The Commie Left Is Melting Down

Posted in: Dan Bongino, News, Patriots


The Commie Left Is Melting Down (Ep. 2121)



➡ Host Dan Bongino discusses his fitness regime, criticizes cancel culture and its eventual self-destruction, and promotes online educational courses from Hillsdale College. He emphasizes the growth of a parallel economy separate from what he refers to as ‘liberal maniacs’, and suggests that left-wing individuals are beginning to face the negative outcomes of cancel culture they initially supported. He ends his discussion with a stern warning to such individuals, stating that they will be the next targets of this trend.
➡ The text discusses the arrival of cancel-culture to different aspects of society, suggesting that even rap music will not be safe from it. The writer warns about the dangers of self-censorship, defending the need for a parallel economy as a way to insulate these vulnerable entities from cancel-culture. He also criticizes certain segments of the political left for their self-hatred and hypocrisy, specifically pointing out their support for controversial actions while refusing to undertake them themselves. He targets Abby Wombach, a female soccer star, accusing her of only talking about reparations but not doing anything about it, depicting it as a manifestation of self-hatred found within leftist ideology.
➡ The speaker critiques a woman for openly admitting to being racist and benefiting from white supremacy. He also criticizes liberals for swaying away from liberalism and spreading their ideologies in other places. Furthermore, he discusses states with highest tax rates and the need to strengthen the U.S. military defense against threats. Lastly, he criticizes Biden and Kamala Harris for their approach to handling the Iran situation.
➡ The speaker criticizes someone they believe to be losing cognitive function, reflecting on the Reagan years as a time of American prosperity, and expressing hope for a similar rebirth. They also discuss a range of topics, including Joe Biden’s physical abilities, the need for firearm training, and disturbing situations of anti-Semitism at an American college.
➡ The text expresses concern over alleged double standards of free speech and law enforcement towards conservative vs. leftist ideologies. It claims that the left instigate violence, racism and anti-semitism with impunity, while conservatives are penalized for peaceful protests. It criticizes Democrat politicians and accuses them of failing to condemn such incitement. It also discusses fiscal recklessness and impending bankruptcy under the current administration, and criticizes foreign aid and financial support to IRS that allegedly targets American citizens for audits.
➡ The text discusses concerns about rising national debt, potential hyperinflation, and the impact of asset valuation. It also highlights the potential regulatory burden of the proposed climate change disclosure rule for businesses, the lasting effects of COVID-19 lockdowns, and subsequent censorship attempts. Finally, it conveys a refusal to forgive those responsible for promoting draconian lockdown measures.
➡ The speaker expresses strong disagreement towards the alleged censorship of his views on COVID-19 vaccination and the virus’s origin, and criticism towards those he accuses of being complicit in these alleged acts. He believes these individuals should face serious consequences, including job losses, and shows appreciation for alternate platforms like True Social and Rumble, crediting them for allowing the dissemination of his views.


Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that’s not immune to the facts. With your host, Dan Bongino. Man, I crushed it this morning in the gym. If any of you follow me on my locals account. You ever see that? You ever see the local stuff? This morning it wasn’t even that hot, which is unusual for Florida, but it was a deadlift and squat day.

So I’ve been doing these fitness kind of video thingies with some of my best supplement and diet hacks on there this morning’s. Video on Locals. I am dying. I am in, like a pool of sweat, like an inch thick. It’s like the water and the sweat was defying the laws of physics on my face like a shield. I was so hot this morning, but I feel great. Like, I slept good.

Boom, ready to go. And I feel even better today because I’ve told you. Did I not tell you a long time ago? Up ones in the chat who’ve been listening to the podcast since me and Joe were doing it in the basement? Have I not told you that cancel culture is going to eventually eat itself alive? Do you remember why? Hold on, I’m going to get to that.

It’s an important show today. I’ve been raving, by the way, about Beam dream powder, the hot cocoa for sleep. It’s awesome. Shop, their biggest sale of the year. Get 50% off when you go to Shopbeambe. com. Shopbeam. com bongino. Use code cyber at checkout. Check it out. I’ve been talking about this for a long time. It’s a cannibalistic. It’s always going to eat itself. Because what happens? Conservatives with cancel culture are like this.

And then the left, because they love the power of canceling, has only itself to cancel. You’re seeing it now. You’ll see what I mean? First Hillsdale College. You tired of scrolling through TV shows, finding nothing to watch? Me too. There’s a bunch of liberal junk on there. It doesn’t resonate with a lot of you. It’s wasting your time. I wrote in one of my books, don’t waste time.

It’s a precious commodity. Use that time to learn something new and inspiring. Hillsdale college. This is awesome. Listen. They’re offering more than 40 free online courses on the most important subjects at hand. Learn about the amazing works of C. S. Lewis, the real meaning of the US. Constitution, the rise and fall of the Roman Republic, or the history of the ancient Christian church. All available for free. I personally recommend Constitution 101.

Sign up for it. The meaning and history of the Constitution. It’s a twelve lecture course. You’ll explore the design and purpose of the Constitution, the challenges it faced during the Civil War, and how it’s been undermined for more than a century by progressivism and liberalism. The course is self paced. Start whenever, wherever you want. Enroll now in Constitution 101. Our country needs more Americans who understand the Constitution and can defend American freedom and its people.

Go to Hillsdale. edu slash bongino to start. Go today. You’re going to love, love this course. It’s free and easy to get started. That’s Hillsdale. edu slash bongino to get started. All right, Joseph, let’s go. Tactical Tuesday. Dan it is because we are talking tactics. We’ve been talking tactics for a long time, especially about cancel culture, where I told you that if you can ride this wave out, eventually cancel culture.

It may not be now, may not be five years from now, candidly, folks, could be ten years from now. But what’s going to happen is it’s eventually going to eat itself. Because what’s happening slowly, and it is happening a little slower than I’d like. But make no freaking mistake, it’s happening. I’m an investor in it. I live in it. I have business partners in it. I have friends in it.

The parallel economy is starting to build itself. This economy separate from the liberal maniacs. Our own financial networks, our own contact networks, our own cloud servers, our own Amazon type services with the public Sq and Mammoth Nation and these other ones, it is happening. Our own book publishers, our own video publishers. We just launched a movie. It was per screen average. I’m telling you, it was probably one of the highest rated movies in the country.

Policed it. We’re launching an entirely new economy separate from the liberal maniacs. That it’s walled off from the liberal maniacs makes them incapable of touching it. They can bitch and moan all they want. It doesn’t matter. The problem with the lefties is and the reason they’re going to cancel themselves is they love the power of canceling. They adore it. They need to cancel people because it’s the only thing they got.

They’re sitting in their mama’s basement with a bunch of you know what, doing their thing, probably watching porn. The only thing they have is the ability to go on Twitter and say, I demand you cancel this person. Well, you can’t be canceled. What’s? Not cancelable. You can’t cancel the uncancellable. So what do they do? They start sickening themselves on themselves. But there’s another angle to this story about cancel culture.

I believe it’s michael Anton. I cite him all the time, so I’m hoping it’s him. No one’s corrected me at this point, but he has this theory of cancel culture, that this stuff will stop when the left faces real material losses of their own. It’s not enough, folks, for us to call out liberal bullshit. They have to embrace well, not embrace, but be forced upon them. Real material losses.

Loss of job, loss of prestige, loss of reputation. The Commune left loves cancel culture as long as they feel insulated from it. The minute canceling comes for them, all of a sudden, they’re in a panic. Now, and listen to me, they are in a real panic. Here’s the intercept. You ain’t going to get any more left wing than this by Murtaza Hussein. October 27, 2023. Murtaza is losing I don’t know if it’s a guy or a girl.

Forget don’t really Care is losing his shit over here over the fact that these groups that have gone out there and protested for Hamas, that some of these employers just don’t want to hire them. Now, I’m personally against cancel culture. I support free speech. However, these companies have the right to not hire you if you’re going to support a terror group. What do you think, guys? I’m just going to throw this out there.

Would you want a terrorist or a pro terrorist working in your ranks? I don’t think so. I’m going to take a pass on that. Just kind of a good call. A general rule hiring question number one. Sir, ma’am, do you support terrorism and the beheading of young children and the burning of children and the raping of women? Yes, I do. Okay, interview is over, but thanks for showing up.

We appreciate it. Here’s your booby eyes. Keith said it’s right. It’s like those questions they ask in the airport, right? Has any terrorists asked you to carry they’re going to say yes if they did. Yes, they did. The Hezbollah guy outside asked me to carry it’s. Exactly. No one wants these people. Throw that article up again. The Senate condemns student groups as backlash to pro Palestinian speech crows.

Do we risk losing our careers over an ephemeral social post that doesn’t save a single life in Palestine? There is no Palestine. Number one. There’s no Palestine. There is no Palestine. Okay? You can argue that there’s no Palestine, okay? There’s no such thing. You can keep saying that. It’s not going to make it happen. So now all of a sudden, people are losing their reputations. They’re going out posting, I love Hamas, man.

It’s so great, this raping of women’s stuff. Stop the occupation, bro. Occupation of what? They don’t know. They saw it on a T shirt somewhere next to Shea Guevara on the discount rack in their local dollar store or something like that. They’re like, Stop the occupation, man. We love Hamas. They’re awesome. And employers are like, yeah, I don’t really want that. Again, I am vehemently against cancel culture.

I just want to be on the record. However, these are the rules. As Kurt Slichter says, often you guys wanted these rules. You guys wanted to target people and target parlor and rumble and truth and every conservative on social media because they posted about Trump. You wanted to send January sixers to the Gulag. If you were at the Stop the Steel rally, you wanted people fired. Here’s the syrup of ipicac.

Open your mouth and take it. Just take it. Take it all. Take the whole bottle. You like it. You like losing your jobs, losing your reputations. You thought you were insulated from this. You commies. If you’ve ever read a history book, which most of you morons have not. You would understand that the Commies that got you into this cancel culture because you’re a useful idiot. You’ve been useful to them.

The Commies that got you into this are coming for you next. You understand that? Just read the first circle by Solzhenitsen and you’ll see how this has been the game plan of the Commie forever. To get useful morons like you lefty cat ladies and others to co opt them into the movement, knowing it’s going to come for you next. It is going to come for you. But the nice part about it is conservatives got smart early, and we’re insulating ourselves in the parallel economy, which is going to leave the lefties only open to canceling themselves.

Let me tell you when libs are really going to regret starting this. You know who’s next? Yeah, rap music. Wait till cancel culture starts coming for rap music. I am not saying it should. Folks, you don’t like rap music, don’t buy it. I listened to it growing up. I am not above it. The lyrics are disgusting. Everybody’s a ho. Everybody’s A-B-N bombs dropping everywhere, talking about murdering people, slinging drugs.

You don’t like it, don’t listen to it. I am in no way recommending the canceling of rap music at all. Everybody clear? I’m simply telling you, if you’re going to have cancel culture and you want cancel culture as some societal bedrock moving forward, then eventually it’s going to cannibalize and eat you all alive. Because the parallel economy is flourishing, and we’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons over the years.

Now you’re seeing know, companies like Bud Light that are going over and sponsoring the UFC and other things, because I think they understand now that this was a catastrophic mistake. You think that was by? Well, you know, that’s just like your opinion, man. That’s the dude, we haven’t played that. That used to be a staple. Yeah, well, that’s just like your opinion. That’s the left, when you impose real material losses and their jobs are at risk, you’re going to see this stuff dial its way down.

And I can’t encourage you enough to insulate yourself in the parallel economy. Folks, you haven’t even thought of some of this stuff. Rumble, for your video, truth for your micro blogging. I mean, it’s my company, but parallel Economy, for your credit card processing on your website. Don’t use stripe. They’ll cancel you, too. We have paralleleconomy. com. We’ve made that service available for you. It’s all out there. It’s up to you.

I don’t push anything on you. I barely mentioned it on the show. I’m just telling you, these services are out there, and as they explode, the left is going to be going to be left to cancel themselves. And it’s going to be interesting what happens, because you’re seeing this civil war on the left right now. You’re seeing the Ilhan Omar’s of the world and Rashida Tlaib’s of the world, the terrorist sympathizers you’re seeing them running up against the brick wall on the left as other people on the left realize that they’re not going to be able to move forward supporting terrorists because it’s not a mainstream American position.

I’ll show you what I mean coming up later, but I want you to keep this in the back of your head about leftists. They hate themselves. They hate themselves more than anything. When the leftist gets up in the morning, they look in the mirror and there’s nothing they hate more than their image. I’ll give you a perfect example of this. You’re seeing now. Why do you think the leftist is running around pulling down kidnapped photos of Israelis and Americans and others, by the way? Kidnapping.

These people were kidnapped by Hamas. They did nothing wrong. Why do you think the modern leftist is pulling these down? Anyone in the chat have any idea going around and pulling these pictures down? You’re seeing videos all over the Internet because they know what they support and they don’t want to be reminded. Listen to me. This is important. Please listen, folks. The judge has ruled. It’s the most important point I’m going to make in today’s show.

You are a proud conservative. You get up in the morning and you’re proud of what you fight for your country, your kids, your freedom, your God. You’re proud of that. The modern leftist hates himself or herself. They hate themselves. They get up every morning, they rip the pictures down because they see themselves and they don’t want to be reminded. They don’t do a damn thing. They recommend for you things they want to force down your throat, they don’t do at all.

School choice, taxes, none of it. They send their kids to private schools. They don’t pay higher taxes voluntarily. And the reason I started this rant this way, opening the show, is I saw this video yesterday and it really pissed me off. This is one of these female soccer star ladies, abby Wambach or Wombach or something. I heard of her a couple times. I don’t really know who she is.

I don’t really care to know who she is. You will never see a more dispositive moment in your life of leftist ideology than this. She happens to be white, which, again, I don’t particularly care about, but she seems obsessed with. I want you to watch the self hatred as she’s on this podcast or whatever thing, talking about everything we must do, for everything we must apologize for, for being white.

I have no apologies to make whatsoever about the melanin content of my skin. If you’d like to do that, you go right ahead, ABS. Do whatever you want to do. But watch this and you’ll see what I mean. They absolutely hate themselves. Check this out. I’m happy that your people want to give me their money and they want to support me. I’ll take it. Thank you. Thank you.

Trust me, thank you. But at the same time, when we start talking about intersectionality, which is white supremacy, which is gender, which is capitalism, Americans, white people, I need you to know that your money will not assuade you from your guilt. You cannot pay your way out of this. There aren’t enough reparations in the world that you can pay us. And so you think because you write a check or you slide me something in venmo that you’re absolved and you can tell somebody, well, I gave Dr.

Blay $100. I’m not racist. Dr. Blay is going to spend your hundred dollars and still tell you that you’re racist. Thank you. That’s awesome. Now, just to be again, to be as clear as Scotch tape on this one, that lady you heard talking to Abby Wombach, who thinks this is all awesome, by the way, if you’re listening on audio, the woman happens to be black and is saying, you can’t give me enough money for reparations.

And even if you do, you’re basically still a racist. And she’s like, that’s awesome. I want you to be, again, as transparent as possible with yourselves for a moment. Abby Wombach will do nothing about this. Abby Wombach has probably made a decent amount of money from her soccer career, and elsewhere is Abby Wombach donating all of that money away, all of it barely enough to survive on her own to people for reparations, people, by the way, who were never slaves.

Abby Wombach, whose parents never had slaves, probably live in a state where slavery wasn’t even legal. Most of it’s from California. But it doesn’t matter. You’re going to pay for something you didn’t do to somebody you didn’t do anything to, who had nothing done to them, you’re paying them for, but you’re going to give them money anyway. Wombach will do nothing about it, and you’re just great. The greatest part of this whole scam is even after you cut the check to the lady, you’re still a freaking racist.

They don’t give a shit. This is totally irrational. This is absolute ludicy. You see how they hate themselves so much? She hates herself so much, Abby Wombach, that there’s a subtle acknowledgement that she’s a racist there because she’s white. Like the this is awesome line, right? Then the lady says, Give me your money. I’m still going to call you a racist. And she loves it. This is it like it’s this self effacing thing that I hate myself so much that if you don’t tell me how awful I am, it’s some kind of absolution for me being born, you have to tell me I’m awful.

She will do nothing, nothing about this at all. Every single there are about see 330,000,000 people. There are probably, I don’t know, affiliated, registered, and non registered, but think Democrat. Probably 80 million plus Democrats in the country are Democrat adjacent. To steal one of their terms, they could all get together, take large chunks of their salary and property, hand it over to black America, migrant America and everything else they could do all that stuff.

They will do none of it. They’re just talking shit. Do you understand? It is just shit talking. That’s all it is. These people hate themselves. I found this other gem, too, out there. This is an oldie but goodie. You have that other one of Abby wombach as well. Here’s another one of Abby. These people hate themselves, folks. It is remarkable when they look in the mirror what they see.

Check this out. One of the things that I have come to learn over the last many years in my uncovering of my own internal racism, the way I was raised, the thoughts and the bias that I have and that I have. Been privileged with this white supremacy that I have been taking advantage of for so long, so that I can understand my own personal racism my own personal contribution to systemic racism in our country.

So just to be clear, you’re a racist and you’re admitting that on camera? Guys, did I hear that right? You’re a racist on camera and you’ve been taking advantage of white supremacy, and you’re admitting that on camera? Let me tell you something again. I don’t believe in cancel culture, but sponsors I don’t know if I sponsor that podcast. You really want to be sponsoring a show where the woman admits she’s a racist and is aligned with some white supremacist values or something like that? Was she implying that? Was that a winky, winky, nod nod, like, what’s going on there? She will do nothing about any of that.

These people hate themselves. They hate themselves, right? I got a lot to get to, folks. Listen, it’s going to be a heavy show today, too. There is a lot going on. There’s a piece I read yesterday, again, proving that these liberals, they don’t believe anything they say. They will do anything to get away from liberalism, only to take liberalism, transplant it someone else and spread the infection all over the place.

What’s the best sponsor? Blackout Coffee. Any sniffs left? The answer is yes, Joseph. And he caught it, too. Any sniffs left for you? That sounded like a lot more than sniffs. I don’t know what’s going on over there. What is it? That sounded like an X rated sniff over there. Are you tired of the same monotonous, liberal flavored coffee brand? Just stop. Don’t give your money to these woke companies.

Go with blackout coffee. I love it. Had a few cups today. I’m proud to personally recommend blackout coffee. It’s a coffee company 100% committed to conservative values. From sourcing the beans to the roasting process, customer support or shipping. They’ve got an incredible work ethic. They’re dedicated to promoting conservative principles. They accept no compromise on taste or quality. Do me a favor. Check out blackoutcoffee. com. Bongino Use coupon code Bongino for 20% off your first order.

Ditch those other guys blackout coffee remains true to our value. That’s blackoutcoffee. com. Bongino. Or use coupon code bongino for 20% off your first order. All right, lot to get to today. They hate themselves. I can’t emphasize this to you enough. How much liberals can’t stand themselves here. Wall Street Journal article popped up the other day. State masochism by the sea. So they put out this list of where state taxes are the worst unsurprisingly, folks, it’s all deep blue liberal crap garbage states that align perfectly with states.

People are exiting in droves. So it proves my point again. Now, joe and I lived in Maryland for a while. And this isn’t only an interstate thing where people are leaving. You’ll see the top tax rates. What do you think the worst is? The worst tax state in the country. New Jersey, of course, followed by New York, California, Connecticut, Taxachusetts and Minnesota. Is there? The Midwest outlier coming in 44th of the 50 states.

Now, there’s something interesting about These States is that people are Leaving Them. People are getting out of these states. But it’s not only them leaving the states, it’s moving within the states. Joe, you remember this. In Maryland. People would leave Montgomery County. They used to call it occupied Montgomery County because it was practically communist. And they would go and move to Frederick, which was frederick was very conservative.

And they’ll destroy that county, too. You see it in the States, too. But it brings up my point again that these people absolutely can’t stand themselves and they are a danger. They are real danger. They’re not only a danger economically, financially into our culture with things like reparations what you saw from Abby wombach and all this other crap, they’re a national security danger, too. Folks. Listen. For all the divisions in the Republican Party, I’m going to tell you something.

Ronald Reagan had it right. Reagan had it right on the National Security Front. You know, it’s interesting how so many people, even some Republicans, felt Reagan was a warmonger. Reagan never got us into any wars. Now, there were military actions during his time, no question about it. But Reagan actually kept us out of wars, and his posture was correct. As I’ve said to you, often you can have two types of approaches with national security.

It’s oversimplified. I get it. But I don’t mean it as a joke. You can have my Vinny approach or my Brock Lesnar approach. Vinny was this kid we grew up with. He was crazy. He’d fight anyone, anytime, for any reason, even if he lost. Nobody wants to mess with that guy. It’s kind of the Kim Jong Il approach. That’s what happens. These people are nuts. They’re so crazy.

Kim Jong Il. Kim Jong UN, all of them. They’re so nuts that nobody wants to toy with them because they’re afraid they’re going to do something crazy. Or you can have the Brock Lesnar approach. Brock Lesnar, the old UFC WWE guy. He’s the biggest baddest guy in the room. No one’s going to question him. No one’s going to mess with him because you’re going to get killed and you just know it.

That’s where we have to be with the United States. The great irony of building up our national defense, ladies and gentlemen, is the more we build up our national defense and make it impenetrable and second to none and get away from this diversity equity, inclusion bullshit and start getting back to doing what militaries do be effective machines to kill the enemy. That’s what they do. The more we get down that path, the less we will have to use it, as Reagan already showed.

That’s just a fact. We have got to prioritize, and we’re not doing that right now. I want you to watch this. Here’s kamala Harris the other day. The Biden administration’s plan to dissuade Iran from killing our people overseas is bullshit. I don’t know where they’re getting this from. When did don’t become a national policy? We don’t need to be in another full scale war in the Middle East with Iran.

Believe me, brothers and sisters, I get it. But are you suggesting that the world’s largest terror state is just going to go away if we continue to let him shit all over us and attack us everywhere? We’re going to have to do something. Trump took out Soleimani. We’re going to have to take out somebody at the top. You’re going to have to send some kind of message to stay out of that war.

This isn’t simple. Oh, no more war? What the hell? Did you read that in a children’s book? That’s not the way the world works, man. Here’s Kamala Harris the other day with the don’t policy again, this freaking embarrassing. Check this out. What’s the message to Iran don’t? As President Biden said. Just don’t. Exactly. It’s one word. Pretty straightforward, folks. These people behead people. They will burn you alive, they will torture you.

They will chop your limbs off. These Iranian demon savages. You think they’re watching this right now and they’re even remotely intimidated by the Kamala Harris Joe Biden Don’t approach? Come on, man, please. Give me a break. Time out on that bullshit. They’re not scaring anyone. There’s a deterrence approach to appearing either crazy or strong. The Biden administration I’m dead serious, folks. This is serious. I’m not kidding. You can appear either crazy or strong, but you cannot appear sane and weak.

That may sound insane, but it is absolutely accurate. Look it up. The crazy man theory of foreign policy. Here’s biden yesterday again. You think anybody’s scared of this guy? You want to talk about weakness? He can’t even read a freaking teleprompter. He did it again. Here’s Biden versus the teleprompter round, probably 642, where he’s trying to cite, like, values come from the creator or creation or the created creation of the Creator.

And he can’t even get the words out. It’s like I couldn’t just get the word because the guy’s just completely lost his mind. He’s got oatmeal brains right now. Take a listen. American leadership and the undeniable rights endowed by a Creator that no Creator, no Creation can take away, proving once again that America’s strength is not just the power of its example, but the example of its power.

What the hell was that? What was that? I don’t understand what we just heard. It’s the power of the created creatures of the Creator who created some so what is he even talking about? Put Yusuf for a second. All right, those in the Chat. 71,000 people. 26. This is nice. I love having you all here. 71,000 people. I’m asking you for a second to play a little mental exercise game with me.

Pull yourself out of your patriotic American soul for a second. I know it’s hard, because we love this country. And I want you to imagine yourself as a diehard enemy of the United States who’s been coached their entire life that we’re the Big great Satan, right? We’re the Sunday people. Come for us next. Right? Do you watch this guy on camera? And Kamala Harris with the don’t. Are you even remotely intimidated? Tell me in the chat.

Yes or no. You even remotely intimidated by these guys? Now, he may be crazy, but he’s not crazy in the way that would be tactical. He’s crazy in the way that he’s losing his gray matter in his brain and can’t even freaking think straight. There we go. Thank you. Thank you. It’s pretty overwhelming at this point. It’s a universal no. Listen, man, I’m tired. I’m tired. Tired of this guy.

How many of you in the Chat remember the Reagan years, folks? I was young. I was really young. I barely remember these gas lines, everything. I just remember my dad and mom being upset about it. Joe, you probably remember it more than I do. You don’t remember it at all, but you had the Ford Pinto. America was in a bad place, folks. It was in a bad place.

Our cars sucked. We had the Gremlin, the Vega, the Pinto gas lines, k call K cars. Oh, my. That we were in a bad stagflation. A stagnant economy, inflation. Jimmy Carter gave the malaise speech, where he ironically never said the word malaise, but he basically blamed America for the garbage condition we were in at the time. It was weird because we’d almost become conditioned to believe, like, the American decline had set in, and then we had this massive renaissance under Reagan and friends.

Bongino army, folks. That’s what I remember growing up. My dad had multiple job offers. The economy was growing again. By 19, 86, 87, we had moved into the city. And even though my parents divorced, there was this Reagan had this morning in America again. The only good news I have for you is I’m sure we’re going. To turn this around and it is going to be morning in America again.

I’m not trying to wax philosophic, I’m not a poet. But we are going to turn this around. If you’re listening to this show and it sounds depressing, I promise you there are definitely greener pastures ahead. There are definitely bright sunrises ahead. I’m absolutely sure of it. But never without with this guy. This guy’s a complete train wreck. I mean, look at this. Can we do it one more? So he finally used the big stairs yesterday on Air Force one.

Is he going to make it, folks? Is he going to bless her? Here he goes. He’s looking. His mind’s going almost hold on tight. Is he going to do it? Drum roll, please. He’s almost there. He’s three, four. Get out. Everybody get out. What are you doing here? Standing ovation, everyone. Yes. Joe Biden. Awesome, guys. There he stands. That was great. He did it. Joe Biden made it up the big boy steps.

There you go. It’s already morning in America today. Joey Bots made it up the big. I love this sideshot. It only shows my hands and basically from the waist down. I’m watching it now because sometimes this screen’s a little bit behind. Freaking hilarious. All right, let me get back to the show. I got one more thing for you coming up about these demon savages overseas. Just showing to you again that these people do not take these goons in the White House seriously at all.

Not even a little bit. They’re laughing at them. I got that coming up and a whole lot more. Don’t go anywhere. Itarget pro. I’ve been telling you for months to prepare food, water, filtration, comms, and yes, be well trained with your firearm. Well, how? It’s expensive range ammo. I know. Itarget has partnered with the show since the beginning. This is their best offer yet. Get the itarget cube today’s.

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That’s the letter. I targetpro iTargetPro. Itargetpro. com offer code dan 20. Highly recommended. I train with it all the time. Train with your firearm. Our last sponsor today. Now I’ll get back to the demon savages patriot Mobile. For ten years, Patriot Mobile has been America’s only Christian conservative wireless provider. When I say only, I mean only. Glenn and the team at Patriot Mobile, they love you guys. You’re piling over there in droves to Patriot Mobile because you can’t stand woke mobile.

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Don’t? Just repeating don’t. Don’t do what? Don’t do what? Don’t eat cheerios. What are you talking about? What does don’t even mean? Maybe like, don’t kill our people. I don’t know. I’m just going to throw that out there. Yeah. I want you to listen to these demon savages here, talking about their tunnel system under. These are the maniacs we’re talking about here. Many people are asking look at they’re asking about these tunnels.

Since you have built 500 tunnels, check this out. Why haven’t you built bombshell where civilians can hide during bombardments? Oh, that’s an idea. We built the tunnels because we have no other way of protecting ourselves, the demon savages, from being targeted from being targeted and killed. They’re meant to protect us from airplane. Notice there’s no mention whatsoever of the civilians over there. Not one. Everybody knows 75% of the people in the Gaza Strip are refugees from what? You have the Gaza Strip.

You control it. What are you refugees from? And it’s the responsibility of the United Nations to protect this is hilarious. According to the Geneva Convention, is the responsibility they are under occupation. From who? They gave you back Gaza in 2005. Ladies and gentlemen, these people are full of shit. I can’t tell you this enough. I’ve never been disappointed in so many people in my life who cannot figure out what’s going on here.

I don’t care what side you stand on, ladies and gentlemen, I’m not Jewish. I’m not on practice Islam. I’m a Christian. I’m just telling you I’m not stupid. I can see what’s going on here. All these people oh, my gosh. Ceasefire. You’d have a ceasefire tomorrow. Just give back the hostages and turn yourselves in for killing thousands of Jews and pledge to not bomb and try to kill people it’s really not hard.

It’s really not. No, we don’t want to do that. We want to continue to kill the Jews. Okay? No ceasefire. How’s that sound, by the way? You think the Biden administration is going to do jack shit to protect American Jews? Did you see Corrine Jean Pierre yesterday at the press conference? One of the most pitiful, disgusting performances I’ve ever seen in my life. Hey, would you consider these people that are out there protesting for Hamas, would you consider them extremists, given that you’ve called Trump people MAGA extremists for just about, what, two and a half years now? Probably more.

Corrine Jean Pierre, let me be clear. She said it a thousand times. The woman is the single worst press secretary I’ve ever seen in my life. You think they’re going to protect you? Folks? They can’t even protect American Jews at Cornell. Cornell, that’s a college for you liberals listening currently. Look at this tweet. There was a Cornell. Did you hear about this discussion forum? The Kosher dining hall is now on lockdown, and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms.

This is an American keep in mind this is American. Here’s what was on their message board. If you see a Jewish person, notice the person’s in quotes as if they’re, like, subhuman animals on campus. Follow them home and slit their throats. Rats need to be eliminated from Cornell. Oh, here’s another one. Rape and kill all the Jew women. This is an American college, folks. Before they birth more Jewish hitlers.

Jews are excrement on the face of the earth. No Jew civilian is innocent of genocide. That’s cute. Oh, here you go. Allahu Akbar. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. Calling for Jewish genocide, by the way. Glory to Hamas. Liberation by any means necessary. I’m going to throw this out there to you fellas. There’s more. We can show these all day, but this is basically on a message board.

So this is fascinating. You show up at a rally on January 6, and you say, stop the steel, because you’ve got legitimate evidence to have election shenanigans. You find yourself on an FBI wanted list, and Grandma’s in jail in the gulag. Yet it’s so strange. You go to Cornell and you post in a message board, kill the Jews, rape their women, exterminate them, and let’s engage in Jewish genocide.

And it’s a free speech, bro. It’s free speech. Totally free speech. It’s the weirdest thing. It’s almost like everybody on the left is full of shit. Look at that guy Goosebumps talking about this. Because, folks, as a guy who’s fought for free speech his entire life, I can guarantee you right now, you want to do a little mind exercise. Imagine this. I put this on Twitter this morning.

You know that group, the Patriot Front, which no one really believes is like an actual right wing group? It looks like a left wing front. You know, the guys, they show up in the mask. They carry the American flag. They wear the Khakis like a uniform. No one believes this group is a real, like, right wing group. Okay, pretend it was. What do you think would happen if the Patriot Front showed up on a college campus and started talking about from the river to the Sea? No, I’m serious.

What do you guys think would happen? What do you think would happen in the Chat? Any ideas? I want to know I’m reading you guys right now. I want to know what you think would happen if let’s make it even easier. Let’s say a group of people who claim to be Trump supporters with a MAGA flag. Say it’s 25 people, they all have MAGA hats on, red hats on.

If they were to walk onto a college campus and start talking about Jewish genocide, what do you think would happen? Well, you know what would happen. You’d find them, they’d be in prison. They’d be sentenced to probably 400 years in prison for inciting a riot, for threats, which would be if you’re calling for that, which would be legitimate. By the way, do you ever wonder, though, why nothing happens? If you’re anything but a Republican or conservative and you say the same thing? The answer is because we live in a police state, and the left finds the leftists that engage in this kill the Jews rhetoric useful for their cause.

That’s why so dan. It’s not based on any principle whatsoever. In other words, they’re not targeting Trump people because they’re trying to protect the Jews. No. They hate the Jews. The left. They hate them. And that’s a fact. And if you’re Jewish, you better damn well wake up to that fast. Whereas we’ll condemn that shit, like I just did on the right, loudly, vigorously, and forever, not the left.

Green John Pierre can’t even call them extremists. Can you imagine that? You’re an extremist, just not them. And as I told you in the beginning of the show, this is tearing the left apart. And I got to tell you, it’s glorious to watch, because I’ve been warning you that the real racists are on the left for the longest time. These people, like we saw in the beginning, talking about white supremacists, white supremacist.

I don’t judge anybody by the color of their skin, me included. That’s called racism, assholes. They’re the ones talking about future discrimination as a remedy to past discrimination, calling for racism. Read Ibrahim Kindy’s book, one of these critical race theorist pushers. These people talking about the exploitation narrative and Israel engaged in an occupation even though they turned the land over in 2005 and it wasn’t occupied before then.

Anyway, these are the real racists. Watch this. This is Too as a congressman. His name is Andre Carlson. He’s ripping to shreds another Democrat congressman. The guy happens to be Jewish. Ripping him to pieces because Carlson sounds like a pro Hamas guy, and he sounds upset that this other Democrat congressman isn’t. I told you they are going to eat themselves alive. And you can see evidence of it right here.

Check this out. Cowardly. I think he’s not active in the role as a member of Congress. I think he’s shown himself to be very emotional. Like most cowardly people, when you confront them, they’re afraid. I’m unafraid of the guy. And if he wants to call us despicable, I’m saying he’s a coward and he’s a punk and he should remember why the people sent him here. And if he wants to play some kind of tough guy or gangster, we can handle it like gentlemen, and we can get into something else.

We can get into something. Is this guy for real? Is this guy challenging this guy to, like a UFC match? Is this going to be like one of the Paul brothers versus Nate Diaz or something? Or Dylan Danis or something like that? Is this guy for real? He’s an elected member of the United States Congress who’s apparently upset because he doesn’t want to call out Hamas, and another guy called him out on it.

You notice how us on the right, we have moral clarity. And folks, again, I’ll say it again, I’ll say it often, I’ll say it loud, I’ll say it proud. You know where I stand on this issue. I’ve only talked about it every day for the last three weeks, for at least five minutes, sometimes more. You’re free to have any position you want and vocalize it. It’s a free country.

About what you think our military involvement or our alignment with Israel should be. A lot of people have a lot of different opinions on that. If you can’t condemn what happened on October 7, this isn’t the show for you, and it never will be. And I have zero issue with that going forward, thankfully. I love you all and the 85,000 people here now, you seem to get it.

I don’t want to see innocent Muslims, innocent Palestinians killed either. But there’s one way out of this, and the way out of this is to stop terror attacks. Stop saying that Israel doesn’t have the right to exist. Stop saying you’re going to kill the Jews and find them behind the tree, and the tree will call out, there is a Jew here. Come kill him. Maybe if you’d cut that shit out, I’m going to throw this out there, guys.

Maybe if you’d cut that shit out, we wouldn’t have as many problems. Just a guess. Just a guess. And this administration, by the way, claims right now that they’re interested in all this foreign aid overseas. They’re not interested in shit. So the new speaker, Mike Johnson, said, okay, listen, we’re going to carve out an Israel aid package, which you’re fair to comment on. I mean, either way, you may like it, you may not.

I get it. A lot of different opinions on that. But Johnson, the new speaker of the House on the Republican side, said, fine, if we’re going to send 14 billion, then we’re going to make that cut to the inflation reduction act specifically to the IRS part of it. Yes, this is a great idea. Jake Sherman reporting on his Twitter feed. House Republican aid bill is out. It offsets the 14 billion in aid with 14 billion in cuts.

Okay, fine. We’re going to send money overseas anywhere. We should offset it. And a great way to offset it would be to take it away from the IRS. That’s going to use the money to go and target American citizens for audits. Great idea. Not the Democrats. They don’t want it. They don’t want it. They want to send money everywhere, all overseas. They want to send it to the IRS, even though, ladies and gentlemen, we’re on path.

As EJ. Antonio, who I cite a lot, puts in this Twitter feed, we’re on the path to absolutely certain bankruptcy. You want to hear a number? It’s going to kick you right in the balls. Remember with the Obama deficits? Remember when Obama was running up all those deficits and everybody was like, oh, my gosh, this is so crazy. $900 billion. A trillion dollars. Do you remember that, folks? And everybody thought that we were doing podcast, Joe.

We were like, we’ve never seen anything like this. The biggest deficit Bush had ever had was, like, 400, 500 billion, which wasn’t great, by the way. Obama doubled it $900 billion. And no one could believe it was that much money. Look at this. Tweet from E. J. Antony. Keep that number in mind from the treasury. They borrowed a trillion last quarter. For liberals, that means a quarter of the fiscal year.

One fourth. They expect another 776,000,000,000 this quarter, which he notes would be miraculous since it borrowed 500 billion this month alone. Then they’re going to borrow 816,000,000,000 in quarter one in 2024. So they’re on track to borrow $3 trillion this fiscal year. Is projected interest going to the moon? Look at this. Those are the interest payments, ladies and gentlemen. We’re going to be making interest payments on our debt equivalent to some of the biggest deficits barack Obama ever ran in office.

You believe this shit? Is this even real? Well, that is a sucker punch to the Gonads. Luckily, I got my Tommy’s gentle. They provide protection. Well, enough of that provide a lot. Yeah, right. $800 billion, folks. It’s never going to stop, man. I’d say flag it, but it’s ridiculous because it’s not even worth a flag. We are going bankrupt. Do you understand that? It’s not going to look like a court bankruptcy.

There’s not going to be a restructuring of the United States because we can print money. What’s going to happen is you are going to get hyperinflation. No, Dan, inflation is leveling off. Wait. Just wait. Really? You think this can just go on. So, just to be clear, I’m not saying you’re saying this especially you all listening now, but so you’re suggesting to me that we can just print money with no end to pay for bills we haven’t taxed people to pay for, and there’ll be no consequence whatsoever.

So why not print 20 trillion then and just pay off? I got an idea, folks. We have a $33 trillion national debt. Why not just print 33 trillion trillion dollars and pay it off? The modern monetary theorists will tell you, oh, yeah, no problem at all. Okay, you watch. Remember what I told you. If you don’t have assets soon you want a recommendation for me. I ain’t your financial advisor, but I’m going to tell you right now, if you don’t have assets big time, because the assets will go up in value as inflation goes up.

You own a house. Your house is going to go up in value. You have gold, art, comic books, expensive baseball cards, silver. You don’t have assets, man, you are screwed. You got paper money. Good luck. Knock yourself out. You’re going to be in bad shape. By the way, I want you to keep an eye on this, too. The Biden regulatory regime, they’re getting worse. There is an attack on business going on.

I debated putting this in there because it’s a little wonky. But listen, it’s super important. The Biden administration does not want to go through the Congress because we run the House of Representatives right now, even though we don’t have the Senate. So basically, they’re trying to engage in Communist socialism, kind of the new socialism. Kevin Williamson, who’s an author who hates my guts, but he has a pretty good book, it was a while back, was about this new form of socialism.

He says, Listen, the Communists aren’t as forthright anymore. They’re not going to tell you they want to take over the means of production. They just want to tax and regulate businesses to death. I want you to listen to Jeff Clark. He’s talking about exactly this, what the SEC is up to right now, and how they’re going to be regulating businesses and their greenhouse gas emissions both up and downstream.

It’s only about 30 seconds. This is going to be the next scam to take over your business. Check this out. But here’s what they’ve recently proposed. In March of 2022, they proposed a climate change disclosure rule. It hasn’t been finalized yet, but they’re threatening to finalize it. They’re trying to scare Americans off from challenging it before it comes out. And what the rule does is it requires publicly traded companies to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and also to discuss the risks that the companies face from climate change.

And they’re doing this in what they’re calling three scopes. So the first scope is emissions from the company itself. Then scope two is emissions from their energy suppliers. Whether it’s power plant or the like or fuel they purchase oil, et cetera. And then the third are emissions from either get this upstream or downstream things in the supply chain, other companies that relate to it, you have to do calculations on that.

Sir, yes, sir. That’s next. That’s next. Because they can’t outright take over your companies like a traditional socialist. Joe Biden’s going to take it over. By regulation, you will report to us the exact number of carbon molecules emitted into the atmosphere by your business, businesses you do business with, businesses you buy from and sell from. Is that possible to do? No, not at all. So why are they doing it? Basically to make sure that you have to go to them and grovel, that’s why.

That’s next. I’m going to end on this story because it’s an important one and I like to leave you with a little kind of punch to the gut. Not an actual punch to the gut, because I don’t really punch hard and you’d probably have me arrested for assault. But this is so indicative the story of the times we’re in now. It’s incredible. That calls for censorship and canceling.

Amongst the commies are doubling and tripling down despite the fact that the communists and the media and the left are the ones that are pumping out misinformation and disinformation on a regular basis and I mean causing real societal chaos. Here’s what I’m getting at. There’s been a bevy of articles out there written about now, oh, maybe these lockdowns and closures weren’t a good idea really for brains, because we told you it was a stupid idea and was never going to work.

And now all of a sudden that you feel the penalty phase is over. Now they’re all like, oh gosh, maybe these lockdowns weren’t such a good idea. The crazy thing is they are still censoring and canceling people for COVID based stuff, even though everything the left pushed on COVID, the vaccines, the Wuhan lab leak, all of it, the masks work when they don’t, even though all that BS turned out to be fake.

Well, the lab leak was real. Here’s this guy, Scott Galloway, big pusher in lockdown. I don’t know if you saw this. He was on was this Bill Marsh show, he’s on Mars show. And now they all want to be forgiven, folks, for pushing lockdowns as they realize the catastrophic damage they did to our economy, our kids brains, our kids’social development. And I’m telling Scott Galloway, and I don’t know, I don’t speak for all of you in the chat, but you know what, brother? No, you’re not forgiven.

We told you, assholes. And what’d you do? You went over and begged YouTube and Google and Twitter to censor and Facebook and ban us. You kiss my ass. Here, listen to this tool. Well, I was on the board of my Kids’school during COVID I wanted a harsher lockdown policy, and in retrospect, I was wrong. The damage to kids of keeping them out of school longer was greater than the risks.

But here’s the bottom line. Myself, our great people, the CDC, I’d like to thank the governor. We were all operating with imperfect information, and we were doing our best. But let’s learn from it. Let’s learn from it. Let’s learn from it. Let’s hold each other accountable. But let’s bring a little bit of grace and forgiveness in the shit show. That west coast. I’m sorry. I’m just enjoying this chat too much.

Fuck off. Fuck them. Yeah, I’m with you all. No, you’re not forgiven. You weren’t doing your best. You were doing your best to censor us. We were warning you. This is a dumb ass idea. And you’re liars, too. All of you. You have zero credibility. You ever see this video of Fauci? This is short. It’s not just right before the show, I sent this to the guys like, you got to throw this in there.

They’re liars, too. Now you’re going to see them all walking back. Oh, yeah. It wasn’t really for Lockdowns. I was only kind of oh, they’re going to do the John Kerry guys. I was for lockdowns before. I was against him. Remember him with the Iraq war? Here’s Fauci. Straight up liar about lockdowns. You’re going to see more of this on the left now as the damage of this starts to materialize.

Watch this. First of all, I didn’t recommend locking anything down. And the record will show, Neil, that we didn’t recommend shutting everything down. I recommended to the president that we shut the country down. They are absolutely not forgiven, folks. They are not forgiven. Not a chance. Remember what happened? Do you all remember? I want you to just walk through a little bit of history with me. When we were on YouTube, before we left, we were suspended from YouTube for telling you that these surgical masks do not stop the transmission of COVID And if you go outside your house with a surgical mask on and you think you’re protected and you’re high risk that you were taking your life in your own hands, it was very dangerous for you, and nobody listened.

Matter of fact, YouTube suspended us. What was that lady’s name? Coco Grinelli or whatever the hell her name was, sent us that bullshit email. Listen, we’re sorry you’re suspended Coco. Jim did a song for her. You’re not forgiven, you little tyrants. And then when we warned people about the vaccine and I told you it was the greatest regret of my life, when we warned, hey, listen, be careful.

This is new. This is new science. No one really knows long term. What did they do? They banned us. They fact checked us. When I wrote a piece on Facebook that this thing likely leaked from the lab because they couldn’t find a natural corollary for it in nature, what did they do? They had some bullshit fact check site when I was out my wife on a Friday night two years ago shred our Facebook page to pieces.

You expect me to forgive you? You could kiss my ass. I’m not forgiving anything. Scott Galloway. You want to learn from this? Yeah, resign. Resign and spend the rest of your life repenting for your censorship sins. You little commies guys disgust me. Folks, I’m going to end the show as I began it today. Sorry to have to tell you this, but we are never going to win this fight with the left until we impose real material losses on them.

Do you understand that? Real material losses. This guy Galloway should resign. He should resign in disgrace. He was part and parcel to one of the biggest global apocalyptic decisions we have seen in modern health, science, history. These people all need to lose their reputations. I’m really sorry. Jobs, finances, whatever it is, they will never learn otherwise. They will do it again. If there is, God forbid, another pandemic or another election that’s questioned, they will do again what they did before.

They need to feel real material losses. That’s why I don’t cry one single tear for these people losing their jobs right now for engaging in pro Hamas terrorism and all this other stuff. It’s bullshit and you know it. Don’t let them off the hook. Anyone in the chat you want to forgive these people? I don’t forgiven nothing. The only thing I can wow, really? At the end of the show or dark mode, Dan, I see it up on the screen.

The only thing I just want I got to run. But I want to thank him for one thing. Yes. I love it. Yes. In the no, I want to thank him for one thing. I’m not sure true social and rumble would have ever happened and exploded the way they did if it weren’t for communists like YouTube, Google and guys like this. And others censoring us from telling you the truth, only positive to take from this thing.

All right folks, thanks again for tuning in. A lot of information packed show today. We covered a lot of different subjects, so there’s a lot of stuff I was waiting to talk about from the last few days. You can see from the dates of the stories. Join us every day. I was in the chat early this morning chatting with you all about 939 45 Eastern time. Rumble. com Bongino.

Download the Rumble app. It is super user easy user interface is great. On it. Check it out. Set up an account chat with me. D Bongino show in the morning. Join early. Like to talk to you all. Show starts at 11:00 a. m. . Spread the word. You can always watch it on delay as well@rumble. com. Bongino subscribe at Apple and Spotify as well. Helps us stay on the charts.

We really appreciate it, folks. I’ll see you back here tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show. .


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