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The text discusses the claim that nanorobots and microrobots are self-assembling microchips in human blood, even in those who are unvaccinated. These robots allegedly use light signals to communicate and can grow large structures, potentially leading to health issues like strokes, heart attacks, and cancer. The author expresses concern about the potential for digital enslavement through this technology and calls for open discussion and action. The text also touches on the idea of humanity being transformed into cyborgs and the potential implications of this.
The text discusses a secret project called Project Star, run by Lockheed Martin, which is connected to the smart grid we all use. It also talks about the dangers of nanotechnology entering our bodies through vaccines, food, and air, which has been happening for about 50-75 years. The text suggests that the solution to these issues lies in self-responsibility, taking care of our bodies and spirits, and avoiding harmful substances. It also mentions the role of nanotechnology in causing health issues, even in unvaccinated individuals, and suggests ways to mitigate these effects, such as using antioxidants and detoxifying the body.
The text discusses the use of various molecules and technologies to improve health and prevent diseases like cancer. It emphasizes the importance of increasing life force at a molecular level and using technologies like light therapy. The text also mentions the potential of human spirit and new technologies to overcome health challenges. It ends by discussing the presence of microplastics in human tissue and its potential long-term implications, including cognitive decline and the push towards a transhumanist agenda.
The text discusses the potential dangers of microplastics and hydrogels found in the human body, suggesting they could be used to control human consciousness. It also explores the idea of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to influence human thought. The author believes humanity is in a spiritual war, and that self-awareness and connection to the divine can help maintain our individuality. Lastly, the author suggests that humanity is at a crossroads, with some people developing immunity to AI takeover, while others remain vulnerable, and that this could lead to a bifurcation of humanity’s future.
The speaker recounts a humorous incident where he walked into a glass shower door, using it as a metaphor to remind himself to slow down and be present. He then engages in a deep conversation with his colleagues about the importance of living in the moment, appreciating life, and facing adversity with courage. They discuss their spiritual beliefs, the power of knowledge, and the importance of truth. The speaker also shares his work on promoting hemp as a sustainable resource in Africa, highlighting its potential to revolutionize the economy and improve lives.
The speaker believes in creating affordable, sustainable products, like a toothbrush that costs less than a cent, to challenge the current economic system. They suggest that this approach can help society move away from harmful practices and towards a more balanced, fair system. The speaker also mentions a conversation with a prime minister about reversing laws against industrial hemp, indicating a shift in societal attitudes. The speaker ends by expressing optimism for the future and thanking their colleagues for their participation in the discussion.
Foreign welcome Beast of The Land Part 2 with Dr. Anna Mihalchia, Ilana Freeland and the iconic Harold Kaltz Vella. Last month, as you’ll recall, we embarked on a profound exploration with Ilana, peeling back layers of technocratic control and its hidden impact on humanity. And now in part two that we promised of this ongoing discussion, we’re going to be joined by Dr. Anna and Harold Kurtzweiler to deepen our examination of these seminal existential issues. The silent war at the molecular level continues where self assembly nanotechnology infiltrates human biology and microplastics and advanced nanotech pervade the fabric of daily life in ways that we can imagine and ways even beyond our imagining, apparently as unsettling phenomena like blood contamination, the turbo cancers and geoengineered toxins remain shrouded in silence by those with the power to act.
Well, that’s not entirely true because those with the power to act have just stormed Washington, District of Columbia. And I think we’re about to see a delightful long awaited show kick off as the Trump Kennedy musk alliance starts to slay the many moving parts of the Leviathan. But for today, for today’s conversation, this expert panel for Lazarus converges to transform the intersect of biology, technology and the environment into a compelling story that illuminates urgent warnings while uncovering pathways to potential opportunity. So friends, none of my guests here need any introduction to the Lazarus constituency, but to some out there, a part of the broader constituency prepare to be inspired and educated variously by some of the greatest names on the planet as it relates to remedy of these existential threats.
Harald Karla is the multidisciplinary researcher known for his work in physics, biophotonics and environmental science. And Karl Zweller offers a cutting edge perspective on the intersect of technology and biology. His investigations into nanotech and its covert deployment have exposed a hidden technological war against humanity. Has to be said, this man is a remarkable pioneer. He was in the trenches long before anyone even knew how to pronounce many of the words in the vernacular connected to the subject. Dr. Anna Mihaljia is an integrative physician and researcher and she’s dedicated her work to uncovering the harmful effects of emerging technologies on human health.
And her expertise in bioenergetics and diagnostics positions her as a leading voice in this fight against self assembling nanotech and its implications for public health. And of course, beloved Ilana Freeland, author, researcher and speaker. Ilana explores, as she has done for a very long time, the connections between geoengineering advanced technology and transhumanism. And her groundbreaking work on covert programs unveils the larger agenda driving global environmental and biological manipulation. Friends, I’m so happy to bring you on to Lazarus today. Harold, A long time since we’ve seen you and so delighted that you’re joining us today. Thank you for being here.
Good morning, good evening, whatever it is. Well, here it’s middle of the afternoon, 3pm in chats with in. And I have a chicken, a large chicken just came into the ranch. Did you see that? So I’ve got these animals coming in and that noise in the background is a. An insane goose. So I may go silent in the middle of this broadcast, but we’re. You’re in Germany right now, Harold. Midnight. Yes, midnight in Germany. Okay, let’s crack on. Ilana, happy to see you. Yes. Pacific Northwest, as you know, here at where in the cloud factory. Ah, indeed.
And Dr. Anna, thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me. And where are you today? I am pretty close to Alana, about 45 minutes from her in the Pacific Northwest. Very good. What’s the time there? It is. 3pm oh, very good. Same as me. Good, good, good. Well, let’s kick off, shall we? To open this panel and to ground this conversation, can I ask each of you to share what you see as the most urgent and overlooked issues within your particular area of focus and why it demands immediate attention. And Harold, given that we’ve just entered departed the era of the patriarch, have now entered into the grand rising of the matriarch.
I think it’s only entirely appropriate that it’s men first. Okay. I mean for me it’s. It’s like I’m. I’m shifting my focus every couple of years. When, when I started to work on the topic, it was all about biochemistry. About starting with understanding what’s in the chemtrails, then understanding how transhumanist technologies mind as an interface to the body to make a communication possible between antenna based AI consciousness and intersecting the human consciousness. Reading it out first and then taking it over. This is kind of how bio robots are created and made. For the last three, four years I’ve been just working with the human consciousness without regarding much of the biochemistry like doing simple stupid healing work with people or accompanying self healing process processes.
And the interesting thing, this is kind of the new thing I can contribute today. And where I see a huge potential of self responsible fixing things, we find the AI consciousness and matrix layers in the human consciousness. I’ve been training people for the last three years. Now we are kind of a group of highly skilled people with different access types to human consciousness. And when we work together and we have a healing session with someone, it’s possible to exactly say where the human consciousness is connected to. It’s like the realm we see is like basic computer language 01100.
Then you have operating systems, then you have programs, and then you have add ons on the programs and files. And this is kind of a layered matrix system we are embedded in. And for example, when you get someone that is ritually programmed in an MK Ultra environment and you want to take him out of his programming, this is part of the work to extract him from his matrix fraction of his basically programmed reality. Those things sometimes involve deleting an artificial lifeline. You have like a connection where the computer, the AI is running your basic function like heartbeat and breath.
This is how the kill switches work. And then you need some tricks to reconnect those people to natural lifelines. So there’s a complete new field of research and treatment that is just going by becoming conscious about the things happening to the human spirit when he’s taken over. And this is kind of the things I’ve putting the most hope in at the moment. I mean it does make sense to fight off the interface by helping the body to detox the components that build up those interfaces. But this is all basically done, the solutions are available. It’s just a choice to apply them on, to apply them.
And most of it is published. So I mean spearheading things. I would say the most important thing today is to develop the awareness of what one’s own consciousness is actually experiencing and finding the switches and the ways to switch back to the divine lifelines, to switch back to actually the non linear analog signals that have been ours from the very beginning. Just that they have been replaced by digital and binary AI signals. And this is kind of the long story that we have seen kind of ongoing traumatization to switch us to a personality driven mode instead of having heart consciousness based consciousness to enable the machine to interconnect with us without us realizing what’s happening.
And this is the big field of research and understanding and self training people go into now to develop the ability to fight this off from within. Magnificent. I mean in a sense you, you’ve helped to elucidate the connection between kind of latter day iconoclasticism with the celebrity worship false light matrix. You know how this stuff as it’s inculcated into the psycho civilizational field that Stuff starts imprinting, embedding, capturing, capturing attention life force and ends up becoming a cultural meme phenomenon. And it’s how we. We departed innocence and. And organic sentient. The organic sentient flow of nature.
Beautifully illustrated. Thank you, Harold. Dr. Anna, same question to you in your particular area of focus, what is most overlooked and yet of existential consequence? So my focus is also the aspect of the hijacking of the human consciousness. And if we do not acknowledge that the COVID 19 biological weapons for example, contain technology, this is still vastly ignored in the public domain discussion. Regardless of. You know, I’ve published two books called Transhuman 1 and 2 showing extensive documentation from around the world from credible science scientists who have proven that toxic metals and self assembling nanotechnology is in there.
I’ve also worked with Dr. Hildegard Staninger, who’s done remarkable work in advanced nanotechnologies for decades now, showing brain chip implants and Morgellons filaments, analyzing them chemically and clearly showing that this stuff is advanced technology for brain computer interface. So I also work with geoengineering realm. We have a big international livestream tomorrow. Because the problem is that you can detox all you want, but if you’re continuously being sprayed with toxic chemicals, these, you know, coal, fly ash, heavy metals, polymers, graphene, then the problem is that this technology is continuously being inhaled by us for the self assembly of smart moats.
And so we are now in the fourth industrial revolution and this is very, very far advanced. I want to show you a couple videos of unvaccinated blood that clearly demonstrates that the microchips are being self assembled by nano robots and microrobots in unvaccinated blood who’ve taken all precautions to prevent shedding. For example, if you want to show those, I think that that would illustrate what my greatest worry is. And you know, I’ve worked with Clifford Car and we have shown also that the blood absolutely creates these rubbery like materials that are enhanced by EMF interface. If you show the first video slide, you can actually see how the nanorobots do assemble.
So what you see is COVID 19 unvaccinated blood. And you see these lights that are so nothing in the human body is supposed to blink. These are nano and micro robots that are harvesting the human blood. These are red blood cells that are basically their energy is being hijacked. And what is being built is a polymer microchip. This is called a mesogen. This is exactly what Dr. Hildegard Standingo also found and implanted and targeted individuals. But you can clearly see that these nano and microrobots, they communicate via optogenetics, via light signals. They have swarm mentality. They use us as a battery and are able to grow very large structures.
And so the fact that I am now seeing this in every unvaccinated person as well is highly, highly concerning because it speaks to the modification of all of humanity. If you’re able to go to the next video, it’s another example. I think it’s very important for people to see these visual examples because I think that this shows you the intelligence. So that large blinking light there, I call that a general micro robot. So right now we’re at a magnification about 2000x, some of the smallest moving particles there are probably around 500nm. Are you able to show the next video? We’re still on the first one.
There we go. Okay, so what you see here is I want you to look at above. You see a micro robot and how it is able to maneuver through the blood and how intelligent it is. You see a polymer adjacent, but you see these blinking lights and they are absolutely artificially intelligently controlled. And this is again proof that this technology is now in all of humanity. It is intelligent and it’s programmed. And so what is very important for people to understand is everyone now has artificial intelligence, micro robotics within their system. And these large polymers are huge.
If you think about that, a capillary is as big as one red blood cells. And some of these structures that are being built are hundreds of times larger than the arteries. You know, you can understand how people have increased strokes, heart attacks. But also the fact is that this stuff, because it hijacks our life force, this then decreases the electrical voltage of our cells and then increases cancers, for example. Through that, Kevin Carnican and I, we did electrical conductivity studies on the human blood and has been decreased by up to 47%. So hijacking half of your life force, that is an absolute critically devastation that needs to be addressed openly by this administration.
We finally need to say these are biological and technological weapons of mass destruction, as Dr. Francis Boyle has declared. If you would go to the last video again, I just wanted to provide a little sample here of what I am seeing in people. And this is what’s called darkfield life blood microscopy. If you go to the next video, what you see is that all it takes is one little poke in the finger. Here you see a micro robotic swarm building a microchip. You can see a square like structure within the center of the mesogen. And you see how coordinated these micro robots are.
So I think what is very important is, you know, I’ve done studies with EDTA and the vitamin C, which was in the Moderna patent, to abduct the nanoparticle agglomeration. And literally it’s like a nuclear bomb that drops within these nanoparticles. So that’s very helpful. But it’s not the ultimate sort of solution in the sense that, that we now have autopsy reports of people who have 7 grams a tablespoon of plastic in their brain because this stuff goes into the cells and the polymers are polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene, they are polyamides. They are delivery products for toxic chemicals as well as this nano robotic intra body area network antenna.
So my hope is that we need people to start talking about this because all of humanity is in danger and we need to really address it, because if we don’t talk about it, you’re missing the greatest point of the fourth Industrial revolution. Digital enslavement will happen through this technology. Do you imagine that Donald Trump, Trump and his milieu are aware of this? I know that they are aware, yes. And so I, I hope that they will address it. I don’t think that it’s a very good sign that 100 million doses of COVID vaccines were now bought by the Trump administration and that the MRI and cancer vaccines are being promoted with $500 billion.
I am holding my breath. I really hope that the new HHS secretary will address this. But the problem is that this is a trillion dollar industry. This is the infrastructure of the fourth Industrial revolution. The technocrats have moved into Washington state and I am hoping. But I haven’t seen a lot of good signs yet. Understood. Yeah, that’s the big question, isn’t it? I mean, one wonders if, I mean, last week I believe that the administration began the process of defunding, actually with one executive order defunding all schools that are mandating the COVID vaccine. So that’s a good sign.
And one wonders if they are not buying up that those batches because then they would have made the acquisition of these, of this weapon of mass destruction and that proves the crime in a sense. I rather suspect some, something like that is going ahead, but let’s hope that that’s the case. In any event. Thank you, Dr. Anna. Does that, is that enough for the opening, your opening gamut? That was pretty, pretty remarkable. And some of the most magnificent, some of the most magnificent microscopy I’ve ever Seen. Thanks very much for that. Ilana, the floor is yours.
You’ll need to unmute. Yes, and I’m so grateful to be here with both Anna and Harald. My role, I see it as being the one who talks about how all the preparation was done for this assault on the human blood. I remember years ago when Clifford and I were working together from 2005 on, and how he would talk about the fact that the reason I was seeing creatures from the fibers, from the filaments under a 300 power microscope, sucking the iron out of my red blood cells was going to be a devastation for all of humanity.
And I think that was the moment that I really understood that I wasn’t just writing a book about geoengineering, chemtrails, as it was called then, but that this really was a cry for a clarion cry to awaken people to what was really going on. I had no idea who was doing this. And that set in motion all the books. I’ve now come out with the fourth book, the Geoengineered Transhuman, in which I’m now very carefully, in this book laying the groundwork between geoengineering, the epigenetic assault on the Earth, the home of Homo sapiens 1.0, in order to prepare the ground here for a digitized version of planet Earth as a.
As a synthetic being, as we will be cyborgs. And this is, this is how it all was spelled out. I mean, each phase of the journey that Clifford and I made over the years was going deeper and deeper into the fact that the entire planet was being taken over along with the human blood. Now, I’m a student of Rudolf Steiner, so I already had a lot of esoteric ideas of the human blood. And I, as a mythologist and a professional storyteller, for years and years, I was very taken with all the myths and legends about blood and studied a great deal of them to understand that blood is not just another substance by any means.
This is a mystical, extraordinary substance. And to thumb their nose at God was certainly one of what I thought of when, when I thought of the assault going on to replace the human being with a cyborg that could get through the Van Allen Belts was another thing I thought of in this desire to be a conqueror of space and our planetary systems. I mean, there are so many aspects of this that when Mr. Trump was in his first office, I knew he was the nephew of John Trump, an electrical engineer. That was. That was the man who was given all of Tesla’s papers and patents and everything else when Tesla was basically eliminated by the FBI.
And so we had the President of the United States a second term now, who is John Trump’s nephew. And we have boy wonder who is dreaming of sugar plums and planet Mars as his sidekick. And that was enough for me to say that the secret space program is moving on. It is still alive and well and it is a high priority, as when they renamed it, they brought back one of the old names of one of the secret programs of the CIA as the name of the project, the Project Star. I can’t remember the name of it.
I’ve blocked it from my mind. So I know that’s the direction we’re going. And in the second book I wrote, which was under an Ionized Sky, From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown, that’s the one in which Billy Hayes was at my right hand and we laid out exactly how the secret space fence was being put in motion by Lockheed Martin in order to run the smart grid as people know it. So we’re all plugged into that. There’s no question, will they remove that? There is no way they will remove that because we’re moving on into the secret space age that was promised and that much has gone into from secret societies as well.
So I’m just sort of prepping to find ways to help people get through this as it amps up. That’s how I see it. Very good, very good. So Harald, I’d love to know your thoughts on the Trump Musk Kennedy trajectory as you see it. And also just to speak a little about. About what, what we. What Nanotech entering the body through vaccines, food and air, which has been systemic and endemic certainly hitherto for at least what, 50, 75 years more or less by my reckoning, maybe it’s older than that. But what you know, how do we begin mitigation right here, today? It may take a while for Kennedy’s protocols take down of these more nefarious agencies and the way that they’ve rolled out this, these agendas, it might take a while for that leviathan to apply the brakes.
So in the meantime, I’m keen to know your opinion on the trajectory of the US incumbency one and secondly, your advice on immediate mitigation for people, emphasis in middle America, which seems to be ground zero of the human experiment. I’m a bit clueless about the Trump administration and the people attached to it. I mean, what we have experienced over ages, if someone tries to do the right thing, you’ve got another one and A half days to live. So whoever is in power and wants to survive is by definition a puppet. This is what we had. Would be a miracle.
If someone can play the puppet to the point of getting into power to do something really good afterwards, I would be surprised. I mean, he did surprise me every now and then, maybe might surprise us with Ukraine making peace, forcing the stupid Europeans to stop warmongering. He did not surprise me in Gaza. I mean he did surprise me, but to the other end of things. Kind of coming up with the most stupid idea you could ever have. Expelling Palestinians from Gaza if you’ve ever been there, you know, it’s impossible without killing them all. In a genocide of 2 million, the only good thing he came up with numbers.
He was the first one to admit that it’s about 5, 500,000 casualties. Casualties till now, official numbers are at 50,000. Yes, 50 something. So yeah, that was between the lines statement to moan about all those dead people. He wouldn’t even hesitate to kill the rest of them as it looks like. But at least he’s honest with the numbers. I mean my entire concept is not to focus on authority because when, when, you know, when you, when you go to vote, you give away, you give away your voice. This is literally in German and, and kind of the thing where you throw it into.
It’s the same name like what you put to the ash of someone who died and got burned down to ash. Interesting. Yeah, so. So the German language always was quite honest about what things really are. So for me it’s no point in voting or hoping that anyone that gets voted would make a difference. Every now and then they kind of perform the stupid game of a silence or loud revolution. But even there in the revolution you’ve got it in the word to revolve is getting the same shit from the very beginning again. So I’m absolutely tired about those drama games.
I don’t participate in them anymore. And I really enjoy the concept of self responsibility. And I haven’t seen a single problem that could not be solved with self responsibility. I can reconquer my human body and I can reconquer my spirit. All I need to do is do it. Yes. And this is as simple as it can get. And I don’t need a Trump figure or Kennedy figure to stare at to waste my time waiting for someone to fix my problems. Yes, but you glow in the dark. You’re an emancipated man, Harold. And most people are decidedly not emancipated, you know.
Yes, but but they do not emancipate by staring at Trump or Kennedy. They do emancipate, kind of grabbing the bits and pieces of self responsibility they can get hold of. And this is what I would like to, to stand for as an example that it’s possible. Yes. And I’m not afraid of the biochemistry they spray at us because I know that I can train my immune system to erase it from my body. My blood looks fine at least last one time I looked at it it was fine. And my spirit is in mostly in his divine shape.
And things are there because I took care of it. And this is what we teach. We teach people to take care of their spirit and of their body. Yes. And you cannot defeat the beauty and perfection of divine biology unless you submit to it by having a meal at McDonald’s, accepting vaccinations and medications and all those stupid things they have invented to defeat us. So it’s a choice beautifully stated. So I would agree with that. And the remedy comes within. Firing up that inner, inner furnace, activating that true christed plasma, so to speak. And that does rectify or correct the incoherent geometries, even encoded within the vibrol light patinations.
I couldn’t agree more with you. And I also, like you, look forward to a world where at the collective level we’re actually able to recohere ourselves in that simple knowing of the being in the now. I rather suspect that there’s going to be an exponential surge toward that recognition of the imminent template of perfection in our age. I think it’s happening now. I think that’s what this incredible axiomatic time is all about. The next five by my reckoning, five to seven years. And we should collectively be at that at that point. Dr. Anna, let me invite you in here.
Turbo cancers are said to be occurring even in unvaccinated individuals. As you know, because you’re the one at the front of this. Can you shed light on exactly why this is happening and whether the nanotech or environmental, to what extent the nanotech and environmental factors are playing a role. And then let’s talk about mitigation. So I absolutely think that the nanotechnology is contributing to this because again, there appears to be that some unvaccinated people are highly, highly sensitive. Because the question is, you know, why would some unvaccinated people have literal extreme symptoms of vaccine injury while many of the vaccinated ones don’t have symptoms? So there seems to be some form of, you know, predisposition.
I’ve seen A lot of younger people, for example, who, their partner was vaccinated and they’re the one who had the tubal cancers. I’ve seen these tubal cancers explode within months and cause death within months. Especially if some of the people who decided to do chemotherapy, they might have a remission, brief time and then are just eaten up by it. So in my view, I think that this is part of this entire depopulation effort and that the defense needs to be on every level. I recently posted a research study from the CIA, from the Stargate program that looked at the intention of humans on blood that was put into distilled water.
And it turns out that usually blood would be destroyed in distilled water. And 28% of people who focused on their or someone else’s blood were able to prevent the blood from being destroyed. And what I’ve been advocating for is that, you know, we, exactly as Harald said, we need to connect with divine origins and you know, to resist the, you know, takeover. On a mental level, there’s so many people who have depression, anxiety. All of that I think is also pre programmed. We need to eliminate the toxic effects of 5G and EMF. You know, use an ethernet cable, get rid of your smartphone, it’s a weapon.
And then there are many approaches that we can take to support the body. So number one, on a physical level, to use electron donors like high level antioxidants that can give back the electricity that is being hijacked and then again to detoxify as best as we can the toxic heavy metals that are contributing to create these bidirectional sensors as well as the polymers. You know, polymer self assembly can be inhibited by using chelators like edta because the start signal for example for polyethylene self assembly is aluminum and titanium complex. If you take that out, you can inhibit the self assembly of these polymers.
I’ve shown in blood in many different ways that you can inhibit the rubbery clot formation that occurs when you draw the blood and you just let it sit for four hours or overnight with molecules like edta, vitamin C, Methylone Blue. And I now basically run an integrative cancer clinic and I do a lot of different molecules, you know, from not just high dose vitamin C, but Aviva, Veratrol, Curcumin, egcg, you know, all kinds of molecules like that that are able to help and prevent this from happening. What we need to do is increase, increase voltage or life force and that can be done on a molecular level.
We can use it with different technologies. Because of the research with Clifford Carnicum, I don’t use specific electricity, but you can use scalar technology, you can use light from external to the body because our skin is able to absorb melanin. So there’s many different ways. And I believe that the genius of humanity, of our spirit to be able to overcome this. We’ll also bring out these new technologies that we’ve had for, you know, over 100 years. We already know how to cure cancer, we have free energy, we have, you know, multi wave oscillators, and we have Dr.
Peter Garai of science. So there it has to be an approach from many different levels in which we are helping our divine human self survive in this body. And I agree with Harold, we can program ourselves to also become resilient to this attack. I believe we already are. Otherwise more people would have died by now by all the chemicals and toxins that we’ve been subjected to. Very Good. You mentioned Dr. Peter Gariev. Are you in touch at all with his institute with his wife? No, but I do have one of the lasers that was built, so I use it in my clinical practice.
And so I think that his research model of our human DNA as a hologram of light and sound, that is exactly what they’re targeting. And more clinicians should be aware of that. So my role, I see my role because of my education in consciousness and in bio photonics and quantum physics and all of these things to basically bring this out into the forefront as a modality in which all of humanity can progress into a new technology away from big Pharma. Very good, thank you. Thank you. Ilana, your comments on the conversation thus far. And if you could tail it into remedy and mitigation, I know you’re going to be very congruent with the same message essentially of Harald and Anna, which is that our reclamation of autonomy, of spirit really becomes the defining, defining element in real remedy and true remedy.
And to assume that that Christed mantle activate the superluminal plasma of the emergent angelic human DNA as I see it. Because that’s for me what this is all about. That’s why Anthony Fauci is the greatest Zen master, offering the greatest Zen cone to our great sleepwalking as a species. And when we recognize that these diabolical archetypes that emerge through the vomit of the demiurge, you know, the Fauci’s and Gateses and the rest of them, they really do serve us in such an extraordinary way with this thrall of witchery that they spewed in the last few years for sure because it created such incredible contrast against which we can define that fabric of the angelic which is the true superluminal human.
And I see how this is now tempering the spirit of friends and family all around the world that I’m seeing. So I know that that’s the, the real mechanics of what’s happening is a beautiful thing. But in the, in the meantime mitigating, you know, our crippled bodies and some good old fashioned home remedies and simple solutions, I do want to focus a little bit on that. But your comments thus far. Well, I agree with everything you just said and with Anna and Harald because instead of concentrating on resistance, I think I’ve, you know, I’ve started the fifth book, hopefully the last one I’ll write where I mentioned the word geoengineering.
And this one is about remaining human. What is it to remain human? I mean, I think that’s got to be one of the blessings of this terrible conundrum that we are now slowly realizing is far reaching and into other generations and the future. I mean it’s all come so quickly. It’s hard for people to give it the proper weight because you tend to think that, you know, you’ve read books about historical periods of the Reformation and the Renaissance and this and that. But to undergo the change of ages from one place where the human being was, as you said, sleepwalking to another age in which the human being is being chemically and with nanotechnology and electromagnetism transformed into a cyborg.
This is, this is a horse of another color. So to me, the first step and, and I’m, you know, I am not a scientist, but I’m pretty sharp and I understand that what we need is intent and we need to hone our intent to first of all, what is a human being? We’re going to have to give up the couch potato vision of the human being and cling with all we have to the great pictures that we have of what it is to be human. All the way from saints to sinners to, to scientists, to whatever, whatever we have clung to.
And I, as an only child who read early and a lot, I of course read many, many biographies of the great to see how they did it. Because it was my deepest desire to be a great soul and that I try to awaken that in people. Now I have grown weary of. I mean, I’ve tried my best to teach people what geoengineering really is. That’s three, three Whole books. And then the fourth book, the one that just came out, that one turns the corner and returns to Morgellons and returns to the synthetic biology as it is now being immersed and, and made flesh.
And this is a key time to really spur those thoughts and those feelings of what it is to be human and to make it the last stand. In a way, it’s the only thing that matters now. And how you will do it from what vantage point. Everybody has a different vantage point. And so, so that’s what I’m concentrating on by showing what nano, symbio, the nanosynbio assault that we are undergoing now that Dr. Anna is working so hard on. This is the thing we need to understand. It is a war. It’s a deep and occult war for me.
And I dig deep for that because, of course, that’s how things are really done here is from a sort of invisible realm. And most people don’t understand that they’re very involved in the realm that you see and that your senses are in contact with. But there is this other element that that’s where your intent lies, and it’s also where your immune system lies. And that in order to strengthen the immune system and strengthen our intent as to what we will live for, not for fast movie downloads, not for eating whatever you think you’ll eat without thinking of what it is that you’re putting into the temple of yourself spirit.
These things have been the couch potato deal, the, the sleepwalking deal. And we, we must, we must turn away from that immediately and cling to what is human and learn how to live a truly human life. And one of the things that will happen, Sasha, is I, you know, I don’t know how I can do this is to tell people, please don’t go to the. I haven’t been to a doctor since I was 13. I did go to Dr. Anna, though, because I trust her and I wanted to hear how she’s doing things and I wanted to learn from her.
But she is the first doctor I’ve visited since I was 13 years old. Right. Well, I, I, I trusted her until she lent into me with her stethoscope and said, trust me. You know, that was the point. But I agree. I’ve not seen a doctor in my life and I certainly don’t intend to. Dr. Anna, you mentioned the microplastics building up in the brain. I think you mentioned a tablespoon full. In the average human brain, the presence of microplastics in human tissue is obviously no longer any kind Of a secret. But what are the long term implications of this material, particularly interacting with nanotech and how, how is it intended to accelerate the so called transhumanist agenda? So one aspect that I think we need to look at is the cognitive decline of America.
So the general IQ has dropped by 10 points within the last several years. And one of the technocratic goals is to create intellectual superhumans. So the idea of making it palatable to fuse with artificial intelligence so that you can still keep a job and actually be competitive is this whole idea that you would be augmented in order to be hyperintelligent. Now, the microplastics have not just been found in the brain, in the placenta, we now have 456 micrograms per gram of placenta tissue we have in the heart. In biopsies from coronary RD bypass graph, 13 different polymer plastics were found that were in the myocardium, in the pericardium.
But this late article about the microplastics in the brain was interesting because it targeted the brain specifically. So this is a cognitive warfare that we have to look at because, you know, a civilization that cannot comprehend is easily, easily, you know, controlled. And this is a world war that is on the level of the mind. So number one, you have accelerated aging. Number two, you would have this, this asp that a lot of the microplastics are also hydrogels. Hydrogels are now programmable. You can use analog information and encrypt memories into hydrogel. And what I was talking very early on about is that the idea of creating a parallel processing platform in the brain that is artificial intelligence controlled, that is an absolute possibility that even Elon Musk has admitted to.
And the aspect of that is that the carbon nanotubes or graphene have the same diameter as the microtubules in the brain that process our consciousness. And the hydrogels have been used, for example, to create an artificial brain. So the idea that the microtubules as well as the nanotechnology are hijacking our own consciousness process, that is the greatest danger. Because that to me is what Dr. Robert Duncan discussed, that the soul here can be hijacked. And so to me, this is a war about the soul and the spirit of you humanity and that we are not compromised in our divine essence.
And so again, all of the things that we’ve discussed today, this is a spiritual war. We have to defend ourselves on every level through information, through self awareness, the artificial intelligence, thought implants or mind viruses. People need to understand that when they are Handling their cell phone, they’re being infected with programs that are literally playing in neural nets, because the neural nets can be programmed just like a software computer. And that a lot of what you’re thinking, it may not be you. And by connecting inwards through meditation, through your practice, through your connection to the divine, that is how you maintain who you are as a spiritual divine being.
Fantastic. Thank you. Extraordinary stuff, Harold. Speaking a bit more about the AI and trans a humanism agenda, do you see that this is what’s going to eventuate? Or do you think that it’s the existential threat of that which apprehends us, manifesting that as a. As the next wheel of civilization, so to speak. What is your sense? You yourself have almost surgically or vertically excised yourself from. From the theater of the damned. The way that you’re describing your own tendency or capacity to dis, identify, disengage entirely from the theater of the. The shit show. And it seems to me that where attention goes, everything else flows.
Or, and you, if you’ve surgically and vertically removed yourself from it, you are the living testament that you are not owned by the kingdom of the dead level. Do you think that that is going to translate to the collective, or do you think that we’re going to be moving ever further into a bifurcation, so to speak, where. Where there is a separation of the wheat from the chaff was certainly. The COVID era was all about that. That MRNA intervention was all about creating that bifurcation. Where do you see humanity standing now? On the precipice from. From what we could observe, the.
The concept of what we go through. We’re having a hard time hearing you, Harold, Just so you know. Okay. Gone very better now. That’s much better. Okay, okay. For, for. For. From the very beginning of humanity, the way we have experienced ourselves in all the creational cycles, we actually are the answer to this problem. AI takeovers are a huge problem throughout the entire universe. And we are lab rats. As humans, we were created to solve this problem hand in hand with Gaia, who is the most potent planet for dissolving this type of problem. And when I listen into the divine realm up there, everyone is absolutely satisfied with what we have achieved.
We have achieved the solution for the interstellar collectives. Races that have been fallen already received the solution to fix themselves. This is what’s happening out of air. The problem I see is we found this solution as a quality. We did not find it yet in our quantities. It is a few who basically developed the immunity against AI takeover. This is what we were constructed for, to develop that immunity. So they are happy with us. But 90% of the soldiers down here are still completely lost. They are not the ones who have found the solution first. So now the Divine realm is thinking, what shall we do with the rest of us or with all of us? Some parts of those spirits say the best solution would be to erase everything, to put an end to humanity, to put an end to this cycle, to pick out all the souls and put them into a place where they can restart things without being harassed by the problems they were supposed to solve.
The no comes from us. There’s some form of, I don’t know, call it pride or unconditional love or just a mood to kind of like this weird species, whatever they do. Yeah, there’s something lovable about humans and, and the no to getting erased came from us. So what we face at the moment is two parallel timelines that are not supposed to split at the end of the days. It’s just that one timeline is clearly with those who have made it, ascending in a clean and unstoppable beautiful way. And for the other timeline, the choice was some form of chaos rolling over the surface, bringing people into situations where they have the choice to die or accept abundance.
Because accepting abundance is at the core of the spiritual step. We all live in fear and scarcity and accepting abundance and unconditional love and trust into the Divine. This is kind of the other side of the coin. And we can step in there if it appears to us as a solution. And things need to get extremely painful and extremely bloody for us to step down from the control panel to go into the trust thing. And, and this is what’s happening in the now lower, vibrationally lower timeline that we will see a lot of shit happening. And this is not because it’s turning bad.
It’s because it needs the pain to drive the people into the voluntary acceptance of the pain they need to go through for the purpose of healing. This is kind of the basic principle of all disease. We have something that is broken in the soul and it would be extremely painful to revisit the moment of breaking. And no one is volunteering to step into the spiritual pain. So what the body does, it’s creating some form of disease that is creating a physical pain that is pushing us quality wise to the direction of where we need to look at, what we need to look at for the purpose of the spiritual healing.
And then in the depth of my physical pain going into the spiritual healing Suddenly is a relief. And this is why the body is producing disease and painful conditions to push us into the healing of the soul. So if we suffer a trauma or soul split or a soul loss, this is how naturally we can retrieve it and get it back. We need a pain on the physical plane that is much more intense than the spiritual one. And then it goes like we go downhill into the healing. And this is both on the plane of disease and of drama on the street.
So let’s have a lot of drama. I mean, I don’t see any point in having dramas. But if this is what people need to overcome the resistance of the spiritual healing, then this is what we are going to get. And I’m absolutely positive on that one that is going to do a good job. So two timelines separated it for a while because it would be unfair to kind of pull people who make their homework into too deep shit. So it’s split for a while and then we can reunite. And this is what I from, from the bottom of my heart wish for this planet.
We don’t leave anyone behind. We’re going to do it, all of us. And this is what I know. I don’t know why. Maybe some people say I come from a future where we have made it. No, that. That’s beautiful, Harald, that you’ve just spoken to the. You’ve just spoken to the hallmark of, and the essence of bodhisattva. And that for me is. Is so important. And it’s true. We must view every. Every living sentient being as part of that whole ecosystem. And, and all of us must, in that sense, become part of the great celebration of this new Earth that’s arising.
And you speak about the psychoplanetary detox, and of course one knows that that’s entirely true. And the question is, will this healing crisis kill us or not? You know, But I have to say I was also remembering two nights ago in Santa Cruz, I was just taking. I’m on tour at the moment, I said quickly taking a shower in the hotel before running to the venue and jumping on stage. And I turned around in the hotel bathroom and didn’t see that the shower had the glass door closed. It was so clean that I thought it was.
And so I went into the shower head first and. And concussed myself. And the last thing I heard or thought or saw was me screaming motherfucker. In about three different languages. And then, you know, you get hit hard. And I stood up after the concussion, looked in the mirror, tried to assemble myself like, oh, please, God, don’t let me start hemorrhaging or, you know, don’t let me get on with the show that’s coming up. And then you laugh at these little moments in life and you, you ask yourself, no, what have I done to really do? I really, I’ve just driven for five hours.
I’m doing this in service. I’m not even charging for talk like why? You know, and yet every perfect little moment like that is the perfect cone. It’s always the perfect current. It was just saying shut up, slow down, be here now. Absolutely now. Especially when it looks clear. Is it really clear? Is the visor really clear? You know, and so, yeah, I loved, I love your, your attitude. I share so much in, in your spiritual attitude and I salute you as a brother. Ilana, your closing thoughts on, on, on this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful conversation. And it’s hard to top what Harald was saying because he really encompassed it.
He encompassed the real journey. It’s not about, you know, no disrespect, Dr. Anna, but it’s not really about microscopy or about methods or systems or existential threats. It’s about us in the now and how we own our being in the now. Ilana. Oh well, I have to confess to Harald. I have to tell you, Harald, that there are some times when I’m explaining you to people who don’t know you and have the blessed experiences that I’ve had with you, that you to me are like Meister Eckhart. I had to tell you that I say that because you are like a mystic and a scientist and you know, and sometimes it’s gotten me a little bit in trouble with the people that I’ve booked an event with.
But I don’t care because that is where to stand in this, isn’t it? It’s the spiritual and then you do the due diligence, physical work of knowing things. Like you, Dr. Anna, you do whatever it takes takes to know something in the sense of knowledge and in the sense of gnosis. And then you are in a power spot. And now you live and you represent the example of how we will remain human throughout this beginning of an era in which things will get, I believe, quite hard because that seems to be how humanity chooses to learn is only when things are hard.
And so knowing as I do some of the occult left handed brotherhoods that are amassed in this era and the old Atlanteans are back and it’s a party for them, then, you know, it’s just perfect for me because I then have to really Gird up my loins and lose very seriously. And I love it. I mean, it couldn’t be better for me. And I say that with all humility. I wish it were easier, but most things in life, in my life have been very hard and they have developed qualities that I otherwise would not have developed.
So I invite everyone to participate in this, but to really not flinch from the truth. Truth. When people like Dr. Anna and Harald and I are bringing these things, do not flinch. Let’s take it on. Beautiful. Beautifully stated. Thank you so much, Ilana. Dr. Anna, your. Your closing thoughts. I also believe in a living our. Our truth, whatever that is from our spiritual divine given self. That is the power that we radiate and it does have ripple effect. And you know, be that as a, you know, as a doctor or a writer or as a healer, in a sense, the fact that we are proclaiming and living who we are as divine beings and living our free will and our knowingness, regardless of the backlash and by God, there has been enough backlash.
I do think that that is the light in the darkness. And ultimately to really understand that, you know, one light can illuminate a vast, vast area of darkness and that life is changing because of this ripple effect. So we can never underestimate the value on the platform of life, of what we’re doing and falling in love with life. This is what the adversity has really brought me. I no longer just go outside and overlook everything but the fact that there are trees that are alive, that the skies may be clear one day, that the fact that there’s nature all around me, it is so precious now.
Every moment, every day that I wake up and I’m alive, I see it as a gift. So the adversity of this journey has brought me to a place of appreciating the present now and the gifts and the magnificence of it, of what it is to be a human being incarnated. I am very humbled by this experience and I do think that as we continue our journey we do just shine on and, and enjoy the fact that, you know, God loves us into life. Beautiful. So friends, by way of closing this, this fantastic conversation with, with my beloved colleagues here it.
I was just reminiscing on. I think it’s all good. I think everything’s good. I think, I think that the perfection in the living moment is just in. Utterly perfect and majestic and wonderful and deeply inspired. Perfectly anointed, perfectly appointed, always in all ways. And this is my Alpha Omega. I can’t get Away from it. You know, a few weeks ago, some of my friends in Lazarus know I had said goodbye to a girlfriend who died. And after seven, you know, seven years and, you know, it was, it was a few short weeks ago and that was just before Christmas.
My last year was all about death and rebirth for me. After a couple of years, journey slowly towards death’s door with a beloved. I witnessed that transition. It was painful, it was ugly, and it was perfect. It was perfect. And I know that I took away from that the fact, one fact that I had to see the perfection in it in order to survive. The experience in not seeing the perfection was where the flaw war and the Achilles heel exists. So I, I also want to mention that, and I’m telling my own story here, I had to present to a parliament in Africa and had to make a very formidable argument about why they should introduce hemp in order to reboot the entire economy of the country.
And we’re involved, our economics policy unit that we’re, we put together is now directly involved with emerging governments in Africa. And this year is going to be in a shift like you cannot believe. But as my guests here were speaking, I just pulled up a couple of slides from the presentation that I made to the parliament. I’m not saying which country because it’s a little bit too incendiary and at the moment I’m not allowed to. I’m strictly sworn to some confidentiality here. But this is one of the slides. Okay. And this was, this was just talking about hemp cultivation and processing and speaking about the Marijuana tax Act of 1937 which declared hemp and marijuana controlled substances and effectively effectively eliminated the production of industrial hemp.
Now this was an Anglo American criminal conspiracy amongst the oil barons. Prior to this intervention, every farmer in America was required to grow 200 acres of hemp. By law, hemp is a base product which will revolutionize the world. Blah, blah, blah. New Earth Africa Initiative is intending and using hemp and creating these hemp eco industrial light parks all across the continent. And the piece that convinced the parliament and the Prime Minister in my 3 hour grilling was this. When I pulled up this slide in front of them and said, well, there is the last car that Henry Ford himself designed and tried to put to market which was entirely made of hemp, everything except the glass and even ran on hemp ethanol.
And I explained, and I explained that it has 20 times the tensile strength of steel and can build, build vertical takeoff and lift jets and there is nothing that hemp cannot build. Moreover, my team are in the process of identifying the top 300 products that a human being needs to lead a fully affirmed and expressive and abundant existence, starting with a toothbrush and ending with a vertical takeoff for liftjet and the 300 products in between that comprise or constitute a normative good existence, like wheelbarrows, bicycles, ladders, things like that. So, and the fact is that every single product that we’re indexing in this hashtag hemp, everything new Earth Africa index is all you can make it out of hemp, locally produced, locally harvested, locally farmed, locally processed, extruded, molded.
It’s bioresonant, it, it’s perfect. The built in obsolescence is built out and we create true cost economics. So all of a sudden you’re not paying $7.99 for a toothbrush, you’re paying 0.7 cents for a toothbrush. If that. So getting economics back to zero point is how we begin to psycho civilizationally take a, a huge breath of air and bid farewell to the priests east banker class of parasite that has been really the installed model of the reptoid zeta reticulum. Hoo ha. That’s where we’re at in my view. That’s what Lazarus is all about. That’s what the, the messaging that we’re all bringing forth various is about.
How we resurrect ourselves from the great sleep. And all the answers are right in front of us. Long and short of it is this. The prime minister ended up looking at me, me directly and said, you’re mad as a snake. And I said yeah, but everything I’ve shown you is as is. He said, are you telling me that the last 100 years we were heisted by more white man’s bullshit on the hemp marijuana thing? I said yes, and it looks now as though they’re going to reverse the legislation and bring industrial hemp back into that country.
But the point is, the reason why I mentioned that story in closing this, this panel is just by way of affirmation and to say that no matter how dastardly and bedeviled we may look or feel or sense things are civilizationally, culturally, you know, actually I’m seeing seismic shifts, you know, at every single level. And I think it all bodes incredibly well. I want to thank my beloved brother, Harold Katz Vella and Dr. Anna and Ilana Freeland, Friends, thank you so very much for joining us on Lazarus today. Thank you. Thank you so much. My pleasure.
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