The 33rd Ozempic Hunger Games Opening Satanic Ceremonies Trump Hoax and Mileikowski Ovation | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer reposts a rant by Jeff Burwick about the perceived uselessness of politicians and media figures, contrasting them with the tangible contributions of everyday people. It also criticizes the current state of Paris, particularly the security measures for the Olympics, and expresses distaste for the opening ceremony, which the author views as a satanic ritual filled with offensive symbolism. The author feels alienated from mainstream society and believes that a catastrophic event is imminent.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that the Olympics are satanic rituals, accusations against Israel, and skepticism about a supposed attack on Donald Trump. The author suggests that Trump’s injury was staged, using a ketchup packet to fake blood, and that the mainstream media and government are the real conspiracy theorists. The text also mentions various other controversial topics, such as the 9/11 attacks and the death of Osama bin Laden.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including the moon landing, 9/11, and the assassination of famous figures. It also touches on the controversial topic of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, suggesting a high number of civilian casualties. The author criticizes public figures like Donald Trump and Chris Rock, and questions the authenticity of their public personas. Lastly, the text questions the reality of events and people, suggesting that many things are not as they seem.
➡ The text suggests that there are conspiracy theories about politicians, including Joe Biden and Donald Trump, using advanced mask technology to deceive the public. It also implies that Hollywood and the CIA are involved in these deceptions. The text further suggests that these actions are part of a larger plan to control the public and implement a digital ID system. The author believes that people are easily fooled by these tactics.
➡ The text discusses various political events and figures, including Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, and their actions in the political sphere. It also touches on the Australian Olympic team’s COVID-19 precautions and the controversy surrounding the redaction of a COVID-19 vaccine report in Australia. The author expresses skepticism about the authenticity of political events and criticizes the handling of the pandemic.
➡ The EU’s General Court of Justice ruled that Ursula von der Leyen, the EU president, broke the law by keeping COVID vaccine contracts secret. She’s married to the director of a company owned by Pfizer, which she signed a $71 billion contract with. Meanwhile, in Canada, a town called Jasper has been devastated by a fire, with suspicions that it may have been intentionally caused for corporate gain. Lastly, the US is preparing for another pandemic by committing up to $667 million towards a $2 billion goal.
➡ The text discusses an interview with Yuri Bezmanov and J. Edward Griffin, where they talk about the stages of societal destabilization and crisis. It suggests that the West is currently in a state of moral decline, with weakening institutions and structures, possibly due to foreign influence. The text also mentions a prediction by, linked to the CIA and the Rockefeller Foundation, of a massive population decline in Western countries by 2025, possibly due to a collapse of the financial system. The author advises readers to prepare for a significant upcoming event, and shares personal experiences with a health-improving machine.
➡ The speaker is promoting a machine based on Tesla’s technology, which he claims can improve health and energy levels. He plans to bring this machine to an upcoming event in Serbia and Liberland, where attendees can try it out. He also encourages subscribing to his newsletter for more information and ends with a motivational message about personal growth and overcoming negative emotions.


Most of these fucking losers in the media and politics have never built shit. I’m talking to all you men and women out there. You built the company. You’ve done more than most of your politicians, pretty much all of your politicians that you’re in your local district. You’ve done more than anybody in the media. You control the real, the physical. They control the non physical, the bullshit. The narrative. The narrative. The fucking narrative. Can you drive a narrative? Can you eat a narrative? Can a narrative fucking take your head off from 700 yards away? They control something that’s invisible and doesn’t exist, like most of their fucking world.

You control all of the tangible shit. You fix their cars, you build their roads, you erect their skyscrapers, you weld their shit, you grow their food. They don’t do fuck all. These are not builders. These are not creators. These are fucking moronse. These are useless fucking pieces of shit that think they’re better than others who actually create. Most of these cunts inside of these liberal fucking school districts don’t even have children. They aborted them. They murdered babies. You raised them. They want to tell you how to fucking educate your children or what should be on your child’s face.

We built this country. Bruce and Jeff going for walks and talks. Talk about banksters and bitcoin and the apocalypse and stuff. It’s Bruce and Jeff and trauma. Street fights. Round one fight. How you doing, Dave? Bruce. Pretty good. Got everything locked down. I’m not like a secret service SS agent, not Dei hired, trained for this my whole life. You got me on the Tesla machine, healed up my eye. 14 years old. I feel like I’m too. So let’s get out there in the mean streets of Mexico here, and get at it. Here we go again. Here’s more stuff, by the way, when I can’t believe it’s almost August.

I was actually just looking at the calendar, which is all wrong anyway, and I was like, it’s almost August. Like I was talking about the Olympics. Like, they’re away happening in the future. They’ve actually already started. And boy, did they get started off with a bang. They did not disappoint. Genius level satanic ritual programming, so much of it as well. The whole thing was basically. It’s just incredible. So it has begun in Paris. Of course. They’ve locked down Paris. It’s basically like all metal and QR codes. Well, this is part of the ring of steel that lines the streets of Paris, particularly around the Seine, where the opening ceremony will take place.

More than 40,000 of these security barriers are in place on the streets. That is to complement the 30,000 police on the ground every single day for the games here in Paris. That number will increase to 45,000 when the opening ceremony begins on Friday night. To get around it is pretty tricky. You need a QR code, which the police officers will scan. They’ll then also crosse check that with your driver’s license. And they have also stopped me several times to check my bag as well. It is tricky, it is slow, but it is so important to keep these games secure.

Yeah, that sounds fun. And you can, you know, enjoy it all under the chemtrail skies while you wait for your hamas terrorist attack on Israel. Oh, you can’t make this stuff up. I’m so glad I’m not there. Not to mention Paris in general on just a regular day. You don’t even need to go visit, like, India or Bangladesh or any of those places anymore if you want to stay closer to home. If you live in Europe, you just go visit Paris. Yeah, it’s not quite what a lot of people expect. I think people think they go to Paris and go have a glass of wine under the Eiffel Tower, romantic dinner with their spouse or whatever.

No, it’s not like that at all. There’s already been terrorist attacks, shutting down the transportation. You couldn’t pay me enough to be there. So glad I’m not there. But, man, those opening ceremonies was. And it just happened like an hour ago, by the way. I just came out right after it. I didn’t watch the whole thing, actually. I barely watched any of it. I don’t like to watch it live and the whole thing, because it is a giant satanic ritual with mind control, and it works super well when like a billion people all watch it at once, which is why they do.

And so I don’t want to be a part of any of that. But people were posting clips, and just within a few minutes I was like, oh, okay. Yeah, it’s kind of what I expected. They had the Last Supper. You know, if you were to make fun of Mohammed in Islam, you’d have a billion people trying to kill you. But if you make fun of Jesus and the Last Supper, no problem at all. They had a morbidly obese woman surrounded by trannies recreating the Last Supper, which has so many deep meanings to it. First of all, you’ve got, like, the morbidly obese woman is Jesus at the last supper, chowing down, of course, and then the trannies, of course, and man, this whole thing was filled with trannies.

It was just nonstop trannies. They had a blue Smurf guy who’s basically naked in front of all the trannies where pretty spirit. And then that broke out into a tranny drag queen show. We got the music going on here. Apparently, this house, which they luckily never finished before the hurricane, was all concrete, so it barely had any damage. Now they’re back at it, as you can hear from the music, and, yeah, so. Oh, by the way, that tranny, did you notice it looks pretty much exactly like me, but except for with makeup and lingerie, like, exactly like me.

I thought someone had actually done a. One of those AI face swap things. So I don’t know if that was, like, a little message to me or something. If it is, it’s bizarre. I walk with my dogs. I’m on bitsheet. No one watches it. Most people think I’m crazy, but they keep throwing in stuff. It’s like I’m in the Truman show. I think I really am. I think I’m the only one, like, here, and you’re, like, watching it, but, you know, this is the Truman show, and everyone’s just waiting to see if I fully catch on and fully get out of the matrix, which I’m pretty close to doing.

But, yeah, so the tranny looked just like me. And, man, the whole thing’s full of trannies, and what? And a ton of them were trannies dancing with little kids, all, you know, inclusion and love and all this sort of stuff. But there was much more than that. They also had a dance. So these people are dancing, and then they all start collapsing. I call it the Covid’s dance because they all seem to have heart attacks and die while they’re dancing. The hard part to tell with that one is if it’s past prologue sort of stuff, kind of showing how everyone’s dying of heart attacks now or if it’s predictive programming for the upcoming bird flu.

And it’s quite likely that they like to do a lot of that. So this whole thing was incredibly well scripted for all of their agendas. Oh, we got Julia here. Hey, good to see you, Julia. You looking good. Yeah, Julia. How you doing? Yeah, I got her. I got her. She’s my bitch. Yeah. So they had the Covid’s dance, everyone collapsing and dying, and the whole thing was centered around this pale horse that kind of looked metallic, and the person on the horse looked like a sort of a metallic, sort of satanic ringwraith. The whole world to unite around the values of olympism, which, of course, is, you know, all related to, you know, a sporting competition, as they usually do.

And so, yeah, they feature this. This thing for, like, a long time. It goes down the river. It’s running down the river, then it comes into this coliseum, sort of a thing that looks just like the Hunger Games, and it looks so much like the hunger games with all the trannies and all the people with their crazy makeup and stuff. And I. Someone pointed this out. If you have any doubt about what’s going on at the Olympics opening ceremony, a single rider on a pale horse is straight out of the book of revelation. And I looked and behold a pale horse.

And his name that sat on him was death, and hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth. To kill with sword and with hunger and with death and with the beasts of the earth. Yeah. So they had all the symbolism on this one, and that’s exactly what they’re planning to do. And I think probably, like, this year, or at latest, next year, it’s incredible. I can’t believe I’m watching all this. And your average person would just be like, that was really, really great. Really great. Just enjoyed all the dancing and all the beautiful nothing.

I guess they call them women, right? All the beautiful trains, but they can’t call them that. They have to call them women. So all the beautiful women dancing and all the colors, it’s like, yeah, that’s. There’s a lot more in there than that. I think Snoop Dogg was even involved. Snoop Dogg at the Olympics. How do you think he’s been able to stay relevant after all these years? Here he is in his Olympic outfit with his baphomet necklace. Are you catching on to what’s happening yet or what’s going on? You got Elon Musk with his baphomet costume or wearing his new world order jacket.

The Olympics is a satanic ritual mocking everything about, you know, just, well, Christianity and also just, you know, normal people. Nothing total degenerates into, like, butt sex and stuff like that. Sodomy. Speaking of sodomy, Israel was at the Olympics, and it was good to see that on their boat, because they all came out on boats. They got booed. The real question is, why are they even there? They’re conducting a genocide of Semites right now. It’s the most anti semitic country ever killing. Some of the estimates are over 180,000. Mostly women and children now, but they’re not banned.

You know who’s banned Russia. It’s just unbelievable. And speaking of unbelievable and all the psyops, of course, I’ve been talking quite a bit about the Trump hoax, basically. I still get lots of people saying, jeff, I think you’re wrong, because some people got shot in the crowd. It’s like, that’s what they do. Basically. This whole operation could have been pulled off with just a patsy guy they put on the roof, which was right in front of, like, the FBI office, but no one saw him. And here’s something interesting. There’s not one. Everyone’s got cell phones now with cameras.

Everyone’s always recording. Not one video has come out of that kid taking a shot or being shot. So that’s interesting. And also, if you look at the kid, it’s not the person they say it is. There’s actually a few other people involved. My name is Thomas Matthew Crooks. I hate republicans. I hate Trump. And guess what? You got the wrong guy. So they throw him up on the roof. Then there’s some shots fired, which more and more, it looks like it came from the water tower, which was behind and a little bit to the left. Hold that chart.

That chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. A couple of people in the audience appear to get shot, and one might have died. And his name was Chris comporteur Cc, which is 33. And Trump grabs his ear and goes down and pops back up, and he’s got, like, some red stuff on his ear. So that could just be easily, just a ketchup packet, basically. A little tiny blood packet, very easy. And that’s it. That’s the whole operation. But they’ve managed to turn it him into, like, they flipped everything.

Do you see how quickly they did that? Everyone was talking about how bad Trump is. Not everyone. There’s some Trump supporters and all within a day, everyone supports him. He’s almost like a Jesus type figure now. Took a shot at my hero, Donald Trump. I realized that I couldn’t be silent anymore after getting shot in the ear, which, you know, even he said, while he’s reading off his teleprompter, which he never does, but for this one, he did that. His hand was covered in blood and the campaign was doing really well. I went to the stage and the crowd was cheering wildly.

Everybody was happy and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. My hand was covered with blood, just absolutely blood all over the place. No, it wasn’t. There was no blood. On his hand. The blood that was on his ear didn’t drip onto his shirt or anything. It kind of dripped down his face in two lines, which look a lot like the cloud strike logo. And then a few days after that cloud strike with Killgate’s, Microsoft took down most of the computers in the world. Like, did they actually plan that part of it? That, that’d be wild if they, if they’re that, and I don’t put anything past them, but super easy to pull off.

And most people are just like, well, he, you know, I’m sure he wouldn’t fake it. It’s like, really? You sure? Are you sure about that? These guys do this stuff all the time. All the time. Always lying, always faking stuff. Trump’s like one of the most, biggest actors out there. He’s been in dozens, if not hundreds of tv shows, movies, world Wrestling Federation. His show, the Apprentice, by the way, was likely a nod that he was the Apprentice. So he wasn’t picking his apprentice. He’s the apprentice to become basically the new sort of leader for their new world order.

But people are like, jeff, he’s fighting them. It’s like, no, he’s not. He never has been. But here’s something interesting. So I’ve been saying that Trump wasn’t even hit by a bulletin. It was all an act. And then this comes out on Newspeak. So you can’t trust that. Of course, it’s the mainstream media, and they report on the FBI saying something, and you can’t trust them because they’re in on covering everything up. But I thought it was very interesting. Donald Trump may not have been hit by bullet. FBI director says, well, that’s interesting. That’s what I’ve been saying.

And everyone’s like, he’s crazy. But what they, here’s what I think happened. So lots of people are noticing that Trump’s totally fine. His ear is totally fine. And it shouldn’t be possible if your ear got hit by a. What was it? An a. I keep forgetting the name of the gun. I’m totally not a gun guy. AR 15, I think it was. If that ticked your ear, you’d have some major damage. Almost any, every gun guy I know who I’ve looked into has said, yeah, you did be wrecked. Your ear would be a mess at the very, very, very least.

But as we’ll show in a second, he’s already come out with his little, my pillow taken off his little, tiny little pillow. And the ear is totally fine. There’s not even a scratch on it. So what I think is a lot of people are questioning that, and so they had to come out and say something. So what the FBI is saying, which you can never trust, is that it wasn’t a bullet that hit his ear, it was shrapnel. Okay? So the shitter was such a bad shot, he was nowhere even close to trump and hit, like, the teleprompter, which is, like, 4ft in front of them.

Like, not even close. Like, a lot of gun guys say it was like a 150 yard shot with that kind of gun, with a scope. They say it’s pretty much impossible to miss. But this one missed dramatically. Hits the teleprompter. You know, it’s just like the JFK thing. It’s all these, like, things that are barely even possible hits the teleprompter, which was in front of him, by the way, kind of like, changes direction in the air, nicks his ear, even though Trump said, I heard the bullet whiz right by my ear. And so they’re saying that’s what caused his ear to bleed, which is also a lie.

But you see what they do, right? They throw in all kinds of confusion. Now everyone’s like, well, I’m not sure anymore. And. But. But hardly anyone is saying, I wonder if he just had, like, a ketchup packet, basically fell down and put it on his ear, because that’s super easy to do. And now he’s the savior. And they just been running out psyops ever since then. And I’ll get into some of the agenda with that, too, in a second. But I thought that was interesting. So the FBI says he wasn’t hit by a bullet, which is what I’ve been saying.

They’ve got another crazy conspiracy theory that makes no sense, that hits the teleprompter, drops around his ear, nicks his ear, just, you know, just a little. Just enough to cut it to get some blood going, but then it immediately just stops. It just dries up almost within less than a minute. So that’s a crazy. You know, they always say we’re crazy conspiracy theorists. You know who the craziest conspiracy theorists are? The government and the mainstream media putting out the CIA. Propaganda. 911. Oh, they knocked down three buildings with two planes at free fall speed. That’s not possible.

There’s thousands of architects and engineers have all said that’s not possible. But they call us the crazy conspiracy theorists. They’re like, it was a guy in a cave in Afghanistan. Oh, that’s insane. And they’re like, yeah, well, we killed him, and then we threw his body in the ocean before anyone could even know that we killed him, as per muslim tradition, because they’re desert people. They always throw their bodies in the ocean. Okay, well, can you. Is there anyone around to verify or show that you actually did kill him? Well, the entire SEAL team six team died in a helicopter crash right after.

So now, unfortunately, it’s sort of like the NASA moon landing tapes. They recorded over them. They just recorded over them and then they lost the technology. I’d go to the moon in a nanosecond. The problem is, we don’t have the technology to do that anymore. We used to, but we destroyed that technology, and it’s a painful process to build it back again. When you said that just now, did it sound stupid to you? Kind of. You have to be a super NPC to, like, a robot, mind controlled robot to believe any of these crazy conspiracy theories they keep putting out.

It’s incredible. I know some people say, well, I’ve never really fully looked into 911. Well, you should. You should. It’s a huge operation, and it just shows how they do this over and over and over again. And I was. I was actually looking at the word assassination the other day. It’s such a strange word. It’s got the word ass twice in a row. It’s like ass as I. Or in nation. I wonder if that’s almost like a secret sort of thing, that they always just kind of, like. It’s always just making an ass out of everyone or something.

But actually, more fall in line with what Chris Rock says about assassinations. I’m watching the news, like, Tupac Shakur was assassinated. Biggest balls. Assassinated. Struck down by assassin’s bullets. Assassinated. No. Day wasn’t. Martin Luther King was assassinated. Malcolm X was assassinated. John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Niggas got shot. Shit, I love Tupac. I love biggie. But school will be open on their birthday. I don’t think you’re gonna see their pictures hanging up in your grandmama living room. That’s Abraham, Martin and pop. And right here, I got one of Jesus and biggie on a seesaw. Now, of course, Chris Rock is basically a house nigger, so he’s made hundreds of millions.

He’s in the Illuminati. He’s also basically a slave. And so I would actually say they should close schools for Tupac and not for any president, but, you know, he’s. He has to be a slave and all that kind of stuff. But anyways, so here’s something else. Else interesting? I keep finding out new interesting things. 6 hours. 6 hours after Trump, the Trump psychological operation hoax was conducted. They had at the bohemian grove the cremation of care ceremony. A voyager across the skyd shall clear me summer moon, wolves wild in breeze, low memories, oh, now thus buried cost of a shadowy tide in all the ancient majesty of death.

That’s interesting timing. 6 hours after they do this major operation. It was a major one. That’s what I’ve been saying. This is a major operation to do all the things that they’re doing and almost everyone’s falling for it. Almost everybody. I’ve heard so many people and smart people, and they’re like, well, I’m sure he got shot. The FBI even says he didn’t get shot. It’s like, well, he wouldn’t be acting. Really. He wouldn’t be acting. He’s an actor. How do you think he became a billionaire? He gets all these loans from the Jews nonstop. His father stole Nikola Tesla’s technology.

Like, he’s a deep, deep, deep, deep state insider guy. But people are like, oh, I’ve seen him on tv. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would fake getting shot. He’s like, really? Have you ever met him? No. Do you even know he’s even real? Because mostly people just aren’t. But anyway, you can’t convince people at all. You can’t even get them to open their eyes to what’s going on. And you really have to understand so much of all the other operations, how this stuff all works and who’s a lot, who’s all in on all this stuff and how they do it to get your head around it.

So most people just won’t. So that’s basically that, that whole thing. Now Trump’s a hero. And here’s Trump, by the way, reading about a poem about a snake who deceives silly woman, said the reptile with a grin, you knew damn well I was. And always flash in the hand signs. So another thing happened in the last few days is Ben Zion Milkowski, M I L e I, by the way, and there’s some evidence that he’s related to Malay in Argentina, which would not be surprising whatsoever. And so he goes to the US, he speaks at Congress in front of the con men and con women there and spoke for an hour and got 55 or 58 standing ovations in an hour.

That’s like 1 minute for the most anti semitic genocidal murderer of modern times, Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s so just, how do people not see what’s happening? And the speech is just full of the most insane conspiracy theories and lies I’ve ever heard. He also mentions that Iran tried to kill Trump. And as we recently learned, they even brazenly threatened to assassinate President Trump. Like, these conspiracy theories are so stupid. Like, even, like, a eight year old on four chan would be like, that’s just the stupidest theory I’ve ever heard.

All their theories are so stupid. Yeah, it was Iran. It was Iran that did it. But the worst thing I saw him say was so unbelievable that when I saw it, I had to check if it was true. I thought, this must be AI or something, because basically what he says is they’ve now killed at least 180,000, mostly women and children, because half, more than half, half the people in Gaza before this all started were under 18 years old, so half of them were children. So if you just split up the rest and assume half are men, half are women, that means 75% of people in Gaza were women and children.

The estimates I’m hearing, that sound at least reasonable for what we’re seeing, is 180,000 slaughtered in some of the most heinous ways. They’re being starved to death, slaughtered, having their heads blown off in front of their families, just being just the worst genocide in modern history again. And I talked to Max Egan. He thinks the number is closer to a million, which actually makes a lot of sense when you look at everything going on. It’s just getting smaller and smaller. They just put them into smaller and smaller areas and they just bomb them and blow them up and shoot them and starve them to death.

But I would say 180,000 is probably on the low end, but a reasonable estimate compared to some of the estimates from Israel, for example. So there’s like a few hundred thousand women and children been slaughtered here. And here’s what Milkowski has to say about it. I asked the commander there, how many terrorists did you take out in Bafa? He gave me an exact number. 1203. I asked him how many civilians were killed. He said, prime minister, practically none. With the exception of a single incident where shrapnel from a bomb hit a Hamas weapons depot and unintentionally killed two dozen people, the answer is practically none.

You want to know why? Because Israel got the civilians out of harm’s way. Something people said we could never do, but we did it. I don’t know if you’ve been watching Twitter for, like, nine months, but it’s been nonstop. The most gory and heinous genocide ever, with just so many babies being killed, kids, women. And Milkowski says that there’s only been one person killed, and it was by accident. It was from shrapnel. And they’ve actually moved all the people out just so they can get the Hamas people. But you have to understand, they say everyone there is Hamas.

Five year old kid Hamas. Hamas really is. It was founded by Israel. It’s been funded by Israel. Hamas attacked on October 7 last year when all the military left, and they came in on hang gliders and somehow melted every car at a music concert and killed tons of people there with weapons they don’t have, which they’ve now come out and said that it was actually israeli helicopters killed most of the people on October 7 and their own military, because they have the Hannibal objective, even one jew is at risk, they’ll blow up an entire city. That’s the Hannibal objective, by the way.

So. Yeah, and Milkowski says only one person got killed, and it was with shrapnel, and it was by accident and got another standing ovation. So, of course, then the most anti semitic mass murderer of our lifetimes, speaks, gets 55 standing ovations in an hour. Then he goes and meets with Joe Biden, who no one’s seen for a while. But all of a sudden, he comes out. But when he comes out, he’s like a basketball player now. He’s, like, way noticeably way taller. Yeah, just look at that. He used to be just so you know, about, like, his wife, the fake doctor woman would come up to about his nose with the top of her head.

When he walks out, the top of her head barely touches his throat area. So that’s. I don’t know. He grew four inches, so that’s clearly not Joe Biden. Or maybe it is, but the other one wasn’t. And he meets with Netanyahu, and they’ve met before, or Milkowski. And there. Biden’s was about an inch or maybe two taller. Now Biden’s a good four or five inches taller, so I don’t know what’s going on. Well, actually, I do. That’s not Biden. Like, you can tell that’s not the same one as the other ones. It’s like, Jeff. Yeah. They wouldn’t do that.

This isn’t all just a giant show to keep people enslaved. And they wouldn’t just fake everything. Like, even fake. Like who. Who Joe Biden is. You are so asleep. You are. You must live in a different dimension where you don’t get access to information or cannot think. If you don’t even realize. Almost everything they do is like that. Yeah, but Jeff, how could they do it, man? Have you seen the mask technology that they have nowadays to prove I don’t need to be forgiven? Ben Affleck and the movie called Argo. Aliens and robots? Yes, sir. You’re telling me that there is a movie company in Hollywood right now that is funded by the CIA? Yes, sir.

Are there many actors in Hollywood who also moonlight as agents, do you think? I think they’re probably quite a few, yes, I think probably Hollywood as full of CIA agents, and we just don’t know it. And I wouldn’t be surprised at all to discover that, you know, this is extremely common. They didn’t mention it in the movie, but Tony had deep connections to Hollywood, to the tradespeople out in LA that did a lot of things we were interested in doing. Well, LA did have some ideas, of course. That’s what they do for a living. They introduced us to a new concept.

They said, what you are calling an operation, we call a performance. That’s what we do. We put on performances. And before we start working on that performance, we have to. Initially, we have to define the stage that the performance is going to take place on. Then you have to know who your audience is. Who are you playing to? Who are you trying to fool? Then they showed us some tools that they used. The one that really caught our eye is what’s called a stunt double mask. You all know how they’re used when the movie star is so famous or so good looking that they can’t risk damaging him.

We liked the idea of stunt double masks. They’re quick on, the quick off. They dramatically change your appearance. And we started using them and found them to be valuable to our operations. But that audience piece of it did not allow you to get close enough to one of those masks before the illusion fell apart and you saw it was a mask. So we went back to our disguise labs out at Langley, and we invented a whole new genre of masks. Masks that are so good, that are so realistic that you can actually get up close and have a personal contact with someone for an extended period of time.

They’re good enough that you can brief the president of the United States in the Oval Office wearing a mask, and he isn’t sure if it’s you or if it’s. If it’s someone else. Those masks were the beginning of a whole new generation of work that we did at the ciataine once we could make these masks that fit you so well. Then we discovered we could make a twin. We could make another you. There could be two of you. We could actually make five or six of you. But usually one extra was all we needed. Yeah. So then, so Milkowski meets with him, and with Joe Biden, the NBA star, all of a sudden, way taller.

Yeah, but Jeff, how could Jill just, you know, act? She must know that’s not her real husband. It’s like they’re all actors. They’re all in on it. They do blood sacrifice type stuff to get into these positions. And people like Jill Biden are told you have to go along with whatever we’re going to do. Not to mention, Joe Biden likely died at least ten years ago. By the looks of things, they replaced the old one, who was pretty well spoken and really fiery and really angry with this new senile one for a while. So she’s known for a while.

Yeah, but Jeff, if you ask her, she’d say no, it’s not true. Okay? If you’re gonna just keep believing all this stuff, like, enjoy, enjoy, because it’s all a show. So then Milkowski leaves with Biden and goes and meets with Donald Trump, of course. And Donald Trump comes out without his little pillow on his ear. And his ear looks completely and totally fine. Yeah, but Jeff, so what’s the agenda here? Why are they making Trump like a hero now? It’s because that’s what they have to do. They have to flip back and forth. It’s the Jones plantation.

Will you please watch the Jones plantation? I’m getting tired of trying to explain that to you. Just watch the movie. Own a man unless he thinks your word is law, that he must obey and is virtuous for doing so. We are losing money. A little more every month that goes by with no wind in sight. They can sense weakness. And they are gonna smell blood like a gator to chum. They gonna kill us both. Mister Scott, God said this man is a miracle worker. I think he can help us. You’re a nick. Good people. Good people.

My name is Mister Smith. As of this very moment, you are now all free. Free at last. From now on, we are all in this together. This plan will run on equality. I have created something called Jones plantation credits. We gonna keep them up to their ears in debt. Jimmy Jack will now be in charge of our new security team to protect this plantation and to serve all of you. You two are gonna have a little contest to see who can win the hearts and minds of the human livestock out there. Bo Jones well, a weak might.

To wield real power, you must be willing to do what most consider unthinkable. What most people consider to be unthinkable is that men like you even exist as our greatest advantage. As free people. We work together. We are not free. I ain’t no slave. They have tricked you into thinking that choosing your own master is the same as being free. You offer them a truth that they don’t want. They want to feel safe. There’s dark things going on this plantation. Every man deserves, deserves freedom. Our freedom isn’t free. So now they’re gonna put in Trump. And so many people are so happy about that, right? So they’re going to be, you know, continue paying their taxes, continue voting, all that kind of stuff.

But what’s been done over the last four years with Biden is they brought in tons and tons of foreign fighting aged males, which are all in all these cells all over the place in the US now. And a lot of the people on the right are getting all angry about it, which is completely understandable. And they want Trump to do something. So the controllers of the puppets are like, sure, problem migrants reaction. Do something. Solution. Massive police state. They’re going to be rolling out with Trump. Here’s Tony Blair, by the way, Tony Blair launches new drive for digital id cards to tackle.

Drum roll, please. Illegal immigration. Yeah, we got this problem that was caused by the government. So now we’ve got to, like, get all your biometrics, and we’re going to be going around and checking everyone’s houses. It’s going to be like East Germany. And a lot of Trump supporters will actually be okay with it because at least he’s the president while they roll out this new police state. And of course, it’s going to be all this digital id stuff, which Bill Gates is all behind. And so is Elon Musk with Peter Thiel, with Pelantier. Yeah, but they’re the good guys, Jeff.

No, not even close. And, you know, a lot of the right wing people have been catching on the COVID stuff and saying they’ll never, never submit to a vaccine passport, but when Trump’s president, they’ll happily do it. Well, you’ve got to go get your biometrics and your digital id, and you’re going to use that to travel now, and we’re going to use that to find all these illegal immigrants and do all that. We’re going to track everyone. We’ll know where everyone is at any second with facial recognition, and, you know, they’ll go after a few illegal immigrants, but they’ll also be putting tons and tons of anti vaxxers in jail and all that kind of stuff.

And at the end of the day, people will have a vaccine passport because the digital id they’re going to give them, they’ll need to travel. And soon they’ll say, well, you need these shots to be able to travel. And just like that. And it was all done with basically shooting a couple shots into a crowd and Donald Trump falling down and putting, like, a ketchup packet on his ear. It’s so easy. It’s so easy. Like, it’s just too easy. It’s too easy to fool everybody, but, you know, they just keep falling for it. And now Kamala Harris, who wasn’t selected in any way, this has become a very, it happens all the time now.

They don’t have any sort of election. You hear the left people, they’re all like, we have to save democracy, so we have to put Trump in jail because he’s not in our party. And, yeah, so Joe Biden’s now, like, way taller, but he doesn’t want to run anymore. So the elites, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, chose the new leader of the Democrat party. No primary, no selections, no nothing. And everyone’s like, no one even notices. It’s incredible. Whose dick do I have to suck to be president? Big Mike. And just like with the Olympics, Kamala Harris came out for her first sort of appearance to announce she’s running for the president on RuPaul’s drag queen show.

We are all in this together, and your vote is your power. So please make sure your voice is heard this November and register to vote at vote Dot Gov Dot. Can I get an amen? Amen. I now on with the show. And remember, you better vote. Notice all those people are acting. That’s all acting. It’s all scripted. And if you thought that was cringey, what’s even cringier is the commercial that Kamala put out with her getting a surprise phone call from the Obamas. And it is so cringe. Kamala. Hello. Hi. Hey, there. Together. Oh, it’s good to hear you both.

I can’t have this phone call without saying to my girl, Kamala, I am proud of you. This is going to be historic. We call to say, michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. Oh, my goodness. Michelle. Barack, this means so much to me. I am looking forward to doing this with the two of you, Doug and I both, and getting out there, being on the road. But most of all, I just want to tell you, the words you have spoken and the friendship that you have given over all these years mean more than I can express.

So thank you both. It means so much. And we’re going to have some fun with this, too, aren’t we? Yeah. Barack Drone bomber, who’s like, a serial killer who dropped, like, a drone, like, every seven minutes on, like, little brown kids for, like, eight years. And Big Mike, who’s a tranny, called to congratulate Kamala. And luckily, the cameras happen. It’s all. Do you not see how this is completely and totally all Hollywood staged acting stuff? Because it is. There was some protests in Washington, and Kamala Harris put out a thing on it yesterday at Union Station.

We saw despicable acts by unpatriotic protesters and dangerous, hate fueled rhetoric. I condemn any individual associated with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has moved to annihilate the state of Israel and kill Jews. They’re not Jews. Pro Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is aberrant, and we must not tolerate it in our nation. I condemn the burning of the american flag. Yeah. And Trump also came out. I will jail those who burn the american flag. So there you go. There’s your two puppets you can vote for. They’re both pro Israel. They want to kill all the women and children in Palestine.

They want to bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. That old beach boy song. Bomb Iran. Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb. Start world war three, which is all a big show as well. But it’s real. But it’s all not what you think it is. Vladimir Putin is almost for sure in with all of them. He wears his kabbalah bracelet, which is like jewish mysticism. He was a world economic forum young global leader, like, ten or 20 years ago. They had to take him off the website before they try to make him into the bad guy. It’s all just a show.

Yeah, you got Kamala and Trump, both super angry. People are burning a piece of cloth, man. I miss Bill Hicks. I, uh. Sick of this shit, man. Our emotions are running wild and our mind is stopped, man. The flag burning thing. Oh, God, did that bring up some fucking retarded emotions? They didn’t say that. They said if a guy burns a flag, he perhaps doesn’t need to go to jail for a fucking year. Pretty harsh on their part, isn’t it? People are going, hey, buddy, let me tell you something. My daddy died for that flag. Really? I bought mine.

You know, they sell him at Kmart and shit. Yeah, $3. He died in the korean war for that flag. What a coincidence. Mine was made in Korea. Didn’t die for a fucking flag. It’s a piece of cloth. He died for what the flag represents, which is the freedom to burn the fucking flag. And as my friend Jimmy Pineapple would say, case fucking close. If you don’t want a burnt flag, then I’d recommend ya. Don’t burn it. No, Jeff, it’s all real. They’re all. They’re all. There’s two different sides and they hate each other. It’s like, okay, did you know Donald Trump contributed to one of Kamala Harris’s, one of her sort of political things.

Almost 15 years ago, he donated $5,000 to her, apparently. Here’s the check if this is real. Yeah, but, you know, they’re two sides just fighting it over, trying to protect the american people from the other side. And more propo videos coming out with Kamala Harris. Here she is cheering on the us team at the Ozempics. And notice there’s a weird word that she uses in here. I don’t know what that’s all about. Why would you use the word sleigh in this video? Team USA, we are so proud of all of you. So go to Paris, sleigh, and we’ll see you soon.

You are the best of the best, and we’re so proud of you. Have fun, too. Okay, well, we got two weeks to find out what they’re gonna do with the. They’re gonna do something. It’s pretty clear. Who knows? Maybe they won’t. But it’s starting to look pretty clear with all the stuff that they’re putting out that they’re going to be doing something. They’ve already done some terrorist attacks. You know, it should be interesting. We’ll see what happens. But what I found interesting was the australian Olympic team showed up and they were all wearing surgeons masks. A step closer to Paris, and the australian swim team was taking no chances.

Face masks all round. After flying in from a training camp in the southe of France to a new base that charts an hour out of the city, they were greeted by those famous rings. And another reminder, the clock is ticking. It’s like, yeah, they’re still doing the COVID stuff. But here’s the funny part. So most of the other countries didn’t do that because it’s stupid. And it makes no sense to wear a surgeon’s mask when you’re traveling around. Then this came out. Five members of Azalea’s women’s water polo team test positive for the kovades, days out from first game.

You can’t make this stuff up. They’re still doing it. And not to mention the Ausgilian Olympic team has already gotten all their stuff broken into and stolen. And they’ll probably vaccinate all those athletes and that’ll be the end of most of them fairly soon. Meanwhile, in Australia, they have a Freedom of Information act there. So someone had done it and they said, we want to get information on some of the trials with the COVID lethal injection. And here’s what they got. Australian government redacts every single word of 78 page report on Covid’s vaccine batch. Test every single word.

They could have kept a few words in there. People are like, well, it’s good I live in a free country like Australia where we have the Freedom of Information Act. I can ask anything of the government. They wouldn’t hide anything from me. They’ll be straight up and send me stuff. So they ask, they get a 78 page report with not one word on it. And, yeah, so just keep paying your taxes. And if you don’t, they’ll come around and kidnap you and put you in a cage or kill you if you run away. You’re not slaves, though.

This apocalypse, this matrix, it is bizarre. It is bizarre to be in it, but not to be of it, to be watching it, but to know it’s all just like crazy and insane and lies and propaganda and fake shootings and fake bombings and all kinds of stuff. And most people believe it. And speaking of the anti vaxxers, here’s Matt Driscoll, who is from Tacoma in the US, and here’s an article about him in 2017. The Internet’s most prolific troll of anti vaxxers is from Tacoma, and he’s going on tour. Yeah, it’s Matt Driscoll. And here he is in 2021.

Waited a long time for this. Rainer’s land vaccinated BBT, who’s probably a bot, says, did you have to show your vaccination card? Because I’m curious, because I don’t know if I have a vaccination card. Matt Driscoll writes back. Parents had to show a vaccination card. The rain years had rapid testing for the kids. Only took about 15 minutes. 15 minutes for what? Columnist Matt Driscoll, the face of Tacoma and Pierce county, dies at 43. Son karma. Oh, that’s a shame. I love the karma meanwhile, in the EU, the general Court of Justice has just ruled. The EU president, who’s not selected, where she is selected, but she’s not elected.

Ursula von der Leyer. Leyer has violated european law by keeping vast COVID vaccine contracts excessively secret. Ursula just so happens to be married to Heiko von der Lamda, the director of orgenesis, which is owned by Pfizer. That’s the very same company that she signed an eye watering $71 billion contract to buy 4.6 billion doses of poison. No, but just checking in. She just reelected this despite numerous MP’s calling for her to be imprisoned. Promise to you. I’m voting against Vanderlion, so I’m faulting it. Put it to the envelope and it’s time to vote. And I threw my vote in.

Votes in favor, 401. Okay. Ursula Wonderland is the next president of the European Commission. Congratulations to him. Yeah, just got to keep it secret for you guys. Keep you safe while they hide all this stuff. Justin Castro is now worth like $100 million or something. I think he made like 50 million on the arrive can app, which is going to enslave everyone in Canada. And he’s also involved in all kinds of the mRNA vaccine stuff. He’s given all kinds of stuff. Von der Leyen, her husband’s like with Pfizer, and she gave them a. How much was it? I have to look this back up.

I almost can’t believe it. A 71 billion euro contract, and now they’re trotting out ol Yellen. Janet Yellen, who’s saying they’re getting ready for the next plandemic. Yeah, we know, we know. We can see it all happening. And so she just decided to steal $667 million from people in the US and prepare for the next pandemic with it. We are all interdependent in dealing with pandemic events. All of us around the globe need to be prepared to identify and address new health threats that emerge since they can affect the entire globe. And today we began to launch another round of funding.

The United States said today that we committed to contributing, contribute up to $667 million toward a $2 billion goal. And all of my colleagues involved with this effort commented on the importance of this initiative, that unfortunately, Covid-19 is unlikely to be the last global health threat we face. And what we know is that we need to be much better prepared. This fund is helping us get there. Yeah, 667. It says up to $667 million. We know the exact amount. It’s obvious. $66.6 million. They always do that. It’s all in plain sight. Meanwhile the weather, weapons they might be using again.

Although it is possible it’s a natural event. But I do have to point out that I recently went to Jasper in Canada which is actually one of my favorite places on earth even though it’s in Canada. But the nature, the scenery, the wildlife is absolutely incredible. And it’s also not like all corporatized like it is in Banff. Banff is all these big hotels, these big chains and stuff. Jasper was still like pretty sort of normal town with like normal small businesses and stuff. It was really nice and I just went up there like less than two months ago and now half the town has burned down in a lot of the area around it.

So they burnt down half of Jasper. Today it is ashes. And Jasper, Alberta was the locals playground. Banff is completely corporate owned but Jasper really truly was a local gemdez. And the amount of phone calls and cries that I received today from friends in that area. This is hard. I want to cry and I want to get angry at the same time. So if you hear some foreign words come out of my mouth they’re definitely serbian and you should google translate them. But the amount of animals in that area as well. Who knows how many have been taken, affected, displaced, injured? I pray to God that nobody was injured today.

I know losing everything sucks but we as albertans we know how to come together and really help each other out. We’re not. We’re down in Texas right now and we’re trying to see where we can donate to the evacuees. But we all know that that turd sock boy is going to address the nation and he’s going to use this as his global warming agenda. I’ve been trying to fight this for like four years because they pretty much lit our area and all the farms around us last year, the year before that with cattle being displaced, farmers being displaced, houses being burned down and I don’t know when Canadians will wake up and realize that you are under attack.

But maybe you’re right. If you pay seven more carb in taxes and eat dog shit it’ll solve the problem. But no one’s asking why forest management has been taken off, why we don’t buy water bombers, anything that came out of Margaret Trudeau’s United nations. Just really watch who starts to own new Jasper. Look at the owners. Look at where their investors are from. Yeah. That’s all I have to say. And then google you and Landgraabs. So I haven’t hardly looked into that. I’m busy on all the other side hops right now. Basically a psyop a day right now.

So that whole, they’re letting us take some time off for summer. And I said, maybe by the Olympics they’ll start again. They started like two weeks earlier than the Olympics. And so I’ve just been looking at all this other stuff. I haven’t even looked into what happened in Jasper. I did see some photos, though, and it’s the usual photos we tend to see with melted cars and green trees all around the cars that the trees did nothing burned. The fire was not that hot, but it’s hot enough to melt cars. So would I be surprised at all if this is a Lahaina 2.0? Basically.

And they’re burning out a lot of Jasper to put in all of their corporate guys, all same as in Lahaina. They got all their bezos and kill Gates and Oprah ready. So watch. Who buys all this land after this. But I would not be surprised at all if it’s a direct energy weapon. And that’s just what they continue to do these sort of things. And it’s insane. We live in an insane apocalypse and hardly anyone even seems to notice. They’re just, oh, it’s just a fire. Well, I know one thing. This wasn’t just a hurricane that was here.

So they targeted us here in Acapulco with a category five that no one knew was coming. It was a stealth category five hurricane. Then I go visit Jasper, which I like, and then they burn that down. I don’t know if they’re doing this, like, on purpose with me, but it kind of seems like they are. I’m also from Deadminton, Canada, and that looks like it’s going to be the first smart city in Canada. But I guess they don’t know. I don’t care at all about Detonton, Canada. You can. You can put those slaves in the jail there for all I care.

Hey, you know, I’m sure there’s some good people, actually, I know there’s some good people there and I don’t want you to be put into concentration camps, but I really don’t. I feel much more connected to Mexico than I do to Canada. The only thing I actually kind of really liked about Canada is Jasper, and they burnt it down. So that’s my life. They keep just destroying everything that I like. And when I point out that they’re doing it, everyone’s like, you’re crazy. You’re crazy, cat. Five hurricanes. They just happen sometimes it’s like a giant tornado that just pops up out of nowhere and just like a nuclear bomb on a city which has actually recovered incredibly well.

I’m so happy about that. It’s almost back to normal, which is if this was in the US, first of all, there’d be tens of thousands dead because all the houses in the US are mostly built out of cheap sheet rock and stuff because it’s like a third world sort of a place. But here in Mexico, everything’s built with concrete. So hardly anyone died during the cat five surprise hurricane, which is amazing. Some people definitely did. It’s hard to tell the numbers. It could be around 100, I’m not sure. Of course, the government here did a good job of hiding those numbers, but we, we definitely saw there was some dead people, but nowhere near what I thought it would be.

And now, because everything was concrete and because in Mexico you don’t need all these licenses and you don’t have to get a approval for construction and stuff, it’s pretty much almost back to normal, which is absolutely awesome. But we’ll see what happens where the apocalypse, who knows what’s going to happen. We are in Dei moralization big time, especially in the west, in the US, in Australia, in Canada, in Europe. And, you know, Yuri Bezmanov, that video he did with J. Edward Griffin is so great. Jim McGregor was doing that way back before there was even like webcam, like video cameras and stuff.

Like he had to spend so much effort to do that. But he had that amazing interview with the KGB guy, Yuri Bezmanov. And because it came from J. Edward Griffin, I trust it because he’s an amazing guy. He’s spoken out in Narcopoco. He still does his own events called the Red Pill Expo, which I’ve spoken at in the past. And in that interview they talk about the stages of Dei. I call it moralization, which is also interesting that they call it demoralization because what are we seeing in the west? Everyone is becoming basically what you could call immoral.

They’re all into just, you know, sex and drinking and drugs and pedophilia and thefts through the government and all that kind of stuff. So they’ve been doing that. And that stage, by the way, the destabilization stage is supposed to take two to five years. Weakening of essential institutions and structures within the society like families, facilitated by foreign influence and manipulation of political, economic and defense systems. And then stage three is the crisis stage, which is two to six months, a sudden intense period of upheaval and chaos, often triggered by external factors or internal contradictions. So I think we must be close to, through the two to five years of destabilization.

It probably started with the COVID really, if you think about it, everything changed after that. So we’re almost five years through that. So that’s the destabilization period. Now they’re, you know, doing their Trump Psyop. They got Joe Biden’s a basketball star, now they’re doing their cyber attacks. They just had the tranny of Olympics, satanic Olympics. So they’ve really destabilized a lot over these last five years. So now we might be getting close to the crisis stage, which is two to six months, which is pretty quick. Right? So if they’re going to do this crisis stage, it’s going to be something massive that will change everything.

And I’ve talked about the deagle stuff so much in the past. They had population predictions of the US down, I think 70% or maybe 80%, Canada down 80, 70% in population, Germany down a lot. Most Europe, almost every western white country. The population supposed to go down like 50% to 80%. And the target date for this was 2025. So next year. So could we see this crisis stage happening in the next few months? And it’s interesting, the recent, actually there’s been some new information. It came out on I think, or something like that, that shows the connection between Deagle and the Rockefellers and the CIA. was officially operated by doctor Edwin A. Deagle Junior. In 2014, published predictions of massive population declines happening abruptly before the year 2025, mostly in western countries. For over five years, the mysterious depopulation predictions on were regularly updated. But after the 2020 lockdowns, this page was removed from the website, but can still be found archived on the wayback machine. has always been a very stark website, with all the appearances of being an intelligence agency website. It claimed to be the personal website of doctor Edwin A. Deagle Junior, who recently passed away in February of 2021.

In their recent article uncovering the CIA and Rockefeller Foundation’s role in the depopulation forecast released by Deagle, the expose connects the dots that many of us have assumed existed. Declassified FOIA documents from the 1970s reveal Deagle’s direct communication with Stansfield Turner, the director of the CIA at the time. In 1976, Doctor Edwin Deagle moved to New York to become deputy director of the international Relations program at the Rockefeller foundation. The Rockefeller foundation was created on May 14, 1913, just a few months after the Rockefeller family helped set up the Federal Reserve Banking system, which gave them unlimited funds while enslaving future generations with debt.

Officially, we are told that doctor Edwin A. Deagle Junior, a deputy director of the Rockefeller foundation and an associate of the CIA, retired in 2005. The depopulation forecast was published in 2014. The forecast predicted that by the year 2025, the UK would see its population decline by 77%, Ireland would see its decline by 72%, the United States by 68%, and Germany by 65%, while other countries like Russia are predicted to experience practically zero decline. And official data is now showing that the extreme predictions may be accurate. Official figures, which we can assume are rather conservative, are showing that government shutdowns and mandated deadly shots have caused staggering levels of excess death.

According to official UK government data, the Covid-19 vaccines were the main cause of excess death, and the more shots you got, the more likely you were to die. Many are saying that over 20 million have died as a result of the COVID lockdowns and experimental shots, and while that number is historically epic in size, it still does not amount to what Deagle predicted by 2025. But we still have time. A 2014 letter that was published along with the depopulation forecast stated that they predict this decline because the collapse of the western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population, and that the population will be hit so badly that the migration engine will start to work in reverse, leading to the demise of the United States.

They wrote that historically, a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. With the end of the petrodollar and with the rise of resource backed bricks, the Federal Reserve’s USD Ponzi scheme is likely at its end. And without factoring in a smart recovery plan, this would make Deagle’s predictions a reality. Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Reese. So yeah, get ready. Something huge is coming. I can just tell. We’ve never seen psyops like this. Just one after another after another. Now they’ve done their satanic ritual in front of like a billion people with the ozempic opening ceremonies, so probably coming fairly soon, probably this fall at latest, or probably early next year.

So you might have a few months left. The main thing to do is do the work on yourself. Get connected to the source so you can get out of the matrix in time. You’re running out of time. I would suggest you do that all night and day from now to the end of the year, if you can, and get ready. Otherwise, you’re probably not going to make it. Now, of course you might make it. Lots of people watch these videos. Some people might make it even though they didn’t do all that stuff. And some people who even did that stuff might not make it.

All it takes is one tranny zombie, one directed energy weapon, and if you’re just hopping to be unlucky in the wrong place, the wrong time, you might get taken out. But anyway, it’s all just a big 3d video game anyway, so there’s no need to worry. It’s all going to be fun. I’m looking forward to it. I can’t believe I’m live streaming the apocalypse. We’re getting near the end now. I can’t wait to see all the finales. And in the meantime, I’ve been using more of that Tesla machine that I’ve got. It’s incredible. It’s actually pretty miraculous.

And in so many ways, it fixes almost everything. Like, I had this rash that showed up on my forehead the other day. I don’t even know why, but I know my skin’s really sensitive, so I could have touched it with something that just triggered it, and it got really inflamed. So I put the machine on it, and an hour later, it was mostly gone. Then the next day, I put the machine on it again. Completely gone. Completely gone. That was a couple days ago. It’s completely gone. My wife went to a beach restaurant, and then the next.

Was it that night or the next day? The next day, I think she had a stomachache, felt like throwing up, and had diarrhea. So it sounds like it’s some sort of something she ate sort of a thing. And I put her on the machine. When I put her on the machine, she was, like, groaning. Like she felt really bad. Like, really bad. We put it on for 20 minutes on her stomach. At the end of it, she felt fine. She did yoga. Afterwards, it was all gone. She had a little bit of diarrhea left, but everything was gone.

She had no pain after that whatsoever. And that’s just a couple things that happened last week. I’ve cured Bruce Lee’s eye with it. So many things. And I had Max Egan over. I’m gonna try to get him on the machine more often. He’s a tough nut to crack, I think. He’s actually got so much trauma that and so much self talk that he doesn’t realize he has that. Even if he felt good. He wouldn’t allow himself to feel good, but that’s just my opinion. But I want to try to get him a lot better. I want him to survive through to the.

The end of the apocalypse, and he’s not going to make it unless he starts, you know, getting his health a lot better. He’s got arthritis and all that kind of stuff. So I got him over, got him on the machine the other day. All right, we got Max Egan back from Europe getting juiced up with the Tesla machine. Let’s see if we can help him get some energy. He’s super jet lagged. So here’s the machine here that’s taking the plasma out of the air and through Tesla coils, putting it into your body, and we’ll see if it helps to max his arthritis.

So far, we’ve only done a couple sessions. He hasn’t noticed too much, but hopefully maybe a few more, and he might. I’m going to try to get him on a number of times, if I can, and see if we can get him really good with the machine. But, yeah, this machine is incredible. And I mentioned it before, if you want one like this is Nikola Tesla’s technology mixed with, like, that rife technology put together by a mad scientist in Mexico who actually increased the power of it by six times over, even what Tesla had come up with and put it in a way that you could put it into your body that no one’s really figured out before.

I really shouldn’t be talking about it, but I don’t care. I don’t give a fuck. I just don’t. And it’s a miraculous technology. So if you need any sort of health, if you’ve got health problems and you can afford $10,000, which would have cost for the machine, I would highly, highly recommend it. I would actually give up all my other therapies. I’d give up my hyperbaric. I’d give up my cryotherapy. I’d give up everything. Coffee, enema, everything. I’d give it all up. If the option was to keep the machine or give all that stuff up, I would keep the machine.

It’s that powerful so far. Just said, you can email and, oh, and I’m probably going to bring it to Libra poco, which is coming up in like, six weeks or less now. I can’t believe how fast it’s coming, coming up September 5 to 7th in Serbia and Liberland. I’ll be speaking there. Max Eagle will be speaking there. David, avocado Wolf, Alex Zek, numerous other people. There’s gonna be DJ’s parties, brunches, might even do some tours and stuff out to the bosnian pyramids and stuff. It’s gonna be an amazing event. And I’m probably, I can’t, you know, guarantee it, but I’m probably, I’m going to.

I intend to bring the Tesla machine there. So if you even just want to see it and try it out, if you got a bad back or something. Back’s been hurting for, like, years. I could probably do, like, one session and it’ll probably go away. That’s happened to so many people. The thing that I do is I use it every single day, and I’m getting unbelievable changes. Unbelievable. I’ve started to tan better because I think it makes all your cells in your body. It energizes, it charges them up and fixes them if they’re. If, you know, they’re weak or they’re, they’re.

They’re slow and stuff like that. I’m doing, like, kettlebell workouts. I’m starting to get super ripped, and I think a lot of it’s from the Tesla machine. So anyway, it’s an incredible machine, but I just use it every day, and so does my wife. And if we ever not, don’t use it for a day or two, we both can tell the difference. It’s not dramatic of a difference, but if I use the machine, I can. I have energy like when I was 18 or better, actually, and it’s all because of the machine. So, anyway, I’ll be bringing that to libre poco, almost for sure, unless something happens.

So if you want to even just if you’ve got a bad back and you live in Europe, come out for the weekend and I can probably cure it. It’s that incredible. I mentioned the last video that you’re kind of a dick if you don’t subscribe to our newsletter. I saw this from Johnny Boy Silver. Jeff, I was a dick for ten years until two weeks ago. I’m now a subscriber. Thank you for everything through the years. I was obviously joking a little bit. You’re not a dick if you don’t subscribe, but you should really consider it, and you should consider it because there’s so much incredible information in it.

Like, you. You’re kind of crazy not to, so go to dell subscribe. I’ll leave you with this. Laziness kills ambition. Anger kills wisdom. Fear kills dreams. Ego kills growth. Jealousy kills peace. Doubt kills confidence. That’s all true, but it’s even better when you read it all from right to left. Ambition kills laziness. Wisdom kills anger. Dreams kill fear. Growth kills the ego, peace kills jealousy. Confidence kills doubt. And all that’s totally true. And I recommend you get working on all that kind of stuff to survive the apocalypse. If you want to survive the apocalypse, you can also, by the way, all the stuff I’m talking about to do the self work, almost all of it, is in a three day masterclass course called the game changers.

I’ve mentioned it many times, hardly anyone ever signs up. But every now and then we get one or two and it’s like, hey, we just might have saved someone from the Matrix. Because it really will. If you do all this stuff in it, it’s quite a bit of stuff, it’ll take you a while to do it all and incorporate it all into your life. But if you do, you’ll probably get to the point where you escape the Matrix and this whole apocalypse won’t even really happen for you. You won’t even notice it’s happening because you’ll be able to get out and create your own reality after that.

I know it sounds crazy, but you can. So you can go to gc if you want that. I’ll leave it there. Just another day in the apocalypse. I’m trying to find Bruce. I think he went inside. Yeah, think he went inside. I think everyone’s eating inside. I should head in and see what he’s up to. There you are. Bruce. I was looking for you. Looks like your eyes doing pretty good. Hey, you got me on that Tesla machine. Cured my eye. It’s pretty miraculous. Look, you can’t even see any. I was completely white. But, yeah.

Sorry, I had to head inside. I had to get on a conference call with my cheese up in Chihuahua State. You know, we got this new jew president and stuff. So I’m trying to hold things down up there. But anyway, we finished the walk, so. How about you hook me up with some of that? Well, you got some chicken tacos. That sounds pretty good. Oh, yeah, that’s good. Yeah. Keeping nice and strong for the apocalypse. Getting ready. Let’s go. Tom. They have owned small businesses. You built this company. Those of you grew up farming with a.

With a family. Was out there growing food for everyone. You built this country. The dilly name. Fuck. Alaska only has three ways and roads. Because of my family, some fucking politician in DC didn’t do any of that shit. Not one fucking thing. Most of these cunts don’t know shit about shit. They know politics. They know manipulation and coercion. These are not talented individuals. These are not creators. You control everything. You drive their fucking food and goods across the country. You do it. And when you’re not driving it on a truck, you’re navigating fucking sea swells across the fucking Pacific and or Atlantic with their items.

These people are not a fucking worthy adversary. There’s shit on the bottom of your shoe. They’re a fraction of your population. They only fucking push the narrative and the psyop, because it’s the only thing they actually have. They don’t have the numbers. They don’t have the guns. They don’t have the innovation. They don’t have the fucking ability. These people are nothing. And the sooner you realize that, the sooner you could fucking deal with them appropriately. They fly nothing. They drive nothing. They grow nothing. They ship nothing. They raise nothing. These are empty, soulless fucking cunts. And you’re an American.

It’s time to start fucking acting like it. Wake the fuck up.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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