The Biggest Way To Destroy Fentanyl In America Is Here! Scientist Discovers Alternative? | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ David Nino Rodriguez talks about how medical scientist Clint Winters discovered Canola Dyne, a product that helps reduce pain by increasing the flow of endorphins in the brain, on Nino’s Corner TV. This product was inspired by his mother’s struggle with cancer and her subsequent pain management issues. Canola Dyne has been found to be effective in not only reducing pain but also potentially acting as an antidepressant. It’s a promising new development in the field of pain management and overall well-being.
➡ The text discusses the importance of finding natural ways to manage age and extend one’s prime. It highlights the physical and emotional pain experienced by professional athletes, and suggests a natural, non-addictive supplement that supports the body’s natural endorphin flow as a solution. This supplement, used daily, has helped thousands of people, including athletes, manage their pain and improve their quality of life. The text emphasizes that this is not a quick fix pain reliever, but a supplement that helps the body function as it was designed to, reducing pain and inflammation over time.
➡ The text discusses the issue of opioid addiction and the potential of a substance called Canolidine as a safer alternative for pain relief. Many people have turned to dangerous drugs like heroin and fentanyl due to the opioid crisis and the regulation of prescription pain relievers. Canolidine has helped many people transition from opioid use to living pain-free. However, the pharmaceutical industry has been slow to promote Canolidine due to its current lack of profitability.
➡ The speaker discusses their preference for focusing on personal goals over partying, and introduces Canoldyne, a supplement that helps with addiction and is certified drug-free. They mention that it takes about seven days for the supplement to work, but the effects can vary from person to person. The speaker also mentions that the supplement is offered with a 90-day money-back guarantee. Lastly, they express their hope that more people, especially the youth, will turn to healthier alternatives like Canoldyne.
➡ A boxer encourages people to let go of their addictions and start a healthier life, assuring them they have nothing to lose. He appreciates the opportunity to share his message and looks forward to doing so again.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. I am joined with Clint Winters, a medical scientist. Doesn’t look like what a muscle head, bro. I don’t know. What is it? Medical scientist that discovered canola Dyne. All right, that. This blows me away, folks. This stuff is life changing stuff. And, you know, I don’t pedal anything unless I believe in it. And this, I believe in clint, I’m happy to have you on, man. First of all, thanks, man. I really want people to understand what this is because this is an incredible thing that you’ve discovered. You want to say how you discovered this? Canola dinner? Canola dying, correct? Sure.

Canola Dyne. So it’s actually a fairly personal story. In 2016, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. And during that time, she was prescribed morphine. And from the minute that she was prescribed morphine, even though we knew she was given essentially a death sentence with cancer, she was terminal. We lost her almost immediately because every day was inebriation. She couldn’t recognize who we were. So my sister and I were constantly trying to find other alternatives so at least we could experience some moments with her before she was gone. And we tried everything. We tried. I mean, tried CBD.

It was the first time she ever smoked weed. I’m not a big weed person, so I, like, I had to call my sister on how to use a bong. I mean, funny after the fact, right? So we went through all this stuff, and at that time, I had stumbled upon cold on in a medical journal, but it was too late. She was choose at that point. She was two weeks from passing, so I had read about it. We were gearing up to try her things and then she passed and it kind of fell away from my forefront.

How long ago did your mom pass? She died. 2016. Yeah, she died. Sorry. Prayers out to you. Okay, thank you. I appreciate it. It was a tough situation, but I really think that it was God’s way of showing me something that was out there that people weren’t talking about. I really believe that because then years after that is where I really dove into canola vine again. And here we are today. Okay, so I’m dealing with that with my parents right now. My dad’s 89, my mom’s 85. Massive dementia, a lot of. A lot of pain. She can hardly walk.

She’s doing the kind of Alzheimer’s shuffle right now and things are really bad for me. So I’m going to start her on this as well just to lessen the pain. So I’ve been a fighter my entire life. I started boxing. I was five years old. I turned amateur when I was 13 and then pro at 20. Uh, racked up 36 straight wins. I mean, just, you know, really. But, dude, I can tell you, like, right now, um, the pain, my. I have a high threshold and pain anyway, but, um, from my hands to my feet to my head, especially my head, my neck, my back, my neck and my back, the whole thing.

Pain, right? And, um, I just started this, so I’m going to tell you right now, I’m a believer in the product. I am a believer in your product. Uh, would you tell people how this works exactly? Because I find it fascinating. Yeah, it really is. So it actually attacks the root cause of pain, which is the. The lack of endorphin flow in our brain. So, as an athlete, you know, of endorphins, we all know of endorsement endorphins out there, even without being really astute with science as what gives us a runner’s eye. So if we’re working out, if we’re running, you get that second wind where you feel like Superman.

You keep going. All of a sudden you feel great. You go, well, that’s the endorphin flow. You get the same thing from sex, from chocolate, lots of different things in life. The problem is, is that as we age, that flow dwindles and dwindles and dwindles. And what scientists have figured out is that there’s a fifth pain receptor in your brain is called a scavenger receptor. And that thing steals your endorphins from your brain flow, so it never makes it to the four main. Do they know why that even happens? Age it. Just as this, as this scavenger receptor matures, it becomes stronger than the other four and starts stealing.

So the old line blocks it. So hold on a second. Could this also be an antidepressant? Absolutely. Because you feel energized and good. It has been studying for that, too. Most of the studies right now are all based around pain because of how important endorphins are. 50 times the power of morphine. It’s what all of the opioid drugs that are designed out there are made to mimic, because they’re made to mimic endorphins. So it’s a very, very powerful pain relief molecule in your brain. And all canolidine does, it makes endorphins available. But you’re absolutely right. It’s such a new mechanism that it is being looked at for several other functions down the road as well.

So who knows where canola is going to go. I’ve been feeling, I’ve been taking quite a few products and, you know, I try them. All right? I take everything and that, that’s sent to me and some stuff I send home. All right, I just send back, I send back to the manufacturer. I’m like, I’m not into it. I’m not going to, I’m not going to push this stuff. Um, I’ve been die. I’ve been told from doctors and other people that I suffer from adrenal fatigue. Um, you know, the massive dopamine hits this, the endorphins from boxing, from wins, and jumping up on the ring and, you know, and then, you know, the, the massive, you know, so I was juggling all these extremes from boxing and the glory and the training and the sparring and the adrenaline and the fights, too, drinking and the women and the, you know, just back and forth, back and forth.

I never, ever stopped. You know, I never stopped until now. I’m sober. For four years and five months, I’ve been sober. Alcohol sober, drug sober. Everything. I did everything right. Congratulations. Thank you. So now that I’m feeling balanced, you know, I want something to start making me feel that, you know, that lift again. I do feel with everything that I’m taking an emotional, like, I’m able to. I used to dread going to the gym. Now I’m like, I feel pretty good going to the gym. You know, I feel like I can do this. Does that help with this? I mean, are you going to feel like an emotional uptick or an emotional lift with this stuff? Well, many people do because the endorphins are actually functioning how they’re supposed to.

So those things are supposed to make you feel better. The gym supposed to make you feel good. Going on a walk or a run is supposed to make you feel good. Having a laugh with someone is supposed to make you feel good. But the problem is, is when your brain isn’t functioning properly, just like, by the way, just like your heart, just like your, your, you know, memory aspects of your brain, just like other parts of your body that we supplement and we support through supplements. This system, this endorphin system is the same thing. When it’s not functioning like it should, then what you expect from the endorphins won’t be there.

So that uplifting feel won’t exist. So canolidine enhances that process to make it possible again. So not only is it important for pain relief, which is why people use it, but also getting that natural sensation that you’re seeking, whether it’s from working out or whether it’s from, you know, laughing or going out. Here’s the other thing, too, is you just mentioned all that pain. Well, when you start to lower your pain, guess what you can do more of? You can go hang out with friends more. You can go to the gym more. You can go on a hike more.

You can go play golf more. Things that make you happier. You feel like doing things. You actually. You feel like doing things. Exactly. I’m in pain. When I was. When my back was in, like, at a level ten, I just wanted to lay in bed, and I hated life. I was gritting my teeth. Now I’m getting out. I’m doing stuff. I want to go to the gym. I want to feel the warm sun on my faith. I get, like, a kick of endorphins, dude. Like, there’s probably a lot of people listening to this right now that are, like, suffering and want a way out of this.

Their life is miserable. That’s the thing, is that there’s so many people that think about it. You work your whole life, right? You work so hard for so long to get to a place where you can have freedom. You can go do the things you want. You get to the age, and then you’re sick and you’re in pain, and you don’t want to do anything. You don’t want to travel. You don’t want to hang out with your wife. You don’t want to see your friends. It’s like, what did you do it all for? Before the interview, we’re talking about managing age and extending your prime.

That’s the key is finding natural solutions in ways to really extend your prime. Because we all have a lot of life to live. No one wants to think about life being, yeah, you work and then you die, and that’s it. I mean, that I have, you know, I have a lot of friends that pro played pro sports, like pro football. One of my friends coaches for a pro football team. And I don’t want to say it is because I don’t want to talk about that. But also major league baseball. I got friends that were basketball, NBA.

I have friends UFC, boxing. And I’m going to tell you right now, one thing we all had in common, because I could say had for me, pain. A lot of pain. And not just physical, bro. I’m talking emotional. These guys can’t even watch once they retire. They can’t even watch it on television anymore. They’re so over it. They feel like they’ve been used. They look, they have a very negative outlook on the sport, like I kind of do with boxing, although I’ve noticed that I’m gravitating more towards it again, because I feel better about myself. I feel better.

I feel inside better. So I’m wondering if this is part of it. But, um, so many people that probably are listening to this program right now, or I’ve worked their asses off, whether they’ve had injuries in sports injuries, just playing with the kids, or they have kids, they can’t play with them anymore. They’re. They’re dealing with a lot of injuries, a lot of emotional turmoil. A lot of it, because you get older, bro, you just. It just compounds and compounds and compounds and compounds. So I feel like they should give this a shot because I feel like it’s helping me, and I think it’s an amazing thing, and it’s natural, right? I mean, it’s.

It’s not pharmaceutical stuff, man. So that’s right there. That should. Yeah, go ahead. And it’s drug free. And that’s. That’s what you brought up UFC, and that was a huge thing for me as a scientist. I was. I was able to bring this to the performance institute, and they were, you know, behind closed doors, they were saying, hey, we. We’re trying to make sure we can give our athletes something to utilize that’s not a drug. Cause obviously, most of the harder pain substances are banned. Um, you know, you won’t pass a drug test. Also, they’re highly addictive.

I mean, and so this. This is an addictive. This is not addictive. There’s. There’s no inebriation, so you can. Addicted to feeling good. I mean, people are going to be like, dude, I feel better. That’s addicting. Sure, sure. But it’s not addicting, uh, chemically to, you know, to where you. I mean, we saw what happened, like, with lexicon, where you’re willing to go, you know, rob a pharmacy to get the stuff. Like it was actually changing receptors in your brain. This just. You get it. Honestly, it’s not even feeling good. This is feeling how you’re supposed to feel.

This is feeling how your body was designed to feel before. We’ve had years of, you know, enhanced cortisol, which. Which really, you know, runs everything down. Food, with all the food that we eat throughout american society, that’s not great for us. Toxins, inflammation, all these things year after year after year after year brought us to a point where we’re on all different levels of pain. So this is allowing us to feel how we’re supposed to feel. And that function, the endorphins, it’s a God given function. It’s how our brain was supposed to operate. It’s just allowing that to fire the way it’s supposed to fire.

And one thing I want to point out, too, is this isn’t like Advil or like an aspirin. This is a daily use supplement. It’s the first ever daily use pain relief supplement ever invented. So you take this daily. Even when you start to feel great, you take it every day because it’s supporting that function. Just like I said before. Just like you support your joints, you support your heart, you support your brain, all the supplements you would take, you take this for your natural endorphin flow. That’s how you support it each and every day, athletes are taking it.

Over 100,000 aging Americans are using every day. We have thousands and thousands of testimonials that have poured in from all different levels of pain, from, hey, you know, my back’s ached for the last six years to I’ve been in chronic pain, and now this has totally changed my life. So I’m just happy to be able to talk about it. Because whenever you’re dealing with something that’s natural and it’s not a drug, sometimes it’s hard to get the word out, because everything is so focused around big pharma and that money machine that exists with pharma that this is natural, it’s safe, it’s non addictive, it’s helping thousands of people.

It’s helping athletes. It’s something that, frankly, everyone over 40 should be using because we all experience. I don’t care how good of a shape you are, you have some level of pain that you’re dealing with. Dude, my knees used to ache, and my knees, my back, folks. I used to not be able to. I used to be an avid runner. I used to run under a seven minute mile, and I do 3 miles in 21 minutes flat or, or 19 to some change. Now it will do like a 15 minutes mile. I mean, but. But I’ll say I’d be laying in bed for three days afterwards, come back, my knees, I mean, dude, inflammation everywhere.

Now I’m running the treadmill. I’m feeling good. I, you know, I’m not. I’m not gonna lie, I don’t. I run probably once a week now, once or twice a week, but I do an incline walk, but I still try to get the run in here and there. Um, I’m doing a lot better than the 15 minutes mile. Although I’m doing about an eleven and some change right now, working my way up. But, uh, but it’s getting there. And, uh, but I tell you, um, the one thing is, is that it’s not just a pain reliever. You, you actually feel good, right? You feel elevated.

That’s what I love about it. And you were talking about the scavenger. The scavenger. What, that grabs the endorsement receptor. Yeah. Can you, can you elaborate on that? Because I might have cut you off a little bit on that. Can you elaborate? Sure. On that. So, so the scavenger receptor is essentially the, the root of all evil when it comes to pain in the body. So what scientists figured out is this. We used to think there was four pain receptors. There’s actually five. It’s just the fifth one is what they call a scavenger receptor. And as your body weakens, this receptor has gotten stronger.

So as you go through events. So let’s say your knee hurts or your back hurts or you’re running or whatever it is, and you have an event where your brain goes, okay, we need to release endorphins to feel better. It’s releasing endorphins. And this fifth receptor is grabbing them. So it never makes it to these four. And these four are where pain pills hit. This is where opioids target as they oversaturate these four pain receptors. So we have endorphins to do that job for us. It’s the natural way we relieve pain. But because of this fifth receptor, it doesn’t make it to the source.

It has to get to. So canolidine blocks this receptor. So now, within seven days, as your brain is releasing endorphins, it’s making it to your four receptors. Like when you were 1012, 1520 years old, back when you used to, like I said, like you could fall off a bike, you know, get up the next day, brush yourself off. You know, you’re, you’re in pain for maybe a day, and you’re back at it now. Bike at 40, a bike at 50. It’s a whole different thing. I mean, you might, you might be hurt for the rest of your life, right? I wonder.

I wonder with, with all the opiates, I’ve done a lot in my, my time. Painkillers. I mean, dude, I used to throw a handful in my mouth and chew them. I mean, it was bad. And then I would, you know, alcohol abuse, cocaine, whatever, dude. I mean, I, you know, I’m wondering if that damaged the receptors. Probably the receptor sites were damaged, right? I wouldn’t. Would you say? And 100%. It’s like when a guy takes a lot of testosterone. If you overuse testosterone, your body no longer knows how to make it on its own. You need help to bring it back.

It’s the same exact thing with your pain receptors. That’s why if you talk to someone who’s addicted to oxy, one of the reasons they got heavily addicted is because they tried to go off. And when they did go off, they were in more pain they’ve ever been in their entire life. Why? Because the receptors were no longer working the way they’re supposed to work. And their endorphin flow was non existent. Because their brains, your. Because your body’s so intelligent, right. It’s like, hey, okay. You have pain relief handled. You’re taking this other stuff. I’m cool. I can go take a vacation.

So it literally does nothing because it’s smart that way. Same thing with testosterone. It knows how to allocate resources brilliantly. Almost too good in this scenario, because then when it needs to turn it back on, there’s a huge delay. Let me ask you this. Have you seen people honestly get off their pain relievers and switch to this? And if so, well, hold on. And if so, do they have to get off the pain relievers first before they try this? Because I would imagine those would be, uh, uh, disrupting the flow of the canola down. I would imagine that they would be in, uh, uh, what? Uh, overloading the pain receptors with this, with whatever they’re on when they have to get off that first.

Did you give canola dyne a chance to work? That’s a great point. Yes, they weaned themselves. But here’s the disturbing part. Here’s where a lot of customers have found canolidine. Is because of the opioid crisis and because of what happened and because of how all it was regulated. People that had been prescribed, let’s say, oxycontin for years. All of a sudden, doctors, because of everything that came down, got scared and said, I’m sorry, I can’t give this to you anymore. This is no longer a long term thing, so I’m sorry. And a lot of those people, what happened? They went and became drug addicts.

They went into heroin or whatever. So they were searching. I’ve lost three friends from fentanyl just last year. I wish I would have had this. Yeah. So they’re looking for solutions. So when they’ve come across canolidine, they use canolidine and, yes, we have so many converts where they go from opioid use, either wean off, they’re off cold turkey. Now they’re on canola nine. They’re living pain free. They’re happy again. So that’s, that’s. It’s like I said, that’s why I feel like a lot of people that are taking, let’s say, any street drug, you know, fentanyl. Let’s just say I found that a lot of them blame their back or their joints or, oh, man, I just.

I can’t get the pain. Any the pain relievers I need from the doctor anymore. I got to be on fentanyl. But I always feel like it’s an emotional issue. Like, I always feel like they got something really dark they’re dealing with, and the pain is just too heavy because I know a lot of drug addicts, and, and I, and, you know, I relate to them because I I dabbled in, in here and there, you know, in box, you know, in between fights or whatever, I would do whatever I wanted to do, but I thought I was like Superman.

I don’t know what the hell’s wrong. I just did everything. But, but, uh, I I’ve noticed that one thing they have in common is this, uh, this dark heaviness, um, that they all deal with. And I’m wondering if this. If they could just cut that out, cut out the fentanyl and maybe try this canola dyne, if this will help. Like, seriously, man, this could be an answer for them. I mean, think. Think about this way from, from a, you know, because we, we, you and I kind of hit on it. From a brain operation standpoint, if the molecule in our brain, the endorphin that’s made to make us feel good, no longer fires, you’re never going to be happy.

Like, you’re never going to do anything in life that’s going to make you happy. So, like, of course they’re going to go through life dark. I mean, I would, too. So would you. If we didn’t have any, any level of endorphins at all, it would be a really, really bad day for both of us. So I absolutely think someone who was, you know, working through now, I think. I think addiction can be complicated. I think there’s, you know, counseling a lot of stuff that has to happen with someone who. But from a chemical standpoint, if they’re looking solely to.

If it’s solely, like, okay, emotionally, I’ve gotten over my addiction, but I need something to ease the pain. Canolidine is an absolute perfect solution to move over to. To get relief without the fear of being addicted to a substance, you know? You know, I got to say, like, that’s. That’s probably the number one substance, right? Are the opiates right now? Is that what’s the most. Yeah. Is it pain relievers? This number is startling. It’s expected that pharma’s pain revenue will be 109 billion, 109 billion by 2030. So people think that it kind of went away with oxy.

They got to wake up. I mean, it’s pain. And not to mention business, not to mention how many people are dying from fentanyl on the streets. I mean, absolutely. I’ve heard over, I think it was in, a doctor told me that in 2021 by itself, it was like over 160,000 deaths. And I’ve heard of people dropping in bars and then clubs. I mean, it’s like a battlefield, man. Like the club. Now I’ve heard people are just dropping. Have you heard the same thing? I have heard the same thing. I have heard the same thing. It’s. It’s gotten, a lot of people think the crisis has gotten better.

It’s gotten worse. It just switched. Oxy was so heavily publicized or tv shows about everything else. But you’re right. Fentanyl is worse, and it’s on our doorstep right now. And it just speaks to the drug crisis we have. Because think about it. It’s like a legal cartel. I mean, billions and billions and billions of dollars are being made off of people’s suffering. And that’s what really, it’s so frustrating to me with the medical knowledge of canola. And it’s been there, like, from this discussion. What do you think? This is something that should have been screened from the rooftops as we’re going through this.

Yes. Right. But it doesn’t make pharma money. It will eventually. They’re working on a synthesized version of canola dying years down the road. It’ll sell for however much money, so they’ll. They’ll worry about it then. But for now, helping people. It doesn’t fit into the profit profile. The money’s not really. No. You know, when I was a, I went, I went out with some, some buddies just about a four or five months ago, and I don’t drink anymore. So I was like, you know, I want to go check out the scene. And I went out in Scottsdale and with some buddies, and, you know, they’re partiers, and they bring medical testing kits to test the drugs.

Are going to take. And I’m like, man, you have to go through all that? Back in my day, dude, like. Like, I’m the old guy now, right on the dinosaur. Like, am I talking about, like, I was like, dude, we just. I trusted the cocaine. I did the molly. I did whatever I wanted. I drank, and I don’t. I don’t. What do you guys do it, like, bro, people are dropping, and. And now with all the designer stuff that’s out there, I don’t even know what half this crap is. I mean, and, folks, I’m sober. I don’t touch anything anymore.

I’m clean. But I’m just saying, I got to tell you, like, if I can make myself feel even better. Cause I thought in my. For me, like, I thought the punches to the head in boxing, CTE, and I have friends that played pro football. They’re kind of messed up. And I’m wondering if this can help us in that way, too, because, um, that’s. Everyone’s just looking to feel better and deal with their pain right now. I’ve noticed an uptick and an uplift in my emotional, uh, in, like, in my. In my emotions. My. My emotional stability has been pretty damn good, and I’ve been feeling.

I’ve been. And I. And I know that I’ve been sober for four and four years and five months this month, but now I’m wanting to, like, do a little more. Do a little more, really start tweaking myself out to where I’m just that much better, dude. And, I mean, I go out and I see these guys partying, I’m like, man, you’re missing the boat, dude. You guys are missing, you know, you’re letting. It’s. It’s so funny you say that, because it’s. It’s like you’re on a path of life, and I feel like partying and things. Like, once you come to that realization that you have all these off ramps you can keep taking, and if you just stay on your path, like, you’re going to get to where you want to get to, but it’s so easy to be kind of sucked over here and sucked there, and it can be awkward because you have good friends for a long time, like, Gabriel, let’s come hang out.

Because I’m just like you. I’m very structured. I go to bed at a certain time, I work at a certain time. So I have to say no to a lot of people. And I don’t. I don’t mind the party scene. I just. I have my own goals. And focuses and. And that takes me away from it. And sometimes it can be. It can hurt relationships. Cause you’re like, oh, well, you know, I guess you’re too big time to come hang out with us. Like, no, bro. Like, I just don’t. I don’t want to be out till 01:00 in the morning at a bar.

Like, I got stuff I have to do tomorrow. Like, you know, plus, I’m 40. I’m 42 years old. If I did decide to drink, it affects me way different. You would look weird in the bars. Like, where are these dinosaurs? No one wants to be that guy. I was that guy at 42. That’s where I quit. I’m like, ah, it’s not a good look. But, hey, canolidine, folks. Canola Dyne. So does it affect everyone differently, or is everyone just get the same response out of this? Is it kind of just. And it does. And it takes how long to start noticing the benefits? So it takes seven days.

It takes seven days to work its way into your receptors properly. That’s the guideline I always give. Some people take it from day one. They’re like, I feel different right away. Some people will take the full seven days. So it all depends on your body’s makeup. It depends on how compromised your endorphin flow is, what your past experience is, what drugs you’ve taken in the past. All these different things will play a part into how it works now, as far as results, just like any drug or supplement out there, it’s going to vary from person to person.

We’ve had people who go, it doesn’t work at all to people who were on the brink of suicide, who just saved their life, and they’ve never felt better. It’s all across the board. So that’s why GDR labs offers a 90 day money back guarantee. Wow. Plenty of a money back guarantee so people can try this and they don’t get the results they want. Try it and give it a good call. Come on, what’s the catch? What if someone’s like, hey, dude, I want my money back. I want to go buy some. Get it back. They get it back.

There’s so many. There’s so many more people. There’s so many more people that are taking it to love it, that wish they bought more, you know, at the time of purchase, that it’s few and far between, that we get people who want to want to return it because if they’re taking it correctly and they understand the technology and then even just doing a little bit of research. Like, you googled Canoldyne. I’m telling you right now, man, like, Googling Canoldyne. You’re like, how in the world was this stuff not on every major news channel? It was suppressed, right? It was not.

It’s suppressed. It’s suppressed. It just was something that was purposely not discussed because the solution is there when you have top scientists comparing it to morphine with no side effects and people are dying on stream. Morphine without the side effects, scientists. And that’s not. That’s not some marketing lingo. That’s not a sales page. That’s. Those are scientists from Scripps that compared canoldyne to morphine with no side effects. And this stuff was not talked about until me do an interview, interview, interview. Which is crazy to me. It’s crazy. But that’s why I’m so thankful. My audience, I’m going to tell you right now, a lot of my audience, they’re newly sober, or a lot of them have been sober.

They’ve. I’ve been very upfront with my addiction, uh, that I’ve, you know, clean now, but that I’ve been very upfront with my battles and my sobriety. Um, and so I have a big audience that are looking to get sober or are just newly sober. So this really could help them. This is huge for them because also it’s certified drug free, so there’s no nonsense, you know, so you don’t have, like, in working with UFC, as you know, from just professional sports in general, they take their supplements. Anything that they promote to their fighters is. We had to go through a huge vetting process.

We had to go through. I don’t know if you’re familiar with BSCG, banned substance control group, but they. USADA. But that’s not what you dealt with or. Yeah, so USADA is like the managing agency, but then BSCG is who does all the testing, so they, like, stamp it and certify it as drug free. They’re kind of like NSF. NSF is another competitor, okay? ESCG and NSF got you competitive companies, so we had to send it through them. And essentially, that whole vetting process, you know, they checked every. Every ingredient, every label, every batch that was made, how it’s made.

So that was a big shining star of achievement for me to get that ingredient into UFC just because they’re so stringent on the. How many athletes are on it right now. So it’s. It’s. It’s dispersed through the UFC PI. So. So whoever, whoever wants to use it through the PI. Wow. I should get the Diaz brothers on this. I’m pretty close to them, man. This is awesome. I mean, Clint, this is really good stuff. I hope people learn something from this and I hope they give it a shot, cuz, uh, canola Dines where it’s at, folks.

I I wouldn’t put this out there if I didn’t believe in it. Clint, I just want to say thank you, man, for sharing your story and how you came about this. You’re really helping humanity, man. If this can help people with addiction, this is amazing, man. This is breakthrough stuff. Thanks, buddy. And just so you know, too, we, as I talked about before, the show, did a special price just for your audience, because I know how your audience would respond to this, and I appreciate your support, and I appreciate you letting me get the word out.

So we created a special link, which is, Nino. And dude, it’s way discounted. It’s $29 per bottle. It’s usually over $100. All right, 29, less than a dollar a day. And the whole goal is, at this point, working with GDR, I just want to get these out into people’s hands, have people try it, have people talk about, spread the word, because that’s, as a community, that’s what’s going to help spread the word of safe, natural state meal relief. Have you thought of, like, doing festivals, man? Like, I mean, because a lot of youth will benefit from this.

If you could tell them, hey, this is natural. You don’t have to be on drugs. Try canola time and go to, like, Coachella or like, best music festivals or something like that. I would pitch a ten out there and do it and put this stuff out there. Why not? Why not? You’re absolutely right. I mean, any, any way that we can get the word out to help people, to give them after the youth, man? Yeah, that’s where you’re right. I mean, honestly, everybody, I mean, the youth and then the older, overcrowd, too, just because a lot of those, they’re helpless.

I have a feeling if I’m right, there’s going to be a massive shift coming, that the youth are going to start going more toward, towards healthy alternatives. They’re already, you already seen a lot of them go vegan and stuff like that, so why not something like this? I mean, they’re already, there’s already, like, sober bars. Pop it up here and there all over the place I go. There’s a lot of young kids that are like, man, I’m not into that stuff. I’ve noticed a lot of people stop drinking. A lot of, like, it’s like a trend right now.

Like, I’ve seen it happen because it’s just so dangerous out there. It’s not even worth messing with. No, I agree. I think. I think we’re finally starting to wake up as a population and go, there’s healthier ways to live life. There’s better ways to live life. There’s things we can do preemptively to live a healthier, longer life. Because before now, think about it. It was always, you know, just live how you live, then go to the doctor, then get on pills. Right? And then you’re kind of in that cycle. It wasn’t, what can I do now today? How can I do, what can I do today to support my brain, support my heart, support my endorphins that didn’t exist? Like, it’s.

We’re. And that shift is brilliant to me because finally it’s people taking control of their life now and going, what can I do today at 2030, 40 years old, to keep myself in shape and healthy and in my prime and extend that prime out so I’m not 60 in the hospital bed with the rest of my life, you know, ruined? Which is, what is that? What is the science prize that people win? Is it not the Nobel Peace Prize? But what’s the other one? Is there another? There’s something else there. There is a Nobel prize for medicine.

Okay. Well, you should get that. I appreciate you, man. Uh, clean. This is awesome stuff, man. I hope my audience is paying attention. They give it a shot. What do you got to lose, folks? What have you got to lose? There’s literally better to lose. Yeah. Get rid of the addictions, cut out the pain, get started. And it’s coming from me, a boxer. Okay. Hey, yo. All right. Thank you so much, man. I appreciate you coming on, and I know I’ll have you again. Thanks, buddy.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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Canola Dyne as potential antidepressant Canola Dyne pain reduction Clint Winters medical discovery daily supplement for improved quality of life endorphin flow increase for pain management extending prime years naturally long-term pain natural age management methods natural pain management development non-addictive supplement for endorphin flow pain management for professional athletes

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