve been at this war around infectious disease. And you know, that truth is always the first casualty of war. We’ve been at this a long time. But COVID, the bad news and the good news, Gerald, is that COVID made the issue around vaccines and lockdowns and intense draconian mandates, testing, masking. It made these issues, issues that the whole global population has to deal with. They locked down businesses worldwide. They destroyed small business, so called small business, nightlife, restaurants, retail.

They kept the mega corporations. This was a huge wealth transfer to the global mega corporations, the oligarchy that has so much power. So this was all intentional. And I think you’re absolutely right to call it the COVID war. And we’re in a sort of a truce, I think, in the COVID war, but it’s not over. And the oligarchic forces are really looking towards this World Health Organization pandemic treaty at the end of this month and putting in place infrastructure for pandemic preparedness and response, keeping the war going, keeping all of these. And you’re absolutely right. In a warm, populations tend to be obedient because they believe that they’re being threatened with death, be it by an enemy or by a virus.

And so it induces compliance. Again, the good news is that through COVID, even though it wasn’t reported in the global press, there was global pushback against the measures that were put in place. So it’s a mixed picture, but it was a war, and we’re in a truce. There’s not been a true demilitarization at all. Again, you know, that’s not my language. That one person after another, they all called it a war. And I make the case with that little boy of nothing, little Georgie Bush. His popularity rating was in the toilet when bust happened back in 2000.

And then all of a sudden, the war on terror begins. He said, we’re going to get that guy, Osama bin Laden, dead or alive, 90% of the people supported the afghan war. That’s how people, when war breaks out, they follow their leader. You know, before we went on the air, I looked up and to see how many people allegedly died of COVID And again, as the facts prove, if you fell off a bicycle and broke your neck or a motorcycle and you were tested positive for COVID, they put you down that you died of COVID So even taking those numbers, a grand total of 7 million, a little over 7 million people out of 8 billion, this is, according to the data, died of COVID in a period of four years.

So we’re looking at 99 point, what, 1% of the people are still alive? And they all call it a pandemic. A pandemic. The World Health Organization called it a pandemic. On May 11, 2020, the COVID war breaks out in China, allegedly on Chinese Lunar New Year, the year they’re at, in January, January, February, March, the grand total, 4219 people died out of 8 billion. And they called it a pandemic. Well, we know that calling it a pandemic enabled all kinds of emergency governmental powers worldwide, and it enabled the opportunity to make emergency use authorization products which didn’t go through standard licensing.

So the masks of the shots, they were all emergency use authorization. Essentially no liability. The other point is that many scientists who are really looking at the demographic data, we know that life expectancy went down during the COVID period for Americans overall, for native american groups in particular. But what we do know is that the real changes in mortality happened after the shots came on the market in 2021. It was not in 2020. And according to some demographic analysis, Denny Roncourt, in particular, 17 million people have died related to the shots. From the shots, not from COVID the viral infection of SARS, CoV two.

So there’s an awful lot to unpack here. And one of the most disturbing things is that the powers that be would like to tell us that that was a success. It was a horror. It was a nightmare. It was a war. People haven’t recovered, and the truth hasn’t recovered. The truth is dribbling out, and we still don’t know the whole truth by a long shot. Both, you know, the people around the world are trying to tell us that the COVID measures were a success, and we just need more of them. We need more tests. We need more experimental shots.

We need more testing. This is insane. This is absolutely. It was an abject failure. They suppressed medications that were inexpensive and known to be effective against respiratory viruses. As you point out, there never was a pandemic. And basically, in pushing these masks and pushing the lockdowns and pushing the shots, they completely turned. They tried to turn every person on the planet into an experimental subject in violation of a common international law obligation that no one should be forced to be in an experiment. No one should be a guinea pig under the Nuremberg code. And this was an experiment.

It was a massive global experiment. And in my view, it was an abomination that should never happen again. But that’s not the public discourse from our governments or from pharma or from, you know, the powerful players around the world. They’re still trying to say overall, well, a few mistakes were made and maybe a few people were hurt. It was sort of like, you know, you have to break the eggs to make the omelet. Yeah. And again, the masses followed. You know, I had a rally up here in Kingston when everything was locked down. And I’m one of the most hated people up here for having done that.

And we all died, by the way that we’re at the rally. We all died of COVID There you go. Yeah. And. And, you know, there’s this stuff that they had out. Everybody sanitizing their hands. You know, like I used to say, don’t forget, when you masturbate, you better sanitize your hands. You know, I mean, they were making this stuff up and no one talking about the dangers. Absolutely. Listen, you know, Tony Fauci, who is in many ways the sort of the master orchestrator in the United States who’s going to be in front of Congress on June 3.

That’s the plan. But he admitted under oath in his most recent testimony that wasn’t for the public. He said, we made it up. The six foot distancing. There’s no science behind that. How unbelievable that the whole world would be subjected to this ludicrous idea that people should keep distance from one another and there was nothing behind it. And yet they put it out to us as if the gods have spoken. There’s so much to be concerned about with what happened during COVID And my biggest concern right now is let’s not let that happen again. Fortunately, there’s really fantastic global pushback right now against what the World Health Organization in the UN and the World Economic Forum are trying to push on us, which is this global infrastructure for pandemic preparedness and response.

It is a disaster in the making. Again, look how many people were censored. I mean, what they did to Doctor Joseph Mercola and others, taking them off, you know, YouTube and. And censoring people, they came out with facts against it. Right across the street over here, there’s a big parking lot right next to the Ulster county courthouse. And they took the farmer’s market off the street and put it in the parking lot. Adults, like kids in kindergarten, outside the parking lot were drawing circles with. With chalk every 6ft going into the parking lot. And then someone counting the number of people going into the parking lot with the vendors for the.

For the market over there, counting the number of people that went in and then 6ft in front of all of the vendors circles, because the wind blows exactly in straight lines in 6ft. It doesn’t go up, doesn’t go down, doesn’t go around. These are adults that are doing this for the farmers market, Gerald. It’s unbelievable. When I look back, it just stuns me that the whole world was effectively put into a trance and people followed orders, except for people like you and me. And, you know, and the good news is that I think over these years, people have come to understand, yeah, they lied.

There was nothing behind the 6ft. They told us that these shots were gonna save us from COVID Well, everybody who took the shots got sick. And the science shows that the more shots you took, the more COVID you got. Not to mention all the other side effects. The science absolutely does not confirm that the masks work. So I think billions of people around the world now see, wow, they lied to us through their teeth. They knew they were lying. We don’t even know the full extent of the lies. Why the hell would I ever believe them again? Now, you know, in a crisis, people want to believe a leader.

And so I’m not saying they are powerless, but I do believe there is a much bigger resistance force than there was in 2020. You know, this is one of the mask box over here that everybody was wearing these, these things. And it says right on the box, these masks do not eliminate exposure to the risk of any disease or infection. I know, I know the box says it. I mean, in so many ways, I feel like the powers that be were really laughing at us. Like, oh, my God, look, they actually did what we told them to do.

I don’t know if you saw this. This one blows my mind. Our former governor here in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo, was just on a podcast with Doctor Lena Wen. Not my favorite people by a long shot. And the governor had the audacity to say, well, you know, the masks and closing down businesses, I didn’t have authority to do that, but people did it. And so it was voluntary. That just flies in the face of what happened. He was given emergency powers by the New York state legislature and he used them. And people were thrown in jail, people were beaten up.

They were fine. The notion that this was voluntary is unbelievable that he would say that out loud to me. Remember, they gave him an Emmy award for his lying. He was so good at it. He’s. Well, you’re exactly right. I mean, so many of these people truly are extraordinary liars. And they seem to have no moral compass that it is evil to lie to people about things, nature’s things, that have the nature of life and death. It’s evil. This is from November 11, 2020. New York limits social gatherings as virus surges across the US. This is financial times.

New York has moved to tighten restrictions on social gathering as a surge in COVID-19 throughout the US has led to a record number of hospitalizations, indoor gatherings at private residence. You ready? Must be limited to ten people beginning on Friday evening. Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Wednesday. I say it should have been limited to eleven people, not ten. They make up this crap. Make it. They make it up and then they laugh at us for complying and they, we know they don’t comply themselves. Gerald, we saw, you know, Cuomo not complying. We saw Governor Newsom going to a dinner party for his birthday with no mask.

We saw Nancy Pelosi going to her beauty parlor when everybody else was locked down. It’s atrocious. It’s really, I think, again, what COVID showed us was the level of deceit and the level of corruption. And that’s, that’s positive that more people, it was transparent what is happening. More people are aware, more people are awake than was the case in 2020. I mean, this is. Restaurants, bars, and other businesses with liquor license must close dine in service each night by 10:00 p.m.? Why? I say let’s do it at 11:00 p.m. How about 1015? Why don’t we make up any crap we could make up? You know, I have to tell you, Mary, I hear what you’re saying, but to me, the people will keep following.

The masses will keep following. You know, it. The. They follow their leaders. It’s a freak show out there. And again, when you come out against it, it’s, it’s. I hear you. I have, I am an optimist, but I think that the failures of the leadership were so, so on display. Everything they told us was a lie. I think even though that hasn’t been admitted yet, the powers that be haven’t admitted their failures. I do think people see them. I don’t think that trying to do this again, as I expect, will happen. I think it will not be so easy.

I’m concerned that there may be other kind of war events, literal war, environmental catastrophes. I’m certainly concerned about that. But we know that this pandemic paradigm, paradigm is not going anywhere there. Today’s front page news in the New York Times was about, or maybe it wasn’t the first front page, but it’s all about bird flu now, infecting farm workers. And, you know, the bird flu story is escalating, and I don’t think that’s an accident in conjunction with what is happening at the World Health Organization. And, you know, one of the books I worked on many years ago, 1987, six, natural healing.

And my former wife, may she rest in peace, had severe colitis. And at 27 years old, they were going to take out her intestines and put the bag in. Oh, my God. Yeah. And I’ll never forget, we were living in Chicago at the time, in Evanston, right, north of Chicago. And we went to Northwestern University to see, and they said, there’s this great doctor, and I’m a young guy back then, I’m like 28 years old. And I said to him, I’m hearing all this stuff about vitamins and supplements and nutrition. And he slammed down his pen, and he said, I’ve never been grilled like this before in my life.

And I shut right up. Anyway, then we moved up to Rhinebeck in 79, and someone introduced us to a chiropractor. The chiropractors were the top of so many. And he said to my wife, the word doctor means teacher and educator, and I’m going to teach you how to heal yourself. And he did. And, you know, he explained what colitis was. When the food goes down, the intestines is breaking up the sores, ulcers. And so we’re going to heal the intestines. And she got totally healed. So anyway, when the COVID when the COVID broke out, I asked my chiropractic buddy and another doctor, integrative doctor, integrative medicine, what kind of vitamins and supplements should I get on? And they put me on a whole list.

I just got my first cold about three weeks ago. I have not been sick in four and a half years. There was not one word about the mainstream media to build up your immune system and get healthy. Not one word. Not one word. Not one word. And it’s so clear that there was a correlation between vitamin D levels, among other things, and people’s health and their ability to withstand this viral infection. So we at Children’s Health Defense put out a daily newsletter called the Defender. It’s free. You can sign Dot we have also CHDTV, we have streaming every day on topics of health related to children, but also censorship.

COVID, all the things we’re talking about, chiropractors have been at the front of the sort of health, true health, and against so many of the paradigms, and we’re grateful to them. We work very closely with many chiropractors and integrative physicians, as you say. We’ve been working with the physicians who stood up, who are at FLCCC and Doctor Zelenko, and we’ve been trying to tell people the truth. People have been really gaslighted during COVID and I do hope that people are becoming more conscious that they’ve been lied to. And you shouldn’t trust people who lie to you.

No. And again, I go to put up that link again, please. Children’s health defense. I get their emails every day, and what they’re putting out is sensational. And again, it’s based by facts. It’s not, you know, just talking and, and what you’re saying about chiropractors. I have a book was called, where is it? Over here. Chiropractor. Anyway, my book was called trends 2000 was an international bestseller. And about how the chiropractic association. Here we go. The American Medical association found guilty of conspiracy. The AMA has been found guilty of an illegal conspiracy to destroy the competitive profession of chiropractic, the members of which were found to outperform medical physicians in certain segments of the healthcare market.

Right there. Yep. It’s a case that I believe went to the. I don’t know if I went to the supreme court, but, yeah, they took the AMA to court and they won. Yeah. So again, it’s so important for people to get in the best physical, emotional and spiritual health you can get in, because we’re in the fight for our lives. And what you’re giving the people is spectacular. Again, I get the emails every day. And we also publish some of the articles in the trends journal. And you go to And of course, we put the links to, to the organization.

You know, I’m going to say something. This gets a lot of people very angry. You look at the obesity rate in America, and again, these are the facts. According to the CDC, out of 73 million people between the ages of one to 17, less than 2000 allegedly died of COVID 61% of those hospitalized were obese. Yet they forced the vaccinations on young kids, closed down the schools, sent them home. Oh, now the kids aren’t going back to school. And I don’t blame them. If I stayed home, I hated school from kindergarten. I ran away, you know, and now they’re staying home week after week, month after month, year after year.

I don’t want to go back now. They’ve caused all this serious damage, but they weren’t dying of COVID Most children, Gerald, developed immunity without ever getting sick. They have very robust immune systems. More than adults, more than elderly people. They didn’t come down with COVID let alone do they need a shot. And yet our government officials are still pushing COVID shots, incredibly dangerous interventions on babies six months old and up. I mean, we are living in an upside down world, but our health overall in this country and children’s health is not what it should be. It is not good.

We are watching a chronic health epidemic, and we’re doing nothing about the chronic diseases here. We’re focused on this infectious disease. That was not what they told us it was. And yet we have chronic asthma, autism, adhd, cancer. We have these serious chronic conditions about which we’re essentially doing nothing, except that pharma’s making a ton of money on them. And in a different show we could talk about, we know that all of these chronic health conditions are plausibly related to these early medical interventions with young children. They are plausibly related to vaccines. And we’ve done some of the groundbreaking research on comparing outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

And this is really something that affects every person in this country, every child, and increasingly worldwide. So anyway, yeah, we’ve got our work cut out for us. You know, I’m 77, I’m the first of the baby boom generation. And there were kids like 40, 50 kids in my class. You had a friend that maybe had a brother that had down syndrome. One out of, you know, nobody had autism. Nobody had autism. It didn’t. Nobody had asthma, nobody had severe allergies. Nobody knew what an EpiPen was. Very few kids got cancer, if ever. No kid had depression or anxiety or apraxia or dyspraxia, apraxia.

It’s obvious, looking at the big picture, that what we’re doing is causing harm. It’s obvious. And we need to drill down and we need to get that done. We need new people in positions of power at the national level for health. Because what’s happening is wrong. Well, as I call it, it’s a crime syndicate running the country. It is a crime syndicate, yeah. By their deeds you shall know them. What’s your favorite war and how much money they have to steal and give to them. Too big to fails. I could go on and on, but going back when, again, when I was a kid, you know, everybody got chickenpox, measles, and there’s good science, Gerald, that if you got chickenpox and you got measles and you got mumps and you got rubella, you have a stronger immune system.

That’s what the science shows. You’re less likely to develop certain cancers, you’re less likely to develop other diseases later in life. There was a reason why children had these basically trivial childhood diseases. So, you know, there’s a lot to be done to turn this around. And again, all of this ultra processed food that people are eating the crap food. So I was going to say, this is what people hate me about. A lot of things they can’t stand me about because they say things that are against what the mainstream media says. But, you know, once upon a time, mothers used to raise their children.

So I came from a family, there were five of us, and they had what they call change of life kids. But my mother and my aunts and uncles, my aunts that had to work, my grandmother or aunts would take care of the kids. They were cooking for the kids, for the family. They were cooking. They were cook. You look at the videos from Woodstock, my generation, there’s no blimp. Yeah, people were healthy people because the parents were cooking for the children. Now they get a kid, they throw them in a daycare center. Which I call nursing homes for children.

And they got, you’re out of your mind when you’re a kid, you got a stranger raising you and they’re feeding them crap. They’re feeding them crap. So we definitely are putting a lot of attention on food because it’s so important. So we have something called big food watch. The ultra processed stuff is not only garbage, it’s poison. It really harms people’s health. So I totally agree with you that the food is an issue and bringing kids up. Right. And I think one of the positive things we’re seeing is this resurgence of homeschooling. Right. The parents are in charge.

Get them out of these public school systems, get them out of the private, get them into the home co ops with other like minded parents. And there’s millions of kids now who are doing homeschooling in the United States and that’s a very important development. We worked with some of those homeschooling communities and various. We’ve done. Yeah, I, again, I ran away from kindergarten at four and a half years old and crossed the Boston post road in the Bronx. They took me out because they knew that I’d be dead. I hate it every day at school. All it is, it’s not a public school, it’s a government school.

It’s a brainwashing system. And again, thank you so much for what you’re doing. And it’s so important, again, everybody go to this website because they’re giving you information about the homeschooling. It’s so important to raise your children and it’s your responsibility to do the best you can for your kid. You know, mother comes home from work and they’re exhausted and they’re giving the kid, you know, prepared foods, you know, look, yeah. I’ll tell you a quick story. I brought my sister out of a nursing home not this December, a year ago, and she was in the best place, but every time I go visit her she was like this, all drugged out.

I had her up here. Unfortunately, she passed away and she was painting. She was so happy. I’d have her sitting out in front of my building. Now remember, she’s in a nursing home for like twelve years. She had two strokes and dementia. She would see these big people walking down the street and she’d go, 0000 she could not believe what the people looked like because she hadn’t seen him in so many years. Wow. Wow. And you know, yeah. The woman that used to take care of her, I used to get her out of the house right away.

I want her out in the street. I want to get in the back because she’s just sitting watch television. The woman was taking. She was great. That took care of her. She was from Jamaica, and she’s. My sister used to say to her, she’s in the wheelchair. She used to go, look, look, fatso, fatso. She couldn’t believe what America looked like. And, you know, your sister was not alone. I’m just familiar with another story right now. In nursing homes, essentially, they’re making people into zombies because they don’t want to have to deal with all of the interpersonal needs and behavioral potential challenges.

And so it’s easier to drug people. And most of the people who are being drugged do not. They don’t benefit from it, and they don’t need it. And it’s a travesty. It’s a travesty. Yeah. I have Jane over here who’s doing the filming over here. And Jane was here the day we brought my sister to the nursing home. Right, Jane. And what was my sister like when we brought her up here? She was a zombie. And what was she like after three months? Full of life, energy, painting. So great. Good for you. Yeah. I mean, what we want are healthy, thriving, vibrant people, full of health, full of ideas, engaged in life.

You know, that’s what we want. That’s what health looks like. Health is not a minor, you know, it’s not medicine. Health is not medicine. And what we want our healthy children to lead this country and the world into the future. Yeah. And thank you for all that you’re doing to make that happen. Very honored to be on with you. Wishing you all the best. Pace I am. Or peace and love, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We got to bring that happiness back, because happiness has become a dirty word in America. It’s only in the Declaration of Independence you’re not allowed to be independent anymore.

So thanks a lot, Mary Holland. It’s really. Thank you so much, Gerald. My pleasure. Thank you. Thank you.

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COVID-19 pandemic handling criticism criticism of COVID-19 emergency measures dishonesty global experiment violating international law global impact of COVID-19 global pushback against pandemic measures ineffectiveness of social distancing and mask-wearing Mary Holland CEO Children's Health Defense interview pandemic led to drastic changes preventing future pandemic situations public misled about vaccine effectiveness

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