The Fentanyl CRISIS Is SpiralingKamala Harris BORDER DISASTER Is CRUSHING Americans!

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ The text discusses the issue of illegal drug trafficking, particularly fentanyl, in the United States, attributing it to lax border policies and the actions of drug cartels. It also criticizes the handling of the crisis by the current administration. The text then introduces Clint Winters, a medical scientist who has developed Canola Dine, a natural pain relief alternative to opioids. Winters shares his personal motivation for creating Canola Dine and criticizes pharmaceutical companies for not promoting natural alternatives to addictive pain medications.
➡ The discussion revolves around the current fentanyl crisis and the need for a shift in our approach to health and pain management. The speaker suggests that instead of relying on drugs, we should focus on natural solutions and preventative measures to support our bodies’ functions before they decline. They also emphasize the importance of giving people options and breaking away from the money-driven approach to health. The speaker promotes a product called Canola Dine, a daily pain relief solution that supports the body’s natural ability to relieve pain, and encourages people to spread the word about it.
➡ The creator of a supplement called Canola Dine explains its effectiveness. The supplement is mixed with olive oil, a healthy fat, to help the body absorb it faster. Unlike pills that get destroyed in digestion, Canola Dine is taken sublingually (under the tongue) for quick absorption into the bloodstream. The creator emphasizes the importance of delivery method in supplement effectiveness and recommends Canola Dine for pain relief.


Look, I think what Tim said just doesn’t pass the smell test. For three years, Kamala Harris went out bragging that she was going to undo Donald Trump’s border policy. She did exactly that. We had a record number of illegal crossings. We had a record number of fentanyl coming into our country. And now, now that she’s running for president, or a few months before, she says that somehow she got religion and cared a lot about a piece of legislation. The only thing that she did when she became the vice president, when she became the appointed borders are, was to undo 94 Donald Trump executive actions that opened the border.

This problem is leading to massive problems in the United States of America. Parents who can’t afford healthcare, schools that are overwhelmed, it’s got to stop and it will when Donald Trump is president. Hey gang, you know, I’m sad to say, but the fentanyl crisis is absolutely unhinged. And that’s exactly what it is. It’s a national crisis. While our southern border remains wide open and the cartels are openly flooding our nation with these deadly drugs, Biden, when he’s not napping on a beach, is unfortunately unavailable after 8 PM. In Texas alone, check this out, law enforcement has seized over 487 million lethal doses of fentanyl since March of 2021.

That’s enough to kill every single person in the United States and Mexico combined. And fentanyl is making its way into counterfeit pills, often disguised as Oxycontin or other pain medications. This crisis obviously has to be tackled head on and dismantled from every single angle. And fortunately, we’ve got some brave patriots who are rising up to that challenge. And that’s exactly what our guest Clint Winters, a medical scientist, inventor, and Turley Talks sponsor is a part of his innovative pain relief. Canola Dine is absolutely phenomenal. I know I use it daily and I love him.

My wife and I both. Canola Dine is an all natural morphine level pain relief. That’s 100% drug free back by tremendous research. It’s changing lives daily, not to mention the official pain reliever for the fighters at the USC. And today Clint is offering you our audience a huge discount on bottles of Canola Dine. Use that link below for the next few hours to get your bottle for just $29. That’s $90 off the regular price. So Clint, thank you for that reduction in price. Welcome back. Great to see you as well. You got it.

Yeah. And, and you’re right. So I’m the scientist behind the brand that creates Canola Dine is GDR Labs, a great American brand. That’s why I chose them for the licensing of this ingredient that I’ve spent many, many years working on. So yeah, it’s, it’s changing the lives of so many people, but yeah, it wouldn’t be as important. Honestly, had we not gone through and continue to go through the crisis as we talk about with opioids, it’s just, it’s, it’s a, it’s an ongoing battle in fentanyl. It just, it seems like it’s this, you know, it’s like a whackable effect, right? Like we, we seem to tackle one issue and then another bigger issue kind of pops up with it.

And it’s all, it’s all money driven. Right. Exactly. So this, this fentanyl crisis is basically the opioid crisis at a whole nother level. Yeah. What, in your view, what’s the biggest challenge in, in combating the spread of fentanyl and these other drugs currently? Well, I think you, you hit it on the head and the word is cartel. So, you know, back when we were dealing with oxy, that was an issue from a pharmaceutical company that was creating a drug that was not responsibly sold, obviously with pain management clinics and lots of fraud that happened in that, but it was still only that company that was creating OxyContin.

Right. Now you have legitimate drug cartels that have manufacturing capabilities that are flooding the market with fentanyl. So the problem is the supply has gotten bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. And it’s just easier for people to get ahold of. And drug dealers are smart to where they’re using fentanyl to lace. Again, they create fake, fake OxyContin. They’re lacing other drugs with fentanyl to make it more powerful, more addictive. So people come back. So the problem has just gotten worse, but it all started really with, with OxyContin. If we didn’t have the OxyContin crisis, we wouldn’t have diverse into, into fentanyl, which wouldn’t be here right now.

So that’s the fixed point that we’re seeing historically in all of this. Yeah. That’s, that’s the issue. And it goes back to, again, I think, I think OxyContin was one of the biggest scams that the American public has seen in a very, very long time, because it was just perfect storm of lack of ethics. You have a company that was developing something they knew was highly addictive. They lied to the American public. And then you have the FDA that allowed claims to go through on this product, which were totally not valid, which was, that was way less addictive than other pain drugs that was, could, could not be further from the truth.

It was more addictive. So the problem is, is you look at our drug issue in the country, and it used to be what we deem as just drug addicts, right? People trying recreational drugs and getting over their head and they turned to addicts. With Oxy, it was hardworking everyday Americans that would go get hurt, get into a car wreck, get hurt at their job, go to the doctor. And the doctor said, Hey, we have this pill that’s not addictive. Try it. It’s OxyContin. And then four years later, you have American blood on the streets, as always, people are dying and drug addicts and families are ruined and jobs are lost.

And it’s just, it was a horrific, horrific issue. And the way I look at it is until we fix the root cause, we’re never going to solve the problem. And what I mean by that is, let’s face it, if there’s a market for drugs in the US, someone’s going to sell them. So if you look back even to the days of like Pablo Escobar, we thought we got a handle on that issue by killing Pablo Escobar, right? Then the cartels just moved to Mexico. Someone’s going to service the business. Someone’s going to make billions of dollars.

That’s not going to, that’s not going to stop. The only thing that will stop is if we find ways to make pain less intrusive on the, on the American public. And that’s, that’s full circle. That’s how, that’s how can old I came into play because I watched it happen. I watched my mom suffer with cancer. I saw her get put on morphine. I saw her turn into a zombie. I, unfortunately with my mom’s end of life, she, she only lived for about six months on morphine before cancer took her. So, but I could, I could tell even during that time that she already had addictive tendencies just from the short time that I saw her on that drug.

Like she lived by that drug, that drug controlled her until she passed away. So I saw how easy it could happen. This is someone that, you know, we had a, when she was in pain with, with cancers and side story, we had it actually, my sister and I had to show her how to use marijuana to try to give her some relief. Like this is someone who never used anything in her entire life. Right. And to see her go from that to a zombie, to essentially, you know, drug addict tendencies that quick was really, really scary.

Yeah. So, and during that time is when, you know, I made the first discovery of canola and I saw that, you know, I saw what it could do for the American people. Then a couple, you know, a couple, couple of years after that, I started really digging into the research behind canola and the fact that it actually allows your body enhances your body’s natural ability to ease pain. So it has this incredible mechanism that does not exist with any other ingredient in the world. And the most frustrating part was this, this wasn’t in some weird back alley research.

This was medical research, clinical research by top firms and pharma had already filed patents on a synthetic version of canola dine, which they will eventually make billions of dollars from. So think about that for a second. You have a situation where you have this natural ingredient that comes from crepe jasmine. It’s naturally available. We have this entire epidemic that’s affecting America. And we have all these people that need some form of relief that’s outside of drugs. They knew it existed and did nothing. Right. So from about 2017, that’s been my life’s mission has been working, you know, working on canola and extracting canola dine, understanding the mechanisms of canola dine.

And since then, it’s helped thousands and thousands of thousands of people. But again, it should have been screened from the rooftops, you know, so I’m fortunate to have friends like you that allow me to come on and talk about it. But because it’s natural, you don’t see this advertised every third, you know, advertisement like you do for a drug. Right. You can’t. But that’s what’s so interesting, what you’ve identified. You’ve identified sort of the pre political solution to this, but also ironically, the political barriers that get that get implemented. And then of course, it’s all, as you’ve said, often on this channel, just follow the money when all said and done.

What is your take in terms of just the Biden administration, they can’t hide from this fentanyl crisis, they’re claiming they’re they’re combating it and rectifying it from what you see. I mean, just from that political perch, are they doing enough to to address this crisis? I think it’s such a big crisis. It’s gotten so out of hand that there’s it’s it’s hard, it’s hard to have any real solution in any short amount of time. I mean, there needs to be drastic changes, right? There needs to be there. We need to be more accepting of natural solutions that can help Americans and other ways of helping people that need help when it comes to pain, when it comes to any other type of of health initiative.

There’s other things out there, solutions out there, outside of drugs that we need to look at, we need to give people options. And that’s just not it’s it’s so money driven until that changes. It’s going to be very, very difficult to break the cycle. Can I just so let let me let me play doctor on TV. All right. A real doctor, not the fake doctor that I am with. But but if I’m if I’m following you correctly, what you’re saying is in effect, we need we need a paradigm shift away from trying to find things that replace our bodies mechanisms, and instead look for those things that reawaken those mechanisms as they begin to recede with age.

Is that is that am I am I following it? Am I? Yes. Okay, yes. Yeah, you’ve hit it exactly right. And that’s one of my phrases. And it comes from a poem is, do not go gently. And what I mean by that is we have the ability to fight, we have the ability to actually support our functions before they start to decline. Because right now, the way our society is, is we tend to wait until we’re sick to then do something. So instead of taking the small steps, like going back to canola line, that’s a solution that’s a it’s a daily pain relief solution.

You don’t take it like an Advil, you don’t take it like right, any, you know, OxyContin, you take it every single day, what you’re doing is you’re powering your body’s endorphin system, which is your natural ability to relieve pain, when you turn that back on, whether you’re 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, all of a sudden, your ability to relieve pain drastically increases. And now you’re able to feel better. So a knee pain, a back pain, any sort of pain you’re dealing with, dials down, and you’re able to enjoy your life. So instead of waiting until you’re excruciating pain, and then having to take a really hardcore drug, which is going to get you addicted, or the minute you go off, you’re in more pain than you’ve ever been your whole life.

Because the one thing you touched on is replacing, right? So when you replace functions in your body, your body is smart, we’re so efficient, we stop, we stop, our processes stop in place when you add chemicals to the mix. Same thing, when guys take a lot of testosterone, same thing when you replace any sort of hormone replacement, your body stops doing what it’s supposed to do. So if you ever go off, you’re in deep water, and you have to work your way out. So that’s why there’s so many natural solutions that support, support your brain, support your heart, support your endorphin flows.

Because you don’t want to end up in that spot where you’re in so much pain, you’re forced to try an opioid, and you go down that road. I wouldn’t recommend that to anybody. It’s scary. Because I’ve taken so many people who never would have like my mom, who never would have thought about being a drug addict and turn them in like that. Because, because for pain relief, you got there, you hurt. Yeah, you’re always, you’re always good to go with that, which provides relief. And really diving into the pain industry in this world, I’ve realized how many people it affects every day and how many lives are ruins.

Because as you start to age, and you start to get the aches and pains, and let’s face it, I mean, you get to a point where, well, I’m just getting old, like we’ve we’ve almost, we’ve come to just accept it, accept that I’m just getting old, I’m gonna hurt as part of life. No, it’s not part of life. It’s not there’s things you can do to support your body to feel better as you age. So you can see you can be 40, 50, 60, 70, still feeling great. I see it every single day.

I see people who’ve made that turn. And now they’re looking and feeling better than they have in years. So now they can go enjoy their life, they can go enjoy the beach, they can do, you know, do the things they want to do, instead of just going, well, I’m just getting old. Because we’re kind of programmed like that, right? It’s just we’re programmed. Just you’re old, you know, this is just how life is now. Especially with pain. Yeah, especially with pain. Yeah. Yeah. And you have to look at who’s telling that narrative too.

Money driven, right? That’s true. That’s true. Follow the money. That’s that. Yeah. We were talking before before the interview. And gang, you should know, I was I was telling you, this is why I say I take canola dine every day. It’s not because I’m in pain. I’m taking it so I won’t be in pain. Like, it’s a it’s a supplement in that sense. But I like Clint, you know, I’m just told you I take your whole protocol for gang. If you go to Clint’s website, you’ll see it’s not just canola dine. It’s a whole host of things to reawaken the body as it were.

What I I love what you do. What’s the best way for someone to get their hands? Let’s let’s start. I mean, you have so many wonderful protocols. But let’s start with a bottle canola dye. What’s the best way they can get their hands on it to feel that kind of relief for themselves? Yes. So there’s a special link that’s just for you. It’s try slash Dr. Steve. The great part is, is the discount that I worked out with GDR is $91 off the retail price. Nice. So it’s $29 to $1 a day.

It has a 90 day money back guarantee. So anyone can try it. If they don’t like it, send it back, get a full refund. My whole mission, the reason why I’m out there on so many, you’re doing so many different interviews, just getting the word out about canola dine. So one thing I would ask is canola dine is novel canola dine is only produced by GDR labs. This is something that is not still not well known throughout the world. If you Google canola dine C O N O L I D I N E.

The I know you’ve done it. The medical research is astounding. Yeah, this is life changing stuff. So go to try slash Dr. Steve try it. But please help us spread the word. Yeah, because we can’t advertise this like pharma can. We can’t go out and do the things pharma can the only way they put strictures on what you can say and what you can’t say and where you can advertise. So unlike, you know, major media where you see a pharmaceutical ad every third ad, we can’t do that. I can’t do that.

So so what I basically it’s a grassroots campaign right now. We interviewed to interview to interview just getting the word out because I’ve seen it change so many lives. So go to that link, give it a shot. And when it works, just tell your tell your friends like let people know this. This is available because so many people suffering pain and a lot of people don’t talk about it. So even those around you that don’t aren’t voicing the fact they’re in pain probably are they just are so used to it. They don’t even talk about it anymore.

Right. So right together as a difference. And one last thing. GDR is 100% American made something that’s really important to me. The lab is 15 minutes from my house. It’s local workers, small batch production. That was a huge part of me picking the manufacturer that was going to produce canola. I was that making sure that it’s it’s with a company that is is really focused on American manufacturing. And that’s exactly what they do right in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s a overseas. I had to check that out because lots of lots of manufacturers have, you know, foreign annexes where they save money.

So when I was looking at different manufacturers for canola, I had to make sure that it was that I could see from A to Z the whole process. Just like the process that I created in the lab initially, I wanted that process just with a bigger scale with a lab that I could trust. And that’s that’s how I found GDR. And again, and you’ve I’m not going to embarrass you here, but you’ve thought about literally everything. I mentioned to you how much I loved sort of the olive oil like texture of all the different protocols.

And you even told me that that was intentional in order to deliver whatever it is, the supplement to those to maximally to the body. Because can you can you just explain that? Yeah, I thought that was so fascinating. Yeah, so yeah. So you’re talking about, you know, the olive oil. And so olive oil, obviously is a healthy fat. So since canola dine is fat soluble, it allows faster transport. So that is where I applied a lot of my work wasn’t just on the canola dine ingredient, it was delivery to the body.

Because that’s where so many supplements fall short. If they have a brilliant ingredient, they might even have the right dose. But if it doesn’t actually end up in your bloodstream, it’s useless. So most of the things we buy are pills, or pills go through your digestion, they get destroyed. And it usually ends up at max 20% at low end, 1% actually make it to the body. So that’s why everything that that that I’ve created in GDR produces, it’s all sublingual, it goes directly underneath your tongue, through your mucous membranes, and it’s in your blood system very, very quickly.

That’s why canola dine only takes seven days to build up. So after seven days, it’s fully locked in your system. And you have a full dose, you take it then every day after that. So yes, so we’ve really spent a lot of time on nutrient delivery. That’s where that’s where the dual polar extraction method came from. That’s where a lot of my scientific expertise has been has been spent on is the delivery because that’s to me, the ingredient is key. But what’s just as important as delivery because without that you have no delivery itself.

And I also learned a new word sublingual. I’m telling you, again, I wouldn’t be sharing this with you unless I was just head over heels in love with this stuff. If you want to eliminate the aches, and the and the strains you feel in your body, or if you’re just dealing with something worse, it’s attacking your ability to just live pain free. You have got to do what I’ve done, and what tons of other Turley talkers have done, you’ve got to click on that link below and get a bottle of canola dine today.

And if you do it today, it’s just 29 bucks on this deal, it’s not gonna last long. And as Clint said, he worked this out for us. It’s a special website just for our Turley talkers you can go to. Like I said, I wouldn’t share this with you guys if I wasn’t 100% head over heels with this. My wife and I both take canola dine every single day. We absolutely love it. And you will too. Click on that link below and experience life without pain because you deserve it gang. It’s very important.

So Clint, thanks so much. Great to see you as always. Great seeing you too. Thank you so much. [tr:trw].

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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Clint Winters and Canola Dine drug cartels and fentanyl fentanyl crisis and health approach shift fentanyl crisis in America handling of drug crisis by current administration illegal drug trafficking in United States lax border policies and drug trafficking natural pain relief alternatives to opioids natural solutions for pain management pharmaceutical companies and natural pain relief preventative measures for

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