Posted in: Gregory Mannarino, News, Patriots



➡ Gregory Mannarino, in his pre-market report, shares personal news about his sister’s health and discusses the current state of the economy. He highlights the Federal Reserve’s influence on the market and the potential impact of their monetary policy decision. Manorino also discusses the paradox of a debt-saturated system that still requires more debt to function, and criticizes the concept of debt forgiveness as it simply adds to the national debt. He concludes by warning of a potential significant market move and the ongoing systematic destruction of the middle class.

➡ The cost of labor and raw materials is rising quickly, which is a sign of inflation. Central banks are making this worse by printing more money, which lowers the value of our currency. This system benefits the rich and powerful, but hurts regular people. However, we can protect ourselves by investing in things like commodities and cryptocurrencies, which aren’t controlled by the central banks.


Okay everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregor Manorino, Wednesday, May 1, 2024, pre-market report, and we have a lot to talk about. But I want to start off with this. Some of you have been with me for a very, very long time years, a decade. I feel like we are family, so I want to talk about something just real quick, very personal. I just got some very unhappy news regarding my sister, Lori.

Most of you have heard me talk about this in the past. And I just wanted to bring this to your attention. So she has stage 4 metastatic pancreatic cancer, and it’s not survivable. So I just wanted a little of you know that. As I said, I feel that we’re a big family out here, and I share all this stuff with you. So if you believe in a higher power, then we could use some press here.

All right people, look, let’s get back on target here with regard to what’s about to happen today. It’s huge. So we’re going to hear from you know, world control today, and that is the federal reserve with their monetary policy decision. And in my opinion, it’s going to move the markets no matter what comes out of its mouth today. I’m talking about Powell. It’s not so much what the Fed is going to do today.

Okay, the Fed is not going to do anything, but they’re going to set the groundwork here for what’s going to happen moving forward. And what’s going to be interesting, keep your eyes on this. Keep your eyes on the MMRI. All right, I said 309 this morning, 311. 7 appears to be still where the line in the sand may be. If we break out over that today or close to it, this market isn’t going to be happy.

I’m going to tell you right now, at least in my view, could I be wrong? Absolutely. But we’ve seen a phenomenon occur here pretty much every single time the MMRI has broken into the red zone, which is extreme risk at this market. It gets stuck. It doesn’t want to do anything. We get pretty big selloffs here. So we’ll see risk in this market is is the key. And again, what this comes down to people is a lack of liquidity in the system.

And it’s a strange phenomenon. And we’ve it’s a paradox. I mean, the system is debt saturated. You all know that. Meanwhile, there’s not enough of it. Think about what I’m saying here. Even though the system appears to be debt saturated, there’s not enough to keep it functioning because debt must be pulled into the system in greater and greater and greater amounts, just to sustain where we are. Just to sustain where we are.

I can’t stop speaking of that. Okay. I, you know, look, this has been going on for quite a while, billions, tens of billions have been forgiven here. There’s no such thing as forgiveness, Biden administration forgives. This is not forgiven. It doesn’t go off into eternity or somewhere. It gets added on to the national that immediately we pay interest on that immediately. We all pay for this. Look, we forgot with socialism, which whatever we have right now yet to be defined, eventually you run out of other people’s money.

And the United States and the world is being bankrupted by central banks colluding with our so called leaders here who are leading us all to destruction on a grand scale. So just this thing what you’re looking at, there’s no such thing as forgiving anything. So one’s got to pay, you know, it turns out to be you and me. There’s nothing forgiven here. But it’s part of the mechanism to inflate the debt.

Again, this is added immediately to the debt. It’s not forgiven. We all pay for it. And the interest starts to crewing as of now immediately. So what else would you expect here in this kind of an environment? Anyway, looking over here at the market and we’re not done. I want to talk about a few other things here as well. Stock futures are lower, not much. Mark has kind of been a holding pattern waiting to hear what comes out of its mouth later on today.

Again, expect nothing. Nothing’s going to happen. But it’s what it says after. Notice the term it. It’s not human. It’s a thing. Period. Okay. So the thing is going to speak later. And that’s what’s going to move the markets. It’s baked in already. In my opinion, I know some of you will disagree with me because I’ve heard from hundreds of you, hundreds and hundreds of you who believe that today, the Fed is going to raise rates.

First of all, as I said yesterday, if that were to happen, that would send shockwaves, not just in the American markets. It would be shockwaves around the world. And you would see stock markets of the world get hit really hard. Our market would fall thousands of points. The Dow would fall thousands of points here. Again, the market has no bearing on reality. There’s no price discovery mechanism behind a single asset today because of what central banks have done by vastly inflatingly debt.

They have created an environment of distortions that are so extreme that even someone like myself who follows the markets pretty much around the clock, it’s very difficult for me to get my head around. There’s nothing that makes sense anymore. It’s easy money. It’s more easy money. It’s suppressed rates. It’s skyrocketing debt, adding to the debt. No forgiveness for anything. We all got to pay for it. You understand? And we’re all paying for it with regard to what we’re seeing now skyrocketing inflation.

Every single, do you realize that this makes me want to vomit? I’m going to tell you right now. Every single projection of forecast that has been made by the Federal Reserve and central banks around the world has been wrong. How can that be when you and I have nailed this to the world? Is it that we are so much smarter than them? They know exactly what they’re doing.

This is deliberate. This is systematic. And they are again forcing us not only just to live in their slave system. And that’s what they’re doing, creating more slaves to the system, not just on an individual basis, but nation slaves, the world has become slaves to central banks. They have achieved their goal to be the lenders and buyers of lectures or have told you this for 10 years. This is all they want to do.

And they want to continue to inflate because that’s their only power. You want to end central banking? It’s really the easiest thing to do in the world. Prevent one central bank. Pick the Fed here. I’ve told you this a million times. You know what I’m going to say if you’ve been with me for any later time. If we can prevent the Fed from issuing one dollar, just one single dollar of more debt here, they collapse.

The central bank system is 1 million, quadrillion, if that’s a word, percent dependent on inflating the debt, issuing more debt. We have a debt based system. You won’t know that. You want to end the system. You prevent them from issuing debt. That’s it. Then we can take back the system until then we will all lose. We cannot be a free people. You understand? You know, I’m proud to be an American because at least I know I’m free.

We’re not free to do anything with slaves. Nice song. And it’s very pretty. And it sounds nice. But the fact that the matter is this is distraction. It’s a deception like everything else. We’re not free. We are slaves to the system which they have laid out for us unfortunately. And we will lose. We will continue to lose until that changes. And it ain’t going to change anytime soon.

I can promise you that they’re dismantling the system. You know that central banks are working together to dismantle the system. They’re taking down we the people of the world with it more specifically the middle class. The rich the one in two percent is they couldn’t be happier. The people at the lower run they’re done anyway. It’s the middle class who’s being systematically wiped out. So it’s the same the same story.

A neofutile system is upon us. And it’s just not going to stop. There’s no way to stop this. You understand? There’s no way. Just in case you were wondering here. So the system is coming down. Now, going back to what I was saying earlier about this market making a move. So options traders. This is from this morning here market watch are are bidding on what they’re calling a chunky market move.

Well, we’ll see. I think I think the market is going to move today. One way or the other. Keep your eyes on on risk. As I said, three three eleven point seven appears to be the red line in the sand. MMI free to everyone who has the sense to use it. Link in the description of this video. It’s free because I believe knowledge is power people and I got your back as always.

Um, you know, I wanted to bring one more thing up to you. We found out yesterday that labor costs here are skyrocketing at their fastest pace ever here. This is obviously inflation we’re seeing here. Not only is it labor costs, but the cost of raw materials continues to skyrocket. And who pays for this? It’s not the federal reserve. They’re more than happy to continue to print and add digits to a screen and devalue the currency.

Let me put another perspective on this for you. Real quick. Since you and I understand that any central bank’s power resides in their ability to inflate. So that’s just one thing. When the currency is under attack as it is now, again, central banks are in a race to the bottom. I’ve told you this for over 10 years. Which central bank can kill the purchasing power purchasing power of the currency fastest wins period.

Now, the photo reserve here by devaluing their currency means what they have to issue more currency to make up the difference because it takes more dollars in this case to buy anything. So this mechanism of central banks inflating makes them exponentially stronger and stronger and stronger. They are unstoppable at this point. They are unstoppable. Just so you know, um, and it’s not going to change no matter what freak they put behind the resolute task.

I want you to understand that. Um, sure, people are getting astonishingly rich off of the system right now, including some people running for president right now. And that’s their goal. We don’t matter. Okay, we are a means to an end, unfortunately, people and all we have is each other. We got to get through this thing just like my sister Lori here. Okay. I talked about earlier today in this in this video blog.

We’re in this together. We got to get through this and we’re going to because in my opinion, we are in the right spots. Um, we’re betting against the debt. We’re becoming our own central bank, gaining exposure to commodities. These are the solutions. Okay. Great. Where’s the solutions? I hear this all the time and only do is talk about solutions unless these people don’t want to hear it. The solution is if we understand that the system is rigged against us to the highest possible order and is unstoppable, this is a mechanism that has been in the works for over century.

Okay. And we are living in the side effect of what central banks have set up here. Their goal since day one has been to one day control the world by owning the financial system, which they clearly do. They control the economy. They control the financial markets. They control the financial system. Lawmakers, they don’t do anything. Okay. If they don’t control the cash, if we the people don’t have a say so, which we do not over the monetary system, if we are forced to live in this slave debt based fiat system, we cannot be free.

You understand? It’s just an illusion. But anyway, look, that’s kind of where we stand today. I hope I covered a lot with you. You got cryptocurrencies under pressure right now, buying opportunity in my view. You got golden silver, which have been hit a lot lately buying opportunity today. This morning, they’re higher. You got crude oil under pressure, buying opportunities or buying opportunity. You need exposure to commodities. People cannot make this easier for you.

I’ve told you this a million times. I told you how to do it. I put out several newsletters which explain to you how you can take advantage of these things. You got to get away from central bank issue notes. They’re being attacked. They’re being destroyed. The system is being deliberately brought to its knees. They want us on our knees. They want us on our knees, people. And unfortunately, that’s what’s happening here, a slave system.

You know that. It’s so revoltingly disgusting, the fact that we are here right now, but we are. And we need to take action. I tell you all the time. But we know what to do. We have a plan. We are again, doing everything right, at least in my perspective. Now, before I let you go real quick, people, this is the first of the month. On the first of every month, I humbly ask for your support.

Greg, you’re doing a great job. Here’s five bucks. There are several ways that you can support me and this channel here. And I really do hope you do that. There are links in the description of this video. I really do hope you choose to support my work because I got your back. And I know you’ve got mine as well. All right, people, with that said, I will see all of you later.

4 o 5 p. m. Eastern for the live stream. I hope to see you there. We will put this all together later on. All right. And well, that’s all. All right. Until I see you later, take care of yourselves and the carriage. .

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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criticism of debt forgiveness Federal Reserve's market influence Gregor Manorino pre-market report impact of monetary policy decision increasing raw material national debt increase need for more debt in economy paradox of debt-saturated system personal news in financial blogs rising cost of labor state of the economy discussion systematic destruction of middle class warning of significant market move

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